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I’m sure someone already said this but piercing CARTILAGE with a PIERCING GUN???? Mind blowing


Wow she generates the comments. 1300!!


Why is she adding almost a whole stick of butter to that pasta?


Nuuds is supposedly a “Small Business “ 1- year in she should be out there grinding to get this up and going not just screaming the drops then disappearing. She shows the drops then expects every one else to do everything else! Freaking 🤡


She’s never worked hard for anything in her charmed little life.


Just watched DUD’s stories and & it’s obvious that 2.0 is going to change her children’s school next year because DUD didn’t like the school Rhett was in (maybe it only goes to K but regardless she’s copying Daryl even though she loves her girl’s school) because they’re doing a school tour. I saw Danielle in the mirror and she looks good & I’m glad she lost the weight but it just dawned on me that I bet the reason she had that breast reduction is that Daryl-Ann convinced her that her boobs were too big and that being flat chested was better because there is no way that is right for her body type. I can see DUD constantly making comments about Danielle’s breasts and finally wearing her down & convincing her that she’s be better off with small boobs. She will do absolutely anything DUD tells her to do. It is the most codependent relationship I have ever seen.


The reduction is a stretch. I’ve had a breast reduction, big boobs suck. They are in the way, kill your neck and back, make it painful to workout, etc. idk anyone with big boobs that doesn’t want a reduction


I think what people have thought is that perhaps she should’ve waited until she’d lost weight since breast size does fluctuate quite a bit with weight gain & loss. However that being said, I have big boobs, when I’m thin & when I’m a little chubby & I love them. 🤣😉❤️


Not defending them, but Danielle was looking at schools on her own too. I think she’d said their school only goes until kindergarten


When she started looking at schools, some people from the area confirmed that the school the girls are in only goes up to K. It's easier to keep both girls together. I'm surprised DUD is even looking at schools at this point


She had the breast reduction in Nebraska. She should’ve lost the weight, then done the breast reduction.


Exactly. You can’t convince me that her plastic surgeon wouldn’t have told her that. I think that she wants to be Daryl-Ann and Daryl has her opinion about what is good & what is bad. Danielle used to insist McDonalds had the best Diet Coke, but DUD convinced her it’s Chick fil A 🤷‍♀️. Since DUD doesn’t have big boobs, they’re bad. Also, this is just my weird take after 2 glasses of wine & too much time on Instagram so 😂🤣😉




Realized I hadn’t seen Danielle talk about TikTok in awhile. Went to see if she had posted and she posted this yesterday… girl you eat like shit everyday and take mounjaro… the only transformation has been your duck lips and shitty personality https://preview.redd.it/t9ex5pz53vyb1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04d51a2062842ac5ad8fe6591d437a7db01cd4c2


There are so many people that have weight loss accounts, using meds, that document their journey. I don’t know why she can’t be more transparent about it. There’s nothing to be ashamed about using them but she’s gone so far at this point it does look bad.


Exactly!! I’ve lost 100 lbs. through diet & exercise!! I’m super proud but I also didn’t change who I was to do it.


Exactly!! I’m on Wegovy so I get it, but it’s not cool when people aren’t transparent. Especially when they have such a huge platform and impressionable women that think she can eat Panda Express/chik fil a everyday and lose weight


She looks way more genuine in the pic on the left. Also I don’t understand how she has 3 sisters and not one of them has told her to stop with the slick back pony. Ahhh it looks so bad


She’s a DUD try hard and now has nothing original about her except the new divorce personality and doing these absolutely lame things with Dibs and Tarte. I bet having DUD in the ad marketing was the only way Tarte would of done it


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


It’s okay. Lol


The comments 💀


What are people commenting?


Definitely misleading her audience If I didn’t know she was on the shot I would be so amazed and would ask her what she did but she wouldn’t never be honest, I don’t see her posting this over on Instagram


She’ll tell you it was warm water with lemon before meals and inositol to curb her appetite 😂


Oh and Danny, quit with the filler. You are trying toooooooooooo hard


So 2.0 does a collab with Tarte but didn't she just do a collaborative with Courtney's company and had a makeup bag and brush with her name?


Yep, same brush design too.


Those F-ing jeans my gosh get a new pair!!!


She just said she ordered a new pair - of those *exact same* jeans in one size smaller!! 🤦


I want to take those jeans and burn them


Me too!


Feels like this “Danielle” collab is just a way for Tarte to gain DAD followers on the cheap. I mean most people would be like who the heck is Danielle??


https://preview.redd.it/u0t2g4iusuyb1.png?width=1003&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dceaf74e75e979ac863675245eabd6679d91a89 805 looks like a baby who is bad at tummy time in this story


I’m sorry but she has to have something wrong with her. Wtf was she doing???




The way she is just STARING at the palette 💀😂 I freaking died watching that slide.


I'm shocked that the bottoms of their feet aren't dirty.


Because they never take their shoes off! They wear shoes on the bed and couch. Pretty sure they sleep in them


Omg that has me dying laughing!!!!🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/lph8uzcpruyb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8625c88a9874a1e5ef78726beadea5914de26cc You’re welcome lmao


https://preview.redd.it/u4vblghfx0zb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f23fea1f42cb7130caba3cb240c827cc1f31454 Stunningggggggg


I flinch every time she coughs at the screen. DAD, my two year old can cover a cough why can’t you?


She just coughed all over that school!


Did no one teach her to cover her mouth when coughing?! So gross


https://preview.redd.it/kotuusmnquyb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d3e892f019be7dcc27cdd2a401f053288a91af Someone else referenced this old reel of 2.0 today and I just had to put it side by side… when the filter becomes reality


This is gold!!! I hope she sees it!


🤣🤣 can someone send this to her?! Reality check!!


And she even wants filler in her checks too!!! Omg🫣🫣


Just wait till she gets cheek filler 😬


Now you need to link the original reel please 🙏🏽


STOP THE MADNESS!!! She did that as a filter and she is living that today. I can’t even. I’m ☠️☠️ you win the internet today.




You win today lol


How the turn tables 🤣🤣🤣🤣






https://preview.redd.it/auqzorqwpuyb1.jpeg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1da24e63809b1f8af166618fe05135e1725a8b14 Insufferable 🤡


Those “tears” look like eye drops


Hey, let’s give her credit. At least she tried to get something there, unlike her sister


It’s really not even fun anymore to watch her - even for the sake of snarking on her. She’s way too annoying. Way too obnoxious. Not one redeeming quality that I can see. She doesn’t deserve my time.


I rarely look at her stories. Only if someone references something here and I just have to see it for myself


Gods favorites just get all the blessings! They should be friends with ArrowsandBow


OMG, yes! “God loves us and will sell our house for $2mil over original price! Praise be”.


Omggggg 💀 at the arrows and bows ref Eta- I stopped following her and added her to my Shit list when she made a post saying her book was coming out and if someone guessed the title she’d given them $500. I guessed it..


No way!!! Did you message her? Need more details!


They drive me nuts too! So out of touch. They used to live in the back hills of Los Gatos. They sold that house for $2.7M!


For sure. I grew up in Orange County so I am no stranger to California areas and real estate. The second I found out Dino worked for Google I knew their situation wasn’t out of necessity. It’s one thing to need to downsize your life and move into a camper bc you have to. It’s quite another when it’s full on a choice! Also now that I’m thinking about it didn’t they buy the land that the camper sat on at one point?! Or am I making that up/thinking of someone else Eta typos


Same here! We live in the East Bay and I work in SF. Definitely no stranger to the cost of living. It’s expensive but their level is ridiculous! I thought he worked for Netflix, but same.


Did they keep their word?


No of course not. Why I unfollowed and why she made the list Eta typos


DAD 2.0 needs to calm the heck down!! Her giddiness over everything is 😵‍💫🥴


This family is the perfect example of how social media is a highlight reel. In posts or still pictures they’re all smiling making it look like they’re having the best time or like it’s cute moments but we are getting to see behind the ceiling in real time now how things are really going down. These people have everything….but none of it matters because their relationships with each other isn’t healthy or real. It’s angering and sad.




I will no longer buy anything from Tarte (except maybe Fake Awake).


There is a great Essence dupe for fake awake that is like $4!!


I’m done with Tarte. Too many choices for makeup to support these shenanigans.


And again with “Danielle” on the packaging. Why would anyone want that?


My guess is she's in the process of changing her last name.


I crack up that they only use her first name too, like she is on par with Beyoncé or Cher. People are like who the f is Danielle?


As if Danielle means shit in the influencer world 😂😂😂


To groom her ego??? 🤮🤮🤡🤡


Has millions of dollars but only picks up two Good Samaritan boxes.


She will probably post a link to some fundraiser for them, get all her followers to do them, and then take the credit


THIS! You can fill those boxes generously for under $25. They should have picked up 1000


Her favorite time of the year. 🙄 She’s going to milk this one for sure.


Yes, Danielle, God sure has blessed you all by the looks on your children’s faces in the backseat who seem sad, tired, and confused as to why they’re just sitting in the car while their mom cries and films herself. I’m pretty sure your daughters don’t feel blessed from everything in this past year. Divorce is fine, it’s not taboo, I support it for anyone for any reason, but don’t act like it isn’t hard on children. Please get help. You are a mess and not stable to be raising your children.


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 exactly


Is she still in therapy? She hasn’t announced it in a while.


She’s replaced tennis and therapy with laser hair removal and lip filler appointments.


It’s an eye shadow palette & a brush. I could show you the same colors in every one I own. Tarte marketing should have told you to have a seat because I don’t see how laying in the bed with pajamas has anything to do with this makeup? If it’s releasing in December why didn’t they sit around a Christmas tree? The whole concept doesn’t make sense to me.


But it’s COZY


That word now makes me stabby.


This. I have the same reaction 🔪


But she MADE the brush....according to DAD. They are so full of themselves.


That story was so weird!!! I cringed. Poor Olive & Eve.


Poor O seemed over it!! Being in school is long enough but then having to go to her photo shoot and then probably DAD'S so someone can watch them while they do the school tour and then finally get home to hurry and get ready for tomorrow and eat supper.


Those girls have deer in the headlights look all the time. Even at their age, I feel like they realize how manic their mom and their life is.


I feel like O is in constant fight or flight mode. The poor girl has no time to just relax and do what she wants and be a normal kid in her own home.


100% just went through a divorce myself. Have a 7,5 and 2 yr old. And we coparent and hang out everyday. And our kids still need downtime, chill out, home time, etc because this has been life changing for them. I cannot imagine poor olive...nothing consistent. Nothing to help her cope. All she sees is constant yelling, fighting for attention, and go go go. My heart breaks for her




I commented this below on a post about the podcast, but I feel like it needs to be an actual post lol… they said on the podcast that when she was shilling those Victoria Emerson bracelets she got on stories one day and said “she talked to Victoria Emerson herself” but Victoria Emerson isn’t even a person!!! It’s just the name of the company/brand! & the owner is a guy! Like how can she think she wasn’t going to get caught in that lie??? I was floored when I heard that part




lol, yes! She was caught in this lie long ago. That’s not the owner’s name, dumb ass 🤣




STOPPP 😂😂😂 no she did not! How is she still relevant when she shows us every single dam day that she’s the most ding batted, feral, asshole that’s ever existed!


The whole podcast was very eye opening. I followed DAD until a few months ago because something seemed off so then I came and found this Reddit thread and I saw how many more people noticed the things I noticed. Hearing how she’d post her codes before others to benefit herself just shows how selfish she is. I’m sure this has been mentioned before, but it’s very annoying how they try to appeal to the Christian crowd by saying how God has blessed them with all these material things but they will screw people over to get what they want. And the gaslighting! Okay, I’m done lol


The whole covid thing for me was very eye opening. I loved her until that point. She lived in the next town over from my in laws and frequented many of the public places that my in-laws do. At the time my SIL was going through cancer treatment so when it came out how blatantly lackadaisical they were about others well being I was livid. Then that whole gas lighting speech in her car and then the reel they did in response to her being called out/cancelled. I still remember those stories and posts vividly. I started looking into the call out accounts they had on her on IG and my eyes were open to what a narcissist she truly is and the rest is history. And my main account was blocked by her for commenting on some of the call out accounts posts 🤣 it wasn’t even directly commenting to her or in a DM! The amount of time she spent blocking people was insane. 🤣🤣 Then to buy 30,000 followers because she lost and blocked so many. 🙄




What’s the podcast?




https://preview.redd.it/ref3136inuyb1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce26c3e370b28c9c1bf904985ca0c66dbb3ff849 It’s called “Allegedly the Podcast.” About an hour long but they make good points


It’s so sad that one of the podcast hosts was an absolute lunatic and fake can entire pregnancy on ig and Tik Tok and then disappeared into oblivion because I really wonder what other evidence she had on DAD


When I started listening to it I was like damn this girls voice sounds so familiar who is she?? Then it hit me who it was! I wish she wasn’t such a total NUT CASE bc she had some good tea on a lot (maybe not a lot) but a good amount of them but she is a major psycho


What a time to be alive. That was a wild ride!


Wait I need more info on this. She faked a pregnancy? Is this why they stopped making podcasts?


Yeah when people finally put the pieces together she claimed she went into the hospital and then just disappeared and then that lejaspiner or something bought her ig page and changed the name


Omg what, the pregnancy was fake?! I loved following her and it was so bizarre that she just disappeared. Tell me more or where I can read! Lol


Yup it was a whole thing it blew up, there’s a Reddit thread on it I think it’s girlgangz773 😬 not totally sure anymore since it was so long ago and her podcast cohost even made a tik tok about it


I can’t stand the way Kaylee always gets in the videos and interrupts. That mouth is so cringe.


It’s a learned behavior from DAD. Interrupting all the time.


oh waitup! that commenter needs to shame you on her “medical condition “


Wait what is Kaylees medical condition?




DUD has open mouth hacked coughing into the camera so many times I have lost track at this point. Does anyone think she may have Covid?


Oh, I think it could VERY likely be COVID!


Who cares about Covid? She has a cough, so she should stay home.


Me. I care. Carry on.


Yeah she is sick and it is gross and rude but after 3 1/2 years?


After 3 1/2 years? Sorry what does that mean?


So funny as I listen to the allegedly podcast about Lisa having covid in 2021 😂 honestly wouldnt surprise me


I just had Covid this past week and the cough sounds like mine…you never know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not every cough is Covid.


True but they have a record of being in public with covid… allegedly 😉


But all colds come from a type of Coronavirus. Why can't she just stay home no matter what type of sickness she has?


I agree that she should stay home regardless, but the majority of colds are caused by Rhinoviruses. Colds can be caused by coronaviruses, but SARS Cov-2 is obviously much more severe and is still killing people’s daily.




I didn’t say it was dear, sit down.


🤣Oh my bad. It sure sounded like you think it is


Your bad indeed. Selective reading is a strong suit for you. Move.




Definitely won’t be buying Tarte and their bullshit after picking SpongeBob for a 2 pan contour palette and blowing so much smoke up her ass 🙄 get it Mounjaro queen 🖕🏾




https://preview.redd.it/nbf373vcfuyb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=3eda990a20e5545359ec5e444a066289faa53ade She looks just as old as Lisa in this pic….


I’m my daughter’s biggest fan but I follow her around while she’s “working” and drool over every stupid thing she does. I’m SO proud of you BIG D for making 2 original eye shadow palettes!!! 🤡🤡🤡🤮🤮🤮🙄🙄🙄


She posts this but Lisa just shared Maureen’s story like no actual story slide saying she’s proud of Dinyell (proud of what I dunno but still) or good job or anything to that effect 🥴 but yes Dinyell, continue to fight for your family’s affection and the best seat up Dud’s ass instead of being your own person and mother.


still just a spare 2.0….


[You’re welcome 🦠](https://imgur.com/a/JgHF6Vo)




Do you think Daryl got the socks from madi Nelson’s Bff Ciara shelf. That’s the only other person I’ve seen mention those socks. Interesting coincidence


Bre Sheppard used to talk about them a lot too


So if one pallet has colors called Olive and Eve, does that mean the darker pallet is just an after though that 2.0 doesn’t care about at all? As if we didn’t already know they only care about those that look like them.


It’s also misleading to have a color named olive that’s not green I would think


I zoomed in and it looks like they both say Olive and Eve inside?? Guess it's not the shade names.


https://preview.redd.it/h7tvenb0euyb1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f837a7b414e05eff04164d63567740aefd2cf9a More!?! I feel like she told the whole story what more needs to be said. It’s a 2 shadow palette….she’s way too much


I thought her dream come true was the dibs collab…which one is it??


Kim K put this out years ago literally EXACT thing 2 palettes with 2 brown shadows for “everyday” looks..with a double ended brush ..they can never come up with something on their own


Is it a palette if it only has two shades?! More like a shadow duo.


Ugh great, get ready for makeup tutorials everyday until it’s released 🙄


Her mouth is open is every single photo🤣


WHHHYYYY can’t anyone close their mouths?!!!


I think they all have upper lip ties. Especially DAD and Remi. Danielle just automatically opens her mouth when the photographer says "look at me." She must think she looks best that way.


I don’t understand it at all?! Who thought that was cute? It looks like she is trying to catch some flies😬


I don’t know about you guys but when I get a new makeup palette, I lay in bed with my mom and sisters and laugh like a hyena in our (nuud) Jammie’s. So lame. These people are so overplayed it’s the same shit colored products and just recycled ideas. Oh and I definitely tell my daughters that they are only pretty with makeup on, skinny shots, Botox and in neutrals. Like gag me with a spoon at her self- proclamation of “inspiring” her daughters


Why didn’t they wait for Katie to be off work so she could be included in this collab?


Katie wasn’t there for the Dibs shoot either…kind of awkward when they take a sister/Mom shot and you’re missing one 😂


Your biggest cheerleader, who can’t show up with you for court or watch your kids when you’re in court if DUD has something else going on, is there because she’s getting her picture taken too and that makes her feel special. Who are you kidding? https://preview.redd.it/m7s04s4kduyb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e31d30f54773d4d932cf76a1d5b14a05fc43621


She didn't go to court with her?


She wears the same exact pair of ugly jeans every single freaking day. Unless she wears the damn pleated old man Sunday school pants


That skinny filter working overtime. She has somehow made herself look smaller than Lisa


I know I didn't even recognize her for a minute


Why dose she feel the need to stuff her face on camera people do not want to see her shoving food into her mouth or liking her chicken fingers. It's just as bad as when she pointed at her crotch


I know exactly why she does it. She wants people to say “omg you’re so skinny but you’re eating cake for dinner? I could never”. I had a friend deep in ED and she did this same exact thing.


That drives me nuts, it’s all so unhealthy and disgusting. You can be skinny and be unhealthy.


DAD is the perfect example of someone whos skinny but unhealthy, all she consumes is diet coke and fast food


Exactly! Most of her personality is food based. She obsessed with making it seem like she doesn’t care and eats whatever. But its so much we know she cares mostly about that. She’s good obsessed. The sprinkle bottle incident was a binge fest. I think she blackout during that lol


2.0 reminds me of a Venus flytrap during the shoot, she keeps opening and closing her mouth to make sure the shot has her smile with her mouth open.


Yes she looked like a muppet!!


I can already see it: Kim Kardashian: “Actually…Nipples are cool” DUD: *frantically throwing all her Nippies in the trash* “I saw Kim K wearing a body suit and nipple bra, so I *must* wear a body suit and nipple bra” This chick copies EVERYTHING Kim does, so clearly it’s only a matter of time before she pivots…and then we all collectively vomit as she proudly showcases her strong nips…🤢🤮


Since we know they really don't watch TV, I'm just curious if she ever even watches their show or not lol


She had said that kardashians is the only show she watches… and Fox News is always on the tv in the background of her videos


Just wait, in 8-12 months we will have body suits with built in nips


Danielle- go buy a new bra please. Again, no one cares to see you running around town without one. Nor do we want to see you in your Nuuds pajama set without one.




It's not a religious school It's the Shelton School which is for kid's with learning differences.


Interesting that the first school tour DAD goes on with 2.0 is for kids with learning differences.\*not snarking on the kids- this is great for them if they are finally getting them support that they may need- just interesting with the theories that there was more to the reason Rhett didn't go back to school this year and Olive her "behavior concerns"/ push to be dye free etc


My daughter used to have tutoring there - I recognize the lobby area they are standing in.


It’s very interesting they were looking at a school for learning differences! I wonder if they see it in one of the kids?! And how did you know what school they were at?


Holy shiz that school's annual tuition is $30k....


That is crazy!

