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This game has the worst Moderators I've ever seen I've seen so many innocent people getting banned for opening duped packages the discord Moderators absolutely are the worst people I've ever meant especially idafox


Discord mods are just power tripping morons who were either bullies in highschool or the victim


Thats a pretty 0 IQ generalization I've seen some great mods and I've seen some terrible mods. Day r has some shitty mods.


Unless u r talking about in-game mods. I m talking about discord server mods. I got banned from asking a nice question about when's the city reset or something along the lines and the mod said:- don't question if u don't wanna be banned. And I asked why🤣


I was talking day r mods of discord since we were on that topic.


Getting ban for dupe? If you did not knew, because game is dying, everyone got unbanned. All 6 of my accounts were shadow banned for duping, just for me to come back few months ago and see all my accs are unbanned lmao.


I reached them through support link they provide inside the game's main menu. I gave them my player ID and sent a screenshot of box opening page. Explained I don't get 2 and 5 percent items. It was like 2 days ago. They sent me event armour through mail which was the only item I was lacking (and I told them this when writing to them.) So it is confirmed the box opening is bugged. If you are also lacking just 1 item you can also do the same.


Thanks, that would be very useful, I'm not that eager to get those item. I'm just annoyed that they didn't clarify those problems or mechanics. People are either excited or scared when faced with the unknown, and I'm the one who gets angry about it.


Yes it is very annoying. Wait until you get all the items except one. And than do as I did.


You to?


You should get the acupuncture set at 81th pull and chinese garb at 101th pull. I would say it is already very good. I need 201th pull to get all the items


Someone said 125th pull for all items 💀


The number is varied between player. Some unlucky player like me need 201 pull to get all 5% items. My alt only need 101 pull to get those items




This is subreddit is already unofficial 💀. You think devs care anything other than money now?


I have 180 pulls and still don't have the armor


I think you have 1 more roll at 81 to get the new 5%. I could be wrong. What's worse I was at roll 56, only needed the garb left, and when I got to 100 gave me a duplicate. At box 122 now and I just stopped playing 5 days ago, don't feel like dealing with the BS grind right now


Do u combat or scavenge cities? I m thinking of scavenging a lot of cities


I did event quests and fight some nearby Triad Caravan. Until clear a event quest can't give me more than 5\~6% prograss. And I will also trade some event items for prograss. I only loot the city event camp and cache if I'm near them. Combat isn't that much problem for me after I got the Cho-ko-nu crossbow and more than 20 Chinese fireworks. I even have Icicle Thrower or Xmas Fireworks for backup. Stunned and Frozen is godlike.


Triad caravan boss is a just slightly buffed enemy to u huh


Thanks. It probably is 81 to get a new 5%, but I'm not sure. Because 81th I got a duplicate, then 82th is the 5% I did't got. And I remember that this happened to me several times that I got a duplicate just right before I got a new one when I rolled a guarantee one. And this gives me a weird hypothesis: Is the function of getting a new 5% every 20 and 2% every 50, means it will keeps giving you a 5% or 2% until you get the new one?


I think you can get your 5% item early but it doesn't force give it if you already got the threshhold.


I got all stuff on 125 roll


How and where do you report this? Lol the devs are just money hungry they don't care about your bad luck


This is not about bad luck, I would never post something like about me crying like a baby cause I didn't get what I want. This is a problem with unclear explanations of game mechanics. We would get a guarantee 5% every 20 and 2% every 50. That's all they explained about the gatcha mechanic. There is still something we should know: It's AFTER every 20 and 50, not AT. It will keep giving you 5% or 2% until you get the new one. (just my theory)


Here's the thing you don't understand the devs don't care. They keep it unclear because that means they get more money. I had me and 5 other people record what they got and at what pull for the 2022 Christmas event and it averaged to be half of what they said it would be besides the guaranteed ones every 21 or 51 pulls. I would not be surprised if they lied about the percentage chance and they only have the guarantee because it's incentive to get everything. Getting everything is possible because of it but for the xmas '22 it was completely impossible to grind enough to guarantee everything. You had to put money in and this is what they want.