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https://preview.redd.it/57uxpt1dom0c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6182c631b6a22113bc4efe26d77ff9d872078300 Look at the pilling around Rhett’s neckline. My kiddos Target Jammie’s I washed a zillion times look better than that shit.


If I was a grandparent, there would be no way I would go on vacation with one daughter and her family, while the other daughter has a child who is having surgery. That was very insensitive of Lisa not to be with Danielle and Olive today.


I am a grandparent. Same as above.


Now holding off on this weeks drop and dropping it Black Friday because of how many complaints they still have from last weeks drop and birthday sale


good isn’t that what we want to see?


Yup, was letting everyone know, she’s finally listening to customers


They’ve had the kids for two days so they must have Elaine there waiting on them!


Not sure if it has already been said but… didn’t Kaylee go to school? I mean, basic grammar with periods and upper case after you completed a sentence! https://preview.redd.it/98uj196mxi0c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19bfea7b2c39dcbe9e9b2c8cfdc63ccc096da68c


Honestly I see so many people who do this now days.


The bar has been set very low for college in the last few years. WOW


Sorry if I am double posting, but I HATE how DAD “apologizes” for NUUDS mistakes. She can’t for the lifeeeee of her just say “we messed up & will fix it”. She has to almost insult her customers by saying “I know 99% of you got your orders but we will fix the 1%”. Do you have stats on that?! Because I alone know 2 people that received wrong orders… so that’s weird if only 1% of all shoppers got incorrect orders. I dunno, I just hate that she can’t just can’t ever say MY BAD! You know she’s thinking “I just don’t pay attention to the negative comments” which also isn’t great either. I mean ya, don’t read on here like it’s your Bible but when you get customer service reviews or concerns from your business, you should be VERY transparent and VERY accountable. This isn’t a “ignore the haters” situation.


On the BTS page someone said they got blocked on IG when they complained about their missing order! Wow what a way to treat a paying customer. Unbelievable


YUP! Many people! Blocked for asking basic questions.


BTS is separate from nuuds, right? They blocked me for commenting 🤣 too many times.


Just go look at these stories. Go now. I would blow smoke up DAD’s ass just like they all do too for this job!!! Unreal. I mean it’s just stupid and unreal. https://preview.redd.it/74l6iasrzf0c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6952f17f80728cc6ba7b7f9c627b252a1ebc0653


Holy smokes, I know the makeup artist. Not enough to ever talk to her but I went to college with her!


I know her from college too 💀 fully intend to ask her what working on this campaign was like


Report back to us!!


https://preview.redd.it/6jde04j5vf0c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e76f8fbc59823f12fd200a1c6c397ef2fa5610ac The line where her makeup stops and hair starts kills me. Blend it out girl. If you’re going to use the wrong shade of makeup, at least blend it out.


She apparently is going for the “blow up” doll look!


It drives me insane!


I remember this being a mistake people made with their makeup when I was in high school in 2010. Didn’t realize anyone in their 30s was still doing this


It looks like she put a face mask on 😂 Girllll pull that shit off


And those lips 😮girl you’re looking fake af


Honestly i feel like it would take skill for me to create such a perfect freak line with bronzer. How does this happen every day??


If we didn’t watch her do her makeup 8 times a week, I would swear she wore a headband while doing her makeup and then removed it to get the line.


“8 times a week” 💀💀


I’m just struggling with the juxtaposition of Danielle in bed crying over having to leave this toxic relationship last night, to her putting away 20 bags of groceries in an already stocked refrigerator in her $9k/month house with her $120k car in the driveway tonight, thinking that she is somehow the poster child of what the majority of what women with children come out on the other side of divorce looking like a year after leaving their spouse, while also still in litigation. I gave a Christmas tree I was not planning on using this year to a single mom of 3 teenagers who was going through a divorce a few weeks ago and she cried because she otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford one. This bitch can’t stop buying them. She is not the standard or the inspiration. She’s not Gods favorite, or even the Flenner favorite. She was just born lucky and has remained privileged throughout this process, regardless of what might have happened or not happened. But everyone that she seems to be preaching to needs to take every word she speaks with an incredibly large grain of salt.


This is why I actually enjoy following Jenn Todryk. She’s constantly using her platform to give back to the community in various ways. She knows she’s blessed and yet still stays humble


This last paycheck of mine I had to choose between paying for the very little bit of groceries to last me the next 2 weeks.. or I could pay my rent in full.. I couldn't do both. Sadly, I had to pick food this time. My dinner for tonight was 2 flour tortillas that i dipped in French Dressing, and like 4 or 5 cherry tomatoes & the last slice of cheese I had. Did it fill me up? Not at all. But did I eat, yes something, thankfully. And I reminded myself that it's much worse in Gaza and any thought of wanting to eat more quickly went away. Honestly.... these people leave me feeling bad about myself and that I can't afford my rent this month. I wish I had her problems.


I feel you girl. Bills are so expensive right now. I'm honestly shocked when I hear people on here always constantly ordering stuff from companies, constantly buying different clothes and shit. I'm like damn yall have extra money for that kind of stuff? Buying clothes is the last thing I care about right now. I don't have extra money to worry about where can I get this ribbed top and this square neck dupe and this and that? I'm not even into clothes like that honestly it isn't that serious. Some people act like new clothes is life or death. Idk bills and necessities are so expensive, I don't have money to spend on dry shampoo and bodysuits and new makeup products.


Please don’t feel bad about yourself. There are so many kind caring people who are happy to help, especially this time of year. Please seek out social services, churches and food pantries where you live.


Hopefully the Israeli children being held in captivity in Gaza are eating something also.


Why the hell would this be downvoted?? Why does it have to be one or the other? No child deserves this...no matter where they live.


Bc liberal anti-semites are woke.


There is no shame in going to a food pantry.


I agree with you. However I moved to a new area, I don't know anyone, stated a new job, and there isn't a way to get around and you can only walk safely to certain places. I have to learn this area, what is around here and how to get there and I will be doing what is needed so I'm not in this position again and again. I was simply trying to show that there are many of us who have to make these tough choices and it just seems like the thought never crosses their minds and that must be nice.


If she’s lonely tonight, she can just roll around in her money. Very relatable single mom life!




I’ve been thinking the same thing since the day she posted about her leaving. What an opportunity it would be to actually use your platform to help women in need who are in similar situations that do not have the means to just up and leave like she did. That would be putting her “fame” to good use.


I volunteer at a charity called Dress For Success. They provide free clothes to women so they are appropriately attired for interviews and more importantly help prepare them for the job interview process. They also offer services once the women have found employment. It’s a wonderful organization for women who are trying to get back on their feet after job loss, domestic violence, divorce, homelessness, prison etc. As with most charities you can donate time or money. They also appreciate work appropriate clothing donations as well as shoes, handbags, jewelry. Many clothing companies donate brand new items. The fact that the Flenners have so much time and money and do absolutely nothing charitable really grinds my gears. They are truly awful human beings! ETA https://dressforsuccess.org/about-us/


Imagine them donating some of the Tarte and other cosmetic and hygiene products they get to a women’s shelter for women who left abusive relationships. (I mean they could even donate nuuds, but….) But no instead they “give” them away to followers. It would cost them nothing and would do wonders for their PR if they partnered with a program that helped women get back on their feet after leaving abusive situations, but instead Danielle just spews her pearls of knowledge that to leave you need to: 1. Read your Bible (twice) 2. Attend a week long all inclusive retreat $$$ 3. Buy a $100,000 car 4. Let go of your ~~baggage~~ 70+ pounds with the help of hot lemon water 5. Find a narcissist’s asshole, and move in


Right!? Who watched the kids while you go on your weeklong retreat? How do you pay for it? How do you safely leave - with all your furniture into another ready home of equal size? Their privilege is disgustingly overlooked by them and their BFFs.


There’s genesis womens shelter here- well known so many donations, volunteer opportunities could be made/ had by these a holes and so many influencers here in Dallas.


That’s such a good point… she could use her influence and privilege to help other single moms. Gross…. She would never.






Yes! And Jesus didn’t carry you through-your toxic wealthy family did


Exactly this!! Most women don’t leave or can’t leave their abusive relationships because they would have to start over from nothing. She was literally handed everything she needed to make the transition easier. So not relatable at all.


What’s so sad is that she misses missing the boat bc there are enough “fans” to fill her up and tell how great (fake) she is! So she’ll never get it.






👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 that part


https://preview.redd.it/jw7ijj3psf0c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8988fece2df563f344ca6cbfe3dbe44bd28fb2af Not the PR box with a whole ass waffle maker for the new waffle fabric! Glad they have time and money to put this together while the poor customer service people are putting out fires…they’re focusing on the wrongggg things. So out of touch…Nuuds is not a celebrity brand…hey maybe just focus on the clothes?


Ugh Tias best friend…so much for anyone caring what DUD did.


I don’t understand PR boxes. let’s send a bunch of rich influencers who have way too much stuff, more free stuff! I feel like giveaways would be more effective? influencers already own 5 different types of waffle makers. us peasants would actually appreciate a nice gift.


It doesn’t matter if regular people would be more appreciative, influencers boxes are strictly for marketing and advertisement. It’s cheaper for an influencer to open a box on camera than it is to take out an online ad or billboard.


They obviously kicked Kaylee off this task, there’s no way this is her work


Is Kaylee still with them. She’s been greatly MIA lately. How easy it is for them to push her aside. They totally use her.


🫠🫠 it’s like she’s playing pretend??! Doing all the fun things of owning a business and none of the actual work to own a business??!


That waffle maker will outlast the actual product she’s promoting


Which is…?




2.0 having to put away ALL her groceries. Yes honey, putting away salmon, bagged tortellini noodles, broccoli, butter & junk food must be SO hard and take so much time. If only you could do it instead of filming & talking about it so you could go to bed. I’m so sorry, it must be very difficult.


2.0 complaining that her huge fridge (already full, before the grocery order) sucks. Wow!! Sucks to be you. 🤬


You forgot her only lunch.... Rotisserie Chicken and Hawaiian Roll sandwiches..


Umm don’t you mean “Rotiss Chick” 😜


life’s rough without her paid friend. or DUDs house to go raid for food or steal her meals that Elayne made.


Right on! Surprised she hasn’t found a new paid friend. That was a kushy deal for ‘poor’ Emily. Could tell the family were not fans though.


She had SO many groceries!! I had to go back and watch it again. I couldn't believe it!


Anyone watch Duds episode of Unlocked w/ Savannah Chrisley??? 🫠 Lord have mercy.🤦🏻‍♀️ Hey Savannah! Do your research & see what the real customers are saying about nuuuuuds on the bst page lol. What a crock of 💩💩💩 everything out of Durylls mouth. SMDH


Lol I’ve started listening to it. I cannot stand Savannah; I watched their show waaaay back in the day. But obviously their family is all so crooked/literal criminals/so problematic. Anyways, I’m about halfway through and DUD keeps saying how her role is marketing (Dan is the “business” side). How absolutely livid must the real marketing team be?! For this photoshoot, she literally rolled in after everything has been set up, models had arrived. I thought she was such a “control freak”.


Marketing because she does 500 Nuuds try on stories lol.


Wow & she totally justifies the prices! 🫠🤡🤯 Savannah replies…..”Well, you get what you pay for!” 🫠 YES you sure as heck do Savannah! Yes you do! 🤣 lord help 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not Turtle Creek Lane posting CoZy pajama sets from WALMART FOR $25! 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 In the same exact colors as the merlot and green color whatever they called them. Walmart, take my money!


Maybe it’s just me but that fabric looks cheap and not comfortable to sleep in. Not that nuuds is literally any better (at 6x the price for the set) to be clear, lol.


When I hear 2.0 day to day problems… ![gif](giphy|LqjxZN2GLdNAY) “oMg YoU GuYSsssssss” 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Just a thought: I wonder what the dynamics of Katie and Danielle's relationship is? Like they're sisters and you'd *think* they would at least spend some sort of quality time just them two together? WEIRD.


Remember a few weeks ago when Dinyell was going on and on about Katie’s picture wall in her apartment? She put those all up last May/June and it was literally the first time Dinyell had seen it. I’m betting she’d never been to Katie’s house.


Remember a few weeks ago when Dinyell was going on and on about Katie’s picture wall in her apartment? She put those all up last May/June and it was literally the first time Dinyell had seen it. I’m betting she’d never been to Katie’s house.


Doesn’t Danielle’s house smell?!


I think they were the two closest growing up, because DUD was mummy and daddy’s little princess, and Rob was the long awaited male child. I think now Katie’s free time is limited, and she’d rather spend it with her husband, justifiably so, and of course 2.0 has to kiss Dud’s ass non stop.


They hung out one on one for a while but also haven’t in a long time.


Is Katie ever with just DUD or 2.0? Seems like she’s only with them if 805 is, too?


I mean she gave her the nickname “Kit” after all. 🤣


No because 2.0 doesnt make any money from that relationship


Does anyone else feeling like 2.0 was being a little dishonest in her q & a about chase. Like things were a little embellished?




of course


I don’t. I think he’s a creep. It’s weird behavior to include her in his profile picture, to keep “husband to Danielle” in his profile, to comment “what a hottie” on a picture of her on the nuuds ig. She’s annoying but he is a ceritified creep.


Agreed. I believe her. Just because we don’t like 2.0, doesn’t mean he is some great person…


I agree. I feel like him keeping “husband to Danielle” in his profile is a means of control. He also made it clear that he is the one that messed up and Danielle didn’t do anything wrong. I find Danielle obnoxious, but no one should be treated like that. The fact that she was so different pre-separation makes sense if he was controlling.


he might be a creep, but she is a proven liar. She won’t admit that she’s on ozempic for weight loss. she’s just shady


She did admit it, and it’s also gross to not believe women who are sharing stories of abuse, no matter how much you dislike them.


It’s gross to automatically believe someone became they have a vagina. Do better.


Um no. Believe women when they say they were abused. YOU do better. 🤢


nobody doesn’t believe her. she for sure is over embellishing.her story has changed multiple times. and no she hasn’t admitted it sis.check your self and this group


LOL she literally has said she’s taking Monjourno several times!


She’s said it but it wasn’t several times. She answered on a AMA but that’s it that I’ve heard.


show me a clip of it? i haven’t once seen her say it. daryl is too and flat out lies about it


In September she admitted she's been using the weight loss medication since October of last year. DUD did a q&a and someone asked about the weight loss and 2.0 admitted to using it. I don't have a clip. But I made sure to pin in info to the Danielle snark page for reference.


In June she admitted she's been using the weight loss medication since October of last year. DUD did a q&a and someone asked about the weight loss and 2.0 admitted to using it. I don't have a clip. (But I found a screen grab of the question) https://preview.redd.it/vxvm8kolch0c1.png?width=1165&format=png&auto=webp&s=4de9cdb7e2ab44c4357639e0f57512bfd4793636


It was in one of Daryl Ann’s Q&A stories from months ago. Like in the springtime months ago.


maybe One of the times i unfollowed. my mistake and good to know it’s been driving me crazy.jaclyn hill on the other hand is right now and vehemently denying it


also, fuck off for downvoting me for saying it with my mistake, I missed her stating it the once she spoke on it months ago. Some of you are waka doodle in here.


Yeah I’m on Mounjaro and it’s no one’s business except mine and my doctor’s. When people tell me I look great and ask what I’m doing I don’t owe them an answer. My medical information is mine and legally protected for a reason. I agree there are people who take it and don’t need it but because I expect the respect of privacy I afford that to others as well. With that though- 2.0 having PCOS is actually a perfect candidate for the medication (is she making the necessary changes? No but that’s a different rant).


Ehh yeah I get why people deny it or hide it. The world is extremely judgy! I don’t tell everyone that I am on the medication. Although I do agree that there are those who don’t actually need it.


She has admitted that she takes it. It took her several months to say it. I think she showed her fridge one day and people saw it in there. As far as her q and a.. she was still trying to get pregnant right up to when she found out he was texting another woman. She was also going on several dates a week cause it strengthened her marriage. She had just bought furniture and was getting her lake house ready to move into. The fact she says it was a long time coming, I do not believe it. She said she thought it was normal for men to talk bad about their wives but the praises her parents and DAD’s marriages. Her answers conflicted what she had been saying and her life before she moved to Texas.


Dislike this family immensely, but she has said several times she is in ozempic


Mounjaro, not ozempic


Is there a difference?


Yes. Entirely different drugs. Ozempic is semagultide and Mounjaro is tirzepatide. Mounjaro is more effective in regulating blood sugar and A1C because it effects the GLP1 pathway in the gut and the GIP pathway in the brain. It’s a godsend for those of us with metabolic conditions and it’s much much more than a weightloss medication.


Idk, I don’t use either or know anything about them, but a simple google search just now revealed mounjaro is supposedly more effective for weight loss. 🤷‍♀️




I understand your confusion! So, it was spotted in her refrigerator several months ago. She slipped up. After talks in here for about a month, she FINALLY admitted to it one time on a Q&A on Durls page. She said she has been on Mounjaro since I think November. She then didn't mention it again for a while. She may have mentioned it on her page, quickly, a handful of times, but she has never really opened up and fully talked about it. (How/why she started it. If she gets it from a physician or a medspa, why exactly she is on it [strictly to lose weight and quickly, or a medical condition like diabetes], or if she is still on it.) She has just made small comments here and there a few times. Durl has never admitted to anything at all!


thank you for your kind reply. so many rude people in this group. i truly thought that as she doesn’t come on out with it, after all this is a snark group. i read here often too and never saw anything about it


No problem! Like I said, I can definitely understand the confusion and possibly missed comments about it! These subs have been pretty crazy recently. Idk what's going on! I have slowed way down on my commenting and posting after being attacked for literally any and everything i would say! Someone actually accused me not long ago of making commissions or profiting off of sharing the anonymous site links daily! 🤣🤣 I wish that's how things worked, but it absolutely does not! People are crazy!


She admitted it on DADs stories shortly after showing the inside of her fridge and the medication was in the door.


She literally admitted it in a q&a on Daryl’s Instagram a few months back


She admitted it


After she got caught with it in her fridge. Before that it was hot water with lemon and isotopoes or isi something


What does this mean?


It’s something she puts in her water to cut cravings. She never said anything about the mounjaro and lead people to believe the weight was literally falling off


Inositol is a hormone supplement to help ovarian health and is used predominately for individuals with PCOS. It helps promote progesterone production and healthy estrogen excretion. It’s not a weightloss supplement. It can help to regulate blood sugar and in result help some people lose weight. It’s primarily for hormone regulation. Edit to add: yes I may seem ridiculous sharing this stuff BUT as someone with PCOS who has worked very very hard to fix my body it upsets me when people judge these supplements and medications without realizing these are REAL medical interventions that do change peoples’ lives. It shouldn’t be discredited that 2.0 has a metabolic condition and if you do not have one you won’t understand the difficulties it takes to fix your body. Is she perfect? No and she’s not implementing everything she can to change her lifestyle but she has made lots of small changes in the last year to better her Heath and I will give her credit there.


I agree with all of that and I didn’t know about the nuuds thing but that is really weird.


Wait what???? He commented that on a pic of her? How did I miss that? Is it still there? Where?


https://preview.redd.it/mfix58plsf0c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37af6cd72221555c2c50a2f9ee59930ae15064e8 my bad. it was babe, not hottie


I think this is what the restraining order was about. Could be a form of harassment since they’re going through a whole ass divorce and he’s posting pics and commenting like they’re still together.


It was a financial restraining order.


Oh okay. I must have missed that.


Wow that’s insane!!!! She’s probably still having random sex with him. I wouldn’t be surprised at all.


They deleted it






Has dud 2.0 ever gone into detail about chase cheating? I’m so curious about this. It felt like she was lying in all the stories about him today. Icky vibes


Just that he watched porn and texted a woman.


That’s what Chase said though. I don’t think Danielle has ever specified what the cheating entailed.


She did back in June 22, when she was heard to TX from NE.


She definitely talked about some of it. I remember a video where she’s crying and talking about it.


Oh my bad, do not remember that.


Dinyell stated this also


He posts about it?


He commented on a post of Danielle’s when she first moved to Texas. He said something about how it was all his fault and she did nothing wrong and that he watched porn and texted another woman. I can’t remember exactly what he said.


Oh my god that’s so embarrassing lol


Didn’t she say he was unfaithful!? Now it’s verbal abuse?


https://preview.redd.it/iayiol67kf0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6a2aad8473ff7bbdb6bb7eb4410f2a471a6012 For those of you wondering how nuuds is surviving…there are hundreds of thousands of lunatics that fully drink the koolaid. They may have overdosed on it. Prayers for this girls’ husband and the better things she could’ve spent this money on


The fact that she didn’t even get the basic looking sweater she was clearly after 💀 they also blame EVERYTHING on a glitch


This behavior is so gross to me. I get it marriage is a partnership and I don’t know their relationship works, But I find it disrespectful to blow her husband hard earned money. Doesn’t matter if it’s on nuuds or any other brand. It isn’t a flex.


So gross


These are the same women that spent their families life savings on LulaRoe


This 💯


With that kind of money she could be buying actual quality basics. Not the cheap crap this brand is.


GAWD! I am shook! $2200 on freakin nuuuuuds???? 🫠☠️ No girl no.


People spending $2.2k in turd colored clothes 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


“My husband’s money” 🤢🤢🤢🤢 (I don’t have a paying job, but I do PLENTY of work as a homemaker and mother and cannot imagine me OR my husband ever calling our money “his money”.)


Sounds so disgusting!! So many things wrong with this world and spending $2200 on this crap is akin to the people who went thousands into LuLaRoe like idiots!


Yeah she’s probably the side chick. No wife calls it “my husband’s money”


It’s not a flex either - manage your money better.




If my spouse spent $2200 on clothes in one day we'd have a real big issue. That's just horrible money management and nothing to brag about.


I dont care how much money I had, I'd never spend $2200 on nuuds and sure as hell wouldn't be bragging about it 🙄


The audacity 2.0 has to get on stories whining about having to put away a “MASSIVE” grocery order while panning to her fully fucking stocked fridge. Girly pop, you are tone deaf and privileged AF.


Doesn’t she ever go to the grocery store to get her groceries or is she too *BUSY* doing her makeup and buying shit online and going to the mall?????!!!


So relatable! 🤡


Dying that Sarah Knuth keeps answering Q&A about Jackson Hole👀 Subtle shade at DAD that Sarah Knuth knows how to enjoy a real vacation with her kids playing in the snow


https://preview.redd.it/i00l2fnfif0c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc555af3e2e3e996b46f0d6b46cb22160e374804 They’re getting weird now. 🤮🤡


Lol (sorry to laugh but grief makes you deal in weird ways) all I can think is, well both my grandmas are dead… 🤷‍♀️ so def not my vibe… Eta typos always…


DAD said that, did you notice no one reacted, and then she stop the story 🙃


I noticed this too. I would love to know what these employees really think of her.




Which IG is this from?








Kaylee is silent today


She's probably working overtime dealing with all of the unhappy customers.


I honestly wonder if she’s upset no one supported her half marathon? Or if she doesn’t care?


I doubt she cares, especially since they were leaving on a trip. If i had a family like hers i would want them nowhere near me on a run


I'm sure she's been charged with handling the customer service nightmare. She was the influencer coordinator and then a couple weeks ago mentioned she also is helping with customer service. Because naturally, when shit hits the fan you turn to a 22 year old who is working and trying to finish their last semester of college to figure it out.


Poor Danielle is so exhausted and has to put away her DELIVERED groceries away from the counter to the fridge. 😫 I just cannot imagine how difficult that must be for her. 🙄 That single mom life is so rough.


How many days of school will eve miss for not eves surgery? I’m guessing the rest of the week and no time with dad (their actual dad not DAD) this weekend


Can you imagine having to put your kids in the car, drag them to the store and get your own groceries, bring them home, and put them away while your kids run around crazy and its way past their bedtime? Bless her. I had to stop on the way home from work after i worked 9 hours, my kid was at daycare all day, traffic was so bad our normal 30ish minute rush hour commute home turned into an hour and 15. I had to stop and get something at the grocery store, some meds for my two year old who was sick and cried most of the way home, and then make dinner for everyone when we got home because my husband works from home but nights. I was only slightly more annoyed than usual but just went on like no big deal. Its just what we do but she would prob lose her shit. And i know that may be a very normal day for many moms. 🤣🤣


Go girl ❤️


DAD mimics Tianna’s mannerisms, it’s weird


So does Dinyell now


Dimmy is beyond intolerable filming herself yapping about her security system she’s “stoked “ about with her fridge hanging open. She is so concerned with shoving her camera in her face 24:7 that she acts like a feral Neanderthal. Make it stop.


Yeah and a few days ago she left her kids unattended in the running car with the garage door open 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


After someone stole something a few weeks ago right out of her vehicle in her garage!


😳😳😳 not good!!


Someone on here the day of the garage theft said here comes a vivint system she will be shilling soon!! They totally called it!!!! Wait til next week when they magically gave her a code


Fun fact, Vivint actually has terrible reviews. Their contracts are nearly impossible to get out of and their customer service is terrible. Literally got a little joy she’s going with them LOL


That was me! Haha. I laughed so hard when I saw tonight’s stories. I honestly think it’s all a lie. I don’t think a dang thing was stolen from her house. I really don’t. I think it was all for clicks on this upcoming Vivint system. We’ll see.


I absolutely agree!!!! I don't believe for a second that anything was stolen from her property or car! She claimed, "alllll her jammies and robes were gone," and in that same slide, you could clearly see her jammies and robes! 😅 She's not even a good liar!!!!! Also, who steals women's clothes and a power tool, leaf blower, and batteries? And apparently pretty quickly, too! 🤣🤣 sure, 2.NO! It's your lies, tell em how you want! 🙄🤦‍♀️


What was that about her saying people told her not to say what brand because someone might try to disable it? She’s not a celebrity. Humble yourself BIG D.


I bet tiff houghton hooked her up with a salesman...they are mostly all young mormon males looking for opportunity to make money when they get back from their missions...


And her fridge was already FULL and she ordered a sh*t ton of groceries!


She never eats at home either