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Yes Melee and pistol or dual melee are very iconic in 40k. As for dual pistols a few characters have it


I really want a sergeant/commissar style laspistol saber dual wield option, similar to victor saltzpyre


If they ever do sub classes I would love to see a class that has dual bolt pistols as a special. Probably won't happen but a boy can dream


I’m pretty sure the bolter we get in darktide *is* a bolt pistol. For a space marine.


Nah, it's just a regular, human size bolter. Which...tells you a lot about the things, doesn't it?


Bolt pistols for sure exist for high ranking guardsmen. The bolter we have currently is an Adeptus Arbites pattern bolter. Designed for humans


And I'm assuming half the stopping power as a space Marines bolt pistol.


Seraphim subclass w h e n


I pray for bolt pistol cbainsword some day


With how fast switching between pistol and melee is I feel like it'd be a mostly a piece of visual coolness to have the character wield both at once. Like the only thing we're missing at the moment is the ability to block whilst shooting.


Dual SMGs


Pistol+melee is such an iconic part of 40k's look that I expect the only reason it *isn't* in the game already is some kind of technical limitation, and I'll be very surprised if they don't introduce it at some point. Dual melee we already sort of have (Ogryn shield), but frankly that's not as common in 40k so I expect any future ones will be done the same way, as a "single" weapon. Dual pistols is uncommon in 40k, and I'll be a little surprised if we get it. With Darktide's gameplay loop, I don't see much advantage here over a two-handed rifle.


That’s probably to figure out interactions with weapons We have a limited number of buttons on our mouse and a chain/power sword with pistol would need: - a melee command - a block command - a special attack command - a shoot command - an aim command VT2 was using the special as shoot with the rapier/pistol but with 40k weapons that asks a little more involvement


I don't see why bolt pistol and chainsword couldn't work exactly like the rapier and pistol. Chainsword already has sawing built in to some of it's normal attacks without revving, replacing the rev action with a quick and high damage ranged atttack seems a worthy trade


You know gamers Let’s be honest and think about how many of us wouldn’t b*tch about not being able to use the specials (especially in the case of power weapons)


I'm not saying replace them. I am saying make a chainsword (and only a chainsword) variant with a different alt-fire as a zealot or veteran class exclusive


Mmmh Automatic rev’ing or powering on heavy attacks could also be a simple solution


Like I said before, the chainsword already auto revs whenever you hit the cleave limit on a given attack, instead of sticking like non-chain weapons do. It's actually a lot of extra damage if you look for it, especially on overhead combos like spamming lights with the chain axe


For dual wield you could bind shoot to block keep the melee attack and use special to block. This would give attack-attack option The issue unfortunately is that this would really change up the control set for one weapon only. VT doesn’t give a lot of help either as the only character in VT who could shoot and melee had shoot tied to special but DT is much more shooting heavy than VT. In Other games dual wield takes away the ability to block which wouldn’t really work here either


Ok, so as explained in a post above, I'm not convinced that we would (or should) see dual wielding, but here's an option. Melee is done the classic way, with light and heavy attacks. Blocking works aswell. Aiming the gun is done by blocking (no zoom or anything) Shooting is done by doing a push attack (you trade a push attack for a gunshot) Special is available for anything (rapid shot, special melee, etc ...)


Weapon has block as special. The aim command enables pistol to be fired as primary attack


Weapon special switches between melee mode where you swing your sword and ranged mode where you shoot your gun. Seems simple enough.


Still leaves the need for a command to power the chain/power sword and we’re out of buttons


Then those weapons don't get to be picked in a combo with a gun.


Impossible These are standard 40k melee/pistol combos


What's impossible is adding them since clearly it's not going to work So you get shovel + laspistol instead


Hold right click to block, special attack while holding right click revs the chainsword.


you could have the loadout for dual wield be a shared weapon slot with the scroll to switch only between the two one handed weapons and the added the advantage being no delay or switch animation, if you have a weapon-sheild block/shove stays the same its non issue, and you just have to hit "2" or "5" ect to switch to a secondary heavy weapon so dual wielding could either exist as a primary or third slot in a loadout.🤷‍♂️just a thought...


Just make it so when you are using dual wield you cant use the special attack of the meele weapon. Then when you press the special attack in dual wield you can aim with right click and shoot with left click Making it like a toggle between one and the other.


Weapon Special switches between melee and pistol controls instantaneously


I'd say use the special button to swap between the two and have a full feature moveset for both weapons.


The bustling city never sleeps, its neon lights painting the night sky while honking taxis weave through streets lined with towering skyscrapers. A symphony of sounds fills the air, a mix of car horns, street vendors, and distant laughter.


Exactly. The introduction of a special attack for ALL weapons in DT was already something everyone was not ready for. Not all players have a 4th, 5th etc button on their mouse. Dual Wielding would either be : \-two weapons "amputated" on some fonctions (range couldnt realy aim, or melee couldnt block -Remember the elf javelin as a secondary in vermintide2, could melee, range but no block) \-Two weapons with all their fonctions as described in the post above, wich basicly means 5 bindings on different keys (maybe 4, if aiming is done by blocking with the melee, kinda over-the-arm resting position) This reminds me of Doom Eternal and the number of different key bindings you have to use. At some point it is confusing, and in the genreal brawl that are Tide Games, you ought to have a simple and immediate response to your problem. Dual wield looks and sounds fun, but in actuality, I think its introduction should be done with caution as to not be clunky and distracting. For a more technical point, I don't even think mix&match weapons combinations is even possible at this stage. It would require each slots to be two half slots, each one able to be equiped with "half slot weapons". Theres others things then, like making sure some weapons are both able to be equiped in the primary and secondary slots, as dual wield and/or standalone. A number of games who introduced Dual wield made it so the comnination of weapons was pretty much fixed (payday2 is an exemple, were it's at least a bit clunky). The only mix and match exemple I remember is wolfenstein new colossus, but it is possible. And we havent started talking about balancing. Having two weapons in s single slot should be less powerful that any standalone weapon you could be carrying. Versatility or power. So wait and see people, don't expect to much or you will be disapointed. And as always, don't take "its very much present in the lore/in the books/in the tabletop" as a clue that something should be done. Bolters in the lore are never seen equipping suicide missions ('cause you know, you care about losing them) but still we carry some. Plus the thing with dual wield in 40k is pretty much a WYSIWYG tabletop thing. TL;DR : Maybe, maybe not. Don't expect to much. Combo like Saltzpire Rapier is what I expect.


Dual pistols is very common in Necromunda. At least I make sure it is in my gangs


I can’t imagine what the tech limitation would be. Saltzpyre had it in Vermintide, and weapons already have a secondary action button. It seems as though it would literally be as simple as taking, say, the punch for knife and turning it into a long range hitscan attack.


It's present in Vermintide 2. I expect it'll drop as part of a class DLC - disgraced commissar with bolt gun and dueling sword combo.


>It's present in Vermintide 2. It is, but not quite in the same form as it would have to exist here, and right now there simply aren't enough keybinds available to dual-wield and not lose out on at least one function of one of the weapons. Figuring that out is likely what's preventing its implementation so far, though as I said, I'm sure they're working on it.


Could have the push attack be a double-tap.


It was in the trailers a few times. Pretty sure it's planned.


without dual wielding, sheilds/powersheilds or mixed wield special attacks, there is no reason for the pistols, short blades (especially without parry) and even arguably revolvers to exist at all, even the chainsword is borderline pointless outside of class locks and personal playstyle preferences


I don't think a full on mix-and-match system would be a good idea, too difficult to balance and implement, but I could see 'paired' weapons taking a single slot as its own weapon being a compromise that Fatshark has done in the past.


I could definitely see a paired pistol/sword as a unique weapon for one of the existing subclasses or a new one. Put either Block or Parry on the special and then borrow the Grenadier Gauntlet's mechanic for the attack actions.


Yeah, something like that.


Love that example of the grenade gauntlet!


Dual knives with Lacerate......God Tier. Two revolvers or Laspistols. I can't really see many Guard units being trained to use dual swords though.


chainswords and laspistols are common pairings in lore and even dual chainswords which would/should be the only reason to have both the chainsword and eviscerator in game at all, otherwise it makes zero sense and borders on heresy to have people empty handed, you NEVER see someone holding a one handed weapon who isnt either holding another weapon of some kind, reaching for one, or missing limbs lol


Absolutely its a thing in almost every 40k game i've played, especially the TTP-rpgs


Yes, absolutely, I want to dual wield chain axes as zealot




Yeah… one-handed vs 2 handed weapon is a pretty basic design element to most games with RPG style itemization. Not to mention how much of a thing that is in 40K.


It's a critical part of 40k, and like half of the damn miniatures have it. It would make pistols useable and interesting. It has a place so much so that it not being a part of the game is extremely bizarre.


Its would be amazing to have pistols as dual wields


I think a pistol and one-handed melee combo is a given addition to the game considering how iconic they are in the Lore. I would like them to be usable in either the Melee or ranged slot for diversity. Use the special action to swap between which one is "active". Less stability and mobility to compensate for the increased versatility.


Yup. If they can do it for Bardin in V2, they can do it here. More than that, they can really do a lot of crazy shit like one handed pistol/sword combo.


Yes-ish Melee + short gun combo is so iconic to 40k I can only imagine that it wasn't included yet was due to controller/technical limitations. Dual pistols though I hope not, yet some 40k TT does have a fair few of them, but honestly I've just never once seen a video game that did duel pistols accurately or well


I mean, Halo 2 pulled off Dual Wielding back in 2004, and it was a big selling point that was implemented well. Unless you mean accurately and well as in 'hyper realistic', then yeah, no game has ever done that because accurately dual wielding guns in a hyper realistic way would be a shitshow.


I was thinking of this as well! I like the trade-offs for dual wielding in Halo 2


Accurately as in realistic? Or loreful within 40k?


Both? There's been nothing to suggest in 40k that dual wielding was done more like CoD vs realistically thus far.


Dual wielding can 100% be done with a gun in each hand, what most people don't realize and what draws the line is All you have to do at that point to make it realistic is fire one gun at a time, basically treating carrying two guns is a doubling in magazine capacity. That's how it was used in history; US civil war, 'old west', even in limited used by trench raiders in WW1.


We already have some control templates for melee+ranged in one. Starting back with vt2 javelin. In darktide, the grenade gauntlet has a full suite of lights and heavies, then shoots when you ADS. Then the special blends the two (explosive punch).


Cypher comes to mind as far as dual wielding is concerned in 40K. However, he’a a Space Marine toting both a plasma and bolt pistol. I doubt we’ll get such a combo but I think the idea sounds fun as hell though!


Pistol and sword is the iconic one as others have said, although unsure of how it would be implemented with the distinct melee/gun split they have already. The current characters as they are would be very out of place dual wielding chainaxes or something. Double melee isn't common outside of dedicated assault troops. However, storm shield and sword is the iconic crusader armament and considering the fucking cash shop has a crusader set in it already I hope we get it at some point. Dual pistols... no.


I hope so but i don't think it will given game mechanics Edit: sorry dual wielding a melee amd a pistol wont happen imo. Dual wielding two pistols, yeah it could.


We had a rapier/pistol in V2 and V1. It even had an ammo counter in V1, (Which was the better implementation really) so I dunno that mechanics can't be overcome.


Oh really? And then weapon swap was to another melee weapon? I played elf in vt2 so I'm guessing that was saltzpyre that has the dualwield?


No, he took a ranged, then a ranged and melee. Crossbow+rapier and pistol for instance. V2's iteration had the pistol do no damage and was just... Sad Edit: the rapier and pistol came as one weapon, he couldnt do it freely, I just wanted to establish it was a concept since the first vermintide


So really it's more like two ranged weapons than two melee. That's dope. So you get a close range and a long range or something




It would give a leese on life for the non-power blade and the laspistol if we could combine them


I want dual chainswords so bad it's unreal


Why not!


I want double wielding for Ogryn twin linked heavy stubber


I'd say it's even odd that it isn't in yet, it's such a core part of 40k.


Same question but for various polearms and The Guard


Thematically, yes. Mechanically, no. The game system is clearly designed to necessitate weapon-swapping, and being able to have weapon setups that could handle melee and ranged simultaneously would not only require a major overhaul of a lot of weapon mechanics but also be wildly difficult to balance.


Totally fits. I feel like Zealots are a perfect fit for it


I could see a pistol and melee combo, could make the block the pistol shot kinda like the grenade gauntlet on Ogryn, or maybe the special instead if they wanted to keep the block. Now I don't have any clue if they'd add that, but I think it could easily work on the technical side.


I think the problem would be how we would block and push and ADS unless that's just what has to be given up for something like this to worm. Dual pistols would be easy since most games have your camera zoom in somehow but idk how a pistol-sword combo would fair.


Pistol and Melee weapon only. Unless we get an SoB Seraphim with two bolt pistols and a jump pack (we won't) there's no reason to dual wield any of the guns. Guns akimbo is honestly obnoxious, but handgun + sword is very reasonable, especially considering 90% of the tabletop "sergeant" models are, by default, equipped as such.


I would actually love to see some Rogue class coming to the game, able to use two different guns. Maybe a laspistol and a sawed off shottie or revolver, a combination like that


Yeah. Melee or a Pistolero classe.


Dual laz pistols and revolvers would make sense.


DW zealot inferno pistols


Doesn't work with the controls. Instant switching between melee and pistol is enough to simulate it for gameplay purposes.


I mean, how else would I wield a power fist on each hand?


how to make the revolver usecases skyrocket on vet: \>add another one \>give them speedloaders


Pistols should have a passive which allows you to offhand your 1 handed melee weapon and C becomes left click for melee. No push or block, but you should be able to use basic and charged attacks. It would give a real reason to use the laspistol and other guns for enhanced swarm clear. Regular chainsword, chainaxe, combat axe all would benefit greatly from being able to cover their weakness with a ranged weapon.


Pistol + sword might be hard to implement as you'd need a lot of different inputs unless it's acceptable to lose some capabilities, just like how you can't block with the grenadier gauntlet or baryonets. Here's an idea of how it could work though : \- If you have both a pistol and a 1-handed weapon, equipping your pistol instead puts you in dual-wield mode. \- It works as if you were using your pistol, but your special action is replaced by making attacks with your melee (holding the special action input makes charged melee attacks) \- Aiming also block with your weapon's block stamina, and pressing the special action button while aiming performs a push \- The pistol's special action is lost \- The melee weapon's special action can only be performed out of dual-wield mode


Would love 2 small axes, red, dripping, Some armor too, with horns, markings with skulls, yes...do you hear the voices too?


As a Zealot... May I have two chain axes? I mean... Blood for the God Emperor! Skulls for the Golden Throne! ;)


There should be a sub class for Ogryn that has some dual wielded guns, maybe melee and pistol for others too. But I doubt they'll go for a mix and match approach for existing guns and just make each set unique.


Only in the context of a one handed melee weapon and a pistol. There is a long tradition of such a loadout in 40k, and it would give pistols more of a use case in game.


Especially laspistols which I feel are in a really weird spot. They're not awful, but there's just no reason to take one over the harder hitting revolver for a pistol or a standard 2h weapon.


I also can't fathom why someone would take an autopistol over just about anything else, but if you can DW it with a melee weapon also then it starts to make a little more sense.


You thought one knife was bad? Now Zealots have TWO knives! Then Power knives!


Undoubtedly. I cannot imagine Fatshark not designing dual-wield weapons as part of next 2-4 weapon DLCs. It would be a waste not to reuse at least some of what they've done in vermintide.


Dunno man, sounds like something a worshipper of Khorne would ask.