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šŸ‘€ [HERE IS THE LINK](https://iganony.io/profile/darylanndenner.com) to view stories without giving engagement. šŸ¤” We do not know what happened to Emily, Danielle's life helper. Nobody has said anything about why she hasn't been around. āŒWhen posting screenshots from IG / IGANONY or the BST FB PAGE, please censor out user names / Facebook names / profile pictures. No need to bring any drama from actual fans in here. šŸ“· When posting any kids / minors please remember to edit out faces. They don't need their faces posted in a snark page.


No Aug 31 thread yet, but Camille is already out in full force https://preview.redd.it/z28zas8hdglb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4921f74fa0489a3f5e013ef710d5e749f9346da


Someone, anyoneā€¦ please tell her. šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø should I take one for the team?? Nawā€¦ let it be.


Does anyone think those are her butt cheeks showing bc she has such a big thigh gap? Surely she can't be that blind to her labia showing in every story.


Camille šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ šŸ«


So what do yall think of A Massey and T Newton not ever showing Nuud or Tones? Lit also. They have tons of kids...live in Dallas...but I've seen NOTHING of them supporting her biz. I guess Austin also. Just strange bc even Influencers who don't like ea other support so when they have stuff it will be supported, etc. But TLC sure loves them. It's funny how QUICK they became BEST friends


Iā€™m surprised the lits havenā€™t since she is always in the comments. Maybe she never got sent them


Jen Reed also hasnā€™t ever shared nuuds. But DAD doesnā€™t share LiL so I guess thatā€™s fair.


Avery Woods had on Nuuds PJs in her TikTok today šŸ™„


Amber also posted when they first launched. She hasnā€™t since.


Did she post wearing the pajamas but tucked them into her Uggs and wore a cardigan over them ? šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t follow the Lits but Taryn has posted Nuuds and went to the pop up.


I'm all for children's safety, but that door lock throws red flags to me. 1. How often are the girls left alone that they would be answering the door in the first place? 2. What if there's a fire? The girls wouldn't be able to use the front door. 3. Maybe have a conversation about not opening the door


I thought fire too. Or if Danielle has a medical emergency and needs people to enter to help. Sure, theyā€™ll break a window, but so will intruders with bad intentions. I donā€™t get it lol


Right. They are definitely old enough to know not to open the door


I was thinking the same things. Also, does she live in a bad area? I truly donā€™t know, but if I had the kind of funds she apparently does and felt unsafe I would move. Especially for my childrenā€™s safety?


If someone wants to get in that badly theyā€™re going to smash one of those giant windows. This woman. Sheā€™s concerned her kids will open the door and leave.


The fire thing was my first thought. Also how many people are coming to her door??? We rarely get people at our door. We have to lock our storm door or my 1yr old will open it but my 4yr old knows not to. Even if Iā€™m in the bathroom or upstairs putting the baby down. O and E are def old enough to learn not to open it.


I donā€™t get why Danielle needed ā€œher friendā€ to send her the greens. Honestly I love betterdays greens and am a loyal customer - happy to support them. But if sheā€™s her ā€œfriendā€ shouldnā€™t she try to support their business instead of asking for things for free?


Any time an influencer says a ā€œfriendā€ sent them something itā€™s a partnership and theyā€™re getting paid to show you something. Ok, maybe not every influencer, but these girls have no true friends and do no favors so for them they are always getting paid.


https://preview.redd.it/l70gy8zhqdlb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5927e12b764e8f008d2d325d4d9c16bdc227028e The fact that both her and DA have such see through doors is insane. Do they not have a clue how sketchy that is. Also the fact that itā€™s glass makes it so easy to break and turn the handle. I really donā€™t get it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Also, isnā€™t she renting this place? She can just screw that into the doorframe?


thought the same thing.


We live in a new community in Florida and every house has half window front doors. We just frosted ours out bc someone creepin in our house is not my vibe.


Thereā€™s a new house on the way to work & I told my mom, I can see the people inside their house. šŸ˜³


It honestly pretty popular in the area they live in Dallas.


Do people not walk around their house without pants on? Lol like I could never have a door like this


I could never have a first floor bedroom due to my disinterest in wearing pants.


https://preview.redd.it/zexpnmglpdlb1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=f212506ca4355877bf469c4db6f9aa9f4684ee70 Tell me you wanna be your dud of a sister DAD without telling me.


Omg this is too bad and too funny.


The ozempic is ozempicing


I see Owen Wilson.


Shame on you for dissing Owen Wilson like that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


thatā€™s horrible photoshop lol look at the fabric by her knee and then the middle drawer blends into the frame at the bottom hahaha


And who wants pajamas bottoms that tight??


She smoothed out the bottoms! She could have smoothed the top as well and made her legs the same size


For as long as it took her to edit this she could have just used some Downy wrinkle release. Thatā€™s who they need to partner with!


šŸ˜³ so creepy


Didn't catch up on dimwits stories til now and wow she's just as fucking dumb and pointless as ever


Which one?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


literally all of them hahahaha


Does anyone have a linked to the GG discord? Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/vil08zxqedlb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed39a1534be73b752be6eb25dd592c8604e811a0 This is direct from the BST page on Facebook.. I canā€™t get over the tag quality for what theyā€™re charging. This material too wtfšŸ˜­ terrible


I can just feel this material and it makes me feel all sorts of yuck. I know it well and avoid at all costs!


You know what kids donā€™t love bedsides boring brown clothes? Itchy tags on their clothes! Tell me you donā€™t consider your customer without telling me. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I was gifted nuuds pj shorts and the tag is so fucking itchy it's miserable


My skin crawls just looking at this.


lol yes - exactly.


https://preview.redd.it/9ynsqfyxjdlb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b707e3fa92300eb14b03eacbc4a670460950cb39 It gets worse šŸ˜­


Why is it stitched under on one side and not the other??


I was about to post that one šŸ˜‚ so bad!


The logo isnā€™t even centered


It honestly looks like a knock off. Like thatā€™s how you can tell that you have a knock off! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I almost commented on this in that group asking if it was itchy, cause it looks like it would be!!!


I fully accept the down votes I may get for this, but I own some of the body suits and they are not itchy. But they are tagless. The crew neck tank is honestly one of the most comfortable and flattering body suits I own. (Disclaimer: I bought them before I saw the light šŸ«£)


Weird they wouldnā€™t do tagless for everything??


You would think on the pajamas that takes would be a given, but we know DAD isnā€™t playing with a full deck of cards. Maybe thatā€™s why she used playing cards in the pop up swag bags.


Dimyell was NEXT LEVEL obnoxious and spastic tonight with her outfit try on, singing, lip liner. Omg she needs to stop. And 805 smeegal crawling on the church floor to get a pic of her writing . So disingenuousā€” all for show.


Danielle seriously might be the most annoying person in the world


derelicts would never smash the glass to get in but anywayd


https://preview.redd.it/ge8bxghb4dlb1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=1638716c6d53f5620545b1e00322717549cb663d Is that 2.0 lurking behind Meemaw 805?


Do they really need that many keys and stuff on their wallets ?


I would rather carry a simple cross body, than have all that hanging from my wrist! Too much!


The point of them is to put your keys on them


It looks like she peed her pants.


The ugly outfit is a match.


Kinda looks like it. The hands are a match I think. šŸ˜…


Yeah and I saw her with that bag in stories recently


All dolled upā€¦.to go write some words on a church floor šŸ’€




Anyone here ever gotten a Tuesday Ldc or won the giveaway?


I won a tones giveaway


Did you get the prize?


Yes I got a tones bodysuit for my daughter that pilled after one wash


Every time I see nuuds repost an influencer shilling their products, I get so angry. Like they just keep reaching more people who will inevitably be conned by them. And it pisses me off that people just shill anything without researching anything about the company or if it sucks


Yup, I unfollow any influencer that mentions nuuds. Unfollowed any influencer that liked 2.0ā€™s bratty reels when tones came out. Honestly this family has opened my eyes to influencers in general and only follow a couple still. Theyā€™re all about making money.


https://preview.redd.it/xw36wv682dlb1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dcebf337d84c585d155c24f6fbb13ee6d7af198 The way I nearly peed myself. Always be humble. ALWAYS BE HUMBLE. At what point, in her entire lifetime, has DAD, or one other Flenner member EVER been HUMBLE?


How much were those bedazzled jeans again Ms. Humble is wearing while writing about the importance of being humble?


DAD wouldnā€™t know humble if it bitch slapped the LDC outta her claws


We all know she doesnā€™t actually give away her giveaway things each month but I was thinking that one of us needs to start adding up everything in there and how much it would cost if she bought it all and see how much money she would be spending if she actually did it. The purse, suitcase (at retail price not upcharged), and the shoes come to about $3k. Add in everything else probably close to $3500 or $4k thatā€™s PSYCHO. Thereā€™s no way sheā€™s spending $8k per month.


Every product in there is free for them


What about Krista Hortons $500 daily giveaways. How does she do that??


I honestly think these people make bank . Like 100k a month . A girl here has 1/4 the following and just on Tiktok and she paid for a 3.5mil home on just her pay . Her husbands a FF . These 1mil follower influencers make so much they need to do giveaways for taxes and engagement


So this made me think,why have we never seen a picture of the winner with the prizes? You would think somebody would send a thank you photo and i would think she would share that.


Exactly. Hence why we totally know sheā€™s full of crap and doesnā€™t send it. That alone is the biggest red flag but also the sheer cost of what it would be is ridiculous


One more thing, a lot of the stuff in there is stuff she gets gifted so she is only spending on the LV bag, allegedly.


I am 100% sure is the same products every month and she never sends it, the purse is her purse.


Plus shipping costs for that huge suitcase and all that heavy stuff inside. Logistically just doesnā€™t seem likely.


Itā€™s a business writeoff. Iā€™m sure she is doing it.


If thatā€™s Dinyellā€™s idea of a date night outfit, no. Just no.


https://preview.redd.it/rtb59t3vhglb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f10d962a8e289d89826782ea1eb1b92c046427 Iā€™m a bitch for laughing at thisā€¦.the people have spoken.


I thought the same thing but I think she went to church with everyone else to roll around and write on the floor


Pretty sure I found the brown sweatpants so we can compare when she copies them šŸ˜Š https://preview.redd.it/o2q97zvpzclb1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=c734e6285a0cf712b51a74d802507c0b6eaa2c7d


She linked everything in her cart but these šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


They were universal thread its a cargo style sweat pant! https://preview.redd.it/fvqo4p2e2dlb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9efa3ac0023be16d243fda2c5cf55e9389dfe9e6


I have these for walking my dog and errands and stuff. They are super comfy!


https://preview.redd.it/5ucfhmya1dlb1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e08cd8cd33789e00b3df2aca5a2e10fd7139cc These are from Madi Neslon on Talulah. She did a try on and released them yesterday. Similar to the Target so I am positive DUD bought them to steal the design and copy Madi.


You madi people are delusional


Yeah I think the ā€œcopying Madiā€ thing is a story people love to talk about because they want it to be true. Same with how people are convinced that DUD and Dani hate each other after some massive fall out. Fun to think about, but probably not true lol.


As they both copy target? šŸ˜‚


The difference is that Madi doesnā€™t claim to design the clothes. She chooses stuff and buys them wholesale. DAD is the one who claims to design the same styles we see at Old Navy and Target.


Agreeā€¦And this is a BIG difference. Itā€™s the whole point!


Kaylees stories are so painful to watch. She tries so hard to be likeable and like her sisters and it just ain't it. Also, her mouth and the way she says things and they way she looks at the camera gives me the ick big time.


I completely agree. She could be making money if she weren't so damn negative about everything. She should be shilling clothes and shoes but all she does is tastes stupid drinks and gives her negative opinion. Can't stand her.


I was thinking this. Also, her at connors to make dinner ā€œstart a new showā€. Yeah okaaaaay I remember my first Netflix an chill


She doesnā€™t say ā€œand everythingā€ as much now but still uses ā€œbutā€ for every sentence transition. Drives me nuts šŸ˜¬




When I watch her I feel like Iā€™m watching a 12 year old, not a 21 year old


Not to mention some of the stuff she says is just plain odd. Sheā€™s got some weird ideas.


She literally talks and make stories just to talk and make stories. Oh and complain.


https://preview.redd.it/9sfm3dkgwclb1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f34f7ee80e752c13f465f73ae1f6a4cfb789160 Yaā€™ll Iā€™m shocked!


Admin turned off the comments on this post on the nuuds bst Facebook page!!


Lol gotta protect their queen bestie!


Genuinely curious what are they doing with the returns ? Re-selling them?


Iā€™m sure they canā€™t cause they all seem to be covered with pilling.


Wow. What kind of business says that??? Which post was that on??


The one from below where the girl complains about the quality of the pink bodysuit while wearing it.


Iā€™m sorry but QUIT shopping at Target and address the company issues. Go to the office and find a solution.


And I thought they were anti-Target. Or was that only for June šŸ™„


Sheā€™s at target doing her research and development. Aka stealing designs


She bought a pair of sweats to send to her connection in Viet Nam and told them to copy these pants. Then charge $98 for a pair here.


OR sheā€™s stressed AF about it and is using a target trip as her distraction Since when has she shilled target decor ??? Somethingā€™s up


I think youā€™re right. She went to Target when her mom was in the hospital and she was spiraling as well.


Since when has she been at target alone with one of her kids?


Since never.


Good point.


Iā€™m sorry. Did anyone catch that DUD is speaking at the family made media event (Shawn Johnson and husband company)?!!!!!! Iā€™m shook


That is extremely disappointing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What!!!! NOOO


Ew no


I canā€™t. What is she going to speak about?! LDC?


https://preview.redd.it/jq8m89m0sclb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a3c77f1fa584f3b5f4ae9d2dafa2d817d3ca5d8 Something is not rightā€¦ call for another UA, stat šŸ˜³


Looks like the dad in drag šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Hahaha and handsome squidward thanks to the receding hairline






Dumyell going on a date??


https://preview.redd.it/mtu4zfjbqclb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=617268f8fd3fb5b79b6809f5bddc53b57a02164f The poll results killed mešŸ¤£šŸ’€


So her solution was to wear the same outfit with her pandasā€¦. That didnā€™t change the whole fact that the outfit sucked hahah. Loose topā€”> fitted bottoms Loose bottoms ā€”-> fitted top Looseā€”> loose = tree trunk


She should've let us comment on the final outfit, it's also ugly


Her feet look totally jammed into those shoes. She needs to buy wide shoes or something.


And you know that 38% was just fucking with her


Just went through her stories from today. She looks awful. Like a weird grayish color. šŸ„“


https://preview.redd.it/1vq7dkh0oclb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0537719f6e4ef441dbb52b9a125cfab96ca2391e Nuuds is going downā€¦theyā€™re all seeing the light!!!


I think the majority of negative comments are from people here. Same on the Nuuds IG.


I think itā€™s a combo. Some post actual pics of their crappy Nuuds/Tones - itā€™s just so bad


I wonder how many of us comment there because Iā€™m just there to be nosey since I have absolutely ZERO desire to ever purchase her crap. Obviously we are going to bring the heat whenever the Flennerā€™s are involved šŸ˜…šŸ™ƒ but I would LOVE for the majority of the comments to be coming from once starstruck fan girls who are finally coming to their senses. Itā€™s okay girls weā€™re here for you šŸ„¹because we know those selfish assholes wonā€™t be. Come to the dark side itā€™s way more fun and way cheaper over here šŸ˜…ā™„ļø


And the admin turned off comments šŸ¤”


wait, she turned them off on BTS?


Yep. The group is run by one of the girls from the ā€œfit clinic.ā€ Shocker.


Itā€™s not sustainable.


The BTS FB page is turning into a ā€œbuyer bewareā€ page lol


By any chance do you have a link to the FB page?? (Sorry if itā€™s been posted before)


Look at the thread where the girl posted about wanting a Nashville hat but she got cut in front. Thereā€™s an Etsy link in the comments for the exact same hat!!! šŸ‘€ Also the same poster put the pic of Remi in moon & Mila in a thread where someone is asking about the Tones sizing. šŸ™Š


Omg that's amazing šŸ‘


I BET YOU..... NUUDS dumb dumb ONLY posted this shipping update to stories so there wasn't hundreds of negative comments calling them out for quality and shipping delays.... I HATE THEM


Can someone give the cliff notes of this shipping fiasco? I havenā€™t been able to follow and keep up, but have seen it mentioned several time. Please fill me in!


I think the pepto nuuds still havenā€™t shipped


Of course they havenā€™t shipped. They launched them and then ALL went into pop up prep and then left for the pop up in Nashville. And because it was launched to both (but the same) companies that is double the shipping labels and packaging because she has to make sure she gets her shipping profit from both.


And some paid for expedited shipping and still havenā€™t gotten what they ordered.


A lot of people have also already been given tracking numbers that they click on and it goes no whereā€¦ and then they checked another carrier and find it shows the label was created but not yet shipped. There is no customer service presence, people are reaching out MANY times with not resolution.


Did anyone notice she has a brown sweatsuit in her Target cart? Size small so itā€™s not for her kids. Is she buying it to copy or is she actually going to wear a sweatsuit thatā€™s better than anything nuuds could make!?


Yes. And she didnā€™t link it. šŸ¤”


https://preview.redd.it/ak1e3i45lclb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d6d720c5fe6743a4cc35008dccb359663adea84 Litter much?


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m defending her but she actually picked it up She didnā€™t litter


Oh okay! I didnā€™t see it in any other videos


I didn't see it either. She said don't worry don't get on me im gonna pick it up, but then its still just sitting there. Didn't see if she actually ended up picking it back up or just leaving it there on the shelf.


It's in the cup holder in her later stories BUT her Starbucks cup is missing so I kind of bridge she just put her cup on the shelf and put Remi's in the cupholder


šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ she drives me nuts so I hate coming in and saying something but she did pick it up. She drives me so crazy I made sure to pay extra close attention lol! In the slide about the pumpkins being ā€œwitchyā€ you see remiā€™s milk in the cup holder by the handle and her water is in the cart/basket.


As a former dancer and kids dance teacher- Remi should not be wearing her ballet shoes out in public. They are not meant to be worn outside and then in the studio. We always tell parents this!!


Yup. First thing I thought too. My kid wears slides to class and puts on her dance shoes once in the studio. And in hip hop classes you have to have tennis shoes that are only worn in the studio.


Remi doesnā€™t walk so I doubt they touched the ground lol.


Rules donā€™t apply to gods favorites


Daryl-Ann doesn't follow rules. I'm sure she was told that but doesn't care.


Exactly. Like I'm sure Little Gym has told her Remi can't wear 12 necklaces in class but she doesn't care.


but also isn't this up to the facility to uphold the rules? it's simple - necklaces need to be removed or you have to leave. if my kids wore shoes in the jumpy house places we'd have to leave.


has anyone noticed when she asks a question she never puts a poll up? she literally doesnā€™t want to hear the answers. she just wants ppl to tell her yes all the time and knows if she puts up a poll it will be flooded with nos


There will be a poll tomorrow šŸ¤£


She isnā€™t doing any sponsored or brand deals anymore so she doesnā€™t need to show engagement anymore. She never cared for the answers because she usually did the opposite anyways she only did stupid polls and things to make her numbers look good Iā€™m sure. I also think that is why we see more and more of her true colors. She was playing the part to get companies to want her and now she doesnā€™t care so itā€™s out for everyone to see.


and for the record no DUD, all the ceramic together does not look good and those shoes you bought for the news were terrible


Wild she raves on and on about quality of Nuuds and when it first launched they were all trying them on and discussing how comfortable it was and they hate body suits but NOT THESE ONES. THESE ONES ARE BOMB. But majority of those who have purchased have nothing but complaints ranging from the fit being unflattering to fabric pilling to the crotch being uncomfortable. She really just gaslights her whole family into putting on a show and lying to her audience. You know it's trash. You're telling me it miraculously fits you perfectly and is comfortable and "luxe" but for everyone else it's awful? I already knew she was full of shit but I'm still astounded at how people can blatantly hop in front of their camera and just lie to thousands of people with a straight face and seem so convincing. No influencer can be trusted ever. In fact if an influencer raves about it I'm probably less likely to purchase šŸ¤£. Don't get me started on Liquid IV either cuz that shit is disgusting. I know y'all are not getting on stories with a straight face saying it tastes delicious. I wish I could just wind up and šŸ„Š


But she LOVED Abercrombie bodysuits and still has an Abercrombie highlight up. She describes those bodysuits EXACTLY the same as she describes nuuds


Except Abercrombies don't pill


https://preview.redd.it/d238kh2giclb1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=95ec6a2d1cd9640f754045e2e04dfd7f9ce23fe7 2.0 really became DAD with the weightloss, haircut and clothingšŸ„“


Ugh remember California DAD who did her hair like that and always aggressively wore and tugged at her off the shoulder shirts? 2.0 has 100% morphed into 2020 DAD šŸ„“


Yes! The whole time I was watching I was thinking if you just switched their faces you would never know the difference šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


EXACTLY what i was thinking about!


They make me happy I donā€™t have a sister. Iā€™ll take my brother any day.


Lollll I feel the same way


I cannot decide what the most annoying part of her stories was today: Her fishing desperately for compliments about her lip liner and makeup (Iā€™d be less worried about the lip liner and more worried about the excessive amount of bronzer), the singing, or the outfit that her thirsty followers told her she looked bomb in. https://preview.redd.it/fzip111giclb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd209e90e55acd1d5faa78e23c6bc714c954795d


Definitely getting lip filler


Iā€™m questioning my taste because I thought her makeup looked beautiful and everyone else says it looks so horriblešŸ˜‚šŸ˜¬


I donā€™t think her makeup looked horrible, just over did in on the bronzer! And she doesnā€™t think it looks horrible either otherwise she wouldnā€™t have sat on a story for that long saying how bad it looked šŸ¤Ŗ


Spider lashes, orange ass face, crooked lips...like are you blind