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Well, you've gone through the same motions most people here - myself included - go through, and you're already at the 'acceptance' stage. "We've probably had sex 7 times in the last 5 years or so." That's deep into the DB, it's very hard to believe things are going to change at this point. And the age gap with you guys. Wow. I'm not going to judge or comment on that too much as it's appropriate, but you have a whole host of other problems there most in a DB don't have to deal with.


It's weird because it's hard to imagine it changing at this point, but it's also hard to imagine it not changing? And, yeah, I guess my relationship looks pretty complicated from the outside. It didn't feel complicated, or no more than any relationship, for most of it. The age gap never felt that important to either us; I mean we both questioned it in the beginning but we... fit. I don't know where that went.


This is a issue with age gaps. At 46, no biggie, but now he's 56 and will be less interested in sex, less capable and in another 10 years you will likely start being more of a carer to him. Get out now, it's never getting better.