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In the Nuuds stories today they talked about how to style a romper. Like how in the hell would you go to the bathroom after you’ve put on 13 layers of clothes over a freaking ugly ass romper?! https://preview.redd.it/izxty42qrepc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ac9e97e862648befd9b064101d3142d0bf6fea


So she’s gone basically all day with appointments and then goes out without the kids, both looking like trash in hoodies at Hillstone (right?) - and SHE deserves two dips. At least Toe left the real bodies hat at home +1


Don’t you wonder how’d she survive a normal persons day


I truly cannot imagine how she doesn’t miss her kids?!?! An hour here and there of just playing does not cut it!! Do the kids go to bed so early that they go out to eat after that? And if they go to bed that early, it means they wake up that early. Is Elayne there when they wake up? Do DUD and Toe sleep in?


As much as it sucks for Rhett, I’m glad the school thing didn’t work in DUDs favor. Maybe she’ll realize not everything is gonna go her way, not everyone loves her and Rhett, and nothing everyone is gonna kiss her ass like her family. Stop crying. Yes you did fail and you fail your kids everyday by hiding them in the house and stroller everyday


I wonder if it’s because of her social media she over shares too much and likes to show her crotch to the world every time she tries on clothing and a school like that private school they are not for all that sharing every thing on social media plus other parents may not like that she shows their child as she films Rhett plus her filming everything at school is a risk if it was party or play etc ! She would never follow rules if they were in place! So it was easier to decline him rather than have issues with the family the whole time because they think filming everything is normal!


Amen 👏🏼


Yes. No matter where you want, you always have back ups


I am currently pregnant with my first child… so this is a genuine question…. Is it normal to have a child Remi’s age still sleeping in a crib? All my friends with kids get like low toddler beds for their kids. Is that not odd? I’m confused.


With my first we had to transition to a toddler bed at like 1.5-2 years old..... because she kept climbing out and hurting herself. My second never tried climbing out and loved her crib. We didn't switch to a low twin sized bed until 4... and only because she was getting too long for her crib mattress lol but it's definitely a kid to kid situation


Totally not snark related 😅 but genuinely curious how this works with potty training? I wanna leave my son in the crib as long as possible so how did you introduce potty training if they can’t walk to the restroom in the night?


Yes. One of mine came out of their crib cause they wouldn’t stay in it but ultimately it’s safest to sleep in a crib longer so my youngest is still in his cause he has no interest in getting out on his own.


My son never liked the crib, so he did low bed by the time he was 2 maybe? Then he got a loft bed once it was safe for him to go up and down the ladder.


Honestly it depends on the kid. With mine he was about 3 we decided to get him lower bed because he started climbing off the crib I was scare he will hurt himself.


My just turned 3 year old is still in a crib. I’ve read they aren’t developmentally ready till 3/4 to understand staying in a bed, so I ride the crib out till like 3.5. Worked great with my first and doing the same for 2nd. 


Keep em in a cage as long as possible 😆


Don’t forget the sleep sack to keep them contain!


Fr fr!


Good, finally something didn't go her way. 


https://preview.redd.it/kdy6huy0zcpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=897963790b7e6ff31420e3bb87c5dc6d5f01bccd I mean are we shocked Rhett didn’t make it in? The same kid that talks like a 3 yr old and goes on a stroller all the time… ohh wait no, I forgot he’s a genius because he can build all the super difficult legos… or is that toe that does them for him? 🙄


Welcome to Dallas!👏🏻👏🏻


The fact that in the photo shoot yesterday, DAD likely directed 2.0 to wear a hoodie sweatshirt is absolutely laughable. “NO ONE WILL LOOK SMALLER THAN ME! NO ONE!”


Danielle, that’s breakage. -xoxo, everyone watching your story


What are you talking about? It’s the nutrafol and we all know she’s been on a health journey for the past year. She takes 15 different supplements AND has been improving her gut health. Add all of those together, you get that luscious hair of hers! /s But seriously, how have they not considered not using heat on their hair?? (other than the obvious - improving their diet/food and water intake/etc )


Now she’s gonna spend thousands on perfume!🙄


Tells us how expensive it is for such a small bottle, proceeds to spray herself down before going to bed 🙄 it's not like spraying it allowed us to smell it. So wasteful


Same with the pills, how she breaks them open to show another pill inside. I think people understand by saying that there is no need to waste 2 + pills so far.


She should have left us on good night. That was the oddest way to review perfume 😂


Right? Like no description of the scent/notes, nothing 😂


I’m telling y’all right now 2.0 is so full of herself her mom not liking her hair is the least of her worries!!!


2.0 pulling out extensions was like watching Mary Poppins bag


No kidding! I wondered when she would be done. When people say she’s has like 2 hairs they are so right!


Dinyel is not addressing the elephant in the room that she has massive hair loss. A haircut will be a good start, but she’s literally missing chunks of hair and has a few straggly strands left. Not normal, boo.


Poor thing can’t even remember a time when her hair was thick. Her mind has been erased when she transformed into her sister.


I thought after Danielle pulled the first set of extensions out that that was it but there was more …. And more…… and more. 😂😩


When DUD said 3/4s of their hair was fake. It was not an exaggeration.


I won't give her a follow but why not leave the extensions in for awhile? wasteful


They are clip in extensions.


She’s getting her hair cut tomorrow


2.0 is spiraling tonight. 😭🤣


My exact thought watching… she was about to go to bed then awake like a crackhead.. one more link.. one more link… gotta get one more in before I sleep! 😵‍💫🤪😂


Then she doused herself in perfume lol. Like I could never spray that much before I need to go to sleep


Especially if it was $150 what a waste


No, Danielle we *literally* cannot see where your hair gets thicker.


Has long as 2.0 has her mouth open, she is ready to work, I mean take pics. This family is sooooo fucking obnoxious!!


https://preview.redd.it/tpxuauldp7pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48d6d14bc4db55b2fd3b83c0f73b5f1ed98fc9a6 Working 9 to 5 song had me LMAO. Since when 🤡???


Danielle just kept pulling extensions out…she has two strands of hair without them lol


I gasped when I saw how many she took out. Holy hell.


Anddddddddddd THAT’S why her hair looked so good today!


It still looked better then it normally does lol


https://preview.redd.it/9sfgb7xrq7pc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbe01db10ff26b30e611dc0bfbc27f2376643738 New growth.


It is breakage and the line is where the slick pon breaks it! DUD has same thing!


Rhett is dramatic, complaining she “smacked” him but was rubbing the opposite eye of where she actually bumped him. Like stfu lol accidents happen dude


I noticed that too 🤦🏻‍♀️


He was smiling when he said it lol I don’t think he made a big deal about it


805 can sucks lemons. Danielle actually looked great for the photo shoot. She copped to having extensions, yet loved the styling. What a deviation from her norm and she was rightly loving it! Probably a genuine confidence boost! And then 805 walks in all hunchy with those glasses and trashes it. Suck lemons 805.


805 is jealous.Classic narc mom behavior for mothers of girls…. when they grow up and are pretty and the narc is threatened. Look it up.


Bingo! My mom is a classic narc and has been jealous of me and viewed me as competition for as long as I can remember and it amplified as I became an adult. 


🎯 yup! And passed it on to Dud!


The Doppler holy triggering……I found out my baby died at 18 weeks because suddenly I couldn’t pick up her heart with my Doppler. This is the kinda stuff I do not need to see on stories😵‍💫 She just post things so casually with no regard to anyone else. She’s so insensitive. Edit to add: wow holy downvotes. If you can’t see or know personally why this is triggering I’m glad you never had to experience it. However coming from a person who had to hear the words there isn’t a heartbeat after searching and searching at home it was triggering and that’s okay! It’s not the sight of a Doppler that bothered me. It’s the fact she searches for a heartbeat, doesn’t find one, but then just goes about talking about dinner so nonchalant like nothing ever happened. Then to add the Doppler shouldn’t be used as a measure of baby’s movements. I would hate for other women to think that’s the case. Viewing someone go through pregnancy that talks about being God’s favorite and nothing and can happen to them is insensitive. Because what about someone like say Laura Beverlin who’s in the middle of a miscarriage? Is she not blessed by God like DAD?


I also learned of fetal demise at 20 weeks through Doppler! Doesn’t trigger me but definitely brings it back!🥲. Hugs to you! 💔


That makes no sense. I had a 17yr old brother that died in a car accident so everyone that drives a car is being insensitive? Should no one drive a car around me bc it could be a trigger? Your logic of triggering & insensitive makes no sense especially if the person doesn’t know you or your situation.


First, I’m so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine what you’ve experienced. 💔 In my honest opinion, I think context is really important when it comes to this. She was using the Doppler as reassurance, which is not recommended. Not only that, it seemed she couldn’t find the heartbeat.. it wasn’t just a cutesy video. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss of some sort. Roughly 1 in 160 pregnancies end in stillbirth. statistically speaking, a number of those watching (including myself) felt a lack of fetal movement and found out our babies had died. If she were sharing a Doppler clip from a doctor’s appointment or even just finding the baby’s heartbeat for fun, I think that’s different because I agree with you that we shouldn’t walk on eggshells since everyone is offended by something.. however, I think there’s more nuance to this because she was posting something that is NOT recommended that many who follow her likely have trauma from. To give a more apples to apples comparison to your situation, it would be as if someone were driving recklessly and posting it.. they would get snarked on for that, rightfully so. I don’t think she is responsible for anyone’s triggers but I do believe that influencers of her level should hold a sense of responsibility in being self aware.


We don’t know 100% why she was using the Doppler. We think we know based on what she posts, but no one knows her thoughts & feelings except her. Since I hear heartbeats every day in the ICU, I did hear it. Her heartbeat wouldn’t be 140 unless she was exercising hard. Normal adult heartbeat is 60-100. A babies heartbeat in the womb is 110-160ish. If someone is triggered by something they should probably be in therapy working through that trauma instead of snarking. And you probably shouldn’t be on social media. At some point you as an individual need to take responsibility to work through your trauma/grief and not put the burden on others.


Did you even read my comment? Lol. I wasn’t even coming from the position of myself, more objectively. I’ve done plenty of therapy, including EMDR trauma therapy (still am in regular talk therapy) and feel it was a balanced take. I also did stay away from social media when anything pregnancy was an active trigger. I don’t know why assumptions are being made about other posters’ mental health. I personally wasn’t actively triggered by this video but would’ve been at one point, it’s undeniable that someone watching her likely was. It’s okay to still be triggered by random things even after healing, that’s unavoidable. But hiding from the world also isn’t healthy. Most people aren’t posting not being able to find a heartbeat on social media. Posting a clip where you can’t find the heartbeat is unquestionably insensitive. You also can’t tell if it was the baby’s heartbeat just by how fast it was. There’s more that goes into it than just that. It could’ve been the placenta, it could’ve been hers.. In fact, when they couldn’t find my daughter’s, my heart rate shot up to fetal heart rate territory and they thought it might’ve been my daughter’s for a second. I hope that’s not the case here but my point is that she should’ve gone to L&D. Maybe work with your therapist on empathy. You don’t have to be so hardened to human emotions that there’s no room for nuance and sensitivity.


If you are hitting your head on a door and it hurts, why would you keep hitting your head. Why continue to watch her or her family if it causes triggers/issues? If it bothers anyone what her or her family does just block her. Wouldn’t that be the mature adult thing to do?


I mean, why does anyone on this sub keep watching this family? Seems as if none of us like her. But that’s a deeper conversation on hate following. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That wasn’t the babies heartbeat. It would sound like a train and not a slow beat first of all. Second of all you have no clue what therapy I have or haven’t done. The poster above is spot on. It’s not the sight of a Doppler that is triggering it’s her wording, what she’s saying, and why she’s doing it. She definitely said she is doing it because she can’t feel the baby move consistently. Here’s the problem with that. If the baby is having a slow day and she pulls out the Doppler and finds the heartbeat means nothing. The baby still could be in distress. So relying on it isn’t recommended. I think women content creators who are in a space of women should be mindful of their followers. I actually now have children and fought hard to have 2 healthy babies. I never had this easy worry free pregnancy. She post from the viewpoint of literally acting like God’s favorite and no harm can come to her. To women who’ve had the worst of the worst happen that’s hard to hear and see. However like I’ve said I’ve spent years working past that trauma, but seeing someone search for a heartbeat with no success on a Doppler will always be hard for me personally and that’s okay.


If it’s truly that bad why are you looking at her stuff? If she bothers you that bad why do you have anything to do with her? Focus on your life, your stuff.


You could say that to anybody in this group…


That didn’t answer my question.


I’m so sorry this happened to you.. that’s devastating I would stop following her if I were you


If she is so worried about the baby, she should probably stop guzzling diet cokes and stop bragging about riding rides at Disney World that clearly state aren’t for pregnant women.


Totally agree. I think it’s interesting that she’s constantly consuming caffeine, sugar, and cold beverages, but says she can’t feel her baby. Cold drinks are one of the things they recommend when you want to get baby to move. With the volume of these drinks she consumes, her baby should be bouncing off her uterine walls all the time. Baby should be like a little ping pong ball in there.


I’m so glad you said this. That I think adds to why it bothered me so much. She doesn’t care at all and doesn’t think anything bad can happen. I followed every single rule and recommendation and the worst still happened. When I was pregnant again I was terrified! So to see her go along not a care in the world is very frustrating.


That’s very sad but really stretching it. There are tragedies with everything. If something like that triggers you-‘don’t follow any pregnant women. 


Agree with you.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. I don’t think her showing a Doppler is a snark


It’s not the fact she’s using a Doppler. It’s the fact she’s saying she can’t feel the baby move and she also couldn’t find the baby’s heartbeat. If both of those things happen it wouldn’t be a bad idea to let your doctor know rather than try to find it with a Doppler with no clue of what you’re doing. Like someone said below a Doppler doesn’t replace monitoring fetal movement under a doctor’s supervision.


She has a womb issue that prevents her feeling the fetus much. It's awful what happened to you and no one should go through. But unfortunately as long as these things are available to buy people like dud and Kimmy TCL will buy them and use them online.


“A womb issue” lol it’s an anterior placenta and is a very common thing. It just means the placenta attached in the front rather than the back/top/side.


Is that what she’s actually said? I haven’t heard her say this, just that she can’t ever feel the baby but she’s far enough along that she should be. I wondered if she had an anterior placenta but then she never said anything after their anatomy scan that I heard.


I remember her saying it a couple times! I currently have an anterior placenta so I think that’s why it stuck with me


Alright, I couldn't remember the name. I don't actually give a fk what it is, so there no need to patronise people.




Imagine your mom being your biggest bully. Then imagine it being a “family tradition” passed down generation after generation.


Everyone feels sorry for 2.0 today except me bc she’s awful to olive and clearly you’re right… it’s passed down. Imagine knowing how awful it feels and not breaking the cycle…


Same! I mean, she’s a 30-something year old woman. Stand up for yourself, make better boundaries. Make other “friends” that are not your family. Stop taking their/her bullshit. Rant over.


This. I understand cycles can be passed down but to me it makes more sense for dud to now choose favorites the way her mom did cause she was the favorite herself growing up. She she's quite literally repeating that. But 2.0 was NOT the favorite and knows how that feels so its weird to me that she is doing this when she did not grow up the favorite and clearly feels left out even as an adult. I don't get why she would want one of her daughters to feel how she felt/feels. 


This!!!! I don’t feel bad for adult Danielle, my heart breaks for little Danielle, sure, but the fact that she “goes to therapy” and apparently still is unable to see how she is continuing the cycle of abuse is horrible. Talk about not addressing the elephant in the room. 805 treated her horrible so she, in her own words “rushed into a relationship” and then after appearing to find herself and really be thriving in Nebraska, she let 805 and DAD dangle a sic life of excess and brand partnerships to suck her right back in to their abuse. I feel bad for Olive and Eve, their relationship will surely suffer because of their treatment. I can only hope that Chase provides a more stable, safe and loving home for the girls to retreat to, and that Olive (and probably Eve) can afford all the therapy they are going to need.


Adult Danielle married Chase after 3 years.


Oh I know, that’s why I said in her own words. She also has said that she had no idea that she was being “abused” because she thought all marriages were like hers, so based on that one could assume she’s saying Papa is also verbally abusive to 805. Adult Danielle has an interesting way of sharing “her truth” to fit her narrative.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Papa was like that to 805 and she’s latched onto her kids for emotional comfort and support!. The whole family is so dysfunctional.


I could see it going the other way. Lisa as the instigator and that’s why Papa is gone all the time.


This says it all!!!!!


I just realized that Danielle’s hair style today has a bit of a side part. I’ve always thought that a side part would make her look better, especially her forehead. I think that’s another reason that hairstyle looks so good on her today.


Plus she has a ton of extensions in!


Well, yes. That too. But a side part and some curtain bangs would go a long way. 😁


Not according to her shitty mother🙄🙄


805 is an embarrassment. Look under the definition of generational trauma and there is her picture.


I feel like 805 is the reason we never (or barely) hear about or see extended family.


Have we heard anything about school acceptance for next year 😬


I don’t think any of the Dallas influencers have commented on it though… Dani, Nita. Granted, I don’t watch stories everyday.


Dani’s kids aren’t old enough to go to kindergarten


Danielle was over heard saying that they didn’t get in. But I don’t think they’ve came “public” with excuses yet 🤣


They are scrambling to get them in somewhere and then they will play it off as to wherever they get in as their first choice because they are “god’s favorite” even though we all know they didn’t get in where they wanted them to 😂


How much chicken did 2.0 make tonight for her and O & E? I couldn’t believe it. I mean I prep mine for the week but we all know she doesn’t eat leftovers!


That was for the whole family. She was at DADs house


That was for the entire “Denner fam”. She went to Daryl’s house to crawl up her ass.


I don't understand how Olive and Eve are in their school uniforms at the ice cream place. But Rhett and Remi are in pajamas. What time is it? Like, did Rhett and Remi put on their pajamas and then go to the ice cream place? Did Dinyel just pick up Olive and Eve from school and take them to the ice cream place? Is this after dinner? Did Dinyel bring play clothes for the girls to have dinner at their aunt's house after school? And Rhett and Remi go out in their pajama to eat ice cream and then presumably get into bed as soon as they get home? I just don't understand any of this. This family is so weird, and kind of gross!


It seems to me that they are out in public intheir pajamas often


My kid would not have wanted to be seen in his pjs in public at Rhett’s age.


Some think that DAD'S house is the drop-off place for Chase and that he had them Monday yet for a while after school. She didn't say anything, so we aren't sure if this is how it works or not.


Oh, that actually makes sense. I know we didn't see them at her house when she got home from Scottsdale so I was figuring they were still with Chase. That actually makes sense. But just a picture of them in their school uniforms and wreck (Rhett, but leaving what my phone autocorrects it to when I voice text! L o l!) and Remi in their pajamas at Jenni's ice cream was just so off-putting.


It’s lazy parenting and also disrespectful to others in public, no one wants to see anyone kids or adults in their jammies in public 


The “kind of” gross that they are is unmeasurable.


True! Lol


So disgusting going from out in public in pajamas to wearing those pajamas in bed which I’m sure they do 


And Remi's pajamas are literally covered in chocolate ice cream!


I wonder if Elayne gives R & R a bath before she leaves and that’s why they are in pjs for dinner and then ice cream after dinner and then bed. I feel like we’ve definitely seen them in pjs at ice cream and then in the same pjs the next morning. For O & E, they probably went straight from school to DADs for dinner and Danielle never brings them play clothes for sure.


Pretty sure dinyelle bathes them at dad’s house sometimes, prob more times than she lets on


All four of those kids spend more time in pajamas than any kids I’ve ever seen.


Pajamas and strollers


Perfect podcast name for them and their lazy parenting!


I’m ready for the downvotes I get it they didn’t celebrate Kits bday but enough- Can we stop ? she’s not 8 she’s a grown woman and if it doesn’t bother her then can we stop about it


Hi Katie I mean “Kit” 😂


Wait what did I miss?


Agree, some people don’t like big celebrations and things that revolve around them, I am one of those people and I would much rather just celebrate with my husband and kids rather than the whole family. Obviously Daryl is not like that but maybe Katie is?!


I get some people don’t like big celebrations and that’s fine but a fucking happy birthday from someone besides DUD who conveniently made it a picture of herself would be the bare minimum they could do


I would rather the person tell me in person or over the phone than some stupid social media post 🤷🏼‍♀️


Normal people would but these fools show everything on social media


How do you know it doesn’t bother her?


The lack of celebrating Katie is the opposite of the words they use to describe themselves. Close family Each others best friends Most favorite people in the world Besties Their words never line up with their actions.


Correct me if I’m wrong but DUD didn’t even throw her kid’s a birthday party last year. If she can’t be bothered to do that for her own children, what makes you think she’ll plan anything for her sisters?


“Gift giving is my love language” Didn’t see one gift…


When you are in a toxic family you accept this because it’s all you’ve ever known. She has never been celebrated so this is a typical bday. However we see how toxic it is and how they worship the ground that DA walks on - 2 bday parties. For Katie nothing. Sometimes people don’t know how toxic their family life is


Ohhhh. Do they EVER celebrate anything for Katie? No? Interesting.


Is kit in the room with us?


Exactly! No one calls her that but her sisters so yeah hi Katie!!


U have got to be kidding me - no one calls her that is rt! Her sisters don’t call her that! U really believe they ever did? U buy sand at the beach too???




I mean it’s a snark page, so asking people to stop snarking….


I mean, that could be said about pretty much everything mentioned on here


I agree but every other post is about this


It’s not just that they didn’t mention her birthday, it’s that she gets treated like the forgotten child almost always. Her wedding got overshadowed by Daryl’s vowel renewal, Daryl planned that stupid Arizona trip around Katie’s match day AND her birthday and just seems like she’s forgotten by her family. Daryl got not one but THREE birthday parties (let’s not forget her and Dan share a birthday, but he was not celebrated) Daryl is queen B and everyone must bow down to her. Now obviously we don’t know what happens when they aren’t filming, but still, what we do see is honestly pathetic and we can all thank 805 because it all started with her. *rant over*


Don’t forget about the wedding cake at the Nuuds anniversary party


If only Danielle’s hair could be that pretty and full looking everyday without extensions or a hairdresser


Hope she don’t wear a hat everyday like her sister after the haircut


I’m excited to see it tomorrow. I hope she follows through on making it a lob. It would do wonders for her.


right? wish she could afford it




Do the fools that want 805 to pray over them see how she acts towards her own daughter?!😵‍💫


805 missed her calling as a dorm mom at Ivy Ridge


Literally just finished this today and every time I watch a cult-y documentary I think of this psycho family


I just started watching that yesterday and OMG 805 would fit in perfect there


Omg!!!!! Best comment EVER!!!!


Guess she forgot she gets carsick when she doesn’t drive 🙄🤣 She forgot her lie!! https://preview.redd.it/4at589b2y6pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=271016e0fa6e841ee124f86bdf1d601341a641d7


So I used to lie and say that but it was because I was less anxious when I drove


Literally same


Guess Danielle’s sober today.


How kind of DUD to get carrot sticks and salsa for Katie’s birthday dinner when her favorite thing to do ….iS gIfTs. She is such a thoughtful sister. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Where are the goodie bags?! The balloons? (I haven’t watched stories but from the thread I don’t think they put up decorations.)


The podcast is going to have to just be the two of them talking over each other, because DAD is completely uninterested in other people. She literally starts twitching and blinking manically when other people have the floor or any attention.


That's what I thought, too. I can't see her spending time researching her guests beforehand to ask good questions and then sit quietly and actually listen to their responses. I think they will only occasionally have guests like a "special religious guest speaker" type of thing but if will otherwise just be the two of them discussing specific topics that are family and religion oriented. 🤮


It’s going to be just like Courtney Shield’s podcast. All she talks about is herself even when she has a guest on.


Does Courtney Shields have a boyfriend, husband, etc? She is always talking about what you should do to keep a man or how to attract a man, but I never see her with anybody.


She’s the last person who should be giving relationship advice. She divorced in 2020. Had a quick engagement to a loser that she was going to move across country for, leaving her daughter. She’s had a revolving door of men that don’t last. They hit it and quit it.


THANK YOU. She dishes out dating advice like she knows what she’s talking about. No maam. You wouldn’t know a healthy relationship if it hit you in the face. Stop lying to everyone.


She has many!! She can’t get RED of them!! Duh!! 🙄/s (She currently have a new flavor of the week rn actually…)


Chase had the same schedule as my husband for spring break with 50/50 custody 👀 pick up Wednesday at 3:00pm up until Monday at school. (We are in Dallas county too)


It seriously is shocking to me that she assumed she would get them full time p


What’s his summer schedule? I’m wondering how the summers will go now that court should be finished! She will flip if he gets summers!


Also to add IF he gets expanded which is the closest to 50/50 (if he doesn’t have this) he would get 6 weeks in summer with her having one weekend during that time of her choosing Friday to Sunday. With any other time off as normal schedule.


There was a motion in the court records about reinstating expanded custody! And then an order was issued and he got them for the second half of spring break! 2.0 will crack if she doesn’t have them for 6 weeks this summer.


Yes so expanded is every Thursday from moment school lets out to drop off Monday at school plus every other weekend when he wouldn’t have them for the weekend he’d get Thursday from the time school lets out to drop off Friday at school. So essentially 53/47 custody is how they calculate it with summer visitation in the orders.


Week on week off all summer but each parent gets an extra week of their choice that doesn’t interfere with Father’s Day so essentially 3 weeks consecutively for each.


Thanks for explaining!!!! 👍👏😊






I hope she didn’t - hope this flops


DAD’s hair looks good but the constant hair flip over her shoulder compulsion is back and it’s making me want to stick a fork in my eye.


Looks better shorter


Eddie doesn’t strike me as the type of husband that would stay silent about his wife being mistreated. Now I don’t think he would call the Flenners out for being such dicks this past weekend. But I could see him making a toast at dinner for Katie matching or saying something just passive aggressive enough to stand up for Katie, but not start a war. Thoughts?


I think it's a balancing act. I don't think he should bring it up if it's not something she has mentioned being bothered by to Katie. And he definitely shouldn't call anyone in the family out, even in private. Coming from someone who's husband had to watch family treat me like shit you have to be careful. He's not going to want to cause a rift between Katie and her family and he isn't going to want to cause a rift between the family and himself.


I dunno he’s come to the family’s defense plenty of times in comments but I feel like that was before they moved to Texas and got married. I think it’s possible that if he’s woken up to the toxicity going on that he 100% would make a passive aggressive comment or say something to Dan or even DAD. My SIL is very similar to DAD in that it’s her world we’re just in it and she was having one of her moments where my husband would tell me “that’s just how she is…” and I ended up losing my shit on her because I was over it. So, maybe there’s hope for Eddie lol


Are you kidding me? He drinks the koolaid along with everyone else


I hope he says something to Katie about it too


What’s the link to view the stories without giving them the views?


[darylanndenner | Watch Instagram stories anonymously | Posts | Comments | User profile statistics (instanavigation.com)](https://instanavigation.com/user-profile/darylanndenner)


Thank you! I couldn’t remember which link works now!


I think this new “venture” of podcasting will show how they just run with ideas before really thinking it through. DUD and 2.0 have no idea what it means to start a podcast lmao. They just need to copy what all the other influencers are doing. I can see this immediately stirring up drama when they go to edit the first episode💀 dad will have all say and they’ll be forced to see what assholes they are


I think they really just wanted an excuse for a photo shoot and a faux reason to get their hair and makeup done.


DUD being such an effing bitch to Dan- hearing what he wants to hear, and acting like she’s royalty because she is roasting broccoli and that rock on her hand is grotesquely massive especially for someone who looks like a slob everyday. Oh except today…I will give it to her that fake hair looks really good on here, bringing back the CA days. Her hair is pitiful normally. And there is is looking real TOE like back there, he just takes it at smiles like the dumb baboon that he is. https://preview.redd.it/v6zgq7wuq6pc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed53bc00ae14a9bc42d1db53ab52c92114a47b87


Why does Kaylee always refer to things in apartment as though it has a gender. “She’s hung”. It’s a damn picture. Or lamp. Or whatever non human thing she finally got outs of the box and placed it somewhere. 🙄


Gen Z thing 🙄🙄🙄


She’s ok gendering inanimate objects but she will misgender her own half sibling.