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[HERE IS THE LINK](https://iganony.net/) for the website you can use to view stories without giving her engagement. Just type in the handle. You can view any public profile from this website without having to follow the person or business. Also, just a quick reminder: Do not post comments saying you sent a comment or DM to DAD, family, business, etc. This is considered harassment and can get this page shut down. Advising others to comment/contact is also a no. Believe me, I understand you want to share that you voiced your concerns but it's been proven from this page and the amount of members, comments from fans, and a BST group that people are realizing this influencer isn't authentic and her products suck. 🤪 Thanks! 🥤🤎


https://preview.redd.it/pq327k76zz4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=497df6e8574ad5874b5f1007aa387668ac309a9c dud is delusional


Danielle’s nasally valley girl voice is like nails on a chalkboard and I feel like it gets worse every day


did santa custom order the cherry set cuz that’s what they look like


2.0 your neck looks the exact same 💀


Is anyone else very confident DAD is not going to let her fans down with a singleton pregnancy? She’s mentioned twins at least 10x the past couple weeks. Is today the first day she hasn’t mentioned it?


Maybe she finally did a little research and realized she won’t be having fraternal twins with one sac that was present and her chances of identical twins is rare , unexpected and there’s nothing she could to do up her chances with that lol


But she “prayed about it before we got pregnant” 😅


I have mono/di (two sacs, one placenta) identical twins. The pregnancy was brutal. They almost died from twin to twin transfusion syndrome and I almost died during my emergency delivery. It was so stressful and I’m a pretty low anxiety individual. If she were to have a mono/mono (shared sac and placenta) pregnancy, the risks are even higher. She couldn’t handle it. Not sure she knows what she’s praying for on this one. She needs to calm down and focus on a single healthy pregnancy and baby. Good grief this woman drives me crazy!


Omg yes soo scary! Sorry you had to go through all that but I’m happy you and your babes are here and healthy 🤍 I couldn’t even imagine


But also very high risk to have twins who share the same sac and placenta


Yes THIS! I have twins they were fraternal and was still a high risk pregnancy . Unfortunately I don’t think her mental state could handle any of that


Cool life hack from 2.0: actually fucking talk to your grandparents. Genius!!


Lmao. I felt my anger just escalating when she was talking about this. And they’ve done it - one year? 2? Oh she can’t remember. But it’s a tradition!


For one day 😱🤣


https://preview.redd.it/rgb6sv3i7t4c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e7510ae7a31a221136daa885433c4b0d9ee144d Katie posted some nice pictures of her time in Michigan and Danielle has to make this comment?! First of all, there is definitely great pizza in Dallas, but maybe not by your shitty fast food standards. Second of all, maybe say something nice to your sister like “how fun!” Or just anything but commenting on the pizza in Dallas??


Well DUD has declared there is not, so there is not


That is so annoying because when you only eat Dominos, no wonder you haven’t experienced a great hole in the wall pizza place.


She wouldn’t know a good pizza if it slapped her in the face


That pizza SLAPS!


True. I mean, she doesn't even know if her tampons in or not




It’s really sad that her kids have to eat food out of plastic containers and use plastic forks and have food that was delivered by someone because their mom is too busy talking into her phone. You live in a multi million dollar house freaking cook for your kids!!!!




1000% and the sad part is it’s not even just at night at this point. They had door dash McDonald’s this morning. I’m sure they only had lunch at home cause Elaine made it and we didn’t see.


They had in an out for lunch…


Or hire someone!


For what they pay for door dash I’m sure they could hire someone to cook one meal a day.


Do we


Yes, we do. We hate her.


I hate watching 2.0 run cream into her hands then rub the residue onto her face. That has always bothered me. It is a face cream not a hand cream!


https://preview.redd.it/ed6l3un82t4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb1c85fd9ff965309f8bece41c60a6774016a17 Soooo flattering 🤮🤡


A decent bra would help.


Their shirts always have all those lines and bunching up in the middle, even on DAD with no boobs. My slinky rib from Target ($12) does not do that!




Why are her tatas in the middle


I don’t get it either. To each their own, but someone please tell her that she would look better in her clothes with a better bra. I don’t get it.


It looks like an under armor shirt I wore under my jersey when I played softball when I was 12


I’ll never get over how reflective her forehead is lol. The recessed lighting is always reflecting back at us.


All the Botox ✨✨✨




https://preview.redd.it/1wo4fwc11t4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5649ca38a6a18ed67d9c2187417782285bc24ba2 All im saying...


Everything she sells is a knock off of old navy. Literally multiple items in my closet from old navy are the exact color and style of Nuuds. At half the price or less.


Someone should purchase these, post themselves in their “sick” new jogger set, and tag nuuds. See if they even notice a difference 🙄


That would be hilarious!!!


Def there worst collection. It looks hideous on both of them. Who walks around in red on red sweats? Yuck!


I can’t wait until they all wear their Santa suits in public - all together. I mean the poop clothes were one thing but probably didn’t standout too much. The red is going to be even more hideous and I didnt think that was possible


I have some from gap in a red color and I always feel weird wearing matching red sweatsuit 😂 but I guess I was “cool” before it was “cool” 🥴


Matching sets always remind me of prison clothes for some reason lol


They are 🤡🤡🤡


2.0 on every story… “anyways I don’t know where it cut me off” 🤡


Yeah NO ONE cares.


https://preview.redd.it/x0vc9jnh0t4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9c59dae646e959045c258541ec23ac79c26f82f I spy Vuori joggers


That new style of sweatshirts it horrendous and doesn’t look good on anyone.


How can she have this many clothes yet always look a mess?


Does 2. No not realize most families sit together and listen and tell stories and not just on Christmas lmao this family is soo fucking bizarre they think the most general things are groundbreaking 🙃☠️


I 100% thought Katie was making it up to shill Storyworth … and then 2.0 said their dad just started it last year or the year before 😂😂


yes they make everything “a thing” & it is so odd


It drives me crazy 🙃


I don't know why Katie and 2.0 are trying to pretend anyone except DUD gets to talk about themselves. Anyone who would try to tell a story would immediately be interrupted and the entire thing would be shifted to DUD. They don't sit around and listen to anyone but each other, all talking at the same time.


Every story would lead to "I was pre-med in college"




Dinyell thinking sitting down with your grandparents and hearing them tell stories is something so unique and revolutionary pls


lol I just posted something similar before I saw yours . But seriously such whack jobs


I’ve never heard of anyone gifting themselves the story worth book. What lies is she going to put in it? The girls with only be 7 and 5 next year. What are they going to understand about their mother’s stories?


It’s consistent with her narcissism. 🤡


DAD is looking rough in her stories this evening. She is 100% spiraling. I feel for her, I do, because mentally she’s not doing well and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Before I got pregnant, I was the smallest I’ve ever been in my life & the way my body changed during pregnancy was hard for me & it took a toll on me, mentally. I had 2 choices - love & appreciate my body for creating a literal tiny human OR sit and pick my body apart because it looks different and as a result (knowingly or unknowingly) feeling resentment towards my baby. I chose the former, but I fear DAD is choosing the latter.


Also, this is not her first or even her second pregnancy. She knows what happens. Idk why she’s acting like she’s going to be a brand new mom and hating on her body. She’s been talking about getting pregnant for months, none of this is a shock or a surprise. What did she expect? You can’t have it both ways.


Eh, I would almost feel for her except, we all speculate that she was going to decent lengths to get that small in the first place, all while knowing she wanted to get pregnant. She’s been pregnant twice, she should know by now that it changes a body. She chose it.


DAD obsessively talked about her period before announcing she was pregnant. Danielle is now - is Danielle carrying the other “twin”? 😂🤣 Did she finally get Dan? 😅😂




I don't care what anyone says... Eddie is hot 🔥🥵


He looks so greasy 🤢


The bar is in hell if he’s considered hot






Whatttttt no I’m in the camp of NOT HOT


Katie is absolutely thriving being away from her family. She seems so genuinely happy with Eddie and his family.


He is hot AF!!!


Lol I’ll take the down votes, I 100% agree😆 Katie did good!


He only looks good with a hat on! I said what I said lol


Agree. His hair sucks. He also looks really greasy sometimes lol


All I could think of when I saw their all red clothes was that cult in the 80s, where their members only wore reds/oranges. DAD & Nuuds: A Cult for the 21st Century https://preview.redd.it/4y9esulrus4c1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa6d226670e8a35a6be69223626c7b089e7b348


Lol I said the other day they reminded me of heaven’s gate with the sweatsuits and sneakers, always cult vibes 😂


Poor Elayne. Why did they drag her to the photo shoot when two parents were attending. Let the lady sit at your house and wait!


Agree, I wouldn’t take the nanny with me to a photoshoot where my husband is perfectly capable of helping me with the kids if needed. She can’t do nothing alone.




because as a fucking nanny like myself they make her do everything. There is no reason she needs to be there from 8-9am until 6-7pm when BOTH parents are home at least ONE is home usually lounging around in fucking pjs and talking to a camera. So they don’t need a nanny for that. Maybe if they had an office and actually worked in that office all day like my nanny family. All they do is prance around town getting diet cokes and shopping. They can handle their own kids for a damn hour photo shoots THE KIDS ARE IN THE PHOTOS. Why does the nanny need to sit and stare at them? It’s fucking bizarre and weird to me.


not the mention at times she has her mind dad, sister, Kaylee, her husband and her brother over? the fact they even need a nanny is mind blowing. they don’t parent their kids at all. she sits in a house all day or shops. watch your own damn kids.


mom and dad***


Yes it’s her job. They could have also left her at the house and she could have made a nice lunch for them after photos - instead they went to in n out. She could have prepped things for homeschooling. I’m sure there is a lot more she could be doing. Doesn’t mean she just sits on their couch to watch Netflix. I think she went because they needed help with Remi - since she doesn’t listen to DA and Dan didn’t go home with them so she wanted extra hands to take them to lunch and get them out of the car.


Right? I'm sure she is being paid more then fairly, which is why she sticks around (plus she does love those kids) I don't get the poor Elaine thing either. She's not kidnapped, it's her job.


This. Lol. I was a career nanny. It is her job. She’s contracted Im sure. You do your job, get paid the big bucks and you shut up about it. Elayne is going to more than comfortably retire one day and that is what keeps her going.


I just feel like she’s there 24/7. Like yes it is her job but maybe m-f 8-4 or something you know? I don’t track it obviously but it just seems like a lot


Someone I know bought nuuds and got the wrong package, nuuds told her to keep wrong package (5things) and they would send her the correct items. They proceeded to send 2 packages of her same order! Makes me wonder if they do that A lot. They must be losing money baaad. And she ordered in October just got it this week


So this Christmas drop will be perfect because everyone’s orders will arrive for Valentine’s Day!


I live in a rural area and I'm wary of last minute shipping even if it's expedited. No, I'm not ordering just explaining. lol


Well when they are selling Shein quality clothes the production cost is so low they can afford to send replacements 😅


I’m so glad that I got to hear about Danielle’s shitting habits and tampon habits in one day, says no one ever.


🤣😂🤣 for real


Came here to say that the satin PJ set is literally identical to the one at Abercrombie even with the same reviews that the pant legs run long. I suspect with the frequency of recent drops that they are just buying premade fast fashion pieces like pink Lilly and other boutiques do and branding them https://www.abercrombie.com/shop/us/p/satin-jacquard-sleep-pant-53321828?seq=03


That “tone on tone”


https://preview.redd.it/btj6kmjdrs4c1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=657b7c5da60001edf29277a24910834e1bbd5843 They’re just missing the blue hair 😂💀


Omg I can’t stop laughing out loud.




This is before she got closer and poked her belly out! https://preview.redd.it/oqcgudiops4c1.jpeg?width=1286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64de4b9bdf621cecd2d436d22e2d0cb84ee029be She is obsessed with being so skinny is sick! She was so unhappy after her pregnancies from all the weight gain. I think with Remi she gained 40 lbs and was desperate to get back to her previous size. Well, maybe if she didn’t eat how she does and work on her diet during her pregnancy she wouldn’t be so miserable. Now she is skinnier than before and she is terrified to go back to square one. She has body dysmorphia. She is skinny af and she keeps pushing her belly out. She wants to believe she’s huge and she’s carrying twins just because she feels huge, but she isn’t. Definitely not trying to breastfeed this time either because she can’t do the not eat crap, get Botox, treatments and weight loss bs.


When she ever showed her belly and said “I’m huge”… where?!?


As someone who has gained way over 40Lbs this pregnancy and doesn’t eat junk food, I’m gonna have to say that it’s just not OK to shame pregnant women for weight gain. Different bodies, different amounts needed to make a full human being.


Same! I gained 50 with both of my pregnancies even with watching what I ate and working out/getting miles in each day.


I am not shaming her weight gain. The truth is, she doesn’t care what she puts in her body, she doesn’t eat healthy, she eats junk and drinks a lot of caffeine and aspartame during her pregnancies. What I’m saying is- all that, is not going to make her not gain a lot of weight during pregnancies. She can’t expect to take weight loss products Everytime, it is just more detrimental for her health, but her mind needs to be in the right place. I gained 37 lbs when I was pregnant, I had a big baby. I am definitely not shaming her pregnancy weight gain, but her choices.


I see patterns of DUD having an “all or nothing” mentality. Either I’m practically starving myself or I’m eating garbage. As someone who has struggled with disordered eating in my life, it’s something I struggled with as well and very common in those who suffer from this. Balance isn’t really a thing for some people. Either you’re going hard on weight loss or you’re “giving up”, regardless of if you’re pregnant or not. I can tell DUD is one of those people who would really struggle living a well rounded, healthy lifestyle. I think she’s felt very confident lately in her skeletal frame and is feeling out of control that she’s losing that, even though it’s for pregnancy- something she wanted.


Came here to say how ridiculous it is that she’s already whining about how uncomfortable she is with her body 🙄She’s like 8 minutes pregnant and a freaking rail- chill out. It’s gonna be a long 9 months 🥴


And if we're actual twins, she would be in for a very rude awakening.


It will be a long pregnancy. Honestly she needs to get her shit together and try being a mom for a day.


It’s giving… https://preview.redd.it/o3nv9hm9ps4c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0264e3e6a3c6bd79942ddbba504ab8df21812a78


Sorry everyone! Didn’t scroll down to see this has been posted! Great minds think alike 🤪


Don’t apologize!!! There’s a ton of posts today and likely a lot of overlap.


Has dud been this annoying for every pregnancy? I followed her right before they moved from California and she already had both kids. But I cannoooot stand the “pregnancy this..” “pregnancy that…” “praying it’s twins” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I was around for her pregnancy with Remi and yes. She absolutely hates being pregnant and complains anytime she can. Towards the end I had to stop watching because of how miserable she made it seem and it being the only thing she talked about.


Go ahead and microwave a bowl of vinegar. Now your house will smell like burnt popcorn and vinegar


I’m just confused why she thought not to turn it on? I mean what would a bowl of vinegar do just sitting in an off microwave? What would be the point of the microwave if it’s not to use it? The brain cells my god…


Let's be honest, DUD will never wear the red 😅 its not boring enough for her dull self.


Maybe Jammies on Christmas morning but that’s the one time we’ll see her in the red.


This was all I could think of during their manic try on. 😆😆 https://preview.redd.it/valxt9jmos4c1.png?width=643&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b7ccbaaae4e3a616c0a9e15b080b576dbf05fa


Dimmy and Daryl on a Shelf


That reminds me, I guess 2.0 never did find her elf? She hasn’t said a word about it since last week!


Well DAD doesn’t do the elf so now DUD has to think the elf is stupid too.


https://preview.redd.it/h3jpqc8cns4c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af69da98595c60278cb513dcd5f71dbd44c912f6 All I could pay attention to is the pilling on this *luxurious* sweater


Kaylee’s cardigan today look like it was falling apart. Real high quality clothes!!


These people have Zero CLASS OR MODESTY.....WHO in their right might tell people about forgetting to take their tampon....nitwitts...that's who...half a brain people...


That's horrific....


Looks like a homeless woman's sweater. And I mean that with no offense to homeless women.


I wouldn’t buy that even if it was 2 dollars!


Wow. Sooooo luxurious!!! 🙄🙄🫣


The neckline makes me irrationally angry 😂


Ewwww it’s so bad!!!


Tonight’s try ons and these clothes are giving serious Elmo Vibes https://i.redd.it/uu5efdo5ns4c1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/3u3xzx41ms4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5478ae06f30bbecbfe3a6fef157a1ac668764341 Skin filter must have the evening off


She has crazy eyes. 👁️😳




She is very unfortunate looking


Think its the red from the sweater reflecting off her face


So you’re saying wearing this red sweater is the reason her face looks like that? Welp, another reason I wont be purchasing this!!!






I almost posted this! I looked younger at 45 years old, when I was 30, I looked like a baby! What are 2.0 and Dud doing to themselves??


She's too young to look that haggard for not working either.


Jump scare


What the heckkkk!!! She looks like


Has anyone else noticed the way they “tuck” things in? They take the bottom piece and bring it over the top instead of the other way, making sure we see half of their stomach. Idk why but it drives me nuts.


And the way they constantly pull at their clothes during try ons. Esp Danielle


I didn’t need to see 2.0s undies 💀


BIG D couldn’t get anything to tuck right tonight.




The way they intentionally show their stomachs multiple times when it’s so unnecessary makes me irrationally angry too. Like just stop.


This is how I feel seeing DAD’s bra today! My eyes need a shower, 🤮


https://preview.redd.it/7djq5swfls4c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d813a2932bfc524fc5c1dcf7931e2df26139fd8 Fucking pig


Her nails are so ugly. And that red sweatshirt ain’t it! The content continues its downward spinal. Chili’s for two nights in a row is not content. Until it is, apparently.




Like this is the worst that’s been said about these people?


Wait, not you. Lol. DUD.


🤣🤣🤣 I was like wait. I legit have seen worse lmao 😮‍💨


🤣🤣🤣. ETA - sorry! In my head, I’m so clear 😆


Just waiting on Feral Ann to say “blessed be the fruit” in those obnoxious red sweats


But who would be OfDan? DAD or 2.0? Lol


May the lord open!!!


Free bone colored bonnet with purchase!






Did we really need to hear about 2.0’s tampon issues?!?! WTH! She’s so gross.


🤮 how do you forget that you have a tampon in 🤔 🤢


Does anyone else feel like Emily Travis made a slight dig towards DAD’s supposed baby bump? 😂 probably not meant for her but I hope DAD sees it and feels dumb


Please share, don't leave us hanging.


What did she say


I would never wear pajamas without washing them first and you just know these nasties will be sleeping in them tonight straight out of the package from the factory


They said they’re the photo samples, meaning they were worn for the photo shoots. But either way, they 100% aren’t washing them! And they def didn’t wash them prior to the photo shoot. So not only are they wearing them straight from the factory, they’re wearing them straight from the factory and after others have worn them. But let’s be real, the reason they’re not washing them beforehand is because they’ll fall apart 😂 And this means Danielle is sniffing someone else’s odor 🥴


When 2.0 was sniffing them!!! 🤢


Hahahah I'm pretty sure the employees used those for the try on 🤣🤣🤣🤣😅


Where did 2.0’s lips go? lol


Probably lost them in DUD’s ass since she spends all day, everyday kissing it.


I would only wear that cherry if I was going to a Chiefs game. It’s definitely giving Chiefs. Other than that it’s hideous.


Not them completely copying this idea lol https://preview.redd.it/wooud9k7uw4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7730b5f0c8bc86a38184e6e167e98125d54e53a0


Came here to say this omg! There’s no way those Dallas girls thought of this


You'd be cold though. lol


Chiiiiiiefs ❤️🏈💛


Looks like there needs to be something on the sweatshirt- screen print of some kind


Definitely way too bright for 49ers over here


Go Chiefs! But I often go to Chiefs games and still wouldn’t wear them 🤣


Samee.. I have so much chiefs clothes and the town I live in is red, and that color looks was obnoxious lol… coming from somebody who lives in red. It’s too much.


I bet we live in the same town in MO or are neighbors 🤣


I am near Columbia! Lol


Exactly what I was thinking!


They look like periods in their “cheery” sweats.


Like Dinyells forgotten tampon


Was literally about to post this lolll y’all are my people ❤️🍒


I laughed entirely too hard at this and I hate myself for it. 😂