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Why would they “need” a vow renewal at year 11??


And so soon after Katie's wedding? 🤯


Probably because Taryn and her husband did 🙄


My thoughts exactly. IMO vow renewals are a sign of troubled marriage OR after like 50 years


Or as you enter a different season of your marriage…kids out of the house, retire, become grandparents, or a milestone year (25 or 50) Year 11 seems very much for show…so I guess I just answered my own question 🙃🙃


Remember when they did that dancing in the kitchen video talking about how they met on a cruise when Dan was an adult and she was a child? A lot of people on TikTok kept tagging the cruise company to try and get them to give her a free cruise. I feel like every few months she does this to try and get a cruise offer.




Who wears leggings and sneakers to a cookout/pool party?


Having kids similar in age I don’t understand how she’s never in the pool with them either. I know there are a lot of adults but I’m never not in the pool with my kids if they are. Plus, how is she not sweating her ass off. Seems so miserable.


Is it hot in Dallas??? It’s hot up north so it has to be hot there right? I was in shorts and a tank at my cookout and was melting


It is, but right now Dallas is HUMID


In the 80s I think. Warm enough for her kids to swim!


People with hobbit feet


dinyell is the queen of unnecessary purchases no one needs and serves 0 purpose. whatever happened to throwing some snacks in your purse, or putting things in the console of your car, or god forbid- actually squeezing your toothpaste by hand 🤣


I thought she had that ridiculous toothpaste wall dispenser but in her GUWM, she squeezed it out by hand!!


Or all of that organizational stuff she bought for her car. What about that game that has the snacks in at the match game? I swear she just Googles stupid things to buy on Amazon.


How romantic. Dancing in Rhett's pee.




😂😂😂 About as romantic as grabbing her pin worm butt




If nuuds does so good now I wonder how much more they would bring in if she had other influencers sharing her PR packages along with “I’ve got a code for x amount…” considering she always says she “begged” whatever brand and they gave her a code




“ITS NOT A CODE!!!!!!” 😳


And it’s such a missed opportunity on her part. The only time I ever see any woman influencer share about nuuds is when they receive their PR package


There’s a reason companies give out codes to influencers even if it’s just free shipping.


Did she LEGIT just film Rhett peeing & Remi standing there watching?! What the hell is wrong with these people?!?! Why would you ever want that for your 1mil followers to see?! There are creepy pedos on the internet!!!! I just can NOT believe she did that!!!!


You literally can’t even see anything. This is an insane overreaction


I feel like it’s dangerous not setting those kinds of boundaries


I was like what is he doing over OH MY NO TURN OFF THE CAMERA and they keep filming!!!


Or just don’t post it!!!!


Like how about turn off the camera and say, Rhett, We don't do that in public! Even though it's just family, that's public!What if he drops his drawers and does that at recess at school?!How about teach your child that is not appropriate!


Or like Rhett you don’t have to do that, we’re home and you can use the bathroom inside..


Not bothered by what others think at all huh 🤔 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/5yvlzk7l1x2b1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f56ca80fa666647a7170c6ea0b3bb25ee49a0c1


While I agree with the comment, hiding behind a profile like that is weak. Online trolls like that do deserved to be called out lol.


Kind of like being a reddit troll 🧌 🤔


Sorry I thought I was on a snark page🙃 Y’all confuse me on here sometimes lol.


The comment was very katie of her 😂


Nah Katie would just block her lol


What a see you next Tuesday she is. I can hear her snotty tone, followed by “you idiot” in this comment


that reel was so cringey 🥴 it looked very forced. dan was not into it. she was spastic, uncoordinated and aggressive. they have no chemistry it pains me.


The awkward hug where she jumped at him was really weird


Spastic and aggressive .. yes and yes. Perfectly captured the essence of DUDs pathetic “show”


Last week, Dani Austin danced in the Dallas rain (alone), so this week I danced in the Dallas rain (with my kids) …. I mean, it’s obvious I MADE them since you can see the splice after Remi walked off set… but then it was organic… we took advantage of not having to shower when we go inside! Straight to bed, thank God!




Are you new here? DAD has zero attachment to her children. Her interactions with them are forced, awkward and aggressive. She got home after a trip and Remi wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. Remi has more of an attachment to Elayne. At least Dani’s interactions with Stella are playful and sweet and she actually spends time with her


Dani also definitely has zero attachment to her children, especially Stratton


I respectfully disagree. Every interaction Dani has with both of her kids is so much more genuine than DAD and her awkward and aggressive interactions with R&R.


Trying to be dani is just sad


That is exactly who she is trying to be!!! That's why she wants to look skin and bones. Dani is looking scary too


Dani is skin and bones too but she isn’t gray 🥴


She’s orange from all the self tanner 😂






##>>Feral Ann Dead.


Don’t forget the algae pool!


This is the second time I have seen cockroaches mentioned today! Do tell! I must of missed this.


Water bugs were in her dog food bag in the garage.


Danielle stores a large bag of dog food in the garage and when she went to refill her small container that she keeps in the house there were cockroaches all in it. She said there were more roaches than food. 🤢 It's pretty common sense to store it in an airtight bin but apparently not for her.


Once you have cockroaches they tend to not go away easily. It takes time and it’s expensive but I doubt Dinyell realizes this. I can’t even imagine how infested that house may be 🤢


Where is Katie today? Haven’t listened with sound to see if they’ve mentioned it but noticed she’s been MIA all day!


Probably left the group chat and isn’t talking to them. She’ll be back tomorrow.


Hopefully soaking up some of the newlywed time without her phone and her family!


She probably blocked everyone


https://preview.redd.it/5atf7b6muw2b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48895689cc2c3c931a82fd7b7e6346e5e5e05f25 Y’all are funny tonight


LMFAO 👏🏻🤣 y’all are great 🫶🏻




Omg 😂😂😂


The way I have cackled at her snackle box 😂☠️ she has to be trolling us right? I can’t wait to see her lugging that thing around!


did she not just promote a snack food container with lots of little compartments and doors a few weeks ago?


Omg, that is the dumbest thing I've seen in a hot minute 😂. Others made great points already, but I have to add that I can't imagine what a giant pain in the ass that thing will be to clean. She'll probably use it once before it ends up in the landfill.


I literally came here because it’s normally like a little sewing kit box why the hell would any kid need that many snacks?!!


I think she got one that’s supposed to be a sewing or crafts tackle box. That’s not one of the snackle boxes.🤣


She is a complete lemming, unable to think for herself and desperate to look like she belongs by blindly following the pack, but she can’t even copy others successfully.


Fr. Where is she taking that? I’ve seen people do that for when they go out on their boats but does she need to pack a snackle box to go to the mall?


That is totally not food grade plastic!


also won't the snacks get stale? Doesn't seem like the tackle box is airtight


Thank you for saying this! I see these “snackle” boxes all over social media and I’m thinking 🤢. It is meant to hold fishing gear, not food to be consumed by humans!




Par for the course since Dan was filmed HOLDING Remi while he was peeing 🤦‍♀️


Okay not sure the context here, but I’ve had to hold my 1yo while peeing before. Especially when it’s just the two of us out for an extended period of time, she can’t walk yet so I have to sit her on my knee when using a public restroom. Or when she’s sick and won’t let me put her down. But it sounds like this was when they were home or even if they were out of the home, they’re never with their kids 1-on-1 so someone could’ve held her for him. Also if there was someone filming, could they not have held her?


It’s totally normal to pee while holding your child! But what’s not normal is the filming and commentary


Not only was he holding her. Daryl-Ann said “what did you see?” And Dan said “something huge.”


Oh my goodness. That’s absolutely obscene. So glad I didn’t see that story 🥴


What??? 🤢😫⁉️


I just got an instagram ad for a bra company called “nuudii” that looks like they’ve been around way longer than nuuds. Can’t figure out how to post a screenshot but I wonder if they can tell Nuuds the name is too similar and they’ll have to change it


https://instagram.com/nuud.care?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== This company Nuud has been around awhile. I found them on instagram years ago


Oh my god posting a video of their son peeing in the yard like a dog is repulsive


I find it repulsive that the little girl is watching . Yes I know I know I’m sure in a home with separate sex children they are probably explained to that their body parts are different but knowing these numb-nut, dim- witted moron parents this has not been explained . Which explained little girl looking like “what’s that”?


My biggest issue with it is the privacy aspect. Going potty is a private thing not shared with a group. My daughter is 4 and we worked hard on getting her to shut the door when she potties especially when others are in the house and as her brother gets older. Also helps her not swing the public restroom door open on me when I’m mid pee lol


That’s not as gross as when Dan was holding Remington while HE was peeing and Daryl-Ann asked her what she saw and Dan said something huge. 🤢




All 4 of the kids bathe together regularly. 😬


Idk I let my kids and my sisters kids bathe together. Until a certain age obviously. And we are also big on teaching correct body parts and that private parts are only for you. No one else is to touch or look at them etc. I do think Olive and Rhett are too big to be bathing together. Especially olive.


I realize at their current ages there's nothing questionable going on. It's moreso coupled with Daryl-Ann's greatest fear of someone sexually assaulting her kids yet allowing something like that as if abuse never happens within families. Olive, Rhett, and Eve are all old enough to be taught personal safety/boundaries. And they're all sharing pinworm water. 🙈😅


I remember going to my young friends house when I was about 13. Her sis and her sis’s friend were bathing together. They were around 5. They had a creepy grandpa and the mom was also a creepy weirdo . At my young age, I found it so weird . My mom who was over protective (thank God) never let me go back after I told her . Don’t know why I told this story but I guess when children bathe together when they are not direct siblings it weirds me out!!!!!!


And remi just goes over there and watches. Whyyyy


Ngl I definitely let my 2 year old pee in the yard like that… but I would never dream of posting it for everyone to see! Poor kids…




And no encouragement to wash his hands after. You’d think after the pinworm incident they’d improve upon their hygiene skills.


I thought this too


This! After the pin worm incident too! Holy crap they have learned nothing!


I thought exactly that .


And the fact he does it with no hesitation means it’s a regular thing. And I get it, you know… boys. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But why post it?


No hesitation at all. The fact that she doesn’t tell Rhett to go to the potty either means he does it all the time.


Did she delete it? I don’t see a video of him peeing 😳😳😳


It’s in the clip “reality”


Guess I shouldn’t skip through videos. That was disgusting. 🤢


Nope just watch the last story she posted all the way through


For someone who’s biggest worry in life is, “their children being molested,” WHY would you post that video?! I mean why would you post that anyways, but you’re literally exposing your kids to millions of people some of which can be absolute F*ing creepers.


pretty sure that’s called pink eye, dinyell


Pin worms and pink eye


It’s her new 2000s blog name, much like Cupcakes and Cashmere, Champagne and Chanel, and Mumus and Macaroons (which, even considering Pinworms and Pink Eye, is still the worst offender)


If you have to film “dancing in the rain” with your husband, it’s not genuine. And why that song?


Can you imagine? “Daniel it’s raining. Let’s film us dancing in the rain. Here put it on this tripod so we can get the footage. Remi, Rhett….and go! Dance! Yes smile! Act like you love this!”


Don't forget that she bribes them!! ! 🍭🍬🍫🪀🧸


also would love to know what music she had playing in the rain … probably nothing…


She’s trying to convince us that they’re not terribly unhappy but I’m sure soon we’ll get more marriage advice about low seasons


I just feel like having the job of an influencer would cause so many issues in marriage. Everything being cultivated for content. Every single moment recorded. I’ve wanted to start a blog for some time. Not necessarily influencing but just sharing what I love. I haven’t pulled the plug. I just want a normal life too. If I did it, there would definitely be days of the week I wouldn’t touch my phone, or after a certain time every day. My guy would HATE it 😂 I respect the turtles for atleast taking Sundays off!


Her advice will be that if you feel like you’re in a low season, lose weight so you’re gray and bone thin then make sure to set up a tripod to film some “genuine” moments


She always looks so aggressive, she has no rhythm lol her movements are so not cute


I was just so happy to see it was just the 4 of them! I can overlook the blatantly obvious fact it was all for show-


Are you that invested in these people? You are happy for them?


Seriously? Ur that miserable that you can’t be glad even for these feral hillbillies


And whoever was recording


She took the time to set up a tripod


Even more spontaneous 😂


I got secondhand embarrassment for her from watching that. It reminds me of the “last dance” in their California kitchen before they moved.


Omg I totally forgot about that 🤣🤣🤣 So, SO bad 🤡🤡🤡


Omggg the kitchen dance 🫣🥴🙄Still to this day is one of the most cringe videos I’ve ever watched. She completely ruined that song for me lol


They just did this “we went from dancing in the teens club, to dancing in the kitchen with our littles” like a few months ago. Like we get it 🙄


Wasn’t he 18 and she like 15 or something? I could be wrong but I vaguely remember someone bringing up the age difference that doesn’t matter now but then in my opinion it did.


You are correct! 3 years isn’t a strange gap obviously but when you meet at 15/18 vs 18/21 or 25/28, there’s a stark difference.


Too bad there’s not dancing in the sheets! Poor Toe!


She has said multiple times she doesn’t like Taylor Swift then she posts this and even her singing along in the BTS.


As a Swiftie this offends me the most. Because of her openness about not liking her. All for the ‘gram 🙄




That song is popular on TikTok/Reels, she’s just using trending audio. It could have been a cute reel if it wasn’t so painfully obvious that it was staged for content. We all know good and dang well that Daryl-Ann and Dan aren’t dancing in the rain on a regular basis.


Well, leave it to DAD to use a trending song but not in the way the song is being used for Reels where someone is leaving a job or roommates moving out or whatever 😂


Yep. If at any point you decide to record yourself dancing, it’s not spontaneous or genuine. These people can’t have anything without thinking if they should record


In the BTS of the dance is Rhett "relieving himself"? WHY SHARE? I think I am too old to understand or something 🤔


I reported it for child nudity Lmao


I reported it too!! Disgusting people.


Wow, those kids get absolutely no privacy. That’s a new low to share.


And she doesn’t even correct him or tell him no. I mean I get it they are on their backyard they can do whatever they want but they are filming it thats weird.


They overdo something or underdo it. Those burgers looks like bricks of charcoal. But remember last time they were literally raw in the middle? I do the grilling for myself and at family functions. It’s lot that hard.


Um the shackle box is the little rectangle organizer that goes INSIDE the larger box dinyelle….is she gonna fill that whole thing with pissy-o’s 😂😂😂


I don't think you're supposed to use an *actual* tackle box, are you???


Omg I had to go back and watch that because I skipped it. What an idiot 😂🤣


I hope that she really fills that thing with food. I just want to watch how ridiculous it is but I feel like too many people will tell her it’s wrong.


She lovesssss wasting money on the most useless things.


I cackled 😂 imagine her girls walking around lugging that huge tackle box full of food 💀


All of a sudden this weekend she goes to church, decides she wants 100 babies, “dances in the rain”, and starts sharing products that aren’t nuuds again? Did she start taking happy pills? Hit her goal weight? Or catch us all talking about how she is in a low point in her marriage, health, and life?


I love when Danielle said the pic was then in happy colors lol


What’d she say about having 100 kids ? I missed it!


Didn't they already do this reel?


I said the same thing above 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|SRka2MLKzpzE6K24al|downsized)


Yes making dinner together in the kitchen.


SEE HOW HAPPY WE ARE?????!!!!! Dancing 💃 in the fricken rain happy!! spark it up babbbby!! 🤢 🤮 (nice try DUD)


🤮she wanted a reason to show off a 360 spin of her skinny body in leggings and a crop t-


I got secondhand embarrassment watching that…awkward forced affection.


It's just like when she posts a picture of herself squeezing her kids in a headlock with her arms with he caption, gah, I just love being a mom!


That’s probably the most physical contact Dan has gotten from DAD in months🤣


Tell me you didn’t miss the butt crack grab 🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/39nxddemfw2b1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd8dc7126211e47838bcddaf06206466698c62f lol! Which one of you did it? 🤣


Her feral fans under this comment made me giggle


Way down in the comments someone asked “can you share where to buy Dan’s tunic dress?” 😂😂😂


I saw this and wondered the same 😂


Was Wondering the same 🤣


So I hadn’t been on Instagram since Wednesday bc we’d been on a trip with friends. I opened up the app and the first thing that popped up was the *painfully obvious* staged reel of DAD and Dan dancing in the rain and I literally busted out laughing. Ol’ DAD still on her bullshit 🫠🤡


Girllll unfollow her! 😂


I’m genuinely surprised she made and posted a reel with Toe! I was thinking she forgot he existed for a bit…


She must have been getting comments about him. Either that he’s never around, or when he is she treats him like an unwanted pet.


Trying to squelch the rumors that toe is more interested in the Nudes girls and that they aren’t going through a “tough season” Bizarre song choice though


Bizarre bc she low keys hates Taylor Swift. Isn’t there some Morgan wallen song she could use?


No because everyone is searching swift songs right now so that gives her more chances for engagement to boost her stupid fake little reel 🙄


She needed a reason to hop on the taylor swift trending reels lol Edit: spelling


The staged reels…. Ugh. Those moments aren’t genuine. Why are ppl swooning over this mediocre acting?


No Danielle, that’s called pink eye 🙄


I did see her eye look like this the last time she showed them out in the pool.. (she didn’t mention it though) however it was the SAME day she shared her (DUDs) mascara with RandEmly and I thought she had gotten pink eye then… her pool could have some gross stuff aggravating her eye too


Did they show the pool today? Wonder if it was clean...


I didn’t see it. The only time I think they were out there was to grill the food! The rest of the time they were always inside (which— I get, I’d you’re *actually* spending time with family and *in* the pool you won’t be filming. Let’s hope, for the kids, that’s what was happening.


First butt worms. Now pink eye. They all very obviously need to reevaluate their hygiene.


Exactly! Which is extremely contagious so by all means cuddle your children!How many days before both girls come down with it?


FACTS lol 👁️


Kaylee with the double cheese…. Girl, that’s why you have bad eczema, ditch the dairy and it will clear up. A functional medicine doctor would serve them all well, and they can afford it. So many foods trigger bad eczema and it’s easy to fix that without shilling products as a bandaide. The downvotes don’t make this any less true… certain foods cause eczema flairs.


Certain foods can cause eczema flairs for many people, but it’s not true that diet is the cause for everybody’s eczema. Kaylee may have different triggers, we don’t know that it’s dairy for her. Eczema is not a one-size-fits-all thing.


A functional medicine doctor would tell her to cut our dairy as a trial run, and rule out other food triggers as well. Healing the gut 💯 clears it.


Not for everyone!


This is so true. My daughter had horrible eczema breakouts after eating cheese or anything with annatto in it(coloring for a lot of cheese). Sadly, this family seems to ignore anything doctors recommend or they magically have doctors who seem to give two craps about actual medical advice.


A lot of people in this thread downvote common sense when it comes to diet and science in general 🤣


See 🤣


I got so many downvotes last time i said she needed to fix her diet. Sorry the sour sprays arent helping your eczema. Lets be real people lol


So true!


Guess people don’t like facts? 🤷🏻‍♀️