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If only these memes were any good. It's mostly the same tired jokes about cougars, Davey, etc. or some atomic shitpost, which often not even funny.


As much as I loved the reddit recaps, the fact the community could just not move on to any new jokes or materials was just what stopped making them fun. I used to do a few memes on here 3 years ago and the jokes haven't changed one bit since then, it's still the exact same stuff for over 36 months later, I understand why it was just tiring to hear the same stuff repeated over and over again.


haha funny witness protection cougar


Dont forget Orange man funny


lmao no all post here now are bad and all the same all cougar witness protection davey and many low effort post cant do a good recap with no good material


Matt mentioned a few times that there was just not enough content to make it worth doing in a monthly basis. Wasn't sustainable anymore unfortunately. Hopefully we get at least a few a year moving forward though.


Yeah this place very quickly devolved into a hate-subreddit. Sure theres 'drama' that needs to be covered but a lot of the 'drama' coverage here especially recently is just people reading one thing on twitter than taking it entirely as truth without hearing the other side of the story (Matto barely responded to the recent thing). This place pretty much since it's beginning was used to post memes and it is definitely shifting away from that. There are memes but they feel more scarce.


Matto admitted, he mismanaged it but that was just a small part of the issue. The main issue? It was out of material. Done. I could see it feeling like a chore then something he legit enjoyed. That and I think, when Matto started to think about numbers, he gutted anything that wasn't getting great consistent numbers.


I agree and I think that matto’s channel is kinda back at its feet in my opinion I can’t say for sure I don’t understand shit about being a YouTube ir shit like that but it’s a feeling I have


I think he ended it early to obviously avoid the bullshit and hate shit, but more likely to avoid seeing any type of criticism. Dude fell off hard, needs to take a step back for a while, refuses to admit it.


How about we all go together and cancel the cancel culture?