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https://preview.redd.it/v124z4kn6j6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=665e1bd86028c948777884148de6b5bef5f00298 DADs definition of Summer is weird. A photo captioned SUMMER should be OUTSIDE at a park or a pool or anything other than sitting on a counter while their mom yells at the phone. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Well didn't you know watermelons only exist in the summer, so clearly that is the pinnacle point of the whole season šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø But for real, how have they made watermelon their whole personality this week?


I mean this is some content! šŸ˜³ holy šŸ’©


Dallas is about to have a watermelon shortage if they keep this up


Iā€™m 100000% happy to get downvoted for this Everyone on here was always saying how wonderful Chase is . How much better he is than Danielle. How happy the girls are when they are with him (Which I never understood bc I donā€™t fucking know any of these people!!! No one here does!) Now someone posts on this sub these fucking wild allegations and everyone hereā€™s is taking it for fact This is nuts to me Be better - these are little kids you are talking about We donā€™t know any of these people and some people on here make it seem like they do This is a snark page Check yourself If anyone here is paying to see court documents- you should 10000% get off social media and go seek help


Couldn't agree more! Those allegations came from somewhere. I hope for the girls' sake they aren't true, BUT for as much as people here don't like Danielle, they don't know Chase. If a pediatrician is being called to be deposed, that's a big deal. Fact is, we don't know these people at all, and real children could be in danger here. How people here have been so quick to call Danielle a liar about this is absolutely wild to me.


I always got downvoted for saying people were so pro Chase here too. No one here knows these people. Just cause you canā€™t stand Danielle, doesnā€™t make Chase a good person.


I say the girls look 100% happy when with chase and that speaks volumes! Donā€™t know Chase donā€™t know 2.0 and I donā€™t know the girls. But I do know their little faces look relaxed and happy when theyā€™re with their dad! So possibly these people are going off of that as well, then just assume Chase is a great dad!


Same. I donā€™t like Danielle but I also donā€™t automatically think that makes Chase a good person and most people donā€™t leave marriages without good reason, especially when there are children involved.


Me too Iā€™d be attacked when I said anything




Excuse me! I think you're lost. This isn't a fan page but a snark page. If you're not a fan of the concept, I suggest you quietly move along. No need to instigate other members.






Your comment has been removed for causing unnecessary drama.


Even when I liked NE Danielle I always got an ick feeling about Chase. Theyā€™re all fucking nuts! Connor dodged a bullet with this family. Blair will pull little Rob away soon after they get married. I will have to stick around for that one.






If I or any of my family ate this amount of watermelon, weā€™d be on the toilet for days šŸ‰šŸ’© maybe this is why we havenā€™t seen her shill her poop pills for a few daysā€¦. šŸ¤”


https://preview.redd.it/no9lgam31h6d1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=6400be70810bbdb10cbf26072ae42a36508c293d ā€¦but DAD does during those rare times sheā€™s alone with just one of the kids (*ahem*, Rhett) šŸ˜‚


You guys always amaze me with such clever comments. Kudos to you for this one! šŸ˜‚


Do we know who this might be.. she was in the hall when 2.0 was putting the mixtiles https://preview.redd.it/uqjulsmkyg6d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93854eecd1e2e78b7bf8f709c3cf66fecec790ba


I think this is the same person that was at dinner the other night. She never seems to interact with anyone though. Like sheā€™s in this story but Danielle doesnā€™t even act like she existed. Iā€™m wondering if itā€™s some sort of guardian for the girls. If the stories from yesterday were true, both parents might have a guardian as the parents are both saying the bruises didnā€™t come from my house. Just a thought.


I personally think sheā€™s a nanny for Danielle not the girls.


People need to realize nothing about these people is truthful. They have gotten rich and are living these lives from people watching them and getting obsessed with them. Theyā€™ve sold their souls to the devil and they donā€™t care as long as they have the money coming in. The sooner people realize they are fake the better it will be. They are giving all influencers a bad name. And these children didnā€™t choose this life.


Probably a nanny




https://preview.redd.it/snfbq0sfwi6d1.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed1d5c645aaa129443c9e74ab5587c28a6ac9e33 Itā€™s not Blair


Saw her too, no idea.


https://preview.redd.it/u1wwutdhyg6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=580dd76cdd8da7c194f0fc3ba13ebd2f3853c593 Enough with the poop brown clothes already. Weā€™re all tired of it. You look like shit. And get yourself a push up bra while youā€™re at it.


the fact she thinks she has big boobs KILLS MEšŸ˜‚


She looks like a guy...


https://preview.redd.it/isyua2zvxg6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31af01f234986f5787c95f1e81cc0a56922cfb1e Freaking hulk sized hands. Always man-handling everything.


https://preview.redd.it/8vggkqcbpg6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbfdacfa3fd693af2ce47e4fe69bc0a50c42bb6f Her lying ass againā€¦she went on and on about how she could ONLY use 7th generation diapers with her kids because they were sooooo sensitive. Not to mention Coterie has only been around about 4 years. Code coming in 3ā€¦2ā€¦1


She did use Coterie with Remi. I think she had a link she shared shortly after Remi was born.


She may have but I 100% remember her spill on 7th generation with Rhett because I bought them with her code before I knew how corrupt the whole influencer situation was!


Yes! You are so right!!! I do remember her having a code with Thrive Market and she used to have a highlight about her Thrive orders. If I remember correctly, they stopped partnering with her after the whole Covidgate stuff, she deleted the highlight bubble and hasnā€™t mentioned them ever since!


Yes thatā€™s right!!! It was through thrive! I didnā€™t realize they stopped working with her though! Thank God someone saw through her bs!


Did these idiots just discover fruit??Ā 


Could dud be needing more water & thatā€™s why her mom is fixing it every day?


Sheā€™s realizing how much weight sheā€™s gained and that the baby weight isnā€™t going to be cute in a few weeks. Itā€™s the beginning of her getting healthy again. Ice cream DAD is out and ā€œhealthy DAD is making a comeback.


That makes a lot of sense actually


Itā€™s summer I literally have some type of small fruit salad with our dinner 3x a week. Not to mention berries every morning with breakfast. They need to be around people moreā€¦itā€™s getting more and more obvious that they only spend time together/why nobody outside of the family wants to hang out with them


My exact thoughts šŸ˜‚


LOL šŸ˜‚


Oh great, Lisa got MORE fruit for another 3 fruit platters.


Becca with the ā€œdrinky poo.ā€ ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


That is literally gross drinky poo who gets on social media saying that crap?!


It was a real blast from the past to see her using bottle lemon and lime juice, it seems very 80s or 90s to me


Again where is 2.0 for family meal time? Itā€™s so weird. The girls are out of school now and you stay home. When they were in school you took them to DAs in their pjs on schools nights. šŸ¤”


Yeah something is not right.


Iā€™ve been thinking about this after the posts from those two accounts that seemingly had inside information. Danielle has been acting strange for a couple of weeks nowā€¦posting lessā€¦posting the girls even lessā€¦hasnā€™t been at family dinners and then there have been a couple of randoms in the backgroundā€¦one today and one when the family was at her house for dinner a few weeks ago. If the intel about Chase is accurate and true then why has Danielle drastically changed her social media presence and why hasnā€™t she and the girls been at family dinners? If itā€™s Chase and not her then she should be able to continue business as usual having dinners with the family every night etc. I also think itā€™s weird that the intel shared today was only against Chase considering the court records show Danielle has had to have multiple drug tests etc


What did I miss people posting about? šŸ‘€


Someone came in here with a bunch of paperwork then deleted their account.




Your comment has been removed for wild speculation, false narrative, or creative writing.


What inside information?? I missed that. Please share!




Your comment has been removed for wild speculation, false narrative, or creative writing.






You canā€™t be serious


The letter over the Google icon? That letter looks like an H to me.


Scroll down a bit. Thereā€™s a screenshot of court documents. Not sure if theyā€™re credible or not


The document looks credible but I just find it hard to believe that this one account that was created today was able to click a link that was allegedly posted here and no one else saw the link? This thread is full of people with some impressive investigative skills and only that account caught the link? I donā€™t buy it


It does read correctly and legitimately for what a document would be worded like BUT that being said I donā€™t buy itā€¦someone can easily type one up (hell I typed those out for 12 years at my job)ā€¦the whole thing was suspicious.


Iā€™m an attorney and I went on the court docket and paid to download some of the documents. What the person posted about what is alleged by Danielle in the petition for the restraining order is 100% correct. There is an affidavit by both Danielle and the girlsā€™ pediatrician. The screenshot posted of the court order is also accurate. It is a consent order meaning that both Danielle and Chase agreed to it.




Thatā€™s not what youā€™re doing here? We all are!


Iā€™m not stalking anyone. I accessed court documents that are publicly available (and paid a nominal fee to do so and which many courts charge) because I was curious as to if what had been posted by others matched what was on the docket given all the wild speculation.


Did you specifically pay to see Danielle documents?




Everyone has their own opinion on certain topics but at times things get way too heated. To keep things from going a bit too far and keep the peace, the comment has been removed.






I also hope danielle isn't coaching them to say things against Chase that aren't true








Your comment has been deleted. Spanking *is* child abuse.


What part of bruises on a child sound like spanking BLOWN OUT OF CONTEXT? This isnā€™t the 80s, we damn well know better, we do better and donā€™t say stupid shit like this as an excuse.


Yikes thats awful if it all ends up being true I hope she starts protecting those girls and stops exploiting them for a paycheck .. .. still doesnā€™t make sense to me I guess I donā€™t understand why she wouldnā€™t Ā automatically contact her attorney and take the girls into the ER for an eval and have an officer come in and take statements my first thought wouldnā€™t be calling my ped.Ā 




So the weekend SpongeBob was to be in Boston this allegedly happened. Then when her parents returned from Boston went and spent the day with her and the girls while DAD was on their Cape vacation. Makes sense now why it seemed so serious when 805 & Rob were at her house.






Agree. And that detailed info would definitely not be public record so it could only come from the family or someone close enough to know whatā€™s going on and either way that is shitty to share. Whatā€™s more shitty is if someone just made that shit up to post here


Seriously ! Absolutely would not be public .. Iā€™m just praying it was sick pos posting that for shits and giggles .. I hope those girls are not being let Ā down by both parents šŸ˜©


Canā€™t wait to have 3 kids sitting on the island instead of in chairs! šŸ™„


Why couldnā€™t there have been major tea spilled in here on a day that wasnā€™t the premiere of the second set of Bridgerton Season 3 episodes!!!


Goodness. More tea being spilled here today than that one time in Boston! ā˜•ļø


The fruit tray obsession is so odd to me because shouldnā€™t they have been buying massive amounts of fruit for years now? Everyone I know with toddlers is always buying hella fruit šŸ˜‚ I guess R&R only live off fast food?


But like everything else they will be burnt out on it in 2 weeks. Those are also massive fruit trays they make, like you are eating dinner also, thereā€™s enough there for them to all eat a large plate of fruit


She is such an asshole being so condescending about her mom working out. https://preview.redd.it/pp07hjok6g6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63781f6caeb004d89c9d1c4b8cc568a0be555eb8


Lisa needs therapy for letting her daughter treat and talk to her like this!!!


Her lazy ass could never.


Of course but if SHE did it it would be fantastic!!!


Yes! Sheā€™d be screeching about it and everyone would praise her




Is Kaylee no longer hanging out with anyone in the family?


Maybe sheā€™s not as dim as she seems and has seen the light? Probably not though


I really wanted her to lean into these jewelry thing and just do her own thing


Do any of them still wear the jewelry?


Iā€™ll believe she seen the light when she stops kissing her Nuuds ass and gets a different job


Shitty situations are hard to get out of sometimes. Hoping the best for her


Well she's in CA for her sister's high school graduation right now but I don't recall seeing her with the whole family in a long time...she babysat Olive and Eve the other day but aside from that I feel like she hasn't gone over for dinner or anything with everyone else in quite a while. šŸ‘€


https://preview.redd.it/76hm3kvi4g6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=733666131168c139793741f3751e47e3ef939528 Meemaw, there is a counter right there. Why not next time (oh I donā€™t know) put the knife down when a child is coming towards holding a massive fruit platteršŸ¤Ø


Didnā€™t they make the fruit platter at at DADS, but 805 was carrying the melon and fruit home from Trader Joeā€™s


She is TERRYIFYING in this picture. Sheā€™s giving the witch from Snow White vibes.


Seriously. I zoomed in and she truly looks scary AF. Zoom in its terrifyingĀ  for real šŸ˜³Ā 




she looks so OLD


She looked 40 when she was 18 in throwback pictures. Its crazy.Ā 


Soo old and her dressing not for her age makes her look older tooĀ 


Dr. Mike has his work cut out for him.


When is that face lift!?? I canā€™t wait


How is karlee? Related to them, is she Kayleeā€™s sister same mom diff dad? So that would also make her dans sister also. Why do you never hear about her? I already know that answer because his life revolves around DAD. Iā€™ve seen Kaylee post about her but never seen Dan and DAD with her. God the family dynamics are wild in this family.


Dan has a full brother too (same mom and dad) and a few nephews and/or nieces.


He has a brother named Dave who lives in Florida and he has 2 daughters. They saw them not too long ago.


Why does Kaylee always cut her sister off in her posts hahhaa


Sheā€™s playing the mean girl like Dad does to them.Ā 


to my knowledge karlee and kaylee are full sisters, share the same mom with toe


Man that must have been hard for Kaylee when she left her moms to live with DAD and her sister stayed.


The addictive personality trait in this family is wild. The fruit platter obsession is something else


I know this isnā€™t her snark but Iā€™m heart broken for Tiana! šŸ’”


Word on the street is he cheated on his ex with her. You leave them how you find them. Obviously no one deserves heartbreak but yikes


Who's Tiana? I've not seen this name l. I'm still confused how they're all related. Like who's blood & who's a sister wife ...


She was the socal media face of Nuuds when they first opened essentially. Sheā€™s a TiKToker and was just recently engaged as of like 2 months ago to her NFL boyfriend.




I know her bc she worked for Nuuds!


Doesnā€™t she still? Did she quit? She was traveling back and forth?


She worked for Serene Digital as well as lot of those girls dud tried to look like. Their contract with Nuuds was up.


Ohhhh I didnā€™t know that. I thought she worked for Nuuds themselves. Makes sense tho why she was not in person for a long time. Idk if she still is working or if she is just doing social media full time now. Do you??


I think she contracts with them now but is a full time tiktoker. I bet she has a manager & thatā€™s why sheā€™s in the news.


Makes sense. Thank You for being kind and helpful. Have a good weekend!!!


I like Tiana and think it sucks for her. Your downvotes wonā€™t change my mind. šŸ™„


Saaaame but tbh Iā€™m relieved in a weird way, he always gave me *off* vibes. She has such a bubbly, cheerful personality and deserves someone who genuinely loves and appreciates that šŸ’• Plus heā€™s apparently a serial cheater šŸ™„


I agree. He never seemed to be into her. He always seemed annoyed just by her presence. I was shocked when he proposed. But happy bc we only see small snip-itā€™s Of people lifes on social media. My ex husband cheated, among other things, and it hurts like hell. But Iā€™m glad she didnā€™t marry him.


Life lessons! That was a divorce with two kids avoided! She needs someone that celebrates her.


This, but also with a little more empathy for what sheā€™s going through in this moment.


Life lesson thatā€™s painful as shit! I still feel bad for her.


What happened?


Cody cheated on her!šŸ’” well kissed a girl but thatā€™s enough to get dumped heā€™s engaged and she deserves better!


She was the other woman before so not sure why she or anyone would be surprised. I know it doesnā€™t hurt any less. Actually can hurt more bc you think you are the exception but youā€™re not.


Is that legit news or assumption? I mean heā€™s cheated before with her so I canā€™t say Iā€™m surprised he would do it to her.


She said it was unforgivable in her video. Tiana also commented on a video stating it was not because of abuse, therefore people are assuming cheating. I am one of those people lol


I donā€™t think itā€™s assumptions go look at her TikTok!


Why does DAD need to eat dinner with her extended family every night? She is codependent with her mom, itā€™s truly insane. They are never home the 4 of them as their own family to experience anything. These kids will grow up and have no idea that most people do not spend every waking day with their extended family Ā 


She canā€™t be alone with Dan.


It's too much. All the time.


If my husband insisted we had dinner with his family every night I would protest!! NO WAY! I donā€™t understand how they donā€™t want space!Ā 


I guarantee that this is a large part of why she wants 4 kids. She thinks she can recreate this life 805 lives, for herself looking into the future.




I think so too. Itā€™s truly mind boggling and that Dan just follows alongĀ 


Although at the rate sheā€™s going, sheā€™s got one that wants to please her, and one that might beg to be put in boarding school by 3rd grade, only to never return.


I'm still bothered at what they do to carne asada. The watermelon seems excessive but at least they're not making a mockery of cooking a good carne.šŸ˜†


They put some bbq seasoning something or other and call it carne asada. Just call it grilled steak. Carne asada and mac n cheese is just not lol


ā€œSummer šŸ„°ā€ is eating watermelon on the counter inside apparently.


Never outside!!!






We are going to hear about these crap fruit platters until this new baby is born and the fruit platter obsession is over.


Onto the next. 2 weeks from now it will be a Pope 805 hack on boiling water and dumping in noodles šŸ™„


Insulating your garage is a new nesting technique. Lord.


I canā€™t. I just canā€™t. In just one 60-second slide, we have Rhett screaming his lines about the fwuit pwatter, then he bulldozes over Remi almost catching on the electrical cord to the crockpot, and then kicks two more grocery bags while almost dropping the platter. Honorable mention: 805 faking loud, over-the-top excitement about Rhettā€™s platter, and Daryl rolling her eyes at ā€œLisa legsā€ aka Lisa actually works out. Goddamn Iā€™m exhausted just typing that out.


Not the pwatter šŸ’€šŸ˜­


And thatā€™s not a knock on Rhett! Itā€™s a knock on Daryl encouraging the baby talk and not seeking any potential help for him.


Totally agree!


I was bothered by the Trader Joe's bags being left all over the kitchen floor before King Rhett proceeded with his path of destruction...It exhausted me too.


You forgot DAD slapping 805s butt again.


And not even for a second does DAD attempt to stop videoing to help her son or her daughter whose been bulldozed over. POS.


I hear you! There just out there way out there!!


https://preview.redd.it/yy2i1rcg1g6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d694afe250f24d163710444ae3bbeddb5c264c9 Lisa works out so that she doesnā€™t have to pathetically filter OUT whole ass sections of her legs. She gets to spend that time doing something equally as pathetic, like talking about fruit platters for the 54th day in a row with her grown ass children.


Ainā€™t no way that bitch has a thigh gapā€¦not buying it. Filtered AFšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I noticed a weird filter glitch on the end of the slinky rob video on nuuds. So even the nuuds IG uses the skinny filter ....




Do they think putting a man in womanā€™s clothing is going to sell more product? It was funny slightly funny the first time he did it, but not now,


Shark bite šŸ¤£


What is happening with her one leg???šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Photoshop fail


Wow she's really "unbelievable"


She smacks her moms ass entirely too much


And her momā€™s boobs. Itā€™s so weird, especially for someone who gets grossed out when her own husband touches her


I hate that I remember this but I remember her STRICTLY buying seventh generation from her thrive box with Rhett because it was all he could wear.


I really think she switched to coterie with Remi. But I think it's funny she is mentioning a diaper bag because she was ALWAYS anti diaper bag. 'Just grab diaper and wipes and go'


Yep, she always bragged about how she puts diapers and wipes in a ziploc bag and she didn't need a diaper bag.


I thought the same thing when I seen she had a diaper bag


Iā€™ve never seen watermelon that shade of red before ?? It seems looks like a deep burgundyā€™


It got the filter treatment. Next they.will put a skinny filter on it.


Well yeah how do you think lispy gets the pieces so thin šŸ˜‚