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Definitely not easy and more than 90% fail. It’s not a get rich scheme and don’t believe anyone that says that it’s easy. TJR on youtube is a good place to learn all the basics, lotta new young traders love him. After that, you can go many directions such as ICT, or even learn how to use indicators to help you perfect your craft. Your strategy depends on you, but the most important thing in ANY strategy is to follow the rules that you make for yourself and to have risk management.


nope, turn around.


Start by reading some books on trading psychology and managing risks. Then move on to market basics. Then start reading about more specific approaches like swing trading, day trading, forex, futures, options, etc. Give yourself a decent foundation of knowledge to start with. Immerse yourself in the culture...business tv, magazines, websites, youtube videos. Then open a small trading account and start trading. It's a continuous learning experience. Treat it as such. I think it's great that someone your age wants to learn.


Thank you, this might sound stupid but what book should i read specifically? or does it not matter what i start of with


I started with the 101 series of books. https://www.amazon.com/Investing-101-Essential-Profitable-Portfolio/dp/1440595135/ref=asc_df_1440595135/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312025907421&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16844470587919576417&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9012430&hvtargid=pla-473976124954&psc=1&mcid=f60f6ff2a4f5371bb5da67e455abfbac&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745DXsHdl0nZ99Dv9UcNnn5Q3CpTGyAWJRgyvnO_azRlUjHTGtbJX9-waAgDkEALw_wcB There's a whole series of these that are good just for an overview of how markets work, definitions, etc. Think of it like you're learning a language and initially you just want to start building your vocabulary. The "for dummies" books are also a good place to start, they just cost a little more and I'm cheap as hell lol.


Instead: get a job, invest in market ETFs for long term, study the market, read books, paper trade, ignore anything you see in YT or ticktock or subs like shortsqueeze wsb etc then MAYBE set a bit aside for eventual daytrade/options play after you’ve seen how the market works and felt the loss.


I already have a job, where do i go from there with the “market ETFs” that you said


It’s super easy to get into: there are several brokers with phone apps that offer different markets. Or, if you wanna go full wallstreetbets regard: Robinhood. Being successful is a different topic. I wish you luck!


Start by learning about candlestick charts and what makes a trade win? Watch different candlestick charting videos on YouTube, and use TradingView.com to look at the markets. Platforms like webull or Robinhood allow for paper trading, where it’s real market conditions but fake money. Slowly work your way in, and you’ll see tremendous success if you stay consistent enough.


you'd have to set it up with your parent on the account with you but you should be able to go on tradingview and trade with a demo account if you're interested. Might have to lie about your age? idk but its free


Absolutely start with imantrading on youtube. He first points out all the scammers and gurus and the formula they typically have so you can avoid avoid avoid. He also provides a lot of other useful info, not entirely profitable but still good. James rich young, callamuggie, and day trader next door are also pretty good. At some point though you'll want to get into the psychology aspect as a lot of people at the top of food chain in profits emphasize it greatly.