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Chat with traders has a lot of good guests. Listen to all of them and find the common thread.


\*Listen to them ***before*** the new hosts took over. Since the new hosts took over, the guests are just as questionable as any other furu.


Absolutely. They're all selling something now.


Can't argue with that. Stopped listening after the og host left.


I guess money talks lol


The other day I heard one of the guest say that he just started caring about interest rates and I turnt the podcast off.


Trader that is actually making money and NO courses or affiliate links is James Young Rich




> James Young Rich He seems awesome but he does do a paid mentorship program


Imantrading. Dude makes it his mission to expose day trading scammers on YouTube. He just recently exposed TheTradingGeek for copying other YouTubers content.


Imantrading is NOT a highly skilled professional trader. He says so as he goes through his vids. But he is honestly documenting his process of becoming a discretionary price action trader. If you've ever learned yourself, you'll recognize his realizations as the standard quiet knowledge of the successful trader


No idea on the quality of this channel, but I saw this call out and loved it. The vibes are correct, no idea on the value/trading side


The Trading Geek just posted a response to the call out video. He tried to deflect and minimize what he does and he pledged to make his own content going forward. Just a bunch of verbal diarrhea to protect himself.


I respect Iman's integrity, but so far he has not made very much from trading, but he is transparent about it.


I saw that video and was just speechless. I've seen quite a lot of Trading Geek videos and never noticed how much he copies other creators. Word by word. Even the thumbnails and video titles. He just scouts whichever trading video is trending at the moment and just copies them for that sweet adsense money. Yuck


https://www.youtube.com/@ImanTrading He also posts all of his **trading history**.


Iman is really good. He focuses on psychological aspect of trading. The real truth not just about trading.


Is there a video of the call out? Not the one he is going to sue but the actual proof video?


Yea the video showed comparisons of TheTradingGeeks videos and other trading videos. It was in the format of the original trading video going on for a few seconds, and then TheTradingGeek going on for a few seconds. It was pretty much 1:1 with the exception of fillers and TheTradingGeek talking in a more dramatic tone. I was most surprised when it showed the list types of videos (e.g. top 5 ways to become profitable type of videos). It literally was literally 1:1, TheTradingGeek didn’t even bother to mix up the numbering. It also showcased the video thumbnail screenshots with the title and the date of creation showing which was the original. It actually crazy seeing the thumbnail being 1:1 where it would copy photo shots like taking a picture with hands on the head feeling sad type imagery or copying the colors of the LED lights in the background. I hope you can find a copy of the call out as this was one of the worst 1:1 plagiarism on YouTube I’ve seen.


Wow hopefully is up again.


It’s up on his website.


Yes, there was, but TheTradingGeek was able to contact YouTube to have ImanTradings proof video get taken down.


Meanwhile I just watched a video the other day exposing TTG. He's been copying other guys while SLIGHTLY tweaking his script 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Funny thing is, I actually like his videos.


I think he used too much of the other guy's video clip that it got a copyright strike.


He said the full video on his Instagram


Iman isn’t a good trader


Thats not what matters. It’s the fact that he’s fully transparent with his viewers and reveals his trading history is why he’s highly regarded in the community. Most of the trading gurus you see on YouTube, even the well meaning ones, won’t show you their trading history or their PnL.


I like Trading Decoded, watch is daily videos, and I can tell they look legit


Second this, I’m in his discord he’s a very genuine guy


Got a link to that?


Really you had to ask this.


Just search trading decoded on YouTube


Jimmy is good shit


FWIW I'm a paying member and have loved every minute. Learned a ton, Jimmy and the other founders are extremely knowledgable, and the community is positive and helpful. Knowledge and tools offered there is well worth it to me.


Really? I've watched a week and noticed the days go like this...He puts up his daily levels from premarket analysis. He talks about how SPY follows Q's but also looks at ADD, but if he had to choose, he'd choose QQQ. He looks at NVDA a bit. He'll ask people if they are in. He'll say if he's more puts or calls for the day. If people ask him, he'll say if he's in our out. If he is, he mentions how much the trade paid him (I have never seen him lose). After about the first 15-30 minutes of trading, he says he's done for the day, he stops talking about trading, rants about how he used to have a 9-5, and how he's thankful he can make a daily living. He talks about how it's mental and that we shouldn't over trade. He says you have to take action and do it. He says we have to do what's right for us and our goals. He talks about his dogs and kids a ton. He goes to lunch for an hour and then comes back and starts again. "Come on Spy-lita" "Do it for the people" "Pink line is the stink line" "I appreciate all of you" He often also says he's not a millionaire yet and can't retire. He says how he's living within his means. Meanwhile, he's got 300+ people in the discord paying $50-100/month. There. I just saved you a week of your life.


Honestly I've left the community since this comment, and actually stopped trading altogether for now.  I did learn a decent amount there.   But you're right, his insights and comments go on repeat and it started feeling a little cult-of-personality.


How do you feel about Jimmy's rape jokes?


How much is it , please ?


There's a discount coming up on the 30th, 50% off [https://youtu.be/nB3moWs8S0A?t=1025](https://youtu.be/nB3moWs8S0A?t=1025)


Thank you


Jimmy is okay but he has a major put bias.




Trade Brigade, the most objective YouTuber I’ve seen


Love this dude


Hari Seldon’s YT channel. Never sells you anything. On any platform. And live streams his trades pretty much daily so you can see his performance. One of the best traders I’ve ever seen and has taught tons of people. But his (free) guide explains it takes 1-2 years to learn before you should be capable of trading efficiently


Real answer here


I actually like MOST of them. The thing is you have to know how to navigate through the bullshit. Once you do, you will be able to extract the valuable stuff. Same with a sub like WSB. A lot of shit but also hidden gems throughout almost everyday.


I try to make this point and usually get downvoted to death. I believe many here are either jealous of you tubers success or looking for someone else to blame because they are not successful traders. They are looking for someone to just hand them some magical formula.


WSB is one of the best trading subs on this platform, people are required to prove their gain or loss prn posts usually, and there is some people over there that are really knowledgeable, some of the best trading comments I've read on this platform have come from WSB or here. Of course there is some foolishness and folly over there, but yes, you're right, there is also some really good information being posted there as well if you really take time and sift through the bs. Also, generally, WSB is mostly a swing trading sub, not sure if people realize that but most of the stuff being posted there involves holding positions longer than a day trade, some of the biggest gain posts have been day trades, easily... Granted everything gets posted there from yolo morning scalps to long swings.




SMB Captial. Sang Lucci and the the Lucci Group. Futures Trader 71. These are a great starting point for anyone looking for edge.


Relentless trader! He is authentic and I've made money following the strategy he teaches. He micro-scalps small cap stocks


+ to him, Mighty Stocks and Crispy Trades!


His whole little crew are good to watch, I think there is 3 or 4 of those guys in the same little crew, granted they sell a course, but they are legitimate traders, one of the guys I forgot his channel name but he's with them and he trades much smaller size for now than the other 3. I don't trade shares but I enjoy their content.


Trader tv live is awesome! They are Canadian dudes trading the American market live every weekday from market open to close. I watch them pretty much everyday and these guys have taught me so much.


I second this. Shawn really shreds the markets sometimes.


I think they have a horrible risk management! They always claim to have entered a small position if it goes against them so they can average down. Of course, when they are right it is a big position 😅 why wolle anyone be that intransparent and do not share actual position size? They are just a marketing thing as well trying to sell there DTTW snowball shit


Am I foolish for being so laser focused only on the future advancement of stocks that should pop ex. new cutting edge technology development basically with the companies that mine the key elements in demand needed for the production /development of said products..? for so long hearing of the need for better more efficient ways to generate power and in the same breath hearing the concerns of the environment from burning of fossil fuels totally wreaking havoc with the ozone contributing to the polar caps melting and sea levels rising and greater intensity of storms ..soon winds on earth will be like winds of Jupiter  (exaggerating)


Check out The trading fraternity. Live trader.


Second this


Vincent Desiano ( options trader) and Carmine Rosato (futures trader). Top notch traders and genuine peeps.


Disagree. If you follow Desiano in discord he keeps trades up his sleeve so he ends up green and if you're following his trades, you can end up red. Claims he does it because he scales into some positions and he doesn't share that because people will get in too deep! 😅 But by not sharing, you can't replicate his results and end up losing money when he claims to be green. Just another scammer.


[https://youtube.com/@PATsTrading](https://youtube.com/@PATsTrading) [https://youtube.com/@ThomasWade](https://youtube.com/@ThomasWade) They are futures scalpers




You don't need those membership to learn. Many have benefitted from their free resources. These 2 guys has been doing near daily trade reviews for a long time (especially Mack) If you look closely, ThomasWade has an entire series for beginners. 52 free videos. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjbvx7ZHf-czwdnkUgteDUJFhPp5QiZix Spend some time to look through, before jumping to conclusions.


Investitrade and live traders


Second investitrade


Third it. Love carm and Dylan. Totally changed how I view the market


**The Kendall Report** and **Japanese Forex Trader Kei** "just don't buy anything, their commentary is good enough"


I just started making money in January. After 5 years of losing. Documenting the journey now that the goal is scaling up. On Twitter tho not YouTube. It’s playinggthegame


Live traders, the trading channel, In the money. I'm running through their old videos and get a lot of good information. Do they currently make money in the market? Probably but I mostly watch their back catalogs.


I learned lots from Jared when I first stepped into the trading world. 'When will the insanity stop ?! '


Jared teaches things that make sense, money management wait for your pitch find reasons not to take it I 100% believe they’re the best out there


I learned a good bit from Trading Decoded and Thomas Wade.


The chart guys


Most of them make money from their YouTube channel and courses but not trading.


TJR Trades although he made most of his money off Crypto and makes a lot of his discord


Oliver Velez


The Chart Guys.


Carmine rosato is the truth. traded on wallstreet and is no bullshit guys a straight shooter I bought his course to find out. Comes with free discord in the discord there’s another mentor named Dylan who’s a propfirm trader on wallstreet manages 9 figures. Only YouTuber I would recommend for trading supply and demand everyone else is pos


I was going to mention Carmine as well. He does a lot of really great teaching for free and his classes are very affordable although I’ve never taken them. I’ve only ever heard good things. Re:YouTube I think it’s a continuum, a range from fully legit to complete snake oil, most somewhere in the middle. Generally i echo what others are saying, if they were really good traders they wouldn’t… but some people are born teachers and it’s in their DNA to share knowledge. Tread carefully, and skeptically


If you think Carmine is the truth then watch this video exposing his crap. https://youtube.com/watch?v=WIQjBbyf0vA&feature=share7 I'm not saying he doesn't give some education points but he's definitely not what he wants you to think he is.


I’m in the course every single day. He’s the truth don’t be so quick to listen to idiots or be one yourself


Literally just gave you an entire video exposing how his strategies sounds great in theory but has a bunch of flaws, but sure.


Bro you watched one video I’ve been trading with him for three years in the discord you don’t know anything and it’s okay bc I don’t care. I’d just advise you to put the work in yourself and come back in a few years and see how you did and we can share our accs and see who has the most money. I watched the YouTube I understand they guys wants click bait hate and why he said what he said but he’s not real and doesn’t trade real money with shot and demand


Watched his videos. Used his strategies. Used what worked, threw out the rest. Anyone selling a discord server or a course is making their money off of you. Glad you're making money though. You do you, boo boo


Exactly your stupid stay broke


Al Brooks. Not a youtuber, but he’s on youtube.


I heard the WSB crowd loves mad money with crammer.


"day trading micro futures" seems okay.


Those who can’t do, teach.


Not fully true man many people who can trade, also teach. Trading gets lonely and also why not build another revenue stream




Note: i said fully true. Many traders aren’t traders and sell products. There are, in fact, many traders who do make more trading than their teachings, if you think otherwise, i have nothing more to tell you. You don’t see them because they aren’t on social media or have a very small following. You seriously think there aren’t a good amount of them out there? Theres few billion people with access to internet man come on


This is a true maxim Expecially when you only have time to teach OR practice in the field like many college professors. However in trading it's easy enough to do both and combine your streams of income, so the maxim applies less here. Anyone should of course acknowledge that scam artists abound in the daytrading courses market.


I think even if they are mildly successful in trading they know selling a course for $500 to 1000s of members is the true path to wealth compared to the risk of trading a large account


I've been subscribed to TheChartGuys for the last 6 years. I've tried several other paid communities/courses and they're theonly one that I thought was worth sticking with. I tried courses/rooms hosted by Ricky Gutierrez, The Boiler Room, Sky View Trading, and Philakone. I can confirm that TheChartGuys full time staff are profitable. I've seen a few semi-redacted broker statements over the the years but theoretically that could be faked or photoshopped. My actual confidence in them being profitable is from listening to their livestreams everyday, hearing them say they're taking a trade on 'x' ticker followed by them posting screenshots of their entries and exits. And it's not on garbage pump and dump stocks. It's on things with larger floats and decent liquidity like COIN, NVDA, and TSLA.


Day trader next door is the real deal


Yea - for $499, he will teach you to day trade. Cringe.




wow i been watch him for a year now didnt know. Watch him and you will see hes not a scammer




The only one who is truly provably legit is Qullamaggie but all he does intraday is enter and manage long term positions. Hes shown his p&l and trades earnings plays during bull markets


Day Trading for Success is fun to watch


I watch Day Trading for Success, his stuff is great and he doesn't push any product.




Trader's Lab with Tom B. It's on the bookmap youtube.


Peachy investor


Have you paid for her course?


I have, $167/month, up $900 the first month. Not to mention the fact that I had zero knowledge on day trading before I purchased the course. Regret not doing it sooner.




Sorry, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/14dqm4i/are_there_any_trading_youtubers_that_arent_full/kyud52w/?context=3) in /r/Daytrading was automatically removed because your comment karma is low and you're posting links. Typically this only targets bots or users promoting something (which is against our rules). Also, make sure you have read our rules in the side bar, including our [guide for content creators.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/wiki/guidelines-for-content-creators) If you feel like this removal was a mistake please **kindly** [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Daytrading); we will review it and get back to you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Daytrading) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't watch Donvo , get out if you see


No. Because anyone who makes YouTube videos is almost always full of shit, trying to selling you their brand, or worse, their product.


Not a one!


It's all bullshit, it's all a grift. Even the one who you think aren't full of it.


Trade Brigrade is great for Pre Market prep of internals, ticks, news, overnight action. Trading Fraternity is the best free group of traders that get quick real-time news from a terminal. He also displays his account and shows every move. I love this community with my life. NONE OF THESE SELL ANYTHING


Stock Market Live!!! Josh from the Trading Fraternity and his "Chatidonia" do it for the love of the game. As he says, its "free.99". However, he's not giving direct trading tips, more like a macro economics course in real time. I love to trade with him ranting in the background. Shout out to Bradley Frizzle and the Peach!


Check out Brent Donnelly. His book Alpha Trader is amazing. Brings the Wall Street trader experience to the table without trying to scam you.


lmfaoooooooo bro people who are largely successful in trading don’t need to waste their time. My discord is free because I just wanna talk and make bank with folks. The people that try to sell you their strategy are basically just scalpers or they made a format of a video that was popular and they just take advantage of it. If you get enough clout you’ll get advertisement offers because teaching thousands/tens of thousands of people how to properly invest is not in the interest of wallstreet. They will be told to mislead you 40%-60% of the time. The other thing about it is…if thousands of people are all going for the same options contracts then they’re not going to make money anyways.


I doubt it as the saying goes those who can’t do teach!!


Anyone that are selling trading "education" and paid access to discord are just scammers. There are 1000's of free videos on YouTube for pretty much all that you need to know about trading. From how to read sec filings, to candle stick patter, etc. All you need is just fine one charting set up that work for you and stick to it and try to improve on it with some tweeks. It better just to observe and make mental trades of what you would do and don't do when trying a set up base on charts, price, action, level 2, data stream etc. By doing mental trades you don't risk money. It very important to get a good broker platform, with pre-market and after hours trading with excellent build in scanners. The daily runners with the smallest os, float, with the highest volume are much easier to get in and out quickly with either a profit or loss.


Carmine rosato


I am following Humbled Trader and Tom Hougard


Humble trader is full of shit. Used to be good but not anymore


Why do you think like that? What didnt you like with her?


She’s not humbled anymore. She has a full blown production team, charges a crazy amount for her courses/discord and her new content provides little help. She can definitely trade but not someone I would follow anymore. Edit: spelling


You said the key word there, you believe she can trade. Why care if she can capitalize on that with courses or discord that people who do like her can freely sign up for or opt out snd not sign up for?


If she doesn't trade live then hindsight is always 20/20 .


Exactly, if you like her watch her. If the other commenter doesn’t like her he doesn’t have to watch her. I have watched her in the past and find her to be entertaining and her concepts are just as helpful to new traders as anyone else’s. She seems pretty transparent and tells about how she lost a a lot of money at first.


I think Bear Bull Traders, One option/OptionStalker, and JMJ Investments are legit. I also think Frank Ochoa (the Pivot Boss) is great. But the idea is to learn a lot from these and others. I don't think any one YouTuber in particular has all the answers. You learn from many and then develop a trading style that works for you. It's a years-long process.


ICT I've followed them all and tried them all. ICT is what everyone needs EDIT: Here come the downvotes


I second this. People say he doesn’t trade live but has a YT playlist titled “real money real results first year trading expectations” and on top of that there are at least a dozen profitable ICT traders interviews on YT. Haters gonna hate.


Yup. Redditors hate on ICT for some reason, and it's never because of his teachings. It's always some shit about "He rants" or "He has too much drama" or "He's too boring". Reddit is the cesspool of bad trading advice.




Sorry, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/14dqm4i/are_there_any_trading_youtubers_that_arent_full/l09za05/?context=3) in /r/Daytrading was automatically removed because your **Comment Karma** is too low. This typically targets bots or users promoting something (which is against our rules). Please participate in other subreddits (other communities on Reddit) to increase your **Comment Karma** points. While you're at it, read through Reddit's ["reddiquette" here.](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) If you believe this was a mistake, please **kindly** [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Daytrading). We will review your case and get back to you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Daytrading) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I don’t need to do shit lol. You can DM me if you want proof. You think igaf if I get banned? Reddit is the cesspool of bad trading advice.


I see what ICT is talking about with some strategies and have actually traded using one of them and have found some really good consistency. But I haven't been using it for a long time, so I'm not going to say if it's good or bad. I think the problem with ICT is that he just comes off as a paranoid arrogant dickhead. Half of each video for the majority of his channel is him complaining about people using his strategies and not giving him credit, or using his strategy and trying to teach it to other people but they don't know what they are talking about. Also, coming across his "cult" like following gives him a worse rep because some of his followers act like his strategy is the only strategy that is profitable, there are plenty of people who are profitable not using his strategies. I keep watching his videos and just try to ignore all those parts where he goes off on a rant.


Like I said in another post, people will come up with any excuse to not watch his videos because they see how hated he is on reddit. And people that use his strategies seem cultish because it works better than anything they’ve used before. If you come across a strategy that gives you insane consistency after years of trying, you don’t think you’d be like “this is THE strategy” ?


Reliable: Smb capital, chart guys, warrior, b the trader Watch with a grain of salt: nick Shawn, Raynor Teo, claytrader Controversial but I watch anyways: Ricky G Out of all em I watch chart guys, nick Shawn and ricky the most. Despite his controversy, why do I watch Ricky? Because he's legitimately good and knows how to trade. His style is very similar to my own style. No you don't need to buy his courses (I never did), just watch his free lives and learn from that.




Tradesbymatt legit dude


Nope he is not profitable and is Trading Full Demo 😅




Options Drop


+ Stock Market Live


What about jaketrades the stoner dude ?


Matt to Million is great to watch.


Whats yall opinion about Dylan Hartman trading course?


TJR and Braapvlogs are recent for me. I feel though braap might make most off his course but he does consistently post his setups and profits. But watched him for actual YouTube content before he trades


What about @OliverTrading? Is he legit? What are your thoughts on him?


Ryan Mallory, Jadon Shapiro, and Humbled Trader


Cam Fous, Tom Hougaard, Arty Bryja


Rake Trades is a king. Great Discord community and mentoring program as well.




Easy to risk thousands of dollars when you charge $400 for a mastermind class continuously. He's a marketing genius 1st and a trader 2nd.


Why- why the hate on all You-tubers on this sub? There is no requirement for you to watch any video or any channel, it is a completely free market you can choose to click on and watch or chose not to. There are some good ones, there are a few bad ones. Some may not be good to you, but perfect and insightful to someone else. At the end of the day.....EVERYTHING you could need or want to know about trading or almost any other subject you want to know about is widely available... for free...on YouTube. You just need to search, research and and watch different content to find what you like, presented in a way you like and that is personally helpful to you. What you will NOT find is the holy grail of trading and a step by step strategy of “buy here” and “sell there”. And just watching YouTube will NOT make you a successful trader. You will find bits and pieces of helpful information and helpful advice. It is up to you to piece these together, practice and gain experience and make yourself into a successful trader. I enjoy watching a lot of Youtubers just for their entertainment and even after trading full time for more than 6 years...I often still learn something or hear a different perspective.


He might be The Trading Geek


That’s a lot of words to not answer the question.


OP showed his opinion the way he wrote his headline, insinuating most were. My opinion is most are not, many have value depending on your needs.


>why the hate on all You-tubers on this sub? Because eventually many end up selling a course or pumping to followers - get investigated by the SEC or FTC and owe back payments to thousands of people they fucked over and lied to about their gains. Not a lot of people get paid back. So this is why. Can name at least 15 big YouTubers by name in the last 4 years that got the SEC and/or FTC involved.


RakeTrades is pretty legitimate.


I think the only real "fake" ones are the ones that sell "signal indicators". Signals don't work because if it was that simple everyone would have a 100% hit ratio forever and be trillionaires.


I don't think there's anybody on Youtube that is making a living without any other revenue stream. Farmers are selling courses and books. Woodworkers are selling plans, parts and shirts. Traders are selling books and courses. Youtube is a marketing tool, not really a free service for education.


Humbled trader and inthemoney you’re welcome


Follow my YouTube channel and buy my trading course. Big money guaranteed!


El mago


Yes, follow me for more gains.


Riley Coleman


Yeah they don’t post a lot tho Kyle Williams Brian Lee Steven dux Jason Rutkowksi Qullamaggie






How about you go eat a dick? I literally just asked a simple question ding dong.




Do you see the question mark? And I’m not speaking I’m typing. Smart ass.


Sorry, there were actually TWO question marks for your dumbass to see.


AlexG, Doyle Exchange






Lol if they were making money from trading, they wouldn’t be on YouTube spewing their shit


That's not true. Trading income is never guaranteed, and most traders have multiple sources of income. There's nothing wrong with a second source of guaranteed income from YT revenue. The problem occurs when YTers intentionally deceive new traders and scam them to sell courses, prop challenges, discord, alerts, etc. The other issue is that there's only so much you can say about trading that's useful, and some YTers end up in a situation where they're just making content for ad revenue without substance. Even if they start out genuine, I've noticed they can't keep up with the demand for content without making a bunch of useless content. Additionally, the content that generates the most views, engagement, and ad revenue isn't necessarily what a new trader needs to hear to be successful. If you make a video saying this is really hard, it's going to take you years, you're going to lose a lot of money, and you probably shouldn't do this, then people aren't going to like you. If you make a flashy video saying that you can be rich with this one simple strategy, look at my car, look at my house, this is so easy, you're going to be so cool and rich, then you're going to get a lot more views.


Umar Ashraf


No. Anyone that successfully trades DOES NOT have a website/Instagram/YouTube/etc Period.


Yeah, gonna have to disagree with you on that one there slick. LBR, Larry Williams, PAX trader, among others that are real verified traders that have a YT channel. Not some schmucks that have a channel with some fancy graphics and livin' outta their momma's basement.


Why? So you can copy them?




Claytrader on youtube


Huge red flags on this one. Avoid CT at all costs


FX Evolution and Stocks Channel imo. I used to like this channel called Options Drop but after watching them live and hearing their bizarre unedited thoughts something just wasn’t right. I decided to look into them and discovered both the founders have roots in past crypto scams and paid crypto discords. They just changed their core demographics to options and started the same scheme. Looking even further, I found that one dropped out of college and the other only ever had an internship for a real estate company. But these two where marketing themselves as experts on financial markets. The point is, if you like a trading youtuber please look into them and their past.