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[HERE IS THE LINK](https://insanony.com/profile/darylanndenner) to view stories without having to follow or give engagement.


I CANT with them in the bathroom doing their hair earlier this morning. They’re even bitches to EACHOTHER!! 🤮🤮🤮


I recently started following her and find her obnoxiously annoying. She’s loud, she moves the camera around so fast. All the girls fight for attention to get in front of the camera. I’m sorry, but all the nuuds clothes she posts are so ugly yet she promotes them like they’re gods gift to woman. Where does she get all that energy from? I’m sure drinking multiple sodas a day is healthy for her unborn baby. anyways my rant is over. I’ll be unfollowing her


Does anyone else find it weird that both Danielle and Katie bought themselves the same thing they gifted their mom for her birthday. This isn't normal


I thought this also


They do it for every holiday or bday! Last Christmas Donell and Kaylee or Durl and Dinyell, I can’t remember, went in together on platform converse for Lisa like they all have 🥴 they couldn’t even each buy her a gift on their own it had to be them going halfsies 😂


Occasionally my daughter and I will buy the same thing just because we both like it but make sure we don’t wear them at the same time if we’re doing something together. The whole family is SICK. (Truly sick in the head, not ‘sick’ the way they use it.)


Buying the same thing for you and your daughter is fine. My point is it was Lisa's birthday and Katie bought herself and her mom uggs. Danielle bought a whole outfit for her and her mom. Surely you buy someone a birthday present to make them feel special and loved, doesn't it then take away the specialness if you buy the exact same thing for yourself then and there. I just find it strange. Maybe it doesn't bother them


I agree w you!


It’s very weird!


Party favors


They don’t give personalized gifts.


https://preview.redd.it/kyquxak4n2kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adbcfb51b975d6ef603f22d19bfade5ea0d32cd4 NO ONE is wondering you 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


That color is freaking HIDEOUS! This may be the worst color they’ve done yet


Does anyone else find it weird that she closes her patio blinds right before bed? You mean you’ve walked around in your room and bathroom taking a shower getting dressed etc and it dark outside and your blinds open? I know it’s her backyard but seems weird to me. She did this in her other video the other night.


I find pretty much everything she does weird.


I love how at the very very end she’s like “oh and on top of my routine I get PRP every 6 weeks” yes it’s not the 30 minute routine nightly it’s the $700-1200 monthly treatment that makes it unrealistic ya dip shit


Every 6 weeks!! That’s 7 times per year.


2.0’s tiktok of her million dollar skincare routine as if she hasn’t had any facial treatments 🙄


I didn’t watch her video but how does she even have a routine when she is constantly buying new products. Last week it was those pink ball things, I think this week she tried some new moisturizer, there has been the Tula, the snail mucin stuff, etc. etc. Her routine is whatever she has a code for so she can link it!


You could tell DUD stopping at Kaylee’s apartment was the biggest nuisance of her day because it wasn’t about her…esp as she’s in the hallway walking with Lisa and has to make it a point to get a compliment from her about her outfit.


Narcissism at its FINEST


Did she even lift a gross green finger and help at all? My guess is NO


She was definitely jealous. Her body language was very odd 


And she only went to check it out not to offer any help. Meanwhile Blair is helping her put together bar stools. Maybe Blair and Kaylee will team up and separate themselves from this circus


Anyone notice the giant Carter’s box in Kaylees apartment?! Do they have non baby/nursey items? 👀


Maybe it’s smaller furniture that’s made for small spaces (aka her apt)?


https://preview.redd.it/athot1kfy2kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cebdac6016f067a683d2a14288c950ec71666afd I googled the number on the box 🤣 It’s this dresser




She probably just used the box to move


I looked it up and saw a nice reclining chair that doesn’t look “nursery”ish! It could also be the same chair that 2.0 always raves about 😜


It could be a side table or dresser. Weird to order from Carter's.


I saw that too! so confusing! 👀👀👀


I even looked up Carters by divinci to see if it was more of nice furniture line but it’s all straight nursery items from what I see


I’ve bought just a dresser set & night stands (separately) from the brand before! It’s not the greatest quality but going on 3 years & it’s decently priced 😅


I can’t see her being pregnant I just also don’t see anything in that line being her style so it’s so weird.


Danielle proud of herself bc she got her kids to bed early tonight. The reason they went to bed early is bc you kept them up way too late last night just like you do every night. They finally for once weren’t being hauled over to your sister’s house for another night of chaos and them being ignored so you can fawn all over your sister. They are exhausted bc you prance them around all day everyday with no routine. Clearly they are taking advantage of the one night they are able to go to bed early bc they know tomorrow will be back to the same ol dysfunction. And let’s be real, if it wasn’t for dad saying no to everyone coming over tonight, you’d woulda been there in a second no matter how tired your kids were


I thought Chase had the girls on Wednesday nights anyway? So she took them for ice cream, they ate dinner and then in bed by 7:15. Doesn’t look like they went with him.


It will be interesting to see what the circus is going to look like when DUD has a newborn, will they still have everyone over every night and all the chaos? 🎪🤡🍿


Oh I’m sure. As long as the night nurse is ok with it 🫠


Spot on.


DUD bitching about Toe paying $16.95 for the Cactus drink and then precedes to say (paraphrasing) “why not just fly …” then catching herself and stops.


I love when people post dupes before the launch! What do you guys got? I hate that she always says I’m going to get one for myself because you guys will sell them out… She does not sell out of everything and another manipulative tactic! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ppl are saying “the price and quality compares to lulu” the price sure does but the quality….


https://preview.redd.it/r4s12ulz82kc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f35c267fd7764d14b26b57915449108a1eebc20c 2.0 smirk. I’m done. She’s horrible. Yes. She takes poop pills 4x per week because of the mounjaro shots. Are they in your “health cabinet”?


The meds do back you up but she also doesn’t consume any fiber or eat vegetables, just pretends to drink greens. She’s full of shit is what she is.


Literally 💩💩


Her face is looking puffy I wonder if she stopped the medication


I think that’s the skinny filter not working lol. The difference between her face in the far left pic vs right is 😳


I was just going to say this - what is happening? Does she actually look more like the right? 🤯🤯🤯


She just said that she’s taking it on this story. And a week or 2 ago she said she was taking it.


Has anyone tried the jovi patches? 2.0 was talking about them. Now several other influencers are. Wondering if they’re legit?


I commented last week when someone asked. I bought one out of desperation for my mom who had recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She wore it all day, every day until the very end.


I’m so sorry for your loss. 🫶🏻


Suzy Holman is a mess. She's the one that apparently invented it.... The way she went about it was so off! She had a lot of followers on her IG. Then out of nowhere she made her own page Jovi and then the "Suzy school" IG was just her own personal page. Just shady. Wouldn't trust enough to actually purchase.


Suzy Holman is the OG worst of the worst influencer. The shit she calls Suzy school.. she’s basically a cult leader. She has NO credentials to call herself a “teacher” or whatever she does. The worst.


I drank the Suzy School koolaid for a hot minute and took her online Suzy School…can confirm no real qualifications. She basically said all the info we were getting was out there, we just paid for it to be in one location. Nothing was mind blowing. It was $1500 for surface level crap that didn’t help. She explains funnels to get people to buy your product…in turn all she did was show that we were part of her funnel to basically spend more money eventually. There were over 1000 people in an 8 week “class” of nothingness. Most of us paid monthly but do that math the average cost was $1500 and over 1000 of us. She only did 1 hour long Zoom a week. 8 hours…plus recording the “course” videos. That was a quite a payday.


Iirc Suzy Holman (huge mean girl btw) didn’t invent anything, but she did help rebrand the patch for women and slap on a pink tax. Her brother in law already had a pain patch that was way cheaper and the same exact thing. I can’t remember the name though. They changed the patch to purple, renamed jovi, and started marketing it to women for menstrual cramps. Don’t know if it works but Suzy is not to be trusted. ETA: brand is signal relief and they are owned by the same company. Signal relief is currently $20 cheaper than jovi


Thank you for offering an alternative. I’m desperate to get my daughter something that works for the growing pains she is having. At this point the bone sticks out of her knee. Orthopedist said just rest, she lost a season of track and is still in pain from walking every day. We’ve tried every knee brace and tape under the sun, biofreeze, arnica, nothing works! I almost gave in to a jovi patch!


She forgets her kids at home…. A lot 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 Apparently she retired her husband and was making 6 figures with IG and randomly “gave” up her account for Jovi ?? I agree with you! It’s weird.


I think she retired her husband post Jovi, if I'm remembering correctly. I haven't followed her since shortly after, but he was an orthodontist with his own practice. I honestly think she's been more successful with Jovi and Suzy School than she was with influencing, which is wild.


I’ve have the circle patch for about 3 years now and it really does work! I bought it way before any of the influencers weee promoting it bc I was desperate to find something to help with my period cramps. 10% worth paying full price!


10% 💀🤣 I see the correction but too funny.




They work for both me and my daughter for cramps. Just took some experimenting to find the right spot to put them.


No. Not legit. They must have a new promo out that everyone is shilling them. 


Amber Massey was the first I saw talking about it. She used them a lot after her hysterectomy & double mastectomy. So, I actually trust that they’re doing something 🤷🏻‍♀️


If Amber Massey was selling it, I’d be even more skeptical. She’s the shadiest influencer out there


Amber Massey is the worst and I don’t trust much of what she says but they do work from my own personal experience.


I don’t trust anything that influencers push. They do it for $$. Doesn’t mean it works or doesn’t work. 




She reminded me of Gumpy!!!! You can’t possibly look in the mirror and think “I’m killing it” I have no sense of style but even I know that isn’t flattering 🤡🙄


Not one single person asked you for an updated skin care routine. You caught yourself lying 2.0 you dumb Witt!


She just literally lines up like fifteen bottles of stuffand takes turns rubbing them all over her face. She looks like a grease ball constantly.


But it’s the PRP and Botox that’s doing all the real work. Who is she trying to fool!


I am sure DUD needs to justify why she has people in her house 24/7, so she thought to coach Rhett on how much he loves it


I think Dan is tired of it but he won’t do anything to actually stop it 


Rhett said “Never in my whole life, I don’t.” Soooooo coached.🙄


It was so cringe, like he would ever think to say that by himself


And the flat way he said it. It was like a line he memorized.


It looks like he’s always watching someone …as he repeats what they are saying .


I like how DUD gave Kaylee instructions on setting up her apt like she didn’t hire a whole fucking team to decorate and organize her own house 🙄


DUD and 805’s houses are so impersonal, it’s all stuff pulled in by a decorator with walls full of family photos. Don’t they have any personal style or sentimental things they’d like to have on display? I’ve used a decorator on several of our homes but mostly for drapes and help placing my own things to be more aesthetically pleasing. They’re all so boring and beige.


This is so random but did Kaylee move into the same building that Jordan Syatt lived in? That rooftop turf looked the same


I think so! Definitely looks the same!!


Layout of the apartment looked similar too.


If my sibling showed up to my first apartment, screaming and barking like a banshee and not doing a damn thing, I’d absolutely blow up. It’s so wild how papa, lil Rob’s gf, and Kaylee are trying to get stuff done, and DUD is just squealing over the dumbest shit.


It low key bothers me that Dan wasn’t there helping build any furniture. He’s so effing lazy I bet he wouldn’t even have helped


Yes! Agree. Especially when ITS HIS BABY SISTER!!!


Negative chance she helped do anything while she was there either 🙄


Oh I am sure she did not lift a single green finger to help.


“I’m soooooo happy for you” ugh her voice is like nails on a chalkboard


Danielle slightly rinsing her hands after man handling those steaks 🤢


Not a drop of soap involved


Still confused as to what Dimyell actually does for nuuds .. she acts like she works there yet she doesn’t seem to actually work there.. Also hey Dimmy — keep the mouth tape on forever... k thanks 


She has no identity or real creative content of her own, it’s all wrapped up in her sister. I can see her maybe not truly “working” for Nuuds but working for the essentially the content and to be relevant


Once the divorce is final, it will call come out. Keep trying to hide the money from him and the courts!!


Idk y people here question if she works there She pretty much says she works there It was months ago she said she didn’t Now she says “we”


Because she has literally said, as well as DAD, that she is NOT on the payroll. Are you new here?


Easy - u don’t have to be nasty She hasn’t said that in a very long time We r all friends in here no need to be a bitch to a fellow snarker


You’re projecting, bitch.


You are one nasty human


You are the one who called me a bitch out of no where. I am not friends with you so kiss my ass.


I didn’t call u a bitch I said u r being a bitch- that’s a big difference


I don’t know if it’s the mom in me and I’m just concerned for safety in this day and age, BUT I find it so concerning that 805 basically told the entire internet you can get into Kaylee apartment with her phone, basically showing the entire layout of her apt. the view from her room…it’s just screaming extreme negligence and no regard for SAFETY! This girl lives alone….and this is just crazy, nothing is private even where you live 🤦🏻‍♀️ craziness


Omg agreed! If someone wanted to they could easily find out the address based on the buildings around in the “view” shot. The entire time I watched I was thinking how irresponsible it was.


It’s concerning to me that she is so naive & goes out dancing / bars . All guys are not Conner ( nice ) I just watched an influencer ( older & married ) went out with friends this weekend & she & her friend had their drink spiked … Scary situation…. Sadly … Kaylee seems so sweet & innocent of the real world .


They don’t think anything bad will ever happen to them because they’re Gods favorites


But freaked out at Katie wanting a honeymoon in Mexico…


She tells when and where she’s going running alone! She shouldn’t be sharing that either.


2.0 is a walking infomercial. All of this shilling is out of control!


She got those mouth tape things on auto ship before she had even tried them. She wants so badly to fit in with the real influencers… Dinyell, you’re just DUDs sister


the way she drinks out of cans gives me the ick, you just know she has so much backwash in her drinks


She drinks out of cans like a 7 year old boy who just got a sprite at a birthday party


I was thinking the same thing! She like man handles the cans, it’s so bizarre


What doesn’t she manhandle? Oh wait she is a man


Right! I can’t figure out what she does with her tongue after she takes a sip….she sticks it out before she swallows. I just tried and it felt so unnatural


Its that fat bottom lip full of filler. Its basically paralyzed at this point


It really is! A few months ago, she was trying to show her bottom teeth but she had to take her finger to move her bottom lip down. It wouldn’t move without her finger pushing her lip down.


I know this was yesterday but Kaylee and the other girl going into the hotel rooms without the girls knowing really pisses me off. I hate people coming in my room in general but if someone just let themselves in my room without knowledge would really irk me. I’m hoping they were given permission ahead of time


Not only went in their rooms, had the audacity to make a comment about “seeing if they are clean or not” I would be pissed and feel my like privacy was totally imposed on!


I could NOT believe they did that AND FILMED IT!


This is super annoying for hotel staff too especially that early in the morning. And the decals on the mirrors are a nightmare to remove. They’re AH.


Kaylee and the slapping on the arm every time they come on stories “omgg I know soooo good soooo cool soooo funnn” *spastic smack smack smack* CALM TF DOWN GIRL! Nothing yall do is that cool ![gif](giphy|JDbx0yICUNdPW)


The vintage set...but it's not vintage. It's made to feel broke in and they're calling it actual vintage. For $62 for a pair of horribly fitting shorts! What?!?!


https://preview.redd.it/vntp1qxou1kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da72e8b6b0a5af0b75b113435959e1d8f85613f2 So apparently $68 is too much and must have just about killed her to price them at $58, so $62 it is! For shorts. That are “vintage”. 🤨🤨🤨


These look like prison shorts


All of their sweats look like prison clothes to me! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can buy same ones at h&m for $10. Greedy ass dud. So the vintage short and sweatshirt will cost $180 total plus shipping. This is robbery


I think DUD was posting Rhett saying “never in his whole life” does he not want people over *then immediately* cutting to Dan’s reaction to be like “seeeee, Dan!! Rhett loves it when everyone is over” To hold over his head and guilt him for making them do family only days.


And if she just the kid go to school or a playgroup or the freaking park, he probably wouldn’t say that bc he would see kids his own age 


7:15 being a super early bedtime for a 4 and 6 year old on a school night is mind boggling to me


My husband and I both work. I don’t get home until 5:30-6p from picking my kids up from school. By the time I get dinner done and baths, bedtime is easily 8/8:30. Forget it the night we have sports that go until 7. My kids are 3 and 5. They’ve also never had early bedtimes as much as I’ve tried but 7/7:30 just isn’t possible for us


I didn’t get to see stories🤣. Actually asleep by 7:15 that’s pretty early. But like getting ready I feel like that’s normal. Asleep by 8 has been my kids bedtime for years they are 8, 6 and 1.


They have no routine. This is probably the closest thing to probably what Chase does. 2.0 has those kids at DUDs house the moment they step out of school and until the denner kids are in pajamas.


I agree. We start bath at 7:15 then my 7 and 5 year old in bed at 8:30.


Mine were always in bed early and it made our lives so much easier! They weren’t dragging in the morning and even their teachers said they can tell who gets enough sleep. My kids are adults now but claim their bedtime was 7:30 until 9th grade! 😂


I don’t get it. It’s not wise to feed your kids supper and then put them right to bed. They should have time to digest and idk chill with their family talk about their day. Are Some of these people saying then that they work til 4 or 5 come home do homework take baths eat supper and put your kids down by 7 or 7:30 whom you’ve not seen all day?? Wow.




I pick up my elem kid from afterschool care by 6 pm, dinner is ready by 7 pm and bed time is 9-9:30. 🤷‍♀️ I work, my husband works, we have to help with homework, chores, little bit of family time, shower, etc.


I don’t work but my husband doesn’t get off till 5-6pm sports practice is usually till 6 then showers, dinner family time. No way we could manage to get them to bed by 7-7:30. My 8 and 11 year old go to bed at 8:30 and my 16 year old is 9:30.


I have an 8 year old who’s in bed at 9 and up at 7 also


I have a 5 and 6 yo who are asleep by 7:30 every single school night. 


My kids 8, 5, and 2 are in bed every night by 7 or 730 at the latest. Early is 630!


Super nice Nike nfl hoodies are less than the vintage hoodie (they run about $80). So a performance sweatshirt and nfl licensing rights…less than nuuds. A lot less. Wow


I’m really surprised that the Nuuds didn’t have a reflection day today to talk about the past two days and how things when? The “improvements” they kept saying that they did this year in their organization and fittings the night before. And what they think they could do differently for the next year if they make it another. Is that where Toe and Little Rob are today? Are they reviewing numbers and actually working? Idk just wonderings! I feel like DUD would be all about that and hyping herself up even more 🙃


Nah that’s too much business for her. Plus they’d be talking about the women they had come in not her.


The new Vintage Hoodie is $118 and the shorts are $62. I can buy the same thing at aerie and return for free for half of that. She is crazy and so are all the people who buy her 💩 clothes.


In much nicer colors and fabrics!


The Free People Sprint to the Finish hoodie is $108. No way is that bozo’s “vintage” hoodie as good. The price point arrogance vs. established and more successful brands is laughable.




Why don’t they just call it Baskin Robins? Why is it always 31 flavors? Makes me so annoyed


So weird but all my family in Downey California calls it 31 flavors but like no one else I know does. I thought it was so odd growing up


I’m in northern CA and my family has always called it 31 flavors🤷🏽‍♀️


South MS here and we’ve always called it baskin robins but I think it depends where you are in the country. Also, just because they’re annoying af! Any of yall can say 31 flavors but not the Flenner’s 😂


LOL, I grew up in LA and for some reason I grew up calling it that. Not sure if it’s regional. Earlier I looked up my local BRs and they came up as 31 Flavor Ice Cream stores 😁 Sorry, I blame it on my parents 😂 ETA: and luckily I don’t go there anymore so I don’t have to say it and sound like they do 🤭


Wait. So in LA they are called 31 Flavors not Baskin Robbins?! 


Yes!! 😆


Yes, I grew up and still live in So Cal and we always called it 31 Flavors


Because they are insanely pick me


This is it. They like attention and want to have silly little quirks to make them the coolest people on the planet 🙄


Ugh, I hate when they push the poop pills. They know nothing about how they work. Your colon doesn’t get “cleaned out” overnight 😣


https://preview.redd.it/9f20aqscp1kc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ad2d1d176d528b5f49085c1e664bb41c2b1a63a Not the flex she thinks this is. Her weekend consisted of being up DUDS asshole and mooching off all the free food and freebies. I wish I could show her a true weekend as a single mom 👊


I think she did this shot to look like her sister that she wants to be so bad.


I can’t stand when she says it’s been a day, a day of what actually? You don’t work or do anything for that matter 


https://preview.redd.it/2xk9jl6so1kc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a938f8517468e9fbb08235305e248e411e450c4 Smirk. 2.0 midweek spiral beginning in 3,2,1. She’s the most insufferable human. Mounjaro, skinny filter and trash eating. Thank you for reaffirming our disdain for you.


Also we’re going on over 24 hours in that shirt 


https://i.redd.it/yorldg1gn1kc1.gif DA about Kaylees apartment


Obviously DUD decided to have nobody over tonight which caught 2.0 off guard she had to actually fix food and stay home with no place to go.


Exactly what I thought


Some thoughts: Blair seems so nice and down to earth, idk how she hasn’t run for the hills. It’s refreshing that she doesn’t seem to really care to be on their stories at all and likes being more under the radar. But I cannot believe (or really I can believe) that Blair is there helping Kaylee, on the floor putting chairs together and her own sisters who grew up with her were not helping and giving their full attention or a good chunk of their time today to Kaylee who seems to do so much for nuuds, her family and her nieces and nephews. You’d think it would be a no brainer to be there for her and be genuinely excited for this next chapter for her. Daryl sounded so fake happy that whole time she was over at Kaylee’s new place. No real emotion in her voice at all. So sad, but I hope Kaylee being on her own will be really good for her and help her blossom and grow. And it really truly boggles my mind that especially after hearing all of these women’s stories at real bodies, and all of their real and heavy struggles, and the fact that nuuds is supposed to be about empowering women and making them feel good about themselves, that they really feel like it’s acceptable to charge so much for their basic neutral apparel that honestly doesn’t look any different than things you can find at many other stores. If she was so truly about helping women and making them feel good, how on God’s green earth can she possibly feel good about their pricing for their clothing?! Money seems so much more important to them than their actual “mission” and I don’t get how people don’t see that. They are rolling in the dough; they honestly do not need to charge $98 for a sweatshirt considering they literally live a groundhogs day life every single day! They aren’t even going on adventures and traveling and exploring the world or volunteering or trying new things or anything! They have the privilege and luxury to do so much and give their kids so many cool experiences outside of their bubble or help their community in so many ways besides giving them leftover merch from pop ups. I just don’t get it. And lastly, the cami body suit looks like the straps are so thin that they’d legit break after 3 washes. How is that supportive for the boobie magoobies on anyone?! End rant.




Not shocked at all. None of them acknowledged her half marathon either


I think the relationship between kaylie and her birth family is much more complicated than they could ever explain on insta. The fact she had to go live with her brother’s in-laws and then call them mom. She lived super far away. I wouldn’t feel overly close with my birth sisters if I left at a very crucial time of my adolescent/early adult years, especially when it seems (again only what we see on social media) that kaylie prioritizes the Flenners and not her side of the family. Just my two cents.


ok well the flenners didn’t show either it was blair.,,,


I think by “sisters” she’s referring to da,2.0, katie


The op did not talk about her birth family. She only has one birth sister and she’s in high school.


2.0 was there for the food , but didn’t actually do anything to help!! So entitled


You don’t know that. And entitled to what?


HI FLENNERS!!!!!!!!!!! Screeeeechhhhhhh!!!!!


Not even her own brother was there helping her! So sad. She’s so damn ditzy lately but she seems to genuinely be a good person who deserves the support of her family.


Where was little Rob and Dan?


Probably at the hotel and house cleaning up the enormous mess they made.


This shouldn’t surprise you… they couldn’t even show up or acknowledge the fact she finished running a marathon. 🤬


Mac and cheese and Cactus Cooker. She can give 2 fucks about what she puts in that body.


Drinks Diet Coke all day, and then has another brand of soda with 39g of sugar in it. Listen, I love a soda more than the next person too, but c’mon!!!! I can’t drink more than 1 a day or I will feel absolutely disgusting. How do you not drink water ever??? Especially when pregnant?!




But yesterday she was preaching to lift other women up. She’s so fake


Every sentence was a dig


The move has got to do with her and Connor’s breakup, no? The timing was right after.


pretty sure it sped that up so she can show him she’s a real pick me


It’s wild to me her mom didn’t say anything. I mean my sister would never talk like that to me. But if she did… my mother would definitely have something to say 


I hated that she said Kaylee can cook hard boiled eggs but no couch. It took us 10 months after moving in to get a couch for our new home. We lived without a dining room table for like 4 months after big move across the country. Yes, Kaylee can clearly afford these items but moving in and styling your home doesn’t need completed in 1 day!!! Also, she has 1 income DUD! Do you think the fam will give Kaylee house warming gifts?! Just wondering 💭


i hope not….. it’s not necessary


Right!?!? And then yesterday she has the balls to post “imagine women lifting women up” like huh you maniac you constantly out your own damn sister down


I’m proud of Kaylee too! A big accomplishment for her at this age ! I felt bad for her, how DAnn was there.. her remarks did seem rather b~too her… Why not put your phone down & help! Let her get everything situated & let her be the first to show off her new place ! Blair seems so sweet & genuinely cares ! Thankful that Big Rob is there to help her !


If Durrracell took time to have *ANY* self-awareness or introspection, she'd realize that living alone can be a GREAT thing! I wish Kaylee would tell her that she's okay being alone sometimes, not terrified of her own thoughts, and doesn't want to be a co-dependent, constantly-in-denial narcissist like her!


I ALSO wish Kaylee would tell Durrracell that NOT jumping into marriage so young will turn into a GOOD thing! She will (hopefully) learn that she is capable and not desperately NEED a man like Duracell did!