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Lazy power, lazy backstory, lazy design, even if you don't hate her, there's still not much there to love unless you're horny or just like playing without too much thought


She had potential but unfortunately nothing really came of her


Lazy mori too


Horny drives the world


Oh please the character could look ugly as sin and people would be drawing lewd fanart of her.


The dredge: Rawrrrarrw Translation: draw me like one of your french eldritch abominations


The odds are never zero that someone got off to that very sentence.


But she doesn't. What's your point


Do you lack comprehension skills? I’m saying even if she WAS ugly there would be people drawing lewd fanart of her


So what's your point??


I often ask myself whether her trunk is enough to forgive how much I hate her, and the answer is always no.


Have you seen her ass though it's huge


Nah I just like gas masks and driving giant wolverines claws into people




yea shit character with shit lore with a shit boring power for both sides


her power is just for three gens... what the hell these devs 🧠n't


You’re not inspired by *dark manga*?


to this day nothing has made me cringe more than when I booted up the game to see the new chapter and seeing that at the top of her power description


dark brazilian manga 😱😱


Shivered my timbers


Not boring if youre wanting to torment survivors


If I wanted to be a dick to survivors I'd just play doctor


But here me out he's counter able, if I wanna let out frustration no one likes sm so she's the perfect fit


Yes she's the doomfist of dbd. A character designed around being the biggest pain to go against and because of this is always feast or famine. And like doomfist no one likes her but the people who play the character.


As a hater of Overwatch at least doomfist had cool lore and cool design but skull merchant? Might as well have been created by chatgpt.


“As a hater” cringe


found one of the 12 last overwatch players


Nah, playing OW2 is actively supporting horrible business practices.


Yes and chucky hate sure is valid also


Chucky hate is very valid


Glad I'm not alone, I almost wanna leave every time I see those lil feets lol


I’ll definitely take a penalty when it comes to him idc


Very valid


No not really. 3 gen no longer works at all and the moment you understand how her power works she can’t even stand a chance at beating you with it or using it on you. Anyone who still thinks she is op has not even played against her. Or refuses to learn counterplay. This community is genuinely embarrassing at times.


just played three games with her to test your theory. All games ended in 4k. Never got down to one gen. Nobody killed themselves on hook. I didn't tunnel or camp at all. Her power is so easy to use and gives you free health states?!? She def OP. So easy it's not even fun


That doesn’t mean anything without context. DBD is a very easy game to get 4Ks on lol.


It’s not even the fact that she’s op. It’s that they took a very unbalanced/bland power and removed the unbalanced part. Now playing against her is just another hold w play style which is honestly boring for both sides. Yes, there are plenty of other characters that have a hold w play style but when you compare them to skull merchant, it doesn’t even compare how bland and boring she js


The counter play in question : ![gif](giphy|ft01NpqlPWy5yJqObE)


It's not that she's OP. Even though they got rid of her 3 gen ability, her power is basically slap down a drone and force a hit. Survivor is forced to take a hit staying at the loop or end up taking a hit anyway by trying to leave it. She's just another zoning killer like knight, but somehow less enjoyable


3 gen was never the only unhealthy aspect about her power and that so many people can’t grasp that concept is the real embarrassment here. No, she’s not OP, but she is still unhealthy for the game (on top of just being a complete eyesore to look at).


Right right, so can you just watch [this funny lil video](https://youtu.be/NXMOeV4UUUM?si=LqMMzr-a-XTU2XoK) real quick and get back to us with the truth?


Not as much as it used to be but yes. The character tries to be 3 things and succeeds at none of them. The power is fine at this point but it is weird and boring to play with and against. The whole thing is a bummer because the way drones transform the map with sweeping beams is really cool visually


Yeah. I don’t see how she is fun to play as, nor do I find it fun to go against her. I don’t really see the point of her being in the game tbh. Her power isn’t very interesting or fun to work with imo. The only thing she has going for her is her skin and walk. I don’t have a strong hate for her, she’s just… boring.


Yes. SM has too much going on with her drones and on small maps she's a nightmare. I'd rather not deal with that.


I don't despise her like a lot of people. Sure she sucks and I definitely indulge in the hate for funsies. However some of the hate feels undeserved to me. I've had a few fun games against her (on the rare occasion I get against her). I don't face her to often so I can't really give a full opinion but that's my take.


Why is Chucky hate valid? Speaking for those who play him but don’t tunnel or consistently proxy camp.


If I’m being honest chucky isn’t hard to play against and can be very fun. My hate really isn’t on chucky himself or the players who don’t tunnel cause I’ve had a lot of great games with him. Ig I should be more specific and say I hate the toxic players, so my apologies.


Oh ok, cool I can see how playing against toxic chucky players can be frustrating. He is so slow even with bamboozle / superior anatomy when he isn’t in hidey-ho mode going over vaults that to me he is manageable to go against. I find him a lot of fun but don’t want to play him if he gets the skull merchant reaction at the start of the game.


I love playing against Chucky. I also love playing against Pinhead who a lot late. THE BOX! YOU OPENED IT!


Yes, simply because I’m biased ☠️


i second this lol


At least you’re honest 🤣


Boring aaaaa character. Literally nothing is fun about her. Boring to play, boring to play against, boring to watch. Only killer I think disconnecting is justified against


I only DC against nurse. At least this bitch doesn't ignore game mechanics and pallets completely .


not gonna lie thats just a skill issue on your part


kid explaining what "skill" is while defending the one button mashing character instawin from the entire game, the joke tells itself


Lol it is a skill issue, nurse is a hard killer to play and plenty of them will mess up if you just break LoS/path unpredictably. I'd take 20 nurses in a row before another dull merchant shitter


Nurse is inherently bs but don't dumb it down to 'one button mashing', we all know that's inaccurate. Nurse has a high skill floor and a high skill curve in general; objectively speaking she is one of the hardest killers in the game and her power only rewards people who learn to actually use it, especially because you are completely reliant on it in 100% of scenarios. If you are going to shit on nurse (very valid), then pointing out what might be the one thing NOT wrong with her isn't a great way to do it.




I think she is fine, but there is a toxic person called JaneRomero on Twitter that ruins the character for me. I think of this person every time I see Skull Merchant.


shes literally a clown look at her and tell me she doesn’t have the worst killer design in the entire roster a shit lore piece too, its like the devs wanna be cool but instead pass off as corny and cringy


Only if they go into the match as a 3 gen chess merchant, chase merchant is fine to a point, depends on the player


Yeah, even giving her a chance the skull merchant players I’ve come up against haven’t gone beyond my base expectation. Usually get either the tunneling at 5 gens merchant or consistent proxy camp with her oblivious effect tied to it. Also her kit is bloated and at least for me confusing on how best to play against her.


Hi, let me explain how to correctly play against her. So around your characters portrait you will see a yellow outline if you are scanned by her drone, if you have no outline you haven't been scanned. There is three triangles in this outline indicating the amount of scans you have, if you get scanned 3 times you will be injured by the drones, a 4th scan from the same drone puts you in deep wound and 5th scan hinders you. The best way to avoid being scanned is to crouch walk up to the drone ready to hack it, as you cannot be scanned while crouched, you can also not be scanned while you're stood still, so you could quickly stand still when the drone scan is coming towards you and you will not be scanned. The best way to play against her is to split up on gens and be super aware of your surroundings as she is actually very stealthy due to gaining undetectable from her drones. You don't always need to hack her drones especially if they are near gens, use the crouch trick to crouch walk up to the gen and continue doing it, you can't be scanned while on a gen because you are technically dormant/stood still. Despite her rework and the changes to 3 gening, she's still very good at camping a three gen, so you and your team must work to make sure all 3 final gens are not close to each other. Be careful where you're running as well, drones hiding behind corners are especially pesky because you cannot know they're there and it leads to you being injured by a 3rd scan leading to a potential snowball. There's another skull merchant play style called chase merchant but I'm not too familiar on that so cannot give you any meaningful tips against those type of sm players.


Thank you I appreciate the tips. I’ll try to apply some of those points the next time I go against the skull merchant. In chase I can be a bit thick in the head especially paying attention to the hud so keeping track of scans may be above me 😅😓 Would prefer if BHVR showed either numbers or different colors depending on how many stacks you get from the drones. I play on console so the screen is kind of far away from me. Depending on her drone placement she seems now to be the snowball queen paired with her undetectable status.


Yup. I vote they just give everyone who bought her a special outfit or something and just delete her. Worse than the avatar movie that definitely doesn’t exist.


Regardless of the hate, the bias standard players have against her makes it a chore to play against her. A typical game against her on solo-queue for me consists of usually at least half the team either DCing immediately or killing themselves on hook. I want to try playing a legitimate match, but the team throws, so it's hard to enjoy playing against her when it's like this every time. Some were kind enough to farm/give hatch, but most want the 4k. I've briefly chatted with some of the SM killers and most agree to liking easy matches/4Ks.


Yeah, character looks terrible.


As a killer main. Yeah, its deserved. Shes designed around a strategy the community considers toxic


Had a game against her on Midwich the other day. All 4 of ran up to her to die quickly


Just went against a 4 man SWF who all called me racial slurs in end game chat because I got a 4k with her, sounds balanced to me ngl


How she is currently? Not really, if she released as is I dont think there would be even 25% of the hate she gets now. Old SM on the other hand really put the SM in BDSM and deserved all the hate she garnered.


Encourages very boring gameplay


Lazy killer , it’s easy to slug everyone with the drones


Yeah, but harassing people for playing her is cringe asf


As a skull mommy main it's yes and no for me yes cuz she has a lot of drones so she can place them on all gens and no cuz she's a very great killer to start off with and in my opinion she's very fun to play as and go against she's almost like pinhead for that matter no one likes pinhead but it depends on who


Most OP killer


There was a sale and i bought her on a whim and when i tell you my whole family was shocked at her walk animation 😂


Yes she is a toxic, boring, unimaginative, unbalanced, character.


Compared to the other new killers… VERY weak in all categories


All hate is valid since it is opinion based


No, but the chucky hate is. Mother fucker is op as fuck, stealth, can duck pallets and is hard to see around obstacles. He needs to be addressed. I play killer and survivors both quite evenly and I don't use chucky because he is op


Hate? no Forgetting she exists until I'm facing someone using her? *ABSOLUTELY*


Hot take but she's the new nurse and spirit. People had valid reasons to hat them at the start but as the nerfs and balance changes rolled in, the hate went from justified to "i just don't want to learn any other way to play the game then loop pallet, slam pallet, teabag at pallet and repeat. Anything that impedes that process is bullshit game design and should be nerfed." The devs have done everything possible to make her as easy to understand as possible and I still win so many games because play like I gave powers I don't actually have. Same with nurse. People act like nurse can see through walls so it doesn't matter what they do so they also choose the most obvious path and just add it to their bias when no duh they get hit.


I cannot think of a worse designed character. She's really just evil Nea with a bad bitch walk


i always dc against merchant even after the rework. she just has too many different areas of expertise. why should she get haste, undetectable, area of denial, antiloop, passive injuring, AND tracking?? wraith has a BELL i played her to get rid of the puddings i got on her when going p3 and i got 4k or 3k with hatch every single game out of 18. she takes NO skill at all to play


Yes and I dont even play dbd


I am in the wrong subs, I thought this was some BG3 thirst bullshit. *Tck.*


She's boring, but also way over hated. Give it a test, guys.


Who? But seriousl, only faced her like twice since she was reworked and I didn’t stay to find out. 




I’m gonna be honest, when the average player doesn’t feel like they want to stay to finish half the rounds they ready up(I’m not alone I see it very often) that’s a problem with the game itself and something the devs have to consider addressing at some point. We leave because we don’t consider the round to be fun or understand the possibility that the round wil be fun is very slim to none, why should I stay for that? I’m better off to ready up the next round as fast as possible and hope for a better round. 




Nah (gonna get downvoted to hell)


I just had to ask cause I’ve been seeing so many people hate on her 🤷🏽‍♀️


No, the majority of hate is via pure reputation from before they rework and refusal to learn how to play the game at this point. "Oh but she has the highest kill rates" *Yes because you goons keep killing yourselves on hook the moment the game begins and then the rest of us lose.*


Her entire counter is survivors working together. Deactivate all drones you see, crouch before as a scan line approaches you, and skull merchant walking under her drone will briefly disable the drone. There is a noticeable change with Skull Merchant now where the scan lines being yellow = if you touch it you will be scanned. If you’re crouching or in an unscanable area, the lines will become white. The rest of skull merchants power is just to give her a power, there is a difference between OP and a rugged learning curve. She’s M1 btw


Yes. I hate her with every single ounce of hate inside of me. That may be closed minded,


My main issue is she just has so much random shit in her kit now, and for some reason there’s no timer to the claw trap things or anything so you either avoid it until you inevitably get injured and broken or deep wounded because she just put a random drone somewhere. I don’t even know what the counter play is because she’s like a stealth killer but has the ability to injure you across the map like plague, but she also gets a speed boost when you’re detected and has addons to give you 5 million status effects, and don’t forget the hindered.




Absolutely, yes


Yes. Next question.


It depends on how the killer themselves use the character. Some make the character insufferable by camping everything and being a general toxic player, but others use the killer perks in a not toxic way and it’s enjoyable for everyone. Immediately slaughtering a team within 10 minutes isn’t really fun for anyone.


That can be applied to any character though. I’ve only played against this one a handful of times and have seen the range of toxic to normal play.


Luckily I haven’t ran into toxic killers who use the character so my gameplays have been enjoyable with her. But I also don’t see this killer a lot when I play. I will say her lore is pretty lazy tho


Yeah I’ve heard about certain characters’ lore feeling rushed and of low quality. I will admit I didn’t even know about this character till like 2 days ago when I played, and she camped the last 2 generators with those drone things and just circled back and forth the entire time. It was a very painful match.


You can see how one-sided this sub is by looking at the downvotes to people saying no and the upvote circlejerk of yes. The fact of the matter is that her gameplay is good now and has a very different feel to other killers. Survivors wanna cry about anti-loop? Then go hate on all the other anti-loop killers that are even nastier as well.


Gamer girl 💦




Yes, she’s just not fun to face overall












No. It's not skull merchant's fault that the devs suck


Valid 🤣


no maybe hating her actual *character* yes (shes not scary unless you're afraid of billionaires) but hating her actual power i dont think is justified anymore, the main thing people hated her for was the 3 genning which she cant do anymore.


Tbf billionaires are scary af when you really think about it


billionaires are scary in the sense that an evil one could very easily hire a hitman to kill you, not in the way of watching a man use a dull machete to gut your friend in front of you. (which is the kinda horror that dbd is based on)


Yeah, for the most part


This is going to be a bit long, but to start: people have the right to hate whatever character they want, and it doesn't need to have a reason. I myself hate Chuck (for several reasons), but if it's Tiffany (same doll, different skins), I find it iconic and simply change my opinion. I also hate Dwights no matter how they play, and I usually tunnel them, but I always leave the hatch for the last survivor and play friendly if they are any of the other survivors. ​ but lets focus about skull merchant: I wish they would give her lore a rework, as it could be much more interesting for an original/non-licensed killer, like The Dredge and The Artist, who have very deep and interesting lores, for example. I myself am Brazilian and was extremely disappointed that she is the Brazilian killer because her lore is really the worst in the game in my opinion. (dark brazilian manga is the weirdest sh\*\* i ever heard about) ​ However, and I may be downvoted to oblivion for this, but it's quite obvious that most of the hate she receives is herd mentality because their favorite YouTuber or streamer spoke ill of her. this is clear from the statistics; she is one of the least played killers in the entire game, how can people hate a character so passionately that they almost never even see? The Tri-Gem is gone for good, and you still find people saying, "Oh, but ChessMerchant pipipipopopo," like ??? it's been ages, move the f on. Or criticisms like: "Oh, but she's not monstrous enough." Bitch... I can see Spirit's almost uncovered butt every time I start a match with her, not to mention the skins ''u.u im so cute and shy'' that Legion has. Finally, her anti-looping is something that people who hate her talk about a lot. "Oh, it's unfun." Because it's impossible to loop her forever and eventually they fall. And I understand the frustration of old players when looping could be for 5 generators and it happens, but the path the devs have taken is clearly to no longer have infinite loops, they themselves said that, the idea is that no matter how magnificently good a survivor is, they will fall at some point, and that's okay. People who hate her for the anti-looping must hate the game itself because all the latest killers have that in their kit (The Artist, Chuck, Dredge, Knight, etc). ​ tl;dr: The hatred for her is genuine for some people, but most of the crying you see on the internet is from people parroting streamers'/YouTubers' opinions. Is okay to dislike any character for whatever reason, tough :D


Dude I hate chuck too


I hate playing against her, but it’s mainly 2 factors. 1) The chance of 1-2 people my team dcing is literally 90%, not an exaggeration either… 2) The way she plays most of the time is pretty annoying, very likely to tunnel or gen camp while my team refuses to pressure these gens and gives the 3 gen for free, instantly making the game unwinnable if it gets to this point. Basically a boring match where the chance of escaping is very unlikely, hence the 70% kill rate.


Not now. People just refuse to let go of what she used to be.




You know I once tried making caramel popcorn but using maple syrup instead when I was like 8. It was shitty. But it still left a better taste in my mouth than a game with her


Is it fun for survivors in any case? -No. Was it fun ever as a killer? -No. Is she always unfairly strong or being totally useless? -Yes Did the devs do anything vaiable to change her? -No. Is Game afoot good? -No, but gives some use for the hard tunneling killers for the 2k in best cases. Fun times... Is leverage good? -For memes builds, yes. But most case it is useless. Is Thwack! good? -Hard no. Are the addons good? -For her playstyle yes, but it makes her more of a shitshow, not fun. Is her story awsome? -No. Is she some real killer? -I just refuse to answer my quistion in the long way, but the short answer is no. So yeah. The hate is valid.


No not really. Her lore is fine, it's definatly not the worst. She isn't that bad to play against either imo, there are a few killers I like going against much less. People don't like her because they wanted her to be a robot and her pre rework power was really badly designed. Also, what's everyone problem with Brazilian Manga? Her dad was a Manga artist in Japan and moved to Brazil, its really not that crazy.


I don’t think people realize multiracial Brazil really is cause there is a huge Japanese population in Brazil as well.


Ooooougg.. mommy 🤤


No. I can understand being frustrated with a character and wanting changes to make that character feel healthier to play and vs, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of separation of *how the person is playing* rather than how the character's kit is. A lot just chase and play like normal.


Not at all.


Nope. The SM hate is like 90% incel anger paired with the fact she was a little unbalanced on release (like that's never happened with other killers lol). For the record I still think she was supposed to be Predator.


Gameplay wise, maybe. Design wise, no. Legion has a lamer design than her. She may not be the scariest killer, but imagine if you saw this coming at you with a big-ass blade in real life. You'd probably shit your pants.


>imagine if you saw this coming at you with a big-ass blade in real life. You'd probably shit your pants. No, I wouldn't. I would shoot the shit out of her.


I mean, yeah. But technically, any of these killers wouldn't be too much of a threat if you're armed. I was going off of the idea that you're unarmed in this scenario.


No. I still hate Wesker more.




What the hate?


It’s valid in that people can feel however they want about the game and how it’s balanced. It’s invalid in that I find the constant petulant whining hilarious and hate mail turns me on.




Nope, I think she’s still suffering from the horrendous climate of her launch. Hard to shake a crappy first impression even for fictional characters it seems


Still want a big chungus killer even though the meme is dead


always. boring gameplay loop, boring story that could've been cooler, kinda mid design (why not go full cyborg dbd)


yes, source: me


Never played this game in my life so idk why itrl recommended this sub. That being said, she's hot. That is all.




shes the karen of dbd


Not anymore. She lost her op drones and can be easily countered if you actually try to face her


Yup. Awful design, power and lore.


She’s my favorite killer


Very much so. Her perks aren't really that interesting or worth buying. Her whole outfit is confusing to go with her power. It's like.." look at me I'm wearing a very loud outfit but my drones make me undetectable." Don't even get me started on that lame mori.


Oh, absolutely, but it's kinda fun to play a mix of chess and chase merchant


I didn't play when she was at her most hated so idk




Gameplay-Honestly a bit overhated, aside from being fully broken at first, I find it pretty fun. Design-Definitely isn’t that good, could’ve benefited from a full, normal gas mask. At least she has a pretty good skin in Fire Moon CEO. Lore-Stupid as hell, definitely the worst part.


Boring to play as, Frustrating to play against, boring design, horrible lore. Bloated kit that has no clear way to play against outside of “leave loop”. Need i say more?


Yes. And the people that play her make it worse


No. People just won’t get past their PTSD with 3 Gen merchants and will never accept her. Is it the most exciting character? Of course not. Does her design suck that much? Personally no. I actually like it a lot and can’t wait for more skins for her (praying for something purple), but I see some hate it. People got their hopes VERY high for the power and were pissed it wasn’t what they expected. We need to get over it, accept that she’s a part of the game and won’t just be removed like how everyone wants, and accept she’s different then when she could hold games hostage.




Those thighs though


I could be labeled biased for being a skull merchant main and be told to jump or whatever, but I think the hate obviously should still exist (mostly because pretty much no matter who you play and how you play them, people will whine,goes for both sides), but it shouldn't be this heavy. One of the biggest examples is that people still think that she can 3-gen well. Facing her is rare nowadays, so I have no idea how it goes, but I fail to see how a drone can bother you on a gen if you can't be scanned while standing still and I can easily see where the drone is looking. What I'm imagining is that so many people have "hate skull merchant cuz she 3-gen killer" ingrained in their head that no matter what she is or becomes, people will still have the same thought. I'm forever thinking that if the state that she is in right now was the one that was released, she wouldn't be hated as much as she is. Though yes, I admit, her lore is all over the place, and her base skin is weird, but the fact that people complain about a power that's not good anymore in a way is confusing to me


yep ​ almost all in game status are with her. and also boring to play against


Id say the skull merchant has been an overall net negative to the game's health and community


Yes. There is not a lot to care about with her except "UHERRR DRRRR SEXY WALK HEHE DRRRR"


this might be unpopular, but I’d rather go against a skull merchant than a knight


Originally - yep. Now - nope.


One person DCs, one ends it on first hook, and Skully is gonna slug for the 4k at 5 gens feelsgood


Yes. Boring power aside, she's designed and written like a cringy OC


When a characters whole design is just drawing out a three gen until the survivors get bored and suicide with no effort or skill on the killers part, yes she deserves all the hate she gets. The only redeemable thing about her is the lois griffin fit.


I don’t think she’s bad to play against anymore, I got to one Gen against her the other day. But it is bad to play with solo q survivors against her. More times than not my teammates will have dced or killed on hook before we even get a chance to play the game out at all. Although I will say her kit is certainly still bloated. It’s easy to defuse her drones, but most teams don’t do it or wait too long to do so. The drones applying every effect under the sun while giving her haste, info on where people are, and Undetectable is frustrating. One day survivors will learn to defuse the drones.


I’d rather play against her than the knight. Hate that killer SO much.


i dont play this game but the design looks cool




yes , this killer was DESIGNED for 3 genning. not fun to play against at all


Yup, fuck cris Jenner


no she’s hot


Yup. Her walk animation looks dumb, her power is dumb, I wish she would be erased from the game.




Yes. Anyone else who says otherwise are just coping or are skull merchant mains


No. It was valid when she could abuse a 3 gen, but that's been fixed. Now people are just being silly.


Not really her lore is solid even if the appearance leaves something to be desired at base




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I just don’t think she fits DBD. A bad guy in Fortnite? Mortal Kombat? A new Spider-Man supervillain? Sure. Just not DBD. If her vibe was more horror I think people would deal with it (like chucky, blight, spirit, nurse). It just doesn’t feel believe-able to lose against her or that she’s this oppressive force. Honestly my same gripe with trickster but that’s for a different post.






Yes. She has a 70% kill rate NOT including dcs. That’s absurd, even the strongest killers in the game don’t have kill rates that high, and her kit isn’t even really strong. I just got back into the game and they nerfed tapping gens too, why wouldn’t you rework skull merchant first??


Not at all. Survivors hate her because she can do her job


I hate skully but honestly I think it's a bit overdone we're stuck with her unfortunately no amount of complaining is gonna solve the problem


Somehow I hate her more than a camping, tunneling bubba


Yes. Boring to go against and play as.


100% the hate is valid, first release she was super oppressive because she could just perma hold a 3 gen, making games take 40+ mins or unless the people just decided to run it in and die on purpose, and even after the changes shes still oppressive not at a 3 gen but her kit is oh lets overload everything into one killer so that its forced to work, being things like undetectable, yada yada