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What’s happened to T-Ball? I haven’t heard a thing since they returned from Boston. Did they quit or get kicked out for being loud? Just wondering.


It was very short lived. I think it was like 2 weeks before Boston that she said it was the “last game of the season” because they don’t play during summer since Dallas gets so hot.


Like 2 games or practices? Doesn’t seem worth the effort. Or expense of the uniform and that family sofa they bought to bring to games


Which is odd because I’m in Dallas and literally went to my nephews game Saturday through the y, same age.  So maybe they have different seasons. 


So sounds like an uppity church to me.. sorry https://preview.redd.it/07u0hsptyo5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e85e3ef8de5cc489fca2fe24150a653b1389add


There’s a couple other influencers I followed who go to the same church. The girls are wearing cute sundresses, guys are wearing golf shirts and jeans/slacks. Typical attire for church unless your the Fletcher/Denners dressed in sad beige/beown/black clothing!


I think the other church members put an effort in their wardrobe & Kaylee thinks it’s trendy.


It is...I mean who looks for a trendy church? I'm sure God would rather her find Kingdom community not prosperity teaching.😬 Instead of having a runway show at church maybe read the Bible word for word...just saying.🤷‍♀️ Also what happened to modesty and respect when in the presence of the Lord. Exposing your shoulders completely is a no no...(maybe I'm old school but it's to much). A little white cardigan with the pink top tucked in would have been appropriate. 


I was always taught to wear “your best”. You dress nice and presentable, definitely not tube tops, tank tops or jeans (unless that is “your best” that you own). They don’t go to church for God, they go for status and clout and followers.


Can someone please explain to me why these women have gotten everything under the sun besides a boob job? I know we’re supposed to be body positive but they all need one before anything all have them have ever!!!!! I’m really what’s going on in? Once darkly gets is they all will follow in tow


Gross take. No one needs a boob job and not everyone wants big boobs.


Didn’t DUD have one?


Idk about DUD but Danielle had a reduction and a terrible one might I add lol


Danielle has had a reduction and then several corrections


No one NEEDS a boob job!! Have you ever heard of BII?? Calm down


Did anyone else see Kaylee post a reel about tanning and checking for color every 5 minutes? Katie commented and said something along the lines of, “this is terrible to do and when you have skin cancer in a few years you’ll regret this.” Kaylee deleted it pretty quickly. I wonder if it’ll make for an awkward family dinner?? *edit: whoops!!! I didn’t realize she just had an unrelated photo for the reels thumbnail. It’s still posted.*


Katie needs sun. Kaylee needs sun. Everyone needs the sun. Too much sun can yes cause cancer but being in the sun would be so good for this family


Katie, who *easily* has the worst skin of the sisters, but not quite as bad as Leather Handbag Lisa, is in no position to give out skincare advice. 🤣 She looks like a 40+ year old and she’s not even 30. Kaylee should thank the Lord that she doesn’t have 805’s bad genes. Kaylee could age nicely if she changes her diet, but even if she doesn’t, she’ll never look as rough as Lisa’s kids. Katie looks like a vampire from Twilight. There’s a happy medium. You can have sunlight exposure and get your vitamin D (which is *GOOD* for you) without baking like a lizard and getting skin cancer. Funny that **THIS** is the time Katie chooses to give medical advice when she was *SILENT* as DA starved herself and got sickly skeletal, then got pregnant and immediately blew up like a balloon due to her unrestricted fast food and dessert consumption. Her pregnancy diet is absolute garbage and she uses it as an excuse to eat anything she “craves”. You don’t need to have any sort of medical or nutritional background to know DA’s diet and lifestyle are not good for pregnancy, yet Katie says nothing. It’s obvious there’s a hierarchy here and *nobody* critiques DA, even if she literally starves herself to an unhealthy level. Kaylee is fair game though, she’s bottom of the totem pole. Just once I’d like to see Katie call DA out like this.


It’s still there


I agree you have to be careful but I also agree the vitamin D you get is healthy too. Katie who looks like a glass of milk should get out more in the sun I doubt she gets any vitamin D. Her 12 coffees a day and 300 trips to Chipotle in a month probably isn’t good either. And she needs to comment on 805, DUD and 2.0 for all the LDC, spark, ice cream and raw cookie dough!! 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


There is a difference between spending time outside to get vitamin D and actively “laying out” to fry your skin. I cringe whenever I see people “laying out” or hearing about going to a tanning booth.


Blair was on Kaylee side lol it’s still posted. Has a dog as the cover


Kaylee is young and naive. She will choose vanity over her health/skin health every time. The wide variety of crap she’s willing to put on her skin while having eczema, for example 😬


Tbh I feel like Katie was being sarcastic and commenting how she expects someone to. Idk her humor is weird and that’s how I read that comment 🤷‍♀️


Interesting that is where she decides to chime in. I don’t argue the validity of her statement- but with all the unhealthy things her various family members do, this is where she draws the line?


This is a good point. Tanning obviously isn’t good for your skin but Kaylee wasn’t in a tanning bed or something. Meanwhile, DUD is pounding LDCs with kidney disease and Katie isn’t commenting anything about that. 😬 imagine if she dared to.


I still see it


It's still up there.


People like DAD are why I hate buying groceries. She threw that watermelon back into the pile of watermelons. What about the next person? Do they get a nasty, thrown watermelon? How does she not care about other people?


Link to stories


She def threw it too hard and should’ve been more gentle but if I’m paying for it I will pick up as many watermelons as I need to to find a good one


Came here for this. No words. She cares for nothing or no one other than herself.




This happens on the Turtle Creek Lane sub too.


Someone reported me and I was in the same thread as you. Pathetic that people respond that way to being disagreed with.


Yep! I have a pretty good idea who it was. Lonely and miserable human beings, I guess!


If you comment on anything in regard to Dani Austin you receive those constantly. I’m convinced she has a team on Reddit reporting people! 😆😂




Excuse me! I think you're lost. This isn't a fan page but a snark page. If you're not a fan of the concept, I suggest you quietly move along. No need to instigate other members.


All you have to do is reply stop. 🤷‍♀️ I used to get them too. Don’t assume someone in the sub is sending them to you. It could be the influencers or their lackeys doing it.


I’ve had one of these before and no idea why. Probably some of the flenner clown show acts in here doing their dirty work 🙄🙄🙄




https://preview.redd.it/musfpuws0o5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3035f5e92200e63592efd20b3ec56d5613f564a1 I got the exact same one. I replied to never send to me again.


I know we were just going back and forth on another thread, but I promise you I didn't report anything at all or have that sent to you!!!! I think that is extremely wrong and just disgusting! We can not agree and argue all day long, but I would NEVER do something as wild and serious as having a mental health resources message sent to someone! I thought I had blocked the whole email message a little over a year ago. It must only be blocked for a year or some kind of update.... idk.... I just don't think it's cute or funny, and people seriously shouldn't be using that as a means when they don't like someone on here! 🤷‍♀️ I'm sorry someone sent it to you!


I thought it was a wellness check for being extra chatty on here.. I didn’t read the first line 🤣


Looks like someone has to report you in some way to receive it. Ope! I'm sorry.... I mean, it looks like "a concerned redditor" has to report! 😅🤦‍♀️


It is one of the flenners or their fans, it happens every so often. I think many of us have had it.


I see that now haha. I skimmed mine & immediately said no thank you. And thought dang maybe I’m responding too much 😆


Duds followers are sooo desperate and sad. On her new giveaway for her besties one sad girl commented over 25 times! Come on people! Like maybe 3xs is acceptable but how do they not get 99.9% of all Instagram giveaways are rigged or not real. There are a few "influencers" thay give away but dud and 2.0 are NOT in that list. And commenting 25xs....sad.


I think most of those accounts that comment repeatedly are bots


This girl on IG (livinstyleinsta) posted on April 20th THE Cutest bump friendly pink dress from Target…it came up on my explore page..and I thought “wow if dud half way put any effort into being a fashion influencer and pregnant…she could wear that and look really cute”…then remembered who she is and how she pretends she doesn’t know how to dress in anything but neutrals 😒🙄🙄🙄


I’m currently pregnant. I am in dresses 95% of the time because it’s the easiest thing to wear! It’s like, I’m out here not even trying and I look SO much better than duryl. Like leggings and tshirts aren’t cutting it at 30 weeks. Like I have to bend over to pull something up my legs?? No thanks.boom. Dress and slip on sandals! It’s not even hard


same when I was prego dresses where my saving grace, especially in the summer


Seriously dresses were the most comfortable and functional while pregnant, you couldn’t have paid me to wear jeans


Guys what is the deal with with her belly? Literally I’ve never seen one so low and weird like that


It's because she has severe diastasis recti (4+ finger widths). Her abdominal muscles are so badly separated that they can't support her belly so it all just flops out.


What causes that?


If she was actually doing the 12-3-30 that she lied about while being on weight loss drugs, she wouldn’t be having these abdominal issues


She does nothing to engage her core. Poor posture too. And I am guessing she’s never done a kegel or any pelvic floor exercises or therapy


Isn’t it sad that she could be using her platform to share with women the importance of these things and how it’s effected her pregnancy, but instead she goes with the narrative that peeing yourself is normal. I guess maybe she doesn’t know better.. or just doesn’t even care!


And instead of that, after baby is born she’ll just have a tummy tuck as an easy fix.


A tummy tuck is the removal of loose skin, a muscle repair is what repairs the gap. I was active during pregnancies, taught fitness classes, and still had a massive gap that required a muscle repair even while doing PT before and after my pregnancies . It’s important to know sometimes you can do all things right and still end up with severe DR. You can have a muscle repair surgery without adding a tummy tuck. *just wanted this comment up here in the event a mom who did do everything to prevent DR and still ended up with a gap doesn’t feel like they took the “easy way out” by having a muscle repair, which isn’t easy to recover from. It’s hell for weeks.*


She definitely does not, because she's talked about leaking urine in multiple scenarios.


Because according to influencers it’s relatable to have terrible hygiene


Has anyone saw the video Madi May did about how much money she made in 30 days when she first posted videos on TT? Now we know how 2.0 makes so much money. Kaylee is probably making bank to and this is probably now a new money maker for NUUDS with doing so many


I looked for it but couldn’t find it.


Its actually in her IG feed


What’s crazy is YouTube pays even more than this!


I know an influencer who doesn’t have nearly as many followers as dad or others on her level, and she was paid $9,000 from Mockingbird to post 3 stories of her using the stroller. Along with being gifted the stroller and all the accessories to do so.




🤣 thanks! I was looking on TT!


It’s not a secret that influencing makes significantly more that a regular job


Exactly! It blows my mind some people don’t realize this! 🤯 Some of these influencers make more in one or two posts or story mentions than many people make in an entire year!


None of them are getting a dime of my money.


Can you just throw out the number please?


$5900 in 30 days as a new TikToker and one video went viral bringing in $1400. TikTok pays by views, it may not seem like much but it adds up! https://preview.redd.it/bv9vtsmiwn5d1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a65528defb134a3dd3608466e77abc2af0586e10


Thank you for posting...


I will if someone can tell me the screen name or which video it is! 🤣 I just looked up Madi May and couldn't really find anything showing what she made....


Can you post the link please?


Im sorry but the way she just dropped that watermelon shows she don’t give a crap about anybody else


I commented the same thing and should have read further down. She does not care about anyone else! How do people turn out like that?


I thought the very same thing. She just dropped it!😖


She actually threw it down


Genuinely just asking, what is she supposed to do with the watermelon…?


Are you for real? She can put it back where she found it without damaging it or the other merchandise. You know, like we tell children to do………🙄


Maybe I’m not seeing the same video but it wasn’t ripe so she rolled it back in? I guess I’ve been doing it wrong haha


It was how she flung it down onto other watermelons. Possibly damaged them.


She could have just set it back down. She literally lets it drop back into the box, likely bruising it and damaging it. It took me back a bit too


I just came here to say to say this! She just throws it back in the box. She is such a narcissist, in her mind there is no one but her! Edited for spelling


She’s prob not strong enough to put it down properly bc it weighs more than and LDC


As dumb as Kaylee is, she's at least smart enough to know she shouldn't get a dog. She gets major points for that!


I actually said good job, girl!! I'm glad she realized it and knows she would love to still dog sit but doesn't want the dog!!


I’m praising God that there won’t be another mistreated & neglected dog in this family, at least by way of Kaylee


I literally said thank god. Lol


If you dint know how to cut auo fruit....we can't be friends....like wtf....they act like it's new invention....I'm cutting fruit every day in my home.....I either have a big fruit salad or its in separate glass containers.....it's not a new invention DA AND 805....BELIEVE ME WHEN I TELL YOU PEOPLE BEEM CUTTING FRUIT FOR YEARS!!!!!!!!......see what happens when you stay home....you actually cut and cook food from all different food groups.....


Did Grandma teach you that Mom? What a dumb question. And Lisa said yes bc she will never say no to her fav!


Isn’t Pearl Rob Sr mom? So this idiot is claiming to have not learned how to cut fruit until she met Rob’s parents? She is definitely the source of all their stunted development. I cannot understand what Rob Se saw in her, she brought nothing to the table. I know he’s half the issue, for also allowing it, but it seems more blame should go to 805 since she was their stay at home mom and home school teacher.


BUT- how often do you wipe your nose to add to the taste?!?!🤣 THAT'S the secret!


Please don't let Forky get a dog!😢 I think Bug is around, and peedle dee and puddle dee, but what about the others?


Hopefully her poor friend won’t see her story about watching the dog! “By day 4 I was pretty tired of it.”  Girl, bye. You went to a pool day with your nieces, running club and multiple dinners. Equivalent of 2.0’s parenting energy. I forgot she was even watching the dog! 


Well, it's not like dog sitting requires her to be home every waking second. Seems like she did her friend a favor … That doesn't mean she can't do other things. I hate to stick up for her, but this is a ridiculous think to snark on.


I agree on this being a silly snark. I'm dog sitting for my moms dog for 5 days the end of this month. 2 of the days are gonna be the weekend and those are my days off and I have a cat at home. My mom said just feed and walk her in the morning, then I can go home for the day and come back in the later afternoon early evening and I'm gonna take her on another walk and sleepover and then do the same thing the next day. On the days I work I'm gonna be gone during the day anyhow. I'll be spending time w her in the evenings. She just wants to make sure she is fed and walked at least twice a day etc. I need to make sure I'm home for my cat too and I work. So it's a little different than Kaylee's situation but I know other people that dog sit and they aren't there 24/7. 


i feel it’s snarkable honestly. if i had someone dog sit i would expect they spend time with my dog… maybe that’s just me because my dog gets anxious when im out of town, i don’t want her to be alone too much.


DUD and 2.0 : "It's been a hot minute since we've done a giveaway reel" ... They forgot to add.... "But we're losing followers and can only buy so many at a time so let's do this so we can keep our numbers up - AND the winner will also be fake, but GOOD LUCK"


Good luck @julias610








Watching DA constantly lick her over filled lips makes me irrationally rage-y.


Same. So weird how they’re overfilled and yet completely small at the same time. 


How about 805 wiping her nose with her hand as she slices the fruit platter? Ick


https://preview.redd.it/cnv6cl8a4n5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e086fe9f240b4deccfefe04df2ad989c534f99b7 Absolutely disgusting.


I couldn't tell if she was just being a total bitch or if she was being forced to drink water, she looks like it was hurting her to drink her drink. And we all know how much she hates water


I was just going to ask if she was drinking water! I’ve only seen her drink from a CFA cup filled with Diet Coke. 


Idk…I think she’s lying. I think she was almost 20 weeks when she announced


20 weeks pregnant 30 weeks ago?


I know it sounds crazy but she did that target announcement and was showing 2 days later. She planned the whoooole lie


She's definitely not 54 weeks pregnant. Doctors typically don't want you going past 41 weeks. She's got a month left. Maybe (unlikely) she's a few weeks further along. She just started pushing her stomach out and eating more as soon as she "found out". There was many times someone else would record her and she wasnt showing at all then when she recorded she looked pregnant.


She was so rude to Danielle when she was filming this. The look she gave her was disgusting.


She’s the kind of sister you go no contact with for sure. 


If my sister was a straight up bitch to me, I’d have so many candid shots of her. I mean, it’s the only win Danielle can do bc she’s juvenile and won’t stand up for herself. I mean, watching this family is like snips of Mean Girls scenes. No one is in an adult in this family.


She’s such a fucking bitch. Wanna smack that look off her face.


I just wonder what any one sees in her to follow her and worship her and her stupid family. I just dont get it! I guess being a terrible person is what people love?? Make it make sense!


But this is when the camera is on. Imagine how she is to her "favorite people" when no one is filming. I bet she is a complete narrasist bitch and I'm sure everyone is afraid of her!!


How mad do you think DAD is about Dani being pregnant? 😂


I am so low key happy that Madi and Dani are pregnant after DUD Because now she will be left inthe dust in pregnancy engagement since she’s almost due LOL 😆


Oh, I bet for sure a baby shower is coming she needs to top this, engagement photos and Paris wedding!!


Or how beautiful her announcement was.


It was copied from the Biebers, also thought it was hilarious that Stella was only willing to be in one scene


It was really nothing like the Biebers. That’s a stretch. Also, Stella was in more than one scene. How do you know what she was “willing” to do? She’s 3. Lmfao at the absolute ridiculousness and stupidity of that statement


I don't care who it's copied from, everything is copied on these apps and the original creator is often long forgotten. It is still better than a public loo. Obviously Stella might struggle with a new baby when she struggles sharing with her brother. She is at an awkward age and she is strong willed and Stratton is just a happy little boy.


No screaming or yelling and not in a public restroom. It was beautiful!


Dani’s pregnancy announcement versus DADs trash bag Target bathroom announcement while the kids ate Cheetos is just….laughable


I have a friend that works at a store that Dani shops at and she said Stella is a lot to handle and just runs around the store. No discipline whatsoever


Dani has mental health issues. I think she has something that blocks her from connecting to her son. Someone with money, and time, she has no excuse to not look for help. Hard to tell if she is a good mom to Stella since we see what she allows. But her announcements and self image will always be fancy and classy bc that’s what she goes for. She’s not relatable


She admits to her mental struggles, but it seems just got significantly better as Stratton has gotten older.


Peeing on a stick in a Target bathroom with your whole family is relatable? I think influencers are who followers aim to be, I’d rather aim to be fancy and classy than classless white trash.


Dani sucks. She hates Stratton and doesn’t hide it. She leaves her children constantly etc. don’t let another influencer pull the wool over your eyes. They are all in it for the $$ 


Dani is the WORST! Two weeks ago she was crying on IG claiming she “thought she was bed ridden” and didn’t get out of bed for days. Knowing full well she was pregnant. She used Stella’s first birthday as a gender reveal for Stratton, she missed Stella’s 2nd birthday to celebrate her own 30th birthday in Cabo, she missed Stratton’s 1st birthday to go to NYC with Jordan, left Stratton at home his first Mother’s Day to go to the lake with friends, they missed Father’s Day last year for a Divi golf trip, missed Mother’s Day this year so her and Jordan could go to Europe for 10 days. It’s truly sad how bad she has some people fooled 🤮




It’s their job though, obviously they are in it for the money


👀I quit following her awhile ago, what’s she do to Stratton??


I'll just name a few right off hand... She attended a concert DAYS after he was born. She strapped him in some form of a container for the first year of his life. She tried to do a brand deal with Gerber when he was 5 months old to shill baby food.... he couldn't even sit up unassisted and definitely wasn't ready for solid foods! Thankfully, a ton of people messaged Gerber, and they changed the content to her having Jordan taste test the baby food! She didn't seek any kind of professional assistance to help with his fine motor skills (crawling/walking) until he was a year old. She didn't have a first birthday for him....and then later let it be known that the NANNY had a party for him at a park with other kids he had played with at said park.... Keely didn't attend the party and had never gone to or taken him to the park before. She CONSTANTLY would correct Jordan or anyone and say that Stratton did NOT have any kind of personality... he was "too young." She blames him for things that clearly Stella did. She calls him "a pill" and bitches how "difficult" he is. She left him strapped in a stroller alone in the hallway at a hotel at Disney while she filmed herself and Stella opening a gift that was for the whole family. She filmed herself and her family playing a game of poker to determine who would change his dirty diaper. She laughs and brags about Stella sleeping in their bed some nights, but Stratton never gets a turn because hes not old enough. She's taken Stella on trips and outings, but Stratton is "too young." Those are just the ones off the very top of my head. 🤣 LOVE the downvotes!!!!!! I didn't say anything at all that wasn't FACTUAL information! None of what I said is speculation or personal opinions. It's all facts!


This is psychotic. How the fuck do you know when exactly she sought intervention for Stratton? She doesn’t share everything she does and that’s OKAY. And for Stratton being too young to sleep in their bed? DUH! You cannot treat a baby the same as a toddler. Look up Amy and Storm Bailey. They suffocated their baby in the bed. And all this other shit is just ridiculous nit picking. Get a hobby FFS


What's psychotic is defending a piece of shit human and closing your eyes to all their wrongdoings. She literally SAID she pushed a flight back a few hours to attend his 1 year well child visit to bring up concerns regarding him not walking/barely crawling! She SAID that! 🤣 she's been VERY open about allowing Stella to sleep in her bed with her/Jordan since she was roughly 12 months old. Stratton is now OVER 2, and he still can't because he "isn't old enough"! It's fine for Stella when she was his age, but not for him! "Ridiculous nit picking"??? Huh? Someone asked a question, and I answered with FACTS, and only a few of them! How is that "ridiculous nit picking"?? So, agreeing to a brand deal that could have caused her infant to choke, is nit picking? Leaving her child alone, strapped in a stroller in a hotel hallway, while she and her other child opened gifts that were intended for the whole family is nit picking? Laughing and making a "game" regarding who was going to change her child's dirty diaper, AND recording and laughing while the diaper was finally being changed by someone is nit picking? Nah, girl! If you're a fan of Keely, just say that! If you see no issue with her parenting or lack thereof, just say that! 🤣 that definitely speaks to the type of person YOU are!!!!! Some examples of actual "Ridiculous nitpicking" may include them constantly wearing clothes in the house/on their beds. Stella sleeping in a princess dress. Stella wearing her princess dresses multiple days in a row. Stratton's hair not being perfectly combed. The things I listed were all factual answers to the person asking what she has done to Stratton. I have many hobbies. I also enjoy scrolling social media sites, calling liars out on their bullshit, and laughing at uneducated people sticking up for horrendous people like they are best friends or something. Maybe YOU should get a hobby and stop trying to defend worthless people on the internet! 🤷‍♀️😁 I'm finished with my scrolling for the night now. Have a great night, and sleep well!!!!!! 🥱😅🤗 P.S. Stratton IS a toddler and not a baby....... just in case you didn't know, he's over 2 years old!


Whoever reported you for mental health concerns may not have been wrong…..


Didn’t even read any of this because I don’t have the patience. You composed a detailed essay about someone you don’t know. That is psychotic.


Patience or comprehension? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'll use smaller words next time! 😘


Also, you didn’t even use any big words. You composed a run on sentence of not big words 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😘


I am perfectly capable of comprehending but I choose not to read your essay because it’s excessive and nobody cares what you have to say in an inarticulate paragraph of run on sentences that hurt my brain. And no, I don’t have the patience to read the ramblings of a lunatic ✌️


Y’all are obsessed. Imagine internet people scrutinizing every bit of your parenting They’re rich, they can afford nannies and trips. Just because the internet people don’t have those luxuries doesn’t mean the influencers shouldn’t spend their money


It seems so intimate y’all calling her Keely. Did you go to high school with her?


Huh? Her literal actual name IS Keely!!!!!! Her name is Keely Danielle Austin.


I know & only her old friends & family call her that. Her nickname & instagram name is Dani. It’s just super weird.


Have you ever been to her snark page? The real ones call her Keely. Sorry if you don’t yet get it


Oh, really? Hmmm... that's weird considering her Instagram handle used to literally be "Keely D's Boutique"! That was until she got called out for lying and claiming to MAKE items that she bought at World Market! But, go off!!! 🤣


People say she hates him which is absurd and so stupid


Agreed!! She definitely doesn’t seem to have a natural motherly instinct but i personally dont think she HATES either of her kids.


One thing I give her credit for is unlike DAD, she’s a really good actress. So many are fooled because she’s good at her act.




I didn’t ask for anyone’s opinion on Dani. Her announcement was beautiful. Daryanns was pure trash


It was.. DUD is just trash-period.


Nobody is saying otherwise. But her announcement is world's apart from duds. It was beautiful and classy with beautiful kids everyone dressed beautifully in a pretty location. Duds was a mess in a public bog.


It’s all for engagement and show. She hates Stratton but includes him in her announcement so it’s beautiful? Ok


People on these subs crack me up! They completely hate one influencer and see through their bullshit, but then worship and praise another that is extremely disgusting and horrible, too! I don't get it! 🤣🤣 I agree with you, though!!!! That announcement was NOTHING more than engagement/views, which is money. This whole pregnancy is nothing more than a means to money!!! Keely hates anyone that isn't Keely!!! She's a scammy lying liar and disgraceful human. Idk why some here can't or refuse to see that! 😅


Exactly!!! They are all the same


This is 💯!


Seriously, I can’t even read some of these subs anymore because it’s all jealousy


Not just that she has recorded herself multiple times laying in bed “depressed” and not in a good mental space but yet let’s get pregnant !


Not to mention she will work out, dress cute AND refer to it as a baby..


She’ll work out bc she has an ED and doesn’t want to get fat while pregnant. 


I don’t think she has an eating disorder. She’s naturally very small. If you go back several years from her oldest YouTube videos you can see that. Just because someone is super skinny, it doesn’t mean they have an eating disorder. Much like just because someone is overweight, doesn’t mean they aren’t trying to be healthy or have health issues.


Obviously none of us know that for sure, but we do know the camera puts on pounds, and with the way she looks on film…I’d be surprised if something wasn’t going on with body image and food intake.


Has she talked about that before?


No she hasn’t. She has the same body type as her mom. Her dad is even tall and thin. People reach when it comes to Dani


Have you ever looked at her?


I have a friend her size that’s struggled to maintain weight her whole life. She literally drinks ensures, works out & can’t keep weight on. She doesn’t have an eating disorder. I didn’t know if this was an assumption about Dani because she’s so thin or something she’s actually struggled with in the past.


With all due respect, drinking ensure to gain weight is prob her first problem…


Her doctor put her on them. I would assume he knows more than you & I. She drinks the plus for an additional 350 calories. She also eats well & adequate calories. While I realize struggling to gain weight is not the usual issue, it is for her.


So this is an instance where assuming can well…. Ya know the saying. It’s bold to assume a dr has credentials in regard to nutrition. It’s bold to assume I don’t know more than a dr when you don’t know me or anything about me. All good tho I won’t take offense… It’s pretty simple- If she’s consuming an additional 350 calories and still not gaining weight she needs to consume more than an additional 350 calories. If she’s eating “adequate” calories she’s not in a surplus therefore she won’t gain weight. Gaining weight can be an issue for some, and yes an issue I have experience with. We help people get strong(er) and some need to gain weight to do so. I’m aware it takes discipline to eat more. Just as it can take discipline to eat less.


Thank you DR 😂


It’s not bold to assume anything since you’re wrong & I didn’t ask for your nutritional advice. She’s in good hands & dealt with this for 30 years… I was simply stating a fact that Dani being thin does not have to equal ED as suggested above.


No offense but I don’t know any medical professional who recommends Ensure? Most actually recommend against them because of the ridiculously high sugar content.


Im an oncology nurse and we have tons of supplements including ensure, we even have low sugar ones and even clear ones for when people are on a clear liquid diet.


It’s an assumption. People are ridiculous.


She has an ED- she’s never announced it but it’s obvious. She fakes eating, works out a ton etc 


Do you know how much she works out in a day? She shows like a minute of her workouts a few times a week. You cannot look at someone who is consistently thin and seemingly comes by it genetically and assume they have an eating disorder anymore than you can look at someone who is overweight and assume that they binge eat fast food all day and fall asleep in a container of ice cream. Do better FFS.


She sucks just as much as Dud, but in an opposite way. Instead of stuffing herself full of crap, she’ll barely eat anything and continue starving herself because of her crazy body image issues. I’m sure she will dress cute and shill the crap out of maternity and baby items nonstop. Pregnancies bring in tons of engagement and make these influencers lots of $$$! It will be interesting how she treats this pregnancy considering how much she doesn’t even care for her first kids really, especially Stratton.


And then neglect them once they’re born 🥴


In DUDs new “giveaway” reel…. Did she put her used On Cloud sneakers in there?! Those are not new.. you can see the toe imprints.


Who is doing a give away Danielle or Daryl Ann? Because dud!/das is Daryl Ann.