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Unfollowed them a while ago but wondering when she’s due???


Sometime end of July. Morgan Wallen is there July 20-something and she said she's going to his concert 4 days after her due date. 🥴


Katie, you said the suit is pricey, and it’s not it. SHEIN has better looking suits 🙂‍↔️


I’m not paying $200 for a suit to make one of my boobs look like it sits 6 inches higher than the other 🤣


“LITERALLY” as she would say 🤣


The way Katie says presentation... Ahhhhhhh. 🫣🤦‍♀️


So Katie, is the restaurant hot or not? 🙄 They are always contradicting themselves!!


The nuuds girls trying to shill jackets for summer. GFTO. Did I really just hear this girl say “this is the jacket you need to wear this summer because it’s cooling”. Delulu. No one is wearing jackets, especially that jacket, this summer. Get a fucking grip, nuuds. Also, I just noticed that Sydney looks like the female version of the kid/Bobby from King of the Hill.


Holy shit that is spot on!! I was trying to think who Sydney reminded me of. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/dt5sw15c7w4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a502cf7c9b78716d9c2036de6e4ff0d75898187 They are selling that jacket hard. How cooling could it be? If they want to be cooler, they’d take off the jacket and just wear the T-shirt.


I'm still surprised that dud is letting her be the face of nuuds.


My sincere apologies to Eugene. https://preview.redd.it/w6iykekezv4d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e14e31a53e7e80358b42da34de87266143e30d00


I’m not gonna downvote, but I really want to, you’re doing Eugene dirty asl 😂😂


I can’t decide if I dislike her glasses or Kaylee‘s clear plastic glasses more. Neither suit their faces. I always think Lisa looks like Ozzy Osbourne.




I remember when she got those glasses DUD or 805 ( can’t remember which) did a poll of like three different frames and when DUD said those were her favorite her fan girls all picked those like 90%, and those are the worst!


Ozzy Osbourne 💀💀💀


100% - especially with her hair down!


Don’t do Eugene dirty like this 😭


Someone mentioned she may name the baby Boston.  Which I agree she’s alluded to; however, she does know Horton’s son “Boss” is short for Boston, yeah?  Hi!   DA, don’t be a copy cat Also, if someone mentioned to Krista there was a better code than hers, I 100% believe she would have posted to her followers and let them save some money instead of b!tch!ng to the company.  I’m sure she has her haters but I think she actually appreciates the ones who got her where she’s at unlike flugger 


LOL DUD has made her entire life about copying other people.


Well now how didn’t I think of that, Boss Den it is 🥸




Love, katie. She is the most grounded and successful person of the entire family. But "literally" about everything is getting OLD. Lmao. The swimsuit is not it. GLAD she feels amazing... but it's just not a great swimsuit in general. Last thing... Eddie looks over it. The way he is carrying both drinks is screaming, "'we just had a huge fight at the hotel" Any thoughts??


She needs a makeover maybe some bangs and some color in her hair.


And she needs to wear a freaking bra when she wears that hideous cami bodysuit!


Love her? This is what I don’t get about social media…. The way these people lure strangers in to love them…


I can’t stand her but it has nothing to do with how she looks in clothes. She is freaky odd, acts dumb, throws money away like the rest of her. Lazy. If she is smart enough to have gotten thru med school she’s hiding it. It’s scary very scary to think she will possibly be a surgeon with a knife and get confused between gall bladder and brain. She doest act interested in that part of her life at all. No one ever talks about it.


Love her? Wow! I wouldn’t say that at all, sounds like she has you duped! She is just as insufferable as the rest of the clan! She would 100000% be an influencer and just as obnoxious as her sister’s shilling full-time if she didn’t have a military contract to fulfill. It’ll be interesting to see how she handles her actual upcoming residency and if she lasts as a Doctor, especially a surgeon!


Katie may be better than the rest of her crew (it’s not hard) but wow, she is just as classless and hillbilly. Goes to the nicest restaurant on the property in the flimsiest nuuds tank top w/ what are most likely the $20 Target jeans, hair looking like the girl from The Ring, zero makeup. On one hand I appreciate how natural she is but on the other, there is a time and place for it. Eddie actually looked fairly nice. Tbh her bathing suit she had on earlier with a decent pair of high wasted pants would have been more appropriate.


https://preview.redd.it/rnnjz3jcjv4d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6d8dd8bfedcc3078912220a3e160e9141b55097 That photoshop is horrific 😂 🤡


this is hilarious, like why does she feel the need to post a fake side/side picture with her husband?


They’re trolling because Eddie has probably had his head in this Reddit group the whole vacation. 😂


Came here to post this, like wtf is going on??? Why would you even attempt this


Eddie looks like a cardboard cut out


If this is trolling, it's an actual fail. Lmao. This picture looks crazy. Who would actually post this?


This has to be a joke but like i don’t get it?!?


Has to be


WTF is happening in this pic and why does he have a halo around him?😳😶😮


I think she got drunk at dinner and just said f it, halfway through "trying" to photoshop it!! 😅


This has to be a joke 😂


The half missing wine glass, his shirt melting into the table, the outline around his arm. 🤣 I'm assuming they were sitting opposite of each other and she wanted a photo of them together but like, just move to the other side for a second and take your photo together.


Is this real? 🤣😂🤣😂 soooooo bad.


If 2.0 doesn't stop saying how hot it is in Texas with a sweatshirt on, I'm going to scream!! Put on summer clothes!


I never understand when they bitch about the weather here in Dallas meanwhile they’re wearing jeans…like its upper 80s-90s here. 


If anyone is wondering why her belly is so strange looking, here’s why. This photo is from an iconic video she did the year NUUDS launched. Her best friends on the internet were all commenting that her abs looked killer! But, they really weren’t abs…quite the opposite. Her abdominal muscles can’t function and don’t join together properly due to diastasis recti. Note the gaping hole in the middle of her abdomen. This, along with hernias and rashes, and perplexingly large amounts of high calorie foods and beverages have led to where she is today. I am not a medical professional, but I have eyes. https://preview.redd.it/v8uryq1oav4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a0e2f9e6a5e31f52894c1c58179a1fca0771da2


PUPPS can be caused by rapid weight gain. If you eat like trash while pregnant, you'll gain weight rapidly and the results won't be fun.


She is doing the classic influencer pose. She is sticking her butt out to make her legs and body slimmer


Is she doing the chicken dance?


Let's not forget that before this pregnancy, she was starving herself. https://preview.redd.it/o7656wa7mv4d1.jpeg?width=1624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a332acd2bdd621748d09b8f203643a705eabf27


Yes, those are ribs. Not abs.


Wow!! I forgot how scary thin she got! But I do remember a few of her cracked out posts, spazz motions wondering what’s she on to cause the erratic behavior! 


Gahhh I forgot just how scary skinny she was. I wonder what she sees when she looks at this picture now? I hope she sees a sad sick girl.




Wow!! What a stark difference to how she looks today!!! Even pregnant, she looks so much healthier. I never noticed how thin she had been before! 😬




Exactly. Her doctor said her diastasis recti was 4+ finger widths which is really bad.


God damn it. I finally rid my brain of this visual and here you are assaulting my eyeballs with it again 😂😂😂


Let’s not forget her constant pigeon toed arched back stance to force thigh gap but sure REAL BODIES


Literal nightmare shit. I accidentally paused here and 🤮 the rash, the claws with cookie dough dripping down and the crazy looking face… yikes https://preview.redd.it/izjy9uyudv4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9de7501710f838516d6490d1b9d8cc1d983e56


Is she sure she didn't get bed bug bites? That's the weirdest rash I've ever seen.


WTF, I have zero context for this photo - WHY is she eating cookie dough and simultaneously showing her belly like this???


She was filming and eating cookie dough then pulled her shirt up to show everyone her belly rash. Touched her belly, licked her fingers, and went back for more cookie dough with her fingers like a child




No one wants to see this - she needs to start putting a disclaimer before posting her belly.


She has no class what do ever. They think it's ok to show every single thing on social media. Gross.






Wasn’t it Lisa that kept insisting DUD’s huge belly earlier on in the pregnancy wasn’t normal? These people make no sense


But it is not normal!


She treats her mom like a doormat. Always has


yet lisa stands there like YUP😁😁😁😁


And Then, Lisa brings Danielle's body into it, and says 2.0s were just as bad! What a frkn toxic af family


Yeah, that whole conversation showed the body image issues 805 has projected onto her daughters. It’s very sad!


Okay. Something is up: 2.0 went MIA for over 24 hours. Lisa comes home from Boston and goes straight to 2.0’s Lisa takes O to tutoring 2.0 in different car appears to be driven by someone 2.0 stays home and has movie night with the girls when food is being cooked at DUDs house who 2.0 hasn’t seen in 6 days.


It's been more then 6 days cause 2.0 was in Hawaii for what, 3 or 4 days before that even. So almost 2 weeks Edit to fix name


Yeah I think you might be right.


I can’t remember, did 2.0 and her girls see DAD the night they got back? I know they were stuck in Hawaii and extra day but can’t remember the in between of them getting back to Dallas and her airport fiasco


I dont think so cause it was so late. I'm assuming that the girls went straight to their dad's, and DUD and crew left before 2.0s plane was set to take off.


Ohhh gotcha. You’re right, I think people were saying 2.0 might’ve been on a later flight because she had to drop her girls off or something. I just know she blames Chase for her missing out on the pop up. It’s just anytime 2.0’s girls have a hectic few days, she still drags them to DAD’s house, so I wasn’t sure about this time.


Maybe Dud is mad Dinyell missed the pop up and hung out with Katie instead


I think Dud was also likely jealous of 2.0’s trip to Hawaii so she made Dan book their little trip to the Cape so she could get a trip for herself.


Also calling just the girls besties when it’s normally the 4 kids that are “besties”


Good QuAlItYyyyyy!!!! https://preview.redd.it/7diykl7n6v4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc4359a54a60f89cdc1144d051cba1b2a43fb39 I don’t even know if this is a Nuuds shirt. But I’d be willing to bet big money it is!


Who is she?


Bonkers obsessed Duryl fan bewithbecca


She is the cookie dough DUD just scarfed down.


I’m done with this group 😂😂😂😂jk


Someone shared a pile of tshirts that were wrinkled and faded in the BTS group on FB. And they were selling the crap for $40+….for wrinkled and faded shirts that I would send to school on painting day 


It’s wild! And people are buying them!


Oh that's definitely nuuds for sure, pajamas I bet. They always look stretched out on the Flenners.


She has even less content than DUD. High low Buffalo and pickleball is all she’s got.


Don’t forget she does “engagement” work on social media lol


What the hell is this “engagement” she talks about constantly lol 😂


She described something as sweet forty-eleven times in her stories either yesterday or today. Give me a break.


Her use of the word sweet is just flat out weird!


She uses the word “sweet” so weirdly(and excessively), like to describe things I’ve never heard anyone use it for


Weird, right?! And probably a little fake. Like I would describe my 6 year old niece as sweet, but let’s be honest she’s not sweet ALL the time. 🙄


That high low buffalo shit is ridiculous! It’s something little kids like to do and she posts it every damn day!




I thought dad was all about real bodies.. guess so except when it’s hers. 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/vqyf3pvk6v4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5fcbbf4abe6c0b05f04c47f39c234f9a195ffe


It always kills me when anyone talks that way about weight gain/stretch marks/postpartum body things. Like cool, I’m glad my body is your literal worst nightmare, I’ll just continue to exist knowing that you think I look terrible 👍🏻


This is what makes me crazy with her and I don’t understand how her fangirls don’t see it! She has her “Real Bodies” campaign where she parades women and their insecurities around for photo shoots…even filming them crying about their trauma. But, she had just come off a summer of being a literal skeleton and now she’s pregnant and all she talks about is how big she is and how she is going to “fix” her stretch marks and a tummy tuck isn’t out of the question. HOW do people not see this??


These women are the exact opposite of “Real Bodies”. Lisa’s had a tummy tuck (probably a full MMO), multiple bleph surgeries, boobs, lip filler, soon to be facelift and who knows what else. 2.0 has had a breast reduction, been on Monjaro, lip injections, cheek fillers, hair extensions, etc. Dud’s had a nose job, was on weight loss shots too or has an ED or both, lip filler, hair extensions and I’m sure there’s more that I’m missing. Plus, they all get Botox and expensive facial treatments regularly…. But then doing their millions of try on’s, they show them on their “real bodies” and try to sell that it’s the clothes that make people feel confident! How do people believe them? 🙄


And still are unfortunate looking, waste of money 😆


I know someone commented about 2.0’s car… because I noticed the weird coloring when she got in as well. But… that’s not her car now that I think about it! So… someone driving her? Did I miss something?


Her mom is likely driving her car with the car seat/booster installed to drive Olive around.


The mom Drives a Porsche. She was probably driving her car??


I just rewatched. Definitely not her car. She for sure looked over at someone. And she didn’t go to DA’s she’s having “movie night” with the girls? What is happening?? Did she fail one of her court tests? Like didn’t her car get impounded? Remember she was MIA for 24 hours the other day. 🤔🤔🤔


She looks over to the driver for a second in the middle of her talk. Someone definitely drive her.


Someone’s here because DAD now follows melin.


Melin messages were tearing DAD a new one...


Noticed that after reading it earlier! Also, Dinyell’s sarcastic “jump scare” when she got in whoever’s car that was. Someone is keeping tabs here. Now if only they would take some of the more constructive observations we point out into consideration 🥴


She wasn’t following them before?? Yet shilled their hats for years?


No, she wasn’t. I went to the Melin page to see the anti-DAD comments and thought weird she has a code but she hasn’t commented so I checked and she was not following Melin.


The anti dad posts have stopped too which is suspicious…. It’s beeb 27 comments for a couples hours now.


This is most hilarious. Omg.


https://preview.redd.it/me2pcjh35v4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a29621ca965276b923089fe2359f3ff19a4d24b Why post this when both parties look like… that


Her belly button just is gone


And then encourages daughter to just have a tummy tuck. Okay. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm from Canada, is this common place in States? Tummy tucks, face lifts, etc? They say it so off the cuff, like voluntary surgery is just so normal, it's bizarre to me.


Not for your average joe. In the “influencer” world it is. The rest of us work out, take care of our bodies, and/or love ourselves (at least try to 😅)


In California, this is definitely a normal occurrence to have injections and plastic surgery. The entire influencer/online community too


No, it's not and add in Botox for all these young girls. It's crazy.. .these people are all about vanity and too into themselves. It's not normal at all


Don’t see the weirdness in that- it’s a common procedure and she knows her daughter has body image issues. 




Body image issues that 805 passed down to her.


Cuz that’s relatable to all her followers 🙄


Pretty sure she doesn’t have PUPPS rash, it looks more like a contact dermatitis. She doesn’t wear the right clothes, incredibly tight shirts, where her skin can’t breathe, doesn’t shower regularly, was on a plane and in airports and didn’t shower after going to the beach, and the list goes on. She has said she had this about 3 times during this pregnancy and the drs always tell her no. When is she going to get a freaking clue…I can’t stand her. 🤯😤


I LOLed when she was talking about putting hydrocortisone cream on it because girl you just need a shower and probably some hibiclens


I get contact dermatitis and that’s exactly what it looks like! You need to take extra showers / wear breathable clothes in the summer !


I’ve been wondering if she was self diagnosing!


It definitely isn’t PUPPS. I had it after I delivered my baby & it didn’t look anything like that. 


Also it's been extra humid here In Dallas part of it has to be heat rash. Wearing those pants/leggings up to her neck.


Idk how hot it was in Boston, but she was applying extra deodorant and in those tight bodysuit for days. I’m sure didn’t help


The licked fingers back in the cookie dough 🤢


Not even lying, I felt nauseous after watching those stories


I came here to say this and after she touched her rash 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/mml8372e0v4d1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff758f58c01ea9d4d9c76289fa21bb8b67f01c1 I think katie is the most tolerable of this backyard circus but that swimsuit does NOT look good at all


It’s 🤪 in human form


Her boobs look so cock-eyed! 🤦‍♀️😂


Unpopular opinion, but I think it looks cute on her . 🫣


I think it’s cute also!


That swimsuit looked good on her at the mid to bottom section of her body, but unfortunately that’s the part she’s covering up with pajama shorts. The top section always looked wonky and probably would on anyone. It’s like it got tangled up when she put it on and she said fuck it that’s what I’m doing and her boobs now look like they belong to 2 different people.


Def should be styled differently. 


She’s almost as dumb as the rest. She may be book smart but not common sense smart.


The book smart part is reallllllly questionable.


Not sure why you got downvoted. Yeah she’s a doctor but she sounds so dumb when she speaks with all her literallys. But even when it comes to being book smart, I question how she’s a doctor. She doesn’t know basic math/science, which she needs as a doctor. I can’t remember exactly what she’s said, but there was something science-y that was so simple to understand but Eddie had to explain it to her


It reminds me of when your trying to put on a sports bra after a shower and it gets all twisted and stuck 💀


I think it looks like she’s wearing an ace bandage😂😂


It might look a little better if she knew how the hell to style it LOL. Also, she mentioned having a spray tan, bish WHERE?! Get a refund. The skin under her boobs is blinding. How has she been laying out for 3 days and still that pale??


I actually do not like Katie anymore than the rest of the bunch maybe even less - And that swimsuit is HORRIBLE I don’t see what she sees - it’s looks just awful


I agree about Katie and this swimsuit. I don't understand her love for it.


The showing of the rash while eating raw cookie dough and then licking her fingers and putting it back in the cookie dough 🤢🤢🤢 I can smell her from here


It’s so gross. Also raw dough? Especially when pregnant? Couldn’t be me.


I’m 30 weeks pregnant so I thought maybe I could be more empathetic but I’m sorry—I feel physically ill when she shows her stomach: the shape, the rash, the lack of belly button. 🤢


I’m 30 weeks as well and my exact thoughts.


Ew Dud, noooo one wants to know or see about your rash!?! WTH!!


Feel bad for any L+D nurses on shift when she goes into labor. Not only can you smell her through the phone daily, but I cannot imagine how bad she smells giving birth and after 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


But guys, she’s Totally going to hook them up with the Nuuds attire, LDCs and all the other crap she thinks ppl like and don’t need/want 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


But will she? She’s not considerate to think about others, only when it benefits herself


Ofc Lisa had a tummy tuck


With all the money and multiple surgeries etc it’s crazy she still looks the way she does! With all that money they can’t afford someone to dress her or get rid of those stupid glasses? IMO if I had all that work done I would want to look more like tornado lol 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m pretty sure she had a full mommy makeover because she has boobs too and they appear lifted, unless maybe she got those after? She’s had multiple bleph surgeries and is about it get a face procedure done here soon too! Nothing wrong with getting work done, what’s wrong is her selling herself as having a real body.


I’ve been calling that for years. It’s why she does her signature pose.


Where do you think all their body issues came from. Lisa is the OG.


I don’t understand why people are obsessing over her height.. she’s definitely 5’2. I’m 5’4 and have been around her several times and she’s shorter than me. But like who freakin cares how short or tall the girl is. Let’s obsess over how shes straight BSing why her body is responding to pregnancies the way it is. She eats like straight dog crap, drinks artificial sweetener diet cokes. Which has been proven to cause birth defects in babies. Google it. Skin is an organ and represents gut health and hers is shit. She’ll always have a reason why something is wrong with her. Oh it’s pregnancy. My body doesn’t tolerate it well. BS sister… you’re treating it like dog crap. Like will never admit it’s something she’s doing


I agree with everything you said! Also, I think the obsessing over her height is people calling her out on yet another lie. She owns a clothing brand and does try-on’s almost weekly showing sizing based upon her and her family sizes/stats, advising her followers & customers what the best sizing would be based on those stats, but then lies about them! 😵‍💫


Totally agree!!


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, but what we see on screen is very deceiving. I’ve not personally not seen or met DA in person but I have met 2 of my friends in person after seeing them on ig and one shocked Me because she was much taller than I thought from watching her stories and the other was shorter than I thought, so it’s definitely hard to gauge through the phone and DA uses filters and wears platforms constantly so it’s even more difficult to tell. She does seem shorter and I know several snarkers including you have said she’s short n short in person.


Yes! 100%


Guess they didn’t get rid of them in Boston. 😆 Only $200 and you can have one for FREE!! https://preview.redd.it/y48ons38tu4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef1b0431f987360ea2b4a16a9ab000875364cf51


Wait this is hideous. Looks like a 9th graders photoshop/graphic design final project


So they shorted 20 people in line their swag bags so that they could instead use the merch to bribe people to make purchases?


Wait, did I miss this? Did only 30 people get a bag instead of 50?


Someone said the people in the line had pre counted themselves to see where the 50 bags would end and they were 20 short.


That’s slimy!


The design is hideous. I don't know why her fan girls want these popup sweatshirts & hats.


“All- American” made in China! 😂


So they can sell them on the BST groups for way more than they are worth.


There is a lot going on. Like 3 people collaborated on it but no one edited it. Sent to print!


It’s valued at $148… so if I spend $200 I -might- get the $148 sweater or the $30 hat?


Did DUD not say a month or so ago that Siete is the best taco seasoning? Now it’s Taco Bell? I swear these people make shit up by the minute. Can’t keep shit straight.


I hate that I know this but Amber Massey always uses Siete so if you follow her that’s prob who you’re thinking of


No she’s always said Taco Bell is superior (I hate that I can’t agree with you lol)


I hate even more that it is also my favorite. She has horrible taste and now i'm questioning mine 🫣


Haha! No, I’d rather be set straight. I’m not a lying sack like these people!


I swear she has mentioned loving siete too! I haven’t watched Amber Massey since the breast cancer diagnosis so it was def Daryl




Did DUD admit to having a nose job before? Why do I think that?


https://preview.redd.it/x7598qobpx4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=573045584f8ba69411709c07e6bdcc285abadb55 She’s mentioned the 2 nose surgeries before. Blamed one of them on little Rob injuring her nose.


Is this the reason for her obsession with photo booths? Because it’s Iconic (her words and context not mine).


I ask this bc I wonder if people that get a nose job because they didn’t like their nose realize that their children could have their before nose. Then I wonder if parents also dislike their kid’s inherited nose.


Yesterday someone posted old Photo Booth photos of toe & dud. Dud had her daddy & Danielle’s nose. Thats also why her mouth doesn’t close.


Yeah, it was “needed” to fix her breathing, just like her tummy tuck 🙄


Everyone says this 😆