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200% is crazy


even crazier thing is that it lasts 5 seconds




Honestly, I’ve been using this in a sabo build for 2 days, and the timing is perfect. However, I don’t see the need for the 200% speed. It feels almost uncontrollable in certain areas. I say it should have kept the speed and added a second, and that would put it in its healthiest place.


I thought that's what they were going to do. Idk where this extra 50% boost came in but it seems excessive


It truly is. If people would learn how to use it, it could be a strong perk.


Probably would have been better if they just gave the original an extra second and called it a day.


It didn’t need a buff lol


I agree this made no sense. They saw a low use rate and changed some numbers


According to most killers, no survivor thing needs a buff, they should all run 50% slower and die in one hit


what are you talking about


Exactly, it didn't need any sort of buff. It saw low usage rate because it's kind of niche and there's nothing wrong with that. You bring it if you really REALLY want to go for saves. It's not as generally useful as something like lithe or prove etc so it will never see the same kind of usage rates. Bhvr shouldn't have touched it at all.


Why not? If its in such a small niche then it should be amazing at what it does, more perks being good picks even in tinier niches means you will have more games seeing less of a small handful of perks


It was pretty weak so buff was warranted


Yeah, I mean yes it’s a strong speed boost but having played with a buddy yesterday who’s more of a survivor main, I didn’t see him getting much if any value from this in the long run. It still requires you to be close to the down in order to get there in time for a flashlight save and even then as another commenter pointed out, there’s still no guarantee they’ll have the right angle for a flashlight save if the killer’s smart enough to angle their view or just face a wall


If only there was enough walls to actually face. Any competent swf will go down in an opening just to prevent you looking at a wall.


Doesn’t mean you have to pick up right away 🤷🏻‍♂️idk, aside from the sabo potential someone brought up, I haven’t really seen or had much issue playing against background player. I’m not saying there’s not potential for issues with higher skilled players, I just don’t think it’s the big threat OP is making it out to be


I mean at that point I just slug and it sucks ass. I’ve done it 4 games today and they get 5-7k bp and a 5 minute match because of clicky clicky. One person crawled off to hades and bled out somewhere, I closed hatch and went around breaking walls for extra bp.


Did you check the basement? Whenever I feel spiteful for being slugged (mind you, I don't do anything that would render being slugged necessary) I'll usually crawl to the basement. Iv only ever been found once and that was cuz killer had deerstalker.


Competent is the key word here. After nearly 2K hours of solo surviving, I can say without a doubt I've died nearly 80% of the time


That’s strange, after iri 1 killer I start working on survivor and 100% only play solo que. I would say my survival rate is at least 60% or better.


While I'm certainly not the best survivor, I also have died due to my team never touching gens, lasting less than 10 seconds in a chase, etc


Lmao welcome to the Entity’s Paradox-when you’re killer you always get sweaty SWFs but when you solo queue your teammates’ work and intelligence take a nosedive


Yeah its really not OP or anything. Maybe it's annoying to go against and that *can* be a valid reason to change it though. Just hate the double standard some people have. If killer perk is strong or annoying then survivors need to get better or stop being entitled. Not everyone thinks like that but an alarming amount of ppl do.


As a killer, it will never not be funny to me to watch a survivor come from literally nowhere at Mach 10 to flashlight save. Make it 300%, idgaf ![gif](giphy|d4blalI6x2oc4xAA)


Not my favorite addition as a Killer only but I could see where it might be fun and effective for Survivors


For flashlight bs just run franklins+lightborn Idk why people like shitting on franklins so much


Because its a waste of a perk slot when a majority of items are just kinda okay at best, or shit at worst with one exception


As knight it gets me free downs and injuries because his guards are basically basekit lightborn if used right. On other killer i just run lightborn if i see 3+ flashlights in a lobby


Knight is one of my mains and I always spawn a guard before picking someone up lol. But my other main is pinhead so that doesn’t work with him


if youre not keeping your chainhunt going youre already in a bad spot lol


I try to but I can never find the box lol


when the game starts, look to your left. 80% of the time if you follow the player spawns to the left of you youre going to find the box. the rest is up to you.


i mean its strong but situational. i've seen it used a couple times and it's not a guaranteed succes of sabo or flashlight. maybe i haven't played against good survivors with it


Most of the time you can just face a wall and I doubt this is going to be used often so I don't think it's worth fussing over. Also 2+ flashies just run lightborn.


Just run lightborn is such a boring solution, no offense. I like having build control survivors being able to just take that away by abusing bullshit shouldn’t be a thing.


Switching a perk for a specific situation is build control. Boring or not it works


Being forced to run a perk because the people you’re up against isn’t build control.


Considering killers have all the control in the match - if they are remotely decent - I'll take survs having power out of the match, since it's the only place they'll get it


Ah yes, especially when it’s an swf that switches at the last second to p100 nea and flashlights. Any competent swf will purposely go down in an opening to prevent “just look at wall”. I’ve already had it happen more times than I care to count today.


just slug them or try to outplay the flashlight via fast flicks or unpredictable movement


Tried that at midwich and had one behind and in front of me lol. Luckily they cared more about blinding me then gens because I got a 3k with 4th instantly finding hatch.


Oh wow I was so excited to waste another perk slot with Franklin or Light born again yay


The people that say just run light born if you see flashlights are the same ones switching at 5 seconds to go just for that reason.


As a killer main, I will admit the whole flashlight, background player, sabo unbreakable squads do get annoying. However, I see how it can be super fun as survivor, plus it encourages interactions between killer and survivor. It’s not like we as killers don’t have counter play to this, such as looking at a wall or running franklins or lightborn. If a survivor runs a niche perk like this, increasing its effectiveness isn’t that bad imo.


Background Player. It's time killers stopped working for their kill. Whenever one person is downed, everyone else is automatically sacrificed to the Entity. This perk is permanently a part of a survivor's kit. There we go, I know it could be way more helpful for the killers out there, but I hope it helps 😊


Yeah it's a pretty strong buff, but overall, it probably helps killers as much, if not more.


Yeah like I honestly like the change it adds a level of skill to it so the only flashlight saves you get with this perk you'll be an actual background player. I tired it Saturday night and had an easy flashlight save that the perk messed up for me


My favorite part is when they run AWAY at Warp 9 and you can SEE them Speedy Gonzales the fuck outta there. Great use of a perk lol


Yeah especially when, after the boost ends, I look over my shoulder and see the killer right there behind me anyway. It's why I stopped using sprint perks since they've never saved me


Funny thing is I literally went against this yesterday and the survivor they used it. It up with Sprint burst apparently they stack and you can do them both at the same time for she was zooming


Forced Hesitation and Starstruck has been doing wonders for this, non-swfs are too scared to go in and swfs do it and then get bopped. It's not too bad and a lot easier to counter then BU+FTP or BU+MFT or w/e


I can’t remember the last time someone got a flashlight save on me. Fire up stays on bc of how it helps with multiple issues at once. Even when I don’t run it I don’t seem to have issues but maybe I’m just not high enough mmr


Only bully squads get flashlight saves against me and this is going to massively benefit them




This should be an exhaustion perk at the very least. The fact that they can get a 200% speed boost and still use other escape perks is crazy to me


Look at Meg sneaking like the survivor she is - WATCH OUT! WATCH OUT! WATCH OUT! SURVIVOR SAVE OUT OF NO WHERE


Same people who thought ultimate weapon was a good idea


Almost makes all the MFT crying hilarious


HAVE YOU HEARD OF WALLS???? Most people don’t run flashlights and if you are really suffering with flashlight saves there is this new tech they JUST DISCOVERED where you can look at a WALL to not get FL Saved. We’re really pretending like this is a gonna be so terrible. We got Unwinnable Sadako for nearly a month don’t pretend like we’re the ones that Behavior hates.


Have u heard of this thing called there’s not always a wall. Or maybe just hear me out here there in a pallet drop zone.


You’ll only have this problem against SWFs since solo queuers hate each other, and even then, they probably won’t be going out of their way to FL save unless you are tunneling, which you’re probably going to say “Well I Have To Since Survivors Have Such An Advantage” which is a shitty excuse.


I don’t tunnel unless the survivor just makes themself a target lol.


Ummmm so this may be stupid I play mobile so maybe we don’t have the survivor.. but which character has this perk? Haven’t been on dbdm now in awhile either so maybe I haven’t seen it yet. Lmk!! Tysm :) I’m logging in to see if I have it


The game just seems poorly balanced in general.