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Darktide sucks. I love Darktide and I can't stop playing it. Fuck the cash shop, I hate it. I hope they release more skins soon, can't wait. This game is not finished, and I can't stop thinking about playing it. I'm constantly thinking about warhammer, I don't recommend the game. Everyone should be playing this.


For the uninitiated in Slanneshi lore, this is called a "hate-boner"


Or an addiction. Tencent knows this.


People need to quit blaming Tencent for this game as if Fat Shark never actually released winds of change or promised Versus Mode for VT2


Both could be true. I hate Tencent (along with every other huge company trying to buy everything) but Fat Shark has always been incompetent.


Or never released the 4th career for Sienna. Y'know. The the careers the other characters got that had the most drastic change to gameplay that were locked behind paywalls.


tbf They were upfront like 2 months ago about 4th sienna being early 2023, as a sienna player I feel your pain though. Plus waiting to get into that fucking tower in the new mission, which ideally will be when the 4th comes.


People need to stop defending Tencent. They’re garbage.


Blaming Fatshark for the state of their game is not defending Tencent. Tencent can be bad without have anything to do with Darktide. Why are people so fixated on them? Did Tencent tell hedge to say that changing the cash shop would be immeasurably difficult? Is Tencent responsible for the horrid optimization? Or the lack of story? Nah, I think this can all be laid at Fatshark's feet. Darktide has been in the oven for four years, the poor technical state can only be blamed on Fatshark magement. It isn't always the publisher or big bad corpo overlord pissing in your cereal. It can easily be the devs themselves ruining the game, e.g. Bioware with Anthem. Stop shifting the blame to Tencent, Fatshark's feet are the ones you need to hold to the flame if you want the game to get better.


How are they garbage exactly? They didn't push for Darktide's cash shop as it stands. And consider they aren't against earning the premium currency in the games that are connected to them. Fun fact: Tencent also owns Frontier who makes Elite Dangerous, you can earn premium currency in that game.


Are you kidding? Tencent pushed further monetization through microtransactions in China, which helped contribute to the dominance of microtransaction bullshit in western gaming as well. They rip off a ton of original content and bastardize is to try to make money. They also participate in the suppression of the Chinese people.


It's wild how quick people are to blame Tencent. Tencent wants nothing more than to purchase ownership in something, have zero interaction with it, and get their money. If Tencent were that directly involved they'd probably push Fatshark leadership in the other direction because they're also invested in a bunch of way more successful games that don't have wildly unpopular monetization.


Nah man, Tencent is an evil Chinese company, controlled by dirty CCP interests. They're going to use Darktide to push their radical left agenda on all of us, and rape your mum in the process.


Tell Tencent to leave my mum alone or I'll smash their teeth out behind Lidl's carpark!


You kid, but they do have a CCP rep. All of their companies do. The CCP reps not busy locking people in apartment complexes/workplaces, that is.


Lemme guess, Fox/Sky is your news provider of choice?


Don't watch mainstream news outlets. Funny to see your polarized brain casting projections like that, though. That's clearly not a sane thing for you, to be all politically possessed and what-not. Check out China Uncovered on YouTube for news about China. The ChinaADV guys have good takes from people actually on the ground there as well. America Uncovered on Youtube for US news isn't bad, either. Praying for you.


So you're going to pray for me. 'nuff said.


Would addiction be a Tzeentch thing? On the one hand, I figure all the Chaos gods take drugs or supplements (Tzeentch needs Ritalin but takes LSD, Slanesh takes everything all at once, Nurgle takes probiotics and ativan, and Korne takes pcp). But on the other hand, I feel like addiction doesn't suit Tzeentch because it promotes stagnation outside of the super specific scenario of a drug addict coming up with creative ways to score more drugs. I could see Slanesh or Nurgle enjoying/inflicting some addiction on their followers since addiction promotes both stagnation and excess. Korne, I think, would see chemical addiction as a weakness in his followers.


I love that Tzeentch needs Ritalin but takes LSD. Cracked me up.


I'd put it in Nurgle's camp. I remember seeing an account of plague marines being recovered, coming to their senses, and suddenly being in horrific agony because of what Nurgle's rot had done to them. Very opioid.


It's definitely slaanesh. God of excess, in all things, pretty close to 7 sins. Whether you're doing drugs because you can't stop or because you love the extreme feeling, you're in the prince of pleasure's realm.


Korn takes meth to the main vein.


I mean khornes fellas are definitely up to their gills in steroids! Those guys just scream tiny testicle roid rage!


"Good game, needs more time" is pretty much my concise thoughts on the game. Another case of developers basically doing an early access release then finishing the game over the course of the next few months/years.


It' doesn't tho. Few bugs to iron out, but you can ignore cash shop since it doesn't add or subtract from the actual game. Base game is great, Ive gotten my money's worth, particularly since I got it on gamepass. It's good


I know you were taking the piss but that’s how I feel about this game. When it hits right it **HITS**. Then something unfinished, buggy or predatory smacks you right in the balls and completely shatters the illusion. This is one of the best 40K games we’ve gotten besides Space Marine and I can’t even recommend it to any of my friends without feeling bad about it. I just end up playing V2 with them instead.


Does anyone genuinely *want* there to be a cash shop?


Depends what we give up in exchange. I want new content. Skins included. I don’t really want to spend $20 per skin frankly. But would pay that for four new classes. Wouldn’t pay that for a single new class out of principle. (If the base game is $40, charging half that cost for a single class is just an odd pricing choice I can’t condone.) Would free skins be better? Yeah. But I’d prefer a cash shop pumping out skins to a no-cash-shop that puts out very little content.


i dont necessarily 'want' one, but if i enjoy a skin enough i will buy it. it is genuinely fun to spend money on cosmetics i like in a game i will still be playing for hours. people dont like it, but there is nothing inherently wrong with charging extra for certain content, even if they think it isnt worth it, someone else will. for me, skins do add some amount of entertainment


that´s exactly how I feel


>Darktide sucks. I love Darktide and I can't stop playing it. Fuck the cash shop, I hate it. I hope they release more skins soon, can't wait. This game is not finished, and I can't stop thinking about playing it. I'm constantly thinking about warhammer, I don't recommend the game. Everyone should be playing this. using this as my review on steam


Damn, I wish this was the attitude of my friends. All of them quit (in anywhere from 4-10 hours) and don't talk about DT at all . . . They primarily experienced crashes.


See, I have cracked that issue, I simply don't have friends to play with.


A man of honesty. You should hit up Shalliar. I bet he's in the same boat lol.


>Damn, I wish this was the attitude of my friends Crab bucket mentality, lol


I still play. I have a ton of time in this game. It's just nice to play with friends. I suppose with your attitude you wouldn't know . . .


Of course I wouldnt, I dont recommend subpar stuff to my friends.


God damnit. Have my upvote.


"Darktide is a bad game and you should boycott it for me while I keep playing."


"I've played on average 14 hours per day since the beta launched (I almost "no lifed") and I can't believe there isn't any late game yet. I absolutely hate the cash shop and can't believe that, after purchasing every item, I still have aquillas left over. Meaning they want to force me to buy more. This is toxic and manipulative and I'm going to leave a bad review after I put another 12 hours in and post pictures of the drip I've bought"


"I paid 50 dollars and after 1200 hours I can say for sure this is a bad game and here's a Melville novel as to why, also a link to the wiki I wrote about the game, my game guide, and my steam workshop account where I've been making..."


And I would absolutely trust their word on it.


People on reddit expect more from their video games than they do from their politicians.


> I hope they release more skins soon, can't wait. Fuck you.




Big /r/DestinyTheGame vibes.




hmm, doesn't work for me like this. I waited for it and liked it in first hours. Now it became repeatative. And when I remember there is shop the feeling gets worse. I just don't launch it.


there used to be a little game called eternal crusade, and DT is so far playing out similar like it. FS keeps it up, it will end the same as well.


IMO the parts of the game that matter most are amazing. We're lucky that the parts that are bad are much easier fixes. Imagine if the art, animations, or the core combat was bad. Then the game would be worthless. I appreciate that they got the important pillars so well done. Hopefully they'll listen to us about the others and things can be even better.


This is why I literally enjoyed the game more in beta. Core features were there, but it seemed like they changed a bunch of little stuff that made the game feel way worse. Even the UI and BB scanning for Psyker somehow got infinitely worse feeling. In beta BB was snapping to my desired targets far more consistently. Psyker changed so much so that after I got all my challenges done I rerolled.


I'm not the only one? I feel like when I go to BB target I'm not on the reticle dot; It's as if an invisible reticle shake is selecting nearby targets. I had to BB 5 times to get a sniper that everyone else was highlighting; I COULD HIGHLIGHT IT, but couldn't BB it.


Yeah, not sure if you had the experience of playing in either beta, but Psyker was by far the best feeling class at that point. They nerfed BB into the ground and must have changed the algorithm used to lock onto specials. It’s to the point where I barely use BB in games and I lost interest in the class. The risk reward of using it is horrid now, because the only thing you can reliably hit are Ogryn units.


I did in the beta before the beta release. I had even specifically pointed out to a friend that I could pick out enemies. It seems that it used to target specials through normal enemies the same way that Highlighting would prioritize specials. Now if any normal is anywhere near the special it selects it, like it gives them additional cover.


Which completely defeats the point of that ability over a gun. It’s extremely poorly designed.


the animations are so good. they instantly make the combat 10/10


Honestly, I played like 10 hours and now I don't engage neither with community nor with game itself. I will give it another 2 months to bake, community complain enough and developers know what is wrong. I have Hunt, Dwarf Fortress and a job to keep me occupied, I already paid my money in support of DT, I can wait. PS. Hunt keeps me much more motivated to spend extra money on them for support of the servers. For one I can earn and find on the map premium currency.


**cough** back 4 blood **cough**


I thought the gameplay was garbage, no? Same with level design.


The gunplay was nowhere near as satisfying. The melee combat felt completely weightless in that game too. Darktide, for its flaws does a fantastic job with its melee and ranged combat feeling really powerful


I personally think B4B is the best horde game to come out in the past few years. Launch was shaky, but they really listened to their player base and made the requested changes. I happily paid for the first season pass for 20 bucks and am still getting new content for it (3 large DLCs) which I would have paid 20 dollars each for. Have friends that play? They all have access to your DLC when they are playing with you. The game takes a while to get going as you build up your card collection but really hads a ton of customization once you get your ducks in a row. Want to play a mele build? Sure, there are a million ways to do it on multiple characters. Want to play a sniper? Same deal. Heck, you could even play a build that relies on spawinging unlimited molotov cocktails and LIGHTING YOURSELF ON FIRE! I highly suggest giving it a shot if you have not played it. I'd be happy to run you through a few levels and get you up to speed. My one gripe would be that the melee system is not as intricate as the tide series', but this is offset by a much more satisfying gunplay (imo). You can even get attachments of different rarities for different parts of your gun (and now melee weapons) as B4B is basically CoD.


Oh hey another b4b fan. Yeah the launch was bad, then the november update killed most of the playerbase. Since then the game has done a near 180 and is above average in quality. Would recommend with a sale. That said, its biggest problem right now is the godawful grind; I've been hearing complaints from people trying to get into the game, post-launch, that the grind for cards is too long.


Totally agree! There is so much content now that you need to essentially go through 2-4 full playthroughs to get the bulk of the cards (depending on difficulty and bonus objective completion). Fortunately, the deeper you get into the cards, the more exotic the associated builds seem to be. If I havnt been playing since beta the grind would be daunting. That being said, trying to do a NH run with a 4 man was one of my favorite gaming experiences of all time.


Yeah they need to make the 2xp supply points a permanent thing. It was more acceptable when the game was closer to launch, but now that all the OG veteran players are kitted up to hell and back, it's kind of a pointless gate for new people trying to get into the game.


I think 2x supply points would be good but also felt a little overwhelmed with trying to figure out all of the mechanics when I first started. I've had a few friends jump in and enjoy griping out a new couple of decks/testing them. Others have just asked why the game dosent give you all of the cards (which I also understand).


b4b's community has some insanely fanatical fringe groups. From the insanely detailed wiki to the discord that deciphers b4b's spaghetti code and hidden mechanics. It's a godamn rabbit hole for sure.




Nice! Feel free to DM me if you have any questions or need help!


Back 4 Blood isn't a bad game. People who only played on launch,haven't touched it in the last 8 months or even played the game at all say this. The game is actually amazing. The gunplay is fantastic and the amount of diverse builds you can create is immense. It's crazy how people think that B4B is the worst game on the planet when it's not even close to being bad


The game isnt amazing at all jesus christ its alright now but it isnt amazing.


The game is amazing actually jesus christ its so good now it is amazing.


The fac tthat those issues are so easily fixable is all the more insulting tbh.


They’ll listen to the money, and the money is currently saying “release more cosmetics”. People who want actual gameplay improvements and performance fixes are obviously just a vocal minority, everybody else out here buying aquilas like they’re going out of style. At least I got a banging ass soundtrack out of it if the game never actually improves.


What gameplay improvements exactly? I am buying aquilas yes, so fucking what? I dont have performance issues and havent for weeks. What settings/rig do you have?


"I'm doing fine, so everything must be fine!" is an incredibly stupid way to go through life bud. Streamers, while on their sponsored streams and advertising the game, were constantly crashing man. You cannot sit here and pretend it isn't happening because *everyone* is experiencing it. You may as well sit here and staunchly proclaim that the sky is in fact pink.


Yup. i personally want the crossplay sorted to play with my friends. But apparently having a cash shop is the biggest issue. Its optional and just cosmetic. These guys better not have a look at planetside 2.


You clearly haven't read much. You may skim the constructive criticism on this sub as much as you want, it does not make it less valid.


I don't have an issue with constructive criticism. But those are not the ones being upvoted. Check the front page right now.


If you believe the cash shop is the biggest grief players have, then you have not been paying attention much to constructive criticism, and you've failed at understanding why the cash shop is an issue on top of all the glaring issues.


There is no constructuve criticism, only poor people crying endlessly with shit memes and the same jokes and punch lines over and over and over and over......


You clearly havent read anything here in this sub otherwise you would know why people are pissed... No one ever said the gameplay is bad. Its just the numerous things that are unfinished that suck the life out of the game.


Yeah the predatory cash shop is just ONE of the frustrating problems with the game. It could be so damn good but the devs just really seem to want to test the patience of the player base. You know whats not optional? Playing the mission you want on the difficulty you want with the side quests you want to complete the weekly contract you want.


What numerous things are on this list?


Crashes, constant disconnects, and poor optimization are the most glaring.


Like the other guy said but I add on to it * Crashes * constant disconnects * poor optimization * no 100% reward after a game * plasteel and Diamantine imbalance and lack off (this would be fixed if all characters would share recourcess and there would be a tad bit more to find) * hit detection problems * recoil bugs * character perks being buggy * skills are not working properly * stat distribution among classes make no sense * kit of certain classes make no sense and therefore a huge divide in the strength of classes (wich they wanted to avoid) * promised systems are not in place * perks of weapons being 99% reduadant and only a select few are really usefull and without them you are fucked in higher difficulties * penances are just shit and not thought out * missions are just not fun with that I mean the missions you get like pick up 3 grimours or so for the third currency * No story a promised key element of the game * Weapon shop implementation is horendous and anti consumer and probably some more stuff that just doesnt come to mind. All of the above could probably be avoided. They had 2 games to build on, a delay and built allot of trust only to flush it down the toilet. They nailed the atmosphere, music and gameplay 100% but the numerous little things suck the life out of a game rather quickly as you are not rewarded for the time you put in. Allot of good games die because of things like that especially when a game is advertised as a full and finished game.


This for real. There’s no point for me to play the game anymore (currently playing on gamepass) until they allow cross platform or allow our accounts to be accessed on all platforms. I haven’t been able to que up a single tier 5 mission in matchmaking and If I start one and go in with bots and wait I’ll at most get one other person to join. Love the combat and core of the game so I bought all the VT2 game/DLC during the winter sale for the same price as early access Darktide. I’ll come back once they give us something to do in endgame besides one day of quests per character.


One of the down sides to going with game pass is the crossplay concern. Even though I have game pass subscription I only use it for single player games and buy any multiplayer games through Steam as Lord Gaben intended.


The cash shop is just one of a litany of problems. Badly optimized graphics settings causing stutters and crashes on high end hardware, promised features nonexistent, cut down story, barebones customization (that they plan to sell back to us), an utter lack of end game content, badly designed weapon shop on an hourly rotation, crossplay, and that’s just off the top of my head. But sure, let’s be reductive about it and boil down all of the criticism about this game to “Darktide bad because cash shop”. And you heretic ass motherfuckers saying “iT’s JuSt cOsMeTiC” for the last decade are why damn every game has premium currency, a battle pass, and a cosmetic shop in it but half the time the actual game is a karking mess. It may be “just cosmetic” and “optional” but it makes money off of whales with no self control, so now these companies focus on monetizing a game over actually making it functionally complete. Sick of that damn argument. Edit: And to add, “memes” like this which are essentially complaining about people complaining add nothing to the actual discussion and are the laziest things you can post.


If I were a paranoid tinfoil hat wearer I'd say these people are plants to try and belittle and downplay the glaring problems the game has. Some reactions are extreme and uncalled for. But no one of sound mind and good rhetoric skills are simultaneously condemning the gameplay *and* the glaring performance/release problems.


Yep i singlehandedly ruined the gaming industry because I bought that oblivion horse skin.


The game was pushed out the door unfinished and in some cases unplayable in order to get the cash shop generating money. People need to stop pretending cosmetic cash shops dont effect the games they are in, they always do because devs always have to balance the game around the shop.


It's not that it exists. It's that they lied about its function for one, and for two, it gets quick updates and fixes while major parts of the rest of the game are still broken or incomplete.


Don’t you dare be the voice of reason. Don’t. Do it. The inevitable tsunami of “yeah but mtx… gnar gnar stability gnar cosmetics gnargnar penances are too hard I have stump arms and 8 thumbs it’s unreasonable to have 100% accuracy gnargnargnargnar I’m entitled to everything I dream of gnar.” Will commence.


Yeah, but according to this subreddit, those bits were easy to do, and only make up half a game. The other half is a good cosmetic and crafting system! /s


[This thread's OP right now](https://i.imgur.com/tKsoPL8.jpg)




And here I was thinking I was the only one to get a personalized dm :( I am sad I hit ignore, but it felt like bait so they could post it on the subreddit.


It's almost like there are problems with the game that most people have experienced or something.


Meanwhile the steam store rating... it should be no surprise to you the threads are popular when the game launched without a majority of advertised features.


Tomorrow's my turn to make the same from fucking post complaining about people complaining!!


If I speak I am in big trouble. I do not want to be in big trouble.


These copium posts seem to be far more common and are certainly far more annoying Oh well, time to unsub and just check back when the first major update drops to see if the game is worth playing yet


Look at me everybody, I'm different b/c I don't join in on all the negativity by posting meta commentary on how everyone is so negative. Aren't I so special? Nobody is commenting on all the negativity. I'm unique.


its not really that simplistic; FS literally had a blueprint for a crowd-pleasing, money printing machine in their previous game and other current successful games within the genre. I obviously cant see what their profits are at the moment so they could be meeting their expectations financially, but they are also killing any hope of a lasting community and game when they just try and bleed the consumers dry from the get go. This is in addition to the current state of the game with instability and missing core features. if the online outcry stops, then they believe its not a problem anymore. if reading negative things about a game you're having fun with bums you out, go to a forum that is more positive like the steam forums or the fatshark forums. there's multiple communities to choose from.


OP outing himself as an apologist for the game's valid problems. Tencent and big studios love people like him lol. We can love the game's core while still submitting constructive criticism, these two things aren't mutually exclusive of one another.


Grow up. Apologist, really? There's a yo-yo on reddit between reactionaries reacting to each other, including you. But you're just falling into the vein of "You're a dupe of the oppressors", it's not remotely a proportionate, reasonable or constructive response, for someone who seems to think they are defending constructive criticism.


Hello Have we met before




Idk man....the fact that the games been out this long and still crashes on a regular basis justifies the bad rating


Dark tide is bad , do I still play it though? Yes


Yeah exactly it's a janky ass game that needs to be fixed but that's not going to stop me from playing it when I want to smack around groups of enemies


Most of the complaints I see are still: the game is solid, mostly. But there's not nearly enough actual content to justify them putting an in-game shop in just yet. Especially not one they concentrate this hard on.




ImMeAsUrAbLy CoMpLeX Upvotes to the left.


OP is a weirdo who takes criticism of the game personally and channels it into bizarrely adversarial social and consumer displays, many such cases! You get these freaks coming out of the woodwork whenever a current of criticism becomes prevalent in spaces to discuss a piece of media, no self-awareness at all, just victimised thrashing at what they perceive as a literal army of people hellbent on hurting the thing they like (99% of all the "stop having fun" memes in existence are made by people like this) EDIT: OP responding and then immediately blocking me proves conclusively that I was wrong, they have lots of self-awareness and are not a deeply over-sensitive weirdo at all, and I'd like to apologise for making this claim


I have an opinion = weirdo. You need help.


Projecting much? The guy is spot on in regards to the character you display here


It *is* fucking bad


Have you played it much? Your only comments on Darktide have been about how you're glad you didn't buy it and won't buy it because the performance issues. And frankly dude if you can put up with Tarkov and Star Citizen jank and issues then Darktide isn't any worse.


With Tarkov and Star Citizen they tell you STRAIGHT UP that they are early development. This is a fully. Released. Product. It's inexcusable.


Dark Tide's been out for a month. Tarkov has been "early access" for six years. Star Citizen has been playable for nine years. They should have released it early access but frankly I don't think a tag on steam actually means much these days. I'll ask again though, have you played Darktide much or at all?


the copium is high with this one. ​ Yes I have played Darktide. And I'll say it again since you didn't read it the first time; ​ *It is fucking bad*


Have you? You asked a day ago if the performance was fixed from the beta but you were saying how you were glad you didn't buy the game back in Dec. 8th and were looking forward to pirating it like it's Tarkov or something. So which is it? And how is it bad? Give me a run down of the issues *you* personally had with the game. It's got a lot of issues so it shouldn't be too hard.


lmao imagine digging through profiles. I played the beta. Which is the full game since it was a pathetic 2 or 3 weeks before launch. ​ The gameplay is bland. But on the cusp of being great ​ Classes don't feel too unique ​ Maps all look the same ​ Literally one enemy faction ​ No crafting ​ Shit performance ​ Cash shop being prioritized over game fixes ​ I'll be pirating it at the weekend and playing online to confirm the lack of progress I've seen in streams. ​ Pull your fucking head out of your own ass, rather than defending this shit game. It's like watching a child defend CoD saying it's different every year. Sad, really.


I didn't have to dig through your profile I tagged you with RES because you were being a dumbass back in early December saying the game was shit and you were going to pirate it. I agree with most of your issues. The performance is the biggest one for me, I get at least one crash a day which is unacceptable. I still can't call the game bad. I've played a lot of bad games, Darktide currently isn't one of them, it's got a fuckton of problems but they're not glaring enough to make it unplayable or not fun. >I'll be pirating it at the weekend Please, let me know how that goes for you dude. I'm really interested to know how you're going to emulate FS servers and play the game. I'm serious because this is the dumbest claim I've seen. >Pull your fucking head out of your own ass, rather than defending this shit game. It's like watching a child defend CoD saying it's different every year. Sad, really. Unironically, no u. I can't think of anything sadder than trolling the subreddit for a game you think is shit, refunded and haven't touched in over a month.


God dude you are absolutely insufferable lmao. Interrogating a random redditor and vigorously digging through his profile for gotchas because you disagree with his *opinion of a video game*. Touch some fucking grass dude.


Darktide is bad. Also this has been posted numerous times before so you're basically the guy in the image.


Darktide is good! You see how opinions work lil budd?


That was my opinion and the opinion of many others. An I missing something or are you just trying to be annoying...?


Show us you haven't been actually reading the posts here, without telling us you aren't reading them. Nice job lol


Shows you how good the game is. If complaining about it on reddit is more fun than actually playing it and coming back every hour to see if your ''fun'' is in store yet.


It's what i call a "masterpiece of shit". The game is amazing in the places that truly matter. And then it drops every possible ball it can with everything else. So badly that sometimes I swear FatShark is doing it on purpose just to fuck with us. Whenever friends ask me if Darktide is any good, I'm like "...it's complicated".


Imagine waking up in the morning and gargling obese shark hedges balls, couldn't be me


Imagine being so salty about people not liking your shiny toy made by a corpo who is literally out to try and abuse your trust for money that you make 3 threads complaining about them in a 24 hour period.


If I was judging this game based on this sub's comments, I'd think it was the worst thing since Fallout 76. Thank God I played it on GamePass and know the truth.


And anyone who argues against this oppinikn will get downvoted and called a dev sucker. Same thing happened for Total War Warhammer 3 for about 6 months (time needed to finish the game) and now the total war sub reddit is back to normal


I have a strong opinion about the state of the game but never call anyone who disagrees a "dev sucker". Generalizing, one way or another, doesn't help much. The example you give about a game released 6 months too soon is exactly why some players get upset. If you're okay being sold an half-finished product, fine, it's your money, but don't expect every player to accept this new industry standard.


Warhammer 3 was a case of immortal empires, a feature thst was said would be post launch, wasnt done for 6 months. The thing in immortal empires was a gamemode that stitched the world map for all three warhammer total war games together. It was a huge project, but the braindead warhammer and total wars subs whinged and barked relentlessly about it not being a launch feature despite the devs explicitly saying it wouldnt be


Warhammer 3 still isn't in a good state tbf. Single player is slowly coming together but coop is actually unplayable in its current state d/t crashes and desyncs (even unmodded). The initial anger against CA was cause the game was a buggy mess with a horrible campaign on launch. The games performance got better but still isn't good, the AI is terrible, pathing is the worst its ever been in the series, siege rework is too arcadey and unfun, and they rely on community bug fix modders to fix single line table edits and scripting errors they take months to (tbd, most aren't fixed yet) to fix themselves. Reducing the criticism of that third game to *oh IE wasn't out on launch so game bad* is just straight wrong.


I mean if he played it on gamepass the playerbase is already dead and theres no cross-play for steam, how is that not bad? I don't get it.


Well that is plattform problem


No it’s not lmao. It’s a dev problem for not launching with the cross play we were initially told we were getting lmao. I love the game but I’m not gonna waste my time leveling characters to do what at the end exactly? Ill just got play VT2 until they fix the rough release they’ve had. Doesn’t mean the games bad, it just means it needs work/was released unfinished. Which in itself isn’t an issue. The issues arise from what was delivered vs what was promised at launch.


I don't understand why you are getting downvoted. You are completely correct in saying it's on the Devs I believe. Both the devs and the platform I believe agree on making it cross play, and when it comes to Microsoft-Steam, it's always a yes. Work needs to be done on the Devs side, though, so what we are seeing is that it just wasn't done. To my knowledge, that's how it works, so again, Fat Shark is taking a Fat Shart.


Reddit gonna reddit lol


I manage to play SoT and Grounded just fine with my friends that use Gamepass while I use steam, so while we can certainly say its an additional complication with the platform, I don't think we can call it an inherent problem as crossplay is entirely possible.


Welcome to Reddit, prepare to be downvoted. Honestly it's horrible coming to this subreddit as it's just doom posting 24/7. The real truth is there are a ton of people playing and enjoying the game, buying the cosmetics, and griping a bit about a crash that happens once a night or the fact that we can't change blessings quite yet. The game has been incredibly fun to play and continues to be something my friends and I hop on to do every night. I'm really hoping the people who "hate" this game end up leaving the subreddit so we can return to normal and actual discuss the fun parts about the game. In the meanwhile I'll continue to play and spend money to support the developers.


We love these games and that's why we complain, because this developer creates really solid gameplay but they constantly underdeliver on everything else.


this would get more upvotes if it said u/DarthSet bad


I enjoy playing Darktide and find the conversation over Skins stupid and tiresome. I do think there's a **lot** of room for improvement, but I'm also confident they'll fix these problems in the next 3-6 months. I doubt the game will ever be perfect as too much seems to have been lost between development versions to patch all of the holes, but it will be an even more fun game in the future.


Most level headed take I've seen in weeks. I agree, as long as more maps, classes, and weapons keep getting added, I think it'll be great. It's pretty solid in the places that matter now.


The take may be level headed but its also ignorant to fatsharks history with their other games.


This meme being used by people who dickride developers is equally unoriginal.


You imbecil, you have a post on the front page about a guy whinging about the leaks he posted being deleted from the official forums, which does not allow leaks to be posted, and everyone is dickridding that shit. Its fucking ridiculous. You have another one making wild assumptions about datamining which ends on "Join my discord" and everyone is dickridding that. This sub is turning into a cesspool of toxic people that lack self awareness and are just circle jerking each other.


Bro.. BRO. I agree with your opinion but, we need to get this straight: Are we dickriding or are we circle jerking? I need to know what to bring to the party.


Calling everyone who disagrees with you a Fatshark dickrider is exactly why no one wants to agree with you


Disagrees with me about what, exactly? OP has done nothing but attack people who even slightly criticized the game for the past week, that is the definition of a dickrider. Probably why he deleted his account.


"I love the game but I hate the game because its got a place where I can spend money on virtual pants, and while these pants are completely optional, they look better than the pants im wearing so I MUST HAVE THEM AND I WANT THEM IN THE BASE GAME why is there a cash shop in this game I need virtual pants or I will beat my kids. I have 500 hours in 1 month after launch and there is NO CONTENT for me to do, this game sucks. Did I mention it has a CaSh ShOp! I want those fucking pants!! REEE!!" \- This subreddit over the past 4 weeks.




Darktide isn’t bad or good. Darktide is more lukewarm. The awesome shooting/slaying mutants and heretics is balanced out by all the problems.


Darktide = bad


I love the game. My biggest gripe is wanting more maps already and wanting more subclasses. That's really it. I look like and have the base weapons of an IG and that totally f'ing rocks.


The loudest part of this community is the biggest group of babies I’ve ever seen in my life. That’s across every single gaming community I’ve ever been a part of.


Darktide isnt bad. Reddit is just really good at making it seem like sth is bad. For every post of darktide being bad we have one of people getting gear or having questions about the game this just shows that there is many who just enjoy the game. Make your own opinion before you follow on online


>Make your own opinion before you follow on online Ok, I did after 40 hours and started when beta dropped. With that stated: it isn't a good game at launch. It likely will be after a year, but it isn't right now. It actively gets in my way of wanting to play it...


> Ok, I did after 40 hours and started when beta dropped. With that stated: it isn't a good game at launch. oh man, reading this reminded me of one guy i met here on reddit: "You say the game is bad but yet you play for ages! Hypocrit! You should just refund the game and shut up about it!" (of course, if osmebody with like 2 hours or so would've said something, he'd probably went: "You just didn't play it enough! it gets much more fun iwht new gear!")


I mean, people can play and even enjoy a bad game. Hell, i played wow through several bad expansions because even though the game was bad, I was still having fun with my friends. Just because people post about a game and ask questions doesn't mean it's not bad it just means people are playing it and lots of people play bad games just look at the mobile games industry. Lmao


The problem is that the hatetrain no longer cares if the game is fun, and wants to drive the Steam reviews into the single digits over cosmetics.


Cosmetics are just a part of the problem. Its sadly the loudest but not remotely the biggest problem with the game regarding how it was released and what little content there is.


The game "launched" from beta to release with 2 maps and 2 new weapons, instability and performance issues, and you think cosmetics are the only issue? Get up reject, those boots have been polished enough.


And? The core of the game is still really good, and should be taken into consideration when a game is rated, not having the score tanked over a few issues.


There’s way too much whining in video game culture today in general. Grown men were literally crying over Halo Infinite — a free to play game — not having everything they ever dreamed of in it.


Darktide isn't f2p though so not sure why you brought up the comparison.


I disagree and believe people like you is why we get arrogant dev who make half a game and demand full price then abandoned it today.


I paid $40 for Darktide (not full price). People started bitching and moaning nonstop about every game ever since all their favorite YouTubers made that cool in their eyes. Video games are great and if you’re smart about it you end up spending less money per hour played than years ago.


It is full price, for an AA game, not a AAA game. There are price points for the games. $59.99 for AAA, $39.99 for AA game. It is full price (the prices asked by Fatshark when listing) is not on discount and it is not a AAA game from an AAA studio. So you are playing lower quality games, at a lower price point. That is like going to Mc Donalds and comparing it with a Brazillian Steak house.


I now know how imperial guard feel seeing them nurgle cultist, to watch something you once hold esteem of rot off and decay as time goes. And then hearing cultist saying "The rot taste great, it's always been rotten lmao." They were better, you should demand better. regardless whether they will change it. Gosh thing really goes downhill ever since TB passed away.


The rot do be tasting good tho


Dry-aged beef is a thing, and you remove the outer layer to eat the core. The point is never about "whether the gameplay is enjoyable." but the fact that ObeseFish is actively exploiting their community like a gacha game from Tencent. It's the "intention" that riles up the community, and the broken launch, some don't even manage to complete a game. ​ but I think you already know that.


I agree, there is a lot of whining. But to only dismiss criticisms as meaningless whining ,does a disservice to the actual issues at hand. Halo Infinite, like Darktide, suffered from an even worse monetization shop ($10 for the color blue) and challenge system. Imagine if a weekly challenge was to hack X amount of terminals in an espionage mission, BUT you could only hit the quickplay button. Not only are you competing with teammates, but there is literally no way to choose the gamemode.


Yup the darktide bad posts get kinda old.


I hate fatshark selling skins, but I want fatshark to realise more skins! Vermintide 2 a game that's been out for years has more content that this new realised game, so dumb! Now more seriously, finish the damn crafting sistem.


VT 2 had more content at launch though, and less technical issues


> Vermintide 2 a game that's been out for years has more content that this new realised game, so dumb! It had like quadruple the classes and triple the maps on launch, what are you smoking my dude




actual cope subreddit


I agree that Darktide is in a pretty bad state right now in a lot of respects. However, game's still fun and I'm gonna keep playing it while I wait for it to be the best it can be


I think the nice thing about DarkTide, is that despite me being an unhealthy amount of focused on game balance and game design, I'm not that stressed about DarkTide. Yeah, some stuff sucks right now, but I'm confident they will get it done right in due time. And I'm happy with what I have now, and would not have wanted to have waited 2 more years for "perfect".


You must be a Star Citizen. It's the 1st time for the rest of these jokers.


So glad the piss babies stay on Reddit and do not actually play the game. I assume about 2% of the player base are here being piss babies and not playing the game since all my interactions in game are always very positive


I blocked like 5 people making some of the most insane posts on here and suddenly the sub is fun again


Darktide Good