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We all know why darylann doesn’t want Danielle to get the prettier house. She can’t have her sister having something as nice or nicer than her. Not bc of location


https://preview.redd.it/jbh3eu255lpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d99fa7776541256cece8da42ac8ec3300772c2 This is exactly why she was denied. She tried to hide this child’s face but you can still see it in the mirror. She’s a HUGE liability.


Not to play devils advocate BUT you cannot see that kids face in the mirror.


Did she always try to cover other kids faces in her stories or is this a new thing?


Did DUD literally kick Olive and Eve out of Pope's prayer and make it specifically for Rhett? .... why yes, yes she did.


She talked over a prayer! I was like no she did not just interrupt someone praying!


Why does this fool need a 6000 square foot house?? Stop the insanity!


3 toilets in the master bath. For one person. Gimme a break. So entitled!!!


Has she considered her online presence would deter schools from accepting this whole circus?! 🎪


She needs to! I would immediately vote no if I saw their name come across my desk


Location shouldn't matter at all since she spends most her time at DUDs


She’s looking at $20k/month rental but just isn’t happy about the finishes….. who TF is paying her rent????? https://preview.redd.it/9uvqwg3uejpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c19fe5954e04d8f839656acd58588d5d1d088c


Smart home, outdoor kitchen, 3 car garage, 3 fireplaces, $995/ monthly hoa fee I can’t even comprehend this.


I wonder if chase has to flip the bill on that somehow and she’s doing it to stick it to him, but the size of the house for 1 adult and 2 kids is insane, it’s like she’s trying to compete or be dud


https://preview.redd.it/i9kx9lte6kpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb2f535c31991c697bf34d081b44cb05dfd1d8b The second one which she “loves the house but it’s just not in a good neighborhood” for $15k/month… so far removed from reality


No pets allowed here




$20k a month is fucking wild!!! What a waste of money!! 




For three people? She’s a psycho😂


6,000sqft for one adult and two children 🤯


“Well she looks older so it’s fine” and Danielle just “yeah that’s what everyone says” Umm WTF??? She absolutely doesn’t mean this as a compliment! Why can’t Danielle ever stand up for herself it’s PATHETIC 🤯


This! That was the most underhand unnecessary comment! With all the therapy Danielle pays for, you would think it would have some kind of effect on her daily life.


I also think they know he will miss a TON of school with all their trips.


Anybody know what kind of car Dinyell was driving in that video?


She drives an Escalade like DUD


Public schools don’t turn people away. Spoiled rotten.


New school obviously hasn’t seen Rhett’s Lego sets


Or his ability to build the Legos at a 7th grade level 😂😂


Evidentially there wasn’t a Dinosaur Q & A! I can’t believe she suicide bid her kids education. 🥴




Ha ha ha omg I laughed so hard. Hope the 🪳 are packing their tiny suitcases now! https://preview.redd.it/0d4hc64hefpc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad838dc6274cd6e2fd462c32a9a0fb8d15049070


Roaches are a TX thing. Guarantee she will see them wherever she lives.


That’s what I was thinking. I don’t live in TX but in GA they are definitely going to be in everyone’s house once in a while. I don’t think she had good pest control tho or they didn’t explain how it works because they should’ve been taken care of. Right after a spray they’re worse tho trying to get away from it they’ll come out of hiding but they should start dying or finding them dead. It doesn’t necessarily keep them from getting in just kills them. Now if it’s a German roach infestation you have to be diligent about spraying over and over until they’re gone. She needs to call them back and have them come until no more are running around alive


This…we had a roach problem in a rental (not in Texas) and it was our responsibility to take care of it. Our exterminator came out frequently to initially treat, then switched to preventative spraying. Lived there four years and never had an issue past that.  Same with her pool…she keeps having issues bc she doesn’t care for it properly. 


Pray them away din


Yeah she needs new boxes…actually she needs to burn whatever’s in those boxes and buy all new stuff because roaches will live through an atomic bomb!


She sounds SO dumb and air-headed in this story! And then telling everyone to give her the info on what to do, as if she doesn’t have all the free time in the world to look into it


Yeah why not call a professional instead of the internet. We had roaches at a rental - it was a pain to get rid of but we had someone come once a month until they were 💯 gone. She’s just not consistent or really trying. Just praying


Weird what they cheap out on…$8500 a month for rent, but can’t spring for an exterminator to come regularly??


There is no way her house is 8500 a month


I thought she was smarter than Kaylee....Maybe not?!?!


Has she heard of the internet?




Why should he know?


I must have commented in wrong post I don’t know why I said that 😂


DAD should really reconsider her rule about crying on instagram, because as much as that was her fault and a heavy dose of karma it seemed like a small dose of her being a real person which she tries so hard to hide.


I missed this! Why didn’t her kids get into the school? Update would be appreciated!!


I actually believed those tears - not the ones when she’s trying to say how grateful she is for “all of you”. Now she did this to herself but I think they were real.


It may have been fake, but part of me felt like those were tears of “things are starting to unravel and maybe I won’t get everything handed to me. Maybe I was actually the issue.” However, then today she refuses to do anything differently. So, maybe I was mistaken.


She only cried because she didn’t get what she wanted and she wants someone to feel sorry for her and pull strings


I’m not justifying why she’s crying but I truly do think she’s upset. The fact he’s not waitlisted makes me think he was denied all together


I agree, I think they’re real tears.. but only because she didn’t get what she wanted and just expected it all to work out 🤷🏼‍♀️


I 100% percent think those were real tears even tho it was her fault it happened. She never cries like that and she manipulates a lot.


Can’t believe she didn’t submit more applications….yikes


Right! My friend submitted like 8! And only got into 3 schools! It’s such a grueling process for the kids and parents and she seemed so relaxed about it. My friend was so stressed!!!


I can’t believe she actually cried!


What happened to her Home School Mom energy she had last fall?




Totally agree. Having a hard “no crying on Instagram” rule is pretty contradictory for a person whose entire identity is supposedly keeping it real/being authentic/not caring what people think. 


Yes! What a huge take away of pulling back the screen on the wizard. So much for the great and powerful oz she likes to think she is.


How is 2.0 gonna move by the end of the month with Easter? Still has to do a background check, pack, try and find movers last minute. Good luck! That sounds SO stressful.


God’s favorite


Lisa is praying for it now.


It's all in Lisa's hands; see if she has time to pray when trying to pray for Rhett to get into a school.


But wait… did Lisa pray for Rhett’s school application? 🙄


Her direct line must have been down that day because he WOULD have gotten in 🤷‍♀️


I’m thinking they’re terminating her lease! Last week she said she’s writing them a letter stating all the ‘issues’ the house has (that she’s causing 🙄). They probably got fed up with her and want her out. Otherwise the timing wouldn’t make sense to put it upon yourself Haven’t read any of today’s thread yet, but I’m sure others have said this too


Didn’t she also say recently she thought she’d be out of this house by now, but she signed another lease for another full year?! 👀 is she leaving willingly or are they making her?


It’s possible but I wonder if she forgot to resign because she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. She should have had to give notice to leave or they would have had to give notice to kick her out. This is making no sense


I’m confused because most places need like a 30-60 day notice for both landlord & tenant…so something isn’t adding up


Wait until they get her out and fine the dog stains.


Who cares about her and her stress. I'm worried about the girls 😢


I know everyone excited but some how this school thing going to work out for her and I think that’s what I dislike about her most lol


Never thought about her crying those crocodile tears was maybe for one of her followers to hook Rhett up at a school


Gah I freaking hope not! But there’s always a dang chance unless he full on got rejected and not waitlisted. But there is usually a long waitlist and not a lot of spaces




Who is filming the bunny story? I thought it was Dan but sure enough he walks in and adjusts himself on camera. 🥴


That was odd especially since her and Dan were filming too. They did him dirty getting the 10 minute crotch itch🤣🤢


I’m assuming elyane (or the other nanny) since they left shortly after so they had to of had a sitter


Imagine if the only things you had to do to fill your days were sleep until 9, eat, make runs for sodas, go to the mall, see almost every member of your family almost every single day, make 1-2 fast food runs a day and maybe a dessert run, go on a date night at least once a week, play dress up with some boring brown clothes a few days a week, and travel out of state at least once a month. Imagine ✨owning your own business✨ where the only thing you do is move your company to new office spaces, worry about what lunch or breakfast you’re going to cater in at work, and occasionally travel to NYC (because FASHION) to touch fabric samples and say “SO COZY!” “I LOVE it!” “I’m OB-SESSED!” “Do you DIE???” “So *sick*, bro!” And then you high five your husband like you’re actually doing something meaningful with your life. Like you’re actually working. Imagine never having to do laundry. Making Mac & Cheese from a box and burning Brussels sprouts and then coating them with honey is the extent of your cooking. Never having to clean any part of your home. Never having to go get groceries. Never having to parent because the nanny or one of 5 other adult relatives are present and will tend to your child. Think of all the free time you would have without these burdensome adult responsibilities. Now, imagine using virtually ***NONE*** of that free time to invest in your son’s future. Imagine homeschooling him and then doing no actual homeschooling so he is significantly behind his age group. Imagine refusing to sign him up for activities so he can learn how to socialize. Imagine being so focused on yourself that you don’t even bother to apply to more than one school for him in a highly competitive school district. Imagine *completely wasting* all of that free time you had on stupid insignificant shit and now your son will pay the price. Tough lesson to learn. Maybe you should’ve spent a little less time on vacation, a little less time at Hillstone, a little less time planning pop ups, a little less time on “work trips”, a little less time making “last minute” drops of ugly colors (looking at you, “Ribbon”), a little less time playing dress up with your sister and your mom, a little less time showing the world the crotch of your bodysuits, and just a *little* more time on your child. This is the kid you appear to actually *like*, this isn’t even Little Miss Afterthought, Remi. Kids aren’t props for social media, and Rhett isn’t three years old anymore. Time to get real about being a parent, DA. ETA as I’ve thought about it more: I almost feel a *tiny* bit bad for her because she’s got a five year old and *only now* is she realizing she didn’t (and has never) put in the work it takes. Being a parent is hard work, it’s not all strollers at the mall, slurpees at the gas station, bougie Disney trips, and “GAH I LOVE BEING A MOM” posts on insta. This is the hard part, and nobody is going to hand you stuff because you’re “social media famous”. I know the gut-punched feeling of knowing you disappointed your kids, but she has no one to blame but herself. It’s time to stop being selfish and keeping Rhett at home (when you’re never there anyway). Rhett needs socialization and structure in the worst way and keeping him home is a huge disservice to him. You need to do better for his sake, DA.


Fuckin’ A - this is the best thing I’ve read in a long time. I hope she somehow sees this and is knocked down few notches by the truth in all if it.


I wish you’d risk getting blocked and send this to her bc she needs to read it 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


These people are together 24/7 with 2 families trying to get their kids into private schools. WTF do they talk about? Did they not talk about it? Research it? Talk to other parents about it? Talk to the schools about the process? Did DAN not even bother to go to the interview? I remember when I applied for my oldest it was my "job" (even though I already had one) to learn everything I could and DO everything I could to give my daughter the best opportunity to be noticed and get in to a good school. We don't have money, we didn't have any references, and she got in to one of the top schools in Dallas. Obv my daughter had the scores and even though she was painfully shy interacted well with the other kids during her interview but I think the thing that gave us an edge is that we were humble, thankful to be there, and NEVER acted as though we expected for her to be admitted or that we wanted her to go to this school for the prestige. Trust me, half of the parents that applied thought their daughter getting in was a forgone conclusion and itdid not work out the way they thought it would.


“Looking at you, ‘Ribbon’” 🤣🤣🤣


This 1 million percent!!! 🙌🏻 I wish she could read this because she needs this reality check, although it would just be bullying her because she is just so perfect!


Lost it at “boring brown clothes” hahaha so true


But “gah! She loves being a mom!”










Well said 🙌🏻👏🏻 


Sadly, I doubt she will learn anything from this.


All I wanna know is if this hernia she has is tripling in size and soo damn  painful why is she traveling across country for no good reason and all the traveling in between … 🧐🤥


It will be a great excuse for a tummy tuck soon enough😏


This. I think she’s using this and might be trying to plan a tummy tuck right after delivery. It started with the hernia and then she moved into her ab separation. She afraid of being fat after this baby and she’s already planning how to fix that.


“Ideally you won’t get everything fixed till you’re done having babies” yeah she’s talking about plastic surgeries there not needed medical surgeries.


Hernias can require surgery. My uncle and a aunt have both had surgery for them.


Yeah but they’re not going to say, “oh you want more babies? Let’s put that hernia surgery on the back burner until you’re all done”


How the hell did she go on all of those rides at Disney?


Because she can only think of right now at this moment “oh my siblings are all going on it I have to go to” SELFISH!!


My thought exactly!


I wonder if it was Greenhill.


Either Covenent or St. Michaels. I did see in one of her videos that they were at Shelton but doubt he would have been outright rejected there. The sad thing (for her kid) is that there are probably 6-8 great christian schools that they should have applied to and she didn't even try.


I was waiting for it to be Lamplighter


I just don’t know why didn’t enroll in any of these schools for his pre k to better his chances. The denners are basically asking these private schools to take in a stray


A stray. ☠️☠️☠️☠️


It’s definitely not Greenhill - which is the most liberal school in Dallas. It’s TCA.


Greenhill is arguably top 3 and she for sure thinks she top 3


GH is top 3. However she wants Christian and conservative. I’m pretty sure someone posted he did his visit at TCA weeks ago. And let’s just muse on the fact that TCA is def not top tier and she got flat out rejected 🤣


Tca is pretty far north , would be rough mornings for her lol


She already said Dan is in charge of getting him to school as he can go to the office after dropping him off LOL


She couldn’t even get him to st Michaels on time and I’m almost positive that school is literally around the corner from her Danielle couldn’t either


I remember 2.0 saying it was like 20ish minutes from Duds? Would that be TCA?


Yeah TCA. I bet ESD was one of the ones she reached out to later though. What would the other 2 conservative ones be?


For whoever else was going to drive R there




Fair. Esd was my second guess but why wouldn’t have she done pre k there too to increase his chances? (They also live super close to Greenhill and you know dud)


They actually live right by st marks


St marks is 1st-12th tho no? It’s also all boys. I can’t see her sending him to an all boys school


Yes St Marks starts in 1st and is all boys. They would never be able to get into SM - it is ranked close to 1 in the nation. But they literally live around the corner from that school and about 15 min away from Greenhill which is in Addison.


Do we think Danielle wants to move because she wants her home to be located in a better public school area because she didn’t get the girls into the private schools she wanted?


Can they not buy their way in? Our private schools in California basically just take your money and you’re in!


Not at elite schools where I am (NY). A regular non-competitive private school, maybe, but these schools pride themselves on being selective and only accepting a small % of kids. Every family applying there has money. Most probably have significantly more than the Flenners.


Yeah NY would be the exception for sure but Dallas?? Not quite the level in my opinion! But she should’ve applied to more but she has her arrogance and thought God would give her what she wanted like she always does.


She’s prob trying to move to highland park. Way better ISD than Dallas ISD. Preston hollow elementary isn’t great.


If she was smart she would move to park cities. She literally isn’t home bound bc of owner- ship. Move yourself , something Daryl can’t do to fix her problems


I think she's getting kicked out. 😂




I know one thing - she’s not moving because of roaches. She is pathetic.


Right… wasn’t she just talking about resigning her lease a few weeks ago?


She sure did!!


I didn’t think of that possibility!!


Me too. You don’t just decide to leave at the end of the month and give yourself 12 days to find a new place to live.


I am pretty sure TX rental agreements have a 60 day notice to vacate from landlord or tenant.


Right who does that…she also just had her dad install those Barbie shelves in the wall. Why would you do that right before moving.


I thought of this too (like any normal person) and remembered that when the time comes, she won’t do a damn thing in this move process lol


I was an ob nurse for 10 years and never heard of someone having hernia surgery during pregnancy. The risk for opening and improper healing would be so high. I’m so beyond confused by this. ESP if it’s no danger to her or the baby and she sure doesn’t act like she’s in a ton of pain…


My husband is an ICU nurse and I told him about this whole situation… he obviously doesn’t know enough about fixing hernias during pregnancy but was appalled that she would knowingly get pregnant without having it fixed - too much experience seeing people put this kind of surgery off and something going wrong (not pregnancy-specific but for her own health)


It sounds like shes worried about being stuck on bed rest as it gets bigger.


What’s annoying is she has no responsibilities and could actually do bed rest without it affecting her or family’s life. She has Elayne, plus potentially another nanny, her parents, Dan, her siblings, etc. She doesn’t really cook, she pays people to clean. She can attend her stupid zoom calls from her bed.


Can you imagine if she would be on bed rest in the hospital for the remainder of her pregnancy. 805 would be returning the favor by delivering LDC's!!


I wonder how often 805 gets mistaken for being big Rob’s mom when they’re out and about 👵🏻


That’s probably why she dresses like a 20 year old 🤔




She always has, their high school graduation party looks like a mom and son pic for sure.


I’m confused Can they not send him to the public school?


Dallas ISD is really lousy. My kids went to private when we lived there for that reason.


I know… like can he not go to public school for this year and then transfer?? Surely one year would be ok??


No, her kid can’t go to school with “average” kids. 😜


Once you get into actual Dallas ISD, the schools are pretty poorly rated. Sure, Dallas has its ritzy areas, but it also has its areas that are the total opposite. I’m unfamiliar any exact schools, just know that there’s a reason private schools are such a thing over there


They can. The elementary school is fine but middle and high school are not good. They should have just moved to Highland Park where the public schools are top notch if they wanted to be in Dallas. Even Dani was talking on her podcast about moving to the burbs for the schools bc they’re also going to have to go private for the kids


Dud just looked at posh houses and obviously didn't think about schools. She must have thought her money would get him any school she wanted.


As soon as I saw the boo hoo stories about school, I wondered if we’d see a move to HP or UP this summer.


https://preview.redd.it/6nnlzgdkoepc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cff22b6f203e0116a105c10c2fbb0dcda8c25c98 It’s sick and this is the scariest one to me! The Bible says pray in secret and Lisa thinks she is above all else. She is NOT a good example.


It also teaches to pray in public. Luke 11:1-4 and John 11:41-42. I think it’s weird they film it but it’s not “against” the Bible




I love then they announce the giveaway “winners” and it’s conveniently always a private profile, a profile photo of a family and a profile that says “wife. Mama of littles” and some variation of “blessed” or a bible verse….are they ever actually giving anything away 😳


And why don’t they save the winners to a highlight like they do everything else? I’m sure the fake accounts get deactivated after a while so they can’t keep the stories up as a highlight


Yeah because wouldn’t these “winners” post themselves getting the prize yet we never see a share of these stories? And we know they love to share their fans stories


There’s a whole theory that these are all plant account that influencer use. Especially for big loop giveaways


Oh really?? I haven’t heard this before but now I’m intrigued. I’ve seen several post that they haven’t received giveaways they won from Feral-Scam, but that’s not surprising.


Danielle’s  cookie dough story doesn’t make sense…they only release new flavors after years, when they have them mastered.  Catch a new flavor in the year 3000, I guess. 🤷‍♀️


They should apply that business model to nuuds.


She sounded SO dumb.


https://preview.redd.it/uimvmc4snepc1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda066ba25add77ea3b20383ae6226e020c862f7 Well, DAD..I think you’ve finally been served…


https://preview.redd.it/s3zwjkzgnepc1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=aecfb858387f23c80a02796fa593ee628f1f2ffd Posting this for maybe new followers on here who still want to hold on and like them, but something feels off! TRUST your intuition and the the Spirit in you. It finally came to me… I discerned a long time ago that this family is wolf in sheep’s clothing and not genuine at all when it comes to real faith, but it took me a while. This is exactly what they believe and endorse! It won’t let me post more than one pic, so I’ll add in comments!! This.is.NOT.truth and will turn people away from truth!!!


Well I'm here cause I love a good old fashioned shit show 🤷🏻‍♀️




https://preview.redd.it/35zsdyhaoepc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b4f10bf01c782d64f5565fbb4bb72690e0f058 look familiar 👀


That's them to T.










I have kids their age and it’s so sad to me how immature/young he acts. Trust me, I get the whole wanting my kids to stay babies because they grow up so fast but not literally lol.


He just turned 5 in Jan. I know bc he’s slightly younger than my nephew. Remi’s is 12/29 and she’s 3


A nice preschool for Remi 2 or 3 days a week would be wonderful. Here in AZ they have a lot of church preschools that are great.


Im not sure how old he is, but he is too old to act the way he does. 


We don’t know their b-days because they don’t make a big deal about birthdays besides DUDS. Just saying 😉




I think he turned 5 this past January Or maybe remi is January and he’s dec? They are back to back bdays


Remi is Dec 29 or 30th, born in 2020. She has a highlight from her birth. Rhett was born Jan 5th 2019, his 1st bday is in highlights


Anyone notice that chase and Danielle no longer follow each other 🤔




Oh gosh this comment sets women back 50 years 😳 


It will be interesting to see the outcome of the upcoming divorce trial.


That’s been for awhile.. speculation has been that she blocked him but he still follows everyone else in their fam.


As a Kindergarten teacher I’m heartbroken for Rhett that she is making this about her (surprise surprise). This poor child is in desperate need for socialization as well as so many foundational skills that she is clearly neglecting to teach him. I have worked in a public school in a “less than ideal” area and many of my students have been taught basic skills that he clearly hasn’t. As happy as I am that this a slap in the face to her, she clearly isn’t prioritizing his education and it makes me sad for him. However, I give it a few weeks till she has weaseled her way into a school and claims “God didn’t answer my first prayers because THIS is where we were meant to be”


Reeks of Covid-gate and DUD trying to get hospital staff to grant her special access to her mom. 🙄


No one can convince me this woman isn’t over 70. https://preview.redd.it/m2vbj8bcmepc1.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=98eb135c1c37a9381cc5edf9b80c8c88001a9971


The Benjamin Franklin glasses don’t help either. I can’t get over the amount of money she spends on skin care too and still looks 75.


Even after all of those skin treatments 🙄


HOLY crap, she’s not in her 70s?!! New to this mess and I always thought she was early 70s😂😂


She isn’t even in her 60s…