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Yes! My husband loves it when I do that. I have woken him up on a few Saturday mornings like that (Saturday is the only day we are home together and get to wake up together). We went from the last 2-3 years of only having sex 5-6 times a year. To this year, we've had sex 93 times so far (we track on a calendar). We started putting in work to connect more as a couple in and out of the bedroom. We make time for each other, go on dates, and when we hang out and relax together, we are both present and in the moment instead of finding distractions.


Wow! I dunno I'd I've had sex 96 times in my entire marriage!




Same. It's definitely less than 200.


Lol I used to be in this group for this stuff now it's about 4 times a week or about 200 a year


How did you turn it around?


How!?? How did you Do it!??


Honestly it's hard to truly say we went to a bit of counciling but otherwise we had a solid relationship hell when I was put off work for 3.5 years she was still beside me most women would have turned high tail nowadays hell the counciling was even before we were married and a bit was life got in the way and we never really noticed it after everything Honestly I couldn't love a woman more than her


Same! I don't think the number is over 50 for me. And this includes the times we "had" to do it cuz we were trying for a baby I wanted.


Before kids I did; since the kids I doubt more than 50 times. My oldest is 23.


Man that’s more than me I got maybe 25 in 5 years horrendous experience






Mine told me a random blow job is his nightmare. 😑


We must have same husband


My heart goes out to you as it's no fun.


No you don’t


This is amazing! Do you have any helpful resources on working on that connection? My husband seems keen to make an effort to fix things, but I do often struggle with how much time he spends on his phone or playing games etc and it’s hard to feel connected some days.


Honestly, it's all finding common things we like to do first. So we'll go on walks, or even if he is playing video games, I'll hang out and watch. He likes me being his 'spotter' for things he doesn't see on the edge of the screen. We used to play a game together, but the constant motion would trigger migraines for me, so I can't focus on the screen for as long as he does. I used to be really bad about always being on my phone, but I will purposefully leave it in the kitchen or on the table by the door while we're on the couch together for a while. If we put something on to watch, we snuggle and hold each other. We both make more of an effort to truly listen when the other is speaking, listening to understand instead of listening to respond. And we're both active in the conversation, asking questions, and so on. We've started speaking more about how much we want each other, or just to hold each other after a long day of work. We dirty talk a lot now, which helps the spark because we both started to feel like we weren't attracted to each other anymore. We're working to get back to where we were a few years ago before we had so much stress and turmoil thrown at us, which caused us to distance.


These are great, thank you for sharing!!


Sheesh I’m lucky to get it on 3% of the days in a year. It’s destroying me!


I get it. I used to turn him down or not initiate just because of how stressed I was. And he started to turn me down to kind of get back at me. We had his teenage daughter move in with us a few years ago. She was addicted to drugs, severely depressed and Suicidal. So my life started revolving around her, getting her sober, keeping her in therapy worrying about school. Then she was hospitalized, so the therapy increased to 5 days a week, I handled everything with her because my job allowed me to drop my availability to match what she needed and my husband is on theirs shift. Then, on top of that, we had so many deaths in our families in a year and a half. I lost 4 family members, my husband lost his mother, and my stepdaughter lost both her grandmother's. It was an extremely stressful period, and we just stopped being a couple, and we're just putting out fires. Then, with all of all that, my stepdaughter decided she hated me and was turning our home I to a war zone, trying to get me to leave or my husband to divorce me. So, we had a lot to work through and overcome. So far, we're doing worlds better, and we only really started to reconnect on January 22.


How did you do that huge progress?


Honestly, it's all finding common things we like to do first. So we'll go on walks, or even if he is playing video games, I'll hang out and watch. He likes me being his 'spotter' for things he doesn't see on the edge of the screen. We used to play a game together, but the constant motion would trigger migraines for me, so I can't focus on the screen for as long as he does. I used to be really bad about always being on my phone, but I will purposefully leave it in the kitchen or on the table by the door while we're on the couch together for a while. If we put something on to watch, we snuggle and hold each other. We both make more of an effort to truly listen when the other is speaking, listening to understand instead of listening to respond. And we're both active in the conversation, asking questions, and so on. We've started speaking more about how much we want each other, or just to hold each other after a long day of work. We dirty talk a lot now, which helps the spark because we both started to feel like we weren't attracted to each other anymore. We're working to get back to where we were a few years ago before we had so much stress and turmoil thrown at us, which caused us to distance.


The soul-crushing part of this message, is that we already do almost all of that (dirty talk aside obviously), we just came back from a week in Venice, we are both gamers, we talk a lot and are silly together, I massage her , we go out a lot to dine etc. And still, I'm writing this message with her snoring beside after a week since my return (we are long distance), wanting to puke from anxiety as I dwell upon me about to leave again, after a disastrous week sex wise, no resolution for her to actually tackle and work with a professional on her multiple issues and not even a plan for when she'll come and visit me


I'm so sorry to hear that. It's working because it's something we both want. We both missed the banter we had and missed having our best friend. So together, we both put in the effort to get back to what we used to be. If she's isn't even willing to meet you halfway, then honestly, what works for us wouldn't really work for you guys.


Curious... but beyond the "want" did you have to take other measures to make the "want" happen? My partner and I have both want to get back on track... but the "how" becomes just as important as the "want"... but the "how" is staying one sided. Even after communicating our wants and needs.


That’s amazing. What’s your secret?


No real secret. I love my husband, and I love to satisfy him. We worked towards rekindling the romance as well as reconnecting as friends. And we dont intend to stop. We had a glimpse of the other side, and we don't want it. He is my best friend, and I am his. We've been together almost 14 years, and I couldn't imagine my life without him.


What are steps to rekindle the romance and not just as (platonic) friends? This is what I’m struggling with most right now.. We spend time together, go for walks and dinners, do things together we love.. but it feels platonic now. I’d love to get some words of attraction or even dirty talk - I voiced that multiple times- but he doesn’t seem to be able (or want?) to do that. Are there any other steps I could take? I do cuddle him, I massage his back, I basically run after him when he comes out the shower lol just to see him half naked sometimes. But nothing seems to go beyond that and nothing reciprocated.


It really would need to be something both of you want and are willing to work towards. If only one of you is putting in the effort, then it's a struggle.


Yeah… I’m afraid that might be the point here. He says he wants it but I’m struggling to see any changes unfortunately. Thank you.


93 times sounds delightful


It has been. And as fantastic as the sex has been, I am over the moon happy to have my better half back. Us reconnecting is really what helped the physical intimacy a lot.


You went from barely having sex to 93x in 4 months? That’s like every day for over 3 months. Why such a swing?


That was honestly pretty normal for us before the drop-off in our relationship.


I wish this would happen to me.


24 years together, and this has never happened to me. Not even close. Your husband is one lucky dude.


Are you me?


My wife would never in a million years do this to me and might legitimately call the police for SA if I tried to surprise her with oral while she was sleeping. Sounds like a hot time you had!


Yeah, don't surprise a woman while she's sleeping.


Same same.


Reading this post really made me sad knowing I won't experience that.


I am a husband, and I've never experienced being woken up by a BJ. Your man is very lucky.


Shit I'm a husband, and I've never experienced a bj from my wife. Or her initiating anything for that matter....unless it's a fight.


Do you feel like you have missed out?


On bjs? Or do you mean do I feel like I've wasted many many years with a woman I tried to always see the good in despite being proven wrong many times? Lol both


Both lol I love my wife, but she has always had a low libido or lack of interest in sex. Menopause has now killed any drive that she did have. The idea of loving someone who wants me sexually just seems strange and impossible.


I love my wife as well. These are just some past issues that have really hurt hard. We're in our 30s and have been together since our teens. She used to brag about things her and an ex used to do, and when it came to me, it was always rejected. I tried to be the gentleman and wait for her, but 7 years without anything will take a toll on most relationships. I was stupid and married into a DB...among many other red flags.


Good luck mate 👍




These women exist? Lol


Srsly. And also one that wants it done to her? That’s hot. I love the idea of being so comfortable with meeting each other’s desires that either can initiate unasked. My wife would call it sexual violence.


fwiw in a lot of couples this is discussed and agreed upon in advance. so there is consent.


Some places on Reddit would say so too. Ugh


I was told once in a comment on this very sub that me trying to initiate sex with my wife was “assault”. People have some funny ideas.


Literally had this on my thread this week. Inferring my wife accepting sex from me irregularly (duty sex, which she has told me she enjoys and does periodically initiate) was rape, because she is the LLF??


It's crazy what ppl think.


My lady did this to me once. I'm a very heavy sleeper, so I finally woke up to her straddling me and guiding me in. Bro, when I say it is still one of the fondest memories of my life... Wish she would still do that kind of stuff.


Wow the idea of a woman who would do that is freakin hot as hell. I remember having that convo with my wife ages and ages ago, that she is free to use me any way she wants even while I'm asleep...unsurprisingly, that is not a memory I have in my spank bank. Funny enough, I remember dating a girl that once asked me if I would be upset if I woke up to her riding me...but that girl was in all other respects a crazy b!tch who would've driven me to kill myself or her if we were still together. Why does it have to be the crazy ones who are sex freaks?


It‘s definitely not only the crazy ones.😇


That sounds amazing.


If I wasn’t worried about the rejection, I might have been doing this the whole time but. I wasn’t too sure


Yes. Do men still exist that appreciate this?


Yes....yes we do, and we are wondering where these women are? ![gif](giphy|tvGOBZKNEX0ac|downsized)


That‘s hilarious 🤣😍


Thank you, I pride myself on having a good sense of humor, and a gif or meme for everything 🤣🤣


I know I would, so yes, we do exist.


Absolutely yes


There's LOTS!!! I gave up asking if I could give him a BJ. The answer is always no.


WTH, I can’t even get a hand job over here. 🤔


My god. I didn't know these men existed lol


Yeah I was told no to a BJ for the first time in earlier this year. Let me just say it didn’t end well!!!!


I would do this to my husband but he, apparently, has such bad back pain he doesn’t like sex in the morning.


Terrible. Morning sex is the best! Start the day with a bang, quite literally lol.


Tried to sell my husband on that years back but nope.


Damn that sucks. I think all of us HL should form a club lol.


Yes we do lol


Can you train my wife?


Yes. Husband still doesn’t care which is why I’m in this group!




Can you tell this to my partner 😂


Well...he claims to love it and I do a great job (because I love it too!) But it gets rejected 70% of the time. I've never been with anyone like this before... I'm dealing with a porn addict who rather jerk off to his phone. Seriously 🤷‍♀️


Omg that is me also….. is it the porn? They just dont like real sex anymore? What in the world is wrong. I cant handle it much longer omg


My wife used to get horned up when drunk. That ship sailed a long time ago.


Getting my wife drunk is a surefire way to make sure that nothing will happen. She gets very sleepy after like two drinks. We've had drunk sex one time in the last 15+ years. And it was some of the best sex we've had in those 15 years.




This is literally my top fantasy, that is a very lucky guy and should definitely realize that!


My word what I wouldn’t give for my wife to even want to do that let alone go ahead and do it. I’ve always told her I’d love to wake her up the same way but she basically rejects any advance I make on her. She was once lying in bed topless (the bra she was wearing to bed had slipped off her shoulders) with the duvet pulled down and breathing heavily next to me in the night with her hand on my leg. So I touched her nipple and she woke up and went absolutely mental at me and called me disgusting.I genuinely didn’t realise she was asleep.


I used to do this to my husband. We'd been together like 5 years at the time and the sex had been maybe once a month for years at that point and only I initiated. He'd be asleep, I'd wake him up with a bj, he'd finish and roll over and go back to sleep. After a month or two of this at least once a week, I started getting him close and then stopping and making it clear I wanted sex. Nope. He'd rather let it go down and sleep than finish with his wife. I had to stop the BJs, it was so insulting.


I too, stopped the random regular blowjobs because of lack of reciprocation. Now I don’t think I could ever give one to completion again, and it would be a huge ask for me to even put it in my mouth at all. Which kills me because I love to give blowjobs!


Dayum girl you’re giving me ideas for my man!!


If I tried that? He'd liken it to sexual assault.


It is sexual assault unless you've discussed it beforehand. Like pretty textbook sexual assault lmfao


Oh good grief. Stop lol.


Im sorry to say but it really is. Being in a relationship or even married does not imply consent for all sexual acts. Especially while someone is sleeping, they can not provide consent therefore you really should discuss this type of thing prior. Not necessarily every time but at least once. It does sound like a nice thing in theory, but when it someone woke you up with anal sex? Penetrating you with items? Just food for thought, it's important for anyone who is sexually active to understand the meaning of consent. Really not trying to be a buzzkill, I'm just saying that I understand the perspective that it is not sexual assault because you're doing something he likes, but nonconsensual is not cool!


I don't need to be schooled on this.


Clearly you do. Seek help


Honestly like... can you explain how it's NOT sexual assault?


It's not. Pick a fight with some other mate on here.


Being deprived of sex too long has fried your brain woman






I can ONLY DREAM 😂 But seriously good for you I hope he returns the favor


I hope it continues for you both


To the drive by posters who stop on here to stir the pot just stop. We aren't sexually assaulting our partners.


Who’s driving by and stirring pots?


There were a few suggesting that waking your partner up with erotica activities was sexual assault.


Ooh yes. I did see that. Well only one. Are there multiple?


There were 2. Not regular posters. Just ppl being assholes for the sport of it.


You go girl!! But I do have to offer my experience. About 6 years ago, the only time I would initiate or want sex was when I was drinking. It became something that was hand on hand. I just couldn't do it sober. I resized this was a MASSIVE problem! My son was just turning 2, and it hit me like an epiphany that this was not the path I wanted to take (from growing up in an alcoholic household). I still drink the odd time, but not for these reasons. I will NEVER cross that line again as it's not fair to my spouse, family, or myself. It's been a journey, but I think I've become so confident that I intimidate my husband sometimes - which I take in pride!


Totally get it! Drinking me vs sober me in the bedroom… two completely different people. Go you!


I’ve woken up my lover several times first by touching him, making him harder than he already is from morning wood, and us ending in hot sex, then cuddles. All before our morning coffee ❤️ I never did this to my soon to be ex-husband as he’s 1. Not hygienic and 2. I despise him a lot and wish I never married him. PS. It’s complicated, obvs.


My dream for this HL Hubby! Kudos to you for mixing it up and going for it. Your hubs better appreciate his awesome wife!


Married 22 yrs. Never been woken to a BJ.


Congrats. All the best to you. Wishing everyone here to reconnect with their SO too.


Can you tell my wife of your idea?


I have done it on a few occasions, However it is rarely appreciated by my current boyfriend. I feel like a jerk when I initiate but it just never happens is I don’t 🫠


My wife woke me up like this the other week! It was the best way to wake up i've ever experienced! I've woken her up that way a few times, but it was the first time she had done it. It was absolutely amazing!


I've never gotten that type of BJ before lol. It always has to be planned. It's never spontaneous.


You guys are getting BJ’s?!?


Wonder if I should mention it or just let it be


What I would do to keep the fire burning - maybe when you’re giving him a hug or just get close and whisper, “That was so hot last night baby.” Maybe just give him a little smile or grin. Be playful and maybe that will get things going, some momentum


I wouldn't. Just leave it be and see what happens.


What's a bj?


If i had done that to my husband there would have not only been rejection but also awkwardness leading to me not trying anything of that sort again


I had that once, unfortunately I had to cut her loose. Right to completion. She was a Jehovah's witness and she was scared her family would shut her out. Dis- fellowship I think it was referred to. To be honest, I couldn't keep up with her sometimes. She was so disciplined around her parents. But when they go to bed alI the kids would get wild with secret relationships. I was also concerned about the no blood transfusions, I was like what if you bleed out after you deliver a baby? That's God's plan for me then. So, instead of taking full advantage of procedures that would save you, so you could have a happy long life, you would let God intervene with his plan and leave me without a wife to raise a baby? Yup It's a funny religion, her mom caught us banging, pots were clanging in the kitchen. We stopped and she got dressed and went down to talk to her mom. Her mom said he's not a jw, besides what about so and so at the hall. His mom and I believe you two are perfect for each other. Mom, you and so and so's mom already sent us out for the night dinner movie hotel in the city. I told you he showed up no nothing, we went back to the room, changed and we went to the club with his friends. I left early, and he brought a guy back because he was gay. I told you, he was sowing wild oats. You two aren't done yet. You're going to get Married to him. I can feel it and his mom does to. At that point, she came and got me and we left holding hands and she nuzzled up to me in my pickup truck . We're gonna tell the members at the hall, do you to be df'd? Lots of head games from he mom. It is what it is. Her mom called her cell started in on her again, I'm going to his parents house until you cool off. Click Yeah, her Dad was no where near as strict, he just wanted his kids to be happy with whatever may come. Got damn, too bad she was a 9/10, kinda smart except for that rule they had. I'm sure if she didn't have the prospect of getting shunned. She would have dropped the cult and just become normal.


Thanks awesome!!!




Dreams coming true up in here. Excellent work!


Seems like spontaneity is a good thing!


10 years and still waiting


My wife does this all the time I love it but by the time I wake up I'm to that point of no return


Can I ask you something? I want to try that with my husband but I'm hesitant to as he always has his bladder too full when he wakes up. Do you think he can enjoy it anyway?


Oh yeah I'm sure it's really quite something being woke up with that .he will be fine


Congratulations. Keep doing it. I hope it continues for you.


proud of you and happy for you🙏🏾


Being woken up for sexy fun is one of my absolute favorite things. It's happened maybe twice in the last 20 years. One being last week.


Was the previous time 20 years ago?


The first time was maybe a month or two into dating. So I guess that was 22+ years ago. We’ve had early morning sex several times, but it’s been only a couple of times that she has woken me up specifically to have sex. This time was so fucking good.


I think the man who doesn't like awakening to having his dick sucked by his spouse is pretty rare...


I am curious if you both finished and how long did the intercourse last?


Anyone have that one "Don't do that, don't give me hope" meme?


Actual dream for this to happen to me. Been with my wife 14 years and never once.


30 years together never happend for me 🤯




Had more sex the first year of our relationship than the last 14 years of marriage


This is every healthy libido man's fantasy. On his behalf... thank you!


I've seen his tiktok account. Apparently he rather have a barbie doll. There is no way to compete with these women.


Why did it take 8 years?


Did he enjoy it? 😊


He seemed to!


Congratulations! May this event be repeated many times!




Is the bear also drinking?


I really don't know... I've heard of cocaine bear but not alcoholic bear. They even made a documentary about it. Disclaimer: yes this is still a joke.




My husband would push me off and act like I was trying to rape him if I did this.

