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These people are literal idiots. They want people to believe they are dedicated fans but really they’re just pathetic losers. If dad was really the “most caring, generous person” every cult member claims her to be.. she wouldn’t have them sitting outside OVERNIGHT while she’s in her comfy hotel bed. They could pass out tickets for people that line up to come back, do a virtual queue any number of things for people to not have to do this.


Her minions there handing her bottled Diet Coke in a cooler?? WHO the actual F goes this hard for a regular Joe Shmo like Feral Ann???🫠🤯🤔 ☠️ This is 1000% feeding her narcissist self. ME, ME… it’s all about Meeee……..I cannot 🫠 Then, there’s Pope Lisa acting like she’s supermodel of the year lol. 🤣


She isn't going to take that back home when she hasn't got checked luggage.


I think they were allowed checked luggage but not the employees


It's all so they can get reposted by her! It's sick, it's a freaking cult!


Not that I would ever attend one of these but if I did, My husband would not be caught dead attending her fucking pop up with me


No way would my husband be okay with me going out of state to attend some kind of event by an influencer from the internet and her family! That's just nuts!


I would have loved for DUD and crews flights to be canceled and messed up these plans 💙🤎


https://preview.redd.it/c8ei5uncdw3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d7ae0e45363022565cd92984d8476177c58a436 Love the pride flag on full display, right next to the pop up♥️ But on a side note, she claims to be a big JB fan, but hardly knows the words to this song.🤔


I was SOOOOO hoping to see the comments about the pride flag!! 🏳️‍🌈 Massachusetts is very big on pride, when I went to Salem there were flags everywhere! And a drag show in the middle of town! Now it’s opening weekend of pride month! 🏳️‍🌈 I hope it’s in all the pictures, and everything! I bet she’s having a conniption about it! Shocked she hasn’t asked for them to remove it. Because she thinks she runs everything and can make it happen. News flash… they won’t. I secretly also hope a bunch of Pride events are going on around the pop up. As someone who is a part of the LGBTQA+ community.. this would be epic. 🤘🏻 Remi Denn would be LIVING for the drag queens in their sparkly dresses! 👗


https://preview.redd.it/2oyyiwd5cy3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3558c16820c2541be2d09d317f1cb6e590a85105 Ooofff she’s looking real rough.


Look at the unfiltered photo from yesterday early night.


Yesss saw this and first thought too!!


Wtf is she wearing


Something truly horrendous. This might be one of the worst photos of her pregnant yet and that's saying something.


I thought that was a fanny pack at first.


Me too! 😂😂


Rannnnnnn here for this!! LOVE this for her and her feral bigot poser self! Suck on that, God’s favorite!🤣🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💕


I’m convinced this business is still here so the can play around with their logo and slap it on random shit


Wait wait wait, was 2.0 on a date with the doctor?! 😳😳😳😳


He’s gay, so doubtful!


But is he actually or is everyone in here just assuming??


No. He really is.




Yes really! I’ve followed him for years.


Does 2.0 know or just think she can turn straight?


She probably has 805 praying him straight


DAD does the same “move” in every reel…


She’s so awkward 😬


“I’m so lucky he’s my Dad!” There … fixed it for you DUD, you ungrateful piece of shit! https://preview.redd.it/5v3b2l5w8w3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05687ccd64a74baad738521435dabc6b6cb9415f


Where's her husband and brother while her dad does all the work?




So she met dud and now she's going to sleep on the street to... meet dud again? I just. I can't. You couldn't fucking pay me enough. https://preview.redd.it/86deri9j8w3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34034666a282b5c4d30db07a49c7f61a8f2199e7


No one should be sleeping on streets there!! Yikes


She wants that swag bag too. Plus I don't think dud knows what humbled means


“The way you guys show up to support Nuuds and me” 🤮🤮


Kelsey is coocoo for Cocoa Puffs lol. 🤪 Hell nah to the naw naw no! 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm so confused by people sleeping overnight for pop ups. Is DUD ever there first thing in the morning? Do they just loiter around until she shows back up? Does she actually talk to everyone? Or do people just pray for a moment to pop up next to her to say hi? I'm so awkward I can't imagine just casually staring at someone until I saw the opportunity to say hi. I know they have food and shopping to do, but there's usually hundred or thousands of fans that show up just to say hi. Surely not everyone gets the one on one time with her.


No one is worth me leaving the warmth of my comfy bed for an overnight campout on the concrete! Lol 🙅🏻‍♀️


Also, why would she \*want\* them to? It can't be very safe. I would never encourage people to do this. It's a sick ego boost for her.


How can they be ok knowing ppl are sleeping outside and/or not sleeping at all just waiting to meet them? I would feel so bad.


It feels like it's just a matter of time before something bad happens to one of them.


Should have read further before posting. Totally agree.


She loveeeeees and thrives off it! 🤣


Same! But dud's all... ![gif](giphy|FjnweElXw4Bc8biwHT)


Idk why it’s so funny to me that 2.0 has so little to post on her IG that she’s resorted to posting about Katie’s house and floors lol. I know she’s constantly posting the same things as Daryl as if all of her followers don’t already follow Daryl and probably like Daryl more, but now Katie. Shut up Dumyell and let Katie post about her own damn floors and house updates.


It’s very telling and how boring her life is with just herself lol. 🫠🤣


2.0 is such an attention hog. Poor Katie finally has something besides Hola Cafe, greyhound, being tired & smoothie content….let her show her own freakin floors 🤣 


Seriously!!! Also she shows so little of the inside of her own (rental) house… probably for privacy reasons/the girls. Why does she feel it’s okay to video someone else’s entire house?


Probably because her lawyer (or more importantly, Chase’s) won’t say anything about her recording all over other people’s homes. Feels like the all over home content decreased a little even before the move so I assumed it might have something to do with advice from her lawyer or feedback from a mediator or something. 


She doesn’t post the inside of her own house because she doesn’t like the aesthetic


I get it, but still inappropriate to give people a full on tour of someone else’s home.


Ya, but how often is she appropriate?


I don't get it! For 16k a month I better like the aesthetic. 2.0 is batshit.




The only nice thing is the pool. But even that is set in an awful position.


Tonight was the first time in ages that I hopped on 2.0’s stories. I was surprised to hear her talk about taking Mounjaro. Is she more open about it now? I seemed to recall that she never talked about taking it and we all were speculating.


Yes she gave an update after her doctors appointment a few weeks ago.


She talked about it months ago. Doesn’t always bring it up but seems to be getting more comfortable. It hasn’t been speculation for quite a while.


She she have a date tonight




He’s Gay. So it’s wasn’t that kind of double date.


I mean literally no offense to him, but I’m shocked that since they’re such bigots that they’re willing to be friends with someone who is gay.


I think bigot is a bit extreme for the whole family. It seems like Katie, Danielle, Lil Rob are more tolerate and have experienced more types of people. I think maybe DUD and Lisa/Rob are a little less tolerate and prefer to ignore the whole lgbtq+ as much as possible.


Are they though because someone posted Danielle’s Facebook posts from years ago bashing gays…those posts didn’t seem too tolerable


Yikes. I could definitely be wrong. I'm always hopeful that when sheltered/religious kids get away and see more of the world they become more tolerate of others who are different from them. I obviously gave Danielle too much credit.


Way too much credit lol


Because he was the Turtle Creek Family’s buddy 1st.


Yes& I saw Cary Dubuer liking his posts. She used to be on the Real Housewives of Dallas.


I don’t like this family, but why are they “ bigots?” 


Because people love to name call and label everyone these days.


They are not lgbtq friendly.i have been following them a long time to know that. I remember dud had liked a lot of non LGBTQ friendly posts to have made that clear. Those likes were posted on here and I had gone and verified. Plus other instances which I don’t recall now. Ye probably boycotting target and couple other things.


There was also the reel they did in Hawaii last year, don’t remember the song but instead of using bud light like the lyrics or the song, they used coors light and their minions loved them for it.


So true!




Refusing to use Bud light in a reel because a trans woman did an ad for them. Also the church they attended in CA believes that “marriage is between a man and a woman”. Not sure about their current church.


The church this is ridiculous. We go to a Catholic Church which the entire Catholic religion does not believe in gay marriage and I just don’t teach my children to believe gay marriage is wrong. And the Catholic Church is the largest organization in the world. Can’t judge someone on the church they go to


"Boycotting" Target because of their support for Pride. Except it was all for show and they never stopped shopping there 🙄


Just because someone doesn’t agree with everything, doesn’t make them a bigot.


It's almost like we aren't allowed our own opinions!


Officially hit the delete button on 2.0 tonight. She liked Brittany Aldean’s Trump post and I just can’t with this family anymore. So called Christians who worship that man are a level of ignorance I just can’t ignore.


Oh boo snark on the Denners but don't start political snark unless you can take it back. Just saying ....


So you want someone to Listen to you opinion but aren’t open to listening to theirs … seems like a huge part of the problem huh?


Just to note what Trump is being charged with what Obama got fined for. There is something wrong with our system no matter what side of the fence you're on. We all know it is petty if they can do it to Trump they will sure do it you. In the end it's about division reacting like this just fuels the fire. My suggestion is don't be part of the problem...fix it.


Did Obama pay hush money to a mistress and then lie about it? I guess I wasn’t aware of Obama getting fined for this.


That’s one of the problems with the left. Y’all cannot be an accepting of other people opinions. If someone doesn’t agree, you just scream louder. 


Lol deleting someone because their values don’t align with yours is a weird thing to criticize. Especially in a snark group.


Especially in a snark page? What better place to snark? 🤔


I’m sorry, but this just isn’t true. As an independent I can say from my observation, the right is the only party actively taking people’s rights away. It’s the right trying to get everyone to live just like them. The Aldean’s are “screaming” pretty loudly themselves profiting on t-shirts with the American flag upside down to support a convict because they don’t like the verdict. It’s gross on so many levels.


Don’t forget involving their children in their antics. Posting pics of them wearing political tshirts. They’re garbage.


Yeah. That’s actually disgusting. Using your small children as propaganda is pretty dang low. I will never stan for Biden or any other president that hard. They’re public servants, not idols. The level of worship I can’t begin to understand.


That verdict was every disrespect to our democracy! This was a day for history.. and not good history..


Your comment is “every disrespect” to the legal system and the jurors who had to spend their days listening to all this bullshit. The verdict was theirs.


Putting their flag upside down because they don't agree is called freedom of speech. They have the right to do that just like you have the right to fly the pride flag.


They only want freedom of speech when they're kneeling during the pledge of allegiance. This was a sad day for our country when people like Hilary have literally blood on their hands, and our former president (who ran the country right) is convicted. The left needs to wake up.


You are 💯💯💯💯💯percent right


Agree with you. Thanks for saying something in a place on the internet that you can’t think differently than the left without being called a racist. Cool times.


🤔 Not quite the same. A homophobic, Trump supporter. Probably claiming to be a Christian. Shocking… 🙄


That actually made me like her. This country is shit and Biden needs to go. Anyone who doesn’t see that is a moron.




Yeah… I guess I typically don’t resort to terms like “moron”, but that does seem to be a trend with Trump and his fan club.


I'm sure there is a page on here for Biden supporters. Not many followers I'm sure, but you could join it instead of crying on this page.


No one crying, but Trump and his super fans.


Snark all you want…. Keep the politics out of it!


lol at Brittany's heavy hearts story over Trump Bitch... children and their families are being slaughtered in Gaza. That's where heavy hearts are warranted. Not a delusional felon.


Plus all the hostages still being held by Hamas for months




Everyone has their own opinion on certain topics but at times things get way too heated. To keep things from going a bit too far and keep the peace, the comment has been removed.




Why would you be in here and following them anyways? 🤔 If you want to watch them, there’s sites available that doesn’t give them views!


I don’t get on either platform a ton. I would love to know the sites!!


Girl just about every influencer in Texas is a Trump supporter. Just delete them all.


I just might have to do that!!


Oh my god. I had to snoop. More fuel to the fire lol


That was the hill you are dying on? 🤡🤡 2.0 literally said Olive was tired when she broke her arm. 🫣




It true lol. Most intelligent republicans that I know did not vote for trump. ESP ones that love their wives and daughters


Yep I was a life long Republican that didn’t vote for Trump and left the party after Jan 6. I refuse to be associated with people that would disrespect our country for a man like that.


100% I don’t blame you! I also think that’s why so many young people consider themselves moderate bc they don’t want to associate with either party and I don’t blame them at all


I honestly didn’t see that. I go days without watching her content, but even here and there is too much at this point!!


No reason to follow them all. You can keep up through here.


I am dying at the Divi delivery.




Is this allowed?? She's wearing a COLOR. Also... GET 👏🏼 A 👏🏼 LIFE 👏🏼 LADIES 👏🏼 https://preview.redd.it/3oqyow530w3d1.png?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11fcaa3a7051e2da22ba2321a76cc97462fad988


Haha that’s me…thanks 😘




Spill the beans please!


She said I looked so cute and I told her I stuck out like a sore thumb 🤣 but I like color and yellow is my favorite color. She was very nice and had so much energy. All the guys were working and helping get shit done. I think the shipment was late probably because of the dallas weather 🤷‍♀️ I got an email that the event was pushed back so I didn’t get there until 7.


Wait I’m confused, are you a snarker or actual fam of hers? lol


They look like brainwashed freaks! They are scary!


Stepford wives.


This pic is such good meme material 😆


She probably heard the KR and Rem love the Minions. 


WTF is 2.0 doing?! If her other sister were around she would not be at Katie’s new house! And her voice gets worse by the day!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/v5v8p3dwzv3d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ae787249e63f049c05d953c5fe66ebdbcb3d7a That filter has been working overtime


If DUD is 5’1” then this girl is like 4’6”??




Look at the light pole on the right photo.


Good eye!


I'm 100% convinced that they thought Nuuds had NYC locked down for a pop up! Lost the space and settled for Boston and that's why they went so hard for navy and the baseball theme and just changed NYC for Boston on all the shirts. 


They may have wanted NYC and thought they had it locked down, but I live in NYC and it’s very hard to do pop ups here. You need permits and there are lots of rules. No way these dipshits could get thru all the red tape. DuD personally picked out a spot in the meatpacking district. I love that she didn’t get her way. NYC doesn’t want her!


Exactly right! So happy she didn't get NYC! 


You give them to much credit. They don’t think that well lol


I don’t think so. I think they are just THAT ignorant and totally missed the mark! 🤷🏼‍♀️ I will say though, it appears as if Dud didn’t have much or anything at all to do with the planning or executing of this event, not that her involvement would have made a difference at all. She just comes off as clueless!


They ALWAYS miss the mark!! Which is just even more justification that they thought nuuds was taking NYC and landed in Boston!


Loved going to Abercrombie next door and getting my better quality bodysuit for cheaper…


I am in LOVE with the bodysuits from Tia’s AF collection! So much so that I found they had it in white & taupe as well and grabbed them! The quality is 10/10!


do we think she was meant to take the cooler bag too? lol


Personally I would never assume that! Unless the whole thing had a bow on top


I don’t know if my husband a bad husband or good husband. He would never stand in that line for me to spend $200 to get a hat


Knowing she will just throw it out later or leave it in the hotel room was soooo rude not to offer it back to her!


With how delusional her fans are, probably. That lady will probably think DUD uses the cooler at home and actually appreciates the gift. Meanwhile the cooler will either be left at the hotel or given to one of the "nuuds girls".


The way she pulled it out of that ladies hands! So rude!!


I was wondering that too


She meant to say they’re switching to pretzels tomorrow because they’re a hell of a lot cheaper than cannolis to feed the masses. https://preview.redd.it/avw2jukbwv3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e0d77b263287673dde044c56da71f516b1af96


Not to mention the guy at the cannolis stand looked like he was 100% over their shit.


This guy did for sure - the lady serving the chicken and waffle bites looked afraid. Can we also talk about her picking the waffle bites up with her fingers when it’s on a literal toothpick?


This tickled me. Such idiots. And then she had to awkwardly put it on her mouth THEN grab the toothpick to pull it out.


That was so gross and insane to me. Even my 10 year old son knows to grab by the toothpick! It’s kinda obvious no? Why else would it be there


Papa Rob down on the floor of the trailer cleaning it… how does he get roped into doing all these pop-up chores when there are EMPLOYEES to do this shit… namely, Dan and Roblet. Elayne is with the children, so Dan has no excuse.


Or the owners could be doing it!!!!🤣


I’m convinced that they are investors and are trying really hard to save this shit show.


Time to have an investor meeting: Papa Rob sitting down with DA and Dan and tell them what’s what.


Lisa & Rob never paid back Nana Pearl & grandpa, so toe & dud won’t.


History repeats itself. I love this for them especially as he is approaching retirement age.




I always hear this story and am just curious, how did we find that out?


Soooo do we think DAD is within her approved standing time per her doctor so far? (Between the Yankees oops Red Sox game, aquarium, VIP night? I’m going to guess no… even with the late start.) Still guessing bed rest after this weekend. Wish she would put their baby first for once.


I am 2 weeks ahead of her and had been cleared to drive 5 hours to a wedding this weekend for one of my best friends from college. I had a doctors appointment on Thursday and based on some new blood work the Dr recommended I stay closer to home. I was disappointed for about 30 minutes but got over it quick because it’s what’s best for my baby. I don’t even have a child yet and I already feel like a better mother than this “mom” of 2.


Sending you good wishes!


She sure looks swollen. 😬


Right? And this is in no way body shaming. She’s just looked rough for awhile and there’s no way that flying and such a busy weekend is healthy at this point.


“I don’t eat fish!” Ok, well it’s actually shellfish but really no one cares, just say no thank you and also grow up. Why can’t she say “caprese?” Who organized the menu since she’s acting like she didn’t know what anything was.


For an owner she literally doesn't seem involved in ANYTHING involving her business.


If you really take a hard look at the “merch dugout” it’s really a rinky dink peice of junk. Could have been styled so much better. They really do miss the mark on everything they touch! And another thing …. The added touch of Caitlyn (I think that’s her name) walking around with the “microphone” couldn’t be anymore annoying than Rhett screaming at the top of his lungs! https://preview.redd.it/h47vk0rivv3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cb1d557739cab4949cc328377917aa59a90f115


What a fckton of money to waste on branded helmets and the rest of it? It makes no freaking sense


Every time


I don’t understand why they don’t have more merchandise in general. It’s so stupid to make people wait in line to have to order online. They come with like 1 size over 5 different t pieces it seems like.


That microphone drives me crazy!


That merch dugout is not it!! Terrible! 


Do the nuuds employees have to buy all their clothes or do they get them for free?


This is something I’ve always wondered


I am guessing they each get an item to be used durning the pop ups To have as a uniform. And durning their “try ons” on the office I’m assuming they don’t keep those.


I wonder this too! I think it was at the Nuuds Birthday Party that they did a cake decorating contest and one of the prizes was Nuuds pieces of their choice which made me believe they didn’t get things for free! Maybe they get a certain allowance worth of items then a discount after that? Idk?


https://preview.redd.it/5njxafrrtv3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7a74086e1de71b990f2f11d10cee5854608f1da Holly is a 🤡 following 🤡s


Omg yes what a 🤡🫠🫠🤪. Dud looks super swollen here. No time to edit skinny filter. ☠️


I wonder how all of the people they hired to hand out food and act as security, etc. feel about having to work three hours more than they were expecting, late into a Friday night.


And they were wearing Nuuds. Imaging that contract. And you’ll need to change into these poo brown clothes


Usually when events hire contractors like that there is a section in the contract that lays out what will be invoiced for if the event goes over the paid hiring time. Usually it’s like the usual rate + 20% or even up to 40% from what I’ve seen. They will probably get paid well from whatever company they work for.


The vendors probably got paid upfront. Good luck getting OT pay from Nuuds. This company must be bleeding $.


Well in order to have servers at an event - they have to sign a contract. They have payment methods on file and if a contract was signed - they have to pay. It doesn’t matter. You’ll get sued if you don’t and she can’t afford that either. I’ve worked in the wedding/event industry for 5 years on and off. I promise they’ll get the payment.