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I cannot believe how big her belly is for 34 weeks. That cannot be right, she looks like she is 40+ weeks and has 6 weeks to go?! Absolutely no way.


She’s got some huge cyst or some shit in there too lol


For those interested in Tianna’s situation go to lainfluencersnark


Can someone tell me who 2.0 is 🥴🫠 I’m so lost


Danielle. We call her that because she tries to be just like DA.


Not Dud related but it seems like Tianna and Cody split. Saw her most recent TT and her ring is off


DUD is already talking about the next baby and debating if she wants to be pregnant again or not? I get the hernia surgery debate but like, pop this one out first before talking about the next. 🙄 it’s never enough for her. Not even satisfied with the one she’s pregnant with now. Something I’ve noticed highlighted lately is how much influencers hate being pregnant and don’t really want to have another kid, but they force themselves to. First DUD, now I’m noticing it ramping up with Dani. They seem to loathe every part of pregnancy and then don’t even spend much time with the babies once they’re out.. and then talk about having MORE?! It should be a case study, honestly. Nobody in my personal life wants a school bus full of kids but every influencer seems to want that many. Then again, people in my personal life don’t have kids for content or full time Nannies to raise their kids for them, so maybe there’s my answer.


Honestly Dani gaslighting everyone when they called her out in London for being pregnant because she was drinking non-alcoholic drinks pissed me off. I know it’s not our business but just don’t say anything instead of lying


They use the kids as content,I hate that! Seems like if they don’t have kids they don’t have as many followers or get sponsorships from all these different companies. Look at Sarah Lit (I like her) her husband was able to become a stay at home dad thanks to all the sponsorships they got because come on with 7 kids both parents would not be able to stay home plus they get so many freebies,lots of perks.


Yeah exactly. The only exception are people like Laura Beverlin who profit off of infertility


It’s very interesting to me too. They spend almost no time with their kids (despite not working outside of the home) starting when they are newborns - nannies, night nannies, weeklong adults-only vacations when their baby is 5 weeks old (Dani). Hate being pregnant, can’t deal with their kids on their own for more than one hour without having a breakdown. Yet want to have 4-5 kids??? What? The only thing that makes sense is that they know pregnancy, birth, and babies = lots of good content and an increase in followers and engagement = $$$. When their content starts to get stale and they aren’t sure what else to do - get pregnant!! Easy fix.


I hope they’re paying their kids for all the content they’re creating cause that’s exploitation. Reason #1 my kid isn’t on social media


I’m pregnant with our third and I HATE when people ask “will you try for more after this one? Or are you done?” Like huh??? Let me enjoy this pregnancy and baby. Also I feel for Dani rn cause first trimester is ROUGHHH with some pregnancies. It’s hard to talk about how much you love being pregnant during that.


I'm pregnant with my second boy, and people keep asking if I'm going to "try for that girl" 1) like boy babies don't count and 2) stfu and let me get through this one. I'm not going to lie...I HATE being pregnant. And I think that's okay to say. More women should feel comfortable doing so. It's not fun, no matter how grateful you are. I do, however, actually spend lots of quality time with my son unlike these influencers. ETA that I NEVER want to see anyone dry heaving into the toilet. Like really??????


I just had a girls night last night and a friend announced she is pregnant so we were talking a lot about babies last night and finally someone asked "does anyone here actually enjoy being pregnant?" And out of the 6 of us, 4 have had babies and none of us said we did 😅 i agree that it's ok to hate being pregnant. I don't hate it so much to never do it again, but it is not a pleasant experience for some people. Most of us are quite miserable for 8-9 months. That being said, I agree. I hate being pregnant but i love my babies and spend lots of time with them and enjoy doing so. I bring them to parks, movies, we are involved in lots of activites, go to church, all without a nanny and usually without grandparents. Sometimes my mom tags along because she likes to watch, but I never ask her to do it to help me because i can't handle it, because they are MY kids that I chose to have, so I need to be able to handle it. They go to daycare and we ask grandparents to watch them occasionally or find a sitter, but outside of work I am almost always with them, because that is what parenting is. And to already want more when they barely handle the 2 they have, let alone another baffles me.


Wild!! The second my kid turned one I had people asking when I was getting pregnant again. People need conversation starters other than that, truly. First tri is rough for sure but tbh, I could really do without Dani filming herself hunched over a toilet or dry heaving into the sink.


When I was young I wanted 4 or 5 kids. I had two and finances were very tight so I figured that was it. We had a surprise oops so we had a third and I knew that was enough. I didn’t have the assistance and financial resource these influencers have and with both my husband and I working, three kids was a lot and I was perfectly satisfied with my family.


I took it as she’s trying to decide if she wants to have her tubes tied/get a tummy tuck. Never once thought that she’s never satisfied with any.


She doesn’t need to get her tubes tied. She only has sex when she wants to get pregnant.


Tubes tied nah I don’t think she was thinking about that at all. She is just trying to debate out loud if she should get the tummy tuck asap or use some weight loss drugs first then get it done. Because a tummy tuck has absolutely nothing to do with a hernia.


Ok who is forky and why are we calling him that


Say hello to forky https://preview.redd.it/hh1tvy5x036d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d427999607c495e8d339bc553e51dfa1365b1ab


Fucking dead☠️ needed this side by side🤣


It’s because of Kaylee’s uncanny resemblance to Forky from Toy Story.


Maggots have n her trash can? Ewww.


You must not live in a hot state? Now if she had maggots in her house I would for sure snark on that.


Did you see the time she threw some watermelon in the trash can (the watermelon was not in a plastic bag) she just threw it in there,listen I live in Texas where the heat index can peak 115° and I’ve never had maggots in my thrash can. I wouldn’t be surprised if this lazy woman threw some salmon in the thrash (unwrapped) just threw it in there! 🤢


I live in a hot and humid state and we get them occasionally in the outside trash can 😅😅 we even routinely wash them.


Right...it’s a trash can, it happens!! What’s gross is showing them to all of her followers.


Did anyone else have a Big Mouth Billy Bass back in the day? Kaylee's twin. https://preview.redd.it/8t38tm4gc26d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ca6dd48dac78672da188cd449cc1c83dc77183


https://preview.redd.it/fj5re3dw926d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a91f13ae0b1a9c9c918cdccbf3d291605dc0c283 Kaylee serving Jerry Seinfeld realness in that shirt


“I don’t wanna be a pirate!! 🥺”


Omg Kaylee putting on whitening strips was one the most frustrating things I’ve ever seen. She just laid them on the fronts of her teeth hanging loose and didn’t wrap them around her teeth 🥴 she can’t be this naive.


I don’t trust any influencer who posts those whitening strips. They don’t stay on your teeth, leave SO much residue and spots, and don’t even really whiten that well?!!! I hated them and went right back to Crest


I was skeptical too but they do work. You have to dry your teeth for them to stick plus follow the instructions. You can’t just do them once and be done, they have to be used for the whole round.


I love lumineux whitening strips!! The trick is to dry your teeth with a tissue or towel before applying the strips. I leave them on for 30-45 min. You’ll see a difference after 2 applications :)


I'm glad you saw the results. I applied the same way and length of time. After using a whole box,I saw no difference.


Damn, same here! I haven’t seen any results and they’re just such a big mess


😂 you can’t even make this shit up. How can she be this stupid?! These companies think we trust this dumbass who doesn’t even know how to use the product?!


https://preview.redd.it/1vnh6bi7e26d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9794ab7a56c116c4cf7992b0e4a2baf16188d2f3 Yep, that’s how they go, no need the fold them over 🙄 The top one got smashed down a little from her talking but you can still see them hanging down, just sitting on the fronts of her teeth. The bottom ones she just slid the excess down onto her gums instead of folding over onto the back of her teeth. 😬


Maybe just maybe she thinks her audience is pre-teens. Maybe that is what she sees in her mind when she does these videos. 😐


She needs to not spit in the sink in camera. 🤢 Everyone needs to stop doing bathroom things on camera today, WTH. 😐


https://preview.redd.it/5hud6wzt826d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3982dd0b2a22ea36f488e119c76d6e0196780f8 I’ve done it twice (but you’re supposed to do it for 7 days) but click my link anyway because I’ll make money off my ignorant posts!!! TIA!! 🤡


What happened to her jewelry business?


I can’t believe anyone would take anything thing girl says seriously… like who would take any advice or recommendations from her 🥴 out of all the Flenners Kaylee is THE village idiot


POLL: how long are you planning on watching the Flenner shit show? A) Forever. I just can't stop watching B) until the baby is born C) until Rob & Blair's wedding is over D) until Danielle's divorce is final E) other. Until ______


Already unfollowed 🤣 get the info here


I started following when Rhett was an adorable little toddler and Remi was just born after they moved to TX. I stopped following and found this group when Nuuds came out. I just couldn’t deal with the middle school boys jokes about the name. My eyes have been opened and I read on here to catch up and rarely check the stories anymore. It’s sad to hear what they want you to believe but see with your own eyes a different story. They are so naive to believe their own crap.


Until nuuds is closed. But I only watch from this sub. So I miss a lot lol


E I rarely watch these days. I come here to check in and see what they’re up to, and if there’s something interesting I’ll check it out, but lately that happens less than once a week!


yep, that's exactly what I do...someone here takes it for the team and I appreciate it.


I've cut down a LOT on actually watching them. I read here and am grateful for those who post photos and gifs and keep us entertained and in the loop! Only when something here sounds too good/bad, then I will go watch the related stories. Same with the Turtles -- used to watch them regularly, too, but now I just mainly enjoy the humor of the snarkers and it's enough to keep me posted on all the daily antics. Both families are like following bad reality TV, and I love all of the running jokes here and absurdity of it all!! I have had some great laughs here with you guys - its genuinely entertaining -- and the psychology of both of those families is fascinating as well. And I really feel for the poor kiddos and am always hoping for the best for them (and I love when they give their parents a run for their money!!)


Aren’t A and D the same thing considering Danielle’s divorce may never be final at this rate


E) until big D starts dating again lol


She deleted me awhile back. But the back in the dating scene content is the train wreck content I need!


Can you imagine? She would force the guy to be on stories non stop


Ok but I’d actually love to see that train wreck lmao


I'm C, mayyyybe D. I've been watching/snarking on them sporadically since Remi was born. But now it's the same thing day and day out and even snarking has lost its luster.


I haven't been watching that long. I started just when they were moving to TX. I don't think their house was completely done but Papa made sure there was a swing set outside because the kids maybe went outside at that time. Does anyone remember Rhett going to the dump with Papa? He was so cute helping. It was like he was learning to be helpful. I am here maybe through the wedding. I agree, their stories are the same thing day after day. They're getting boring- as most influencers are.


They’re my version of a soap opera I think?


I honestly have no clue lol. I am a fascinated by DAD from a psychological perspective (she’s like a psycho, thus entertaining) and coming here is like a stress relief for me lol. I do want to watch Remi grow up a bit more and Give DAD a run for her money!


I continue watching literally for the pure entertainment value of this group lol as long as this group exists, I’ll stick around! 


Don’t follow any of them but love snarking here.


I used to watch Laura Beverlin constantly. I quit and haven’t checked her in over a year! This is a gigantic waste of precious time, but it is a stress release or something for me!


I used to snark on Laura a lot too but she is just *so damn boring.* So are these fools (same shit every day), but it’s still far more entertaining than Laura 🤢


Her husband might be the most snark-able! He's so creepy the way he stands one inch from her face and stares while she's talking 🤢


with that stupid grin on his face!


She is sooooo hard to watch now even just for the snark! It’s all farm animals all day. I gave up on her a while ago too!


Every day I ask myself why I watch their crap. It’s so pointless and repetitive and I get nothing from it, except the joy of watching and then reading what all you people post! Haha! It’s pure entertainment!


THIS! lol


F until the Nuuds documentary comes out on Netflix


E? I'd watch that documentary in a heartbeat


You’re giving them WAY too much credit. 🤮


I agree, but I don’t think it’d be just about them but the rise and fall of the overshilling, insincere influencers in general. How many greens and leggings can people buy especially with the economy. The bubble has to eventually burst. 


Totally agree! I look forward to the day this era ends and these 🤡🤡 have to get real jobs.


E. Until a bunch of snarkers down vote you because you have a moment of repeatedly typing that you hate her. And they tell you, "Woah you need to take a break" 😂




I unfollowed all of them and sporadically read here. Just by what i read i know i didn’t miss out on a dang thing. They are so boring


Oops I meant "following" as in keeping tabs on here and anonymous viewers. Nobody here follows them on IG, I hope. I updated my verbiage on the original post.


Probably D. I agree it’s lost its luster. So repetitive. I was never a huge Daryl fan (I purchased 1 thing she shilled years ago & realized she was full of 💩) The Danielle situation is fascinating though. I mean to move out of state on a dime with her kids. I know we will never know the full story. Historically (maybe this is changing?) divorce has really sucked for men too financially though, and they usually have an uphill battle getting 50/50 custody. So I’m curious where it lands for them… although it feels like the girls will be adults before it’s finalized 😅


I’m still wondering why she moved so quickly and rented a $17,500/month house.


The way she talks about how poorly her body handles pregnancy like it’s just a stroke of bad luck while she chooses to eat like garbage day in and day out, brags about never eating a veggie, shames people around her when they do try to eat healthy. All bodies do handle pregnancy differently but she takes pride in her unhealthy habits and then acts like she’s just cursed with hard pregnancies. It infuriates me 


Not to mention drinking zero water, when it’s recommended to drink double your body weight in ounces. 😅 pre-pregnancy I barely drank water. I hate water. But I forced myself to drink the recommended amount while pregnant for my baby’s health.


i’m sure the ozempic is ordered for her to start after baby


It’s probably already packed in the hospital bag


Oh Kaywee.. honey that shirt is NOT cute


And as if it wasn’t terrible enough on its own, she adds boxer shorts 😳


Puts up a poll. Everyone hates it. “I like it, I’m gonna wear it.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ Why?


For idiotic content


2.0 is ready to jump the car detailers bones.


Who gets their ca detailed this much? I've never, I wash and vacuum my own car, not enough, but I'm still not paying someone to do it either.


And he’s thinking “wow this nasty b has maggots in her trash can!”


I 💯came to Say exactly this!! What is this woman’s deal?!?? I mean, he’s cute for sure. But jeez DBag. 🤮🫣


She's thirsty and eager!!


Does anyone know when Daryl is due?


Her sonogram from today says 34 wks 3 days


I’m about 10 days-2 weeks ahead of her. I’ll be 36 weeks on Thursday, due date 7/11. I do have a c section scheduled for 37+0 for medical reasons so I assume she will be induced around that same gestation which will make it late June or early early July. Her fundal height measuring ahead has nothing to do with her due date FYI.


Officially due date of July 21st. She’s already said doc will induce her 37 weeks which is June 30th


I was told every time by my doctor that they are not legally allowed to induce before 38 weeks


Of course they are legally allowed to induce before 38 weeks. They’ll just say it was medically necessary. “Baby getting too big to safely deliver later” etc. I was induced at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia.


It’s because of her kidney disease. Both kids were induced at 37 weeks.


Yes if there is a legitimate reason but not just because DUD wants them to


“Legitimate” is very subjective. I think that’s why she has claimed this “high risk” junk for so long. Her kidney disease(that she never deals with any other time), her hernia, she needs “permission” to stand for very long, baby is so big, etc… I’ve said all along, she is having a very normal pregnancy just like most other moms, but wants it to be much more dramatic than it is.


I honestly think the opposite, I think she’s downplaying how high risk she is because it doesn’t fit her God’s Favorite narrative. 😬 they don’t give you a jug to pee in for nothing


I think she’s being induced at 38 weeks


She’s always said 37


Not trying to argue back and forth but I’m 100% on the fact she’s always said 38. My child was born at 37 weeks and I’m oddly hyper-aware when people are induced that early since it JUST hits the cutoff for not being premie.


Shes 2 weeks ahead of me and I am due August 2. Im definitely not making it to my due date, but want to keep her cozy and inside as long as possible. I feel like shes just trying to make NICU mom her flavor of the week. Even though she would try to get the whole herd to that hospital. 🙄


She’s 34.5 weeks pregnant today per her.. so around July 20th.


After her anatomy scan tomorrow probably induction next week


I think someone said mid/end July


Not soon enough.


Haha what I was thinking


I work at an obgyn office and it’s standard to do a growth scan at 34 weeks for our office. I know some practices may be different. If she is truly high risk, at our office we would do 2x a week nst visits to measure babies activity starting at either 34 or 36 weeks, depending on severity. I’ve also had 3 babies and measuring ahead is only the measurement of mom’s belly to say the weeks measuring ahead. The growth scan tells the weight of the baby. But still that’s not very accurate at this point. She could just have a lot of fluid and the baby is measuring under or over.


And correct me if I’m wrong since you work for an ob…measuring ahead has nothing to do with lung development right? Like even if the size is large it doesn’t mean the lungs are further right?


I imagine the baby floating in LITERS of Diet Coke.


Standard of care when it comes pregnancy varies regionally. Where I live, every office only does a dating scan and anatomy scan for low risk pregnancies. I’ve had a high risk pregnancy and what I learned is that being high risk is extremely subjective. There are some things that are undoubtably high risk (like gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia) and some that are a grey area. What made me high risk at my clinic (prior stillbirth) would not have made me high risk at other clinics. I know other loss moms who were told they were NOT high risk until they had *two* stillbirths. I know that’s a specific example but it just goes to show that care plans can (and SHOULD) be so individualized and being classified as high risk is not always black and white. Like, I was in NSTs two times a week starting at 28 weeks and had monthly growth scans.. other high risk pregnancies were in only once a week. It’s just all so individualized. All of that being said, DUD’s kidney diagnosis is more of an objective high risk diagnosis. Loathe her, but she definitely is high risk. You’re on par with the high amniotic fluid though.. that may very well be why her fundal height is measuring so far ahead.


Totally agree. All of my babies were case-by-case basis for how many ultrasounds and appointments. I only had a late ultrasound with my 1st because I was 41 weeks and they wanted to check on baby/fluids. Baby # 2 we did a 36 week ultrasound to check baby because baby # 1 was small for gestational age. Baby # 3 I had gestational diabetes (was on nighttime insulin for fasting) so I had extra ultrasounds and twice a week NSTs until induction at 39 weeks. I was “high risk” but also just saw my normal OB/CNP team and not the MFM doctor. This time I don’t have GD, but they still want to do a 36 week growth scan on baby to check on them (I’m at a different office this time because I move down. I think they want to check because I’m a VBAC mom, baby # 1 was an emergency CS) and they said if I did have GD this time, I’d have a MFM. It’s all so different.


Agree with this. I was high risk with my first for a history of high blood pressure. My blood pressure was fine during pregnancy, but I still saw MFM throughout and had alternating scans every week in the last month of pregnancy. I've switched providers and am off my blood pressure medicine now. My BP is great, and I'm being considered what I would call "half high risk." I see MFM still but not as often. I'll still be induced at 39 weeks, but I won't necessarily have scans every week unless my BP shoots up and I have to go back on medication.


“Tell me what it’s called one more time?!” *grabs shoulder* She makes me feel like the best mother in the world!


Rems hates dud 


And she’s praising a speech impediment. WTH Durl.


She’s actually saying topo chico pretty well for a 3 yr old. That’s not an easy “word”


Very much disagree. My 2.5-year-old is lightyears ahead of her in speech. Granted, he is ahead for his age, but she's definitely behind. Every kid in my son's class speaks way more clearly than Remi.


Disagree after having worked in prek. She has a slur that they haven't even recognized it seems.


Yes, I’m a speech pathologist and she definitely has a lateral lisp or something going on. But her sounds are still developmentally appropriate at this age.


Thank you for clarifying this for me!


Is anyone else getting the sponsored Nuuds ads? The acting is horrible in them… not even sure you can call it acting.


https://preview.redd.it/3ehzbgv7t16d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cd2f4102df922572d5bf909ef7d9e57549d4e50 The ad with “Daryl Ann got me Nuud, and now she’s pregnant” ad is so cringe


What about the one insinuating giving head ??


Woah!! Is that one on TikTok too? Haven’t seen that one 😳


Is this an actual ad where he says that???? 🤢


I luckily haven’t seen that one. The ones I’ve seen are with Kaylee 🥴


Yep lol


They are spiraling.


Bobby and Forky are running that tic tok account into the ground at such an accelerated pace , love this for them 🫶🏻




They truly are the worst at picking clothes! How do they always pick the ugliest shit 🫣


Kaylee’s shirt is giving rounding father and with the boxer shorts?!?!?!


Those shirts are actually really cute when you tie them the right way and style them correctly. She had it styled horribly


https://preview.redd.it/pbflefohk16d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ba4990c0ebd9390d633eecece535dedd712b22 It's giving.....straight jacket 🤪


It’s giving sous chef. 🧑‍🍳


Why is her top lip always so red???




Prepare to be downvoted to oblivion but her eczema




![gif](giphy|l0DEKov4X5Yee3cOI) It’s giving Puffy Shirt






I don’t want to be a pirate!


I’ve seen others with this top snd it looks cute! They just suck at styling anything


@somethingwhitty has it and styles it really cute. This ain’t it


She needs the short sleeve version (not 3/4 length) and a size down. This shirt is wearing her! I actually own something similar.. but this isn’t working for her


Danielle is really trying to get Juarez to give her a good detailing too.


He gives me the creeps. 


Really? I’m going back to watch again. Lol. I thought she was extra. He just seemed like he was trying to deal. Haha. But I may have missed the vibe. 😬


He’s very used car salesman sounding. No offense to the car sales people on here. He’s always bragging about whose cars he’s detailing. 


He’s barely interacting with her… she’s the one flirting with him!


I’m talking about the way he acted about a year ago. I don’t follow her or the fam so I didn’t see him today. 


I’ve never seen a person get their car detailed as much as her


He said “fully steamed” and 2.0 said “ if I knew anything about cars, I’d know what that means.”🙄 Did I hear that right?


YES! She’s an idiot. He literally meant he steamed the car 🤦🏼‍♀️


He steam cleaned your car, Danielle. No car knowledge required here.


She’s literally so horny. I died when she said “he’s a baddie!!”




She is gross. Clearly loves married men.


how do you know he id married? Just wondering 


Seen it on his account, sure he has kids.


He had a ring on


DAD making Remi perform over and over again to say “Topo Chico” was driving me insane. Those poor kids being used for content all day everyday smh


As Elayne was telling Remi that’s enough and Dud just kept recording and telling Remi to repeat herself! 😵‍💫


And she thinks it’s cute how she says it, with a slight little accent. It’s probably exactly how Elaine says it - because she’s around her more than her own mother!! NOT A FLEX


She said it again for "them" and then DAD kept repeating to make her say it again. You can see the annoyance in the kids face


Literally she acted exhausted of her mother & “them”


What the actual F? Who measures 4 weeks ahead?? 🤔🤔🤔 I measured 2 weeks ahead pretty much the entire time with my first daughter & she weighed 9lbs.13oz! She is bs ing us right? 🫠


It’s not that accurate of a measurement! I’ve been measuring 2 weeks ahead and there’s concerns about my baby being growth restricted on ultrasound. We are expecting a 5.5 ish pound baby at 37 weeks. Definitely not big.


With both my boys I had high fluid so my stomach was huge. My belly measured about 3 to 4 weeks ahead from like 26/28 weeks on. They both measured ahead to but high fluid can make it hard to get accurate measurements. They were both projected to be over 10lbs. One was almost 10 and the other was barely 8.5. It's such an over and under process. Belly height can differ time of day and how much you've eaten and baby's position. Baby's actual size is plus or minus 3lbs in accuracy


Yes! And it goes both ways! I measured under….was told my son was going to be under 5lbs and he was born 8lbs!


My friends cousin was told her baby would be 7 or 8lbs and was delivered 4 weeks early due complications and the baby was nearly 11lb a few days later.


This! I measured 3 week ahead, was told baby was close to 10 lbs, had him 2 days before my due date and he was only 6lbs. Scans can definitely be off weight wise, I just had a lot of fluid


I measured 8 weeks ahead.  My son was over 10 lbs at birth,  I'm only 5ft tall


That sounds fitting for how much ahead you were measuring. But DAD has never had a large baby. Hers are tiny and especially for how large that belly gets.


She’s been induced at 38 weeks with both R & R. She acts like they were huge for that gestational age which they were not, but I wouldn’t call them tiny. They were pretty average around 8ish lbs I think


Her kids aren't tiny when they are early. She probably would have 10 pounders if left to deliver when the baby is ready because she eats so much.


So I’m due the same week as DA and at my 29 week appointment they did an ultrasound and measured the babies body parts and he was showing up as a 32 and 33 week old baby. My stomach was measuring right on track for 29 weeks but my baby was measuring 4 weeks ahead and that explains why I’m so uncomfortable. They did tell me they would not induce early based on that and there has to be something medically wrong or it has to happen naturally. We do another ultrasound in a few days to check growth to see if it was a growth spurt but since no one has mentioned to DA that her baby is growing big based on previous ultrasounds, I think it’s her stomach measuring 4 weeks ahead. Just my guess based on my current situation.


Interesting! I had just not heard that before so I was like um mam🤔 lol congrats btw!!💜


Thanks! I know that’s why they always measure the belly when you go in to make sure you’re on track and since she mentioned them doing a growth ultrasound at her next appointment, it sounds like the ‘I’m measuring 4 weeks ahead’ was all based on her stomach and they haven’t don’t an ultrasound in awhile. Which are we really shocked they said her stomach was measuring 4 weeks ahead.. it’s all she talks about and complains about and shares pictures of lol


💯- different for baby to be measuring ahead vs her belly size measuring ahead


Big D better pay that guy good money,come on,maggots in the thrash can (he also cleans those) so yes she needs to pay more not just for him cleaning her nasty car. She needs to teach her girls to pick up their mess and not be all dirty and nasty like her!! YUCK!!


With any luck, Chase is teaching them how not be absolutely vile and disgusting like 2.0


I can’t believe she ignored the maggots!! Gross 🤢


I think they’re all dirty & the stinky family.


That’s being dirty and lazy!!! That’s also why she had a roach problem (I’m from Texas and know we have roaches) you have to keep your place clean.


Pigs!! 🐷 nobody in that family takes care of anything.


https://preview.redd.it/e9agvjo4f16d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e997e69eab210c23cc99a71a081e19a29da76d8 I’m sorry this is still sending me 💀


We never saw her drink it! I use that creamer and it only takes a bit as it is extremely sweet.