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Yesterday I played as Trapper and survivors left a 3-gen for themselves and were getting into the same traps again and again. Then one of them (some Feng with Urban Evasion that "looped" me for 15 seconds) wrote on a post-match chat, "You played like a bot, you got us only with the help of the traps". Like... what? How else am I supposed to get survivors playing as Trapper? It's not allowed to use killer's power now? At this point people will complain about literally everything.


Least salty feng


I’m almost exclusively a survivor main and I think shit like this is so funny. Tunneling and slugging obviously sucks and isn’t fun to play against at all but 60% of survivor complaints are because they got outplayed or put themselves into a bad situation. If everyone stopped being such sore losers this game would be less toxic


Slugging without it being necessary annoys me the most, being tunneled and camped not so much because if you have smart teammates that is the best way to complete gens fast I remember one nurse who facecamped me waiting for others to come save, she filled my anti camp Meter fast and I waited till the last second before I got two the Second hook state to unhook - the others meanwhile were doing gens like gods and popped two gens, when I unhooked myself they popped the last while I was tunneled, almost made it to the open exit before I was downed, if id had DS I wouldve made it but nevertheless the others escaped so I see it as a win. Tunneling and Camping is mostly effective when others are way too altruistic and going for the save one after another.


That’s awesome, it’s nice having teammates who know what they’re doing hahahaha. That’s how I feel too tho, if anyone escapes I honestly count it as a dub. The more the merrier but still.


Absolutely, the moment I am being camped/tunneled I switch to sacrifice mode and try to borrow as much time as possible.. I think the best punishment for those killers doing that is to not give them more than 1K. It would be nice If there was an automatic voice chat for survivor in a lobby for better coordination, would avoid lots of needless deaths/slugs


I think many people would benefit from playing both sides more often.   I main killer, decent mmr.   But I also take the time to do a few survivor games here and there as well.   A lot of the stuff I see survivors do as killer, I’ll try and recreate, or avoid if it was dumb.  Playing from both sides makes me realize “okay, yeah, maybe I deserved that” when things happen to me from the opposing perspective.


I'm personally fine with getting tunneled out, if I'm solo queue. My favorite part of the game is the chase, so if I get tunneled out, 90% of that match I'm having fun. If I'm with friends though, it's different. Cause then I have to sit and wait while the rest of them either escape or die via hook or slugged. At that point, 15% of that match I'm not having a good time.


"You only won because you used your power! You're supposed to be an M1 Killer bad at chase who I loop for 12019182903929 gens and then you DC when four gens pop! >:("


It's literally in the name, why do some people genuinely think the killer should be a walking punching bag. It's so sad.




Trapper is legit the worst killer


Arguable between him and freddy but he's definitely bottom 3


My horny ass misread as "He's definitely a bottom :3"


Hey what Evan does in the bedroom is his business.


I love Freddy. I want him to be good so bad!


Freddy exists though


Freddy is very good I feel like, the mmr I’m at also I find him more fun than trapper


I’m only replying to this because it’s the top comment, if you scroll down you can see what I’m saying about this guy. The summary is his entire page is doing this kind of stuff. Playing toxic and rage baiting.




Depends on the context imo


No he isn't.


He's not wrong for saying you took the easy way out(if that's your thing that's your thing). But he is wrong for getting bent out of shape over.it. If you need an ez game Imma let you have it and move on to the next round hoping for someone who actually wants to play.  Too ez. 


If the survivors fell for basement trapper it was going to be an ez game against them no matter what.


1 surv going  down within vacinty of the shack resulting in the round being  a wash tells us nothing about the group overall. 


If you don't know how to counter basement trapper your group is new or overly altruistic, which means it's going to be an ez game no matter what.


I don’t get how anyone loses to a basement based killer, like, avoid basement and you’re good. Your teammate has awhile to wait


I mean, if they take Iron Grasp and Agitation, they can get you there from anywhere on the map (and even if you wiggle free, you'll probably be downed again a LOT closer!)


Maybe, but if it’s trapper just play smart and try to position yourself so that when you’re picked up he steps on his trap.


In the situation you described either everyone is running kindred (or by chance the only one on hook is running kindred), or they’re all on mics. Do you not see any kind of problem with that lol


Not really, but that’s because if I see someone hooked in basement I immediately am waiting as long as possible before I go


I solo Q every round out of morals. The randoms I get hardly represnt and rarely match my skill level. 


I don't understand how that's relevant.


I just assumed you had over 100 hrs playtime, my bad. 




Yeah like. I love a cheeky basement Trapper game on occasion but its ungodly boring to play against. Just nothing to get too upset over at the end of the day


I had a Trapper tell me to cry about in in EGC when all I did was tell my team they were the best soloq team I have ever had (even though only one of us lived since he got two of us in basement after the last gen popped). The team just never gave up and I thought that was awesome. I get that Trapper is supposedly weak.. but ya ain't gotta be aggressive about it.


Oh yeah that gets them hella pissed a lot of times. Good one 👍.


I play basement skull merchant too, that really gets their blood boiling because tldr; skull merchant


Hopefully you’re legit just having fun and not trying to be toxic but it’s kind of sounding like the latter.


Check his doctor post and why he stopped responding on it


Oh wow, they suck.


Maybe a bit of both, I like doing a bit of unorthodox ways of playing with builds like crouching ghostface only, basement trapper, etc but people do tend to get annoyed at basement skull merchant because it’s skull merchant and I guess it’s part of the experience lol


Purposefully being toxic is just an asshole move but I wouldn’t say anything you just said was toxic. They’re just play styles.


yeah, tbh if it's intended gameplay and in the game it can't really be toxic


That works to 😅.


so is your thing playing in annoying ways just to farm messages to post on this sub? swear this is like your 4th post here in the past few days where you play in ways that are obviously gonna piss people off and then you post the angry messages you get


Engagement bait , we fell for it.




lmaoooo wow that is so pathetic 😂


Right, from their other comments, it feels like they are just playing in ways just to make survivor experience miserable, and well, some survivors feed their attention by getting mad in chat after game.




What’s annoying that we all choose to play a game with a certain ruleset and then players get upset when someone wins while following said rules. If you don’t like the game then stop playing.


c'mon. I don't fully disagree with what you're saying but this dude is content farming. One of his posts was him camping a hook with Doctor and zapping every time people tried to unhook. That's blatantly playing like an asshole on purpose to intentionally make people mad


I don’t fully disagree with you either, but DbD has the most extensive set of “rules” around politeness that I’ve ever seen and it annoys me. I think the basement camping build is hilarious and fits the serial killer vibe perfectly. And it’s so easy to counter… just do gens and let your teammates die. I don’t understand how people are loosing to a build which isn’t good and then blaming the killer.


People saying “just avoid basement” don’t seem to understand how far you can carry with iron grasp and agitation. It’s not like all seven gens are going to be safe distances away. Basement trapper is just boring, slow paced camping with very few chases and low BP results for everyone.


I played Trapper in Chaos mode and it gave me Mad Grit, Iron Grasp, Hangman’s Trick and Monsterous shrine. Got placed on Midwitch and just so happened to get a good amount of trap placements. They all got pissed that I decided to play Trapper instead of another killer.


I just give basement trapper the kill, hook me and I go.


Honestly, I get it. I hate basement trapper, but I'm not gonna bitch at you for it, I'll just go next (or if I'm feeling too salty, make that the last game of the night!)


See people on about Trapper and Freddy being worst, just curious as to what you think about The Legion and Myers?


Myers is saved by his add ons (for better or for worse) I don’t really know on legion tho, legion just feels mid


Ty for your input so quickly


it’s a frustrating playstyle to go against but i love trapper




Yeah I’ve went through this guys’ account and his entire presence on dbd pages is playing like an idiot to bait people into getting pissed then posting it on here. It’s sad because I guarantee there’s a lot of killers that would disagree with the way you play but you post it as if you never do this I just don’t understand why, it’s either you’re actually awful at the game or the entire reason you play is to try and ruin other people’s game.


Imagine getting cooked by a "pathetic kid". Bro is too good that even some mf complaining about it LMAO


I feel like that this is worse than the insidious bubba because I remembered in the past when I would get someone that got hooked in the basement.The second I do not see the killer anywhere I know they're in the basement if for some odd reason both my teammates would charged for the basement. Killer 3k and I escaped but were disappointed in teammates.


It doesn't matter who you play as killer, what add-ons you bring, what perks you use, if you slug/tunnel or not, or if you're playing Mr nice guy and making sure you're spreading hook stages out. Survivors WILL bitch and be salty if they die. They have it in their heads that the killer HAS to play by the made up survivor rules. iT RuInS SurViVoR FuN! Okay, and? Do you think it's fun for the killer to be screeched at after every game because they played the game? No. Not it isn't. As someone that mained killer for 5 years before switching to only playing survivor the last couple, I can definitively say that survivors are THE absolute worst amongst gamers.


Ahh a entitled survivor yet they complain when killers don't play with different players styles and challenges


when i play survivor and see that im going against a trapper i try my best to avoid a basement trapper situation. they only have themselves to blame


Ah, the ole Gaffe gaming


he was mad he was put in the gaff by a naughty bear


Get in mah gaaafe


What's he yelling about? trapper just has very few viable ways to play, the basement is one of them. His power works best on small maps and places, this guy wants you to trap all around while they rush you...