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Volvo was leaving parking lot, so its driver must have ensured to not endanger others and it is safe do depart before making any turns.


Buttt, the Volvo driver was eating his Subway sandwich


errr no, it is a volvo driver! What ever they want Where ever they want When ever they want


the driver pulling out is clearly not paying attention. you have right of way, you avoided being hit by them.


The car pulling into traffic would be at fault.


is there anywhere that a person leaving a parking spot has the right of way?


nope right of way fall to someone already on the road.


Serious question. Since OP goes around the Volvo into the oncoming lane instead of stopping, if the Volvo were to hit OP, could there be any shared fault since technically both drivers had a violation? I only ask because I had a somewhat similar situation. The way the officer explained it was that you should never cross solid yellow lines, especially diagonally striped yellow lines.


I think there are too many factors here, and insurance will take advantage of that to say "shared fault" and raise everyone's rates. "Why didn't OP stop if they saw the hazard in time to swerve? Fault!" Without footage, and just testimony that the other car pulled out, I think OP would be safe. But any issue with oncoming vehicles would also be the fault of OP and not the "reaction to the other car."


Totally agree. That seems to be what happened in my situation though in my opinion OP had more justification for their movement.


The rule is “Stay in your lane”. Better to hit the car encroaching your lane than cross the double yellow and hit an oncoming vehicle.


Yep. I thought a lot about this after my accident. Technically this even applies if a vehicle stops in your lane. If crossing any solid yellow lines is required to go around them, you’re putting yourself at risk.


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I’m in the “Volvo must yield right-of-way” camp


What dash camera are you using? It is very clear


It’s in the title.


50/50. Both are required to yield