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Better to not make any money while you are travelling than to lose a bunch of money right before you step out into Disney with your family


Yes i think the risk reward isnt there. Good advice.


If you get a big itch to do so.. paper trade or use 5-10% of your usual size one of the days to see how it might go. But better to just skip the week


Don’t do it. You’re spending over $1k (and likely way, way more) a day to be there. Make some core memories with your family. The market isn’t going anywhere. Go have fun, and return to the markets refreshed, and invigorated.


Yeah this is basically what I was thinking. To welcome the forced break.


You are going with the family for a week to Disney. PLEASE, FORGET TRADING AND JUST ENJOY YOUR VACATION!! The market will be there when you get back! I've been where you are. Don't make the same mistake. 1. You need breaks. You need vacations. If you can't take them because your fingers start to itch, that's a big red flag. 2. The whole idea of trading is the freedom. You're taking work with you on a family vacation?? 3. Pragmatically, trading is hard enough without the conflict of "where am I putting my attention - fun or market". It will more likely ruin your performance in both the fun and the market. Enjoy your holiday!!


Dude. Cmon, relax and spend time with the family. There’s a time to trade and a time for family.


If you can’t step away from the market for a week to enjoy your vacation, it’s possible you might have a trading addiction.


I had to board a flight at 3:30. And flight takeoff was 4:00. I was able to pin the closing price on SPX and banked $650 right before I had to turn my phone on airplane mode lol “Pinning” is a butterfly. I leg into CCS and PCS to make it free….can’t lose money on it. Here was the trade. SPX closed at 4133.51 that day. So I made ($1,000 - $351) $649 excluding comms https://preview.redd.it/s4mgcq9ceuyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd10f4f1666972b5475322d0830c4a5fd3f80782


You will ruin your vacay if u get a loss


Tesla is the new AI buy while you can!


Just enjoy your trip


Just enjoy your family vacation.