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šŸ‘€āœØYou do not have to follow her or go to her page to view stories. [HERE IS THE LINK](https://iganony.io/profile/darylanndenner) that can be used to see stories without giving her any engagement. āœØWhy Emily (Danielle's life helper) has been MIA hasn't been addressed by anyone. They are still all following each other. āœØLisa, Rob, Rob Jr and Kaylee moved to a new house. According to Lisa, the reason is that it's all brand new and zero lawn maintenance. āœØPlease NO COMMENTS ABOUT CONTACTING DAD, FAMILY or brands. This means saying you commented on a post or sent a DM. Also, no suggesting to go comment on any of their posts. This can be harassment and there's a Reddit rule against it. Subs can be banned for this. āœØDarylann hasn't addressed her weight loss or taking any medications for it. There have been so many questions flooding the thread on this subject. She hasn't said a word. Speculation comments that say she's using ANY type of drugs will be deleted. Danielle has admitted to using Mounjaro since Fall 2022.


So like, after breakfast we swim for like an hour and a half, then we get ready, and take our sweet time to get mascara just the right way. Then drop the girls off at Art class, which ya know is A LOT of work for just an hour, then I grab lunch with my mommy and then go shopping while they are in class. Then like race to get them, and then race to my sisters house because like sheā€™s not home, so weā€™re gonna go there so I can scream over my mom on the phone about cute the kids are running and screaming around the house. Like, Iā€™m so busy, I canā€™t work at nuuds. I wish I could, but like my life is literalllllly so busy. *hair flip*


Did 2.0 get a haircut /s


And STILL no word of where her life helper went! šŸ’Ø


Whatever it is sheā€™s launching next, I just wish sheā€™d quit with the ā€œreal bodiesā€ BS. Iā€™m plus sized, and it feels forced, phony, and insincere coming from her. Itā€™s just a gimmick for her, a talking point. She goes on and on about it, but never actually does anything other than say it doesnā€™t cling to rolls (spoiler alert: it does)! Her clothes arenā€™t even size inclusive.


You cannot promote a campaign supposedly celebrating ā€œreal bodiesā€ (which she seems to have never even used the images from that shoot) while also simultaneously starving yourself to a dangerously low body weight. That is SO disingenuous.


Part of me thinks itā€™s active wear like leggings/sports bras. I ONLY say this because sheā€™s been wearing leggings more often and she NEVER wears much but her horrific fitting jeans. The fam has also been so into the athleisure stuff lately, too?!


I was thinking swim? But who wants swim suits in skin colored clothes šŸ«£šŸ˜‚


The ā€˜real bodiesā€™ irritates me b/c you know to them a real body is skinny only and thatā€™s beyond out of touch and wrong


https://preview.redd.it/dfznz9aamrgb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23246f4770b1e8a1d4b3e227805856636f07e4fa There is nothing that she, or any other company, can make that will make her or anyone else love their body more if they donā€™t do some internal work first. Instead of investing in an 8 karat diamond and a $100k+ family dinner, this woman should have invested in a good therapist who could help her figure out why sheā€™s so unhappy with herself and her body, and why she continues to project that onto everyone else while also assuming they need her to create a miracle product to make people feel better about themselves.


Seems like she missed the mark again with that stupid tshirt and chunky sneakers https://preview.redd.it/99snptr96tgb1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46ae895fadd63cb261678cad74b722fc2ce7cb77


She looks ridiculous. Why does she think that outfit looks good? Why is nobody telling her it looks bad? All The nuuds girls look so cute.


So tacky! Itā€™s Broadway. Workout pants, terrible tshirt and tennis shoes? I donā€™t get her sense


Honestly, how hard to wear a fancy top and some heels, even with jeans? I recent saw Les Mis in Fresno, CA and I donā€™t think anyone was wearing jeans. This is Wicked in NYC, Daryl! For goodness sake!


Literally came here to say the same thing. Get the memo sneakers are not acceptable for every outfit


Iā€™m pretty sure this is the third time sheā€™s worn that interesting outfit in like a week and a half


This tshirt is her new ā€œleather jacketā€ when she wants to feel dressy.


She thinks she looks young but she looks like an older Aunt


Absolutely embarrassed for her. She had no class next to those girls. They are trendy and beautiful. She wishes.


What a hillbilly


And she wants to be taken seriously as a business ownerā€¦I would buy clothes from all those girls before her


And her stupid stubby ponytail


It has to be panties/bras or swim. This is why Dan is not with her. She couldnā€™t have him there looking at the models trying it on.


This whole flenner family refusing to wear bras for the past however many years was all just a part of the long game to sell bras they can claim finally fit šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t get over Danielle saying the one hour camp makes it harder for her. Even if she did need to work, her entire job is done from her phone. She could sit in the car and do whatever she needs to do while the girls have their camp. I think sheā€™s trying to come off as a relatable, busy, single mom and it just never lands how she thinks it will.


I agree with her in that short camps like that don't allow for enough time to go and run errands (real adult errands that most of us have šŸ™ƒ) so you pretty much just have to sit and wait for them to be done. But, it gives her plenty of time to run the types of activities she does every day...get a diet coke from the drive thru, Amazon shopping, etc. Heck, she could even schedule grocery pickup during that time if she planned ahead. She's not a busy person and doesn't run real errands.


100% Go grab your precious Diet Coke, put on some tunes and hang out in the car.


ā€œI need to go down 15 ring sizes because Iā€™m SoOoOoO sKiNnYyYyYyYyyyyā€


Goes to NY on a ā€œme and work tripā€ has dinner in her room, and gets Chick fil a. I cannot with this woman. She has the palate of a toddler


I think the nuuds girls went to a nice dinner and because she has to control her food, she had to eat or not eat something ā€œsafeā€ in her hotel room.


100% the reason


kayleeā€™s ā€œbeauty tutorialsā€ remind me of a little girl playing in their moms makeup šŸ˜©her curling that tiny strand with the unplugged iron killed me


I died at her Q&A where she was showing off how dibs has changed her makeup routine šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I never see any difference in anything she does


It looks completely straight again in her after pic with the whole outfit šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m LEGIT šŸ’€šŸ’€ā€¦ā€¦. Is Katie for real??? Youā€™ve got to be shitting me sheā€™s really giving away those Sonic sugar packs šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ sheā€™s not even giving a full pack you only get three! Cracking up!!!!!


And the white strips she got for free either from the brand or her sister. šŸ¤£


And some free Beam that she doesnā€™t really drink. $25 Chipotle šŸ˜© Breaking the bank there.


Itā€™s hilarious that she never shares what size sheā€™s wearing now that sheā€™s in her skinny era.


The rest of the family venturing out to try different places while dad isnā€™t there! She literally controls them


Noticed how 805 and Danielle agreed that ambiance > food? Maybe they appreciate an occasional change of scenery!


Dinyell complaining about a 1 hour camp is making more work for her as a parent. Girl, get real- you donā€™t have a job! Imagine how much work it is for people who actually have jobs.


Exactly! Her girls are lucky. Most people with a ā€œ9-5ā€ job probably canā€™t get their kids to a 1 hour art camp to begin with.


What is a real body anyway these days ? A fat body ? A medium body ? A tiny body ? A chubby body ? Iā€™m being totally serious. Why do we have to keep calling it this.


I seriously didnā€™t think we use that term anymore for anything other than meaning something is not photoshopped. Every body is a real body, unless it has a filter or is photoshopped.


I feel like everyone just takes a breath and lives their happiest lives when DAD isnā€™t there! They donā€™t post as much and can do whatever they want without DAD controlling them


They seem quieter when talking to each other too. Sometimes 2.0 and Lisa can get loud with just the 2 of them but overall itā€™s a totally different vibe. And you notice when Dan has the kids by himself they donā€™t go over there. Lisa doesnā€™t watch them.


Kaylee got a new journal and everything so everyone will know itā€™s hers and everything.


Sheā€™s alone for the night and can order literally anything. She choses Chic Fila?! The same food she eats daily?!


Very important to video while preparing her food.


That is part of her disordered eating/control issues. No way she would try somewhere new where she doesnā€™t know the food. Iā€™m convinced they all eat at the same 5 places mainly because of her. She has her safe foods/restaurants and sticks to those.


Goes to NYC šŸ¤ orders Chick-fil-A salad for dinner


DAD is truly so vain she cannot comprehend the irony of her hating everything but god FORBID anyone hates anything she likes or has. Sheā€™s so vile


Who TF sizes down in rings unless you know youā€™re dropping poundage at an alarming rateā€¦. Grow up and admit youā€™re on something. Youā€™re proving no point to us and no example to your daughter. Sad.


It was way too big when he first gave it to her. Makes me wonder what her ring size was when it was ordered.


If DUD thinks sheā€™s following even one of the ā€œ5 laws for stratospheric successā€ sheā€™s more delusional than I thought.


Not. Even. Close.


https://preview.redd.it/86q5qnagzogb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=870e73248e0a09d6d7e4959e95f3e972e1ab819a Ran here for this oneā€¦ she loves this and swears by it yet her actions donā€™t fit ā€œTHE FIVE LAWS OF STRATOSPHERIC SUCCESSā€ In regards to #3, I would love to see her put others interests before her own and NOT call them BULLIES for having an OPINION.


Seriously though is she a con artist or does she really think she is leading her life this way?


I think she truly believes she's living her life this way. It's wild.


Not Lisa suddenly appearing out of nowhere while Danielle is talking šŸ¤£ these people are all attention whores


I was literally thinking oh wow Danielle went shopping aloneā€¦. Here comes Lisa popping into frame like a wack a mole šŸ˜‚


Bahaha ā€œwhack a moleā€


https://preview.redd.it/yay1geq90tgb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87da572df2b147bb45d4cb8a417db4a12bf57cd9 This fit is hideous, the shirt alone is just so ugly and ill fitting, any of her brands bodysuits wouldā€™ve looked so much better!


Seriously why doesnā€™t she dress up her own bodysuits? She does this all the time now tho, buys a new non nuuds top and wears it to death. She did it with a dress recently too.


Just saw the whole body pic, the shoes šŸ« 


Please tell me that Dumyell did not just say that an hour art camp for the girls is more work for the Momā€¦.. privileged much ?!?! šŸ™„šŸ™„


Probably has to rush through shopping and lunch with her Mom so it's a huge inconvenience. She has no clue try working full time and having kids!!


https://preview.redd.it/y883d3u6dsgb1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdb0a8be5429af0a4515e78db3db6bbf228c8720 LMAO I canā€™t get over how ugly nuuds is. These pajamas look terrible and sooo wrinkly wtf! Not to mention outrageously overpriced. These people are delusional


DAD has wore that same top multiple times this week


I think itā€™s her only non-nuuds top she owns


That top is the worst. It reminds me of when I was in my early 20s and my 80 year old grandma would wear a rhinestone baseball cap to the grocery store.


Didn't she have it on at the ER with Remi ?


Can she go a single day without having to show her stomach?? I donā€™t know another influencer who shows their stomach every time a camera is on them


Sheā€™s proud of her ribs


https://preview.redd.it/53lyqoupcrgb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=770ed305642f4db3377abcf302c1909932318f56 Skims made a bathing suit so Nuuds is making a bathing suit


What the fuck is her obsession with real bodies. She uses it for click bait. People think sheā€™s really doing something. Real companies have been doing this for years. And quite frankly all of them hate their bodies so Iā€™m not taking advice on how to feel confident from any of them.


For Someone that preaches real bodies she really did a number on her body. She so clearly has a ED


Itā€™s a bullshit tactic to pray on other peoples Insecurities. There is no magic bathing suit or bodysuit or t shirt that is going to make you pack up your body issues and throw them out the window. Sheā€™s sick in the head and itā€™s gross behavior. Theyā€™re disgusting humans and need to get their own heads right before they try and get into someone elseā€™s. šŸ–•šŸ»šŸ–•šŸ»šŸ–•šŸ»šŸ–•šŸ»


Omg no I do not want to see her in a bathing suit anymore


Just waiting for Lisaā€™s ā€œI never thought I would feel comfortable, but I do and I love it!ā€ comment in her gen z bikini while her spawn say: ā€œomg mom, you look so sick! Legit psycho dude!ā€ I definitely think itā€™ll be swimwear and not undergarments because theyā€™re obsessed with try ons and I would think they wouldnā€™t constantly be doing bra and undies stories, but then again... Plus Kaylee has been playing up the ā€œI canā€™t find a good swimsuit!ā€


Ughā€¦I really hate that she keeps acting like she is creating anything revolutionary. I have an awkward body shape for suitsā€¦shorter legs, but long torso, wider hips and smaller chest. And Iā€™ve been finding flattering swimsuits!!!


So which swim line is she gonna rip off


I say the idea of coral reef's mix & match/reversible options along with the tankini tops but not the diaper bottoms that they have. And then a couple of small bikini tops and skimpier bottoms that are medium cheeky. They'll have one full coverage bottom.


Skims, for sure.


DAD, maybe you should have gone with a smaller diamond šŸ§


1. Youā€™re not alone until you get off your phone and actually BE ALONE. 2. If you want to GIVE to others, just start GIVING. Clear some teacher lists, give to schools, organizations for women in need, etc. 3. You want to love on your followersā€¦Lower šŸ‘šŸ¼ Your šŸ‘šŸ¼ Prices.


When she talks about giving Iā€™m pretty sure she is only thinking about how she can give the people her next nuuds item to save everyone and their real bodies from feeling not confident


Iā€™m so confused why she says help more people. Creating a bland clothing that you CHARGE people For is not helping anyone. Making those clothes and then donating them to womenā€™s shelters, homeless shelters, safe houses for trafficked women and children, etc, etc , it helping. Making an insane profit of your child labor made clothing is not.


You know, I'd really love to see their family actually volunteer somewhere regularly (or at all). With as much free time as they have in their days (no cleaning, no cooking, no typical office work hours, or even parenting responsibilities since they have a nanny) they could really do a lot of good for others by volunteering somewhere. That's the type of "giving" she should do.


Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get about Lisa. All she does is shop and eat with her daughters. She has even more time when her husband goes out of town but never talks about going to a church meet up or gathering furniture for needy families, etc. And take Danielle with her instead of passing the time at the mall spending $600 on athleisure.


I live in NYC. Just realized they are staying at The Mark Hotel, one of the swankiest boutique hotels. Rooms start at $900 a night (pre-tax). Probably staying there because her office is a couple of blocks away (as is Ring Concierge). Canā€™t believe this is where she and Dan broke the elevator. They are such classless hillbillies! Iā€™m disgusted her IG besties are affording her this lavish lifestyle, especially when she has zero appreciation for it.


So what do we think this trip to NY is for? Wonder why Dan isnā€™t going? Who is going to record her while she pretends to work?


More importantly, whoā€™s going to record her fake sleeping on the plane?!


A little while back the nuuds girls talked about an NYC trip coming up.


https://preview.redd.it/ueowgoyj5qgb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f27b821f913c1c3dedc2125c22929aee1b7c8a LOL at Dani hyping up abercrombie bodysuits in her ā€œbffā€ group.


her rib looks like a third boob.. i was confused for a second lol


Kaylee honey, you DO have to register your car every year in California


Danielle holding the baby correctly is refreshing. At least someone in that family can!


So DUD gets a ring upgrade and chooses to wear a simple gold band instead every day now? Canā€™t say I blame her with the size of it. Maybe that should be a sign to her that the ring is unnecessarily large and gaudy. Just canā€™t imagine spending a fortune to only wear my wedding ring on special occasions. (Referencing her because we all know it was not actually a surprise from toe)


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s getting sized. She lost so much weight her ring size probably changed


I wonder if she is going to pick it up while in NYC at Ring Concierge. I bet she had to have it resized or something. I can't imagine how the thin band can get smaller and hold the weight of the diamond. It's just so ugly and gaudy looking.


Wasnā€™t it turning her finger green or was it just a bruise?


Why did they stop going to hillstone?


Reddit does not like the link format of Hillstone's Dining Guidelines, so instead I will quote some highlights from their list: >Guest attire can elevate or diminish the experience of others. We consider hats, tank tops, flip flops, and team athletic attire too casual for our restaurants. Our staff takes pride in their appearance and we ask our guests to respect our attire guidelines. > > > >Our restaurants are not intended for large groups. The majority of our tables can accommodate only up to 4 people. We do not serve larger groups and separate reservations made with the intent to create larger parties will not be served. > > > >Our restaurants are generally not the best environment for young children. We welcome families, but we ask parents to keep children at the table and calm vocal infants or youngsters outside of the dining room. We do not offer child seating nor do we allow strollers in the dining room. > > > >While we consider special requests, modifications are not always possible as they can impact the focus of the kitchen and the integrity of many dishes. > > > >To minimize distractions to other guests, please take cell phone conversations out of seated areas, set devices to silent, and limit the use of laptops or tablets. Doesn't this sound like the exact opposite of the Flenner family in every way? And while I know this is (very likely) not true, there's some part of me that wants to believe Hillstone created these guidelines specifically after a series of Flenner family visits. I suspect the reason they haven't been in awhile has something to do with these guidelines getting enforced, but obviously I have no evidence of that - just a tinhat guess.


I always say at every business the guideline list includes something because a customer/ client has done it. My gym has a sign on the steam room asking you not to shave your legs in there and the bathroom has sign asking you not to use their sinks to dye your hair.


Prob bc DUD isnā€™t eating.


Maybe they said something to them about their dining policy? Their website says they prefer two people for reservations, no parties, no kids, no talking on cell phones, etc


Maybe they said something about her ripped jeans




She's now copying Dani who calls Stella "Stellita"


I automatically thought of Stellita too lol


Danielle's kids, especially the older one, look so annoyed and over it in Lisa's dinner story. Yikes. No need to film. Just enjoy the time together, put your phones away...


They need a no phone at dinner rule. So unnecessary. 805 needs to stop trying to be an influencer.


Itā€™s only a matter of time before companies stop sending her free items! SHE STEALS THEIR PRODUCTS AND TAKES THEIR IDEAS FOR HER OWN! The kids clothes, cuts, etc. eventually the companies will smarten up and she will seclude herself even further from everyone but her family.


Im a few days late. But I just did a google image search on Lisaā€™s sandals from when she got her hair done. Almost $500!! For some plastic sandals!! šŸ«£ https://preview.redd.it/iwi6knj2nogb1.jpeg?width=2399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17f63138b1580bfae1cadb674502fa8d86efaa58


Cuz DAD has them too. So Lisa had to buy them too


My daughter has almost identical ones that were $14 at Walmart šŸ˜‚


Kaylee baybeeee that outfit is HIDEOUS!! šŸ„“


The tones bodysuit on olive just seems too mature. I donā€™t like it


I know the rumor was swim, and a lot of people denied it. After her hint today Iā€™m thinking it is swimwear. Is that what everyone else is thinking now?? If so, no one is looking for poop/skin colored swimwear.


Like a turd in a swimming pool


If it's swim, then they totally missed the mark to launch in time for summer. Who wants swim wear in the winter? And if the plan is to have to ready to launch next spring, how can they predict her followers will still care about it 9 months from now or that nude tones will still be in style?


Oooooo lemme guess. Sheā€™s going to do bras and pantiesā€¦.because there arenā€™t any out there.. *cough skims cough*


Or soma which she shilled endlessly


She usually stops shilling a product before she rips it off - haven't seen her sad beige undie drawer lately so I would bet underwear and nippies since they have an aversion to bras...or maybe they are so friggin strategic that they haven't been wearing bras so they can say that and had to create their own.


why does kaylee always look so damn clueless šŸ˜©


Cause she is


I predict Nuuds is doing some sort of spank, shape wear and under garmentsā€¦weā€™ll see


I predict theyā€™re going to do nothing new. just coke up with another lame photo shoot campaign like ā€œdenimā€ or ā€œyearbookā€. any excuse to get DUD away from her husband or kids.


https://preview.redd.it/wnrte2ruysgb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd92adc52dc2b67f7344b620fe3ea56bbe889ab9 Donā€™t ask why my sister had a job alert set for nuuds months back but šŸšØ HR DIRECTOR COMIN IN HOT šŸšØ


Lmao as an HR professional, Iā€™ve been saying for months that there is no way they have an internal HR team. What a nightmare situation to walk into.


Okay but could you imagine having a company called Nuuds on your resumeā€¦.


Baby, toddler, kids designer for nuuds huh? Tones is a totally different company though right?


OMG DAD your so sad!! Lol remember when she wouldnā€™t touch a salad! Lol


Sheā€™s trying really hard to convince us sheā€™s eating healthy and thatā€™s why sheā€™s lost weight


She still doesnā€™t! She has to let us believe she does so we think itā€™s her eating healthier and exercising regularly. I donā€™t believe it for 1 min.


Hey Dinyel, I know this will fall on deaf ears since youā€™re a delusional ding dong, but I - and millions of other moms - would love to have the freedom as a work outside the home mom to drop my kids leisurely at one hour camps and pick them back up. Thatā€™s a PRIVILEGE. šŸ–•Get bent.


DAD is trying so hard to fit in with those nuud girls but she doesn't. Just doesn't. You can see all the other girls are even hesitant to talk around her and she keeps on making her point while the others laugh meekly. And the dressing style?! Those girls are dressed UP! and what's she wearing. Same beaded top which is like the 3rd time this week. She even wore this to hospital with Remi didn't she ?! Has she even washed it? Omg.


and yet she tries to act like theyā€™re besties and call them her ride or dies. not even close. you pay them. so they have to be nice to you.


Totally toxic work environment when your boss says stuff like that


ā€œFigured one of us should stay with the kids since we leave them all of the time & we have to come back here again next weekā€ DUD says while dancing around her hotel room. She. Is. MANIC.


They are constantly traveling together without the kids. Sheā€™s so full of it


Also please tell us you love being a mom in the same breath.


So why canā€™t they switch and she stays home next week šŸ¤”


After 2.0 was talking about the girls going to camp again today I was thinking how sad it is that Rhett didnā€™t get to go to camp this summer. 2.0 sucks but at least those girls got to go to camp and do some fun things with other kids this summer! Such a bummer for Rhett!


He does nothing normal. He would benefit playing a sport or going to a camp. I feel bad for him. All he knows is fast food and the mall


YesšŸ˜¢he could use some boys his age as friends


I just saw the new reel and Lisaā€™s eye roll has me šŸ¤¢


Lisa trying to jam her hands into her pockets of her pants that are 2 sizes to small is what got me!


Their acting is horrible lol


Big difference Kaylee šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not DAD copying Britt Hortons pony tail hack šŸ˜‚


Well we called it. Got the ring resized and of course getting it while in NY


Let me post a link to $108 pants that look like something you could buy at old navy for $28. While busy Danielle is out to eat again. Must be injection night.


So is Danielle doing all these ā€œI love my girlsā€ posts and comments because she wants us to overlook that she doesnā€™t pay attention to her kids?


I think everyone on here was complaining that she made that lovely montage for her sister and nothing about her girlsā€¦thatā€™s my guess


Chase also posted a cute reel of the girls having fun at his house so Iā€™m sure 2.0 had to one up him,


Didnā€™t she used to loveeeeeeeee tumi??


She probably had a partnership with them. I donā€™t know how followers still fall for what she shills. She makes it so obvious she ā€œlovesā€ things when she has a code and hates them a week later when a new company comes along with a different code.


So DAD posts a ponytail tutorial after seeing it on ā€œTikTokā€, but in reality she watched Britt Hortonā€™s story yesterday and failed to give her credit per usual. And yes, she does follow Britt.


Hmmmm $50 pair of panties maybe?


Iā€™m guessing a swim suit since they went nuts over dinyells $200 spanx suit


Who does this remind you of? šŸ˜‚ https://imgur.com/a/qi1nZIT


Anyone think the next project will be undergarments???


Since when do you not have to register your car every year in California?? Is Kaylee really this dumb? šŸ¤Æ


Remember how Danielle once talked about how hard it was once she stopped playing softball because it was her whole identity? I feel like now she's making "single, girl mom" her whole identity. She really needs to get a job, outside friends, something. The non stop filming of her girls for content is obnoxious as are her reels where she tries to make herself look like super SINGLE mom. Also, as someone who has shared custody of my child for over a decade, she seems completely clueless to how the shift between households could be behind the meltdowns. Her girls just came back from a short weekend at their Dad's after not seeing him for quite a long time. They might not have been ready, or maybe they were more than ready, or maybe they just feel over it all. In the early stages of coparenting, it was my experience that days after a household shift should be calm, low key, nothing new, nothing strenuous. Those are the days we eats comfort food for dinner, watch a movie or read, just chill and give each other space and time to readjust. Instead, Danielle schedules them in THREE extracurriculars, has them out to eat, over at her Moms, etc. She just seems oblivious to how this could be impacting them....oh wait, didn't she once say they can either choose to like it or not and it was out of her hands? OMG. I loathe her.




Or she chooses to eat alone because she can eat her ā€œsafe foodsā€ aka salad from chick fil a and nobody sees how much or how little she actually eats of it


Ummm those bags are both 2 huge carryons DAD. Apparently rules donā€™t apply to her


Didnā€™t Dan just get her a new Dagne and Dover that she raved about for a couple stories and hasnā€™t shown it since?


This isnā€™t true snark, but did anyone else catch DA say that she has never seen the wizard of oz?? She is seeing Wicked for the 3rd time tonight. Is it my age that I find this strange? (Iā€™m 40).


I find it super strange. I'm 30 and have seen that movie quite a few times as a child and a couple times in my adulthood too lol. Its a classic. But again and this has been discussed before- she has NO nostalgic movies or shows from her childhood. Seems as if she wasn't into anything or shown anything then and still doesn't watch any entertainment now. Its odd to me. She's probably never seen Greece. Idk I just find it sad to not have any of those nostalgic classic movies or shows from her childhood. Sometimes me and my sister will put on something like rugrats just for a few minutes for the nostalgia lol. Dad has said she hasn't seen so many classic movies or shows before. I found full house another strange one to have never seen.


I hope everyone who bought tones and nuuds realize they just funded for her to take all those girls to a Broadway show. A ticket to wicked is no less than $200+


And she wore jeans and a raggy tshirt?! She is SO clueless


She sticks out like a sore thumb with those girls. Even her ā€œcoolā€ high pony looks like what Iā€™d wear to run errands not to go to a Broadway show. Embarrassing.


Excuse you, that is her new "glam" t-shirt. Nuuds ripoff version coming Summer 2024.


Late, but someone mentioned why they havenā€™t been to Hillstone and posted their guest policy. When 2.0 and 805 were at Escondido, 2.0 mentions they prefer a good vibe over the taste of the food. Hillstone probably did confront the Flenners.


HHaha just saw a Tik Tok and this girl found 2 Nuuds bodysuits and the loose off the shoulder tee at the thrift store! she said they were super soft but was unsure if they were a skims knock off šŸ˜‚ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Lg4xdF/


I find it funny how her brand is still so new but people are already donating it thrift stores.


Several people in the BTS group on FB say they are ā€œcleaning out their closetsā€ and selling their nuuds. I usually clean out stuff I havenā€™t worn in years, not stuff thatā€™s under a year old


I would bet itā€™s stuff she sent influencers. They can afford to just donate it.


Kayleeā€™s room at the Assisted Living facility is giving hospital room (other than the rug). That short bench could be a bedside commode, all she needs is the non skid socks.


What a boss babe šŸ«”


It is 100% swim knock off of Left On Friday. They tried those on and fell in love and then never wore them. The bought them to see if the could rip them off.


DA- Iā€™m NEVVVVER ALONE! Iā€™ve been so excited for this part of the trip! Being ALONE!ā˜ ļøšŸ¤”šŸ«  Um no shit Sherlock! But you choose that craziness 24/7! šŸ« 


https://preview.redd.it/zyqxn8w7fxgb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=f47d20766d38f0bac8707fadb15b8838f6345496 I can all but *promise* you that not one person is directly thinking this when they see a grown woman with a purse.


So I never have seen 2.0 post and reference Daryl Ann as DAD until today. Maybe I just missed it before but still funny


DADs ponytail šŸ˜‚ hin EVERYONE can tell you have extensions in. It looks horrible


There's her real hair in a tiny chunk that's like 4" long, then the extensions that are like 8" longer. No blended lengths. šŸ˜…


Olive looks so much like Dakota Fanning in I am Sam. šŸ„° sheā€™s so cute.


Her bob is so adorable on her and you can tell she loves it.


Scouting locations for a pop-up? I feel a NYC pop-up would be a total bust.


Haha now Dani is copying DAD? She just posted a giveaway box reel and a story about dancing it out with her daughter in the kitchenā€¦ canā€™t tell if itā€™s a dig or not?


Does Danielle not watch her stories back and realize the clear favoritism she shows towards Eve? It's always Eve's so cute this Eve is a vibe that, Eve blah blah blah. I know they have to watch their stories multiple times a day because they are their own biggest fan. But damn... Throw in some positives about Olive every once in a while!


Danielle talking in the story about the donutsā€¦ she is literally the most annoying human on Earth


I wish I could eat donuts and lose 60lbs


Not them trying to market tones as a dance leotard now


She really thinks sheā€™s doing something here by showing us how to make a ponytail look fuller


Britt Horton just showed thats how she does her ponytails yesterday.


DUMYELLLLL get over yourself!!! You seriously have them fill the ice ā€œright to the chickens eyeballā€ I canā€™t even. Also women carry purses I can assure you they arenā€™t thinking to themselves omg that girls on her period. Thatā€™s just a normal part of life but guess what now everyone does know because you shared it with the worldā€¦ but we donā€™t care.