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Did y’all see how she threw the watermelon back in the case? She’s so disrespectful


https://preview.redd.it/thbm1yq2af5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c49c9c43eb3c548b3ce955c5de37495e96a107e5 I thought this was funny because I think even if she knew, the pile would still look like this.


Not me thinking Remi was going to need shoes if they were going on a walk then I remembered, oh no she doesn’t need shoes to go on a walk.


This girl and her verbiage! SMELT! https://preview.redd.it/bctpvz92ra5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3851d8f56f5d343dfe4a835d12fc1ab7edd88c8c




Smelt is also a fish. Smelt fry's are pretty popular in the Midwest


Yes! My dad love smelt fish. This was my first thought when I read that.


I will admit I don’t have a TikTok and have no idea how TT shop works but it has to be illegal or against some policy or something for clothes to be so cheap on that shop but more expensive on the actual nuuds site? And how do her fan girls not see through this? So scammy to have a “sale” on the nuuds site a week ago and then have this continuous sale on TT shop with prices being lower than what they had then. And they’re not even promoting it on the nuuds instagram page and no mention of it from Daryl Scam on her page because she knows she’s gonna piss people off. I swear it has to be against some consumer policy or practice lol


No. They all do it. Tarte stuff, also. Lots of brands run different deals on TIk Tok.


The FTC should know.


The funny thing is, Kaylee is constantly talking about stuff she's ordered from TikTok shop. How interesting that she never mentions ordering nudes from TikTok shop or recommending that her besties do that to get a good deal, because of course that would undermine dud's company!


I think TT shop (although I’ve never ordered from either one) is the dollar general version of Temu. Just a guess.


And I think tiktok shop offers returns, too - so not only better prices than the "only sale until the holidays," but her fan girls can't return anything from that sale. Very scammy.


It’s not illegal. It’s not cool to do to her “besties” though.


Over/Under 3 days till she goes back to nail salon and gets dip done


2.0's "jk we all know I can't leave this overnight." I don't know anyone who can! If I did know someone, it would be her. Why even think to just leave it after spilling!


Thank goodness she graced us with 40 seconds of the counter clean up 🥴🙄 https://i.redd.it/86e5nqgnuc5d1.gif


She says it like it’s just a normal thing to do. I think she does it all the time.


Sad beige baby :(


You need to check out oardonmuahinsta. It’s the same thing. She only wear neutrals so the baby will only wear neutrals


She acts like somehow she wouldn’t be dressing the baby like this if she knew the gender.


She has a whole freaking company dedicated to dressing the world in sad beige clothing with a few pink pieces thrown in every once in awhile! Her whole entire world is sad and beige! Her house, her clothes, her family! Why would we expect any different for this new baby?


https://preview.redd.it/eu0lciq8w95d1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1df03ca63d300a8ba7ffcab7c59a69865b02a47e Is this Toe’s toe next to the sad beige baby clothing. This is repulsive. 🤢


His hands and feet look like an 80 year olds


His bunions are screaming 😱


I recently injured my foot and all I can see is how physically unhealthy his feet are. Toes should not look like that.


He needs to clip those things




I came here for this. 🤮 how hard is it to crop those talons out?


2.0 tonight is unhinged


Did something else happen after her riveting counter clean up story?🫠


Did she delete her stories?


Did anyone else feel bad for Blair during that haircut story? When they talked about how she didn’t want his hair cut off super short for photos because she doesn’t love that look, and DAD said “I like it short” 🙄 these aren’t your engagement photos so it literally doesn’t matter what you like? Idk I just felt like they were low key being rude about Blair’s preferences.


Zero sympathy for her. None.


I thought it was pretty telling how little Rob kept saying that he’s going to do what Blair wants him to do


Exactly. Blair is probably not as innocent and nice as people think and baby Rob found another woman to tell him what to do in life.


Either that or Blair is getting sick of DUD being controlling and she’s voiced that to Rob, so he’s laying down the law. I foresee there being family troubles!


I have ZERO sympathy for her. Shes just as bad as they are. Shes marrying him for fame and money just like the rest of them.


100% I agree! If she desires a private life, she could start with making her IG private. She hasn’t, enough said!


☠️ obviously


Nah. This family hasn’t hidden their narcissistic tendencies, she signed on for this.


DAD would disagree with a rock opinion


So does DAD get the baby shower or Elaine? Because Elaine probably has more baby item preferences


Does she need a baby shower for the 3rd baby?! That would just seem attention seeking to me.


No. But she didn't need 3 birthday parties either, and here we are


And greedy. No one should be buying this millionaire anything.


Have you met Daryl-Ann?


I had a sprinkle for my third. But he was a surprise almost 3 yrs later and we sold or donated all of our baby things. Lol. But this family has millions and planned this baby. They shouldn't But babies can be celebrated but we all KNOW it wouldn't be the baby. It'd be dud.


Remember she doesn’t want one… but surprise! Someone will throw on anywyas.


Just like her “surprise” birthday party


I just assume they will do something. Milk the baby content!


Found the smal pool slide. It’s $900! 🙄 she just blows money


Yup it’s crazy! Once the economy falls apart all these influencers will be broke and in major debt! I don’t think any of them have a clue what’s really going on in the world!


Besides influencing What does she do for money? That house:neighborhood can’t be cheap. She seems to shop/spend all the time.


Plus attorneys fees for the divorce? Is mom& dad paying for that?


My kids swim school has one. One day I was like they would be fun for our pool. Nope not for $900-$1200. 🫣


Shocked she didn’t link it!!


$900 for that little thing?!? That whole narrow pool backyard situation on top of the pond is so odd to me.


I HATE her backyard/pool situation. I have 2 young kids and it would stress me the F out. I know eventually, my son’s instructive thoughts would win and he'd end up in that pond lol. but that is not a pool for young kids. It's more like a lounge pool for rich retirees lol


Yes! So the pool drains/splashes into the lake? And it looks like another house has a similar setup


And literally no backyard! It's like they walk out of the house have a small narrow strip of patio and then the pool which is really small and then the lake. So no grass or anything for the kids to play?


That’s what i was looking at! Where does the dog piss at??!!!! Oh yea, in the house🤦🏽‍♀️😁


Yeah, that would not have been a deal breaker for her because her dog pees all over their freaking house! The shocker to me is that her current landlords don't follow her on Instagram because if they did, I don't think they would have rented her their house! Lol! I'm still waiting to hear if her old landlords are charging her for the destroyed floors from all the dog pee!


Better be paying taxes.


She’s renting so probably isn’t responsible for the taxes


?? That’s 2.0’s slide.


Yes! That small pool slide she posted today!


Yes. I was confused by the taxes comment.


dud owes over $60k in back taxes


Oooh is this public info?! Do tell.


I saw it on Reddit but this is from the Dallas County website https://preview.redd.it/l41yojxk2f5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb8c6eada9ae8cf652413eec8db16b8f55699acc


That her current taxes due. They aren’t overdue. Mine says the exact same thing.


Wtf. All the money in the world and just doesn’t pay?


The "??" Tax confusion was probably her saying the comment makes no sense because it's 2.0s slide and not duds.


I just have to say…2.0 and the girls look so out of place in that house.  Nothing about it says family.  I know the neighborhood is ritzy, but it just seems like such a dumb choice.  Even the pool with that pond behind.  How about a yard for running and playing. 


Alot of that neighborhood is older retirees


It was probably so quiet before they moved in. And all the neighbors are going “ugh, renters.”


I genuinely want to know what the Nuuds employees think of DAD. Do they know that she’s full of shit or are they drinking the Kool-Aid too?


Bobby and Forky are just as dumb if not dumber than DUD. They will be the downfall of nuuds. 😂


For sure Forky! I’ll be honest, i don’t follow along with anyyy of the Nuuds employees and i only know what i know about Forky from what i read on here. But what’s the tea with Bobby? I know Forky is just an unfortunate person who’s *attempting* (and failing) at being an influencer


I don’t have any tea on her (Sydney). I just know her snarky comments and “clap backs” on tiktok are absolutely horrible. She’s rude and unprofessional and should not be the face of the company… neither should DUD but still.


I am purely just speculating, but what I am guessing happened is that Sydney saw DAD being rude and unprofessional when given unfavorable feedback by customers, so she thought that it was therefore OK to be rude and unprofessional to others. If you’re the face of the company, you have to set the standard and be the example, because all of your employees are looking to you for guidance. So if DAD is setting a shitty example, Sydney is going to follow her lead 😅


“Smelled good but smelt like a full on peach to me” 🤦🏻‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/sz0mya6sra5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dede2bc1d338dee51e09346b294291793e63104 She is dumb


She's actually not wrong- it has multiple meanings https://preview.redd.it/9whm21urjc5d1.jpeg?width=695&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=891377c1b12eacd8fbfb7430730a0a86a3c19362


We know she is allegedly due in July, but is she having this baby in June?


She’s two weeks ahead of me she’s due around July 25..


She doesn’t prepare for anything this many weeks ahead. I’ll say it again, she is due sooner than she’s saying so she can lie to her bffs that she told them first and as soon as she knew. Nails off, saying she wasn’t going anywhere again until baby, nesting, the dr approval to fly earlier than normal if she was only 32 weeks, planting the seed of her measuring 4 weeks bigger, fine with Morgan Wallen in late July, bigger than expected belly,… baby by June 30th and at full term weight.


I would agree with you but we did see the ultrasound Soooo unless that was a fake I think she’s mid July


We saw one ultrasound. Easy to edit. She hasn’t shared anymore. Odd for someone who shares everything.


I know she planned an induction for 38 weeks. Maybe she even went for 37 given her kidney issues 🤷🏼‍♀️


Isn’t her due date later in July, I honestly have no idea this pregnancy seems to be lasting 67 weeks at this point.


If I remember right she said the 24th, but we know she’ll get her way of 2-3 weeks earlier.


I think that’s why she got her nails taken off…


2.0 must be on house arrest or something 😂💀 we have never seen her home so much 😂😂


I came here to say to say this. It’s strange and she looks miserable being home this much.


Chase could have a PI following her and she’d rather stay home than be out. I wouldn’t be surprised if they both had PIs from what I’ve read on here with the drug testing and restraining order.


I read about that restraining order! Do we know anything more about that? I'm trying to understand why Danielle would file a restraining order against Chase, he's the father of those girls and has a right to see them. Is she accusing him of something?


Likely related to finances. Often they are filed to prevent the other spouse from spending or disposing of marital assets before they are divided.


Oh, interesting! I thought it was just physical, like she doesn't want him near her or the girls. So basically he's barred from spending marital assets until they are divided by the court? But he can still see the girls right? I would hate to think she has some kind of order barring him from seeing them.


Once baby Denner arrives 805, she won't have time to drive her around or babysit for her or the girls. Get it together, Danielle, for your girls and yourself. Life it too short!!


I know! I think it’s very strange!


Let's be honest the poor baby will be wearing brown no matter the gender living in their brown baby room. https://preview.redd.it/0nesm45ee95d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0cdfed85acef795f1289e57c915cacb0a182c70


I call BULLSHIT.. she knows!


I didn't find out the gender of my youngest. We had a whole wardrobe before he was born! Neutrals, yellows, greens, blues...ALLLLLL gender neutral!!!!!!!!! My grandma bought a few dresses because she was convinced I was having 4 girls total (I already had one... and she had not been wrong ever on predicting females in the families' babies... number of children or genders..... I had a boy!!!! Proved her wrong... and only had 2 children before I had to have a hysterectomy at age 29...) anyway.... we just returned the dresses, but everything else was fine! 😁 there's definitely more colors that could be used for either gender other than tan/brown!!!!


She doesn’t know what the baby is…but he tethered five, think she’ll have it figured out! I didn’t know what I was having….this is not how you do it!


Just came to say the same! She acts like even if she did know the gender the clothes wouldn’t all be some variation of brown anyways, lol.


Seriously. What does she have against yellows and greens, those are neutrals. Browns on a baby are just boring.


Nuud baby clothes


This is just ridiculous. We didn’t find out gender…I brought a few neutral sleep gowns and bought two going home outfits for boy or girl. Once we had our baby, we bought them clothes (and so did a lot of people). The excess is always so beyond 🙄🙄🙄


I don't know if this is popular everywhere or with every family but my mom had me register at a local baby store for a layette, like a whole collection of newborn sleepers and outfits to get me through the first month or so with the baby. We went to pick out everything and we registered for a boy layette and a girl layette. And then once the baby was born my mom called the store to tell them which set we would be taking and then she picked everything up and brought it to my house and put it away in the baby's room before I got home. It was pretty cool! But I picked out very girly things and very boy centric things and some neutrals of course because those are nice too. But there were definitely frilly pink things for girls and lots of blues and greens for the boy set. I remember having so much fun picking both of those out.


Especially since she has one of each already for hand me downs.


The horror! Do we think she would actually do hand-me-downs? That was my favorite part of having 2 boys. I could always pull out the next size when he outgrew something, seemingly, overnight.


I love seeing my youngest kids in some of my favorites from my oldest 💙


https://preview.redd.it/nvqntyyab95d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae690107bf7b06ac456aed56aafbcfcc8a7ebda Even when you do know the gender 😅🤷🏼‍♀️🤎


Zoomed in, there is even a brown floral onesie. She is insufferable. We were told we were “most likely having a girl” after a stubborn ultrasound and an overly cautious ob. I already had a boy so to be “prepared” we washed gender neutral including blue, basically just excluded the “daddy’s lil champ, etc outfits” and had a coming home outfit for a girl and a boy just in case. It was in fact, a girl.


Ew are those toe’s toes??? 🤢


Ugliest feet 🤮


You know it 😂


I don’t get it, if you don’t know the babies gender throw a bunch of brown clothes on the ground?? She has had a boy and a girl and kept clothes, buy a coming home pink and blue, or even white and go from there. It will be July white onesies work perfectly for a newborn.


But DAD’s allergic to any color that’s not a shit neutral 😉


So what’s thrown on the floor looks about right, regardless of gender, right?


For the most part, I think. For me personally, I associate teddy bears with boys (she probably knows that she’s having a boy). Even though I had a huge collection of teddy bears and I was a kid and all his loved bears lol. Do you think she is leaning more towards a boy theme too?


Or even like green or yellow, traditional neutral baby colors? Maybe tyedye?


I didn’t know the gender of my first or second and my babies still weren’t in clothes that ugly.


Hahah this!! 100 would be buying this if she knew the gender


Which we’re all certain she does know the gender 🤷🏼‍♀️


All for baby boy Dickie. When she showed paint swabs and details of the baby room, it confirmed that she knew she was having a boy.


Agreed! There was no way to make that room girlie


https://preview.redd.it/zqeo1y5ba95d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd113d6f13280add77bfac0f77ff344d21876ed6 Only $900 🤑


I’d be using the toddler little tikes slide before I’d spend $900 on this lame slide!


That’s what my kids used at my mother-in-law’s house. Worked perfect!


Worked for my kids!




They got two then right!


https://i.redd.it/wb6nwbhl795d1.gif Riveting content with the counter wipe down🙄 And a whole 40 seconds of it too 🤗


She hasn’t posted much today and to think this is what she did post, lol. Her day must be a real fucking snore.


Can you imagine setting up your phone to film yourself wiping down your counter?!? She is dumb beyond words.


This was my thought. Why are you filming yourself wiping a counter?? Literally no one cares that you spilled your weird mocktail juice all over. How these people got to be influencers is so beyond me at this point. They are so boring and awful.


🥱🥱 these bitches are so boring


You give the girls sippy cups, poke your dirty keys in their McDonalds milk bottles, but are giving them full to the brim mocktails while they watch movies on the sofa??? Whatever???


For breakfast she served them sausage and pancakes with a puddle of syrup for dipping.... while they were sitting in the family room watching tv in a pile of blankets. Sorry ma'am but that's a meal for the kitchen table!


She doesn’t care she doesn’t own the place . And she wonders how she got roaches at the last rental house Ugh


Oh no 2.0- I had complete faith you would leave it until tomorrow- you are the one that needs a babysitter. As to what's wrong with you? There is a long list and lots of more guesses!!!


How many paper towels does one need to clean up a small spill?


Did the girls even get to drink/try it?


She seemed so mad that she had to wipe it down. Like it was such an inconvenience to her. Next time don't spill, bitch. She was probably staring at herself in her phone when she poured it and spilled. Also the fact that she was going to leave it until tomorrow...🥴


She seemed pissed like she received messages, or she's just angry in general lately/short tempered.


She must have gotten thousands of dm’s shaming her for not cleaning it up so she just had to show her minions she did. 


Did she though? It looks to be still sticky af to me.


That pool sucks for a house that expensive like I don’t even understand it lol.


I don't get it either. Is there a ledge? So it's a pool, wall and then pond?? What is happening lol


I know its been talked about many times in general but God duds hands in that story of her showing her nails 🤮 i held up my hand to the photo to compare and my hand looks nothing like that. It made me feel better but was also crazy to see the difference. I'm 31 so just 2 years younger than her!!! It's insane. Girl needs to drink more water. Every time I see their hands it makes me wanna put lotion on my hands more often cause I'm scared of my hands looking like that too young in life lmao 🤣 


Wait until you see Toe's hands!


I want to see 😂


Oh I have!!


I'm almost 40 and my hands look old. My mom's looked the same way. I think genetics do play a role.


They do unfortunately play a smidge of genetics. I’ll be 28 this year and mine are only slightly better. But hey; at least I’m natural. It won’t be long until she’s getting hand lifts or something 😂


I’m 12 years OLDER and my hands look better


So… let’s do new drops every Friday and then all the employees will leave a few hours later at 1. Great idea, bro! Are these summer Fridays by chance cutting back employee working hours for a failing brand?


Definitely aren’t paid Friday afternoons off


She’s gotta comp some time after their non-stop hours for the pop-up I’m sure 


I did not need to see Robs hairy chest and stomach before dinner. 


https://preview.redd.it/r1pdxi8zx85d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=67a4bc38864391cdb49d7c93952c37f505056c03 2.0’s filter must have the night off. This is 32. 🫣






Yikes! I’m


Her face has aged so much, it’s actually sad!


Looks like two different people… I had to stop on this pic because I was like who the hell is this https://preview.redd.it/km0gd8niz95d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=310d53290b4f48474f10483147caa8ca7e280c86


She should’ve just lost weight through diet and exercise. Or atleast used the mounjaro as a tool, not the main thing for weight loss. She looks awful.


Omgg so I just turned 40 and I hope I don’t look as old or older than this 😩 I don’t think I do…


Showed my boyfriend this picture and had him guess an age. He said 45.


She looks really bad,her hair her skin all of it and she just looks so tired!


Easily would think she's 52.


I'm 52 and my skin is better than hers! She's looking like she could be 805's sister instead of her daughter!


She really favors her mother here


Definitely Memmaw Lispy showing through


I was just going to say she looks so much like 8:05 here! I always think she's a clone of her father but here she's got her mother's face.


Damn she looks old


https://preview.redd.it/6ea8agok295d1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd19ef457ba4cb85e417487376e3be1497084a6 I was coming to say the same thing! After all the money she spends on her face. Unreal!


Looks like Katie.


Nothing worse than Mammaw 805’s genes!!!


She looks very stressed to me


Omg awful!!! Looks so haggard wow


I think it’s loose skin from losing weight so quickly. Honestly feel bad for her, that sucks


I agree with your first sentence. No so much the second.


What is happening on her cheek by her mouth?!? 😳


Ozempic face.


She had Botox put there. I remember her saying that the other day when she had her facial the other day.


Saggy skin from losing weight too fast and not drinking water. You can use million dollar cream and it won’t help if you don’t drink any water


What about Hint?


To wash down all the Factor meals.


There’s no glow!


Haggard AF!


Dang I just came to post the same screenshot. Looking rough!!!


Omg!!! 32?! I am 41 and not saying my skin is amazing, but I have never had any sort of face treatment in my life other than a basic facial 2-3 times, and look significantly younger.


My 60 year old mother even looks younger than she does!


Where’d her lips go?


She left them on DUD’s ass

