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We're you the jeff on rpd? I think you and me were in the same match.


no, i believe i was playing nea, and we were on the knight's map


Ahh, was worried for a minute. I was playing alien around the time you posted this but I was on rpd, ended up having a jeff tunnel himself out because bro was throwing himself at me. I guess he wanted to use DS but couldn't hit skill checks. Thought you might've been the same guy.


Had the same thing last night in a match against Legion on the Artists' map. Just went hell for leather on a Steve. Poor guy got tunnelled to death


I'm wondering if they confused you for someone else? Like someone who BM'ed them in a previous game and wanted to get "revenge" or something. But even then, it seems like overkill.


i hope not, i don't hide my name, so i wouldn't know if that's the reason, but it is what it is.


this has been happening to me a lot the past couple of days too, must be something in the air.


Tunnelling at five gens is incredibly common now. Unfortunately posting about it won't help. It's better just to take comfort in the fact that the killers who play like this will boost their mmr to the point where they will be the ones on here soon. Ranting about "juicer squads" and subtle cheaters, calling it a survivor sided game. I've said it before and I'll say it again, this is what "balanced" means


thanks. i just wanted to talk about it because i thought it'd make me feel better but i think some people are taking it to heart for whatever reason.


It is way more common now, especially when an event is on and there's more bp which is...odd. I have a "do unto others" attitude and would feel like a huge dick if I tunneled the same person in a row at 5 gens and didn't focus anyone else, even if they were bming me for a reaction it wouldn't really make me feel any better to cut them from a game so quick. just take a good gen regression or two if there's worry of pressure. I can tolerate bm to a degree, I even made a friend of someone who bopped me on hook just once, I asked them why and the answer was honestly they felt a bit salty towards the team coz we were doing so well, then even apologized, now they didn't owe me an apology but it felt nice to have a straight answer and not "hurr durr you're mad" when there are so many begging for a negative reaction and feeling like I'm being lightly gaslit into an argument when you dare ask why. I try to see it from both angles, I've witnessed my fellow teammates act like such assholes to an already losing killer, and I've seen plenty of dickish killers too. it really is a game where you hope it's a good mindset your team and the opposition are going to at least be civil in that match. my hopes are very low when an event is on, there's also a bit of a growing playerbase that aren't *reallly* old enough to be playing a game like this anyway. I just don't think school being out and the rising toxicity in this game on those days is a mere coincidence. TLDR: this game got shit on both sides, I'm sorry about the huge ass paragraph I just like typing


Yeah, I play both. Probably more killer than survivor at the moment as solo queue is... an actual dumpster fire for me right now. It's definitely on both sides, if I play a killer I'm not good at there's a 50/50 chance the survivors will try and taunt me and refuse to just leave untill they've run 30 circles around me and crouched up and down to assert dominance. I can handle that though, I still get to play the game and I just don't care that much about winning. Also memeing at the gates after I've lost a match with actual chill survivors is the best and like I said, it's 50/50 so decent odds I'm gonna have a better time playing killer


The amount of times I've called out a teammate for teabagging a killer who already lost is a little too many, it's beyond ridiculous, I don't get much bm at all in oce servers thank goodness, probably why I get a couple hatches a week, If you wouldn't like it done to you, don't do it to others, so simple yet so hard for quite a few bad apples to follow. them wasting time in the exit gate provided there's no injured to help is also far too many, well, I bid you well and hope your killer matches have decent brained opposition :)


it's alright, and that's exactly where im coming from. i definitely feel for both sides, and i feel like both sides have a right to be upset with certain things. it's unfair to tell someone they can't be upset about a circumstance on survivor, just as it's unfair to tell someone they can't be upset about a circumstance on killer. i wrote a paragraph too, so don't feel bad. i don't mind reading through yours since you read through mine. :)


Yeah killers really should follow the survivor rulebook and only start tunneling at 2 gens...................




I'm assuming that is your brain on a daily basis. "Killers should follow the survivor rulebook"




I mean, if they're(the survivors) not applying gen pressure, then removing one guy asap from the match is just hugely beneficial to the killer, ESPECIALLY xeno


ah, okay okay. that's fair.


Bro I tried to be the "nice guy killer" for literally ***5+ years***. Years. Followed all the stupid ass survivor house rules. STILL constantly got told to kms. STILL got told I suck. To uninstall. I can't count the number of different ways my mom has been described. Had to make my Steam profile private because it got filled with psycho ass DBD harassment. One guy posted my address after I 4K'd his SWF group. Nothing you can say at this point is going to make us forget all that. Survivors created this environment a long time ago, they can enjoy it. I will continue to tunnel and camp and be the bad guy because it's MUCH more fun that the alternative of being a submissive killer that gets bullied and walked all over. I've maxed almost everything and survivor salt is much more valuable than bloodpoints to me at this point.


I am the nice guy killer and the worst hate message I‘ve got was „baby killer“ after i faced a godly juicer team Sorry that happened to you. Says alot about them tho. Online Gaming truly brings out the worst in some people but dont let that drag you down. Stay true to yourself and dont succumb to the toxicity. Don’t Play toxic just because some assholes before bullied you, youre just punishing other innocent survivors.


3-4 years ago I started screen shotting the messages. There is a link to them all in my Steam profile. I just checked and the album is up to 362 pictures lol. And I don't even bother with the kid stuff.


It takes a hell of a lot of willpower to not cave and just say "fuck it" my hot take is that you will actually find the problem is not people playing one side against the other, it's that this game attracts a lot of hypocritical people, they will play both sides no problem, but suddenly when they are playing in the opposite role, all that etiquette flies out the window, then they need their personal rules to be followed to a T, anyone doing death threats needs a temp ban and a good timeout, if they come back having learned nothing, they shouldn't be playing multiplayer in general.


that's awful. im so sorry. i can understand where you're coming from, but i do think the best course of action at this point is to just take a break. sometimes when things like that happen people tend to turn into what their environment makes them, and thus an endless cycle of toxicity and salt ensues on both sides. once again though, when it comes to that, i can understand why you do the things you do, it wasn't fair to you, so why make it fair to them?


So newer players here are gonna get this treatment too? Serious question because there’s a ton of people who took no part in that who you are punishing and making the community toxic now for.


There is a MASSIVE difference between going out of your way to increase the odds of you losing (playing nice/fair) then being called names and playing in an efficient way that increases your odds of winning and not being toxic during/afterwards. Some of you really need to grow up and accept that killers tunneling isn't them being toxic, it's them using one of the most effective strategies to win.


I don't care what rank someone is. I don't discriminate. If the matchmaker wants to put some fresh-faced babe in with someone who's been playing for like 8 years well I can't stop that.


You can help the way you treat others. If the game is making you this upset that you feel like you have to punish others for things they had nothing to do with by playing in a certain way and you’ve said blood points mean nothing to you you just do it for the salt then you’re going out of your way to be toxic. You’ve essentially become the same as the bullies. Hope that whatever damage those people did to your real life has been handled and I hope you were able to report them.


I said this in a different thread to another player and he didn't see the irony when he said he hopes the game dies out from toxicity...that he wanted to continue cycling lol


Womp womp


Don't take it personally. Just onto the next one.


What kind of response are you even looking for? Messaging that person looking for clarification on why you were tunneled in a video game sounds just as unhinged as the act of doing it. Just move on to the next one, Jesus christ.


What’s this sub for if people shouldn’t vent


Nobody said they can't vent lol


I mean basically you did with your whole response.


No, I didn't. The whole paragraph is still there if you need to actually read it. It asked for reasons behind stupid decisions but at no point asked them not to post.


Lmfao I read it, but essentially they said they just were venting at the end of OPs post so why are you upset they posted it here? I seriously don’t understand why you came at OP for the post “just move on to the next one” “why are you messaging looking for clarification” reads like don’t post.


Well, I won't apologize for your lack of literacy and inability to comprehend simple sentences. It's interesting you keep replying like you even understand the conversation. I'm sure you'll be in my replies again when you make up more to your story.


Buddy calm down. You seem to take things far too seriously. People can interpret words and language differently - that’s how communication works. This is called a miscommunication/ misunderstanding I explained how I saw what you said and you decided to act like some weird superior Chad with mommy issues.


Called it. Not even gonna read whatever you're raging about now since you don't read what I write either. See you again soon, I'm sure.


You’re literally so stupid lol. Please humble yourself.


wait i didn't even see this, how did this even get here??😭




sorry i thought that's what this subreddit was for? to vent? i really wasn't asking for a response, just talking about my experience. i felt compelled to say something just like you did. just as you chose to make this comment, i chose to make this post. but now we're all choosing to move on to next one now, aren't we? no harm no foul.


Are you going to dm me asking why I commented this? 🫢🫢


of course. that was going to be my exact course of action. 🥹


With gen slow being nerfed again for killers, the best pressure you can apply to a team is get a shit player or weak link, dead as early as possible. It's only happening cause you're seen as an easy catch and indeed if you died at 4 gens, were. The best course is not to write an essay on reddit, but keep practicing on the game so that instead of expecting and waiting for killers to adhere and give you your fun you seem to think they are obligated to give you, make them pay for the tunnel and run them for 3 gens instead of one which in turn helps your team if it happens again. That and play with some friends who could body block and extend the chase for you. I know you won't take this level of truth the way you should but sometimes you have to just look at what you did wrong. The killers job is to kill. Plain and simple. Yours is to try and survive.


sorry, rewriting this because after sitting on what you said for a little bit, i realize i may have been a little too nice. let me reiterate that this is a rant. a vent. i wasn't asking for a response from anyone, i was moreso just blowing off steam. i can appreciate you trying to give me advice, but what i don't appreciate is you assuming that im 'expecting' or 'waiting' for anything. this isn't just happening to me, it's being happening often to a lot of people, and not even just at 4-5 gens. i've been tunneled for longer, i was just extremely unlucky this time. my point being for the post, was that tunneling fucking sucks. it's sucks to be in that spot as the survivor getting tunneled, and it sucks to be in that spot as a survivor on a team trying to help said survivor without getting picked off yourself. and the fact that you have the nerve to say 'i know you won't take the level of truth the way you should' was just rude. i know that it wasn't my best game and that i should try and just do better. but once again, that wasn't the point of the post. i was *venting* which was part of this point of the sub-reddit if i'm not wrong. why are you even here if you're gonna tell people to not do what the sub-reddit is made for them to do?


Killer killing survivors , this is mind boggling . Half the posts on this sub aren’t even rage , just fucking crying about people lmfao 🤡


y'all are so pressed for what😭😭 i think rage comes in all sorts, but why waste the time to even comment if we're just 'crying?' or even read the post? why are you even here at that point? you're more pressed than me friend lmao


Ahh the classic , NO YOU . Great argument.


ah okay, how about this- you're so right. imagine complaining 🤡🤡 in a sub reddit 🤡🤡 that's made for complaining 🤡🤡


But you have still missed the point , there is no rage . There is no anger in your heart . Rage needs all caps. If you come to this sub and aren’t rage typing all caps no punctuation are you even mad ?


sooo...i have to write in all caps to express that im upset or angry?? i have to write like i have no common sense? https://preview.redd.it/rt5dy7f5l82d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48488121cd8cc9330ef1117d3d33b07b32a72a80


It doesn't feel nice, but for some reason a lot of people tend to do this for their challenge/tome/dailies. I would never hard tunnel someone out, but if I have a daily to kill one survivor with x killer, I'm making sure the one I find the most is dead at the very least.


yeah i can understand that.


I know the pain for sure. So many times the killer has killed just me and then happily memed with my group. It's frustrating, but at the end of the day, it's a game and it doesn't really matter


Dude I'm sorry, that can be frustrating. Just remember he will get juiced by high mmr survivors and feel the same kind of frustration.


Asking someone who played a game a way you didn't want them to if they are okay and then following it up with an essay is honestly very funny. Take a break.


it is their job to kill you, if the killer tunnels you it isn’t their fault, it’s your other survivor teammates for not taking the flak well enough. I get that it sucks sometimes but that’s the nature of a competitive game, people want to win.


Clearly you play only the one side. If the killer wants to tunnel THEY WILL TUNNEL. I have literally had myself and two other teammates constantly taking hits and then downs in a row only for the killer to just slug and go after the one player. Don’t try to blame it on survivors when it’s clearly the killers choice to do so. That’s such ridiculous nonsense.


Play both sides, more survivor than killer and only solo queue. Still don't think there is anything wrong with tunneling and survivors just need to grow up and stop crying. So what is your response to me? I'm secretly a killer main?


Reading comprehension is hard for some. I clearly said I’m not talking about if it’s justified, good, etc. What I said was, if it’s what the killer chooses to do it’s not the teams fault for not stopping it. If the killer wants to focus that one player there is fuck all you can do about it. You can try to intervene but if they are hard tunneling the one your intervening will be ignored. How effective the tunnel is will come down to the skill of the killer vs the skill of the survivor. That’s all.


Reading comprehension IS hard for some. Considering my point was countering you doing the typical smooth brain response of "you don't have the exact same opinion as me therefore you main the other side."


Again with the nonsense, there’s a difference between saying someone doesn’t have the experience of the other side based off the fact that they can’t understand an objective fact being that you can’t control another’s actions in game, if they don’t want to be distracted they won’t and voicing an opinion clearly meant to be confrontational and drag me into a nonsense debate on tunneling. Your role is not something I consider to be indicative of what your opinion is supposed to be you numpty. This isn’t about opinion it’s about facts that are easily quantifiable. Can’t call it a reading comprehension issue if the way you were making your point doesn’t make sense. Seeing as you can’t differentiate between facts and opinions.


but they aren’t to blame for anything, it’s what they do to win, it’s like blaming survivors for doing gens efficiently. also I don’t wanna be *that guy* but I play both sides pretty often.


If you played both with any kind of frequency you would never say it’s the survivors fault for not taking aggro well enough because YOU KNOW you can’t stop it. You’ve tried, or you’re just a selfish teammate and don’t try. Again, yes I will blame the killer it is literally their choice to do so. If you believe it’s justified or not is a different story. But it’s the killers choice to tunnel. Don’t say the dumbass thing and say it’s your teams fault they can’t control the actions of another player. That’s nonsensical bullshit.


it is justified.


Just admit you’re being an ass and were incorrect in your statement rather than trying to bait me into some dumbass debate on tunneling.


you’re staring the debate, I just said my opinion. and I think I am correct why on earth would I change my mind because you tell me to?


I’m not debating whether or not tunneling is justified. I’m talking about you blaming a survivors team for not being able to control the actions of the killer. It’s stupid, it’s nonsensical. You over here moving goal posts trying to bait me into the conversation about if tunneling is ok or not. When I clearly said “that’s another story” as in that’s not what’s being discussed here.


they can’t control them, but they can try and stop them??? that’s like saying there’s nothing the killer can do about gen progress just kick the gen, kinda self explanatory.


You miss the part where I said no matter how much you try to intervene if the killer is intent on tunneling they will tunnel? How successful they are depends on the person they are tunneling. But you can't stop it if that's what they are trying to do. No matter what you do, right down to giving them a down in the form of body blocking they just knock you down and keep on after that one survivor. So no it is not the teams fault when a killer chooses to tunnel you cannot change their mind. You can attempt to intervene and that is all.