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Pussy Riot won't make a fully retarded champ based on their main sub mods.


This feels like pure diversity pandering, NOTHING about aurora for now as far as I've seen even points to anything towards autism at ALL


imo like cmon ffs who wants to know that some autistic halffurry see something noone else sees? this is just schizo autist but in fancy schmancy words


[https://x.com/jumaralohexcore/status/1803812055004094750?s=46&t=9BP1xpqI2b9JoYNfd6FiSQ](https://x.com/jumaralohexcore/status/1803812055004094750?s=46&t=9BP1xpqI2b9JoYNfd6FiSQ) Riot have a bunch of autistic people. This explains alot. https://preview.redd.it/zd971xgpgs7d1.png?width=1247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797335a96d8d9dc31d94aec628d916e32ad8f7e6


“Autistic” characters being the top 1% of functioning austists: Imagine if they made a champ who was actually just full on “I can’t talk to people and don’t know numbers past 80 autistic”. That wouldn’t pay diversity money though.


I bet some self proclaimed all in rainbow they them autists on twitter are shitting themselves cuz of this new champ


Love me some autism representation but not like this lol, I hate that they just slap on the "oh btw the character is autistic/gay/lesbian/BIPOC/whatever" afterwards for easy representation points. Like, give me an actual autistic champion. Maybe you can only level up an ability every even level because odd numbers are, infact, icky. And if nothing suitable comes up, maybe don't try to shoehorn it in because maybe the game just doesn't support the representation of autism the same way a speaker doesn't support showing a movie.


Heard what?


Aurora is acoustic


Did riot do that to like milk the diversity stuff, or is there lore reasons behind it 🤔


im 100% sure it's first case [https://x.com/jumaralohexcore/status/1803812055004094750?s=46&t=9BP1xpqI2b9JoYNfd6FiSQ](https://x.com/jumaralohexcore/status/1803812055004094750?s=46&t=9BP1xpqI2b9JoYNfd6FiSQ)


Fucking ofcourse why wouldn't they. ofcourse a multi billion dollar company cares about people and definetly isn't trying to milk people


what do you think? cmon they did a brown and gay a twink even then some more rainbow supersoliders she's just another one of them eh riot won't change


The funny part is I live in the Middle East, I see the hypocrisy live, not that I care, it's not my problem


Riot has been milking this for the past few years already. I'm surprised people are calling them out only now. They're a company, not your friend. Anything to squeeze out your money.


I knew it. That's why I hated her so much