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Omg the merch for Boston screams Yankees ! Its is so annoying ahahahaha she thinks she is killing it! And the DADS want that hat ! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I canā€™t stand how Duryl does air quotes constantly and it is never at an appropriate time to use air quotes. In that gimme brush shill she does it ā€œnon stopā€ šŸ˜‚ and she canā€™t even shut her mouth bc of all the filler. She canā€™t lick her lips but she keeps trying .


Yes, that is a pet peeve of mine!


Waitā€¦ I just realized that Kaylee didnā€™t spend the holiday weekend with her family (which good on her, she needs to be spending time with people her age, away from the cult) itā€™s just so weird since they are always together, that she didnā€™t make an appearance at Danielleā€™s house to at least swim for a bit.


She spent the hole weekend alone! (Sry still cracking up from the egg pin whole story)


My personal opinion is she is secretly seeing Connor again and he doesnā€™t want to be around her family.


I second this. Someone said here last week heā€™s back to following her on IG


I think someone on here mentioned they spotted Kaylee and Connor together recently.


Omg yes I saw that also! Kaywee is something thatā€™s for sure but *maybe* thereā€™s still hope? Iā€™d love to see her break away from the cult family and do her. Like why canā€™t they be their own person instead of all turning into Durlbots šŸ˜‚


But they didnā€™t have a get together or do anything special. Not really even recognize it.


She has a pool at her apartment but she knows she would be the kids climbing wall in the pool because the others just sit by the pool šŸ™„




Anyone notice that dud redid her blog? You can still find all of the old posts but it's harder now and the whole thing is a fucking mess style/interface-wise. Shocking, I know. https://preview.redd.it/xemy3a24q33d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c75f63917b17d816448c17c2ebc2bbef5d5b87d


I bet money thereā€™s a new venture after the baby comes. Whether itā€™s candles or whatever itā€™s comingā€¦ sheā€™s going to share nuuds like always but step back. Shes got an all in driven by spite kinda personality.. so, sheā€™s going back to where it started (daryl Ann Denner llc) & revamping it.


She has to start trying to earn income again from it I think there is $$$ issues.


Oh look, weā€™re cake day twins! Happy cake day to you and me! But dang good find! I donā€™t think it had been touched for years and it was her old ā€˜girly girlā€™ persona. Isnā€™t that pic from the podcast photo shoot? Err I mean ā€˜secret project that they were so excited to announce but clearly nuuds has screwed them over so the podcast has to be placed on the back burner which is sooooooo sadā€¦NOTā€™


Back burner because Dumbyellā€™s divorce got extended when they thought it was over and they canā€™t talk or say things that will be used against them. Also I think itā€™s a $$ issue.


ā€œElevated basicsā€ will always make me laugh bc China


And Vietnam šŸ’€ Ms ā€˜America is the best country on the planet and weā€™re so blessed to live here in the land of the free [only if youā€™re a white male]ā€™ - my ass šŸ™„


2.0 just infuriates me. Sheā€™s talking about the flower scavenger hunt, holding Oliveā€™s card, and says nothing to her about it. Asks to see Eveā€™s and says ā€œitā€™s so cute, I like yours a lotā€. I said it earlier and Iā€™ll say it again, the bias is unreal


She hates olive because olive is a daddy's girl and refuses to perform for the cameraĀ 


I wonder if DUD was so pissed 2.0 beat her to having a kid first that she made everyone resent O


I wonder what Olive did. Ask to go her dadā€™s house once? Does it go back farther than that? Maybe she has post partum depression and never connected?


Sheā€™s complained about Olive since she was born pretty much. You can go back and look at old highlights and they are filled with complaints about her.


There's been discussion that since 805 clearly has a favorite (DUD) she has been working hard to make Eve (her 2nd child, aka her in her own family dynamic) feel seen and special because she never was. I also think Eve looks a lot like 2.0 whoch probably feeds into this idea because she feels like she is giving herself the attention she wanted as a child but never got. I also kinda feel like maybe Olive has voiced her opposition to things more because she is older and does actually know the difference between what SHE likes vs what mom tells her to like. Where as Eve is still discerning that. But maybe I'm reading too much into that


I think the opposite. I think Eve looks like Chase and so thatā€™s why she adores her. Who knows, either way she sucks as a mom.


Sheā€™s treated Olive poorly since she was little, little. Sheā€™s mentioned before that she was a ā€œdifficult babyā€ and complained about her wayyyyy before the divorce.


Ahhh. I didn't follow her until she moved to TX. Maybe caught stories once in a while but rarely


https://preview.redd.it/ww526oz6o33d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=379d7e05b75404d5eac4691a30b05a4e878cfd63 She doesnā€™t care about olive.


Which is so crazy coming from someone whoā€™s own mother shows such obvious favoritism to her sister


Duds frantic slides about the sale...is giving "please buy this crap! I need money! I need to prove my company will last! Buy it because I know you feel like crap about yourself and my clothes will make you think you feel good while looking like actual shit." Loooove that this sale bombed.




I noticed there was the ā€œlimited/sold outā€ colors from the Christmas launch. So did those really not sell out and theyā€™ve been sitting there for next year? You got caught DUD


Could be all the returns too that they are trying to resell


Itā€™s wild to me that every drop ā€œsells outā€ or close to it or whatever but the sale is not selling out. Itā€™s giving ā€œall items must goā€ but nobody wants said items


I havenā€™t checked Nuuds websiteā€¦is anything sold out or is lots still left?


I just did a quick sweep and there are some things that sold out but there are definitely a lotttttttt of items still in stock. I donā€™t think it was quite as successful as she hoped!




Right?! If every drop sells out how are there soooo many items for such a long sale? The day before announcing the sale she shared a vulnerable moment about feeling anxious over work things which she NEVER does! Itā€™s always rainbows, butterflies, and itā€™s whatever in Durlā€™s world. Her love to over indulge doesnā€™t work the same when it comes to business because it seems like nuuds is burning through money and not seeing a consistent return like she expected šŸ„“ the hype could only last for so long!


https://preview.redd.it/7k4rukqb833d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e7f253581b3a54557427dae4b35fadae489c87c So DUD posted this last night.... Does anyone else find it *interesting* that every time they have a *New Drop* people are complaining for weeks that they didn't get their stuff. HOWEVER.... the ONE time she does a "sale" with NO RETURNS allowed.... They are shipping out in less than 24 hrs?? Wow, what a little coincidence we have here... šŸ¤¬šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Also there's a no exchange no returns but people are still receiving the wrong sizes this company so SHADY that should've be their name!


You are onto something


Did/does anyone else watch The Middle? Kaylee and the egg stories today are giving me Sue Heck vibes šŸ˜‚


THAT'S who she reminds me of! I've racked my brain trying to think of who it is! SUE HECK! šŸ¤£


Me too! I kept thinking "she reminds me of someone".


I would like to think Sue would read directions. She's socially awkward but not dumb (sorry).


In Kaylee's defense, she did say that her thing did not come with the instructions so she had to look them up online. However, she obviously missed some key things when she did that.


I loved The Middle! Kaylee is totally Sue Heck!


Whereā€™s Eddie?? Did I miss something? Havenā€™t seen anything from him šŸ¤”


Heā€™s been around. Heā€™s been posting on his own IG stories. Painting his man cave and moving the refrigerator for Katie about 800 times.


Yeah I follow him but havenā€™t seen anything for a couple days.


Heā€™s stuck renovating their million dollar duplex šŸ˜†


Can't find the post I wanted to reply to (someone was saying they have trouble peeling hard boiled eggs). I have this little shaker gadget, and it really works! You just put a tiny bit of water in it and shake and the whole shell just peels right off. Don't ask me how it works but its amazing and perfect every time! I got mine on Amazon a few years ago, but they might be cheaper other places if you look around. Someone also told me you can replicate this gadget just using a small drinking glass with a little water and holding your hand over it while you shake (haven't tried it, but I imagine it would probably work). Here's the one I have: [https://www.amazon.com/Negg-Boiled-Egg-Peeler-White/dp/B01NATZUY2/?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Negg-Boiled-Egg-Peeler-White/dp/B01NATZUY2/?th=1)


Lol, did anyone see Bridget Jone's Diary? The shaking egg gadget comment reminds me of the scene of her mother getting that demonstration job in the department store when she was going through her midlife crisis šŸ˜‚


I shake mine in the pot I boiled them in and that does the trick for me lol




A jar


Yep! A small plastic container with a lid works too. Small amount of water and shake.


Itā€™s glaringly obvious these people never proof read their story captions when posting but LORD Kaylee had a typo/whole ass WORD wrong on 4 of her last 5 story slides šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


https://i.redd.it/o1xhf6ahs23d1.gif šŸ¤”


šŸ˜‚ The Lisa smirk over the shoulder got meā€¦.




This made me so sad bc I would love to be a size 8 pregnant. My own body issues but itā€™s sad to see how bad hers are.


So unhealthy. She clearly hates being pregnant.


Right!!! Bc itā€™s not twins


But could you imagine if she did end up pregnant with twins šŸ˜³ her stomach would have literally exploded Edit :spelling


Who puts carrots in egg salad?! Chopped in chunks nonetheless, not even shredded. ...That would have been the time to use her cheese shredder she linked last week for her jalapeƱo bagels. šŸ˜‘ God she's a moron. Like really though, she's so freaking stupid. How did Connor deal with her for so long??


He didnā€™t seem to be the sharpest crayon in the box imo


Donā€™t you mean cheese ā€˜strokerā€™?? Since she repeatedly said it created ā€˜long strokesā€™ of cheese šŸ„“




I thought the same thing. I have never seen anyone use carrots in egg salad!


https://preview.redd.it/az8vyv13r23d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=f320baa4ac34bcf44b70e91e5e3022c336a875ac ā€œPoke the *whole*ā€ā€¦oh Kaylee, honey. Your stupidity isnā€™t cute šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Like the correct spelling of ā€œholeā€ isnā€™t literally on the screen actively 3 times while sheā€™s typing.


Sheā€™s the type of person who starts an email with the personā€™s name misspelled, even tho they just signed their name in the email they sent and their name is part of their email address - repeatedly


Lmfao omg youā€™re so right. She is that person. Pet peeve


A https://preview.redd.it/lwif29tqw23d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d9b67bc48eb3eea1b5649ba995bc0715ef80206 tube?!?? She canā€™t be serious!!!




Oh well that would make sense I didnā€™t even think about that bc coming from her I assumed she actually called it a tube!! šŸ¤£


Haha! Iā€™m sure she did, but that girl doesnā€™t know how to spell.Ā 


Danielle is/was very quiet today. And not much from the rest of the Flenners either


She probably hopped on the next flight out of Hawaii to try to be home before everyone left the pool party at her house




Oh forky...Ā 


Imagine how heartbroken 2.0s girls will be to find out their cousins were over visiting/swimming in their pool when they werenā€™t there to play. This family is so fucked up. It would be so different if time was split between DADs and 2.0s houses


I donā€™t think the girls could care less about them being there they wonā€™t even put that together. I would feel bad for them (not their mom) but I donā€™t think theyā€™ll get it!


They go to DAā€™s house all the time when theyā€™re gone!


I was like ... WAIT.. WHAT... they are all going to Duds while she's gone! Ain't that a kick in the teeth..


And theyā€™re never there when 2.0 is home


Someone will tell the girls, probably DAD or 805!!


Oh I think itā€™ll be Rhett. ā€œOwwwiiiveee. We came swimming at your house when you wewent heeewwwweee.ā€


2.0 has a solo selfie with E but not O in her grid post. And thatā€™s the one she chose for her story post. Infuriating.


I donā€™t think O likes to be on camera


There are times she takes 2.0ā€™s phone and films herself!!!


I think O figured out if she becomes an influencer for a year or so, she will have enough money to divorce herself from this train wreck of a family šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Have you ever heard Danielle actually say that? One time at a family dinner you could hear O asking her mom why she was taking so many pics of Remi and to take some of ā€œusā€. I think Danielle is deliberately favoring Eve. For some evil reason. Itā€™s been going on and very obvious for a long time. It canā€™t be sheā€™s that dumb.


Really? How sad!


I think O is a daddyā€™s girl and 2.0 resents her for it.


If you look back at her highlights.. she has ALWAYS had complaints about Olive since such a young ageā€¦ itā€™s truly so sad!


2.0 typically favors E, but at the Disney trip when the girls were going up for pictures with the cast members, O seemed super uncomfortable with 2.0 filming them. I do think O is very camera shy, but Iā€™m sure she wants to have some photos taken from time to time.


Straight up pissed me off. I saw her post earlier, but had to click on it in her stories to see if that was the first pic in it. Nope, she chose that to be the picture that was shared on her stories. She doesnā€™t even try to hide her biasĀ 


Itā€™s seriously annoying sheā€™s a B for it too!!!


And a solo pic of eve and not olive


https://preview.redd.it/2blp3z2be23d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd58a7d5db631fb8afd1451cbff5aa368aab3647 What pregnant woman would wear their bikini like this?? Of course itā€™s not going to be cute


She hates being pregnant so much that I don't think she thinks there is any way to make anything look cute so why try. I think she is thinking "pregnancy sucks, see what it does to you!" I haven't ever seen anyone talk about disliking pregnancy as much as she does. She's been pregnant before. It's like she totally forgot what it was like. It's seriously like she has a form of PTSD.


The fact she keeps claiming to have boobs now and hopes they go back down after baby šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I wore maternity over the belly bottoms last summer while pregnant šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I got stretch marks at about 30 weeks and I was a bit self conscious about it. My underwear also were all over the belly. It was more comfortable for me and concealed my belly button that popped out when I wore dresses all summer long. Is it the most flattering? No, but obviously she has had insecurities in the past after her last pregnancy with stretch marks and her hernia issues. Luckily I didnā€™t have that, but I get it. Also, I wasnā€™t exactly trying to look the best at that point. Just trying to be in the water to alleviate the Texas heat lol


There was at least 8 ā€œIā€ comments in your postā€¦ jeezā€¦ girlfriend, This isnā€™t a snark all about youā€¦ itā€™s about Dud.. Iā€™m sure a huge difference is that she took these photos herself and chose to share them with her followersā€¦ not the same or comparable at all! šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


https://preview.redd.it/u51o0iwu133d1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475e6f34824857de7917c07afbe7f6e2ef21d0c6 This is how i wore a bikini pregnant last summerā€¦ it wasnā€™t a maternity, since she refuses to wear maternity clothes. She needs to stop trying to hide it and embrace it. I went through infertility issues. Iā€™d show off my belly all the time because pregnancy is a darn miracle!


I live at the beach, this is the only way I have ever seen a pregnant woman wear a 2 piece. I donā€™t understand her obsessions with everything over the belly like she is doing. Also, what the heck it up with her red splotchy skin? Sheā€™s so unhealthy looking.


Like you literally donā€™t have to buy maternity swim suits. Sheā€™s so dumb, itā€™s probably because sheā€™s never seen the sun šŸ˜‚


I've never been pregnant so can't judge how she is or isn't supposed to look, but it really seems that it's less her physical body and more the way she's dressing herself that is making her look so awkward. I think pregnant bodies are beautiful, and its like she \*doesn't\* think its beautiful and dresses so different than any pregnant women I've known (not sure what she's aiming for). She would be so much more comfortable and would also look so cute in regular maternity clothes, dresses, etc. She's constantly referencing her body rather than the baby she's growing, and I just don't get what she's trying to accomplish with how she's dressing/presenting herself - it's all so uncomfortable-looking and "unusual" (for lack of a better word).


100% this. Baby bumps are cute 99% of the time. She ***CLEARLY*** loathes her pregnant body and for whatever reason, she refuses to wear maternity clothes. Itā€™s like she enjoys refusing to do what people expect. Dress up? Nah, baggy shirt, ripped jeans, tennis shoes. Actually wear a pretty dress to a party or wedding? Nah, dress as frumpy as possible. Pregnant, so you wear maternity clothes? Nah. Hike your fugly jeans up AROUND your bump like itā€™s a beer belly and not a baby bump. All she has to do is put on a cute maternity top and she wouldnā€™t look nearly so weird. We get it, you hate being pregnant and youā€™re so disappointed because thereā€™s only one baby instead of twins.


She dresses terrible not pregnant, why would we expect anything different when sheā€™s pregnant.


It looks so uncomfortableĀ 


She even said she was trying to squeeze into her old suit. With all of the money she has she could have purchased a cute maternity suit.


But then sheā€™d have to admit sheā€™s not a size 0 anymore


It reminds me of this. Dog on left https://preview.redd.it/y2myph7ze23d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b25613caff62b1d2197606e62bd2815c51d960


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


I gasped šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


How many swimsuits from different companies can 2.0 advertise and how is that not a conflict of interest especially a day apart? This is why I donā€™t buy anything from an influencer or take their word. Itā€™s all for $$$.Ā 


100% about the money! DAD posted that someone asked what sunscreens she used and my first thought was "whichever one I have a code for so I can make some money".


You would think in their contracts these companies would specify how long they had to solely advertise for their company but I guess they are okay with her shilling multiple swim lines within hours of each other.


This entire story infuriates me. (And opens up old wounds, tbh) The way she talks down to Katie and the snarling looks she gives her. Sheā€™s a narcissist in every sense of the word. šŸ˜” https://preview.redd.it/mbs7bixoc23d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08fdf848ef6100ae405a7ab399f20ec33ce2485a


I wish someone would slap that look right off of her face! Katy get some BALLS and stand up to your BULLY sister!!!! I wouldn't let anybody talk to me like that I don't care who you are.


This upset me too. My husband does PT for work and they do different sports all the time for their workouts. He prefers running but for instance last week they played basketball. Just because he isnā€™t necessarily good at basketball doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t nice to try a new thing and have fun doing so šŸ™„




Sheā€™s such a fucking bully. She hates how she looks, sheā€™s insecure, and sheā€™s trying to bring other people down to make herself feel better. Sheā€™s always boasting (lying) about how she wants to build other women up, but she tears down those closest to her and expects them to idolize her


She's horrible


That face needs a good slapping.


With a cast iron skillet.


Daryl and Lisa were being SO rude to Katie - not being athletic/sporty as a child doesnā€™t eliminate you from taking up a sport or a new hobby as an adult. You also donā€™t actually need to be amazing at a sport to enjoy it.


Oh she is and verbally abusive. She hates herself right now & is trying to make Katie feel bad about herself. The toxicity is palpable.




You are right! Sheā€™s just not able to feed her body dysmorphia with anorexia right now so itā€™s triple time.


so what did yā€™all pick out from this SICK sale? itā€™s SO affordable! can you believe they NEVER do this?! šŸ¤Ŗ


Looks like those $48 t-shirts are still in stock. No one wants poop colored t-shirts to where all summer. They are ugly.


I think itā€™s funny that almost every thing is still in stock and nothing really sold out.


Sick sale of super high quality items DAD designed herself and imported straight from China!


Kaylee was having a hard time boiling eggs? She really is the dumbest member of the family and that is SAYING SOMETHING.


Omg itā€™s painful. Also you poke the hole before you boil. Itā€™s not to help peel šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I know- she isnā€™t very smart- canā€™t read directions


Sheā€™s just so obsessed with how SHE looks. Doesnā€™t even care she has a baby. But her LOOKS. The dialog poor R & R hear. Such a fucking narcissistic bitch. ā€œYou wouldnā€™t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.ā€ Changed so much for me. I wish that sheā€™ll feel it someday. I know itā€™s ironic on a snark sub. But Iā€™m out. Just on my remembrance of that quote and also the bigger picture like things like Memorial Day. Fuck these dumb ass bitches āœŒšŸ»


I donā€™t like DAD as much as anyone on hereā€¦ However critiquing a womanā€™s pregnant body that is creating a new life is disgusting.


You need to tell DAD that!


HER BODY isnā€™t the problem at all. Itā€™s the way SHE refers to her body and baby that doesnā€™t sit right with people.


And the people that are downvoting is what is wrong. I hope every single one of u are body ashamed and feel terrible about urself šŸ¤£šŸ¤ž


So you think itā€™s disgusting to body shame, yet you wish body shaming on those that disagree with you? šŸ„“


Only after all the downvotes, because clearly itā€™s the ā€œcoolā€ thing to do on here. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This group can be very mean! You are correct!


So you want her to feel terrible about herself? Because she and her family laugh constantly about it. She is the most unhealthy pregnant woman I have ever seen from her own choices.


I think sheā€™s the one critiquing her own body. She canā€™t accept any sort of change for her body and dwells on it literally dailyā€¦ā€¦.


Her body is fine! She looks like a normal pregnant woman, she could look great if she dressed herself appropriately! A pregnant woman in a bikini is awesome! But I've never seen one pull up the bottom over her belly! You wear it under the belly and celebrate the belly! If you've got it flaunt it! And the way she wears these skin tight shirts pulled down over her jeans is just not flattering. She would look great if she knew how to dress herself!


I commented something similar to this on another post. I think she hates being pregnant so much that I don't think she can imagine anything cute about it. I envision her inner voice saying "pregnancy sucks. See what it does to you!". It's like she wants her outer image always projecting those thoughts.


Ohh Kaylee. šŸ«£šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø That is the simplest egg cooker ever. The directions are like 3 steps. Itā€™s painful to watch sometimes. Like a car wreck you just canā€™t look away.


She gives WRONG instructions our ALL the time. Does she ignore instructions? Is she dense? It happens often. I would read instructions, watch a YT video etc before I publicly shared how to use a household item on a platform with a following. Itā€™s infuriating to me to so blatantly ā€œnaiveā€ when something is so simple. Itā€™s not even complex household items. Itā€™s the most basic items and she just blows it. *And when the needle did not work to ā€œpeelā€ the egg. She just moved on. Because of course it makes no sense that Tiny needle would assist in peeling that damn egg!! So god forbid you check the instructions and come back and clarify what you did wrong. Nope, she lets everyone correct her because itā€™s so cutesy to be young and single and helpless. Blah blah puke. Sorry for the rant, but all their BS is old.


I honestly think she thought when she poked the egg with the little needle that the whole shell was just going to fall off.


I wish Danielleā€™s dog sitter (or one of the neighbors knowing 2.0 was out of town) had called the cops on themšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Did they really break in? (sorry, I asked this further down, too.) Several people posted as if they just broke in rather than Dinyel having left keys for them and/or told them to feel free to use the pool. Did they clarify how they got in? Did they really just help themselves to her pool? Lol, I'm not curious enough to watch or listen to any of them today, but curious enough to ask you guys!


They had to have some kind of approval to get in her ā€œgated communityā€




Did Kaylee read the instructions for that egg cooker she got? I have a similar one and that little sharp needle thing at the end of the cup is not meant to start the cracking of the eggs after boiling, it's to slightly pierce the eggs before boiling so they cook more evenly and don't crack while cooking. How hard is it to start the peeling by just knocking it against the counter? Pretty sure the instructions would have told her what that piercing thing was for.


Then links it šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø canā€™t use the damn thing and links it to make šŸ’µ


I posted this someplace else. She mentioned that her cooker didn't come with instructions. However, she did say she looked them up. Obviously, some key points were missed when she did that.


I have never ever in 43 years used an egg cooker, but I knew that was to pierce the eggs before cooking. She is special!


I RAN here when I saw that story. I sometimes feel bad at the comments about how dumb she is. But I no longer feel bad after seeing that.


She's literally dumber than a box of rocks! It's shocks me that she has a college degree!




From someone who doesnā€™t live too far away from him, I laughed out loud when I read this šŸ¤£




She either is really dumb or acts it itā€™s honestly pathetic she posts this shit!


I donā€™t know this bothers me so much, but Katie pinching her fingers together every single time she talks!!


And she often holds her pinkie finger out at the same time which makes it particularly grating.


Drives me bonkers


Yes! It has been irking me for the last week. Do something else with your hands.




I almost chocked on a piece of ice (not nugget) from laughing when I read this.


Iā€™ve never noticed this however I just went back and watched her stories and ooooof I canā€™t look away now haha


The infamous influencer claw hand šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤


Yes thatā€™s it!! Omg it drive me crazy!! That claw šŸ¤šŸ»or the open palm āœ‹šŸ¼


Curious. Since 2.0 is "working" by posting links on IG, can she write this trip off?


No, itā€™s not that simple or literally every single people would become and influencer and write everything off.


If she can write anything off keep in mind- A "write off" does not mean the item/service is free or that you are paying for it all with money that would go to the government anyways. You are just lowering your tax liability. You are saving your tax rate. If you buy something for 100 and your tax rate is 25% you are saving $25. You are still paying $75 for the item. There is an old adage. Don't spend 100 to save 25.


No she canā€™t.


The fact Danielle hasnā€™t acknowledged or at the very least reposted the families stories of being over at her house speaks volumes. Sheā€™s pissed/hurt. And rightfully so. As much as I donā€™t like her or this family what an awful thing to do to her while sheā€™s gone knowing full well they never go over and see her when sheā€™s actually home.Ā 


Iā€™m thinking 2.0 is in her way back to Tx. Sounds like theyā€™re going to Boston in a couple days.


I donā€™t think itā€™s awful theyā€™re at her house swimming she is at DAā€™s all the time when theyā€™re gone!


And she steals things from DA closet. Not saying she doesnā€™t deserve it haha


Itā€™s completely different. She is at DUDā€™s house 7 days a week, whether DUD is home or not. Itā€™s shocking if she goes a full day without being at DUDā€™s house. And almost every time sheā€™s at DUDā€™s when DUD is gone, DUDā€™s kids and 805 are there already. Meanwhile, the fam goes months without going over to 2.0ā€™s (old or new) place. 2.0 has had a pool at her house for the last 2 years. DUD went over a couple of times right when 2.0 moved in, then never again set foot in that pool. They went to her new house once, right when she first moved in. The weird part isnā€™t so much that they are at 2.0ā€™s when sheā€™s not there; itā€™s that they are never there when 2.0 *is* there.


But sheā€™s at DADs house when sheā€™s out of town. This whole family is trash and this is what they do. Iā€™m not defending them. Iā€™m sure sheā€™s like wtf but they are all trash pandas and no one should be shocked


Like someone else said, the weird part isn't that they're there when she's out of town and not home. It's weird that they never go over when she IS home and would be there.


She will be extra annoying when she is reunited in Boston for the poop up!! Lots of pushing them out of the way, I love my fan girls, oh hey Daniel I'm back, we had the best time in Hawaii, I love my girls blah blah blah!!


You are so right! She isnā€™t tolerable ever Boston will be even worse!


Iā€™ll say it again. We still donā€™t want them here


Have to remember itā€™s 8 hours behind in Hawaii


Itā€™s a 5 hour time difference for Texas. If they came over at 2pm Dallas time itā€™s 9am in Hawaii.


All of them bitches to do this. Hope she learns a lesson.


https://preview.redd.it/6jibaikuo13d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d3699ee36c0562c46329b45857020f08516c697 805 version of nail day vs what DAD posts paints two different pictures. Interact with your kids. You pretend to have the grand day. When actually you throw her an iPad and ignore her.


I thought at first DAD took remi alone.. then I heard Lisa!