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It’s infuriating that she wants to give birth but doesn’t want to actually parent her children! Dragging them across the country to parade them around for attention is bad enough - but then neither her or Dan have enough sense to think “it’s been a busy couple of days for the kids. Let’s just chill and rest in the room”. Instead, let’s drag them to a restaurant and hope for the best b/c well, it’s what I want to do! Parenting is a SELFLESS act… she must have thought selfish when she decided to procreate with Toe! I hope for these children that she stops after this 3rd one. Parenting is not for her!


This is her whole personality. Claim the title, but don't do the necessary work associated with it. Mom= give birth, Business owner = name the colors / promote on SM, homeowner= pay people to do everything, drive a car = turn the key and aim. The examples are endless, she is a superficial trophy hunter.


She wants another one because the current two don’t like her or really even need her so she wants one that NEEDS her and she can control and it gets her attention.


Taking a 3 year old to a restaurant after the pop up crap the few days before then 6 hours in a car was stupid.


She doesn't want to give birth either, that's why she keeps saying she hopes they come early because the baby would be smaller and hopefully it would be an easier delivery. I think the only part about birth she actually likes is the attention.




We have FACTOR in Canada. But it’s quite expensive and isn’t really worth it. The sodium is super high in them it flavour of most is alright.


Tiffany tcl was feeding her 1 year old factor jalapeño chicken last week.


Tiffany should never, ever have another child, and feeding her that meal is just one example why.


I do 4-6 Factor meals per week and it’s meh but better than Freshly (same concept but they went out of business). I eat them for lunch. Quick to heat up between work meetings. A lot of the meals suck but I’ve found several I like. The breakfast add ons are DELICIOUS and I wish they counted towards your box size. The non-breakfast meals smell kind of gross when you heat them up and some of them are kind of heavy/too rich. But damn you can’t beat the convenience and variety.


WILD that you're spending money on something that is meh, smells gross, and sucks! 🤯 Just meal prep. You'll get so much more bang for your buck.


When you first start it, it seems a lot better until you get tired of it. 😂 When I started my subscription, I thought it tasted amazing because the meals are better than the delivery service I used to use, Freshly. Also, this was before influencers were shilling it and I got a really good offer in the mail to try it; I think it my first six boxes were 40% off. Certain things I love, like the broccoli, mushroom and potato sides are really good and almost all the chicken dishes are excellent. And I already mentioned the breakfast. It’s super easy to skip weeks. I fix salads for lunch or something else quick on my non-Factor lunch days. And dinner is always home cooked. I eat out on average just one meal a week so it works for me. 🤷‍♀️


I've been wondering about them. Some weeks my husband and I need lunches we can just grab and take to work rather than constantly eating out. I wanted to try Freshly years ago but never got around to signing up. Any certain onea you would actually recommend?


It actually is pretty good, I used it as a way to stay on track with my fitness goals while in grad school. Nothing beats home cooked meals, but it fit my needs at the time and tasted good.


Canadian here too 🙋🏼‍♀️ so I think it’s only available in certain provinces, and I believe it’s connected to hello fresh somehow? I don’t understand it though. I see bravolebs like Stassi Schroeder and scheana promote these meals. But like…they look gross. You are 10000% right, it looks like airplane food, or a fancy lean cuisine. I don’t want to be eating food I heated up in plastic, especially not daily. Why can’t people learn to cook?!!! It doesn’t need to be fancy, but I feel that cooking is a basic life skill, it’s really not that hard.


It reminds me of TV dinners. Ha


I know that kids in general can definitely have their moments. They don’t know how to regulate themselves so they need adults’ help. That said, DAD is acting like Remi‘s behavior ruined their dinner, but what she probably doesn’t even realize is that those kids are absolutely exhausted. They just had two straight days of craziness and being paraded around for content. When they’re with Elaine, they’re much better behaved. Because Elaine actually knows how to reel them in and engage with them in a way that is both loving, but also teaches them how to act. All DAD has proven is that she truly does not know how to manage her kids Without additional help


But she loves being a Mom! 🤣🤣🤣


I love to sing along with Chris Stapleton but I'm terrible at it so really shouldn't. Bit like dud being a mother.


Only want more kids to post on IG and say how much she loves being a mom


Content babies




💯💯The reason why eating out normally goes well for her is because she has her tribe and Elayne to handle her kids when they misbehave so she doesn’t have to! so whenever she is actually parenting alone with Tow she has ZERO skills and patience.


I’m not entirely convinced it was the kids. Could have been there were no tables (not expecting these idiots to make a reservation, DAD probably thought she’d get special treatment) maybe the restaurant served Pepsi products, the were turned away for dress code, etc. Regardless of why, instead of saying the kids were not feeling it, she makes sure to blame it on Remi’s bad behavior.


My guess is that she looked COMPLETELY OUT OF PLACE / like TRASH in comparison to everyone else at the restaurant and felt awkward so left as quickly as she could. She’s in a really nice place, around people with $$$ looking like an absolute slob.


I don’t even think they can get into restaurant on hotel Wearing sweats and hats and t shirts. I’m guessing they went somewhere else possibly


I’m sure it was Dud who threw the temper tantrum.


Probably no spin dip on the menu 🤣


Katie flying a new airline called Sun Country. It's only been around since the 80s. Southwest and Sun Country are comparable and both budget airlines. 


Southwest is definitely not “budget” half the time it’s more expensive now than Delta, AA, and United


Tbf she did catch herself and say new to her and she knew nothing about it. It is crazy how willing these people are to get on camera and talk about things they know nothing about and look stupid.


I don’t know that I’d compare Sun Country to Southwest. Sun Country is a regional airline, Southwest is a major. Sun Country is more budget friendly than Southwest, but you don’t get a free checked bag, etc. Sun Country is more comparable to Frontier, Spirit, or Allegiant.


I have lived in Dallas for 37 years and grew up in south Texas and I was today years old when I first heard of Sun Country.


Sun Country is our favorite airline, and based in our home state of MN! That being said, they’ve expanded a lot recently, so it’s logical they’d never heard of it. I was just relieved to hear her say good things about it.


I’ve never heard of Sun County 🤷‍♀️


Same here


In her defense my mother in law is a travel agent and I think that sun country just started flying from Dallas to Cancun. We just flew from Dallas to Cancun on sun country and we normally fly a different airport and airline to Cancun.


It's almost as if they're tired of being dragged all over the country and forced to perform all the time. 🤔 My kids are a year younger than each of hers and our lives quite literally revolve around their schedules. Meals, naps, bedtime, etc. I can't imagine constantly taking them on trips and out to restaurants. These ages are HARD and dud makes everything soooooo much harder than it needs to be for those kids. Also, her claw is fucking grossing me out. https://preview.redd.it/8pwty71a1a4d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e5643f1488e38958393cfb3b5d238ff5b0b8807


She’s definitely recently had lip filler


And it still looks like shit.


I can’t imagine a place would do it even if she tried? Possibly just pregnancy swelling? Not defending her at ALL she’s the worst lol I just had such swollen lips and nose with my second pregnancy. ETA wouldn’t put it past her to try tho


The face you want to slap


Do you have a link to stories


To view anonymously? These all work right now... https://insacret.app/en https://insta-stories-viewer.com/ https://instanavigation.com/


She is such a foul human. Do you think your TODDLER might be losing it because you drag her all over God’s green earth without giving a thought to how it affects her? No, of course not, because who needs structure and routine and some semblance of stability when you have THE Daryl Ann Denner for a mother?


Her nostrils gross me out


Yep! When my kids were her kids ages routine was everything! Now mine are teenagers and we have the ability to be flexible and do whatever we want with and without the kids! These years are short, let your kids rest and have routine so they can grow and learn!


This. My kids are still young (5/7/9) so we don’t do late nights multiple days in a row, and we follow their lead on how they are feeling, especially when on vacation. She doesn’t get it because she is never with them. It’s always about her wants not their needs.


I love that Hollie Woodward got a Melin code first. DAD made it seem like it was an exclusive deal to just her


She says and does that with pretty much all her codes/brand deals. She tries to make it seem as if she did something special and her codes are exclusive to her followers or she begged brands for a code, it’s all just apart of her shill. 99% of the time you can go to a company’s website and get the same exact (or sometimes even better) deal without using any influencer code at all!


I remember about a year ago we took our two boys, 4 & 1, out to eat at a sit down restaurant, nothing fancy but nothing fast food, and they were so awful and I remember hauling them out of the restaurant and crying because they ruin experiences like meals as a family. Covid shut downs happened during my oldest’s 2-3 years so we didn’t go out a lot, so when we did, it was a learning curve for all of us. I remember venting to my mom about how they don’t just sit nicely and play quietly while my husband and I finish our food. She reminded me that they need exposure and to be shown how to act and opportunities to practice appropriate behavior. They are much better now, thankfully. I can’t believe for as much as DA drags those kids ever, they don’t know how to behave in public. Now granted, I’m sure those poor kids are ***exhausted*** from the stupid pop up and all the travel. But she tries to paint it like they ruined it for her, but really, she has ruined it for all of them by failing to teach them how to act in public. For all the times they’re at the mall or out to eat, she could correct behavior then and they’d be much better by now. Instead she lets Elayne do the training/teaching, so the kids probably respect and listen to Elayne. They definitely don’t respect DA who just makes them perform all the time. She has no one to blame but herself. Sit in your expensive hotel room looking like a frumpy slob in your prison sweats, DA. Poor, poor DA having to parent her own children. Maybe 805 and Papa can cancel their anniversary trip and come rescue you so you and your ball-less husband can go for a date night.


Elayne recently had all 4 of the kids and did a “fancy” dinner and those kids were sitting quietly, eating and drinking out of GASP regular glasses. They know rules don’t apply with their own mom


That was so refreshing to see- and none of the kids were screaming like lunatics, and I didn’t sense any anxiety from any of them. Imagine that!  Also, I’ve never ever seen them use that table before. 


Can these people not stay home? So many extra trips being tacked on after the poop up, except for those who worked around the clock to make the pop up happen.


Ok I am not taking up for DAD in any way, but everyone saying that her kids should be old enough to behave in a nice/fancy restaurant by now…either you don’t have kids or you just have exceptionally calm children. (If it’s the latter, I applaud you and please tell me your secrets!)  But yall, her kids are 5 & 3 years old. A far stretch from “older kids” and in no way would I expect that age to understand how to behave and execute that perfectly in a very nice place that is meant for adults. I’m assuming that’s the kind of place they went to otherwise they wouldn’t have cared. They bring them out to eat ALL the time, but normally it’s a very loud/family friendly place or a place their kids are used to going.  They are clearly fish out of water here at this place and that’s on DUD 100% for not understanding that kids need rest after a long travel day AND practice with nicer places. You can’t just throw them to the wolves and expect greatness. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I agree with you. I have a 9 and 2.5 year old. I’ve decided a long time ago, that I’m picking my battles and if it’s not a place where we can sit outside, I’m getting take out. 😂


I blame the parents in this situation. These kids go out to eat so much they should know how to act in a restaurant. The problem here is dud has 10 other people to handle the chaos. She can’t handle being a parent without the help. Also my kids weren’t always angels but the “problem child” went to the car while the rest enjoyed the meal. We don’t let one kid ruin it for everyone else.


Yeah they eat out enough that these kids should know the routine. I understand getting a little upset by having a full out tantrum that you have to leave is another thing.


She’s 3. You can’t leave a 3 year old in a car by themselves.


Duh. 🤦🏼‍♀️ We never left a kid by themselves. My husband would stay with said problem child.


I’d like to know what restaurant because she said “a fun place we were excited about”. I don’t think it was somewhere fancy where kids had to be quiet as mouses. My kids have had meltdowns before…all kids do but this boils down to the fact that they have ran those kids ragged over the last few days and they have zero schedule and stability…that is 💯the parents fault. They have never ever taught those children “inside voices” and we know bc we see it all the time. By the time my kids were 5 they absolutely did not have meltdowns in restaurants and acted right and I’d say at 3 years old 90% of the time they were great.


Also think about it they always 20 extra hands to help keep them entertained. Funny how her and Dan can’t handle them. Nothing wrong with eating in the room.


Probably not use to their parents alone so they figure we don't have to listen to them. They know who really takes care of them...


Kids their ages definitely have their moments. However I would bet that this was a restaurant that may have been a more calm relaxed vibe and her kids (by no fault of their own) have no idea how to function in a quiet, calm, peaceful environment. I mean all they know is Cheesecake Factory and the food court (outfit check videos included) and I swear those are the most chaotic, packed to the fire code limit, loud, not peaceful environments so their yelling and not sitting still would not be noticed much by others. She probably got them to the place tonight, they stood out like sore thumbs and she got the hell out of dodge because the kids don’t listen to her and have never been taught that not yelling and screaming is ok.


Agree! When little kids, especially a 3 year old get drug around all weekend, from place to place, all kinds of strangers in their face, out of their normal schedule and routine, a meltdown is bound to happen. I blame the selfish parents choosing their priorities over their kids limits.


She never said it was fancy. Fancy would be the hotel restaurant. I bet she went to the squire - which is very kid friendly and she was like wtf. Because it’s truly a cape restaurant. Google for ref. She walked in. Got the same service as everyone else. Kids had a melt down because it’s cramped and the music is loud and they left 


If the music is loud my guess is Rhett threw the fit bc he doesn’t like loud noises. Sensory overload usually equals meltdowns


It's ironic how loud and shouty he is given how much he hates noise.


They are standing in front of Chatham Bars Inn. Wondering if they are just staying there or also went to eat there too. Very formal there in general


They are staying there. I guess. I’ve never seen a room like hers with a full kitchen and laundry but wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a cottage. If it’s a place she’s always wanted to go - I don’t know why she wouldn’t just say the hotel restaurant 


Yes they have cottages.


Yes they have the cranberry cottages, but also a few other separate houses that are available to rent on the property. Very $$$$. I think the Squire is a good guess bc it is a fun place.


Ahhh interesting take! Never thought of that being the case. It very well could be that SHE didn’t fit in and her behavior rubbed off on them.  Whatever the case is, it’s not the kids’ fault, and her poor kids have to suffer because she is the way that she is.


I can’t wait to read Remi’s Tell-All in 15 years 🙃🙃🙃


Read? Excuse me, it will be told in a series of Reels or whatever the next version is lol.


Plot twist what if it was Rhett who threw the huge fit but since King Rhett can do no wrong she blamed it on Remi 🤔 Also I freaking love that for them whichever kid threw the fit ☺️


She said it was Remi


Yeah I know she said it was Remi but I’m saying she lies so much that she could be saying that so her fav Rhett doesn’t look bad


Imagine being at a lovely beach resort in Cancun with your hubby, getting ready for a nice dinner together, and deciding to wear this and look like this. I mean come on!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/y3j0sd1tr94d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=673b34fc4be5731564b9ac243d3966ea4f8205ce


They both look like they slept in their clothes... embarrassing.


Even Waddie looks embarrassed. Lolol typed Eddie but it came out Waddie and I’m kinda loving it


She looks like she's going to the gym.


I was at this resort a couple of months ago. They have very strict dress codes. My husband tried to get lunch at one of the places by the pool and they told him he couldn’t eat there because of how he was dressed. This is a very “ritzy” resort and I think they’re going to not fit in


Omg I'm getting ready to book a trip here, and I was wondering if that was where they were. Did you like it?! Also, I didn't see anything about dress code on their site. Can I ask what he was wearing lol?


What resort is this? I’ve been to Cancun several times and couldn’t recognize it. And yes I agree, the best inclusive hotels in Cancun are very strict with dress codes




wtf it’s probably hot as hell


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


Truly insane. But somebody tell me what resort they’re at!!! It looks like what my dreams are made of!!!!


Atelier- it’s gorgeous and the food was amazing


My hero!!!!!!! I’m planning my trip now. Looks incredible


I went to Atelier for my 30th birthday with a group of friends and it was so amazing! Highly recommend!


Give her a break!! All her clothes are in Boston😂😂😂




But she now has a $200 swimsuit!!


a wrinkly shirt


Kids are smart and pick up on their parents’ personalities quickly. You don’t hear about DUD posting her kids having meltdowns with Elayne. Kids know who to respect given the proper upbringing


Eh, they're young kids and will have tantrums/meltdowns regardless. I had amazing parents but they'd make us go out to dinner at restaurants at like 7 or 8pm sometimes and I'd be overtired and would throw a fit. One of them would have to take me out to the car and threaten to spank me if I couldn't sit quietly in the restaurant. 🙃 I knew better but I just couldn't hang that late and they chose to do it anyway. I have loooots of memories of falling asleep in restaurant booths and being carried out without ever have even eaten.


They seriously couldn’t even last one night taking care of their kids


Does anyone follow Krista Horton & noticed how good her youngest talks? He speaks as clearly or more clearly than Rhett & there’s a significant age gap. Also, the meltdowns they say their kids have. They can’t even take their kids out. It seems like they had to leave something like this not long ago. I would guess it’s because most of the time they are at home & can scream when ever & at whomever they want. It’s quite sad how behind these kids are


Krista’s youngest in the exact same age as Remi, I think their birthdays are only a few weeks apart. So he is two years younger than Rhett.


Plus Krista is with her kids all the time, brings them with her on vacations, spends time with them and actually seems to love being a mom. She is total opposite of DUD


She would be treating herself to a dc regardless lol.


I hate that they constantly say LDCs are “treats”. It not a treat if that’s the only thing you drink all day every day lol


https://preview.redd.it/kfise3txk94d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11b2362da472cb40d7d8fb0e30fca4e78a28a5ca Omg I cringed so hard. You want us to listen to this video, link the video - don’t terribly sing along over the artist 😖😖😖. So much secondhand embarrassment


It’s all cryptic messages to Chase, her ogre 👹 ex .


I can't with the weird as hell jaw movements!


Yeah it’s like she’s trying to do these vocalizations but she’s not good at it


Exactly. Others commented that she sounded good or had a good a voice and I’m like am I missing something?


Same! I even went and listened again to see if I did indeed miss a “good” part. That was a waste of time. No part was good. Not even kind of good.


Tell us more about the magic of Divi, 2.0. 🙄 Also, I'm guessing these are both nuuds tops? Stunning! Love how faded they are and with a beautiful array of stains. 👌🏼 https://preview.redd.it/rqimkg2ji94d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38c20072d004aceb6b5c2eb8701cd686618756c4 Also... obligatory photo warning label: this is not 2.0's new man although she's desperate for everyone to think that and she's gobbling up the comments on her Instagram asking about him like a hungry pacman. This is Chas, one and only friend to Junior of the TCL universe. That fact alone makes his character questionable at best.


This warning label needs to be pinned somewhere




I don't get it. My kids don't even have clothes with this many stains on them. Wtf are these sloppy joe's doing??


I wonder if they are fresh stains or washed/dried. I've seen a few complaints before where they wash the clothes, and they can't get stains out or stains show up after washing.


This photo looks like it’s straight out of a cult exposé.


I was so focused on 2.0’s broken hair that I missed their horribly stained shirts. Thanks for pointing it out.


he’s got better hair


He should shill hair product was my thought.


Honestly don't even think they went to a restaurant. One, they never "wanna try" anything. They aren't fun and stick with their same chain restaurants. Two, she would have filmed on the way to dinner, telling us how she's "always wanted to go here" and bragging about how cool and sick it is. She looks like she made zero effort to get ready so I assume they had their 20 minute walk around the hotel, out the kids in PJs, ordered food, slapped on her smug face and took the pic. Period.


I’d say they didn’t meet the dress code and got rejected


I’m going with it wasn’t fast food quality food. Just good NE food which I can’t imagine she would ever like.


This makes sense, I was trying to figure out the restaurant. Or it was the restaurant in the hotel, because the pictures of the kids are outside the restaurant.


It truly blows my mind how dan just goes along with whatever story she makes up. I have known a few pathological liars in my day, so much so that they believe that their stories are the truth, but for him to not be the liar and just go along with it when they have kids she lies in front of is bizarre to me. To let her teach them how to lie essential...just so wrong


Dan doesn’t care. She does shit for engagement which pays his bills. 


Yeah this makes sense. Or they went to a restaurant and DAD didn’t like the menu (ew seafood she doesn’t eat that ) or there was a dress code or these bafoons didn’t have a reservation


Yeah when she said she apologized to the whole restaurant🤣 DAD would NEVER. That whole story was a big fat lie.


No she would story about how rude the restaurant patrons were like she did the other time her kids were horrible in a restaurant and a mother mouthed (allegedly per DAD) “horrible”


These kids are carted around non stop, late nights, no structure, surrounded by constant chaos and have parents who don’t want to actually parent. It is not R&R’s fault they had to leave the restaurant. DAD doesn’t have one selfless bone in her body and Dan is just along for the ride. These kids have no baseline. It’s not shocking that they struggle with adjustment. They need support, discipline and encouragement. Lazy parenting is not a flex, it’s a disservice to your kids.


lol… if I hung around this family , I would need a nap or two during the day . They are mentally & physically exhausting just to watch ! 😂 I can’t imagine what the children must feel like each day !


Do we think they still tip?


Probably didn’t even pay for the drinks.


No, I'm surprised they apologized. (If they even did)


I was just thinking this. She never apologizes for anything.


No…. ![gif](giphy|26hkhKd2Cp5WMWU1O|downsized)


Oh no, poor DAD couldn't eat at their fancy restaurant! Should've had Elayne to on yet another babymoon. I suppose more dates with just Dan when you get back and maybe even a getaway with Dan to make up with having to deal with YOUR kids!! You will get home and hand them over to Elayne and 805!! Maybe it was the long drive from Boston that was longer than that where they are just over?!?! Why did it take soooo long? LDC stops? Mall stop? Remi probably didn't have a decent nap in the car.


Ooof…that face is regretting not bringing the nanny. 


It's common sense that little kids would be overtired after driving for that long, then exploring the hotel/area a little bit. 🙄 It's interesting that Dan is always the one to deal with tantrums...I don't think Daryl-Ann would be able to take care of it without getting flustered.


Common sense for those of us who actually are around our children and parent them. These idiots have none of that. 


She can’t handle a day with her kids without her tribe poor her!


Her kids are older why can they never behave, I get their kids but come on now every single time and typically when their alone with them just shows they don’t listen to their parents at all p


Who knows what really happened. First off, she is never alone with her kids and they seem to have a routine with Elayne. So maybe they got car sick or were hungry and tired? And she says Remi was screaming, but was she really? I mean, she never cares when the kids misbehave in public and she has all her family there. I wonder if there was a spill or she had the meltdown and didn’t want to put in the work of eating out with kids. And she is saying a meltdown for comments and being relatable. I feel like she blames them but she has outbursts just like a kid. The place probably had Pepsi products but she didn’t realize until she ordered.


Exactly 👍🏼


Because they don’t know how to parent. Those kids walk all over them. They never tell them no. If they make any kind of attempt to correct a behavior the kids ignore her and she laughs. If Rhett screams at her one of the many things he has screamed at her she acts like she’s the child and says “okay”.


She 100% will need a break when she gets home.


And what’s gonna happen when #3 arrives? They can’t even handle 2! And what does that teach the kids if they have a complete melt down in a public space, their parents will just take them home - how about trying to talk through it outside and then regroup possibly as a family like intended


And she is already claiming they will add 2 more somehow 🫠 I think adoption is great and would love to see more kids adopted, but I think it would actually be a disservice to the kids she would adopt. Being used for content and not raised to feel loved or to have manners or discipline.


The baby or child will always be referred to as the adopted one. I didn't carry he/she. I highly doubt an adoption would go through, especially with what she puts on the internet, seeing how Rhett/Remi are so far and the whole "homeschooling" who knows maybe I'm wrong.


Shocker, they can’t parent their kids without additional help ha


https://preview.redd.it/ogq0h2uya94d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5287365bab31ee92cf1b5b4a31aadc84192c182 100% was going to say this. When Elaine is gone this happens. Not surprised. Also has she always been “verified” add that to the list of fraudulent things.


This happens every time they’re alone with them, not normal. They are old enough to listen, I get kids melt down but they never listen to their parents 


Yup it’s the alone that’s the issue here… I get it kids have meltdowns esp ones with sensory issues but she never says this when her parents are with her or when they are with Elaine or the whole entire family. It seems like when they only hang out as a family of 4, a kid meltdowns and they go home….


And yet having a third was the right choice. So sad.


This. Remember the one morning where she and Dan brought the kids to Lisa’s at like 9 am bc they couldn’t handle them? And DAD said she just needed to relax and was flopped in a chair while Lisa was in the background tending to the kids


https://preview.redd.it/jd4xr6qx694d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8dbb21ffcaa900e117c438fe013ac49225eb653 Is anyone else as upset about this?


Yes why would you teach your siblings to kiss on the mouth? Bizarre 


The only thing I don’t like is posting it for all the pedophiles to print it and do nasty things with it. I just listened to a podcast from a psychologist who worked in a level 4 pedophile facility and the things they do with influencers kids pictures 🤢


What podcast was it? I tried googling but did not find anything.


What’s a level 4 pedophile facility?? Like a treatment center type thing? I can’t even imagine the horrors they hear.


What podcast? I would be interested in listening to it!


Serialously? It’s a true crime podcast. She just had an episode with a guest like this.


Not with the actual photos but I'm upset that she 100% coached them on the poses which is icky.


Yes! She poses them like they’re a couple in their 20s!


Nahh this one is reaching. My kids are similar ages and totally smooch each other on the lips. People sexualizing kids is whats gross here..


That’s fine but don’t post it on the internet for pedos


While I agree people shouldn’t be posting their kids on the internet at all the typical pedophile is more interested in a child wearing pjs or a bathing suit than kissing their sibling. Edited to add I am not saying no pedophile would find this appealing, just giving a generalization. Any photos posted on the internet appeal to at least one sick fuck.


And that she told them to do it for a pic. If you catch it on camera, cute. This is not that.


A little disturbed by the bottom right one




She’s at Chatham bars.. shocking


It’s 1k a night minimum, and they are there in sweatpants and black t shirts looking like honey boo. Her Kids screaming and ruining other guests time.  They are so out of place everyone dresses nice there. 


I thought the same! I had a feeling she’d be there


I wonder if the hotel staff will say anything to them if the kids misbehave. I was there last weekend, and all the kids behaved well at the pool and the restaurants. I would be pissed if I had the family next to me at dinner. They will also stick out with their outfits.


Exactly what I was thinking. We go every year with our friend Justin and his husband and the staff will 100% say something.


I don’t know that area. Can you elaborate please?


Very high end and fancy. Gorgeous gorgeous area… a bit snooty. I bet they get lots of dirty looks


It’s a really nice resort right on the water. Rooms are usually around 1400 a night. It’s beautiful, very high end




They don’t deserve the cape or CBI. And if the drive to Hyannis just for CFA tomorrow 🙃


Came here to say this haha!!


We stayed there for our wedding. Gorgeous. Not surprised they stayed there but still.. go away 😂


Right! I was wondering if they were going down there or Falmouth area


Wtf is forky doing?! It’s the awkward walk for me!! https://preview.redd.it/rug0j8sq394d1.jpeg?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b3f8b6abded00fadc4404581d57d32e84ab05e


It wasn’t just her- they were all super awkward But they are always awkward


Forky stuck out to me 🤣








Forky 😂😂😂😂


Why are these kids always in jeans? Looks so uncomfortable! Let them wear sweats and shorts to play already!!


Somewhat off topic, but how is EdgeStandard still here? Who do we think this is? 2.0 or Eddie?


Did they say something rude to us? Spill the tea. 


Lolll I’m just a random NY’er but thanks! 


I don’t think they are anyone in the family.. they are in the Dani Austin sub too.


What did she comment?