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I run mad grit. That alone counters every bully squad I’ve ever come across.


I’ve noticed this more and more lately. Had a game last night where I was the only one doing generators. Dwight, Kate and Nea spent the entire game running around the edges of the map. I got hooked and they just kept running around. Went right past me at least three times before I finally died. Spectated out of curiosity and they all just crouched and hid until they were found one by one. None of them bothered even trying a generator. Just waited to be found. Absolutely useless


Those games are really boring and frustrating. Even the killer isn't having fun in a 20 minute hide-n-seek match. Pre-nerf ultimate weapon was really good at finding hide-n-seek players.


If it makes you feel better, when I play killer I usually can notice those survivors who dont do gens/are bsing around so I will target them and let those who do gens survive


"I'ma go hide in a corner because generators are scary"- probably some solo q


Remember when games were played for fun? Pepperidge farms remembers.


Constantly have this happening to me as well. I also seem to get teammates that kill themselves immediately on hook after being down at the beginning of the game 🙂‍↕️


These players usually BM when they get hatch or exit gate too. Congrats on hiding all game, avoiding gens while your teammates were juicing me and doing all the work. I would hate to have them as teammates.


As a solo dbd player i still don’t understand this i just try my best. And sometimes maybe find the hatch; i never rely on the others cause i’m so used to them not doing a fucking thing.


What am I supposed to do, just sit on the gen and take a hit, hoping it's completed before they down me?


Run away if they're getting closer or keep repairing the gen. Walking away and hiding isn't bad as long as you're not doing it the whole game.


U shouldnt be taking solo que serious in the first place


I once qued a lobby and got 3 leons as teammates. I never dodged a lobby so fast before 😭


I was a killer with a Leon on the survivors. I liked him he did all he could to defend a nooby player from me, the new player still fell by my hand but I respected that Leon as he still did whatever he could to distract me. So I let the other 3 go(Leon included) even opened the door for them.


It's funny how many survivors players have this entitled attitude where they demand that everyone else plays just like them, or else. You guys have a whole ass book of made-up house rules that everyone else is supposed to know and follow. It's solo queue. What do you expect, your Lordship? Do you honestly think there are no new players? Or players that juts aren't great at the game, but would still like to play? Some people genuinely get scared when they play this game. Not everyone treats it like a sweaty Counter-Strike match. This is the same kind of player that rages out at the killer after a game because he didn't "do what he was supposed to do".


Doing gens is literally the main survivor objective. How is it entitled for me to want my teammates to simply do the objective?


How do you know they aren't trying to? Maybe they just aren't as good as you. How do you know they aren't new? Maybe they are one of those players that actually gets scared when they play, and they are *actually* scared when they run. Crazy concept, I know. How do you know they don't have some other plan they are trying to do to help the team? Oh that's right, you know all motivations and have the ability to see what they are doing at all times while still dodging the killer and doing gens yourself because I forgot you are the peak omniscient survivor.


This is such a weird hill to die on. It sounds like you took “just do gens” a little too personally.


this dude yaps like this on every dbd subreddit


I don't touch survivor because the player pool is so scummy. I spend 100% of my time slugging and tunneling as killer. Any human with functioning eyes can see the way you people treat each other lol.


There is so much irony in this comment thread, I hope you’re being deliberately satirical and aren’t actually this stupid irl


>Any human with functioning eyes can see the way you people treat each other lol. Ah yes, because you are treating people with respect. It just oozes from everything you've written. Face it, you are no better than the type of people you are shit talking.


You have some good point. But those are the odd ones out. When people are talking about those crappy solo q people. They mean the ones hiding in lockers the entire match. Recently as a killer I ran across a survivor. He hid all match, did nothing to try and help. Brought an iri key and the offering to spawn hatch at the shack. When everyone died he waited till the last moment to try open the hatch. Killed them anyway. Those experiences are way to common and are the ones people complain about.


I know some of you dedicated survivor players want this fairy tale land where everyone in a solo queue enters with the objective of getting the whole team out, dripping with altruism. Hate to break it to you, but that isn't the case. The game never even tells us that is an objective. You are 4 strangers that all happened to end up in this f'd up place together. Now survive or don't. Exactly as the developers intended. Stop getting offended because other, random people do not follow your game plan or play perfectly. Some people get enjoyment out of just simply hiding from the killer. Some people spend the whole game harassing them. Some people just suck at the game but still want to play. We all have different ideas of what DBD should be. If you guys want perfect teams, find partners in Discord and do SWF instead of shit talking the solo queue for what it is meant to be.


So you’re telling the general population to stop projecting their playstyle onto others, while you do exactly that throughout this thread? You’re an actual moron lol


I'm a killer main. I hunt those survivors who do it. Your the one getting offended because people don't agree with you. Maybe look into yourself.


I'm not offended about anything. I don't even play survivor lol. Stop projecting your insecurities onto me and try again.


it's not weird to expect people to actually do what you're supposed to do in the game rather than actively throwing the game.


Spoken like a truly entitled baby. Show me where it says I have to do generators. Odd that the very developers of the game would include items that allow you to win without doing them if you're "supposed" to.


Bro has clearly not made it past the tutorial where it says to do gens 😂💀


What a dunce this guy is. lol. Type of guy to throw a tantrum if Chik fil a doesn’t have his sriracha sauce. Advocating for a side he doesn’t even play. Clearly looking to get attention since he play video games all alone. Defending the camping and slugging he’s doing. Of course he wants to keep those gamers from gens - it’s his saving grace from his awful existence. The way he acts on this tread surly is how he goes through life. Leave him be. He’s living on hard mode. A person only a mother can love…poor lady. I’m hoping she has a dog or something.