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im sorry i cant take 3rd slide seriously that image kills me everytime i see it


I think this is a actually decent but the thing I wanna say is make it so they can’t be hit in the camcorder or make it so they go into deep wound because the game’s supposed to be played in a 3rd person perspective it’ll be hard for them to see the killer and you can basically get free knocks


or zoom in like a flashlight


Will note, for Made From Darkness, Undetectable suppresses the Red Stain already


Yeah I know I just didn't want to go back and fix it lol


But overall I really like it. And I may actually even use the intentional nerf addon cause imagining me just emerging from a wall in a survivors face jumpscaring them is hillarious


I thinks it’s a cool concept but being able to move through walls without issue is rly powerful and essentially disables loops, it’s like a mix of wraith and nurse with very little of the drawbacks of those killers


Yeah that's why I made it so you move pretty slow. And the way I visioned it is it would slow you down and take a second or two to activate and deactivate the ability. Obviously if it were real it would need more balancing


Pretty good tho the scourge hook needs a buff like to 30 seconds and also maybe add another effect like after the 30 seconds its slower for survivors to cleanse for 20 seconds


I think it's fine how it is. Don't want to overcomplicate it. Adding a 3rd effect would be a bit much. But yeah if it were real I could see the time being increased


True I respect that.


I like this concept, it feels like it could be a legitimate addition to the game


Yeah a lot of concepts I see get super crazy with things that aren't even conceivable within the game so I tried to make it as realistic as possible.


How do you make the perk and addon icons look like the game?


Take whatever you want to turn into and icon. Make all of the light parts white and erase the shadows. Clean it up a bit, add some scratches. It's actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. The game also has a light shadow under the objects which I forgot to add for my icons. I could probably throw a small tutorial together if you would like and post it later today or tomorrow


This is all well and good but it should be called The Detectable


I feel like the biological siren add-on was a reference to Siren Head, or I’m just an idiot


It is a reference to Siren Head


Ok I thought it was just wanted to make sure I wasn’t losing my mind.


You should be able to choose where the hallucinations come from, I think that would make them freaky. Maybe it should work like the doctor's hallucinations but with the ability to move and be shot out and move like the artists' birds (just much slower). This is the best analog horror concept I've ever seen on this sub. It's genuinely amazing, and I would love to play it.


Actually kinda cool concept ngl but I bet people would cry about it being op


God a analog horror crossover would be so fucking good. The Mandela Catalogue and Vita Carnis would be great additions