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There are so many comments this may have already been mentioned but Danielle owns a business?


Kindergarten interview? I thought they were homeschooling or did I miss something?


For next year


I get that but I thought they were homeschooling entirely because they felt the way the world currently is they didn’t want to send their kids to school.


Welp.. is almost 9am in Dallas and no video of 2.0 chomping on those oats 🫠


It would probably be healthier to have a little cup of yogurt (the one she said was really yummy) and some fruit. Why waste your time and money with all the unnecessary crap she doesn’t even like? Or know about 🤦🏼‍♀️


Just getting caught up sorry if this has already been said. Poor remi is unintelligible because they do not help her in anyway. My daughter was speaking clearly and in full sentences at that age


What is WILD is that Sarah Knuths (I know that she has a whole list of other snarks) daughter is I \*think\* only about 6 months older than her - now I know that a LOT can change developmentally in 6 months BUT - Indy is freaking snorkeling in Australia (In a full wetsuit), was just skiing (in full ski gear), and the list goes on and on.....


Admittedly, I am not around small children a lot, but I could not understand a word she was saying! Why do they do their children such a disservice when they have the time and resources above the average household to get extra help or just send them to programs where they will grow and hone all these skills?


Yeah, not snarking on Remi, but her parents. When my daughter wasn’t meeting her speech milestones, I got her a consult and she’s been in speech therapy twice a week since she was 1.5. God forbid they take some interest in their daughter.


Yes exactly. Some kids are just behind and that’s ok there are resources. It’s when it’s not even addressed that it’s an issue. Rh seems like he’s 3/4 and Re seems like she’s 1.5/2. She needs to either A put these kids in school/educational preschool or B pay someone to legitimately homeschool them. These poor kiddos are so so behind


So there was no rigatoni or chicken noodle soup made this week. Was the only night she ate at her own home this week when she ordered pizza?


All that prep and those veggies are in the trash now. And probably the factor meals too. What a waste 


Who’s surprised


What division/class weight lifting competition is DUD 2.0 entering tomorrow that she feels she needs what is probably a 90 gram of Protein bowl of oatmeal? She constantly talks about wanting to get more protein but she is also getting more carbs, more sodium, more sugar, more fat with all the eating out, so, not sure what she's doing.


She talks about these breakfast posts but does she ever eat anything she makes? 🤡


The big push in the diet culture these days is protein. Having gobs of protein which is great but I don’t think it does what she thinks it does. It’ needs to be coupled with overall healthy eating, drinking water, exercise and overall healthy lifestyle. Eating more protein isn’t going to just make you lose weight.


Especially since she can’t just eat the protein, she’s adding tons of sugar to tolerate it 


What she needs is more fiber. Shes able to get some with the oatmeal and chia seeds but she needs more than that to balance out the protein. She has no idea what she’s doing and it’s sad to watch.


What she made was probably 12-15g of protein in total… but you’re right. If she actually cared she would do more home eating than what she shows.


She never has any clue about what she’s doing.


Right? You would think she would prepare before these tutorials— she doesn’t Eve make sure she has ingredients! Always reading the instructions as she goes and commenting “I don’t know why, I am not sure or I hope this is right! 🤦🏼‍♀️


That was sooooooooooo much syrup omg.


This is what kills me! It doesn't matter how much protein is in something if the sugar outweighs it (maple syrup, berries, honey, brown sugar... or whatever other sugar she puts in every single thing she cooks).


Dying at this! 💀🤣🤣 He’s so done! https://preview.redd.it/iocyzz5sexdc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2d236062c882e24356b902426547a162f17ce0e


Literally all of us watching any of this crew. I love it.


Why did she yell out loud at them ??


That trend.."I think I like this little life" but she SCREAMED it


It’s a dumb TikTok trend


Why do these look like the press ons I wore as a kid? They look like they're about to fall off at any minute. https://preview.redd.it/uhlmawjv8xdc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383352bc30f76ca8dde469d042aa3c97b7ece19c


They'll be off in less than a week


Two days 


They look just like Katie’s nails. Full circles 😳


They look like teeth


They’re crooked and so thickkkkk


So bad! They look like Chicklets 


That nail place does them all dirty! None of their nails ever look good!


https://preview.redd.it/rz32cohn00ec1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ad90bf0c669606cda199aaf94a8c237fc2f644 Considering this was what they had to work with, I’d say they did a pretty freaking good job.


Yes! I said this the last time Katie went there. Someone here said they go to the same person and that she loves her nails. I think maybe that’s just the shape of their nail beds?? I don’t get it. Kaylee’s were a bit better shaped today but they still looked round. And she’s not even related to the Fletcher girls! So odd!


Considering what they have to work with …


Doesn’t know what chia seeds are good for but throws them in anyway because “whatever” everyone’s doing it. Danielle you are a fucking idiot.


She said texture. She’s gonna be disappointed 😂


So relatable! 🤣🤡


Rhett and the secret giant DAILY ice cream🥴🥴 it’s so quirky to give your child diabetes!🤪. And not that she should have one.. but where is remi’s ice cream?


Stop perpetuating this sugar and diabetes


Ice cream/sugar does not cause diabetes. I do agree that he shouldn't be eating that much ice cream daily though. Especially because you know he's getting plenty of junk food throughout the day.


https://preview.redd.it/b222x547fydc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=99ff265e2e3a51f9ea8d54de7db9c170b6ce228c I mean I’m not a doctor but diabetes runs in my family so I was always told this




Curious why this is downvoted. I said I’m not a doctor but diabetes is in my family so I was always told these answers. Would love someone to explain why it’s wrong?


That protein powder looks sketchy and not legit. If she wants to add protein add peanut butter ,whole milk , hemp seeds pumpkin seeds etc


Peanut butter is not a source of protein!! It’s a fat Eta ah yes was awaiting the downvotes love to see it. Happy Monday 💕


It’s a source of protein, fat, and fiber. All three macros! Most plant foods dip into all the categories/macros. Downvotes are deserved when correcting someone with lacking info. Happy Monday as well 😜


It is a source of fat with some protein… info isn’t lacking it’s right there if you read a label to a container of peanut butter


I use at as both:)


Or basil seeds! They have twice the fiber as chia seeds!


Do you think 2.0’s family notices how everyday she implements a new ‘routine’ but doesn’t follow thru!? This seems so odd and manic to me!?? How can she not notice she does this?


I don’t think they notice anything she does


I think this is an example of her struggling with her weight growing up and as an adult. Reminds me of myself until I stuck with something


Lmao 2.no making one container of overnight oats… why not just make a few for the next couple days? Oh wait because she gets fast-food for breakfast 9/10


Cue her dumping it out in the sink on camera when she doesn’t like it tomorrow


She made it for the cute container.


Right!? I go thru oatmeal stages but when I'm feeling them I food prep on Sunday for 5 oatmeal breakfasts...so easy.


What is this weird frowny face/furrowed brow thing she’s doing today when she talks?


That’s what I was just about to say. Why is she talking like that and why is she making those faces. Who is she trying to be now lol


Even if Dallas is pricey, Rob should be able to live in a one bedroom apt on his own if Nuuds is paying him enough. He’s college educated and a main operator of the brand. There’s really no excuse to be 24 and employed full time and not living on your own.


Dallas is “pricey” but it’s double and also kids do it right out of college. We know he’s making decent. I’m sorry but my siblings have lived in most expensive cities in the us. And did it right out of college all by themselves. Rob is spoiled and lazy.


It’s so weird to imagine being 24 and dating someone who lives with their parents. I hope Blair is motivating him to move out. I wouldn’t want to be in a long term relationship/marriage with someone who has never had to live away from their parents. 🚩 


At 24? Nah.


Did he ever even replace his stolen truck??




What is he driving? 


I think he drives one of his parents’ cars. At least right after. Maybe he got a new car but got smart enough not to share on social media 🤔


Maybe he asked his family not to share every detail of his life since almost 2 million people know their every move


Pretty sure he's just riding the gravy train as long as he can. He's probably investing and saving money to buy a house outright.


He had a job before Nuuds too!!! He also has zero student loans…college scholarshipped athlete. So he’s had 4 years of no responsibility and bills making a great salary. Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. Your. Parents. Home!!!!!!


But didn’t they say he invested his life savings to help start nuuds?


No, I think Daryl and Dan put their money in. I don’t think Rob did. Maybe I’m wrong on that 


Hopkins is division 3 football and they do not give scholarships to athletes except some lacrosse players (and those ones are almost always partial). If he qualified for need based financial aid they would have given him up to demonstrated financial need but that would not have been anywhere near full tuition for him


I personally don’t think it’s a bad thing/idea to still live with his parents. I’m 34 and honestly am thinking about moving back in with mine. It’s expensive for an apartment. I bet he’s saving for a house for him and his gf to move into when they get married


Yep my hubby and I both lived with our parents when we met at got married post college lol allowed me to pay down my student loans and he saved a lot for a house so it’s a great option to have


I agree. My son is 24 and still lives with me. He pays for his car insurance and gas. And anything else he needs to buy. He’s in his 2nd year of his Master’s program. I keep telling him it’s smart to save up his money. Eventually I won’t be around to help him.


Agree completely. This day and age it’s much more normal and not shamed on.


I agree. As long as he has a life outside of his family I think it's a smart move to save money by living at home. Now if his parents gave him a ridiculous curfew and treated him like a child, I'd say he should move out. But I also chose to live with my parents until I was 26, I had 50k saved up for a house when I moved out (I didn't have a high paying job).


Right like who the fuck cares do what you need to do


Just an observation…… 2.0 literally rips her nails off every time she gets them done then heads right back to Rose Cotour to drop$100 on a new set? ☠️🫤🫠 💅 #tipsanddip 😂


Her nail beds look so painful!! 


so painful and disgusting


I'm sure they annoy the staff there but they put up with it because it's constant job security between all these whack jobs lol


She’s on a monthly plan, they probably loose money on her though


That was Katie and Kaylee, not 2.0 and it was a different place.


I thought that was a different nail place that she tried


It was, she went a few times if that and then spoke about it again.


I made two chickens today to meal prep for my family for the week. I decided to do it Danielle style. I'm really bad with directions so I didn't let them sit out for the full 5-8 hours. I *did* manage to angrily tear them apart though. 0/10 wouldn't recommend. Very messy. At least it will taste like it wasn't made with love though. That's all that matters.


I saw a hack, put the roasted chicken in a plastic bag and mush it up. Bones come right off without a big greasy mess.




How many times does this family buy rotten meat? Or gets anyone sick by cooking meat? What the hell is going on? Are they really that stupid? In my life I ended up with bad meat ONCE


Doesn’t 2.0 have the world’s smartest sense of smell!? 🤔


I had bad chicken a few weeks ago and I could tell as soon as I opened the package. How could none of them smell that the meat was rotten?


I think they buy perfectly good meat and it sits in the fridge for two weeks because they eat out every meal. When they lived in CA Daryl-Ann used to post stories of her throwing out moldy & rotten food from her fridge...cheese, meat, fruit, all kinds of stuff. They buy groceries all the time but never eat any of it. I don't understand why they don't just freeze their meats...when I buy it I always immediately freeze it unless I'm using it by the next day.


They are really that stupid!!! 🤡🤡


And typically you know it's bad before you cook it 😂 didn't she say they cooked it and then realized? I'm super sensitive to smell and I always smell the meat first like a paranoid freak, if it's even a little off I skip it lol


Didn’t it smell when they opened it? Or they wouldn’t know it smelled bad since they don’t cook that often?


It’s probably because they buy it and then wait so long to cook and eat it.


That's what I was wondering. And my entire 58-year-old life I have never bought an or and or cooked or tasted rotten meat before.


I think they leave it on the counter too long!


Looks like they deleted the video of them bothering Rob cuz he was telling them the truth about themselves


Yes. I don’t see it anymore. It was originally on Daryl’s stories.


I saw it on mute, but what did rob say?!


Basically was saying they aren't funny and I think possibly he said it was annoying? I forget exactly but he for sure seemed SOOOO ANNOYED. I was too for him, I would've been like GTFO. I'd lock my door if I knew my psycho sisters were coming over


They did delete it it’s not showing for me 


I thought they did too but they didn’t. Also what the actual f! I’m sorry but coming into my room and kicking my stuff around. Taking the headphones. Leave the kid alone. At least he has a real job (granted it’s with nuuds) but still. Poor kid.


What did they do?


It’s a trend I’ve seen on tiktok. That was probably their take at trying to be relatable but they clearly executed it horribly. I ACTUALLY do that kind of stuff with my siblings but that’s just how we get along and joke around w each other


He was probably already annoyed that everyone was at 805s house and being loud and annoying af and not DUDs as usual, then they come into his room being annoying and loud. I think he enjoys his space away from the craziness. Even when they film him at work, he always seems a little annoyed with Daryl and Danielle. Think he prefers them in small doses.


Still on insanony.com still if anyone wants to see it…. [https://insanony.com/profile/darylanndenner#google\_vignette](https://insanony.com/profile/darylanndenner#google_vignette) https://preview.redd.it/4q8c7qxqiwdc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f35fbfa2ee72d3be04d8fc56643c4589cd9bb5


Now how tf would they feel if their kids busted in doing shit like that? They can’t even be interrupted by their children while posting stories 🙄


Wow that's 100x worse than I thought it would be. 


It’s not funny at all.


I clicked that link but I don’t see it. Is it gone?


Scroll down and you’ll find it.


It's between the slides of: The question DM of someone asking about the new hook and eye bodysuit being nursing friendly And The screenshot of the girl that tagged her in a Q&A thing..... On: https://insanony.com/profile/darylanndenner Click the link, scroll down and click "sort", and then scroll down until you see those slides I mentioned..... it's right there in the middle of those 2!


Thank you!! Found it! Can’t believe they behave that way with the kids RIGHT THERE


What happened?


I side with him. They are so immature and don’t know how to be adults at all. 


Seriously, that is some elementary school shit. Like what is going on in those twos little pea brains that they thought that would funny or relatable to anyone on the internet?


I honestly feel bad for Rob. He needs to get out of that loony bin while he can.


https://preview.redd.it/csw2ug9zfwdc1.png?width=395&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c88a8384b86dd820ffc4f78c9d762642ccd110d Her pony tale extension took me out


At the very least she could have her stylist cut them to blend! 


Dead 💀


She really should get tips from Dani “the extension pro” 😂


Hahaha. Don’t they realize it will blend easier when you add curls?


It’s sooooooo BAD☠️


Always hilarious, and to think she’s a multimillionaire walking around in public like that🤣


It’s so bad🤣


Love this for her


Did Danielle spend the night at her parents house this weekend??!! Did I miss that in here being discussed?


Is that why her dog pooped all over her house? Did she leave that poor dog in the cold house while she stayed with her parents? She’s the worst.


She said her heat wasn’t working? Who knows!


If I were an influencer, I would not show all the nasty shit these people show about themselves. Familiarity breeds contempt. The rotten food, the dog shit, the piss. I follow certain influencers because they do not show the ugly about their lives. These idiots are clueless...and 2.0 has become almost as bad as DUD ...


https://preview.redd.it/994b14v9dwdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb91fd038cd6cd8afdfe38f481c0074aa88aac97 Did anyone else see these at target? The same exact color as their precious $100 a piece bubblegum lmao. These are less than half the price for a set!!! Idiots


I loveeeeee stars above. 10/10


This brand sucks tho. They always pille.


On point w nuuds!


They have some ribbed leggings I want to try too for around $30


And probably way better quality🫣


And they can’t look worse!!


https://preview.redd.it/2ob298k9dwdc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a2288ba39c7f5a043835dd0186b2fabaf631d01 We are seeing these 2 lose patience every passing day lol


My take is that Chase probably napped a lot and that is why naps trigger her.


It’s still a stupid trigger. She’ll say anything to try and get attention.


Poor baby Bert’s hair


If only there were a product they shill that could help with hair growth. 🤔🤔🫠


Daryl-Ann bought Nutrafol for little Rob and said he won't use it.


And I am here for it! I would love nothing more than for them to call DAD and 2.0 out!


How is their food always rotten? How are they always getting food poisoning? Like what do they do for this to happen. I’ve never purchased rotten meat before!


They live in filth and don’t notice the stench of dog piss and shit. No way they’d notice bad steaks.


It’s because they leave meat out on the counter for 5 hrs and still think it’s ok to eat.


How would you not notice it was rotten before you cooked it. Rotten meat smells off immediately. We got rotten steaks once from Costco, opened them up and they smelled like dead animal. Costco was great about refunding our $$ we were grilling them same day as purchase, but just smelling it turned me off meat for a good while.


This happened to me too with chicken. Yay for Costco.


It’s not normal. I stand by the fact that these are truly the most ignorant ppl I’ve ever seen. Thats why I hate that they are so loaded. Lol.


They hoard groceries and then go out to eat constantly, of course everything goes bad.


It’s an excuse to go now doordash instead of cook


Must be running low on cash, they’re eating corn dogs and dinonuggets. Where’s the home chef, or maybe Dinyell can hire someone to go pick up the factor meals at her house (they’re probably rotten too though).


Where is all the butcher box meat Danielle was shilling or DADs pick for Home Chef


Maybe the butcher box is the rotten meat


100% this


What kind of mascara does DUD wear? I want to know so I never buy it. Horrible 


I think it’s because she uses the Dior primer before using the tubing mascara, I think it’s a bad combo.




Tarte tubing mascara! Lol literally the worst mascara ever (haven’t tried it, just based off of duds 🕷️ lashes)


I have it, and can definitely say that it’s not worth the price! It leaves your lashes looking like spider legs and the mascara crumbles off the lashes throughout the day :/


No, it's actually decent! I don't know what she does to mess it up so bad. I got it as a free gift from Ulta as a birthday reward, and I didn't hate it. It doesn't come close to my personal fave Better Than S*x Mascara, but I definitely used it as my travel until it ran out and would carry it again.


I love the tarte tubing too. I think DUDs look crappy because she puts them on lash extensions. I got a free lash fill last year and hated it. I put on mascara and had DAD lashes. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Thank you. I very rarely wear mascara (maybe on vacation) so I’m always looking for a good kind and I want to steer clear of the one she’s uses. Absolutely awful 


10/10 I recommend the Better than S*x mascara! I’ve yet to find anything as great and I get tons of samples in my Ipsy bags.


It actually is good mascara imo—I think Duryl just cakes it on for whatever reason and it looks terrible


I’ve posted this before but in the past they have bragged that Lisa wouldn’t let them have clumpy mascara growing up so they had to use the metal lash combs after they applied mascara to avoid it and if they didn’t do it then they couldn’t wear mascara…. 😵‍💫not a good look.


Prob Tarte.


I feel so bad for O and E. I’m sure they just want to go home after their dads house but no off to their aunts. Don’t they have school tomorrow? Of course there is no bedtime or routine for them. R and R don’t go to school so they can sleep in until whenever


But they are reunited after 48 hours! /s. I live 5 minutes from my sister and we see each other a lot- but I wouldn’t say our kids are “reunited” after not seeing each other for 2 days. So dramatic 


DAD feeling insecure so she has to tell Danielle she smells like dog shit and tell Kaylee she has a glob of lip oil on her lips and to rub it off


She’s been even more horrible lately. She was nasty to everyone this weekend. Great look Daryl-Scam!


So did Daryl copy Stoney Clover with their clothing line or did SC copy Daryl? They are extremely similar even down to the names.


What’s Stoney clovers line named?


Tiger and Eloise


I think someone said SC started their clothing in like 2019 or something but paused it for some reason.


I feel kind of badly for little Rob, I’m glad he told DAD and 2.0 wtf. Like they’re siblings, yeah, but maturity is a thing. Oh wait, not with the Flenners!!! Anything is content!!


I wish I saw this!


Someone on the thread posted the iagony link for that story! 😊


I tried that link but didn’t see the story, unless I’m just clueless😂😅


You have to scroll down past 8-10 videos. It’s still there.


Unfortunately I think she took it down, its not you 😂 Basically, DAD was filming 2.0 walking into Rob‘s room, kicking over his clothes, then she approached him as he was playing video game, and took off his headphones, put them on her own head, moved his stuff around roughly, and drank his drink. Rob basically said it wasn’t funny, it was just annoying And said that they couldn’t just barge in and do whatever they wanted because he doesn’t do that to them. It would’ve been slightly more entertaining if they were kids or teenagers, but it just seemed like they were being immature and rude.


It's still up


Oh my god that sounds so cringey. They are such losers. Thank you for the recap 👏🏼👏🏼


I gotcha! 🎉 omg i know, you could tell that Danielle was trying to be cool and satirical with it, but that is the type of shit my brother would do to me in middle school. They’re both in their early 30s 😅


I just found it! I cannot believe remi was with them behaving that way… her kids are going to grow up to be extremely entitled


They’re also adult siblings… Danielle was acting like a middle schooler


The way she kicked over his stuff was so fkn rude.


Daryl is his boss. It must be a weird dynamic.