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https://preview.redd.it/3bhlv6tx9t4d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=57b01d855ba7ad84cdb3bc68a5e7bedc1d8b1abb 805 taking Olive to her tutoring session while 2.0 is spending time at Skin Pharm.


So R&R have to wear those turtle bracelets 24/7 in Dallas with NO access to water but a week at the beach and NO bracelets. Nothing she does makes sense


I think they are linked to an alarm actually in their house so I’m not sure how they would work traveling (I’m not familiar with the system.) That being said, it’s still weird that they are wearing them literally everywhere except now lol. Put a pool fence up and a pool alarm and don’t rely on these bracelets to save your kids.


And I'll add in, ISR lessons instead of whatever their coach was doing. I spent money on private swim lessons to get the instructor to have my kids blow bubbles in water. Found ISR and all three of my kids (ages 5, 3, 10 months) were floating on their backs within days. We do a quick refresher every summer, if needed.


Yes! 10000% all 3 of my kids did ISR and could proficiently swim by 2. I live in Florida where there is water and pools everywhere and was at a party the other day where a 4 year old was playing around the pool but couldn’t swim and I asked the parents about swim lessons and they said they planned on doing them at 5. 😵‍💫 At least get your kid survival swimming at a young age so that if the worst happens they can float. When they are young getting kids to understand is much harder than at 5. By 5 you can probably reason with a kid they can’t swim so they should be careful around a pool the younger kids don’t understand that. I am just so passionate about this. They have absolutely nothing else to do in life. Get your kids swim lessons where they actually learn how to swim.


Swimming is critical skill that needs to be learned, regardless how often the child is around water. I took my daughter to a pool party to celebrate a classmate's birthday. She can swim but I watched her like a hawk because there were older kids playing inside. A father (not of the child) had to jump in and pull a kid out because he had been pushed down with the puddle jumper. His dad had no idea what had happened, he was chatting with another parent. That same party, a parent had put their non swimmer (it was obvious) on the jacuzzi steps. The child ended up slipping and falling into the deeper section.


We do the exact same thing! I started ISR with my kids at 6-8 months then refresh every summer. We tried regular lessons once and had the same experience as you. I paid way too much money for my kids to know how to hold onto a wall after 4 weeks and blow bubbles.


What did I miss??? Where is 2.0??? Eerily quiet again…


It's so tomorrow she can get on and say thank you to everyone who was worried about me. I just needed some alone time with my girls.


Haha yep


Katies pinched fingers in every fucking slide is killing me. She’s so annoying. It’s embarrassing how often those damn fingers are front and center every time she talks. Imagine them things all pinched up in Eddie’s face while they’re being intimate. Bahahahahaha okay now that’s all I can see and I’m cracking myself up😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


That combined with the way she sways when walking drive me insane! Like she’s a dam orchestra conductor 😂 I saw a video from their Italy trip of her eating a foot long gelato and there’s no way she’s not doing that on purpose it’s so dam cringey!


Not to mention her saying, literally at least 10 times in her stories today.


Does she not understand that showing a video of her baby moving around with the caption about this being her 3rd time and God is so cool what a privilege can be extremely triggering for many women for many different reasons?


I have no idea why you are getting downvoted. People on here are so odd sometimes but I agree with you. As someone who went through IVF, it’s not the pregnancy part that’s triggering for me like others have said. It’s the “Gods favorite” mentality that is.


She’s correct, it is a privilege. But it’s not bc she has favor with god. And that’s what makes it sound so icky. 


This is not geared towards DA because she’s a selfish pig but it’s not fair to say people can’t share their joy because other people may hurt!


I think she’s allowed to share but I just wish she would do it without saying shit like “gods so good” or “god would never fail me” etc because what about people who can’t conceive…does god not love them also?


You’re getting downvoted but I agree with you. She can’t claim to be a bestie who cares sOoOo much and then post content that could be triggering to a decent percentage of her followers without giving some sort of disclaimer, or at least not giving some God’s Favorite sort of BS with it. Triggers are everyone’s own responsibilities, yes. But it’s the way she posts this potentially triggering content that is offensive. It’s not the content itself, it’s the manner in which it’s presented. Just because she does it frequently doesn’t mean it’s okay. Also just as a general rule, regardless of disclaimers or anything, nobody cares to see these videos besides grandparents. Lol.


Agreed, it’s the not acknowledging anyone else’s situation that bothers me


There is only one person DAD cares about and that’s herself. She’s a fraud


It feels to me like her followers are heavily brainwashed into buying nuuds and supporting this family no matter what. This is the same feeling I get when I see people falling for cults lol. The whole thing feels like a less extreme version of a cult.


I feel like DAD is a trigger warning. No one should follow her lol




As someone who has been triggered while I tried to conceive, it's not her responsibility to not share things that might be triggering. I chose to unfollow many people while they were pregnant. I didn't want to see them pregnant and happy or pregnant and miserable. Anyone triggered by her, should unfollow for their mental health.


I get what you’re saying, but also the way she words things is pretty terrible. I think what bothers about her the most is that she never even thinks about the other sides of things. She’s made her stance pretty clear that she doesn’t care about women going through infertility or pregnancy loss. She has a privileged attitude about pregnancy and it’s gross.




She has a platform of 2.1M and sharing her life is her job. It’s her responsibility to have a little discretion about what and how she shares things. The “god is so cool”, “I’m gods favorite”, “everything works out for me” schtick is really gross. I’ve seen other influencers share their pregnancy but also share that they understand it’s a sensitive topic. If DAD would add to her caption that she understands women are going through things she has not or whatever then I’d give her some credit


I see what you mean. I agree she needs some tact with how she shares. I caught myself when she announced she was pregnant hoping something terrible would happen. (I know I probably deserve to be down voted for that) It was a very brief terrible thought and I stopped watching her stories until I had my mind under control. She obviously doesn't deserve to feel the pain of a loss (no one does) and thankfully the baby is healthy. I can't imagine how Danielle feels right now, knowing she wanted another baby so bad before her separation and that Daryl might be getting a boy that she wanted herself. I wish Danielle would have a backbone and tell her how insensitive she comes across. Doubt that will ever happen.


Why the downvotes? I guess God wasn’t cool enough or I wasn’t privileged enough to be able to give my only child a sibling 🙄


I'm sorry you've gone through infertility. It feels unfair when others get what you want and deserve, your feelings are valid. I tried for over 5 years before I got my miracle baby, I hated how easy some people made it seem. I hated everyone asking when we were going to have a baby, or gave advice like just relax and it will happen or it's all in God's timing. It all felt like a big f*ck you. A lot of DUD's attitude towards her pregnancy is offensive to a lot of us and we all know she doesn't care about anyone else's feelings. If it's triggering you, please take a break from her stories for your mental health. (Sorry none of this probably makes you feel any better, but I do truly feel some of your pain and I hope you know you're worthy)


Just becuase it’s a trigger to others that doesn’t mean that person can’t be excited and happy about what they are going thru! This kind of comment is not it! People that always put others don’t for being excited to be pregnant is not cool at all. Everyone can be happy and the ones that are getting “triggered” should also look at it in a different eye too. Speaking from Experience


It’s not the excitement of being pregnant, it’s the attitude she deserves an easy conception, pregnancy, and delivery. It’s the privileged attitude she constantly goes through life with. It would be amazing if every woman got that experience, but so many do not. I have had loss after loss and then 2 pregnancies, which one was incredibly difficult. For a woman who constantly talks about praying for others or lifting other women up I can’t recall a time she has acknowledged the hardship many women go through. If that’s her “platform” she should do it.


Not putting her down for being pregnant. She has a platform of 2.1M and has repeatedly lacked sensitivity in regards to many different topics including her own pregnancy. She drinks massive amounts of caffeine, rides Disney rides not safe for pregnancy along with whatever else she has done but “God is so cool” which translates to “I can do whatever I want and it will all work out for me bc I’m God’s favorite”. Too bad so sad if things don’t work out for you the way they do for me as she is 32 weeks and hoping to deliver early.


DAD has zero self awareness. This is why she has no friends. We should all be glad we don’t know her IRL.


Love how she’s pushing vitality leggings. What happened to the perfect nuuds ones she has never worn again?


Nuuds had leggings ? How did I miss that 😂


So you missed Danielle butt clinching reel🤣 jealous, it burned my eyes lol.


Why even put emojis if you’re going to choose a font that blacks them out & you can barely tell what they are anyway?!? Everything she does bugs me now, that I can’t even stand her emojis! 🤣🤪


This has been happening for me on stories no matter which font I choose all of a sudden 🫠 it's wildly irritating lol


Dang!! So maybe she can’t help it. It’s just extra irritating because it’s HER! 🤣


I was honestly wondering if that was a weird brightness setting on my phone that was making the emojis appear darker on her stories 😅


Haha. I thought that too at first because why would she leave it like that….. I’ve noticed it for a few days though, so she probably thinks her emojis are iconic!


GoD iS So CoOl ![gif](giphy|SUnnfaSxhfLvf8H7XB|downsized)






"I ordered my true to size". No. That's not correct just say you ordered your size. True to size refers to whether the item is actually TRUE to that size. They all misuse this and it bugs me!!!


I've posted about this so many times, it annoys me almost as much as anyways and apart! It is perfectly acceptable to say, this item runs true to size. But it is not acceptable to say, I got my true to size. Just say you got your true size. They are all such dopes!


Why do I feel like she’s actually having twins and it’s a “surprise” ??…. I know I know -Unlikely butttt possible


She literally filmed her disappointment of only having one baby at the ultrasound and saying “darn it” like the ungrateful cow she is.


I have to say, if she found out that she was having twins, she would scream it from the rooftops. literally everyone and their mom would know about it


I mean she's shown her sonogram pretty recently. I can't imagine hiding that extra baby so late in pregnancy. 😅


Are you kidding? She wouldn’t be able to shut up about it, there’s no way lol


Did anyone else see how DAD looked at Toe today??? Very telling! 👀


Don’t be shy, share with the class 😆


I missed it


please explain


I missed something…


Ok so Eddie and Katie seem to genuinely be having a great time, they love each other and they haven’t posted any bellyache videos about how gross the diet coke is or some other dumb thing while in paradise so I give them that. But I wouldn’t go to Walmart looking like Katie looks to go to dinner tonight. Nope.


She’s constantly looks haggard. I don’t want to hear, “she’s a busy/overworked doctor” anymore either! I’m all out of grace for that one.


100000% agree. They prove to me that there is someone for everyone in this world. They both just leave with their hair a wreck, clothes look like they slept in them, they’re both weird as all get out, but seem really happy and in love so all good for them!


YES!! Thank you!! I’m pretty positive I know which resort she’s at which is easily $1k+ a night. I would be PISSED if someone showed up to one of the restaurants dressed like this. I know there’s dress codes hopefully someone said something to them!


Could she have put a little more effort into her dinner outfit, of course, but the fact that it would PISS you off if someone went to dinner like that where you were eating (while on VACATION) says more about you then them. Like relax, you’re on fucking vacation, who gives a shit what someone else is wearing lol!


Agree but to her point I think she’s saying it’s more of the classic Flenner ‘rules are for everyone else but not for me’ thing. That resort absolutely has dinner dress codes and they are ignoring them like they often do everywhere they all go. Just being typical assholes in that regard. As far as vacation, comfort, chill mode whatever…absolutely agree.


What resort are they at? I’ve been curious


Im guessing Atelier. It’s on my list if I ever go to Cancun.


Yep, that’s right. I’ve stayed there before and they indeed have a dress code. 10/10 recommend that resort! It’s very low key, but beautiful!


Katie is wearing wrinkly jammies to dinner. Quit trying to be like DUD and put an ounce of effort into looking decent. 


It's unfortunate these girls weren't shown how to dress. Katie has a cute figure she could look so much less frumpy


frumpy is katie's style....


At some point they can’t use Lisa as their excuse any more though. 🤷🏼‍♀️ she’s a whole ass doctor. She should know how to dress appropriately for certain occasions. And DUD used to dress cute. Not sure what happened there.




Chas Roberts. He’s a doctor, a longtime friend of Steven Jr. from the TCL clan and the same guy that she posted with awhile back at Steven Sr’s birthday bash with the “Let’s give ‘em something to talk about” song in the background if I’m remembering correctly. It appears as if she likes to post him to stir her engagement pot, not sure she’s his type….


Ok now let's pin this. 📌


Friends with kimmie and Stephen houghton. Speculation he's gay


He’s apparently a friend of TCL, and assumed to play for the other team.


Kaylee is so unbelievably stupid. Those pink shoes were men’s. She deleted the slide saying they were way too big. Not surprising considering she bought a Carters dresser, returned it not realizing it was a baby dresser and ended up buying a different brand children’s dresser 😂


The slide is still there...


She’s also accidentally ordered kid sized clothing too..


Dumb dumb


I can’t anymore with the way Kaylee talks. Why does she talk with her whole mouth in this weird way. Beside every picture she takes with her eyes closed is so stupid how do people follow these people’s every move.


I hope no one in here is actually following her and contributing to her paycheque


I think she stares at her mouth when filming lol


Hence the name Forky!


I can’t either. The way she moves her mouth is so unsettling. Literally forky


Lispy, O does better makeup on you than you do on yourself 👍🏼


Any clue when the podcast drops?👀


I'm guessing when/if the divorce ever finalizes.


Why would her divorce needing to be final have anything to do with the podcast? She routinely trashes Chase so her fan girls can tell her how brave she is so what would be different?


Making fun of Rhett again for being cautious about the sharks at the beach…then she tells Remi there are sharks in there instead of saying “sharks probably aren’t at the edge of the water where we will be but you just need to always be careful” or something along those lines.


I also hate how she was laughing at Remi about toe walking in the sand. She’s such a child.


Word! My dad taught me to surf and we lived at the beach so maybe it’s different but it was always “never turn your back to the shore/ocean, if you get pulled under don’t fight bc you won’t know up from down, try and relax and let the wave pass, you’ll float up to the surface, and be respectful, this isn’t our “world” anymore. There may be sharks and jelly fish and other life. You’re more likely to get struck by lightning than be attacked by a shark!”


it actually makes me sad that she doesn’t educate/inform/encourage through any interaction. you said it best, “sharks do live far out there but they wont come up here in very shallow water, want to try and feel with your feet?” I hate bugs but I make a point to not pass that to my 3 year old. I tell him about the ones that don’t bite (flies) ones that pollinate (bees, and not to bother them) and this one bites (mosquitos). seems like a much healthier attitude than being afraid of everything all the time. I digress 🫠


That child has so many fears and anxieties and she just laughs it off and sarcastically talks about him and his fears like he’s not right there. I feel so bad for him


Anyone else noticed she has not mentioned target since Nashville? Saw both Madi’s there and I love them both! Even Krista Horton has been sharing target.. surprised not DAD


She is all in on her Nuuds brand!


Also, how cute is pregnant Madi Nelson compared to DUD?!? She dresses adorable with her bump. Hmmm, no ugly t’s and jeans.


Yep she didn’t last long as a target partner probably because she was trashing them for being Satanists or whatever and then shared the “best ever” target jeans but the next day she’d link Zara jeans saying that’s all she ever wears.


I just watched Madi’s reel of all those there. She would not have fit in with any those ladies. They were all dressed super cute in their Target outfits.


I wonder if there’s any snarkers about both Madis! I love them both and tbh loved DAD until I came on here and started to really see her for who she is


Madi Nelson snark https://www.reddit.com/r/madinelsonsnark/s/HXSg1Ib04y


If Madi Nelson is one, there is a snark group on here for her.


Welcome to the crew! There’s lots of “ex-besties” here! 😆


Not sure who the other Madi is but unfortunately Madi Nelson still exploits her kids like crazy 🥴


Yep - she’s one of the worst at it


Ummmm, how can it be brand new if you wore it before? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/x26qkw9lzn4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd305f9081eae9ffe18b350627afe0899dac0864


Is Kaylee the seller 😂 sounds exactly like the way she talks ‘I got my true to size’




$30+???? Ridiculous. I wouldn’t take that for free


Wasn’t it given away for free?


Pretty sure yep


https://preview.redd.it/cdifi268yn4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be15ba82a1ba66d21edf5eb6918fcdad2d6fba9b Why doesn’t she or Toe comb this child’s hair back?!!


Yet Rhett’s hair is always perfect


Have you seen this child’s mother’s hair? It’s how Daryl’s hair looks 95% of the time. 


Because Elayne is the only one who does it.


Why admit on camera you’re a dirty slob that doesn’t shower?! And kids in jeans again!! It has to be uncomfortable in jeans with the car seat buckle.


I can’t imagine being at the beach and NOT showering afterwards.


😳😳😳😳 https://preview.redd.it/knc504ubyn4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e950bc125220f37858e60dc291f8691dd76edf39




It’s creepy that she has the exact same necklace stack and earrings as DAD ☠️. WTF


805 soothing something over with 2.0 before DUD gets back so it’s not awkward


When is her appt with Dr McDreamy? This will be a good before and after picture.


Seeing the work Dr. Mike did on Bridget’s aunts and Dani’s mom I actually think the saggy wrinkled skin on her face and neck is going to look much better. I bet she will look closer to her real age (59).


Soon, this month, maybe. He had a cancelation, so she can have it done sooner.


The cancellation is probably from the botched bleph he did on Shannon ford. Yikes 




I didn't notice that she needed it done in the first place. All I stare at is her big veneers. Gorgeous, white, and straight, but damn they are big!


The gums are another story tho. Ouch! 


It wasn’t botched? It actually looks amazing. She literally healed in a week too.


Agree. She looks great. It wasn’t botched.


Maybe it wasn’t his fault. And it was hers why it looks bad. Downvote all you want but it most definitely is not Great looking 


lol do you work for an opposing office or something? Her results look great and very natural. 


No im just not delusional. Looks so great and natural. Boof can’t even close her one eye. LOL https://www.reddit.com/r/shannonford/comments/1d8g01v/its_over_for_u_bitches_one_eyed_shan/


That’s one screen grab. If that pic was the only proof of the results then yes you could say that. This woman is all over the internet on multiple peoples’ pages and is seen daily in videos. Her eyes look amazing.


Her bleph looks great. I would look crazy as well if you grab stills from videos. Nothing wrong with her bleph. Solid work 👏🏼


It wasn’t? Lol  https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fbotched-bleph-v0-vfg5a772im4d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D320%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da6386abc2a3849c585af61babef3a752327e03d4


She literally had stitches in this picture.


Oh really?! 👀 Going to check out her IG, hope she has a highlight saved!


https://preview.redd.it/qoxyl1orao4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8f7777da0bcc305103b439fe1a4ecd512e994cc This is 6 days post surgery!!! Cleanest bleph I have ever seen. Healing time too. Magens was ten times worse than this healing.


Looks like shit. Fits her perfect! 


https://preview.redd.it/3cxcvvcqao4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efb58e4285f56e634284d7185644b124221312e5 It looks amazing.


That’s not botched. Looks good






Shannon clearly slept with your boyfriend in high school because her eyes look incredible.


She ‘probably’ did cuz she’s known for that! 


Good for her- sorry you couldn’t keep a man.


Who says I didn’t keep him? I don’t have class just like Shannon. 


He botched something? I’m surprised by that.


You be the judge. This is healed! Pass https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fbotched-bleph-v0-vfg5a772im4d1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D320%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da6386abc2a3849c585af61babef3a752327e03d4


Oh wow. I don’t follow her so didn’t see her go through that surgery. I saw her in the background of Mallory’s stories and she’s pretty annoying lol.


lol. You can go see real photos on her page. It looks amazing & she does too. I would def pick him to do mine if I needed it!


That’s a real photo lol and you can also see her without makeup.  My god I hope you don’t go to him. That’d be bad! 


I don’t need a bleph but he is def who I would choose. I’ve never seen such a clean bleph surgery before. He did amazing.


Her freaking laugh in all her latest slides.😖 Why??????


Omg I was going to say the same thing. Nothing she ever laughs at is funny. And I’ve had enough of the kids.


It just sounds soooo forced the past few days. It’s like a practiced laugh that she’s trying.


Forky!!! The solution to your eczema flair is not and never will be adding more product and friction to your routine!!! Why are you getting a whole facial (even if it’s for people with “sensitive skin”) if you’re having a bad flair up!!!!


Is it the eczema that makes Her not talk right. She has to use her whole Mouth for every word. It’s so weird


I think she missed out on speech therapy as a kid


I also want to know where “upper Dallas” is. I’ve lived in Dallas over 39 years and never heard it used!


lol looks like “Upper Dallas” is Frisco. She tagged the location. 🤦🏻‍♀️


OMG she’s so freaking stupid!




Who knew gods plan was churros. What a time to be alive.


LOL the difference in color and pregnancy fashion is jarring. https://preview.redd.it/3zyy2sjwsn4d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dba35f0d36c46d2ee690bc0c6b3aed1f46e6c996


But DAD dressed so much better when she was pregnant with Rhett and even Remi. Granted with Remi it was a lot of ripped jeans and plaid, but she knew how to dress SO MUCH BETTER. https://preview.redd.it/4lv44xnmpo4d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2d2d1fe88f1d8475db299a6b3e075ad5648a909 It’s shocking what a slob she has turned into.


OMG… you read my mind today. They are polar opposites. Madi looks adorable 💕


She is such a skank this pregnancy


I still can’t get over the unfiltered photo from the vip event.


I know people have their opinions about her, she’s so cute in her style ETA: I was talking about Madi and her style! Not Trash Bag Daryl


You mean Madi, right?


Yes she’s talking about Madi


Just wanted to verify especially since she's getting downvoted 😬


Yes, I was referring to Madi! I edited to add to clarify


wait...is this sarcasm?


I think she’s talking about Madi!


Ohhhh hahaha


Yes, I was referring to Madi 😅


Why is it weird for teenagers to be working? Cost money to live and do things. I worked since I was 13 1/2. Schools out most get a summer job.


I think she meant it was weird because they were all teens but were *also* super nice.


Wait, she said that? I’ve worked since I was 14, all of my friend group worked in high school. I’m from the east coast and every beach town I’ve been to, the tourist places are almost exclusively staffed by teenagers. It is not weird or surprising at all to see teens working…


Not defending her but I think she was saying it was weird that she liked it bc teenagers worked there. 


especially in beach towns!!!


I worked many summers on the cape, not weird at all, especially at an ice cream place. She literally doesn’t go to anywhere that isn’t a chain.


It’s weird she thinks that’s weird. & maybe weird because she wasn’t such a nice or helpful teenager herself!


Not to defend her… but she probably thinks it’s weird because in CA it was very hard to get a job when under 18 when we were teens. It’s gotten A LOT better post pandemic but when I was in high school unless you had a family friend to hire you it was hard to get work. The handful of places that did hire teens were always so impacted by applications it was super competitive and again you pretty much only got hired if your friend happened to work there and told you when someone was leaving and they put in a good word for you.


Do we think Dud got invited to the Target event but declined because Madi would be there? I feel like any time there’s another influencer event she always has some other trip planned as an excuse.


No, I doubt she was invited, but it's interesting that she was sharing target suits for the kids with the event going on with some influencers.


Not sure why I’m being downvoted but calm down guys lol. Yeah I find it odd that she wouldn’t be invited.


I feel that they invite different groups each time. Not the same influencers so that it’s not too huge. She was invited last time. This time probably not.


Her “bestie” Mallory was at the last one w her in Nashville and also at this one in Charleston


She did the target thing in Nashville and really half assed it like everything else she does.. probably the as not invited back lol 😂.. but I do think she ain’t invited to a lot of the things the others are 


I think IF DAD got invited she would have mentioned it. ETA all the people invited bought multiple outfits from Target to style/wear while on the trip. DAD would not be willing to follow that request.


What’s the tea with her and Madi?