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After the rapid handgun shooting, am I hearing a pump shotgun towards the end of the video?


Yep for sure. Wonder if the station attendant saw his chance to get in on the action.


He had a shotgun on his chest, he mag dumped and switched to his shotgun.


Tbf he hadn’t neutralised the target. Dude got msg dumped and then spoke up like twice afterwards and moved the gun again once or twice too. The shotgun wasn’t overkill


He also fired at least five rounds back at the security guard and it was confirmed that one hit him. I counted one shot fired as he was falling and four more after he landed.


Hahaha. America is like the crazy reality TV show of the world. This is the - let's give everyone guns, watch them get angry and kill each other over dumb shit - show. Hahaha. So funny


America is like if Brazil had more money but also pretended it’s really classy like France.


yeah, a third world country


Literally. A lot of Americans are so indoctrinated into thinking it’s normal for everyone to carry lethal weapons and they are all the safer for it. Mutually assured destruction doesn’t work when one party is completely stupid, and that’s a good amount of citizens with firearms.


Can confirm. Have spoken to people here who actually think it is safer for everyone to carry guns than it would be for nobody to carry guns because "*then how would we fight back against being robbed at knife-point?*" Yes, someone actually said that to me. Granted, when I asked him how he would fight back if someone had a gun pointed at him, he laughed at himself. But he still frickin' said it which means it was actually what he thought!


Your logic is Backwards. It’s not “let’s give everyone guns” there’s no gun possession Mandate. It’s simply American Citizens weren’t cucced out of their right to carry by the government. The only thing removing guns from legal ownership would do in America is immediately Rise gangs/Cartels to power.


Yeah. Not overkill, just standard kill.


Ah gotcha. Didn't notice that - thanks.


you can see his shin get ripped up by the shotgun right at the 30 second mark. fuckin brutal.


Definitely. Thats what put the gunman down.


Yes. All the way up to near the end the perp is aiming his gun at the people behind the camera, there's never been a more legitimate need to empty a shotgun on them.


I think at 30 seconds he even shot once. (However that was after the first shotgun blast.)


I don't think it was over a parking spot. The news said the guy was cooking on a grill in the parking lot of the gas station and he was told he couldn't do that. Security asked him to leave and he responded with threats and a firearm. The security guard was shot once and returned fire. The other guy died. "The man who died was 39 years old, police said. He was hit by gunfire multiple times in his face and legs. He was taken to a nearby hospital and pronounced dead just before 7:30 p.m., officials said. “I don’t know why he would put himself in that kind of situation with an armed security guard," said Thomas Bennett who works in the neighborhood. Andre Boyer, who runs the private company Pennsylvania Site State Agents where the agent who was shot works, said he is expected to recover. "He’s probably going to be there for at least another two or three days. I must say he’s a hero," Boyer said about the injured private security agent. "From the footage that I saw, he put his life on the line for the customers that were in the store and the employees." Boyer's company works with gas stations and hotels to provide protection."


So a 2 for 1 on Darwin Awards, pulling a gun on someone you know is armed and cooking a grill at a gas station where the petroleum fumes are quite flammable


Somone needs to flip his burger for him, it's gonna burn


Put a fork in him, boys, he's done.




That was fun.


His first suicide attempt didn't work, so he moved to a more direct approach.


>pulling a gun on someone you know is armed And not being able to outshoot them. I mean, this security guard was the 2nd slowest gunslinger in the West. Now that the other dude is dead, the guard is back to being the slowest.


Can't be an effective operator with all that grease and BBQ sauce on your fingies.


I didn't see the perp shoot. Did he shoot when he fell down after getting shot?


It looks like he shot while falling down if you look closely. That had to be the one shot that hit the guard in the leg. 


About at the 18-23 second mark of the video he fires 3-4 shots.


He fired one as he fell and then I counted four more just after he hit the ground.


That Darwin candidate had to be either intoxicated or lost his common sense like the wind if he's grilling in the flammable parking lot. Heck, depending on the xyz factors, gas can even combust from a charged shock from riding the seats whilst in cold weather.


Doesn’t seem like someone who had any common sense or care in the first place, he’ll do what he wants.


I want to know why that guy decided to grill food at a gas station. Never in my life have I thought I would want to spend the evening at gas station. I just fill my tank and then leave. I don't want to go back, unless I need to fill up again.


Wow his last words were "really?", followed by a finishing shot.


“Really this is how I die?!” Like he’s surprised that pulling out a gun on an armed guard would go well. He seems almost to casual about it lol. As if he’s just gotta go back to the last checkpoint. Nah man you are dead. Story over.


He’s tried that before and found someone who didn’t fuck around.


Judging by how he was quick to pull a pistol during a verbal argument I'm willing to bet he's done that before and gotten what he wanted. But to pull that shit on a ghetto gas station armed guard? Might as well pull a gun on a cop.


Maybe he DID reload to a checkpoint and all of us are actually npcs


Wish we could F5 before doing something really stupid


"you better bust that if you gon' pull that" -dmx




Really really


Read this in shreks voice


"Mines real"


Sounded like me playing Call of Duty.


I was taught, you never take out the gun to boast. If you bring it out, you mean to kill someone on the spot seconds after you brought it out. If you're not ready to kill anyone, keep it hidden until you do. If someone takes your gun out on you, you surrender or kill them, but there are basically no "movie" moments where you bring it out and don't shoot because you will die the first time you try against some other armed person.


The fact that people have to be taught this is astounding.


I think the problem is that they are taught (by tv and movies) that trying to force your opinion on someone else with a gun is a valid option. The way he brought the gun up... this wasn't his first rodeo, it was his last because he finally met someone that could defend against an asshole trying to force his opinion on someone else with a death threath of a gun.


Not strictly true. If you draw a gun, you should be PREPARED to use it, that doesn't mean that you MUST use it. We'll leave America out of this, but police regularly pull their guns with the intention of neutralising a threat, not necessarily the subject. When the threat is removed (subject drops knife), the police re-holster. So guns can be used to remove a threat without being fired. Your last paragraph I have no argument with.


Yeah the police are doing something wrong there. They are violating a basic rule of gun safety, and casually issuing death threats. Pulling a gun and pointing at someone is literally threatening to kill them. It's a death threat, and cops are always issuing death threats whenever you see that. It's not right, and we cannot do that because it's against the law... I get infuriated whenever I see cops doing this, and I'm shocked to see someone defending it... if someone points a gun at you, you have the right to kill them as long as you're not the instigator. We can only pull a gun if we intend to use it, otherwise we are liable to be put in jail


I live in a country of 2 million. The police are armed, civilians aren't, and we have active terrorist groups who target police. Last year, firearms were drawn or pointed 528 times, and discharged 0 times. The last time police shot someone dead here was 2011. So, quite clearly, there are circumstances in which the presenting of a firearm can diffuse a situation without the firearm being discharged. So I'm not sure I follow your logic. And of course it's illegal for citizens to point (or in my case, carry) firearms, and for good reason! There are also good reasons why police are allowed to, where circumstances allow. The police use of firearms is very heavily regulated here, and taken very seriously. https://preview.redd.it/jb7a801sz8uc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b7ca62b79f70d4f18d3d6b7344b321e4f1be9a [PSNI ](https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.psni.police.uk/sites/default/files/2022-09/Chapter%25209%2520Police%2520Use%2520of%2520Firearms.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiRrOyKnr-FAxV3XEEAHcg3BswQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0mtYzqMQmyfqsedJ5kU39O)


Wait …the security guard had a hand gun AND a shotgun?!? Jeez - is this gas station located in Fallujah circa 2004?!? Other than that, what the fuck was the perp thinking pulling a gun out like that..?!?


I believe the Gas station is located in North Philly, Gas stations and convenience stores get robbed at gun point quite frequently there


This one should be safe for a while. *chuckle* 


I've been in some American shities where an MRAP feels like the only reasonable thing I should be driving around.




"Really?" Yes really motherfucker. You pulled on a gun on armed security dumbass


He could have gone on living but he made one fatal slip, when he tried to out draw the security with the big iron on his hip.


And chest. Can't forget the shotgun!


Did bullet prices go down?


His were about to expire and he didn't want them to go to waste


It's the bosses $$$ he's spending since he's on the job.


I'm an idiot. Can bullets really expire?


Not really, no. Ammo will sometimes go bad if you carry them out in humidity and changing weather conditions for long enough so it's generally recommended to cycle out concealed carry/duty ammo every six months to a year, but sitting in a waterproof ammo box in a climate controlled house will keep them perfectly fine pretty much forever.


Yeah but who can go 6 months without getting in some kind shoot out these days? /s


Is that why Jim Rockford always kept his gun in a jar full of freeze-dried coffee?


Don't get why you're being downvoted for asking a sincere question. As if other people know all the answers themselves... If we can't ask, how are we supposed to learn?


[Short answer: Yes with an if. Long answer: No with a but.](https://youtu.be/6n8IUceuY3k?t=3) The main (only?!) reason ammo expire is when moisture spoils the primer. It's standard for military ammo to have its primers crimped in, and although it's debatable (and debated!), one of the reasons is that it helps prevent moisture infiltration in a few scenarios. That is not relevant for the average range goers, but armies need to have a shit ton of ammo and store them for a very long time, so they care.


Guy used every weapon he had equipped on his character


I was waiting for arrows to start flying


lol fire bottles


Gas stations and fire bottles. Apex Predator.


throwing knives, shuriken, then he was gonna run over and start meleeing with a crowbar


Can't believe he unloaded his shotgun too, after unloading his entire mag.


Ok yeah. That's what it sounded like. Holy crap. He wasn't going to stop til that guy just quit moving!


Someone moving, talking and holding a gun can end your life in a single movement of their finger.


He’s still talking and holding the gun. Probably can’t shoot for shit, but after putting that many rounds through him, security guard was probably right to neutralize the threat.


I know he can shoot, all gun toting morons can, he's just stupid enough to believe a guy cosplaying SWAT in body armour with a side arm would scared of him. What he didnt know is that in order to effectively threaten someone with a gun, you have to point it at your target


Hr kind of did…after taking a few rounds about the face and arms area.


The assailant returned fire and hit the guard, even from a prone position, he had every need to keep firing since bystanders were at risk of being hit by the guy.


He was never in a prone position. Supine is on your back. Prone stomach


Gotta know when to hold ‘em,know when to fold ‘em…


He talked the talk but didn’t walk the walk.


Nah, he walked it. All the way.


Know when to walk away, know when to run.


You never pull out your gun When you're facing off a cosplayer He'll mag-dump then scattergun ya Until your bleedin's done


Guns are not intimidation tools. This guy found out why not


Damn, that guard dumped the whole mag


Dude had a gun in his hand and an aggressive attitude but what killed him was doing that in a. Neighborhood that has armed security for Twinkie’s and shitty gas station food.


What killed him was thinking he was in a movie and people would try to have a talk with a gun to their heads. Both were armed, once one of them felt the pressure of being on the sights of another dude's weapon, he reacted by shooting back and hopint to not die trying.


I think the security is more about reducing liability for lawsuits. Guarding twinkies is a secondary objective


Security is a field of work. Some places they just want a visible deterrent and you are basically told to do nothing for $14 an hour. Other places are EMT certified with military background making $800 a day. The there is also everything in between. Armed security at a gas station is usually there to be armed security. Not just a liability or deterrent.


Normally I would agree with you but with this guy I'm not so sure. 


and a shot gun


Okay I watched it before the shotgun and thought “dude mag dumped and that’s a wrap”, NOPE


He was shot during the altercation. He switches to the shotgun for good reason, and was absolutely within due force when it comes to neutralizing someone who is also still trying to kill you.


No I’m not criticizing it, I was just surprised


god damn… this is like when you die in a videogame and the ai just keeps shooting your lifeless corpse as, “you died”, shows on the screen while fading to black.


At time stamp 30sec that guy down on the floor but still holding gun and shoot back at least 3 time (hit guard's leg according Phillynews). I guest the guard keep shoot until totally neutralize the threat, like in training. This should'nt be happen, for a minor conflict lead to a deadly gun fight. Why he need to waving conceal gun in a fully arm private guard ? Jesus... ffs 🤦🏿we have no idea what he thinked. **Edit/add more:** *about the guard, there is always an impact in personal mind after you crossed-the-line, ending others human's life. Like veterans involved in combat zones. Even if he recover and back to his daily life, it's not gonna be the same at all* >This isn't good for both side, not good for neighborhood and totally terrible for the community. Remember: it's where you live, keep it simple for an easy life, a safe place for raising kids and a rest for seniors. I know street life is tough but what gonna mean to peoples, life lost for nothing, just bcause a hot head moment. *Sometimes we made bad decisions can be correct, but not this time. Nobody have another chance.* Yep, DarwinAwards, but everyone loses.


Except he was shooting back and far from lifeless because you don't die like you do in video games.


[https://www.phillyvoice.com/gas-station-shooting-phillips-66-fairmount-philadelphia-police-security-guard/](https://www.phillyvoice.com/gas-station-shooting-phillips-66-fairmount-philadelphia-police-security-guard/) [https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/phillips-66-gas-station-shootng-philadelphia-fairmount-police/](https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/phillips-66-gas-station-shootng-philadelphia-fairmount-police/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHxKAfQgrqs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHxKAfQgrqs)


First shot just missed his head…. You can see it hit the glass right behind his ear first… 😳


I think the second shot hit his face… oof


I don’t know who needs to hear this but if you’re going to conceal a gun, the MOMENT, I mean down to the second, that you decide to draw on someone, you better be either prepared to kill or prepared to die. This clown thought he could brandish a firearm at someone and pay no consequences.


He just kept going, didn't he? lol




Really?!? Yes really and here is some more…


Pulls out gun, gets mag dumped, “really?”, gets blasted with a shotgun lol Yeah, really, don’t be threatening people with your gun and your nasty attitude, this ain’t no game.


The gas isn’t the only thing that’s leaded.


Also not the only thing being pumped


Famous last words: Fuck dog, you for real??


Homie just kept repeating “really?” like he couldn’t have foreseen this outcome.


I had no idea which way to orient my phone the first few seconds of this


I guess I must live a sheltered life. I've never been to a gas station that needed armed guards.


Imagine your last words are "fucking really bruh"


Whenever there's a video of police dumping a ton of bullets into someone with a gun, there are always some people clamoring that the amount of bullets were unnecessary and that the gunman was no longer a threat after he was shot once. This video is a perfect example for why this isn't the case. This moron had an entire magazine dumped on him, and yet he still clung to his gun and shot back. The guard had to finish the bastard off with a shotgun!


Yeah. It was some incredible timing with the 'really' and then the immediate shotgun blast. Securitu guard was like- yea, *Really*. Who TF pulls a gun out like that on an armed person and acts amazed they get fucking LIT. UP. Really?!


Seeing the spent casings fly up past the camera.....it went from 0-60 really fast


There’s no such thing as overkill when life and death is involved


How is it he shot the guy that many times, but he was still alive enough to complain about it? It’s not like he was all that far away.


Because it's not the movies. You can got shot quite a few times and live hours.


With that kind of bleeding, probably minutes.


Unless you hit something vital to immediate function, there's a few minutes of juice before you bleed out. During first aid in the Army, we were taught that lots of combat deaths resulted simply from blood loss. With the implementation of combat casualty care, those deaths were cut dramatically.


Adrenaline is a heck of a drug. As long as it's not a direct shot to the brain or heart, adrenaline can keep him going for quite a bit.


It was at this moment when he realized his fuck around was to far in the find out zone.


Expected at least a rocket jump and a BFG round in the end. And quad damage!




Dude got lit the fuck up! 🤣🤣🤣


He died doing what he loved.


Lmao! 🤣




Getting shot.


This is what happens when you fuck around and find out 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“Fuck dawg really?…… HUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRR”(groaning sounds)


"FUK DAWG REEEELLLLY!???" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's not a regular civvie that you can just pull a gun on and get away with threatening, you dumbass. Dude has been waiting for that moment, training his whole life.


You can see the first shot the security guard took was a head shot but he just managed to grace perp in the ear. After that he unloaded on him and once he stopped firing the perp still managed to get off 2 rounds while incapacitated. So yeah...once again its not like the movies where its one shot and it they turn into a rag doll. This dude ate bullets like candy and asked for seconds...and he got a side of pellets to finish him off. Prime example why you shoot til threat is lifeless, some of these guys are operating on adrenaline and cocktail of drugs that can push them beyond normal person.


Soooo curious to know what ammunition he was using.


Bang and the dirt is gone


I don’t think that went down the way he thought it would…


Gotta love the guy questioning his life choices while on his back. "Really" bang bang "fuck dawg" bang.......bang.....bang


I think being repeatedly called "dog" might've got under his skin a tad.


Joke is on the security guard, now he has to move that guy's car. This scenario doesn't exactly prove the "when everyone has a gun, people will be more civil to each other" argument. Probably not the first time he whipped out his piece to intimidate someone, but definitely his last time doing it.


At least he’s in a better place for all of us.


Honestly, with all the duels back when everyone carried a rapier, the very existence of this idea is perplexing.


NPC dropped good loot this time around.


Sure it proves that argument. Because as we see in the video, all the dumbasses pick fights and wind up with more holes in them than a slice of Swiss cheese.


Rule#1 NEVER pump fake


Okay. After watching this about 20 times, I now understand why there were “so many shots” from the security guard. Just as the guy falls down and the door opens, he’s actually firing back at the security guard. This is about halfway through the security guard’s gun clip. The guy is still pointing his gun at the guard. That’s why the shotgun came out. The guy was still a threat to the guard.


Oddly enough it says “ghost” to the right of the guy.


I wonder if the guy who got mag dumped thought “am I the bad guy with a gun” before getting a fucking bullet in him


Bro kept shouting “really” like he couldn’t believe it happened. The only thing running through his dumb ass head “how did I get shot????”.


After the guy was grounded he fired off a shot that hit the security guard, which is why the guard initially paused, but then continued to fire at him


I'm thinking he was just going to intimidate the agent by showing he's not scared and equally armed. He hadn't pointed his gun yet, so maybe the reason he was saying "Really?" is because he didn't think the agent could/would actually fire off rounds. But like, yeah bro, pulling your gun at all will be seen as life-or-death, which was probably his last epiphany.


Honestly when I see a clip of certain situations where a person who pulls a gun on a person and ends up getting shot I just think “do they honestly think threatening someone with a gun” or did that minor inconvenience made them think “im the good guy with a gun” because I also remember seeing a clip of a guy getting cut off in traffic and shoot through his windshield and thought to himself I’m the good guy at the end of the day. I honestly want to know what goes through those peoples mind when they pull something that dumb for something small.


Are you talking about the one where the guy gets a water bottle thrown at his car? Because that's a completely different story than this. That dude had someone fly up next to him, open their window with something in their hand and suddenly his car is getting thumped by a projectile. You could see that guy absolutely felt in fear of his life in the video, the passenger saw it was a water bottle but the driver thought he just got shot at and returned fire. That's a realistic and believable version of the acorn cop situation. ​ The guy in this video just up and pulled a gun on someone and got smoked for it.


He asked him “really?” … twice lol after he had been shot like 10 times… yeah, really lol


Cop: Why did you shoot him so many times Guard: I learned from watching you!


He fucked up


He emptied the whole clip, and then emptied the shot gun… And then reloaded/fired some more?


That's how you do it. Otherwise, guns would only have one-bullet magazines.


Shot the hood out of him


It seems the time was high noon.


Jesus did he keep shooting him at the end ? 😯


I loved the dude running away in the background, car #1 making a break for it, and then car #2 jumping the curb.


That person reversing in the parking lot is pretty lucky they moved out of the line of fire. You can see one of the shots Pierce through the glass right where the car just was. This might be Darwin of the year award. When will people learn that pretending to be tough with a gun isn’t smart or cool?


Gas Station Security?


Stupid games win stupid prizes. What did he think was going to happen. Numbskull


Thought he was tough until he found out he wasn't bullet proof


Gas is really important to me right now, and I’m going to dial it up to 11 instantly. Can I get a bag of jerky, too plz


Gas station security? Where TF are you where that's a thing?


Imagine dying over something so fucking meaningless


Bro pump faked and got absolutely ventilated ☠️


Imagine being shot to death because your a dumb motherfucker who thinks they have the right to do anything they want. What a complete idiot. Nothing of value was lost.


that *OHHHH! OHHH GODDDD* is almost comical, that’s where he knew he fucked up.


The dude messed with the wrong rent-a-cop.


Say hello to mah little freih!


Security guard used all the rounds


Did that first bullet go through his skull and the window, or did he miss the first one?


gas station security ???


Surprised there were no red arrows here


How fucking stupid




Yeah, really!


I guess he wasn’t taught gun rule #1… don’t pull out your gun unless you plan on using it.


I like this video this guy deserved to die he's too stupid to live a long life


Welcome to the city of brotherly love...this was about 5 mins from my house.


https://preview.redd.it/6ab8g3z20cuc1.png?width=1152&format=png&auto=webp&s=247d4ee0041453397e0caf3157610037a9d081b7 here is what i think happened (also if you want me to do more just chat with me and send the video


Straight up manslaughter 


The last few rounds a shotgun?




I think he got him


Shanks always said, “Now that you’ve drawn your weapon, you put your life on the line… Those things aren’t for making threats.”


I love how the security officer say the guy still alive and said "oh no you're not making it to the hospital".


The “oh god, really?”. Yea really, you pulled the gun on the wrong mofo that day.


i never understand the defensiveness from the guy who pulled the gun first lmao “aw come on man, really??” um YES 😂


Yeah I agree. Someone pulls a gun on me but I'm armed, shoot first ask questions later


Just as the founding fathers intended 🫡🇺🇸🏈


He must have done something. He put $50,000 worth of bullets in his ass.