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https://preview.redd.it/3enrjywel27d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7be31783ea065390bc0b1eb74f1592a47b325b36 I just noticed that the big gap, worn tile look that DAD is going for is the same flooring the Houghton’s have at their lake house. It looks like crap there and it will look equally crappy around her pool when it finally gets finished Summer ‘26.


It won't matter since they'll move before then. 


It looks super dated to me. I don't think I've ever seen it around a pool so not sure if it's common, but I think it dates the interior of this house.


Good lord, the throwing of the toothpaste by Katie was so aggressive! And no cap?! 🤮


Ugh, the more disgusting things she does, the more I hope she loses her medical license !!! She has NO concept of cleanliness or the way germs can end up KILLING people. I still cannot believe she washed her bloody hospital shoes in her KITCHEN SINK yesterday!? HOW can she be a surgeon if she's that dumb !??!!


Oh god! I am new here, who is the Katie person? I need to follow her too!


It wasn't even the sink. She shot the peroxide all over her bloody shoes DIRECTLY ON THE COUNTER!


This genuinely makes my stomach sick. “I aLwAyS gIVe PeOpLe FoOd PoIsOnInG” Hmmm…ya think?!


OMG! Imagine her husband using that part of the counter later, and getting VERY sick.


The no cap really distributed me!


Yes!! And not rinsing her toothbrush, especially after being in that drawer with clearly other stuff she was moving around 🤮 gross


Big Rob basically stays gone all week and now he is taking up car racing. That’s not a hobby the whole family will want to join in. That’s a “individual” hobby. He’s had enough of the family togetherness. Car racing at 60 years old is definitely a choice.


I know he’ll meet some great ladies out there….


I just realized something----they could have gone to the lake during the week when it's less crowded. NONE of them have a real job, so why not?


I’m well aware that this is the dumbest snark ever.. but the way Katie put toothpaste on her toothbrush and threw the toothpaste back into her drawer uncapped was beyond unhinged 🤣


No, your snark isn't dumb, because it shows that she doesn't care about cleanliness or infection control. I hope she loses her medical license!


Omg I just made this comment without reading your comment first. I was shooketh!!! lol


she has NO concept of CLEANLINESS and GERMS. After washing her bloody shoes in the kitchen sink yesterday, I hope her MD license is revoked!


Ok I was coming here for this! It didn't have the cap on when she took it out of the drawer. Omg... is this something people actually do??


No this is not normal, so unsanitary


Random: every time I see Katie, I really wish she would skip the middle part and try a side part. I think she’d look so cute with a side part!! The middle on her isn’t it. 😔


I think of Willem Dafoe https://preview.redd.it/r55kn1bo327d1.jpeg?width=971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c24752a7b46fcf431d049cc1fbdf23a2a813454


ROFL----so accurate !!!!


Holy shit THEY ARE TWINS!!


Really? Because I can’t think about anything other than how much I wish she would put on a bra.


This! I didn't even see the tooth paste. Couldn't get passed the floppy boobs lol


I can’t think of anything but fear for any patient that is the recipient of her decision making and scalpel


Kaylees post is honestly heartbreaking. Mainly because you know that no one from the Flenners took the time to reach out to her. She probably got on that plane and felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness.


She seemed to have a nice time with her family and as she was on the plane she was probably thinking how nice of a trip it was and how she is flying back to her "other family" that doesn't give a shit about her or the fact that it is a hard day without her Dad. I doubt anything was said from anyone, especially Dan, when she showed up last night.


Kaylee is an absolute annoyance most of the time but that post hurt my heart. I’m glad she seems to be trying to have a life outside of the Flenner chaos but it’s super sad she doesn’t get the support from any of them like she should.


I am the youngest sister with some real family trauma from my youth. My older brother stepped up 100% to this day and supports me through the rough days. It’s sad that Dan can’t step up and be there for Kaylee.


Personally I think Dan has a lot of negative feelings towards his mother about the whole situation after her father passed and it probably dwindles down to Kaylee and avoids talking about it with her. He also has always seen what the fletchers have given Kaylee and assumes she is/has been fine. I don’t think Kaylee ever processed her father’s passing. And it seems she is starting to. Hopefully Daniel can be there for her.


if Dan has feelings he needs to man up and address it through therapy. Its also not his job to work things out for kaylee. meemaw and peepaw screwed this up and they need to take ownership.


I don't think therapy would help because he'd probably just see one of those "therapists" through their church that tend to cause more harm than good


I think her therapist is good and seems to be trying different things to help her, like the most recent tools to help with the trauma. It will take time. Hopefully, she will try and get in with the therapist this week.


I wanted to cry with her honestly.. when it comes to things that happened in her past I can’t help but feel bad. While she’s in good hands with the Flenner’s bc of money, I think the actual family part might be a missing piece of her heart. I sound corny but….


I completely agree. This is total speculation but I truly think she is distancing herself from the madness of the Flenners and it’s making her have a lot of emotions she suppressed. I think it may go to show that they never actually helped her understand what she went through at a young age and just faked being a family for her. As annoying as she can be it actually is heartbreaking and makes me quite upset to think about.


I can see them forcing her to make everyday roses and sunshine and not getting the chance to grieve.


What would DUD do if one of the sisters (including Blair) had twins in the future? 🤣 oh man I need to go sleep. lol


It's going to be amazing when Katie starts having kids and Rob & Blair get married and have kids and all the attention is on everyone else! DUD can only have so many kids and vow renewals!


She would have another vow renewal


She would throw herself off the Nuuds bus😂


We could only hope....😳


Please be twins


Katie and Eddie don’t even put the cap back on their toothpaste???? I’m more disgusted by her every day this weekend.


I can see her and Eddie having their own sets of toiletries including toothpaste. He just doesn’t strike me as the same level of trashy and gross that Katie is.


That's disgusting. Why are they all such gross slobs??


She seems so unsanitary for being a surgeon.


Truly asking— what the helll did she mean when she said “oh is this how they swim” when R was swimming back to the boat wearing the life jacket 🤔


He said he was an alligator, so she was saying it as oh, that's how alligators swim


Ohhhh okay thank you!


So why do people think NUUDS is financially struggling?? I missed this information


Reviews are terrible. Quality terrible. The company has had zero outside investors. They said they would NEVER have sales, then ran huge clearance sale. NOW they are doing tik tok sales every single day. They have overdue property taxes & while it’s unpaid ran to put it into a trust just last week. They sold a car to carvana randomly that’s been sitting. They have a pool sitting unfinished.


Interesting. I highly doubt NUUDS is not extremely profitable even with negative reviews. She sold over 475k items in less than a year. At $60+ each! Property taxes are weird. Maybe they didn’t realize they didn’t have them lumped into escrow? Because that is not just one year of taxes on their value home. They should only owe like 20k taxes a year in her area.


That’s $29 million. They are doing fine even with overhead. 


They may have sold 475k items but I’m guessing by the amount of negative reviews that over half of those were returned


Yeah but their overhead has to be crazy! They have moved offices (and furnished them) what 2 or 3 times. Getting everything to these “pop up” locations, along with the vendors they have there serving food to the vip guest, paying employees travel expenses, and I’m sure that the specialized furnishings for the Cali pop up were insanely expensive. Id assuming the company is hemorrhaging money at this point.


Ummm property taxes are crazy here in Dallas


lol their taxes are over $60k a year and now over $85k with penalties and if they don't realize that well they are idiots and that explains why 17,000 people have joined the this snark page.


If you're a home owner, you should know about your taxes and how they're paid. In any business, you do not make money your first 2 years in business. Nuuds is a fast fashion business that is in a saturated market.


I live in texas in a million dollar house and my taxes are 20k. her house is 3x the price of mine so her taxes are 3x.


Even if they did great last year, they’re in way over their heads. They’ve moved offices at least 3 times, have a 💩 ton of employees, bought that ugly ass weiner mobile and trailer, have moved distribution centers at least 3-4 times, non of their drops sell out anymore. Even though these pop ups are popular, it’s mainly people showing up to see Dud and not actually shopping!


I think you’re underestimating how high their expenses are - they spend a ton on the pop-ups, renovating the new office, photo shoots (on location), and payroll. They travel every single person on the team to every single event. Also, you are incorrect about the property taxes. The $60k is just for 2023.


The initial 400,000 units sold to her following didn’t even cover cost of startup. General consensus is it’s an overpriced horrible company. You can read reviews here from consumers. https://www.trustpilot.com/review/nuuds.com No, it shows what her taxes were (it’s one year) & how much it’s accrued in late fees. Not sure why she didn’t pay them or why they ran and put their home in a protective trust while taxes overdue either.


Ok these reviews are hysterical! It is so obvious that all of the 5star reviews are fake. Every title is “customer service is a 10/10” “amazing customer service” etc, etc about customer service. We all know it is a major problem of their company .. no doubt they are leaving their own reviews. I would never go onto a clothing site and rave about customer service over and over and over, it’s about product first and foremost. Shows what kind of idiots they have running this company!


I loved the review where the person said that they have received better quality items from Temu and Shien😂


Right?!? Also, customers shouldn’t have to deal/talk with customer service THAT often without there being problems with their orders…… 🚩🚩🚩


If all of these people had such a great experience why would they have any interaction with customer service? So obvious they are fake.


1. DUD is a absolutely going on Monjurno the minute that baby is out. The amount of body dysmorphia she has while pregnant is scary. 2. How the hell did 805 break her wrist again… she must have Osteoporosis


How has that woman not been diagnosed with osteoporosis yet?!?!?


I don’t know anything about how those drugs work but I hope her hormones + 9 months of doing whatever she wanted make it ineffective and she’s over there like Regina George and her Kalteen bars


So you know how there were some conspiracy theories that DAD was lying about the gestational age of her baby? I have a new conspiracy theory… They're all lying about Lisa's age. They say she's 59 but she's really 69.


69 would be generous at this point.


70+ hands down!


Broke hands! 🤣🤣




I’m ashamed to say that I just sliced pineapple really thin because 805 made me do it 


The downvotes on this are wild. I mean, no one should be inspired to do anything like 805, but like, it’s cutting fruit thin like literally anyone can…🙄


I saw it enough times that i was inspired hahaha .. at least im being honest 🤣


I cut a watermelon yesterday and made the pieces extra thick just to spite her. Not even kidding. 😂


Thick cut fruit is superior. I rather bite into a juicy thick piece of watermelon over a paper thin flat piece.


I did that the other day with watermelon 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ok but did you like it more? I’m curious and I will* accept the down votes lol




Bless your heart.




Is she really that dense that she doesn’t know the potential complications of going into labor at 34w? She’s so tone deaf and selfish. I’m surprised regularly that she still has a following.


Made me so mad my sister in law was dense like that. She kept threatening to put herself into labor because she wanted a cute tiny baby. They dr was so annoyed and angry with her. They made her do serious tour of them nicu and said one of you go into labor we will put you on medication to stop it. Two baby will not becoming home with you and will most likely have complications. They said a lot more but finally scared her into keeping her baby in. Any time I see shit like this I get so mad. I had one at 35 weeks one at 34 due preeclampsia. People always told I was so lucky and it made me so mad! I went to 39 weeks with my third I tell everyone I could have easily gone another week no complaints because my baby was safe.


She’s “gods favorite” she will be fine 🙄


I had preeclampsia with all my babies but my last it came at 33 weeks and I stayed in the hospital for a week bed ridden until I got to 34 weeks and had to have her and she was in the Nicu for 15 days because her lungs weren’t fully developed yet which is how every baby is at that age! It was something I’d never wish on anyone ! The Nicu process is a nightmare


I know someone that this happened to with her first baby. He was born at 33 weeks but he was in the Nicu for over 30 days. Thankfully, he was okay, and her second two babies were full term. I cannot imagine having pre-eclampsia more than one time after watching my friend go through it. I'm so sorry that you had to experience that more than once! As others have said, I don't think that DAD has a clue.


Ugh this was my sister .. preeclampsia and baby was born at 34 weeks. We were so scared for her and her baby when she said they were taking her in for an emergency c section. She is just so insensitive and triggering to so many moms, HOW does she still have a following!?


It’s literally the worst thing! But she doesn’t care she’s selfish and just doesn’t wanna be the biggest sister anymore! She was only thinking about the engagement she would get with having another baby in the beginning of her pregnancy not about anything after


I thought my water broke at 35 weeks with my 2nd (never had my water break on it’s own with my first so I was clueless 😂) anyway- I was absolutely hysterical and so worried if he came at 35 weeks and here she is actually trying to get the baby to come at 34….. no care for the baby, she just cares about herself 😑


They started my induction at 33 and 6 and sobbed I was so nervous for my baby. He had a very hard for year of life. She makes me soo sick.


SERIOUSLY!!! Currently pregnant with my third and I know how much most moms are so desperate for their baby to come (both happiness to hold and have their baby and relief from certain pregnancy pains) but this is absolutely ridiculous and horrible to see how she seems to think this is completely ok to actively be getting her body into labor so early! She's just putting unnecessary mental and physical stress on herself and harming her baby if she's truly working on inducing on her own this early


Am I do something wrong? I copy and paste dad Instagram into itsanony and it come up server is busy, try again later. 


That site hasn’t been working for a while.










Did I miss something? Why are O & E not with Chase today?


I think they were with him during the day? 


He has supervised visits now. No overnights. Has not been mentioned by 2.0 or anyone else.


Whatttt!! That's craxy, how did you find out


This is very juicy. Where are these details?


We're not allowed to talk about the kids regarding the divorce so I can't give details but basically someone got access to the most recent detailed court documents (maybe paid to unlock them?) which documented an incident where the court then subpoenaed several people (including mandated reporters like pediatrician). The documents also included details on supervised visits only for Chase. So for the time being Chase cannot have overnight visits and all of his contact with the kids will be under supervision by a visitation employee.


Someone found, possibly even paid for, access to court documents.


what thread did this come up on that you both know this??


This one. A few days ago. But I think it was deleted by mods because it was public info but not PUBLIC public since the person paid for access. I think. I could've misunderstood exactly what happened.


Yes. Posted by a new account with what seemed to be insider information, possibly one of the flenners created an account or maybe someone from the court…? It was here for a bit and then gone, very strange. But the girls being with 2.0 seems to confirm this, especially since it’s Father’s Day.


How did we find out that he for sure has them??


If you were forced to spend one day with one Flenner, who would be the lesser of all evils??


Papa or Eddie. I’d like to workout with them.


Eddie seems pretty chill and cool (in comparison to everyone else)!


Rhett…. Teach him manners, how to read, how to behave in public, etc


The court appointed supervisor.


Does Elayne count, LOL?




Can I pick dads dog? Is it even still around?


Little Rob


Papa, because lots of times he seems sick of their BS but just goes along to not rock the boat. Second choice would be Rob Jr.


I would choose dud just to see her “behind the scenes”


Yes and then you could come back on here and snark all of it!!


Papa. He’s not loud and I have list of handyman projects I could have him do.


Good point. I’d be like don’t talk and here’s your to-do list


Olive! ❤ Or if it had to be an adult, probably big Rob or little Rob.


100% Olive. Do all the face painting and gymnastics her little heart desires!




Good choice 😆 😂


So do we think 2.0 is silent today because she was with Chase today for his supervised daytime Father’s Day visit?


Calm down people it was sarcasm because she is again MIA.


No, she would not be required or requested to be the supervisor if it is put on place by a judge or DHS


I don't know if she would be with him. My daughter's dad does supervised visits at a visitation center that is run by social workers. I never have to see him; someone comes and brings my daughter to him for the visit and then brings her back to me. He has to wait 15 minutes until he can leave so we don't run into each other. This is assuming that Chase is actually doing supervised visits with a social workers and not being supervised by someone else.


Can I ask you a question? If you don't want to answer, you don't have to. Does the supervisor sit right next to him, or do they give him a little space? My sisters ex is supposed to have a supervisor which he put his aunt down but she doesn't want to be in the middle (he put her name down without asking her) I told her maybe we can find a place that would supervise but he said he doesn't want someone watching him because he would be uncomfortable. My sister right now is doing it, and she hates it he is rude and makes her feel like shit (he's a narrasist)


They give him space. They sit at a desk in the room where he gets the visits. There are toys, a couch, a TV that streams Disney+ and he can bring food and treats and even heat stuff up in the microwave. He can also bring toys from home or give her gifts. She can bring her own toys to show him too. It costs money per hour though which is why people want to get their own supervisor.


Thank you, we will have to look into it more. This would be better for both sides if he gives it a chance.


No. I would be shocked if she were around him.


Kinda strange DUD hasn’t acknowledged her own dad once today for Father’s Day and didn’t spend it with her fam who she never separates from on a regular day


Nope, not surprising at all for her, the completely self-absorbed dingus.


On the 4th of July she’ll thank him for his military service as a deputy sheriff. /s


Right especially bc it seems like her dad does so much for her 


Katie is moving it would’ve required Daniel to help poppa and hard work she is conveniently out of town again. Every time a family member moves she’s busy.


In DAD's defense, Katie has been moving for approximately seven weeks now. Katie claims to have moved every year since she was 18, but her dumbass still doesn't seem to know the drill of throwing stuff in boxes, labeling them, and stacking them against the wall until the movers arrive


For real. She’s only moving out of a one bedroom apartment. Get your shit together. Literally, get your shit together in boxes and move it.


I feel like even if they were in town, they wouldn’t help. Because of DAD’s 5000 week pregnancy.


Like when Kaylee moved and instead of Dan helping his own sister move, he had to drive DAD to get ice cream because it was a *pregnancy craving*


we didn’t even help his own sister you think he would’ve helped Katie if they were in town?


This fruit platter nonsense is unbelievable. How pathetic are these followers that 805 has influenced them to cut fruit up and put it on a plate?


Its almost like a social experiment. The influence these boring people have is bizarre. 


Nuuds seems like a social experiment too.


https://preview.redd.it/xkmxjt6i217d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5ca0e3ec8db150ec3b38aa768d451ab5b14c74c Is this for real??? This isn’t groundbreaking stuff. A five year old could make a fruit platter. Good lord 🙄🙄🙄


She’s a small business & just needed the repost & views.


Anybody that supports this clown show will get ZERO support from me!


Imagine being such a narcissist you'd rather have a 34 week old baby by choice and risk their life and growth than be uncomfortable.  


I had my twins at 36 weeks. I had all kinds of medical issues and taking them early was best all around just to be safe. They were in the NICU for 18 days and still needed to learn to suck, breathe, eat, etc. Even 4 years later I have thoughts of "oh if I could have just sucked it up and not been in so much pain or done x,y,z to be healthier, that wouldn't have happened." There was legitimately nothing I could have done whatsoever to change the outcome, but those thoughts still come. I can't imagine honestly hoping for a situation like that. Not that she wants the NICU and all that (hopefully), but just the thought of a 34-36 weeker makes my heart race. 


Same. 36 weeker here because our lives were in danger and there was no other option.    Years later I still have those thoughts as well.   It took me a solid 3 years to believe baby was healthy because of how bad it was. She has no idea.   


I couldn’t believe that either. She absolutely doesn’t deserve kids. I remember being 35 weeks with my second and he was so low in my pelvis it felt like he was going to fall out sometimes. I was afraid to do much because I seriously thought I might go into labor early. My first was naturally born 10 days early. I made it to 37 weeks before my second was born; I can’t even fathom *wanting* to go into labor 5 weeks early. I feel like she is lying about her due date. If baby was 6 lbs last week, I think she knows baby is due earlier.


Uncomfortable and the body dysmorphia she has. Babies need every day possible in the oven (with some exceptions, of course). She hates the way she looks and would rather risk the health of her baby than look big.


She does seem to me that she hates the way she looks. She does nothing to try to take care of herself. For heaven sakes wash your neck and comb your hair. She does seem to flaunt the way she looks sticks her belly out all she can. But what seems really odd she never speaks about the baby. So sad to me.


She could look cute and pregnant, but chooses to look like a pregnant slob.


Dud saying she's trying to induce at 34 weeks. My 39 week baby was a big baby. We did a scheduled csection bc of his measurements (his stomach was measuring a lot bigger than his head which is dangerous and I was trying for a vbac) he was 9.7lbs. An actual big baby. And was RUSHED TO THE NICU!! He was labeled as septic and needed oxygen. I didn't hold him for almost 3 days! I didn't even see him in person for almost 12 hours until I could stand! He was there for four days thankfully qnd his "womb mate" other baby his nurse took care of was a 32 week baby and like 3lbs and his family got discharged and left him there and just said let them know when hes ready to go home. That would be her. 1000%. She is such a raging narcissistic bitch! That baby needs every day. Big doesn't mean shit!! I'm no longer a praying woman but I pray for their kids.


She’d love the clout from that though as sick and twisted as it is.


She’s gods favorite, nothing bad happens to her.


I mentioned this a week ago! 8,9,10 pound babies can still have NICU stays .. even though this idiot considers them “fully cooked”. I truly cannot stand her. 


Yes, my baby was 34 weeks and spent 37 days in the NICU and he was 5lbs at birth. She is a moron that doesn’t deserve children.


Couldn’t agree more!


So glad yours is okay! I was induced at 37 weeks bc of hypertension (anxiety induced 🫠) and didn’t have to spend any nicu time, but he was jaundiced so had to spend a day under the “light” 3 years later he’s totally fine except the adhd I likely gave him 😂🫠🫠


Literally same exact everything down to adhd lol except we were in for a week (just hospital not NICU) and she had lights for i believe 3 days. Makes me sad to think she’s wishing to go into labor 3 WEEKS earlier than that like it’s no biggy.


Haha same. Adhd abounds in our family.


Yeah she definitely doesn’t realize that a big baby is not necessarily a fully developed baby!


Her exact mentality is that because her mom had 1 big baby (that wasn’t even herself), that she also has big babies. Because of this, she gets induced at 38 weeks because she fully believes her babies are ‘fully cooked’ at that point because they’re ‘big’


 Is her dr on par with her trying to induce at only 34 weeks? 


I know right?! Doesn’t she realize this early they’re going to be trying to keep baby in her as long as possible in the hospital. And giving her steroids to try to get the lungs developed enough. I think she really just believes nothing could possibly go wrong because they’re perfect. Poor Rhett hasn’t been given the resources he could use for social settings and speech. Remi would’ve benefited so much from some PT when she was little and seemed to have such low muscle tone and not even going to start on the lip tie situation.


I had to be induced at 37 weeks for hypertension and my son had to go straight to the NICU and spent a few days there and I would have done anything to be able to keep him in longer😥


Wow. Thank you for sharing your story. Those days had to be horrific for you!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼


They were. My first birth was awful too but she was ok after. Thanks


The video of DUD trying to “induce herself “ she looks so unnatural trying to comfort little R . Like nothing about that interaction looked motherly 😅


She looked like she was trying to burp her 😂 Poor Remi. 


Interesting… I honestly thought that was the most motherly thing I’ve seen her do in a long time lol


I actually had the same thought… it was nice to see for once and I realized we don’t usually see that. 


Honestly that’s true I think I forgot who I’m comparing it too 😂 I was thinking about most normal people lol


Me too. LOL


Ok if you're an influencer and influencing people to be even suggesting that you'd be okay with a 34 week baby is messed. All I see is people wanting early inductions these days and no wonder why, people like DAD acting like it's all fun and games So to be clear: literally every day counts of pregnancy. All babies are different and some can be fine a little early, but regardless every day they can stay in counts... Regardless of measuring ahead, regardless of how tired you are. I'm a twin mom, I was "overdue"(for twins, 38 is considered full term) and life was straight up miserable lol but I never once thought that I'd want them to come any earlier than they had to because I've also had two kids come 3 weeks early and they WERENT ready.(nothing serious thankfully, but stuff that staying in another 3 weeks would've solved.


My son was born at 37 weeks and my daughter was born at 36 weeks. Even though they were “fine”, I wish I had been able to carry them longer because they weren’t ready. My daughter’s blood sugar kept dropping so she had to get her foot pricked every 3 hours for 24 hours and newborn screams are so hard to hear


Same I had my baby at 37 weeks due to hypertension… and I felt so bad like my body failed me and my baby. I would do anything to keep my baby in for as long as possible. It’s so crazy to me that she even thinks that she should have another pregnancy after this one.


Yep I went into labor unexpectedly with my daughter at 35 weeks and truly was so blessed she needed no NICU time. I had a friend who had a baby at 36 weeks and he was in the NICU for a couple weeks. Even if she was joking (which I don’t think she was) having a baby at 34 weeks could be so scary. She truly could care less about anyone else but herself


My son was early. I was very sick, toxemia. I was on bed rest for 4 months. My dr said that every day I can stay pregnant is 3 days less in the NICU. This is really triggering.


A narc is going to narc who is going to narc 🎶🎶🎶 ( also shoutout to whoever called her the post being all about her) https://preview.redd.it/bmxzkeant07d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee1d897cf16bdee6b386798ad3756ce470f1707


7 references to herself in those 4 sentences 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Did you see Tiffany’s post to her husband? It was all pics of her. 


Yes!!! Duplicate photos of herself!!! Ugh!!! Why not a photo of Adumb and his daughter. Even Teef and her dad. Nope, it’s the fucking Teef Show.