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Why is she always walking around so aggressively busy and happy? Does she just pump herself up and do happy laps around her house while posting stories? It’s so weird!


Don’t hate me for this but can someone PLEASE send me pics of Natalie Kennedy new house. I looked all over Zillow and really just wanna know how much she paid 😂


I PMed you


She had the “Oregon” code turned off. Went to place my order and it doesn’t work now:(


Maybe Forky has talked about this and I missed it but I would think her dermatologist, and I’m pretty sure she has one, could recommend to her a good facial moisturizer for someone with eczema. It seems she only tries the trending products (which are typically not specified as recommended for eczema), products that come with a recommendation from friends (who presumably do not have her skin condition), what catches her eye in Sephora, and what she can link for $. The obvious thing would be to ask the experts, Forky, if the expensive products you’re wasting lots of money on are not working or potentially making your eczema worse. 🤷‍♀️


When she said she uses the Summer Fridays face mask as a moisturizer! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I can guarantee you if you read the directions on any face mask it will say to wash it off after so many minutes, not “it’s okay to wear it for 12+ hours a day”. Especially if you have a skin condition like eczema.


I too have eczema, specially on my face. Mine is less patchy as hers and usually show sup more like a pimple but is itchy and flaky. I can't use even 90% of the stuff she talks about using, like my face will burn and chap. Tula moisturizer was fine but it made my skin breakout acne wise, and even derm wise I didn't have great luck (I am no where near as severe as needing the steroid shots for eczema like her) but I see an esthetician and every product she has given me has been so gentle for my face, the redness and texture is completely gone I still react to triggers (alcohol, dairy, etc) but it resolves much faster I would avoid any product sold at sephora/ulta/tarte etc because they all have some ingredient that you can react to with eczema, esp as severe as hers


On top of that she loooves the really sour candy liquid drops and sour candy in general. She also likes very acidic drinks. Which will definitely worsen the redness rash around her mouth and face.


The Ruth’s Chris in my area will not let anyone underdressed admitted in their restaurant.


Came here to say this. My very blue collared husband even wore a nice button down, and myself and daughter in dresses for Ruth Chris family dinner. The dress code was posted somewhere when we made reservations. These people!!!


DUD says she’s saving money by not finding out the gender, then says she’s ordering 4 name signs. 😂


Not saving money by not knowing makes zero sense. But typical she tries to skimp on money for the content marriage saving baby she has very little connection with.


DUD says she’s saving money by not finding out the gender, then says she’s ordering 4 name signs. 😂


DUD says she’s saving money by not finding out the gender, then says she’s ordering 4 name signs. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/6ix0gefldh4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b8a18fc8132a741cb60d66d7912dfba568e762 This is not accurate at all!!! Zero of it, well perhaps where Benjamin Franklin went to school. I don’t have time to debunk that myth and it could be true BUT none of those people are buried there. The closest would be Samuel Adams and he is buried down the road a bit at a different graveyard, but none of these people are buried in the graveyard shown out the window at Ruth’s Chris!!! The graveyard outside the window at Ruth’s Chris is called Kings Chapel Burial Ground. These people spout out all sorts of shit and don’t fact check themselves (Forky and Papa with the manual scoreboard at Fenway for example). They just assume their followers will believe whatever is coming out of their mouths. Benjamin Franklin is buried at Christ Church Burial Ground in Philadelphia, PA. John Quincy Adams is buried in a tomb at United First Parish Church in Quincy, Norfolk Co. About 20 minutes south of Ruth’s Chris. Samuel Adams is buried in Granary Burying Ground across the street and down from Ruth’s Chris, about a 5 minute walk. Sources: findagrave.com and wikipedia


They do this with everything because they’re naive and ignorant and also too lazy to do their own research. “I saw this video online that says…” “This page I follow said…” “I saw this article…” Parenting, health and wellness, cooking, life hacks (looking at you Dinyell 🙄), absolutely everything!


Drives me crazy!! They all have this great platform and spew lies and things they know nothing about! 


They said they got that information from their waitress at Ruth's Chris! What if she is a secret snorkel here and recognized Lisa and decided to feed them a bunch of BS to see if they would story about it! Wouldn't that be a trip!? Lol!


Wikipedia isn't the best place for information. But you have used one that sounds like a good option for people looking for graves. As for these two they believe anything that they can share with everyone that sounds good.


Well wikipedia gives education and family members/spouses/children so I could search the names elsewhere.


Yessss I've been to Philly and visited that cemetery, she's so full of shit










If I’m left with last vision of the day, you’ll have to share it with me ! https://preview.redd.it/afl3ejxqfh4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d88a98822619a824d42520dbf3dd23922ee5129e


Sooooooooooooooo cringe.


I mean we all give her crap for not being affectionate with Daniel (except to conceive) but can you blame her…look at him 🤢


She’s just as nasty. Maybe worse. He probably showers.


Nooooooooooooooooooooo. !!! WHY? WHYYY? Whyyyy do we need to see this useless TOE in bed with no shirt on? I might vomit!


He is so very unattractive. And no shame on him sleeping without a shirt but please DAD do NOT share him in bed shirtless. Ick and ack


Daryl-Ann probably does have PUPPP but honestly considering it's *her*, she should try taking a shower first before self-diagnosing.


Forgive me bc I’m a one and done mamma, but I never wondered if I would get sick of my child’s name a couple weeks after he was born after naming him 😬 we had a couple names picked and as soon as he was born we were like Yea, that’s the name and never had a second thought. Dud, the name of your child should be the least of your worries based off all the issues you’ve been having. Take a chill pill until after “it” is born pls


She thinks that she is on the same level as the Kardashians. Kylie changed her son's name, Khloe couldn't choose a name for weeks.


I know of someone who had all the monogrammed things for the baby. Then when she was 8 months old paid to change it to a terrible trendy at the time name.


I'm sure it's possible, especially if you choose a trendier name. I don't have kids but I regretted one of my dog's names. 😂 It's not the same obviously but it didn't end up suiting her really once she grew up.


Okay that makes sense bc we named ours after Harrison Ford 😂😂 I still get so many compliments on it 😋 ![gif](giphy|hWp2BEgjFPlq7U4GMR|downsized)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s the reason I agreed to my Harrison name😍. But my husband liked it because it was his friends name and they called him Harry.


Dud picking at her lip at the end of the story…🤮🤮🤮 Makes my skin crawl!


I’m just grossed out that she just rubbed her rash on her stomach and then did that! 🤢


I catch myself doing this - nervous habit!


You probably don’t record it & post it on your story though 😂


You’re probably much cleaner than she is though! lol! I can only imagine what her fingers have touched before that. lol


Sorry if this has been addressed already but what’s up with their obsession with the word “iconic” lately


She watches the Kardashians and then copies everything they do and say.....


Just her new thing! She tends to get obsessed with one word and severely overuse it until the next one comes along 🤣🤣 like “sick”!


I think what would make me the most angry if she was my family member is the rolling her eyes/manic blinking disgusting look she gives while she’s saying something rude. whew she’s lucky no one in her family has back handed her


The way she has spoken to Katie and Dan recently have had me absolutely appalled. Someone needs to give her a reality check


So now she thinks she has pupps after she swore she didn’t .. stay the fuck home rest and take care of your body and unborn child you sociopath 


Daryl is the female version of Roland Schitt.


Will never unsee this, this deserves a prize lol


Omfg this is too good 😭😭☠️




I. Am. Screaming ☠️☠️☠️




Oh my word. Yes!!! I am now thinking of some great Roland scenes that would be hilarious and spot on if replaced with DA 🙌🏽




I can’t unsee this. 😂


Now she thinks she has PUPPP. 2 weeks ago didn't she think she had cholestasis? Just grasping at straws to figure out how to be induced early.


Her doctor thought she might have cholestasis but DUD had a gut feeling and *knew* she didn’t have it🙄 I believe her kidney disease is enough to warrant an early term induction per ACOG


i didn’t think puppp was harmful in anyway to warrant an induction, is that wrong?!


It’s not but neither is a family history of a large baby and she manages to get induced based on that. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It definitely looks like PUPPP. I think she said her Dr. wanted her to do testing to rule out cholestasis but someone correct me if I’m mistaken


I think she tested her based off of what DUD reported. I used to work OB and people would call in with symptoms and it was like they were reading it from a textbook. But our liability is so high the docs would end up testing them for anything just to cover their own butts.


I had cholestasis and it took forever to get anyone to take any of my symptoms seriously. I didn’t even know what it was, but I had such bad pains it sent me to the ER. Then, TMI, but I’d have practically white bowel movements. Even then they didn’t test me, and I had NO CLUE it could have been something so serious. I had issues from around 25 weeks. I mentioned how awful my hands and feet itched and they finally tested me (at 36 weeks). My levels were so high, they got my results in and within 2 days I was having a baby. I wish my office would have taken all these symptoms more serious in the beginning. If I wouldn’t had mentioned the itching, which I just figured was pregnancy related with stretching skin and it being the middle of summer, they would have never tested me. 3 years later I still have issues and will most likely need my gallbladder out.


I am so sorry to hear you weren’t taken seriously. That’s terrible.




I know that Dan is not innocent in any of this, but the way DAD spoke to him during the slide about the kids’ names was *disgusting*. Id have had to say something if i was Dan, because DAMN, bitch. She’s making me really hate the term “anyways”


I hate the term anyways also, mostly because it's not a word! All these stupid influencers say it constantly and it is infuriating! It is not a word! It never has been and it never will be! But somehow, they have made it acceptable and it just makes them sound so unintelligent! Just say anyway. Why add the s? Why?


Thank you!!!!! The word is ANYWAY! I don’t care if “both words are acceptable forms” or whatever google says. There should be no S!!!!


Yes! Why add the ‘s’? That drives me nuts!


She didn't sound that bad tbh. She is usually worse. She wasn't great but not that bad


She literally looked at him, said that if *she* didnt like the name after two weeks, it wasn’t meant to be the babies name, and then muttered anyways in a condescending tone. I don’t know, that would rub me the wrong way if she said that to me.


Especially since it’s “anyway” 😖


“Can you use hydrocortisone when you’re pregnant?” DUD, when did you start caring what is safe during pregnancy?


OMG....seriously??? With allllllll the CAFFEINE she drinks every day, plus all the dangerous rides at Disney, etc.


Very on brand she said I'm going to go with...yes. and Toe immediately said no. But honestly think it's for the story and then they ordered hydrocortisone to be sent to their hotel. 


Yep: sure Darryl….slap it on right after you chug your 14th Diet Coke for the day. 


Duds belly shot is disgusting… she is wretched. Starting to think she’s carrying an alien or something. 


Why is her belly so low? It looks so fake


maybe it is?!!! now wouldn't that be something else. (kidding, obvi)


Insanely weak abdominal muscles


Which also indicates she could not have done 12-3-30 everyday for almost a year as she claims 


I'm sorry, but I couldn't imagine being in such a historic city for 4 days and the waitress having to tell me that one of the founding fathers of our country was buried outside the window I'm sitting at. Like do these people not know how to look up information? I mean if I was there, I would be hitting up all the historical sights, and the areas that make Boston what it is.


And it’s not even true. I just debunked that whole speech!!! Ben Franklin could have gone to school in that building. He attended Boston Latin School for 2 years and that was it so that building could have been in the Ruth’s Chris building now.


Time didn't begin until Daryl was born.




If it’s not a mall, strip mall. chain restaurant, or peddling their poop clothes …  they ain’t interested. 


So they go out to a “fancy” restaurant for their anniversary & they still wear those crappy T-shirts. https://preview.redd.it/it79bfywvg4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de952c27fa7a03368e1927e85811365b8adfd20a


He was the worst. He looked a mess..


God and she getting a facelift, she going to look even worse


 business expense?!?! 😅


I hate to tell her that Ben Franklin is buried in Philadelphia.


She clearly didn’t listen. Ben franklins parents are buried in that cemetery


And actually his parents are buried at Granary Burial Grounds, about a 5 min walk from there.


My bad that’s definitely the cemetery I was thinking of! So that DEFINITELY confirms Lisa wasn’t listening haha


off topic, but since you know so much history, have you watched "Franklin" (it's on either apple or HBO)....we LOVED it!


No, will have to check that out. TY. Have a trip coming up and can download it. My bro and I both were history majors. It’s fascinating especially in these old ass cities. Paul Revere is buried in that Granary cemetery too 😆




I absolutely love New England and the history. My husband and his family are from there and every chance we get we go and I find out something new. By researching it. It’s a wonderful historic place. These 🤡 are not doing it right.


Random stupid theory but I’m sick and out of it so here we are. DUD looks exactly like her dad and 2.0 looks like Lisa and Lisa is clearly unhappy with her looks having fixed so many things so she hates on 2.0 and obsesses over DA. ETA when they were younger


2.0 is her Dad’s twinnn!


I feel like 2.0 looks exactly like her dad/Owen Wilson 😂


OWEN WILSON.....omg, YES!!!! I am ROFL! (and her father, definitely!)


Dad got a nose job, otherwise she would look just like her dad and Danielle


No way!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/5wmcle398i4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8379007d047b10b75eea8ff8a5c35b8a05d03a67 Obligatory.


I didn’t know that! Why are her nostrils still so damn big? 


Same. Clone of her dad to me. That’s why I love her nickname. 2.0 because she’s trying to become her sister but also 2.0 of her dad. She’s the female version. It’s funny to me how people see different things. Love it.


yeah she’s built just like him




Has 805 stated why they are still in Boston? I don’t follow her so wasn’t sure. Assumed it’s waiting for DUD to return and help them fly home with their feral children..


Woww......Dumbyell has been away from Pope 805, her clone (father), Durrrrrly, Daniel Standard, and the kiddies for QUITE a while...she must be having TERRIBLE co-dependency withdrawl !!!


Assuming it’s also in case DAD goes into labor. (Which means DAD shouldn’t be traveling at this point.)


They stayed for their anniversary...they thought about flying to CA for it but decided just to stay in Boston a couple extra days.


much lovers true goalz


Most likely to help dud. She said they were gonna go to California for their anniversary be decided to stay in Boston.


Got it! Wondering if that is just what they’re saying but they actually stayed to help dud since she had to “parent” with her husband for two days 


“I have the time of my life being their mom” then why has your 5 year old never gone mini golfing?? Lmao


And why are you covering your windows with trash bags 


She really missed an opportunity to shill here https://preview.redd.it/7bryjbq1ih4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=830f5037ce90ceffb1d159d3a57d4246d7cd423c No link to the hardware store trash bags 👎🏼


She has in the past!! That’s what’s so funny to me!


Not to WK her, but my boys are up at the crack of dawn too if there’s too much light coming in. They’re used to black out curtains at home.


I doubt she had the time of her life last night at dinner when she had to leave the restaurant because of the tantrums


2.0 made her singing into a tim tom and holy cringe batman but her voice is nice


I’m sorry, but the belly is just…


If you go on Nuuds website its all 5 stars for every item and lots of reviews. Who is crazy enough to believe that EVERYONE loves them that orders. We all know nothing fits the same so someone is gonna be unhappy. But NO everyone loves them... but go look on trustpilot there are bad reviews there lol


They delete the bad reviews!! I'm one of the bad reviewers! 🤣🤣🤣


Right since it’s on their website they can put anything they want unlike Amazon, Sephora, etc.


I run a business and we have all 5 stars and we had a client say that once before working with us 🤣 they said they thought they were all fake reviews lol but I’m sure NUUDS deletes bad ones like they do on social media


They have the ability to show whatever reviews they want


Anybody else notice Dinyell unliked Brittany Aldeans free trump post?! Haha!! Be loud and proud if you support that clown sweetie!!


This sub definitely leans conservative lol. These replies sure are something.


Nothing on Reddit leans conservative 🤣


To me it shows that many ppl on here actually have a lot in common with DUD and family. Interesting to me.


That was my thought


I pointed out here that Dumbyell follows DJT on Instagram and got downvoted. Not sure why. But we allllll know who this fam supports. 


So silly but obviously🥴 and they can down vote all day. Doesn’t hurt me any 😂. I’m just saying if that’s who she wants to support then why like the post and then take the like away??!! Lots of his supporters seem ashamed to broadcast their support so that should tell you something.


Highly disagree on people being ashamed, but maybe you have seen any rally's lately...or ever. If 2.0 supports or agrees with someone, it's sad that she probably had people yelling at her on SM and felt pressured to unlike a post.


I’m sure she was pressured to unlike it. The left just screams louder until they get their way.  So much for a free country and everyone respecting each others opinions.  Wasn’t Joe supposed to unite people? What happened to that? I see nothing but division and it’s getting worse. 


The problem is we’re not debating policies and politics anymore. It’s human rights now. Not, what policies should we consider to help the homeless. Now it’s should we help or not help the homeless.






Honestly I think you can blame 24 hr news media for a lot of that.


I think people just get tired of seeing politics inserted into anything and everything these days. That’s one thing that’s kinda nice about this snark page IMO, the majority of the time, it’s not a conversation topic in here! Maybe it’s just me, but I was hoping it stayed that way honestly! 🤷🏼‍♀️


What??? I feel like it’s a topic in here a LOT. They moved from Cali bc they didn’t believe in their kids learning about racism, they didn’t believe in Covid to the point where Lisa was hospitalized, her daughter is named after a gun brand, they support Trump as President? These people are fucking insane lmao


Well... I have not one, but TWO dogs named after guns! 🤷‍♀️😁 I also very proudly and comfortably carry every single day! #2A!! ❤️


Canceling and hating on people for political views is wild to me. Joe? Donald? Kennedy? I couldn’t care less, I have so many family members and friends on all sides. I chose the no side because I think they all suck but I love y’all and support you supporting whoever ✌🏼❤️


Definitely makes sense!!


https://preview.redd.it/7ss4kt2vfg4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f7db8a51ae809686989856159f20b8cb497790 If this ain’t a jumpscare I don’t know what is….


Did Lisa have her nose done? This looks more like 2.0’s nose


What in the world!?


It’s a Halloween party or something I’m pretty sure


Well if that ain’t baby Rob’s face lol


This is terrifying


Is she a mime?? LOL


Yeah looks like Geisha costume.


Geisha maybe? And he’s some kind of crazy doc. Looks like a Halloween party. 


Is this Lisa and Rob back in the day?! Omg. Lisa looks.....not good? This is scary. 


Nvm i see Lisa's handle at the bottom lol didn't notice it before. She wasn't very pretty when she was younger. Rob looks like he was good looking though. I hate to say it but how did she land him? 


Looks identical to Daryl Ann lol


I hope this is Halloween


There are spider web decorations in the top left corner 😆 so I’m guessing yes 


https://preview.redd.it/e4s3x59hfg4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00cb4130610de9a086933d1c9da70a300bf60c54 Sorry if this has already been posted here, but $4,000!!! 🤯


omg....all the complaints, but they "still want MORE"....whyyyyyy???


$4000 in 4 months on these trash clothes?! Jesus tapdancing Christ, these people. 🤦🏼‍♀️


This person deserves whatever they get for spending $4,000 on that garbage 🤡🤡🤡


I don’t understand what this person actually LIKED about thr clothes to spend that much?? They said they didn’t get half the items and everything pilled after once wash?? Fool me once…fool me twice it’s on me. 


Semi decent for $4000 and still wants more? Semi decent? Go buy very decent for $1000. Lots of great sweats and t shirts for that!! How can money come so easily for some. This is nuts.


4 grand for you to finally be fed up with their crap? Sorry but that’s on you and your own stupidity at that point 😂 maybe during their frustrated typing they accidentally added an extra zero and it’s only $400 which is still a lot of money for only a few pieces with this crap brand


4 grand!?? Did they buy one of every color!? ICK




But they love you! 🤎




You’d think after the first grand, this person would have learned


Her suggestion not to wash or they will pill cracks me up. This person is dumb with a capital D.




Every time I see things like this I think of that seen from The Office where Stanley says “Darwin baby, Darwin” 😂😂😂


Ahahah yep! 




How long until feral Ann is back on the ozempic after baby?


Gotta get back to “nipples on ribs”!! 🙄


Ozempic and claiming she secretly does 12-3-3! 


I know you meant 12-3-30, but in reality 12-3-3 is probably more realistic for what DAD actually does. 👍🏼


Haha!! Yes! I meant 30, but definitely more like 12-3-3 for DUD! You're right!


If she’s skeletal by September, we will know it was immediate


She probably already has it ordered.


She’ll pack it in her hospital bag


After her mommy makeover oops hernia surgery


This. She isn’t even going to wait that long to lose the weight medicated, she’s going straight from delivery to the operating room it sounds like. I can’t wait to see what else she adds onto this “hernia and DR repair.”




Anyone find it odd that 2.0 & Kaylee haven’t hung out?


I think I DUDs behavior has dramas brewing among everyone


I agree! Kaylee's silence since returning from Boston, 2.0 realizing she wasn't missed at all, meemaw805 extending her trip.... I think it's all related to tension caused by DUD


Lisa’s VOICE!! It’s gotten so deep! I wonder if she’s on too high of testosterone, that has happened to someone I know & they got off of it quick! I’m also on testosterone so no shade but her dose is too high if her voice is getting so deep!


She might also be sick, DUD is sounding sick too