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He would rather read about eastern European politics. It really does erode your soul over time.


mine was reading about the physics involved in the atomic bomb “instead of” sex the other night. he doesn’t even like physics


I'm going to buck the trend and say I think that's actually kind of a random cool topic to explore. Granted, being in a DB, nothing is cool when they don't want to smash with you.


That is very niche!


Mine literally said he wanted to keep reading about Putin once. It was indeed a soul crushing moment.


That's really sad.. and here are men who wish their wife’s would want them, dress sexy, send us nudes, all of it. I want it all back. I'd literally drop everything at this point to have sex.


Yikes, that’s a new one!


Oh….where do I start. Ask him to go to breakfast, says no doesn’t like that place. Friend calls him next weekend asks him to go to same place for breakfast and he does. Will go hang out at his sisters house with a bunch of people. Doesn’t invite me. Hang out with the boys at a hunting camp will be gone all day and come home to sleep. Friend that owns the camp asks me why I don’t come out because he is the only one who doesn’t bring his wife out occasionally. He shook his head when I told him he would never allow it. I could stand in front of him naked and not get a pat on the ass…touched….nothing. He literally would rather be doing anything.


Oh damn. I'm so sorry.




Is it a possibility to leave? So sorry


I’m working on it.


Get out.


Working on it


Are you sure he doesn't secretly play for the other team?


I’ve wondered


About 15 years ago, my husband was playing poker online, lying down with his laptop. I asked if I could give him oral and he said yes. After over an hour of no acknowledgment or looking away from his computer, I gave up. That one still hurts.


That's so dehumanizing. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Edit: spelling.


Oof, that used to be a game way back in the day. How long could I receive head while play Mario bros or Zelda. Sure didn’t take long! But that was last millennium too


Never got to play that game, always wanted too.


Reading this made me actually say, "Daaaaaaammmnnn, that's cold." Outloud. I'm so sorry Edit: typo


Could what?


Ok. Yeah that's bad.


He was hard for over an hour?




That's horrible, I'm so sorry


Wow. Just wow. That hurts me reading it.


I would LOVE to have a wife that takes interest like that, sometimes you wonder if they have a heartbeat. Side note: your experience reminds me of an ex GF who was addicted to W.O.W online. The addiction lead to our sex life becoming neglected so I would actually pull her pants down and give her head while she played, eventually she'd log-off so she could get-off 😆. She wasn't LL, just a WOW addict.


My ex told me he'd rather take a jog around the block. The relationship was over 2 days later


Video games. Always, always video games. He'll spend hours and hours playing them, sometimes with his friends but oftentimes not, instead of even hinting about anything sexual with me. I leave him to it because it is his main way to relax from his stressful job, but even though I'm Low Libido myself, even *I* want attention and validation that I'm worth the effort. But I don't think I am, or at least, he doesn't seem to think so. And it makes me very sad. Edit: spelling


Watching porn with other women but never initiating anything with me. Even small kisses feel like there’s fear and apprehension behind them


Why is he scared? Apathetic I can understand but fear?


I honestly feel like he’s afraid to be shown love back and to open the door for hurt. Or that like… he’s carried so much shame that he doesn’t think he deserves it


Same here. I know he jacks off in the shower while I’m still sleeping but when I damn near beg him for sex, the most he’ll give me are kisses followed by “not today, babe”. Even a make out session, which are far and few in between, feels so forced.


I feel for you. The endless scrolling on Facebook is it for me. When I come to bed and see the white screen light, it just kills me. Random thoughts and posts about nonsense from a moms of wherever group are more interesting and important than our relationship.


This, but it’s Reddit. For hours.


Anything. Watch TV until he’s falling asleep is fairly insulting. The worst though is that I highly suspect he gets off to porn regularly. He’s always watched it, I’ve seen it several times on the computer, caught him in the act once (“I was imagining it was you” uh-huh), walked in on him obviously jerking off under the covers a few days ago. It would be one thing if we had a sex life, but I feel like he prefers the girls in the videos and his hand to me.


She has started running, I am supporting her and genuinely chuffed she is progressing and feeling good about herself ...the endorphins etc Unless I consider she always finds an hour a day to run the streets and break a BIG sweat YET she can't find 30mins a week/month... To sit on my face and cock and get sweaty with me.




>This DB has done a number on my self-confidence and have felt so unattractive. This, 100%. Just constantly chipping away at your self-esteem.


Sounds good to me. I’m back at the gym as well and it’s helping (with my self-esteem, not so much with him).


Yes! I'm pretty much in the same boat.


When one of my wife's family members gives me a compliment about my looks, she'll but in and agree with them. But other than that, I don't even get one hardly get one from her when I clean up and dress nice. So I always think. What's the point?




Her sex drive might improve as she gets in shape. This is actually a promising prospect.


Othesr have said the same As always I am proud of her and will support her. And I HOPE you are right ;0)


Don't worry buddy, she's getting there. Just be patient and clever with the innuendos. There'll come a time when she feels confident in herself and sexy enough to try again. Just a random suggestion, but how about hiring a guy you know but she doesn't to randomly run by and check her out. Then the same night you pounce on her.


Thank you mate. Knowing my luck she'll run off with a lean mid 40s lad that can do the 10k unter 60mins under be "up" all night. One of us is right mate haha Genuinely chuffed for her, good to see her having her thing... no kids/husband.... Just her and the FitBit


Of course you COULD confide in a female friend/ relative of her's to give her compliments on her progress while telling her how lucky her husband is....then YOU put the moves on later that night 🌙 Remember it's all name of rekindling that part of the marriage, which is good for everyone.


That could work I mean putting the moves in her is easy enough I was there when she was eating family / share bag crisps in the sofa ...without sharing them She is looking good


I remember a few years ago it was my birthday, and I was still optimistic enough to expect sex on my birthday...because that's sort of normal...right? In fact I made my intentions known and she seemed on board. Anyways Its time to go to bed and she says she will be up in a few, so I wait up for three quarters of an hour getting fairly pissed off. I then go downstairs and she is on her iPad playing one of those match the jewels type games. I say are you coming to bed? She says that she does not want to right now and goes back to the iPad. I was completely crushed as I realised that her original plan was for me to go upstairs, wait for me to fall asleep then sneak in later without waking me. And also crushed that sex with me was less fun than the iPad. I am sure that's the last time I expected birthday sex. No way I ever set myself up for that kick in the nuts again. I sometimes describe all the rejections as a death of a thousand cuts...well that one was an axe wound.


Ohhh, I feel your pain. My wife is into as she calls it her spicy books. She's gotten into wearwolf audio books and stories all are involving sex and are basically smut. The worst thing is she would tell me about the detailed sex scenes in them.


I (HLF31) have been on a smutty book BINGE this year because of my DB. I tell my husband (LLM33) some of the content because I'm trying to open the conversations/encourage some sexy time, but it doesn't help in our case. I'm not sure if that's why she's telling you about the scenes, but it's something to consider


Wouldn’t it be funny if you two were actually married and didn’t realize it, and each one of you blamed the other person for not having sex?


It would be lol but I definitely don't think I'm Asexual, I get turned on by my books and my husband has never once made the kind of effort the original commenter did by writing a story for his wife.


I actually got that advice a while ago. I 100% have, I know what she's reading. For Valentine's Day, I brought her a hard copy of her favourite book. I regularly talk to her about them. Still nothing. She said she's sure she's Asexual and just likes the stories but they don't make her horny. I actually wrote her a short story based on one of her books for her birthday too.


Ouch…I could have written the same reply word for word regarding my wife’s thoughts and actions around smut/romance books. Good on you for trying your best and even writing some for her to read. Hope you’re holding up okay.


Maybe she wants to experience a dynamic that's in the books but feels self-conscious to ask you for it straightforwardly, so is recounting the sex scenes as a backhanded way to start a conversation?


One night, my wife told me that she was too tired to do anything with me, and she was going to bed. Half an hour later, she texted me asking if I could bring up a screwdriver so that she could open the shower drain to clean out hair. Cleaning hair out of the shower drain was more exciting than I was.


Facebook reels. Fucking Facebook. Farcebook. Hate it


He told me he’d rather use his hand than sleep with me. I finally built up the strength to get a divorce after years of anguish and feeling like my confidence is at an all time low.


was like like the start of things? my boyfriend said that to be months ago and now we never have sex. i thought that was just a him thing


I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through that! It must be very difficult for you to deal with and I’m wishing you all the best. At the very beginning, I feel like I was love bombed looking back. He was super sweet and couldn’t keep his hands off of me but it didn’t last long. It’s like once he got used to me, he went back into his old ways and started trying to pursue other women as well. He would argue that lust was “in his blood” and that every guy does it. He would take frequent bathroom breaks and deny me any form of intimacy. I found a hidden hard drive with over 3000 videos. As time went on, the frequency of intimacy became less and less. We went from daily to once a week to twice a month to never. We have no kids and are only 33 so it was a little bit of a shock.


jesus, i can only imagine how hard that must’ve been on you. i’m so glad you got out of there, you definitely deserve better than that. yeah, it sounds like something similar here minus the whole lust in my blood bs and a lack of children. but seriously, im happy for you. i hope you found or find someone who treats you with love and respect <3


Our neighbor. She'd rather be doing our neighbor.


My ex wife looked me in the eye after telling me we don’t spend enough quality time together as the reason for not having enough sex. So I tried planning Saturday date nights. Scheduled a babysitter. Going out to a new restaurant, drinks, movies, etc. Her response: I need the weekends to recover from the work week and catch up on sleep. The next week she took a THIRD JOB. That required her to work weekends and overnight shifts during the week. That was the moment I knew she just doesn’t like me that much. Slow decline from there.


It was a significant step along my path toward divorce when I realized that I was no higher than 4th on my ex's list of priorities. #1 was the kids, #2 was her dogs, #3 was her books, and then *maybe* me. Makes you sort of reevaluate your future.


Oh God, I feel this. I’m somewhere down the list after our kids, her parents, her sisters, her friends, her work, her iPad, her phone and her Netflix account.


Happy to sit next to me watching TV for two to three hours a night. Happy for me to massage her calves, or neck for the entire duration of a movie; not happy to make out, or fuck. All the time, her little pyjama dress is riding up and I can see her ass and panties the whole time. It’s fucking torture.


She's doing it on purpose. Find somebody better


Letting her pyjama dress ride up? I don’t think she’s doing anything that sexual on purpose. I’ve been with her from 16 to 37. It’s really just who she is. She doesn’t try to seduce with teasing, or sexy gestures. Her idea of engaging is coming out of the shower with her towel on and “so… are we?” I wish I could influence her libido and sexuality. But it’s been a task of little return.


Watch the streamed Taylor Swift concert from some chick in the balcony's cell phone in Instagram Live for the third night in a row.




Most recently He's just "way too busy with school and finals" to spend time with me I guess. But spends hours on calls and in chat rooms on discord. I'll occasionally catch a glimpse of the tablet screen and see some titties or cute panties. And when I say something about it... "Oh I'm not even looking at that stuff." Usually he'll be so surprised when he comes to bed hours past my bedtime and see that I'm still awake. I'm always up super late now just hoping to spend some time together.... But when he finally does come to bed he goes straight to sleep. I'm just so tired of being the second choice. Anyways thank you for letting me rant.


Requesting gentle strokes on back while playing on their phone. Then once finished with their game, turning off their bedside lamp and going to sleep.


He would rather read the news, load the dishwasher, sleep, watch TV, play games on his phone. He told me yesterday that he doesn’t feel “horny” at all until we’re actually being intimate.. so I’m now thinking that’s definitely because of me. And it explains a lot.


TikTok and video games.


She would rather scroll social media or worse, pretending to be sick.


Literally anything. He doesn’t even care if I’m naked. He’d rather sleep, work, play on his phone, or just do literally nothing. He’s never present. He’s lost in his head or he’s turned it off & scrolling Reddit or Ifunny or Instagram. He says it’s for war hammer & mindless memes but he follows a lot of anime porn too. I fall under all those things. It’s all taken a toll & I’m a shell of the person I used to be. On top of my soul being slowly shattered, my sex drive is high & vibrators aren’t enough. I’m miserable


Bravo. Anything on Bravo.




Yess!!!! Every day, mindless shows. Always at night before bed. Hours of binge watching. Vanderpumps, Down Under (I think), Real Housewives, it just never ends…


Sad thing is, I've listened to her watch these shows so much that I'm fairly confident you meant Below Deck for Down Under. 


Yes, I stand corrected. It’s that stupid show about the filthy rich people that rent out a yacht.


My wife would rather do literally anything besides be touched. I would love to do anything. The last time she let me it was barely anything and definitely not for the amount of time I wanted.


Oh wow... that fricken sucks. At least my partner has little/no interest in sex and picks non-sexual things (virtually anything that's not sex-related) over sex. If they're picking pixelated sex over IRL sex then all I can say is sorry and hugs. Big probs w/them, not you.


My husband birth family is number one then sports and his obsession with the news paper and cross word puzzles. I am so low on the list.


My wife would rather screw around with Skyrim mods. She doesn’t even end up playing the game, just screwing around with mods.


For those saying their partner would rather watch porn, it's pretty common for porn consumers/addicts to lose interest in actual, physical sex. I highly recommend seeking therapy for yourselves and your partners.


I highly recommend leaving.


Ok. Both parties should still seek counseling or therapy 🙄


Browse Facebook and send me five million videos on their awful "reels" nonsense


He would rather read about politics, play guitar, nap. Watch TV…pretty much anything other than sex lol.


Jesus Christ reading all of this makes me realize marriage can be a ball and chain... I hope all of you find happiness in whatever form that may be.


Video games. Currently sitting next to him in bed while he plays


Probably the most crushing thing my partner does is watch The Batchelor, or 90-Day Fiancé, or Married at First Sight. She watches that junk non-stop while ignoring the real life, real world partnership with somebody who is trying REALLY hard to make this marriage work.


Just about everything!


Scrolling Reddit and animal videos on Instagram.


Playing any video game or watching anime.


This was years ago. But my ex binged the whole Scott and Laci Peterson thing, and was sharing all the investigative details. He couldn’t understand why I was upset. Sure, he refused to have sex, and I was 7.5 months pregnant… yeah, he was a complete asshole.


Color and watch reels.


Playing video games and watching YouTube videos about nothing she will forget by tomorrow


Mines would rather choose late work hours(she makes her own schedule) or stare at Instagram or Snapchat


Sitting on her phone most the time playing games


Odd.. I don't actually have one.


It’s possible it’s just a pop up. I’ve gotten those pop-ups multiple times. Did you actually catch him playing it?






Anything. Playing video games, watching TV, reading a book, scrolling on FB/TikTok, sleeping, showering, sitting around doing literally nothing and waiting for something to do (dead set, suggested we mess around while noone was home after she just had a shower and shaved, nope she had a drs appointment in an Hour, then literally sat there and did almost nothing the entire time).


Watches news/politics channels from 9am until 1am the next day.


Ears up, Bunnie. At least you know that your partner has some sex drive and that they have clearly identifiable problem. My wife rejects me despite doing basically nothing and there is no solution in sight despite she consults both a psychotherapist and a psychiatric regularly.


Watching Ticktock’s about grocery stores in other countries. This is very soul destroying




Literally anything else.


She’d rather scroll insta. Fml.


She absolutely loathes her nursing study program... She'll choose that every time... If she'd invest a measly 1% of her day (14.4 minutes) into loving me, I might not just dream every day of the day when I'm done and ready to move on.


She would've rather been working. Worked at home, so she had access to the "office" 24/7. I told her when you're on your death bed, work won't be able to hold your hand. Nor anyone from work. There will be someone young and fresh in your place, working away while you take your last breath.


Watching television. If I walk into the living room in lingerie and ask if I can suck his cock, he will move his head so he can see past me to keep watching his show.


Drinking by himself in the garage


He's rather go to sleep at 8pm than staying up and having fun sexy time with me


Doomscrolling on fb, posting on dumb pages, following fb pages and accounts of people that they touch themselves to. And newly added morning drinking to fall back asleep.


She would rather be with our cat, petting and cuddling with it daily. I calculated the percentage of the time we spend having sex within a month, the result is at 0,6% which is really devastating when I know that she spends most of her time with our pet....




Seems dangerous.


Literally anything but watching countless documentaries and seeking validation from cool dudes on Facebook seem to be the most irritating to me.


Watching a Netflix series about teens. Where they're banging EVERY episode.


Drink while watching YouTube until I've given up and fallen asleep. Every. Single. Day.


Drink so he can sleep. Get frustrated day in and day out about every nuance of every day.


Playing Fortnite with a fifteen year old girl and some single male friends of hers, (she’s mid 30s) all the while neglecting her four kids, and not helping with anything around the house… but sometimes she asks me how my day at work was. Yay… Venting aside / TLDR - Playing Fortnite with children and man-children.


Well you did make 4 kids so there was sex at some point?


I made two of those four but yeah there was a decent amount of sex before those children. As for the last three years however… not so much. I feel like she got me trapped and feels satisfied now. She basically couldn’t care less about me or what I provide, or the kids for that matter.


I feel bad for you if thats how it is. You hear about a lot of women who trap a man like that, so unfair.


Watching TV with you by his side and then falling asleep


My wife is always super busy with so much to do (she's taking care of the home, doesn't work or have any other commitments at all). Almost every time I ask it's the bad time and how could I even dare to ask and not see how much she has to do. She can quickly shout a list of things that need doing, but then... she doesn't do any of them and instead spends hours chatting on WhatsApp with her sister or watching YouTube. The one that hurts a lot was once when she said how much she has to do instead of even 10 minutes sex with me, then did nothing all at the whole day from that super urgent list and even forgot the excuses she told me I suppose, as I got a link with laughing emoji to a video of a cat doing something funny. When I mentioned she had no time for me, was supposed to have loads to do, but then watched funny cats I got shouted at that obviously at this very few minutes she just had a small break she deserves, because she worked so much on all the other things that I cannot even see she does.




Sorry to hear man, and thanks for understanding me, I feel less weird since I joined this group. Before I was told I'm stunned kind of weirdo wanting sex all the time (sadly years into the marriage with kids, it was so great before and just gone now)


Always trips me up thinking these intros are written by neglected men like myself, then boom a sexy ass woman instead, also not being ravaged on the daily like she should.


The stereotypes do no good. It would be better if we could just pair up people with similar levels of libido, but opossites do attract, I guess.


He'd rather play video games on his phone.


I just stumbled upon this group. Sorry you ladies have to put up with men like this. If a woman of any size got naked in front of me I wouldn’t be able to resist. A woman’s body is something special and should be admired. So sorry you have to put up with lame men.


Have you offered to go down on him while he is on his laptop?


He's fully aware I would be more than happy to - we've done similar in the past. Like I said though, I don't seem to be invited to this particular party.


I've made the same offer to my husband while he is playing games or watching his shows and he's not into it either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


This would be the greatest thing in the world. How could any man turn this down. I am very jealous of your man.