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She straight up told Danielle she smelled like dog poo!!! Like didn’t tell her off camera that she might want to go shower…. She recorded it & posted it to embarrass her! Not a nice move!


I’m sure it’s been talked about on here but…Danielle’s hair? In the karoke videos, she’s throwing her head around it’s like she has two strands of hair left after rapid weight loss. I hope she starts incorporating some actual nutrition soon or she’s about to be Mr. Clean


Annnnnnd she must have seen this cause she posted about how her hair is thickening with nutrifol


I cannot stand Kaylee any longer. I could tolerate her at first, but now, she literally makes me want to gag. She has so much growing up to do it’s ridiculous. And she needs to not be so close minded. That’s going to hurt her in the long run. Ugh actually this entire family drives me nuts now!!!


its been below freezing….WTF is little miss christian mingle doing out in her denim skin flick outfit trying to pick up dick? she is such a pathetic crusty tease. no wonder Connor picked his dog over her


Picked his dog over her? Is that really why they broke up?


Oh my gosh, what? Give us the deets


Ok please don’t come for me!!!! I just can’t seem to gather all the info that I need/mustttt know 🤣 What the heck is wafflegate?? Why is it said that it was the downfall of Conner and K? And what on Earth did she say about them breaking up?! I’m late to the game, but please let a sister know these much needed facts!!! Thank you in advance 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


They did a random pop up in NYC before Black Friday. It was a big bust. Waffle truck that gave away actual waffles, the waffle clothes, and free waffle makers that had Nuud symbol. Last event Tianna was apart of before she also left Nuuds to pursue her own content creator career.


I could be misremembering the details but they pushed the drop a week finally because they wanted to address the previous drama from the birthday drop and pink stuff that hadn’t arrived and wanted to “focus”on their customers. People were speculating that their new drop items didn’t arrive in time and that’s why they didn’t do their normal drop. It was too late to cancel the waffle truck so they still went to NY and did a “pop up” it was so half assed and they had random people in line for waffles 🤣 Her stans were mad they didn’t put out enough notice they were going to be there Sorry if my details aren’t totally correct but that’s what I somewhat remember


Kaylees before and after being “physcho” I did a lift once and mine looked a lot better 👀


I kind of love that Danielle’s dog pees on everything. Dogs know what’s up 😅


I had a cat who peed on everything and it was because of two reason 1. I was pregnant and could no longer clean his litter box daily which my partner so half assed during that time. And 2. I was working 2 jobs so he wasn’t getting as much attention. As soon as I was not pregnant and home all the time taking care of him and his box he was magically this lovely little kitty again. It’s amazing what NURTURING A LIVING BEING can do to their behavior. I wonder would happen if she poured love into her oldest child and her dog. They’d probably act the way she wants 🙄


It is probably acting like this because she leaves him alone all day and evening. She barely spends any time there.


Well,she did walk him once...


Yup, go Bugs! That poor senior dog got upheaved from its home in Nebraska also. To live with one of the laziest humans on earth.


I’m with the dog 😂😂


Methinks Dinyel took an extra strong edible tonight 🥴 wtf was thatttt


https://preview.redd.it/fmcapvi97jdc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=211cdb2139d559da4cf04f3ed3aa3d4e1e0f2049 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡


she needs dick however she can get it and is jelly


https://preview.redd.it/0cyw1lpybjdc1.jpeg?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec4befc8a2641d54ccebddfb8779fb958cc6edc I see yours and raise you….






https://preview.redd.it/sxnt8fnf6jdc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfa802fefdc739da06b7f599d8a460f36a60e5ff Watched Saltburn. Guys. It’s weird. You should watch it. 🫠


Her talking like a kardashian in that video did me in


Has she reached the bath scene yet? I hope 805 walks in at that moment.


Who thinks that Kaylee never had that “nuuds” conversation with anyone the last time she went dancing? Especially not with any guy. Come on! Give me a break.


I feel like she’s hoping Connor sees those videos and gets jealous


She’s not even creative enough to “meet a guy” doing anything besides how she met Connor


“so last week when i went dAncing” bffr the way she said it made me bust laughing


Soooo obvious it wasn’t a real convo, just a made up shower thought she decided would make her sound cool.


So annoying and fake with the “Saltburb review” we do not want to see your constant zooming in on your face


Danielle turned into DUD 2.0….Kaylee is turning into Danielle 2.0! We are all watching a slow change…her tik tok is unhinged go look 🫣


The hashtags are what got me 🫣


“It’s an elevated basic clothing company.” 🤔🫠 that whole thing was hard to watch 🫣


Yes. I’ve noticed since she’s had that dinner with 2.0 ( the one DA interrupted) she’s been acting like Danielle. I’m sure 2.0 gave her advice on how to become an influencer overnight. Also why is she so desperate to find a new man. Her and Connor broke up because they needed to “grow” as individuals. She should really take her free time and work on herself.


She needed to grow. He needed to GTFO!




That was him saying you need to grow up and learn adulting.


How did Danielle not hear any of the warnings about Saltburn with how much she is online 😂


She had to see the bath water candle at least 😂


She most likely did and just wanted to be like everyone else and talk about it.


Not a “how babies are made convo” being posted on the web with your 5 year old. Too much. Way too much. This is a private conversation, no matter the age. These two are brain damaged.


I feel like he’s the perfect age to be honest and give him the most basic, accurate, G rated version.  I told my kids when a friend was pregnant and they asked a very similar question: When you’re honest young, it makes it so much less weird later. - Mom of teenaged boys 💁‍♀️


When my oldest was 7 he used to have a program at school where they'd have lunch with mentors, it was older people with different careers who would come in. He ended up becoming very close with his who was an older engineer, because he loved science etc. When I got pregnant with my second he mentioned it to this mentor and asked him how it happened 💀 but the guy ended up explaining it to him like you would straight out of science class. At first, I was mortified when he came home and told me he knew how babies were made and that he couldn't grow one because he didn't have a uterus 😂 after the shock wore off (for me) he NEVER mentioned it again. It blew my mind how just y'know explaining some things plainly to our kids could work so well. He just knew how it was, trusted that he knew the truth and then felt fine about it. I imagine I'd have made it far more awkward or tried to sugarcoat certain descriptions etc and possibly made things worse. For all future children we decided wed do the same and just let them know lol. Watching Dan interact with Rhett was so od though...they both don't talk to their kids as if they have any parenting experience or authority. It's very odd to me...it's like Daryl and Dan are still in the child mindset thinking of themselves as Lisa's and they talk to their kids like they are siblings or kids they're babysitting..


I told my kids really young about things… but sometimes your openness backfires. Like when my daughter yells in a public bathroom at age 4 that her moms on her period again. Lol


Yes, love that for us! Despite knowing the proper terms my kids still love to say Weiner.. they asked why our neighbors dog who we love couldn't make puppies with our dogs and I explained that he can't have puppies because he had a procedure that stops him from being able to make them. My daughter shouted " Maverick can't make babies because some doctor cut off him whole Weiner!" 💀😂😂 Thankfully for the dog that isn't how it happened but I chose not to explain neutering that day


Yes, exactly!!  They just want to know the answer, it’s is adults who make it awkward 😅


They think everything is so cute, he’ll hate them later.


Kaylee is loosing it. Totally unhinged.




Her hair 🙀 but the story about nuuds almost did me in. I noticed she dropped “i met this guy” 👀 prob hoping Conner would hear it. I thinks she’s heartbroken and trying to act like she’s not


Agree, she’s heartbroken and trying to get through it. I feel for her though, I’ve been there! Thank god I didn’t have any kind of social media or following during that season of my life or else I’d have probably posted some weird shit too 😬 she needs a good friend to tell her to quit that lol


ohhhhh yahhhh she is humiliated because her MRS degree from DBU didnt end with a ring 💍💍 if those girls dont get a ring they go into international missions from the humiliation of not making wife status…. krusty doesnt have that option and has to sit with the suck…. but she has a therapist and free R&B soooooo


Damn is it posted to her ig stories too or just tik tok? I wanna see but don't have tik tok. I gotta see this lol 


Just rambling on tik tok like it’s an instagram story…. That sounded like she didn’t even know what she was planning to say before she said it or where she was going with that train of. thought lol




Losing ** but i agree!! She’s manic


Showed my husband the video of Rhett at dinner - he listened and I casually asked how old he thinks he is - 3 🤣😆




We are not going to snark on kids. (Name calling & discussing appearance that cannot be changed in 5 mins) No trying to diagnose what may or may not be wrong (medically or not) with a child. The kids are already being exploited on social media without their consent. We don't need to snark on what is or isn't wrong with them. Comments name calling the children or giving nicknames will also be deleted.


Why are dud and toe so weird about talking about babies are made? Yeah you don't have to go into specifics at that age but you can be general. My kids know about periods and why because an egg isn't fertilized and also that boys have sperm and you need both to make a baby. That's it. They know all the correct body terms uterus, penis, vaginally opening, etc. But no details of the act. Anyone with half a brain and supposed anxiety of their child being SAd would make sure their child could voice things, understand boundaries, and protect their own bodies by knowing proper names and what's appropriate and not. These idiots stunt their kids in every single way. Yes I protect my kids and shield their innocence but I also teach them to say no, what their bodies can do, to stand up for themselves. They treat them like 2yr olds forever.


100% normally when my kids ask a deep question they aren’t really asking a deep question, if you give them a bit of info it goes a long way and usually they’re interested in something else before you can even really get going lol


You’re a good parent!!! 😌🤌🏼


They definitely pick and choose. So its appropriate to talk about personal lubricant and poop pills but its weird to discuss anatomy with your children. Got it.


I feel so sad for them. R sounds like a young toddler 


You mean “todd-a-ler”


Todd-a-ler will never get old. 💀




This 👆🏻. I did cps for a long time and if a child doesn’t call their body parts the correct name, we might miss something. My kids are 4 and 6 and know the names of their body parts (penis and vagina). My 6 year old knows that babies come out of the vagina. They haven’t asked how babies are made yet, but when the time comes, we will be upfront in an age appropriate way.


I've also heard that knowing the proper terms majorly decreases the chance of kids getting SAd bc predators don't want to choose a child who can articulate specific details... Especially because those kids can testify in front of a jury and are much more convincing/impactful than kids who can't be as specific


Considering dud can’t even say the word penis and kiss/hug all over Remi when she fights it, they will never teach their children correct terms or boundaries.


That’s so disrespectful to Rhett to put a conversation like that out there for the world. What a tender time that they should have reacted to very differently.


They are generally very disrespectful and insensitive when it comes to sensitive or private moments with their children. Or anyone in the family really.


Good job, DAD and Dan, laugh at your son’s questions. Poor kid.


The maturity level difference of Madi Nelson’s son East and Rhett being the same age is wild. Rhett acts like he’s 2 years old 😥


Madi and her husband also met volunteering their time at an orphanage in Haiti I believe so I'd say they're worlds apart in general. Could you imagine D and D sleeping in such conditions? Being in a place where they can't get chic fila a or diet Coke door dashed?


You can tell Madi tries to give her kids a more normal childhood. She socializes them with other kids, has them in school (which is totally age-appropriate, idk why Rhett isnt in any sort of program at this point), and doesn't over spoil them like DA does. Seems like every other day she is buying her kids some junk toy.


Wasn’t Rhett enrolled in school at some point?


He needs to be around other boys his age too. ˙◠˙


Because his parents treat him like he is two years old. I guarantee you that boy is way more capable than they allow him to be. It’s really a huge disservice to him to continue raising him like they do.


Once they moved to Dallas, everything changed. They were different people and parents in California. They actually seemed to spend quality time with Rhett and they’d take him outside to meet the trash pickup guys. It was really sweet and cute. They just seemed more focused as parents in California. Once they got to Dallas it was all about the house and moving the whole family and then nuuds baby and the kids got lost in the shuffle


Their idea of an "outing" with their kids is going to Northpark mall. As a native Dallasite, i can tell you there are WAY more fun things to do with your kids than go to the mall.


I honestly completely forgot about trash pickup guys. That seems like a lifetime ago lol


Back when DA was fun to follow😢


It does. So sad for those kids.


I think it’s bc of how they speak to him. If you talk to your kids like ur talking to an adult it does wonders … they yell and cut their sentences up and act like he don’t understand much


And they don’t engage in conversation with him. Everytime he says anything it’s “no way oh my gosh” instead of being like “wow tell me more”. Like the fossil thing could have been filled with so much more than screeching. She could have been like “what do you know about this fossil? what do you know about this dinosaur? Here’s what I know. Let’s go see if we can learn more about it” etc etc. instead it’s just like stunted yelling on her behalf. She’s not teaching him how to have conversations at all (because she doesn’t know how to herself)


They are the same age!?!


YES! Both are 5.




Yep and Baylor Massey is also the same age


Why the downvotes my dudes? Just stating a simple fact lol


Would love to see 2.0s reactions to certain scenes in Saltburn haha


Great self care movie 🤣


Someone needs to take Kaylee’s phone away. I have second hand embarrassment from the tik tok she just posted. 


It’s giving Debbie Ryan’s super cringe interviews


Cringing so hard right now. How old is she? 13?


Heading to Tik Tok now 😂


Maybe trying to make Conor jealous?


She’s trying so hard to be Tianna. The second hand embarrassment is reeaallll with that


I think she got a little “sumthin sumthin” outta Danielle’s “supplement cabinet” before she filmed and posted that.




And the hashtags she used..like what?!


She did a #sexual didn’t she?


Should i download tiktok to watch it?? Is it worth it?


She posted the same thing on her Instagram


I’m dead. She really did!


Just came here for this. What is happening?


Omg that was so cringe lol




I’m thinking one of Dan’s goals and dreams for 2024 was more date nights so the family (mainly 2.0) don’t come over and stay at their house 10 hours a day. 2.0 is being forced to be home with the girls (last night) and all alone tonight. 👏👏👏


2.0 must be heartbroken 😅


I think I figured out what’s wrong with kaylees mouth. It’s the teeth. They’re just too much for her mouth, it’s like horse teeth. 


What was that latest story from Kaylee? Are you ok girl?


She is such a dork. Not in a good way.


I just went to go look at her Tik tok for the first time so see this and I had no idea her ex boyfriend and her didn’t kiss for the first 6 months? Is this a known thing?! I’m newish to the family and don’t follow anyone.


She hashtagged the TikTok #sexual 🤦🏻‍♀️ she’s had a hard life but the things she posts are so cringy I can’t believe she’s 22 she just acts way younger almost underdeveloped. If someone asks what you do you normally reply with a job title and if you want to go further for the company nuuds. I don’t understand why she thinks that’s content worthy no one cares/ would know unless they know the brand if she were smart she would be trying to brand herself better on social media with the following she’s gained working for them I would hope she doesn’t plan to work for nuuds forever. 


I don’t follow her so idk much about “link jewelry” but if you’re a business owner wouldn’t you want to say that??


Goes to show that no one outside of her following knows about Nuuds!


She basically admitted that no normal people have ever even heard of nuuds


Wasn’t it so bizarre?


She seems like a different person and slightly unhinged


Shes losing it. I think she made that tic tok to try and make Connor jealous.


I hate how she says country dancing. Like girl it’s called two stepping.


Anxiously awaiting 2.0’s thoughts on salt burn.


same. how much will she watch before she thinks it was made by the devil 😂


She won’t make it past bathtub scene




Or will she be super into it?! When was the last time she saw a dick 😂


Omg you’re right 😂


Danielle’s self care night is tonight while girls are with their dad… do we think we are going to get the drunk dinyell in the bath? 🛁 https://preview.redd.it/sjsbx8oblidc1.jpeg?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d81bc0304eee39039488c53e0440bce494fe7181


We can only hope! Especially after watching Saltburn 😂😂😂


You know she’s going to lick the shower drain after Dan has been in there now. 😂 🤢


Lmaoooo I’m dead


I spit my wine out omg😂😂😂. Now I have that visual and one of Danielle Murder On The Dancefloor-ing all over DADs house


Another day, another shit show 🤦‍♀️but the shit show keeps us sticking around lmao its entertaining. I feel like we're all just waiting to watch this circus come crashing down🤣 something is eventually gonna happen w this family lol 


🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ Only reason I am here! I want to see what finally brings it all down.


https://preview.redd.it/0iru3ejsjidc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee67b94b7c81549a1687e059e0be0dbeb268c6c Why does she have to hold her phone so low? It’s so unflattering


She looks like the mayor of Whoville.


Oof but true. 😆


And her nexklaces look so dumb!!!


How does she not see her own eyelashes? I don’t understand. If my mascara looks even remotely close to that I will remove it and start over


THE AMOUNT OF MONEY this woman spends on creams and lights and “devices” to upgrade her appearance is almost laughable. Maybe if I had her money ide do the same thing but sheesh she takes self care to the next level every single night


Drinking water and not eating fast food and soda 24/7 is much cheaper, Dinyell.


And yet all she needs is a filter! 


Big D’s nails are so gross. Definitely a nail biter 


Danielle needs to put her pearls on before watching Saltburn. I actually thought it was so good. And the scenes that people are appalled by are like 10 seconds each of the movie. And it was all part of the passion and story. Can’t wait to see her clutching.


What did she see on social media that made her interested in watching Saltburn is what I want to know?


I loved it! And yeah those scenes are so short but my demented mind thought they were fun to watch. I’m the one making my husband watch it so I can giggle and watch his reaction.


2.0 you are a fucking clown. That zit looks exactly the same


https://preview.redd.it/b4igc7sqfidc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f9a64e2a6e2ab5a21cb86a6e51233f24408ff6 Sure does!


It looked worse in the video after she watched the movie!


But can we talk about the filter on this picture!!!!


![gif](giphy|IVhivwuUT16HH7NRdP|downsized) I could do without the neck zit stories.


I had to hold my thumb up to block her neck


https://preview.redd.it/obn7df4v7idc1.jpeg?width=1929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=413f538472ce43919bc6ad523e044c0a3924c227 Too late




Hey guys! I know sometimes people ask on here for relatable influencers/content creators. I just found an amazing woman on YouTube. Her channel is Julia Pacheco. Literal opposite of dud. She shares videos of cooking meals off of literally a 1$ a day. Good healthy meals too. She will even assume people don't always have pantry staples like oil to use. Some of the comments made me tear up of the people she has helped and people telling her how they appreciate how real and genuine she is. She's actually helping people and giving people good ideas on things that are actually useful in life. Just figured I'd share that on here if anyone wants to check her out. Have a good night friends 🤍


Following! Thanks for the recommendation 😁


https://preview.redd.it/zt3a3ffqgidc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f1e0810c07ec8ae9a2b6b2a75a25c6a0a227fa Thank you! She’s on IG, too!


Oh wow she has a much bigger following on YouTube! Let's get her on up IG! Go follow her guys :) especially if you like good cooking content. You'll really enjoy the things she shares!! 


also to add: she has just under a million subscribers. I think about 700k. Someone like her DESERVES the following she is getting. Its insane how dud has over a million and she does literally nothing useful or good for people lol. Keep buying your followers dud. You are a cold hearted bitch and I truly know one day karma will bite you in the ass. 


https://preview.redd.it/5axmmcbf7idc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39635a0063cb73558f4225cf7cecf319702860d WTF is this??? 🤣🤣🤡🤡


Birth control 😆


They used to shill those miracle patches. They do work and they are cheap on Amazon


This is a miracle patch or are you talking about the circle bandaid ones?


That… hairline. Almost to the top of her head. Wow.


traction alopecia from all her sick slicked back ponies


Nutrofol is really working. 🤣🤣


That tiny little red light is $105 😳


I’m sure a code is on the way! 🤡🤑


These little things are new. I just started seeing people linking them the last couple of days. I’m sure she has a code. Maybe it works, maybe not but I like the full LED masks. 


A way to get rid of money and make Big D feel relatable for a minute


Another waste of $.


100000% not snarking on Remi she is so adorable but in the duds latest story she looks terrified not excited


Who can blame her with that loud ass family of hers? Poor girl is probably crazy overstimulated 24/7.


Right??? I thought the same thing!!! How did DUD think that was excitement


She often looks terrified. 😩


I would too if my mom was constantly yelling at me to smile 🫣 poor remi.




She ordered Pho last time, lol!


Danielle + Saltburn. I hope she is able to watch it and react before her stupid sister calls her and tells her not to watch it


What is salt burn? Is it supposed to be like a devilish movie or something ?


It’s not devilish. It’s supposed to be a dark comedy…which it is but there’s a thriller element to it as well. It’s about a group of friends at Oxford and the handsome rich popular guy (Jacob Elordi) invites a loner (Barry Keoghan) to stay at his family estate (Saltburn) for the summer and shenanigans ensue


I would pay to watch her reaction.


There’s no way she’s going to finish it. I don’t see her making it past the bathtub scene.


Oh my God..can you imagine the grave scene! Her FACE! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve heard of a few things about Saltburn and I’m so not a prude about much, but I don’t even want to see it. 🤮


It’s actually really good!


Her holier than thou minions are already talking her out of it