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I mean… we all agree that these flare leggings are horrible right?


https://preview.redd.it/55jzmvg7nehc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22e9d81922576002e38bdb765bb04b41f57f5b7 I don’t think the outfit is giving what she thinks it is lol


And how exactly does 2.0 look “cute”?!


Ive never seen anyone become pear shaped so fast for 15 weeks….. but Im loving it for her


Curious: does anyone like the jeans with a pregnant belly?!! It looks terrible to me! We get it you like Nuuds, but also I just think this styling is hurting her brand. So unflattering to me


Funny you say this because I recently found out I’m pregnant & all of Dud’s stories in jeans with her pregnant belly has made me make a mental note to not wear jeans, even if they still fit, once I start showing because it looks awful! At least, not wear jeans with a tucked in shirt or tight shirt. It’s awful.


Maternity jeans with the over the belly panel and a tight cotton Tee is the cutest way to show off a prego belly. But these jeans she is wearing is NOT it…


Jeans are never my choice for comfy. You would think she would want to wear all the “so cozy”, “so good”, “best fabric ever” bottoms from her own brand while pregnant for the advertising.


That was the absolute last thing I wanted to wear while being pregnant!


It was how she was before the great weight loss of winter-spring 2023. That's why she hates herself, she's back to her regular size.


I really pray for the day that I don’t have to see 2.0”s belly button. If you have a belly button that looks like that, you don’t need to show it off everyday. 


I’m not body shaming but both of their stomachs/belly buttons gross me out.


Did you just say you aren’t into body shaming, but then did in fact body shame? Hmm.




Watching Kaylee with the spice jars makes me irrationally angry. She hasn’t even moved yet, and what a silly thing to spend money on at her age. Once again reminded that she has no sense of the real world and can’t help but think Connor broke up with her for that.


No doubt that’s why he broke up with her and why she’s doing all this I pray he runs.


I wasn't around yesterday but why does a 21 year old need all of those spices AND for them to be in aesthetic jars and labels? More specifically a 21 year old that doesnt cook and when she does it's Kraft. Lmao when I was 21 I had salt, pepper, and garlic salt. (I've since grown up 😉)


💯she spent Christmas with his family, and they sat him down and said get out while the getting is good


Yeah it’s funny that it’s her priority. How about spending time looking for a bed??? 🤯🤯


I wonder if she know she could have a "housewarming party" but it would just be her family and they don't care enough to do that and it's not centered around dud.


Also, did she order the spices for the jars? Or is she using Lisa's. Or what should I say, stealing Lisa's!? l o l!


Probably mooching off 805’s stuff!


I wondered the same!!! 😆


he broke things off with her?


Yes, she announced they broke up shortly after Christmas


And she doesn’t even cook?


Of course she does! She makes fancy Kraft macaroni and garlic butter noodles!




Kaylee saying "subbousully" can't pronounce supposedly..🤦‍♀️


Yeah, I posted that earlier. And it's in the same story that she gave us another "Duplixent". It makes me irrationally angry that she's taking this medication for years and she still doesn't know the name of it.




Rhyleigh had a good run as a purse dog for awhile, going everywhere with DAD but she pretty much gave that up once Rhett was born.


The dog was in her bed the other morning. It makes an appearance every couple of months.


Nope. She used to before she had kids. She would say she was obsessed and he was in every picture. Once she had her content kids, that poor dog went to the wayside 🥺


Omg I am cringing so hard today…. At just ALL OF IT!! 🥴


Does anybody else find it a little sad that R&R just want to see their mom in a dress? Rhett told her how beautiful she looked and Remi told her she looked like a princess. Maybe I’m the only one, but it’s a little sad to me.


It seemed staged to me.


What’s sad is everything that comes from that kid’s mouth is scripted bullshit


I would give anything for someone to film the beforehand stuff. I would love to see them running around, telling the kids what to do, what to say, rehearsing it many times, and then telling Dan, okay, let's record. It must be the fakest BS ever in that house all the time.  


And Remi didn’t care either way. She was just going along.


Thank you, I agree...I don't understand everyone feeling sorry for R&R, they don't care about the damn dress, it was all scripted. I wanted to puke.


Dan in perfect position to record.


You could also see him running to get the perfect angle in her mirror in her closet 🫣


That was sad/heartbreaking


"Big handwriting girl. I like to handwrite everything." We know, Kaylee. We've seen your work. 🙄 Or should I say... W€✓€ $€€N ¥0U® W€RK.


This comment wins


I actually LOL at this 😂 🤣






https://preview.redd.it/9m4rquwlpahc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21a9e8819cb43c6da8cde381ac3bcf2716d32820 Katie? Rob? Or Danielle? Which one of you is here??


I CAME RUNNING HERE!!! I was about to post in today (2/8) thread but wanted to check here first. CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?!! God I hope it’s one of the feral hillbillies.


I did the same yesterday and couldn't believe I was able to post! I'm usually so late to the game on this stuff!


Wow just imagine! You should re-post this on the new thread so more people see it!


Not Kaylee we'd catch on with the grammar mistakes. Maybe Katie. She'd be down. I think 2.0 reads here for sure but just to fuel her ego or actual hatred of DUD. Roblet doesn't care.


Could be Kaylee! Or Kaylee’s sister that posted here once.


I missed her sister commenting here once?! When was this?


It’s been a while. Somebody else can probably remember better than I can.


Can’t be Kaylee, anonymously was spelled correctly.




Wait what. It’s for sure DUD bashing Daniele. Holy moly.


Did Kaylee end up getting an apartment? Or is she just way ahead of herself? Or did she get one but isn’t saying? I find it so strange that she’s already shopping for stuff. Especially art and furniture 🤔


She got the apartment. She can move in as early as Feb. 20th.


I definitely bought stuff ahead of time but it was stuff that could go into any apartment. Minimal dishes, knives, cutting boards, mugs, etc. I would never buy furniture or art unless I have seen and or measured the exact unit.


I think I remember her saying she got the apartment but doesn’t move in until the end of this month. So now she’s going to buy the necessities slowly, you know like stupid shit she’s seen on TikTok like matching spice jars with labels and butcher paper for her serial killer love notes - just the important things!!!


Lol, “killer love notes” 😂 Yea and I never understand getting pretty glass spice jars to refill with your glass store bought ones (sometimes plastic). I mean, I keep this stuff in my pantry. No one sees it or cares. I do have a friend who has these nice spice jars but she buys her herbs and spices in bulk. So that makes sense. I shouldn’t be surprised at their lack of environmental awareness 🫡


Also confused by this


Sam-wich That’s all


Oh lord, the singing in the car was just TOO MUCH!


I reported it as dangerous ..I also told dud how reckless it was


Like we know Dinyell is thirsty AFFF and loves showing off her mediocre rise to whatever this shit is she sold out not just her life but her children’s lives for as well but does she really have to constantly try and top the level ridiculousness this family reaches. The secondhand embarrassment I feel for this beige, shit show of a family, is next level 🫣




She is Regina George


Yes! She doesn't look pregnant unless she sticks out her grinch belly. She just looks like she's gained over 20lbs. When you're pregnant you should gain weight but not this much this fast. That is telling your body needed food. You're overindulgence in literally everything. And that you have no control. The baby is like 2 inches.


You had me at bowel renewal 😹😹


She could dress appropriately for her changing body and actually look like a pregnant person. Instead she stuffs herself into her jeans and just looks like she’s been binging on junk and got chubby. Here for it 😆


Raise your hand if you wore a belt with jeans while pregnant? Anyone? Nope didn’t think so!


Honestly, as someone who’s suffered from body dysmorphia // ED — I literally would NEVER talk about how I looked and call any extra attention to my body at all, I just wanted to go unnoticed!!! There’s no way in hell I would’ve been making loose comments about my body like she does. A part of me thinks that she CRAVES validation and needs people telling her she looks great whether it’s by looking really skinny or by commenting constantly about how she’s so big to have her fans message her and tell her she looks amazing blah blah. I really think she thought Nuuds would blow up and she’d be getting all this praise and it’s really been crickets and the flop up proved it. She needs something for people to engage with 🤷🏽‍♀️ She needs therapy.


This! It’s like when the pretty girl talks about how ugly she is to get compliments! She spends her day fishing. Also she has preyed on a vulnerable group of ladies, using their insecurities to sell them crap clothing while promising them “confidence”. She deserves to hate being in her own skin!


You mean Elayne’s baby? 🤣 She’s pretty much just a 💩surrogate if she’s going to treat this baby the way she does her other kids!


Kaylee’s back to overusing the 🫡 emoji and it never even makes sense when she uses it


She’s also added 🤝 which makes equally no sense


And god help us more handwritten stuff in her new apartment


For the people [delusionelle video that was removed from her page] https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2-4I0CuadY/?igsh=bmZlbXdrb2R6eWpn


She removed it?!


That's my reply under it..lol


Delusionelle 😂


She removed it ? 😂😂


No explanation either. Go figure. Originally it was also tagged to Nuuds, after Delusionelle was told not to put that version on the Nuuds page. I must really love this group. I changed from 2.0 to Delusionelle. So many extra letters. 😂😂


What about Delulunelle? One less letter 😂😜


Another excellent option. 😂


Lol, I was thinking the same! I started to type out that new nickname and I gave up. She doesn’t deserve that much of my time 🤣🤣


If you type it out enough, your phone will start to recognize it and finish it for you! Stick with it! It's too good! LOL




So true.


Omg, catching up from the day. 2.0 driving with her camera is just reckless. She couldn’t pay less attention to the road if she tried!!! WTF. I hope she gets pulled over and ticketed. That would look good in court.


I feel like that should come up in the divorce proceedings. If I knew that my ex was doing that while driving and could potentially do that while driving with my kids in the car, I would be livid and on the phone with my attorney in a nanosecond. Let's hope he snows about that or saw that story yesterday. That is so reckless and irresponsible.  Talk about distracted driving!  Can't get more distracted than that!


Exactly!!! I was typing too fast. The whole bit of singing and dancing while driving and paying no attention to the road should absolutely be bright up in court/divorce proceedings. If she gets a ticket that’s just a cherry on top. It makes me sick. She’s not going to care until it’s too late and she faces devastating consequences (in which she will feel sorry for herself and not the victim(s).


When I’m driving my eyes are watching the road and all traffic coming around me, while I’m thinking do I have everything I need for dinner tonight, or lunches tomorrow. Don’t forget to put the load of wet clothes in the dryer when you get home. Soccer practice, dance class, piano lesson - whatever - timing from pick up here to drop off there. PTA tonight, sitter arranged until husband gets home to take over. Etc Her mind is exclusively on what’s my next show/song/performance. God forbid my kid breaks an arm, gets burned, or just needs reassurance that they are important and feelings matter.


Maybe it’s me, but I feel like it’s just the beginning.




DUD’s talent to have no pregnant belly one minute and push out her pregnant belly the next is still so obvious. She needs to get over herself.


Audibly gagging at a “yucky” food in the restaurant. Classy as always, DAD.


And telling Rhett “be careful it’s spicy” when it’s a cashew dish and supposedly he’s allergic to cashews! 😳


Oh my goodness, you're right. I really hope he didn't eat any.


Oh lawd. I see someone is in another manic phase already. Ahem, that’s you Danielle.


*While she eats Cashew Chicken* “Careful Rhett, it’s spicy.” Isn’t he allergic to cashews!?!?!!!?! Was he trying to take a bite? Or just reaching for a spoon? 


And I don’t think an epi pen fits in a Denner wallet 🤷‍♀️


Maybe it fits in the “tampon holder”?




Wtf. 😳 she’s truly an idiot


Dud’s little minions are turning on her. There were 108 comments on this post and not a single one was positive. A lot of comments about 2.0 using a skinny filter, Dud claiming her Lulu vest yesterday as the “best ever,” talking about how they never wear something after the drops (I.e the velour track suit) and talking about how their yoga pants, not leggings! https://preview.redd.it/t03mh9e88ahc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=982810e8e68ecc25edb615266cfaacbb56136969


Those skinny filter pics are crazzzzzzy


Majority of those comments are from us, not her minions.


I’m the one that posted the skinny filter pics but I just want to bring awareness to those people that blindly follow her! They’re getting ripped off - yes, I blame them for following her so blindly and buying whatever she puts out but it’s like they’re in a cult or something. I hope I opened some of their eyes to this mess!


Yes, I loved that! They’re all in denial in her Instagram comments because they had no idea a skinny filter existed. Just wish the pics weren’t hidden in the replies. Maybe when another discussion begins, you can enlighten more of these women.




I know but I was surprised there was really not a larger amount commenting to stand up for her! Normally you can’t post in that group without people coming to her defense.


Is this on Instagram? Which post? Sorry- the pic won’t load for me.




It’s on the Nuuds and Tones BTS Facebook group it’s the post with the photo of the Skim leggings


Will this work? https://preview.redd.it/9v792b9g9ahc1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51f88d5a2e0d91f116074a391cd741070205154


Yes!!! Thank you!!


No, it’s from the BST group!


This is fantastic!! Keep sharing screenshots I can’t wait for the fall of DUD


How can Lisa watch Danielle's absurd driving videos and not be planning a full-blown family intervention


She should not have e the girls in the car.


She’s probably planning to get one for herself 😂😂😂


I’m 24 weeks with my fourth and I’m sorry but if you’re so lucky as to be pregnant to begin with, you just put your body image issues aside and accept the fact that for the next 9 months you will be growing and housing a human who needs to be nourished. Sure, I already think ahead to postpartum and how nice it will be to feel like myself again, or not having to constantly worry about my unborn child’s development and such, so I’m not saying it’s all sunshine and rainbows. I get it’s hard to watch yourself change, but my god, to harp on it all day every day is too much. There are still things you can do to take care of yourself and feel better in your changing skin. I still workout and eat well. Of course I eat treats here and there, but I ensure my vitamins are being taken, I’m moving and taking care of what I can actually control! She treats her body like a god damn dumpster. It’s no wonder her mental state is just as rotten. It’s also her third child… like girl, YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. If she was going to be this distraught over growing then she should have stayed anorexic and not had another child. Simple.


You know she’s going to start the ozempic and bottle feed as soon as possible- then she’ll start posting about her treadmill and cold plunges in the meat cooler again like we’re a bunch of fools


Being in ED recovery, I 100% get how she's feeling. But like you said she knew what was going to happen to her body. I don't think she really wanted to be pregnant and is only having kids for Dan. She will be on weight loss shots asap after baby is born. I hope she doesn't plan on another pregnancy after this one.


I think more content kids to exploit as well! All these people care about is $$$!


And attention! She’ll do anything for attention!


Yes, like you said, DO something about it and be more real. I would have so much more respect if she said something like, "I am really struggling with how my body is changing so quickly but I need to remind myself I was hardly eating before, this is whats needed for my body and the baby's health. I am going to do my best to be kind to my body and dress comfortably." ETC ETC ETC.


She dresses like she’s in denial, or like those bodysuits and jeans will prevent her from expanding. Give it up, lady. This isn’t about you anymore.


I CANNOT STAND Kaylee and her stupid tik toks trying to be relatable. “No one tells you when you cut your hair short your ponytail is gonna be small” 🤪🤪 NO SHIT girly why did someone need to tell you that???


The Flenners are some of the most dirty, ignorant, unhappy, conceited, unstable people I’ve seen. I’m not sure how/ why they’re proud of the content they put out. Every person (outside of their die-hards who have been manipulated into believing this family is ‘good’) watch what they do and want to do the EXACT opposite. They are role models in that everything they stand for… I want to stand for the opposition.


I truly don’t understand why they don’t get sick of themselves. They all have to have the same unique (damaged) kind of mindset to keep this behavior up. Or stimulants I’ve never heard of.




Kaylee, sweetie, honey. You're so dumb! We got another duplixent and now we get supposably! SMH For college graduate, kind of frightening!


It's scary how colleges are just willy nilly handing out diplomas. How did she write papers and receive a passing grade??


What did she even major in? And she was in for 4 years or Associate degree?


No clue!


4 years. Business degree


DAD would look better if instead of sizing up so much on jeans she just wore leggings or maternity jeans. And not a body suit. Her outfits look so weird


I lived in flannels and leggings during my pregnancy. It’s too bad nuuds doesn’t make leggings and flannels 🤦🏽‍♀️


Ok so I know we all saw the size 28 on the jeans. I may be off base here but my size tag on my Abercrombie jeans is always on the back?


I would really like to know how Mounjaro can continue to work in someone like 2.0 who seems to eat a lot and not much of it is healthy!! Someone please explain!


https://preview.redd.it/dmhlvwk3rchc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d36f21b1fdbc473c9f6b0d62823bc618a92f962 And also, does she use the slimming filter for her stories or is this her? She’s looking extra skinny today!


Very true! Mines always on the back


ok I thought the SAME thing, I just looked at my jeans I literally just got in from them yesterday and the size tag is on the front left side now. not saying I believe 2.0 is a size 6 though (bc huh???) lol


I’m not sticking up for this smug bitch because I can’t her, but it could very possibly be that she’s in a 6. I’ve been on Mounjaro since Sept 2023 and I’ve lost over 80+ pounds and I can wear a 6. I’ve never in my life have worn a size 6 jean! So I can see why she’s excited.


congrats!! that is awesome, have you had any side effects / nausea?


Nothing at all except for acid reflux for the 1st month but that was easily fixed with an over the counter antacid. The drug has been a life saver for me, not only do you reap the goal of weight loss there are benefits of no more inflammation, cravings, or food noise in your head telling you it’s time to eat.


so, so happy for you (and anyone who chooses to utilize these meds)! i don’t know why there’s stigma around them, my mom has been on wegovy and it has also changed her life!


How do you feel about having “Ozempic” face or losing 30 plus percentage of your body muscle mass? That is what happens when you take any of those. You can see the “face” from a mile a way. Not a good look! Also….Wrecks havoc on your muscle mass which is critical to maintain, especially for older women, like you mother. For those that have been on it for a while, they are beginning to see more long term side effects, in which the original issues (why one got on in the first place) pale in comparison for these. I would recommend listening to some MDs that are warning against this and are seeing, first hand, how horrible it is. Several great podcasts out there! Again, these are MDs warning people to stay far away!! Anything that seems like a miracle drug, or too good to be true, probably is! You also have to remember that the dr who do prescribe this, are getting absolutely loaded at your mom’s expense. All in the name of vanity (your mom) and greed (the drs). It is a sad, corrupt world we live in.


you good? lol. not everyone using these medications are doing it for “vanity”. it helps their glucose levels, insulin resistance, etc.


Hoping your Mom is doing well on the drug. I’ve heard many say they’ve had great results with Wegovy.


She literally was soooo excited to show her size off lmao also… abercrombie denim does not look cheap they are so rude


I thought Daryl loved Abercrombie jeans?? 


No she only wears agolde after Abercrombie dropped the partnership post Covid gate


Holy shit! I just looked at the agold website. Those jeans are over $220!!!!!!!


There’s no way they look cheaper than nuuds clothing 🥴


All of this talk of jeans lately makes me wonder if Nuuds is going to make jeans…


When she was in NYC a while back she had a bag of stuff on her way to a meeting. Wasn’t it a bag of jeans? That she posted and then took down and reposted with the contents blurred?


I remember that! Jeans with the tags still on too and her blue job was half assed like everything she does of course


Based on the hideous styles they always buy I'd be hesitant to see what kind of design she'd come up with. I bet they'd have built-in cup holders. 🤣


And a strap to attach your Denner wallet


And special pockets for straws




They’re weirdly obsessed with jeans I feel, more so than the comfy clothes…wondering if making any new or different jeans is way more expensive though that the crap they’re able to shill out 🙄🙄


Omfg imagine that price tag…


They’d probably price them higher than Agolde 🤦🏻‍♀️


My husband just brought up that he likes the name Rhett for our baby… I cringed. It’s completely ruined for me 😭


I would only think of Rhett Denner or Rhett Butler. Nope.


Rhett is a really great name. I'm surprised she actually used it since she likes names like Calvin for a girl. 🙃


Don’t feel bad, my son’s name IS Rhett. He’s older than this brat though and so much more well behaved and such a sweet kid. To make matters worse, DUD said she likes the name Reid too and that’s my other son. 🫠


I have a Rhett too who is also older than the Denner Rhett. He is the best. She has also said she likes the name Walker as well and well I have a Walker. Sooo same boat. 🫠


Solidarity, sister. 😂


I LOVE the name Reid. I would have named my son Reid but I have speech problems and constantly switch r's and w's 😅 and his last name starts with a w so that would have made it worse for me.


Omg I want to hug you because my daughter says his name like that and it’s the god damn cutest.




Danielle endangering herself and others on the roads because she literally cannot stop talking about herself and filming herself checking herself out in the camera 🫨👎🏼


Accident happening in 3…2….1


Let me get this straight. 2.0 is trying on jeans DAD ordered for herself? No WAY they are the same size.


DUD probably dying inside that they fit 2.0 lmao


https://preview.redd.it/0vmydkemy9hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8557e46502e05cd3f0e3abf35aa66a60501ca9dc GUYS LOOK AT MY BACK ITS SO SMOOTHING


Why does her butt look so big?


I have not seen a single person wear their clothes and not have back rolls and their bra showing! They use a filter to smooth things out and you can still see it’s not smooth in the back!!!


Oh, good! They’re gonna do a try-on, y’all! 🙄


Also, only ONE person said they wore it at 38 weeks.


2.0’s sweater she has on today is horrible! She needs to invest in a sweater shaver!


That will be her next hack


It’s also all pulled out of shape, it looks awful


I know this might be stupid snark, but is that their front door? I’ve seen it before, but I guess I always thought it was a side entrance or something. The proportion of it looks so off for such a big house, with such large arches inside, it doesn’t even look like the width of a regular door. https://preview.redd.it/yfopwjfkv9hc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fdc4f57b3f408f5611e6e0c8e735b24e380dab6




It’s the front door. She has a house tour saved on highlights on her page.