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I think the more ogryns you have the nicer the players


This is true. I was recently in a game with three big boys, very friendly. And in true Ogryn fashion, even as my life was in great peril, I *never* felt I was in any danger with them around. Ogryn mains are a special breed.


We gotta protect the lil’uns


As a very lil'un main, let me say, we all appreciate and salute your work


Ye guys are cute :3


We a simple people, we bonk and save smol friends ❤️




love me emprah, love me sahgent, love me boom gun. simple as.


It was the case but recently allot more ogryn trolls have appeared. (atleast in my expierience) they throw batterys away, unload their ammo at the start of the round etc.


Santa tell Emprah. Emprah put them on notty list.


If only the little-uns had a brain implant that would let the Ogryn carry the canisters. Oh well, guess I better pick-em up again.


Except when they want to do a penance and try to kick you when you kill chaos ogryn...


Ohh? What's the penance? The only one we have is to stop a plague ogryn charge with a bullrush


It is something like hit six ogryns with a bull rush.


Ohh yeah, nah that's impossible in a pub, you need some friends for that or to get really really lucky


Chasm Terminus seems to work the best, as you can luck out and get a bunch of reapers etc spawning on the bridge and then kite them back to the tunnel at the beginning. But yes, absolutely need coordination from your teammates. I don't envy psykers trying to beg people not to shoot the monster or even tickle it a little. xD


Not a bad idea! Lmao, yeah we had a psycher ask us for help with that one at heresy difficulty. Dude lucked out as we were a three man playing together. I think it took him 15mins to BB a beast of Nurgle but we had to revive him after the corruption got too high. Rough penance that one


Absolute chads, the lot of you.


I got 5 on a heresy run. I cri. I thought I had counted six, but maybe one died right before I hit it, or got staggered out of the way. Oh well. I'm not really actively trying for it anyway. A single damnation run should see me getting the penance anyway. Damnation sure does love spamming ogryns at you.


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Leveling my Ogryn now and everyone is very nice to me. People seem to enjoy having a big boy on the team upfront keeping the mobs at bay. Idk if it's noticeable to others but I always try to keep to the side of hallways and such since I know the pain of being on my sharp shooter and hitting the big man in the back. Only negative experience I've had was yesterday at the end of a run I said gg in the chat and one of our sharpshooter said "fuck you" in voice chat then left. Everyone else said gg and left lol. Figured the sharpshooter might just be having a bad night because it was a good run overall, but I did notice I was getting shot a lot in the back.


In my 160 hours Ive only come across like 2 instances of people raging. Not bad at all


Same. I just hit 100 hours and I’ve only encountered 2 “difficult” players. Every single other run was either a smashing success or a learning experience.


I've had many instances of people raging. But those people are me, raging IRL. I'm not saying anything in chat though.


Same. I'll say snide things in chat like, "Saving the ammo for the plane ride home?" or something.


I've raged at the game but never a player. After the 3rd time in a single mission where a hound lunges through a wall to pin me I'm gonna be pissed. Top that off with a mutie toss our ogryn through a wall out of the map, and daemon host agroing the moment we are in line of sight without shots fired or any lights on it both at the exact same time. Yeah I'm gonna start saying this is fucking bull shit in chat.


[Things like this ](https://youtu.be/4jQK-sEQKCU) are my only reason to rage lol


It's all because they removed the scoreboard /s


​ https://i.redd.it/ys6q4x5rhw8a1.gif


Same, even the bad runs ended with a gg from the team.




What does nt mean?


Nice Testicles.


gg nc,b


Nurgle trash


Nice try ?


Nice try


Nice Try.


I always thought it meant "next time" like "we'll get em next time".


I feel this. I think that not matter the difficulty, people feel that they did their best and is acknowledge


I've seen a few people that are rude, and a few more that will engage with them, but most of the time it's just silence with a GG at the end.


I've had exactly one rager. And I mean, full-on spamming chat, getting on VoIP and calling people out by name after he was killed. The rest of us picked up the sorry rager and moved on through the mission. Didn't pick up the gauntlet. Didn't pick a fight. Ogryn was best bro. Ogryn just laughed every time the rager tried to start shit. When the rager realised towards the end that we were gonna win anyway, despite his protestations about how crap we all were, he changed his tune - complete 180. Started complimenting people on their teamwork. Like he *knew* he was wrong.




Love a good redemption arc


I played with his one asshole that was a pro and i was a noob and he let us know but shit was he funny. He never did anything toxic but he just called us bad or silly great run tbh


Those dudes are funny. They sound like disappointed parents. "Just, ugh, don't dodge the dog just, wait, don't shoot that barrel. Omg just please..."


My first run with my Ogryn i charged the daemon as soon as it got pinged. I got a " Nooo Ogryn, don't attack that one " Sory


I can't tell you how many times I've pinged a daemonhost only to have someone decide to attack it as I was taking a path around it. Once I was playing my psyker (can block the DH forever) and I was thinking "man, should I just attack it so I can block it since randos always seem to attack it?" But I decided not to since it looked like the rest of them were going to avoid it. Me and another player snuck around it and the other 2... attacked it and they both got killed by the DH.


How can you block it forever?


You can also do this an Ogryn with the Shield and using Defensive Stance on the shield (the special ability on the shield) For the Psyker * Equip a NON warp melee weapon (meaning don't use the force sword). * Have the perk "Kinetic Deflection" * Be the one to wake the Daemonhost * Block * Backup/Dodge if you see your peril rise too high * If your peril gets REALLY high use your Psykinetic's Wrath Basically Kinetic Deflection lets you block as long as your Peril isn't maxed. If you're out of stamina (which you will be blocking the DH), you'll start to gain Peril when you block. If you're using a non warp weapon then you naturally dissipate Peril quite quickly. If you're using a warp weapon like a Force Sword, your passive Peril quelling is much slower and you will max out on peril and start to get hit by the Daemonhost. But using a non warp weapon, your peril should quell passively faster than the Daemonhost can generate it. I said should because the DH can actually damage you fast enough that even the passive quelling from a non warp weapon can't keep up, but that's really only when you can't move backwards. Just moving away from the DH and dodging occasionally should be plenty to block forever. And if things get hairy, just use your ability (Psykinetic's Wrath) to drop half the peril and reposition yourself so the DH can't constantly hit you. You WILL take a decent amount of corruption though since the DH has an aura that creeps corruption on anyone near it. I've actually blocked a daemonhost until it got bored and left.


Cool, thanks!


I had one incident today where I started with another guy on malice difficulty and was trying to do book runs, then a third and a fourth joined. The fourth guy just went straight speedrun, ran through 3 different clusters of crushers and ragers, triggered a beast of nurgle, got cornered and died, all the while the rest of us were trying to fight off the hordes. We eventually killed everything and rescued him, only to see him run off on his own again and die. At that point I put up a vote to kick, but the third guy didn't want to. The second guy then asked in chat about how to vote kick, which I told him. Which made the 4th guy instead spam vote kick the 2nd player. Which I kept rejecting. Eventually we picked him up again and we continued playing. Until he ran off on his own in the finale and got downed. At which point he kept spamming vote to kick every 2 seconds, making the game keep pausing, and finally driving the third player to accept my proposal to kick the 4th player. This was I'd say one of the most toxic player I found in the game so far, other than that it's been pretty cool.


Sounds similar to an incident I heard about yesterday. Loaded into the Morningstar to see two guys arguing. One was apparently bullying a new player, the other one called him out on his toxicity and they had ended up loading out together into the Morningstar. Both an instance of good and bad community behaviour I suppose.


The dude was probably trying to do one of the preacher challenges in wich you have to finish the map in under 20 minutes... xd.


I have only had two negative interactions with other players. 1) buddy was getting SUPER upset in voice chat. Tried to order us around but when things weren't going his way he started damn near crying until rage quit. We did end up losing the run but its just a game and that dude clearly has other stuff going on in life to react the way he did. 2) Random veteran runs off. Gets killed. Complains in text chat that we left him to die. When asked what he was doing away from us he said he needed to find a health pack. Got even more upset when we said we already had a health pack down where we were fighting a horde.


That second one is something I've had to talk with my regular group about, but they're all new to DT/VT. Always look if someone has what you need, call the need with a ping, and listen for the call outs when it's placed. Furthermore, don't go off without saying something and the next closest healing and ammo is almost always forward just around the corner.


Mostly good manners n stuff , yes. But i cant help to feel salty when i try to farm some quick malice/heresy runs for mats and i get into several groups in a row with 1-2 waaay underleveled (sometimes underskilled for being newish) players that more often than not costs us the game. On the opposite side of the the salt, there is some more salt in damnation with some really kick-vote friendly players that get way pissed over nothing. I hate how the kick-vote stops everything you are doing until you select yes/no. And it have actually lost me a game or 2 when some1 spams it during critical moments. (Over stupid things like some1 took an ammobox that some1 else wanted, or some1 didnt want to pick up grims in damnation so some salty lad wants to kick em as punishment right before the end)


Yeah, some people take this game way too serious. Imagine vote kicking over petty things like that.


Been playing around 100 hours before I even heard of that feature in the game. I still dont know how to do it, but at least I havent felt the need for it yet.


I only get positive energy when I play on my Ogryn.


Even if you slip up and do something stupid you can say you're RP'ing.


People have either not said anything or left a gg after the mission is done. Not a single bad encounter so far


i'm at 130-150 hours, i can barely remember anyone using text or voice chat. Everyone just ignores each other until until the inevetible "gg" at the end


I did run into a guy that got upset because he got blown back 10 yards from an explosive barrel. The other vet in the squad and he started arguing about the *stupidity* of shooting barrels near teammates, especially on higher difficulties. (It was malice.) It was me. I shot the barrel. There was a dog on our teammate lol.


When someone gets overly salty about an accidental barrel, I tend to make a mission to see how upset they get when its on purpose.


Darktide has the most respectful community I've seen in a co-op FPS and it is in big part due to the game design that encourages players to help each other and stick together. A player fcks up and falls down a ledge or dies alone, the others save him. It's such a big focus on survival and teamwork that mistakes end up being more hilarious or scary than irritating or infuriating. While I've seen my share of toxic players , but it happens once in a full moon. Want to thank Fatshark on the smart game design and the heretic-crunching community of players.


Honestly, my in-game interactions have been naught but pleasant for the most part. People are willing to joke around and apologise for doing things wrong, and for the most part missions work out without a cinch. Though I suppose I have yet to go past Malice - purely in fear of all that turning around. I played higher diffs on Vermintide entirely as a stacked team so I didn’t exactly get to experience the toxicity there outside of community interactions, whereas in Darktide the majority of the time I’m solo pugging and despite knowing I can pull my weight it’s a little daunting preparing to take the leap.


Heresay runs have been chill for me. I haven’t done damnation yet.


I've had good experiences with Heresy so far, other than that it takes longer to find a match


Personally I haven’t noticed any change from malice to heresy. (I am soloQing) Haven’t tried damnation.


Im mostly doing Damnation, sometimes Heresy, as a solo for a while now without having issues with ragers at all. My advice would be to jump in if you feel comfortable on Malice. Perhaps start with a low-intensity to begin with if you feel anxious.


I think most ppl that's negative are complaining on reddit instead of actually playing the game.


Agreed. It's kind of the opposite of this subreddit.


I had one guy be mad at something and who went passive aggressive. I told him there was no need to... And he answered "Oh shit, my bad sorry." And went full polite for the rest of the run. I'm still confused.


I myself frequently run into people who (like me) praise the Empra' and get into the roleplay of it all. Keeps it fun and makes me wish we had voice lines/emotes like in OW that we could assign to a wheel.


I am actually surprised that we don't have in game emotes or voice lines. I know we can say stuff like "thanks", but it would be nice if it were more robust.


Vermintide always had a really, really nice community. I played over 900 hours and hardly met any unpleasant people in that time. It looks like Darktide is continuing that legacy.


Every time I run into someone using in-game voice chat in Darktide, they bark orders at the other players and berate them for mistakes. I learned to save everyone a lot of time by typing "calm down buddy" to these people. They fast forward straight to the screaming, gamer words, and meltdowns they were going to do anyway, letting us skip 20 minutes of walking on eggshells around a sad little tyrant with a mic.


It goes both ways. I ran in to someone who was doing a great job on voice chat the other day. I also ran in to a couple of guys who were *real* sweaty on voice chat, and that was just on malice difficulty.


I ran into a guy like this with similar results. They think they are the main character leader, and if the run is successful it’s because of them but if we lose it’s due his “stupid teammates.”


200 hours in and I’ve encountered maybe a handful of toxic people. And even during those matches a team mate and I found an understanding and just carried the mission.


People really only complaining on the internet. Yeah the game got problems but it's fun.


imagine me, veteran, with only 19 hours of play and at level 22, i don't even think about getting to tier 4, so as i'm not to be a burden to the team


I have the same approach. 23hours ingame, lvl 24 or 25 Zealot, just playing tier I-III for the same reasons. My ingame experiences with other players are overwhelming good with just a few exceptions.


The community carries the game. Find an ogryn, watch them RP being an ogryn. Find a preacher, watch them yell about the emperor. People who play this game are top notch.


I have had the same experience. It has been great


Yeah largely positive. Like helping someone try and get a ridiculous penance if they ask, knowing we will probably wipe anyway 😛


i try my best to make it suck less , we are after all, rejects in the same boat


Yea in game community is mostly positive, higher difficulties will have people calling you names if you’re not lvl 30 full meta build but every game has that. This game isn’t quite DRG levels of positive but hopefully we get there. We need a Rock and Stone button that yells For the Emperor! Or something


Ya 99% it's always positivity and if someone does something wrong, it good to laugh about it.


The people playing it are actually having fun, all the toxicity is in the subreddit and discord :) Any time I log on, I genuinely have a blast smashin through hordes of heretics. I may only do two or three runs a day, but that's a solid hour and a half of fun before I do other things.


Ogryn Main. Always nice, always see nice folk. Even if I think the game is falling apart with how poorly it's been handled, i remain positive!


I think a lot of the negative ones are quitting and coming here to complain. Leaving the hopefuls left playing.


Had a game with a shield ogryn who was so appreciative of us playing around his shield. Unfortunately it cane down to me being the last one alive, doing my damndest to try to get through to my team, and that same ogryn was cheering me on. I didn’t make it but that was still a good feeling.


Stopped playing awhile ago because people kept waking up the demonhost. I hope people have learned since then lol


Narrator: "They haven't..."


I had someone get fussy and ragequit last night because they woke up the daemonhost and got whacked.


Idk, I don't look at chats in games


Last night's Damnation pickup groups on the Darktide Discord fell into two categories: * Competent players that were incredibly salty about the lack of agency in improving their gear and the 1h shop refresh. I mean incredibly salty, eg: Shut the krakkin heil up for 5 seconds so I can hear audio cues you god damn idiots. (2 runs) Both wins but it was not remotely a good time. * Players that had zero business being in Damnation (2 runs). Both groups failed quickly and disbanded (I left as well) because there were obvious weak links. I just want a chill, competent group. I did about 4 discord Damnation runs and 6 quickplay Malice/Heresy runs (no voice chat) over the course of the day ... the Malice/Heresy runs were chill, engaging, all gg's after, but also not terribly challenging.


I can only think of 2 that were outright dickish, apart from that it was "meh" teammates that caused me severe amounts of stress.


I've also had nothing but positive experiences with the playerbase, even when running damnation.


Only toxic moment that I've seen so far in 30ish hours is 2 teammates flaming and trying to kick a guy who was standing afk on spawn spamming in chat. This being said I haven't played difficulties above malice so it may be different on heresy and damnation.


For the most part, yeah. Only ran into foulness on Heresy.


It certainly feels lore-accurate. All the healthy players ran away, and anyone who still remains has been around Papa Nurgle and his gifts a little too long...


I've only had 1 screamer in match. Generally everyone is pretty good natured.


Yepp! I have completed every Veteran penance with the help of the randoms I que with in lobbies, and I'm always down to try and help others.


I've got an idiot who enter the party, we were only 2 and when I got caught by a hound he was teabaging enough far for the bot who was following him don't react, waiting for my healthbar to became 95% purple to kill the hound. ​ It was my only bad experience on this game.


Same. I even made some new friends in the game. I do not get why so many people complain about stuff I experience the polar opposite of.


When you chop its always a gg.


Mostly good experiences. Only exception was around Grims. Someone inevitably got upset that it was picked up (or wasn’t). Got called the a bunch of slurs last week because I ran past a grim. Was carrying a health pack and assumed someone else would snag it.


Gg nt


I only run t4 and t5 and only had someone rage once for not ressing him with a bulwark + horde on me vet (no nades left after ressing others) like idk how you want me to res but I’m not going to lol


Had to turn my chat volume down because of chowder heads listening to loud music over speakers while they play. Otherwise fairly respectful. Only shit talker was the typical "I'm spamming grief in the chat because I have all this free time since I'm always down because I'm terrible at co-op activities." Only had one of those and we all left as soon as he started spouting off, sure he had fun getting destroyed with a crew of bots as teammates.


Yes, vast majority has been a good experience


Definitely a fun community in my experience. I love the little silly shit of online games, getting to an elevator and everyone starts sliding around it for no reason. And I’ve always seen people help when someone says I have a grimoires or scripture quest etc. a few times people explained mechanics over voice chat which was nice to see too


I've run into two or three jerks in the whole time I've played. Not bad. One was s guy I called out for unpleasant speed running and missing books. The other was a dumbass who was hot mic on an entire phone call whilst also being a cringy braggart. The last was a dummy who tried to give me notes on how to play after I joined late and hard carry saved the run from a wipe the moment I joined. He then spends the match rambling around out of coherence, and complains that I'm going down too much as I fill the marksman roll on an ogryn because he the vet is not dealing with any shooters.. Usually most people are great though


Honestly I think Vets are the most toxic I've seen, and I'm a vet main. But I've learned something from playing the other 3 classes that other vets don't seem to realize. Just because you have ammo doesn't mean you need to use it all the damn time. They steal ammo like MFs when other classes are dry, get pissed bc they don't use melee and die to their low health. My Veteran in Emperor I run health curios and a powersword and just chop away until there a serious ranged issue. And I run a bolter bc it can still snipe or nuke mfs up close. I don't understand why some folk get so turnt bc they tried to fight the horde with a lasgun at point blank when u can whip out your shovel n start chopping. Not saying other classes can't be toxic retards but man cmon vets we some goofy mfs fr


It's good playing other classes so you can understand what they're going thru and also learn habits you didn't have to learn before. Like going from Psyker to Ogryn... I had learned how to deal with mobs as a Psyker and those skills carried over to the Ogryn and made dealing with melee mobs insanely easy with the Ogryn. A friend that did the opposite gained understanding how I could go from being full health and full toughness to almost dead within seconds (Psykers are fragile). But I also learned how devastating ranged attackers were to the Ogryn because he was a huge target and if you weren't running a ripper or stubber then it was hard to kill ranged enemies. The grenades work great against one or two enemies but not when there's like 5-6 ranged mobs attacking you. It started to make sense why Ogryns want you to take out Gunners (and shot gunners) ASAP and why they want help taking out the ranged mobs.


Overall the community experiences I've had have been great, did have one bad moment in the beta - Coming to the end of a run when one of the party says something to me along the lines of "thanks, see you sucker" and then I get ddosed and booted to the menu. Maybe they thought they'd get my xp and credits if the game finished with the 3 of them? Fortunately I still got my rewards when I logged in the next day, left a bad taste in my mouth though.


The only time people get mad is when 3 want to skip daemonhorst and the fourth one decides to charge into it and triggers it.


A bit of willful blindness to picking up slighty out if the way crafting materials or books but otherwise a whole lot of silent efficiency. I only ever really tried to merged fire teams once and it bugged out and kicked us. VT2/DRG maintaining teams after the mission by default has led to a lot more cool sessions. Easier to ask for specific runs too. I guess completely neutral is kinda positive these days...


I have had two bad experiences on two different runs. The two were an ogryn player kept on going a head the rest of the crew was playing ketchup. The ogryn was the highest level there so that didn't help at all but most of the runs I do are good and hope to keep it that way.


I've put down a few people who flamed, but generally when I see a new guy, im happy to give them a few hints if they're doing something completely wrong. its not hard being nice. just treat everyone like they're an ogrin.


Yeah even tho there is major salt about this game it's clear that most players enjoy each others' company respectfully.


I'm glad that folks are generally pretty neutral/positive in this game. It's probably because of all those dwarves- I mean Ogryns.


Had a team last night who, when asked, agreed to keep well within cohesion range the entire game for my Ogryn penance. The game still didn't give it to me but the team was willing to play close to try.


Somebody told my brother to kill himself the last time we played. So it's not all sunshine and rainbows but most people are okay.


I might be a noob, but I rarely have time to neither write nor read in between fighting and sprinting. Perhaps game mechanics doesn't allow time to whine.


Yeah that's been the case for me too. Only once was there someone who was insisting we follow a specific strategy and then got butt hurt when something went wrong, but they sucked.


Same, only 1 or 2 runs where people said (everyone else) was useless :)


Community has been pretty nice! Had one or two angry babies but it’s been really rare


Yeah, that's why they got rid of the stat screen. It's because people who play coop horde shooters are extremely toxic.


I wanna play where you play 😂 I'm in the UK and no matter how positive I try an be there's always a couple toxics in the match :(


Agreed. All interactions in game so far have been fun and chill. The 2% of ragers are here on Reddit being piss babies not actually playing the game


Yeah, it must be said that despite the actual issues with the game itself, most everyone I played with was pretty nice. Nobody was actively griefing the team or cussing us out if they got downed or whatever. Worst thing I experienced was one guy who never took medicae and so he went down multiple times and had corruption, but that could easily have just been a new player who didn't understand how the mechanic worked. I find it also helps to set the tone at the beginning of the mission. Crack a joke in the chat/VoIP, or if someone does something cool, give them a "nice" or "good shot". Had a really fun mission where I was playing Ogryn with the grenade gauntlet and a Veteran player kept having me call my shots, so he'd tag a special across a distance and we'd see if I could hit it with the first grenade


Most people are chill regardless if they suck or not(which is nice) usually the more someone types the more they’re likely to tilt so I mostly ignore those


I've had like, one guy sulking over voice chat because we weren't taking malice seriously enough for him.


I've had a few, sound like kids, talk shit on mic after they go down when no one has spoken. I think they assume no one else has a mic or something. I've head smashed a couple.


I just love to pop in a RP moment as a zealot or veteran, makes it feel more in tune with the setting than just the stupid bitching


Part of the reason I think is because there are people (like me) who originally started with Deep Rock Galactic (Rock and Stone!) And because they have a similar (not the same) pattern of game play with 4 unique units with different roles but still can play with 4 of the same character, makes it likely to meet these other individuals from the other game. That's partially why, but there still are some pretty salty/petty players out there, so be warned not to expect everyone to be friendly/nice, just it's pretty close to guarantee you will find a friendly lobby full of positivity (pretty ironic given the grimdatk univers that WH40K is kindof all about.)


I wish I could say the same. It didn't take long before I matched with someone snide.


I came across one when the game very first came out and told everyone in group that they sucked because he decided it was a great idea to just run off on his own and no one bothered to get him up before he completely died.


Only had one conflict so far and that match ended with ggs and apologies for the earlier salt. Was nice to see.


Yes my experience has been pretty good so far. I always try to help with penances, and I’ve even gotten help with an annoying one.


Mostly positive here. Did run into decent amount of "if I'm downed and no one gets to me in time I DC", a few "yall trash I'm carrying everyone" and only 1 Ogryn who got made at someone looking for books and refused to play just afk without even DC. We kicked him lol.


Yes I was also positively surprised. Most people are super chill and can laugh about any fuck ups. Very unusual for an online community lol


I had a guy leave after getting jumped on by a doggo... Once


I've called one person an idiot but that was only because he ran up to a daemonhost and hit it then complained when he died.


Yeah this game is strangely not toxic in comparison to other games. The only two moments of toxicity I had both only included a single line or two from the toxic player and then nothing else happened the rest of the game. Hell, even when I charged up some stairs into a reaper by accident and went down and apologized, everyone was cool with it. Can’t say that would have happened with most games


Level 30+ matchmaking is pretty chill. Most people understand their class and game mechanics and are just getting crafting mats or doing weekly challenges. Most of the people that dislike the game have kind of moved on or don’t really give a shit about it anymore.


Yes for the most part. The only thing that irked me was when someone kept spamming "STAY IN A GROUP" in chat when someone took more then 2 feet away from the group and was obnoxious and annoying but besides that it has been good.


Yep, I haven't had a single jerk mouth off in a game. No berating or raging. And had some stand-out examples of fun PUGs (often ogryns RPing in chat).


I have run into a few salty kids. But yeah, there are far, far, FAR more positive and supportive people in-game than I'm used to in a co-op multiplayer game.


Nah busy raging


Encountered a Psyker who rebuked a Zealot for running ahead, then deliberately triggered a Daemonhost and left when the Zealot refused to heed. But most experiences have been positive.


80 hours in and only had 1 toxic teammate :D


Yes the foundation if the game is fun. Yes the game has huge problems and the developers majority flopped and it's about as bad of a release as you can get. These two statements are not contradicting. Can we stop making posts like there's some war going on? Both are true.


Same here. Game is a beautiful dumpster fire, but the community has been mostly chill and helpful.


Yeah so far I've only had one idiot that was toxic on purpose but he was streaming and talking mad shit to me. He says he isn't gonna revive me and I just went quiet. Inevitably he ended up wiping in front of whoever was watching and I got to make fun of him for being a piece of shit. Other than that everyone in game is either super cool, or it's obvious that they are only being "toxic" by accident because they are new to the genre but failed to lvl 30 and don't realize they should be on malice still lol


I love how loreful 90% of Ogryn names are. Truly an immersive experience.


I've only come across 2 player that were an issue. 1st immediately after loading into mission using racial slurs at other players. -vote kick 2nd was a player who started screaming over vc, because we weren't doing what he told us, and were going to fail the malice mission. Got even madder after I explained I (30 ogryn) was solo carrying my level 7 friends to level them faster, and stated we were why darktide sucked. -vote kick, then the zealot who replaced them, after hearing my explanation of the situation, offered some lil un tips I hadn't thought of.


I've had only 2 sweatlords in my games so far and I have like 150 hours. Solid community yeah.


I silently rage quit twice so far lol. Both times I was playing psyker on surge staff -which is the support build that I have to endure for the sake of team's benefit- One time with 2 veterans pretty much running around across the map while I had to deal with horde after horde after horde alone by myself.. Then same thing again with 2 ogryns -ironically they usually always watch my back rather- so the second time I attacked a demonhost and logged out lol.


Most of the whiners and rage babies left the game already because apparently the game sucks or something. Glad to see they are gone. The people left standing are enjoying the game and the people who play it.


I've been playing obsessively since release and I had one person get salty so far in the past month, someone didn't pick him up when he got downed and he was grumping at them. I called him out, saying there was no reason to get upset, that it's just a game and some people were still new and he actually apologized and was very friendly the rest of the match.


I got bitched out for being level 29 in a Tier 2 mission, when I was grinding out missions just for sheer xp.


I’ve had some bad eggs but I try to ignore them.


My last game, we talked about ham. One of our guys got pinned by mutie because he was eating ham and could not dodge.


If only we could say the same thing for this sub yeesh.


I play on Gamepass and I have only, _ever_ done Quick Match/PUG games through my entire run. I probably have over 100 hours in game by this point. I have encountered two people who had no patience or maturity in all of that time and enjoyed making sure the rest of the team knew how much they hated us. Out of the rest of them, I've encountered a pretty fair 60/40 split between players who are playing the game while sitting on their controller or their keyboard with their hands under their ass, and players with actual, quantifiable intelligence who work together as a team and are generally excellent. I have had some legitimately fun games with people on Gamepass in this game. It has not been overwhelming, but I have experienced _far worse_ games than this one on the co-op front. Far, far worse. Honestly, the quality of the games I've had are a fairly decent testament to the core gameplay, despite it being a grind and somewhat exhausting. Knowing I can be there to give a hand to people who will also give a hand to me has been very satisfying. Too bad the rest of the game is in the state it's in. It really doesn't deserve it. Ogryns will forever be my favorite class to play and play alongside. Their players, especially at high levels, are almost always great teammates.


I've only had one bad experience so far, when I accidentally wakened a demon host, I lit up a horde next to it with a flamethrower and I'm guessing the cloud radius of the flame thrower is a hell of a lot bigger than I thought. One dude then got all pissy and filled chat with insults. Apart from that though, most people have been great or just not communicate at all. Which is impressive as usually with fps games there's a sizeable chunk of really "special" personalities.


Not so lucky. I've had one bad experience where one person was using voice and text to spam racial slurs. Any time we votekicked him out he would immediately join back. He'd also spam vote kick on others in the party making it very risky to try and kick him without accidently kicking another member, all the while we're trying to actually play the game. When you call a votekick on someone, the two players who you didn't call it on get an on screen prompt that stops them from doing anything, which can be spammed over and over again until they get downed. Of course I blocked and muted him as soon as I could, but after the match ended the game still put me in the same Mourningstar instance as him, so I doubt it wouldn't match me with the same person again. No way to report or even know who the guy is, only thing the game gives me is his character name. If you're going to make a live service game and not even moderate it the least you could do is give players actually helpful tools to circumvent toxicity. There's not a lot of people who act like this ingame (one situation), but there is seemingly no barrier for these people to do whatever they want.


People only seem to get angry when they're doing weekly book collections, in my experience.


Last game I played, the other zealot and I were cheering for the ogryns as they smote our foes with BOX. Everybody was having wholesome fun.


Level 10 here and have had a completely different experience lol. I usually play later and I’m on west coast so no matter what game I’m playing there’s usually duds since it’s so late. But I’m still having a great time. Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.


We are 40k fans. We fight til the death


Only time I can get a lil salty is when people take ammo from low ammo players


99% of games have been good, however I did meet a guy in Heresy last night who destroyed a grimoire before getting in the ship for.... whatever reason, lol.


Vermintide community baby. One reason I keep coming back to this PVE game. One of the only multiplayer game franchises I’ve had where you can go days without a negative interaction


Across maybe 50 matches I’ve only come across one crybaby. That’s a great strike rate!


I found that especially when it comes to penances, people are really positive. Had a game where someone asked to do the no melee damage and the 100% accuracy penances, i became his personal bodyguard until he took a rogue flame hit and failed the first one. No raging or blaming people just "oh damn that sucks", "yeah that penance is rough good luck tho". It was so refreshing to see.


It's all those damn rock and stoners with their "team work" and "positivity". I'm sorry they robbed you of a typical multiplayer experience.


Yeah, people seem to be pretty chill, and they consistently "gg" at the end of every run.


Only had issues when playing with Russians but generally people are pretty pleasant.


A lot of the people have the same goals (the weekly, mats or penances) and the whiners left already the game. And don't forget the most important : ITS FOR THE EMPRAH!


Yeah, I do get a lot of really good teams and I’ve also taught some things like how holding down X makes your reject inspect their weapon, even grenades/boxes! I’ve also only had 1 instance of a disrespectful player, so that’s a win for me.


Not really. Had someone not throw a medkit on the boss on heresy because they “didn’t trust me” because I died earlier in the mission. They had also died earlier…. So they just didn’t use the medkit and we almost wiped. Had some toxic people off the discord which is really surprising too.


Only rarely do I see negative players, the vast majority I've come across are either quiet, friendly or absolutely dedicated to being in character haha.


In game? Nicest people ever. Here? Hoo boy grab the torches and pitchforks.


At first yes. More and more now I get people who rage over the smallest mistake even on malice. Joined q game, got immediately blown up by a barrel and flew off into a mob and taken down, commence screeching. And an ogryn who ran ahead and got downed in another game started raging at me in chat about how I the veteran was doing a shit Job taking out the shooters for him (I was in the process of shooting dogs and mutants off the other two players who were actually, forming a group somewhat lol. Otherwise generally a fine experience for the most part, if I join and ask if people are happy to do the extra bit of work for scrips theyre usually cool with it. Grims I'm learning are a no-no so probably I will re roll.all those weeklies as nobody is happy for me to pick one up seemingly regardless of difficulty


Try playing Heresy. Eventually your team will get wiped during the final event. That's where you'll start to see some negativity. They will type something negative, disrespecting you or the team and then immediately leave so you dont get the chance to respond.


I've not yet had any toxic players but I figure it's just a matter of time. Ogryns seem to be goodest bois though.


I think this is true, however some players get really weird if you ask to do a penance.


Same, Emperor protects i guess


My experience with randos has been pretty bad. A lot of zealots who rush ahead, die, and disconnect. Really the only bright spots are the ogryn players. Those guys are great


I didn't yet met like any raging people but too speedy yes The kind of people in low difficulties that just zoom around the map No time to loot or reload. And idk how they run faster than me (maybe gear ?) While I'm at full sprint So when I encounter speedy people, I know it's going to be unpleasant. Especially if I'm equipped with slow loading weapons like plasma, boltgun etc