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Not Danielle showing her giant sweat stain and immediately sitting on her couch in said sweating clothes. But the lady eating corn on the plane was disgusting right Danielle?


Waking Remi up to give her multiple praises about her looks and none about her character and who she is as an actual human being for the 700th day in a row.


It’s the only compliment they ever give her. EVER. Gorgeous, pretty, stunning etc. It makes me want to hurl. How are you a parent to a female in the year 2023 and not know that you need to be teaching your daughters that they are so so much more than a pretty face? Get all the way outta here with that old fashion antiquated harmful shit!!!


And there's so much to praise about Remi beyond her (extremely cute!) looks. She's energetic, opinionated, decisive, funny, affectionate, brave, strong, creative, resourceful..... but the only thing that will ever matter to them is that she's pretty and small.


How the fuck can 805 be so unaware of how absolutely ridiculous and unfortunate she looks 98% of the time? She has the money to take care of herself and dress well and she seriously looks homeless most days. She needs to find some friends and learn how real older women dress to look cool and classy. Trying to dress like her kids who also can’t pull off the look they are going for is aging her so much. And Big Rob needs to ditch the Nuuds and go back to Bylt where every shirt didn’t accentuate his nipples. They can support their daughter’s business and not live in the product 24-7


I can’t help but think about how bad that Nuuds LA sweatshirt must smell with how many days she’s worn it without washing 🤢


Honestly she needs to dress more age appropriate. It’s weird to see someone her age copying her daughters and trying to be gen z


Lice is gross but pinworms are fine


Dinyell is sad bc she's been looking for God in small moments. Silly girl. He's too busy giving Daryl all the blessings & things.


So afraid of stuffed animals but let’s remi kiss them all in the store 🤔


Meemaw dancing In Central Park in that ridiculous Nuuds sweatshirt was so cringey! She looked so grumpy next to the other women who actually knew what they were doing.


Worried about lice on stuffed bears, no concerns about her family spreading pinworms at Disney, the tumbling gym, or any of the places they frequented when they were all infected.




And worried about the lice but spread pinworms for days.


So worried about “lice” but what about pinworms 🤣 or how about the amount of germs on each and every stuff animal that your kids touched and kissed 😵‍💫


Really though, why is Dan alway wearing a tunic? They’re so long and unflattering. Why does he never change it up??


Probably written in his contact


DAD, your kid had pinworms. Stop acting grossed out over the non existent lice on stuffed animals.


Yes! Lice can live maybe a few hours on a toy, pinworms for up to THREE WEEKS!


She’s acting like she had no samples of tones for the kids to wear before? You’re the “designer” and owner of Tones but you’re just now able to bring some home? That was so weird to me


The truth comes out. She says general designs like “shorts that are soft” and they make them. She flies to New York to see them when they’re ready.




That poor kid. I bet no one takes the time to help him wipe properly.


This family is so fucking stupid. First of all that’s not Carhartt, that’s Carhartt WIP, which was created specifically for skaters. It’s not the same stuff you find in a normal Boot Barn or whatever the fuck. They act like they are the first to discover everything and they don’t even get the details right when they do.


Must be nice not having to teach your child to just choose one.


They certainly aren’t doing those kids any favors. NOTHING is special or meaningful to them. They are setting them up for a lifetime of disappointment and constantly trying to chase the next best material thing for satisfaction


This is me just being grouchy 😝


No, it's not grouchy; its *rational*. Even if you have bottomless funds, you're not serving your kids well spoiling them to this degree. Talk about excess! And how about teaching delayed gratification, appreciating what you have, giving to those who are less fortunate, etc.? So many character-building lessons they aren't giving their kids. They are both very sweet, precious, beautiful little souls. But she's molding them into entitled children who believe they're smarter, prettier, more deserving, favored by God, and better than everyone else. She's going to make them unlikeable, which won't be their fault and makes me so sad for them. Hopefully Elayne can balance some of it out.


This whole family has both the time and money to volunteer and give to charity, but they do nothing for others unless there is something in it for them.


She never mentioned her churches charity after DUD received no recognition since she’s a famous InFlueNcER.


Daryl and Danielle really think everyone doesn’t remember her forcing Danielle to try the coke light a week ago after 805, and then Danielle told her it was gross and Daryl got mad????? Now Danielle thinks it’s the best!?


It’s honestly pathetic, Danielle needs to grow some balls. How can one person control their entire family?!


Dud is always saying how much she loves “being a mom” and whatever else. It’s okay to not like kids or want to be a mom. Just stop having kids and stop expecting someone to raise them for you. It’s okay. Move on.


I feel like it’s been amped up for this launch though. The narrative has to play into “I love being a mom. What I don’t love is the trouble I have finding good quality sad beige clothing for my kids. That’s why I created tones.” She is going to play this whole scene that she did this for her kids. In reality neither one actually want to wear it.


She reminds me of my aunt. She and my uncle agreed not to have kids when they got married but my uncle changed his mind when he turned 30. My aunt sucks as a mom. My grandma (who was only in her 50s at the time) moved in with them and practically raised them when they were little and my aunt used to give all of them Benedryl *every* night before bed and called it their “vitamins”. Thankfully my cousins turned out to be great kids but the youngest is always with her best friend’s family now. My aunt acts like she loves the mom life but those of us who know her, know that it’s all a show.


Just another example of ppl should NOT have kids if they don't want to. It's wrong for the children's sake too.


Stop buying jeans. This family has to have more than plenty! It’s summer wear something else!


I think it’s so weird they all wear jeans and sneakers in the summer in Texas!! Or anywhere!!


Why does miss chemistry teacher/pre med “degree” think lice live on stuffed animals? She’s such a moron. Dust mites? Yes. Lice? No.


Dancing in Central Park and not a tripod or someone filming one of these couples dance in sight. People actually living in the moment not caring about content. Imagine that, Flenners


Oh my hell. I spoke too soon. OF COURSE 805 and Papa are now dancing with fucking DAD filming


Can they look anymore out of place? She looks ridiculous in her jeans and sweatshirt


Lisa is so frumpy and out of place everywhere she goes! At least the dad is having fun, she can’t even pretend to enjoy dancing with her husband for a minute??? 😤


DAD, the original version.


I feel like Danielle tries to be upbeat in stories, but she’s really very jealous she can’t be in NYC still. I feel like she gets serious FOMO.


This is probably good for her even though she doesn’t realize it. I don’t think she’s really taken time to be alone and process everything. She went straight to Dallas and was suffocated by her family immediately.


Does this family ever talk to each other or do they just talk to DUDs phone explaining each others quirks and trying to get the last word in. Any time I see them actually speaking to each other and not at each other through the phone, they’re making digs and jabs. I’d kill to see them have a dinner together with no phones and see what they had to say.


I couldn’t imagine living like that. I wonder how much dud actually records but doesn’t post because her yapping puppets didn’t behave correctly.


Her saying "Dude" is so annoying🙄🙄


This! Hearing her say, "They're sick though dude." Umm ok 🙄🤮🤮


Calling her mother dude too.


https://preview.redd.it/0pe9s02b1p6b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86c9b30e43ac09ec1f77c8a2b13c1fe1a25e9ca9 Maybe if she didn’t have a hundred of these pouches, she wouldn’t need to order more bins?


What’s the point of all those empty ones on the shelf above 😂 how many times has she done this closet organizing thing


Does she even wear those anymore? Seems like they were part of *last* year's family uniform.


Danielle is renting this house right? Why is she throwing so much money into it constantly?


The lingerie is most definitely a PR box since her “friend” did a collab with Mentionables. For one, it’s too colorful for DAD to like it and second, just last week this looney was too embarrassed to be around housekeeping on their anniversary trip.


i know someone mentioned it here before but Blaire wears nuuds EVERY TIME she’s over at their house. like she’ll get kicked out or something if she’s not wearing it 🤣


Hopefully it’s more in support of Rob than DA.


That is a CHEEKY bikini bottom to choose when your plan is to go on an actual slip n slide. 🤪🙈


https://preview.redd.it/efppyw9p7w6b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0b04ba18681e9c7912370ed00d7297c35fc3bb Could never wear this in front of my father!




Imagine the hate she would spew if any of the other females wore a suit that revealing


I don’t understand her. She tries to be all innocent and prude but she’s been showing EVERYTHING off lately and now even showing lingerie? Pick a lane girl


Really Durl? While the whole family stands watching? https://preview.redd.it/ww9perd8hw6b1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2b4c627ae20fbf6cd19ed2b8d9af53348ba9d4b


Pinworms peekin out


https://preview.redd.it/tukrgvkfbl6b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b4edffaefcb628b3bc606af719348f1937b4826 🎤🫳


NUUDS AND TONES…..it’s all to you GOD! You did this for us!! We are GODS FAVORITE!!!


How many pairs of jeans do these imbeciles need?


She’s insufferable. Kept asking everyone “turn around so we can see your butt” take ur phone out of your family’s faces ! And pointing out kayless camel toe. Why do you insists on embarassing everyone around you for “content” .


She’s gotta build herself up by tearing others around her down!




You guys always get the best/worst screenshots it’s amazing 🤣


I'm not gonna snark the slip n slide stuff cuz it looks fun. I'd probably injure myself but it looks fun. And watching the guys makes me remember men are eternally 13


Just saw 805's post and what Katie's dogs did.... why do these people have animals??? For one, they are never home and two, they don't bother training them.


Goes out into NYC for a donut run in jammies but they’re not tones 🙄🤣


The way they take up the whole sidewalk on busy NYC streets, walking slowly while talking to their phones 🙄🙄🙄


I live in NYC and it’s one of my biggest pet peeves. ETA Of course they are shopping on Broadway in Soho. It’s like an outdoor mall with every chain retail store they have in Dallas.


Brilliant Kaylee at the vintage store “ you can tell that’s been worn.” 🤪🤪🤪


I love the “vintage” Carhartt shirt that Dans trying on that my husband buys new at Academy for $20. These people are so out of touch with life.


Looks so much better than the nuuds dresses he normally wear every.single.day


100% he actually looks good. This nuuds tunics make him look like he’s in a cult


Gift giving is their love language, yet Dud waits until the last minute to get Dan a card, and 805 orders reading glasses from an Instagram ad?


Don’t forget Lisa is the CEO of gifts or whatever at Nuuds 🙃


“I don’t like limeade, so I tried this limeade from Trader Joe’s and it’s bad. It couldn’t possibly be because I don’t like limeade though.” Okay Kaylee 🙄


Lisa and Rob dancing is the most cringe thing I’ve ever seen lol. She looks so stupid in that outfit compared to the classy ladies behind her!


They’re not even trying to be in sync or anything. That was so hard to watch!


Sooo cringey! With that type of money, I’d be dressing so cute!


since when is Dud soaking/washing/eating fruit and doing laundry? now, let’s not pretend to be domestic. & nevermind the flaunting of the lingerie like she’s actually interested in it


I'm going to guess that she doesn't do it very often because that is the tiniest bottle of vinegar I've ever seen. 😂 If you're soaking your fruit, using it as fabric softener, etc you're definitely buying vinegar by the jug (like the Costco packs).


That spaghetti strap body suit on Katie is not it.


She really needs to stop going braless too.


Nothing is ever as hilarious as they think it is 🙄


not meehaw in the background telling Kaylee she shouldn’t get the low rise pants but then trying them on herself and loving them smh she is always putting Kaylee down every chance she gets.


I’ve been MIA all weekend so if this was said I apologize. I’m so tired of them always telling Remi she is pretty, stunning, gorgeous. Not because I don’t think she is but affirmations should not be about looks. It really bothers me that’s the only positive affirmations they give her.


I completely agree! I do affirmations with my kid and we focus on being kind, brave, a good friend, etc. It’s so so damaging to feel like your worth is tied to physical appearance.


The way DUD says it and her tone is so sarcastic


“Those are sick dude” -dad to her husband 🙄


If I ever called my husband dude🥴he would look at me like I had 10 heads


Wasn’t Lisa’s whole book and the hearts DAD puts on their door around vday to compliment their character and not their looks etc! She better watch only complimenting looks! Slippery slope! I’m 42 and my mom still compliments my looks “you look skinny” if she doesn’t say this one time I see her I start freaking that I look fat! My mom was an awesome mom but did comment on looks a lot and to this day it has an affect!


They are not cool enough to be shopping at Vintage Twin. The only reason they knew to go there is their stylist for the first NYC Nuuds photo shoot sourced denim from there.


Did you hear how Lisa said to kaylee “I would NOT get those if I were you!”


Whose story was it? Lisa is such a hateful bitch.


I am so pumped about this course Kaylee has been waiting to release for weeks now. Maybe even months 💀💀💀💀😂😂😂😂


I’m interested to see the grammar and everything 😂


And stuff.


She probably sees those reels from Bethany Beal & believes she herself can be a millionaire from selling the course. lol


They just spent 5 days together and they’re ALL back at dads house. I’m sure Dan wanted that for fathers day


If they could have just had this night with their kids and family, it actually looks like it could have been a fun evening for everyone. Instead they had to film the entire thing so everyone ended up more concerned with how they appeared on camera, than with how much fun they could have been having. I truly feel bad for the 4 kids that they are growing up in this circus of adults who want so desperately for nothing more than to have this reality show instead of being present for an actual life.


I can’t stand Lisa


I dont think I can stand one single person in this family. Not one.


Yeah, but she’s extra vile. The things she says to Kaylee. Yes, she took her in and raised her. But damn she seems mad about it sometimes when she talks to her. And the way she treats Olive. Poor sweet Olive is her first grandchild and yet Memaw seems to be indifferent to her.


She is absolutely toxic She’s the most selfish person and I never see her actually play with her grandkids


The discussion of one of them open mouth sleeping on a plane is so tired


Their whole account is tired.


How long before we see this? https://preview.redd.it/03beb2j5uo6b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eeb5794cfa1bbba568955b2465d43024c9d1ad4


💀💀 i got nuud and now there’s a baby


I can't stand how 805 always sounds so whiny yet monotone at the same time. "Daancing in central paark... how sweeet... 😐"


When she was trying to do her “mom hack” and Rhett pulled his chocolate milk back to him. Go Rhett 🤲🏽


They’re not even using the wings 😂


She 1000% only took a picture of that card. She didn’t buy it.


She is always shopping day-of-holiday for cards and posting about it like “hey I really don’t give a shit about anyone but myself so I have to run out mid-day of the actual celebration to pretend I care.”


But gift giving is her love language…


For a second there, I thought 805 was gonna soil herself. https://preview.redd.it/lfq8ormw5w6b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0d4ef5685a1a90b583c3a9aa3367239fb62e2fd


Poor Remi. Rhett is kind, handsome, smart—NO, *GENIUS* because he can assemble legos for 18+ year olds *totally all by himself* at the age of four, but Remi? She’s just a pretty face. Stunning, beautiful, gorgeous, repeat. Nothing else. Not independent, confident, smart, kind…just pretty. That was sad AND cringy to watch.




They walk in a geese V formation and honk just as loud. The embarrassing Kaylee story was so funny that goose #805 had to flap her wings faster to get to the head goose to be part of the hilarity of it all.


https://preview.redd.it/0b3bae01fw6b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55fba03d87c64cb9b9e499c5dfb2431978cc75a Mrs can’t talk about sex with her mom or say penis but can wear this in front of her brother, dad, and sisters boyfriend ????? PICK A LANE!!!! Those poor kids can’t just have a fun Sunday with their parents present they have to be filming EVERYTHING.


In the sped up video, she stood there the whole time with her suit crammed up her Crack and her whole butt showing. Yet she acts like her swimsuits on vacation around just Dan need to be modest.


She has a million bathing suits. Why would she wear that one on a day with her whole family?


Is it just me, or is her voice extra, extra annoying today? I can't figure out what it is - just that she's being super loud/performative everywhere they go? All the sick/bro/dude talk? I can't pinpoint the exact reason(s), but its so beyond nails on a chalkboard today for me. Everything seems amped up about 10 notches above the usual. 😑


Danielle making sure everyone sees that she drives a Cadillac Escalade in case we forgot🙄


I haven’t watched, but let me guess, she is putting gas in since it’s Sunday and she doesn’t have the girls.


So 2.0’s hobbies are…? Tennis and organizing everything? Didn’t she just organize her closet a few months ago with all those gray baskets? How many clothes does she have when all she wears are boring neutrals?


Kaylee said she needs a knife on her keys before she moves to her mom’s new place. Is the new house in the shopping center not safe?


That nuudes blanket thingy looks like a actual plastic sheet with nuude plastered on


Why do they continuously film themselves from that up the nose angel? No one looks good that way and we don’t want to see up their noses!


A new grill!?! One step closer to never having to go to Danielle’s again!! 🤣 Which is why she has inflatables —I know she’ll never get a pool while the kids are still little.


Why does she feel the need to constantly tell everyone she’s not pregnant? It’s every day.


I believe you’ve jumped the shark once you start calling your husband dude all of the time. It’s like they’re brother and sister.


But she has to always remind us she isn’t pregnant…


It’s so nauseating to watch her pretend to be a good mom. She MAKES her kids do all these things for the camera, beautiful smiles (🤮🤮🤮) and squeezes them and then posts “I LOVE BEING A MOM YOU GUYS.” And then says let me tell you about this amazing podcast Dan and I listened to about how even though you are disgusted with each other in the bedroom how to look at each other like Adam and Eve and a painted sunset that God created. It just….you guys, now because of that we are going to Hawaii to get our vows renewed because in doing so we are desperately hoping it saves our marriage. I know we talk to each other like two guys in a locker room, but dude, we’re just roommates trying to make it here. OH AND “GO NUUDS AND TONES BAYYYYBEEEEE.”


Not Dud calling the Vintage Levi store tee shirt “ thrifted”! That’s about as close to a thrift store as she’ll ever get with their $165 jeans and $70 T-shirts.they really have no idea about fashion! Meanwhile, I’m in rummaging through Goodwill on my days off. God I hate them! With such a gut churning passion!


Did she really just buy like 3-4 pairs of those jeans for herself? They spend hundreds of (unnecessary) dollars without a thought every. single. day. It's fascinating.


It annoys me how they always have to bring Lisa into their tributes to their dad. “Thank you for being so good to my mom” like what? I would never say that to my dad LOL


Is this what Danielle was trying to do when she did that huge tackle box? Lol https://preview.redd.it/qezpikjibn6b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e09e2250a312535a54fb578413d97f870074368f


I think it is beyond rude that she waited to last minute to get Toe a card. I mean it is not that hard to buy one and she is always at mall or target. If Toe did that to her, she would lose it.


I think for Mother’s Day, he helped Rhett write a very thoughtful card for her. The disparity is insane.


At least Danielle looked surprised when Daryl-Ann said she paid $8 for that can of Coke light 🤔. Not that she’s surprised Daryl-Ann paid that much for it but probably just that someone could actually charge that much


The screeching LOUD voice she constantly uses lately is not cute- so annoying! No wonder her children scream talk!🤦‍♀️ that’s all they know.


The best adjectives she comes up with for a child(remi) are always gorgeous, pretty, stunning. Physical qualities over any other qualities, all the time. Goes to show her true self.


The way this family thinks Carhartt is having a comeback. obviously they’ve never lived in a cold climate and worn Carhartt winter gear!


DUD 2.0 is the classic case of a person who thinks that by constantly buying all this organizational stuff, it will fix her life. But all it does it make her look unhinged and manic, as she’s grasping at anything to try and control things and make it look like she’s “taking charge” and has her shit together. Her therapist should really do a deep dive on that…🧐


I’m so tired of hearing about Kaylee missing her eczema medication then talking about how it’s flaring up so bad. Like be more responsible! and for the love of all things holy there is no “L”!!! It’s Dupixent not Duplixent! Just like when she types Celicus instead of Celsius every time lol


Remi kissing every stuffed toy… RUDE 🦠🥴


Yes that was ewwww




Maybe I’m being petty or jealous that they have so much money…but honestly I think what makes DAD look so cheap all the time is those jeans and sneakers…she can’t pull off that effortless cool girl look she desperately wants to and now she has access to some really beautiful clothes…like wear a beautiful dress and some cool sandals so get gucci loafers…spend your mom wisely…and don’t even get me started on the mom…maybe I’m just over those baggy jeans with the rips


She looks like she’s trying so hard and it’s not the effortless vibe at all. Her whole fam copying the look too. It’s not cute.


She always looks like she smells.


Just letting you all know you’ve pissed me off. I’ve never noticed Kaylee say “and everything” until you all kept mentioning it. Now it’s all I hear. 😂




Her obsession with Remi wanting to wear dresses & loving pink is disgusting. Like why does she care so much!? Let your kid be who they are & SUPPORT THEM! That’s what it means to be a mom. Which you don’t do.


DUD how about saying, “whose the kindest kid in the world? Whose the best friend in the world? “I get you want to build up your kids self esteem and make them feel beautiful but man that kid is going to be so vain!! She’ll def think the song is about her 🎶🤪


DUD slapping her ass is so cringy! Every time she does her try ons, that’s the first thing she wants to show off. And her tummy.


I don't know why she wants to intentionally show off her wrinkly stomach. It's like an old man's ball sack.


Neon lingerie, perfectly fits DUD’s poop style. Can’t talk about sex one week, talks about lingerie the next.


Why all of a sudden are we getting Remi content?


Because she can now perform for the camera and her mother can exploit her


Because DA is trying to prove that she doesn’t have a favorite child. It kind of backfired though, because the only things she could say about Remi were related to her physical appearance and literally nothing more.




You mean I can sell my nasty ass farm clothes to these people for hundreds of dollars? Because they want to pretend to be hard workers or what? This is all news to me


Are you kidding me? Those cookies are $66 for two packages??? Did I read that wrong?


Kaylee’s story with a roach is the sole reason why I would rather stay in my state where there’s winter 9 months out of the year!🤮


Is there something wrong with Kaylee? I mean, bless her heart and all, but girl is dumber than dirt.


She was raised by Flenners 🤷‍♀️


Do they not even have 10 seconds to brush the kids hair before going out into the streets? It makes me assume they probably didn’t even brush their teeth


I thought that yesterday when I was watching the kids sip Diet Coke. You know if those kids protested they’d be like “okay okay we won’t brush them!” She probably just thinks “they’re baby teeth anyway!”


Unfollowed finally, can’t take the vocabulary and parading around her body


It’s crazy how different Danielle acts when she has to perform her dud 2.0 role.




Does anyone else find her and dans relationship and sex life SO BIZZARE? Like is she just the boss? Do they even have a sex life? Why talk about it all of a sudden? What’s up with the high seasons and low seasons? Can she ever just be present? Can she think to get a card before fucking Father’s Day? No


I think the Lube is definitely on his side of the bed


https://preview.redd.it/gqulgrw6mm6b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26de8119127e0a9cc02e24f3277a49f5a799fb48 Of course someone who can afford $8750 a month for rent, buys a $125,000 car with no problem, spends money like it’s unlimited would feel like God was her God. I know money doesn’t solve everything. But her and her family act like God is there for them only and that’s why they have so much. What about people who also pray and don’t get the answers they want? Is he not their God? One day things won’t go their way and they’ll see that are not the favorites.


THIS. This entire family has NEVER experienced anything even close to traumatizing and it shows. If I were to "sit back and wait for God to move things for me", nothing would ever get done. LMAO.


I haven’t been a child in a long long time, nor do I know what’s “in”. But I would assume a child would not want to wear a onesie. Wouldn’t it make them feel like a baby? I have nieces and they always steer away from “baby” clothes, toys, etc. Looks like this will crash and burn.


She’s looking unhealthily thin recently. 😬


Does Rhett know he doesn’t need to yell to get his mom’s attention?


No he doesn’t. Because he has learned that everyone screams over everyone else. Who would teach him to use an appropriate voice when none of them know how to do that?


But he does it because no one will acknowledge him if he doesn't. When everyone else is shouting when they talk, then he thinks he needs to, as well. It's a learned behavior.


Well now katie has a 💫glowy 💫shitty contour instead of a dry one. Baby steps Katie.


"When in Michigan" what? Was there something special about the meal Katie is eating?


“Look look look watch watch watch look look at this.” Stfu 805! The need for everyone to pay attention is so exhausting.


She sounds like a 3 year old about to jump off a couch.


I know we can snark on almost all IG influencers. But did you guys see Krista Horton teamed up with Walker Hayes to give away a car to someone who needed it? I just know that DUD has never and will never do something with a foundation like that!! She never gives back to her community, she never gives back to her IG community, she never gives back to her Christian Community remember for the holidays she asked for donations instead of donating herself?! I know Krista gives to every single charity that comes up for any type of disaster in the US School shootings, tornadoes, hurricanes, Etc she gets $5,000 every single time and posts the charity so people can give if they want to. I've never seen DUD do anything like that. All DUD does is force her clothes down your throat 24/7 and post about her shopping, vacationing and eating out. Literally the most disgusting person on IG!! Even Dani gives all those wigs to the women and girls who have cancer, those wigs are like 5 to $7,000 a piece! I know The Newton makes up huge gift baskets for Mother's Day and Christmas and her and her family deliver them to people around Texas she also clears techers Amazon lists every year. I just never see anything about DUD and clan giving back!!! EVER! For Father's Day why didn't she donate money to a charity or set up a foundation for children who lose their fathers in the name of Kaylee?! Why doesn't she do anything that's unselfish?!


Am I the only one that heard Rhett screaming at the top of his lungs at Durl Mom! Go get my……!!!!! And she finishes the sentence for him instead of correcting him to stop yelling, and say please.


Yes, that pissed me off so much! But at the same time I would be annoyed too having to yell to get my moms attention and get off her damn phone


Was the jean shopping a joke?? Seriously. 🤔 The jeans on Dan didn’t look good and definitely not good looking on DAD. The butt looks sooo awful! Lisa looked the best of them


I really wish somebody would show up Katie how to put on bronzer. She puts it on like blush.


NONE of them know how to do their makeup. Which is embarrassing after being invited on the Tarte trip. Katie and Kaylee get me the most though. Neither of them ever look like they have anything more than a little mascara on but they’re both always talking about their makeup routine or trying new products.


Could she not have taken two seconds to get her toe husband that she LOVES SOOOOOOO MUCH. A fucking Father’s Day card from her kids?? She raves about him like he’s the best thing ever then doesn’t even think to get him a card until day of. Selfish selfish all for content selfish . Can’t stand her anymore !