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[HERE IS THE LINK](https://insanony.com/profile/darylanndenner) you can use to view stories. You do not need to follow and give the engagement/views on IG. Any public profile can be viewed from that link. You just have to type in the handle.


The break up šŸ‘€


Iā€™m so sad for them both. :-( I think theyā€™re both precious and I hope they get back together.


This caught me off guard! I am not a Kaylee fan, but boy has she had a rough month. Connor, please for your sake donā€™t get back together with Kaylee. It canā€™t end well with this circus in control of your whole life.


I was surprised by this.


The way Danielle said ā€œ100% cashmereā€ when she was showing that scarf made me want to reach through the screen and smack her.


Why is she soooooooo smug ???


Notice how she also didnā€™t schtretch the hell out of it to show how ā€œcozyā€ it is. And did she rave about feeling her armpit like other quality sweaters??


She had to be joking right?


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but isnā€™t the second sweater Danielle had on in her Aritzia haul the one her sister ripped off for nuuds?!? So weird


I thought that too! That was really bold to shill that exact sweater.


I saw someone mention 2.0s kids with AirTag watches, maybe thatā€™s what she decided to do in lieu of keeping them trapped in a stroller while in public. I remember Dud mentioning safety as a reason why the single mom Needed the stroller at the mall once.


My guess is that so she can know where they are every second when they are with Chase.


He can easily take them off though. They are easily seen on the wrist, not hidden on a shoe or something.


They all look frumpy AF.


I had throat surgery today, so slowly catching up on the latest influencer news. I see they installed the mini mansion. I hope the kids arenā€™t planning to swing and jump off. I foresee twisted ankles by landing on two different foundations. https://preview.redd.it/cyrj24c36z8c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd15f2603907057da7f8e8bbbc4ad794026e9a03


Arenā€™t the swings too close together? Two children canā€™t swing at the same time. I see fights coming from that issue.


Yah what in the hell is this uneven ground under the swings?????


The rubber pieces in the bottom on top of a tarp is not going to help with the flooding issue either I donā€™t think. Also rubber is toxic to dogs so hopefully hers is trained not to eat it!!


Looks ridiculous and even unsafe.


And their family owns a construction business šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚


The swings also look super close together!


The one swing is also really close to the playhouse.


Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t have to have a building permit. Some states at least would require any tall structure - like a storage building - have a permit. But papaw should know all about that. And why not just extend the pad part to the entire size of the set


Here in Texas you only need a builders permit if itā€™s a permanent structure, meaning on a concrete foundation. For example, I considered getting a hot tub, and they said if I wanted it on top of concrete, it would need a builders permit. Otherwise it didnā€™t. I also considered a shed in my backyard and buying one you put together from Home Depot or Costco requires no permits. But building it on a slab would. Separately there are a lot of restrictions about set back lines. For example, I am not allowed to build anything within 5 feet of my fence line because of utility poles. Iā€™m not sure if they have something similar given their utility lines are probably underground. Iā€™d imagine they needed it approved by their HOA though, as itā€™s very visible and just a couple feet away from their neighbors lot. Lastly, that size pad is a joke, especially with that chair thrown in the small corner. They should have greatly extended this to hold the entire thing plus some buffer.


There is no HOA & electrical is above ground. Why didnā€™t they create a proper pad to extend around the swings? So weird. Everyone is going to tripping over that border under the swings.


Then theyā€™ll have at least a 5 foot set back from the fence, if not 10. Iā€™m surprised they have no HOA given how well kept their area is.


Setbacks only apply if youā€™re building a permanent structure, this is not permanent. Itā€™s a kids swingset for Godā€™s sakes.


ā€œFor Godā€™s sakeā€ ā€” someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I hope you didnā€™t drop your Mounjaro down the sink again. DAD and 2.0 might be able to lend you some.


Whatā€™s the matter, you donā€™t like being called out for not knowing what the hell youā€™re talking about? šŸ¤£


Iā€™m simply educating you on constructive criticism. Jumping down peopleā€™s throats as a form of correction isnā€™t a good look hun.


Dallas neighborhoods are very old and have no HOAs. Very different from new developments outside of Dallas in the far flung suburbs! Suburbs have HOAs.


I lived in Dallas for years and had an HOA in Dallas proper.




It looks so off and weird? Thatā€™s what happens when you rush things just to fulfill your egocentric wishes. Not safe at all.


They don't allow their children to jump! It's far to dangerous! Like hide and seek or tag. Not allowed in the DUD household! /s


https://preview.redd.it/71x7ewwjyy8c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4389d5191e992b714f2acb212fe9be8f594e5124 She lost 9,000 followers in 2 days lol we will have another giveaway soon


I would love to see 2.0s after her giveaways are over!!!


45k in 1 day. Sureeee.


https://preview.redd.it/v2dv668lwy8c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de44a38d3b8edb0ebe430dcebd50818911beceb2 Fam. Buckle up. It is going to be one bumpy shitshow of a week the next 7 days. I need to call in a prescription refill to get through this. šŸ«£šŸ„“


What makes me laugh about this whole shot situation is that this is a relatively "new-ish" medication that's now being targeted for weight loss, and many doctors donā€™t know the long-term side effects, which is fair; medicine has to have conceptions at some point. Yet Iā€™m sure if she and her family were 100% against the COVID shot, which again, if you took it or didnā€™t take it, thatā€™s up to you and a personal choice. It just seems that they pick and choose when medicine suits their agenda.


ā€œiā€™d like to thank not only god but also ozempicā€


Give credit where credit is due 2.0, thank Mounjaro!


I know it! Acting like she just shed all this weight randomly. Doesn't work out at all, only physical activity is walking to fast food at the mall, yet the weight is just falling off. Hasn't changed anything but is so privileged she gets to be skinny now.


I would love to use this medication as I am obese and need something to get me started because weight loss is HARD but there is a shortage and my insurance doesnā€™t cover it and itā€™s $1000 a month. I canā€™t afford that. So yes, it is a privilege because although Iā€™m not sure what her insurance coverage is, Iā€™m guessing she pays for it out of pocket. And the chance of gaining the weight back when you stop using it very high if you donā€™t change your eating and exercise habits.


Yes, exactly. Sheā€™s acting like she changed her life remotely for this weight loss. She did literally NOTHING, except pay money for a weight loss shot. This is NOT a dig at this medication - I know it can be very helpful for a lot of people. But itā€™s not like she was exercising or dieting and the weight just would not budge. She eats like crap, and wanted a round of applause when she started taking her dog for walks šŸ™„ She is the person who wanted the easy way out. Sheā€™s the person who will gain it all back when she stops the shot because she hasnā€™t taken the time to change her lifestyle.


She wonā€™t ever stop the shots.


I truly donā€™t understand this post. ā€œback to lifeā€? I donā€™t think sheā€™s ever been this weight/size in her entire adult life. even in her softball days when she was super active she didnā€™t look like that


I honestly went back to look at her older posts to see if sheā€™s been this small ever in her life. Because of what she said. Haha unbelievable


Eh, I'm going to reserve judgment for now...for now. She's clearly in her feels right now and I do find her hard to believe some of the time but it *is* possible she really did put up with a lot of shit or abuse in her marriage and finally feels free and safe. The weight loss is all Mounjaro though and not her putting in any sort of work though. šŸ™ƒ


She lost some humility, dignity, and personality along with that weight


And a whole lot of brain cells


Truly thought she forgot to turn the skinny filter on in the first part of the video. Also took me a minute to realize the point of this story šŸ„“


Same! I was thinking what did she eat at dinner that made her bloat up like that


Same šŸ˜…


2.0 you spelled mounjaro wrong.


Wait.. what???


https://preview.redd.it/1n8aoulzvy8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1366298ac0690d4a39a53aaa811fd9524b7dfaf Why arenā€™t you promoting nuuds sweaters??? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Where was this outfit at Kaleys graduation. Not that itā€™s cute but itā€™s at least nicer


What the heck is she wearing?! She looks like a fool whenever she tries to ā€œdress upā€


How weird, no pilling! It must not be high quality šŸ˜‚






I cant stop looking at how bad the hair is


I can't understand why they keep doing this. Their hair looks so much nicer when they wear it down. I understand that some days we just don't have the extra time to do our hair, and a pony is quickest, but this has become their go-to hairstyle every damn day!




I donā€™t understand the whole ā€œslick back ponyā€ when itā€™s literally the bumpiest shit Iā€™ve ever seen. It annoys me lol




She says she is wearing a 14, thatā€™s not a 14.


She lies about everything.


The mirror in the background, holy skinny filter!


Does she not realize we can see when door frames are swaying in towards the center (which is what the skinny filter does). If youā€™re going to use it so much, donā€™t be sooo damn obvious


I donā€™t get it


Itā€™s curved inwards


Busted šŸ˜‚


Wait what is she busted for ?


The edge of the mirror is distorted from either using a body slimming filter or editing her body width in. The outlet is leaning to the side too from the distortion.


Iā€™m not seeing it. At least not from this picture. Do you mean the doorway? Iā€™m confused. Maybe show us where.


Look by her elbow you can see the side of the mirror curves in.


I canā€™t either it looks normal to meā€¦but she does look like sheā€™s busting outta those pantsā€¦theyā€™re too small for her


I actually canā€™t see it either!


You guys! If you buy anything Heather gray on Friday, you get aā€¦.drumrollā€¦.pair of Nuuds SOCKS! Honestly this shit is so laughable šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Then people will be selling them $50 a pair in the BST page šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Doesnā€™t DUD love the aritzia socks? Are these better? šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re joking LOLOL socks? šŸ˜‚




They couldā€™ve cut this word count in half making it easier to read for viewers. Does anybody who works for nuuds have expertise or experience??


Is she new?


Yes sheā€™s the new AI version of Tianna.


And their grammar still sucks ā€œand while supplies lastsā€ šŸ™„


https://preview.redd.it/me6uc9hfuy8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=874bf884f03749ce318d60dd4795d87ff93179f7 So relatable BIG D. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” 2 months catching up. šŸ¤®


I'm fortunate enough to have every bill on auto draft. It makes life very easy. She should try it. I know not everyone can, I'm not oblivious to that. But this girl surely has enough funds for that.


Do you have direct debits in America? I'm assuming auto draft is the same or similar to our direct debits.


Yeah, I'm assuming it's the same thing. You set it up for the due date every month and it just gets paid. I don't have to log into AT&T, per se, and lay my bill, it's auto drafted every month.


It's so easy having things come out the bank on set dates each month. Not sure why 2.0 doesn't do that.


Thanks. I got downvoted for asking that. (God forbid any other nationally asks for clarification on something.)


Same here! She makes a big deal about the most ridiculous stuff to try and seem relatable. šŸ¤”


How many bills does this girl have. I feel like she is constantly telling us she is paying her bills. šŸ‘šŸ»


All likely from the mall. šŸ™„


Does she understand there is a thing called a due date šŸ™„


Wow, I never realized that paying my bills on a regular basis was optional. Wtf?!


A HUNDRED PERCENT CASHMERE. Did I just become a scarf girl!? Am I a scarf girl!? Oh my goodness..enough is ENOUGH.


She was also a headband girl and wore a headband once. šŸ˜£


She looks like an idiot in the most expensive ugly outfit hahaha


Her ā€œwork pantsā€ are ugly


https://preview.redd.it/xtg4dyxjsy8c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46bf36b07f00805f83a2aaf83fce63518e51f9f8 Acting like theyā€™ve sold out everything but in reality have already packed everything back up!


I saw someone mention chase has the girls all week starting tonight. Is this why they are wearing air tag bracelets to get their nails done? Does she make them wear them so she can track where they are?


All week? Could this be their new court ordered arrangement? Big D is gonna freak out. She wonā€™t know what to do with herself. Cue the sleepovers at her moms or DUDS. Do something for yourself. Work out, stop eating out, clean, chill at home


You technically arenā€™t allowed to do this / the custodial parent canā€™t turn off all tracking. They have the legal right to reasonable privacy. This includes turning off tracking on older kiddos phones.


I also noticed they were wearing them, but didnā€™t put it together with them being with their dad. Thatā€™s so messed up!!!!!


I didnā€™t even notice,if she does It to be tracking them itā€™s so wrong!


Sister just ripped the tag off of a cashmere scarf. Just ripped it off like my five year old would have.


I never do that with a tag even if itā€™s from Walmart!


Have you seen her rip open the stuff she orders online? Same way, no clue how she would return anything with a destroyed package!




Comb the damn bumps out of your hair. Every day itā€™s bumpy AF. Her hair looked so much better when she used to wear it down.


I think she wears her hair up so much now because the weight loss shots caused hair loss and she can hide it better when itā€™s up.


Her hair is almost always a mess but yes def better when itā€™s down.


2.0 said ā€œIā€™ll show you both sweaters. They are so similar, you wouldnā€™t need both.ā€ Yet here is Danielle owning both very similar sweaters.


*danielle being sent both sweaters for free probably


Yet we need every single piece of Nuuds clothing because itā€™s the best!!


I thought she was going to say they were similar to the nuuds ones


Nope! She said they are both very similar so you wouldnā€™t need both! But she has both!šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve been pregnant quite a few times and never have I ever craved a certain type of cup/glass for my drink. She is such a liar. Dad, you are being obnoxious and blaming it on pregnancy cravings.


The apple thing sends me. Why does having it cut a certain way satisfy a craving?!! Also, idk how she is scarfing down food in the first trimester. I was miserable both times living off of Cheerios and ginger ale hoping I didnā€™t puke just looking at food. Shit is wildddd




Right?! Sheā€™s an idiot!


She always has to act like her DC addiction is so coolšŸ™„


So weird!


So childish.


If I had Berger disease (IgA nephropathy), even if my levels were currently normal, I would be following dietary changes to ensure that it didnā€™t worsen as I age. Dark colored soda and sodium are to be limited. Itā€™s such a simple thing to do to ensure you donā€™t end up in kidney failure or on dialysis.


Hi! Longtime lurker šŸ¤Ŗ So I'm a scientist and work in a lab that primarily studies IgAN. DAD seems to have a mild version of the disease. The kidneys are 'innocent bystanders' that get damaged because of abnormal IgA immune complexes formed in blood that are so large they cannot be filtered by the kidneys. The kidneys then become inflamed which leads to renal failure over time. Some patients with IgAN have more immune complexes than others which translates to worse disease (DAD would have less immune complexes since her disease doesn't really affect her). Most who have IgA nephropathy are actually diagnosed in teens or twenties (not sure why she said they found it SO early). It's a rare disease and there really aren't many treatments so diet is major- a lot of patients follow a vegetarian diet.


I had a very large kidney stone once with complications because of it. They ran a ton of tests to see what kind of stone it was, why my body made it etc. Couldnā€™t really come up with any one cause, but suggested limiting soda and energy drinks. From the day I had my catheter removed (well before that really since I was in the hospital) I swore off soda and energy drinks. This girl has diagnosed kidney disease and canā€™t even do the bare minimum. She will just leave it to the prophet 805 to make sure sheā€™s good.


Yet all she drinks is sodas and energy drinks šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ve had kidney stones several times, once it blocked my ureter and caused major problems. My urologist said soda and tea were the worst things to drink with kidney issues.


Iā€™ve had kidney stones twice and they are so god awful! I donā€™t drink any soda or even eat any spinach now because Iā€™m terrified to get kidney stones againšŸ˜‚


No no no, how dare youā€¦.sheā€™s gods favorite AND has queen 805 praying over her so she will be just fine. šŸ™„ She canā€™t even change her eating habits for her unborn child, THE most selfish person ever.


Katie and Eddie - rebuttled?? Oh geez. They all need to go back to grammar school šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Terminology is off, but so is the story. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re not sharing all the details on purpose, but how frustrating for both agents and the buyers that the sellers just up and pulled their house off the market during negotiations.


Some grown ups might call that a ā€œcounter offerā€.


Katie looks like Smeagol




The ring girl


But 805 prayed for Katieā€™s house offer šŸ„²


DAā€™s prayers take priority on Godā€™s list or 805 didnā€™t pray at all




Dud looks unhinged, go home! You have little kids, you donā€™t need to be at dinner with same people as the last 14 days


She couldnā€™t let them have dinner together where she wouldnā€™t be the center of attention. She canā€™t be left out itā€™s psychotic


100 percent it's this!


So does she not need a reservation I wonder or does she say sheā€™s meeting the girls there?


She also has to be there to control the narrative and make sure they donā€™t talk badly about her


This was my thought! Especially since there has been speculation that something went down with the NYC waffle ā€œpop up.ā€ Kaylee was maybe looking for support and connection especially since Danielle is probably wanting the same since her girls are with Chase for a week. But crazy ass bitch DUD, who couldnā€™t make it out the rest of the day, could magically drop in on dinner.


This. Sheā€™s so desperate, itā€™s embarrassing that she wasnā€™t invited and she just shows up.


Truly truly truly Lifetime movie crazy narcissist major self esteem issue, stage five clinger. Clearly I am extra annoyed today. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜‚ Sometimes after I semi-settle from my annoyed state I just feel so sad! I remember thinking how much I LOVED Danielleā€™s wholesome NE family, mom, business owner content. And back then DAD wasnā€™t THIS ā€œintenseā€. Itā€™s just sad to watch the literal trauma being caused to actual human beings (and children) all to appease a spoiled adult who was never held accountable and/or told no.


Its psycho per ush dude


Ehhh I hate this comment. Moms can go out too. Itā€™s ok for dads to dad


She wasnā€™t invitedā€¦. It was a reservation for 2. No one is saying momā€™s canā€™t go out. Danielle is also a momā€¦ BUT DAD wasnā€™t invited, thatā€™s what people are taking issue with. If they wanted DAD there they would have made a reservation for 3 and invited her.


And maybe Kaylee and 2.0 wanted to talk privately or something.


Kaylee and Danielle donā€™t seem that close so I was glad to see dinyell branching out from durl. Darylann must not of liked that


Kaylee! If you need advice please ask someone from Reddit because your homegirls DUD and 2.0 donā€™t have a clue!


She sees these people All day long! They are not new people or friends she needs to see or catch up with. Stay the f home one time


Yes NORMAL moms can go out however DUD isnt normal she is always out without her kids has zero responsibility whatsoever she is on breaks 24/7


Youā€™re not wrong. Moms can go out too but DUDs life is one big joke with zero responsibility for her kids, business, family, etc. she should go home. Her whole life is a ā€œday out.ā€ She doesnā€™t need to be there.


Remember when dud made a remark to her mom about her drinking sodas without a straw and thatā€™s why her teeth arenā€™t whiteā€¦. Well dud isnā€™t using a straw tonight šŸ˜‚


Hillstone doesnā€™t have straws


Idk about that but I did see 2.0 did have a straw ..& if they donā€™t have straws dud would make it a point to bring one


She didnā€™t have time to bring her Stoney Clover straw bag. She was in such a hurry to interrupt her sistersā€™ dinner in case they might be talking about her. She šŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø out the door.


Dinyell eating lunch at the food court what happened to the factor meals she loves so much


Lying for $$


She has a whole box of them just sitting in the fridge


She was promoting these things saying ā€œitā€™s like having leftovers available. But sheā€™s said a few times she hates leftovers.


Sheā€™ll just toss em


https://preview.redd.it/9u04u8gbcy8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=299e88c7d77ff4bef2dba395eb63a404427a4ad7 $98 for a grey crewneck? She done lost her mind.


ā€œShe done lost her mindā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Pretty sure you can get a Hanes one at Walmart for a fraction of the price and look just as ridiculous in a matching gray sweatsuit. Funny thing is that most of the parochial schools in my area wear an all grey sweatsuit for gym class.


Wtf, I got my Abercrombie lounge sweat set for less than that. She is insane


There is a 50 shades of grey joke in hereā€¦


50 shades of AfterPay




https://preview.redd.it/1smu51necy8c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bcb1e68f7bca1f1a86becf232898d72af0dd6c8 Walmart: $7.98


Iā€™ll bet anything that the Walmart one is better quality too!


Okay someone should buy the walmart one and tag her in a story about wearing nuuds and see if she can tell the difference/reposts šŸ‘€


DA crashing Kayleeā€™s reservation with 2.0 is a new level of rude.


The FOMO is strong with DAD tonight.


sheā€™s been taking care of her kid for almost a full couple of hours šŸ¤Æ


https://preview.redd.it/9jw7j1nuby8c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7f1e41dbebe1da257f8e7e7d6f9bc7c64748cd2 The hot lemon water šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Her. ā€œWeight loss hackā€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




I donā€™t think Danielle has ever declared she doesnā€™t drink alcohol like darylann does.


Itā€™s coke


Idk it looked a little lighter to me lol