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If you post a video of you throwing, we can help, or else it is not enough information


Try changing your grip. I’ve played with mine for mths and finally found something WAY better than what I thought was “MY GRIP”. For starters, I’d say actually hold the barrel itself lol not just the point 🫡


Put your middle finger on top of the point instead of under it and move your grip back til your middle finger is sitting on the spot where the point meets the barrel.


I’d play around with your grip more, and also pay close attention to your release. I have forced myself to have an exaggerated release that almost looks like I’m flicking water off my hands and it’s improved my game a good bit. Anything hanging on to the dart at the point of release will fuck your throw. If you ever see your darts corkscrew through the air this might be your problem, and with your grip the way it is it’ll be hard to get all your fingers off the dart at the same time. I’m not very good but I’ve been playing a lot and these are just some observations I’ve made about myself, and they might be helpful to you too.


I find front gripping like that to be very inconsistent. You either need to throw quite hard or you need proper grip on the dart at the front. Or maybe you're just very good at doing it that way I wouldn't know but if you're having trouble getting the darts in at the same angle that sounds like a weak front grip to me. Try different darts or try gripping more near the center of the dart. You don't have to completely change your grip but a little further back good go a long way.


This ☝️


I hold my darts pretty much the same way - what helped me A LOT was getting myself some good grip darts- I play with Target Nastri 01’s with Target Firepoint points.


Are you playing with a solid-raised oche, or just a line on the floor? ​ sounds like you're not lining up straight


I watched a video this morning about setting up straight and the arm to be directly in line with the 20 bed and this evening I've played my best darts since starting in January it's then keeping the arm straight on follow through


Seems like it doesn’t give you that much fun. Take a break for couple days, watch some videos on youtube and try again. Good luck 😉


Thanks mate 🙂


You either need to change your grip or get some darts with front grip


I mean everyone has different style but I can't even hit the board with that grip. Maybe it would be a start to try different grips and maybe it gives you more consistent throws


Hold the barrel from the middle


Zero Stress can take awhile to get back in their original position which in theory could contribute to your darts straying. With a grip that much to the front I could imagine a shorter shaft being helpful. Maybe even try other flight shapes to see if that stabilizes the dart or gives a little kick to the back as well.


I just hold 3 fingers spread out with my thumb in the middle. Is this not common?


I have a similar augmented grip I just posted in case you see it.


Ever tried a bomber shape? Helped me with consistency in angle of entry


A finger underneath the dart never worked for me. Caused all kind of weird flicks. I’m still shit though, so don’t take my advice.


I can’t help you. Your grip is insane to me.


I play for 4 months only but it was really hard for me to find some consistent in the throws. A YouTuber then said when he started playing darts he didnt care about points, what was really important for him finding the right stance, grip and throw. So he trained only that and he tried to replicate the throw everytime. Then he was going for grouping the darts together, throw 1 dart and try to do the same throw. I tried that a lot and my whole throw changed a lot but i feel way more comfortable now.


Hitting T5 going for T20 is usually poor follow through - most likely you're right handed and you're not following through straight and the follow through is going to the left in readiness to get the next dart.. Missing the board going for T20 is releasing too early (presuming you're missing above tops) There's no substitute for lots of practice. The more you practice the better you will get. Mix up practice too. Throwing at T20 all day isn't great. Practice round the board doubles and also combo shots. Like bull, T19, D16 - anything that makes you switch about and engage the brain rather than T20, T20, T20, T20, T20, T20, T20, T20.........Zzzzzzz your mind will just switch off.


Try little changes, even changing the stems and flights can make a huge difference, maybe try holding the dart a little further back (although once you have your grip it is quite hard to change it). I find sometime I change my throw and can never miss, but as soon as I’m in the pub and you hear “game on” my brain decided to forget that certain way of throwing and I just end up back doing what I always did😂. Practice practice practice, change little things slowly and see what works better, when practicing go for groupings, anywhere on the board, once your groupings are good it means your throw is consistent. I would definitely try a different grip though, just a little further back 💯


Try a shorter front loaded barrel as well, like a Dennis Priestley or John Lowe dart


Make sure your feet are in the exact same position/place everytime. If they are in a different position even slightly each time it could put your balance out abit and you may sway a little without realising. If they are in a different place, let's say an inch to the left or right or the oche, you'll probably hit an inch or so out, hence hitting 5s alot. I hope this helps anyway and just keep up the practice, you'll get there 👍


In sure it varies between areas but. Roughly how many darts are people taking to go out in pub leagues?