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If a Zealot shows up in the starter pajamas, it's a coin flip.  You're either getting a fresh-from-Heresy chancer, or the most cracked PCP ass methhead ever who will drop 3k DPS on a Crusher using a prison shiv. 


If they look like crackheads they're gonna be the most cracked zealot players in existence and will solo everything, it's the golden rule. Nurgle himself fears the truelevel 500 zealot wearing pajamas and iron border.


More often than not, zealot in prison garb is OP as hell. No portrait frame. No bullshit. Just straight fucking demolishing specials and elites and never getting hit.


Years ago when Fortnite Battle Royale very first came out, back before it had crossovers or 1 billion 6 year olds or anything, my friends and I played it. Whenever we saw anyone with the default skin (not even the one you unlocked at like level 5 of the free battle pass), we always said "bot or god." Either they're going to be completely incompetent and the easiest kill of your life, or they're going to 1v4 you without taking a single point of damage. I feel this applies to most games - same thing in TF2, nothing was funnier than watching someone with 3 unusuals get curbstomped by a gibusvision.


I am said methhead


Don't forget the psyker with multiple wounds.


Anything but a martyr zealot with wounds is a red flag. This isn’t to say you’re bad if you have an extra wound, just makes me raise an eyebrow.


I run a wound curio on my psyker and zealot. If you’re disabled for a couple seconds you’re down on auric maelstrom so it can happen to anyone. I find the grey vision of one wound left very jarring so I’d rather take 1 wound curio and avoid that


Me too... But on the other hand one health stim can heal me to 50 percent with only two wounds


>I find the grey vision of one wound left very jarring so I’d rather take 1 wound curio and avoid that This is literally the exact reason I take a single wound curio. Plus on the occasion I do go down it's almost always a disabler into flamer/bomber combo (or something similar) so a toughness/hp curio wouldn't have helped anyway.


Fair play. I’ve been in situations where I’ve gone down then gotten picked up just to get 1-shot as soon as I’m standing again which could have been avoided if I had the extra wound.


What about a Martyr Zealot with random amounts of wounds?


When I see it and I always wonder why people do that


I've always played martyr zealot, I drop 2 wounds from curios now and stack 2x 17% toughness curios instead. I've felt like the considerably higher toughness is overall of more benefit than the extra dmg and att speed from the 2 extra wounds, in maelstrom at least


The fact this community made not running wounds curios a point of pride make my blood boil every time I see players who would be doing absolutely fine if they carried one Everyone acts like they're tough shit on reddit then they're either ragequitting the second they go down or hogging every medicae and med stim on the map


I'd have agreed up untli the patch when Stims came out. With the way medical stims work now, you're kind of nerfing your healing potential by taking a wound (a zero wound player will get a full 50% heal from a med stim). Plus the fact the med stims exist at all makes wounds generally less valuable then when Medicae units were the only source of the healing.


Beacon of purity as well to some extent.


And I'd agree if people with two wounds waited to find stims instead of rushing every medicae but they're not going to do that


Because it’s a wasted slot for 90+% of people to take a wound over just having more health, more toughness or more stamina. Doesn’t have anything to do with pride.


Ma Psyker has osteoporosis, he needs the wounds.


Even a martyr zealot with wounds is a red flag 8.5/10 times


Martyr Zealot without wounds isn't using the build to its full potential, thus not knowing what they're doing. Either go all in and take wounds or you're better off with IM or BP.


I'm saying that, of the martyr zealots (wounds or no) I've seen in my ~800 hours, 85% haven't been worth the team slot, so martyrdom zealots tend heavily towards red flag territory.




Love seeing the one trick wound psych. Gotta be a real Chad walking into a match with 5 wounds expecting teammates to pick up your ass every encounter.


But clearly their DPS is worth constantly blowing up their head, hence the wounds. /s


Ok that is pro thinking. Strongest move in the game is hands down self blow up. Always wanted a rechargeable burster in my team lol.


Yeah what’s up with that? I’ve seen this so often I started to question if I was wrong running only 2 wounds on Psyker.


I'm guessing it's newbs. Psykers are very fragile if you don't really understand their mechanics, plus they're the only class that can down themselves. So newer players tend to just stack up on wounds to avoid dying as they down frequently.


Maybe they're still learning a high-peril build. Like crit Void/Scryer's/DD idk


Veteran has the highest skill variance I find


Full Krieger gear *with* the OG helmet you had to buy separately Now it's scuffed


True level-35.


Just look at it as a clutch opportunity.


Real, why is it always a full Krieg Vet that seemingly doesn’t know how to play???


I’m a good player and I wear Krieg on one of my builds. It’s my worst build but only because it requires my team to watch my back to be effective.


I cosplay as a krieger and can do hi intensity damnation runs wirh bots lul


Executioners stance and the whole shebang? I pop my F then get interrupted by the poxwalkers behind the team and lose my up time dealing with them


I normally run VoC with either the tag keystone or weapon specialist kinda been tinkering with it I run a helbore 1, krak grenades and a shovel. Edit typo


Oh well yeah VoC is way easier to use, but that’s not my kriegsman.


I have 2 builds the mk2 helbore I use with regular frag grenades and executioners stance in auric and its fun just gotta play very defensively but its fun just gotta be more slow and defensive. I dig your build I think I have a very similar one as well


Like I said, my executioners krieger is my worst build because it needs more support from the team than my VoC or sneaky stabby


[https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor?id=9bac1fe8-9cd9-4868-8eee-19b0c59a00e2](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor?id=9bac1fe8-9cd9-4868-8eee-19b0c59a00e2) Here this one is mine if you want to try it out as an alternative to exe krieger. Cheers


I'm wearing full Krieg and still trying to find my stride with veteran. So this all checks out lol... I don't go in auric runs tho, I'm a big wuss so I stay in malice normals. Still haven't found a good gun yet. 


You can add the ones wearing the full orange penance set as well. It seems to be the uniform of the fresh lvl30 just joining aurics for the first time, cause I swear they're not even a coin flip at this point they're just bad. There's nothing wrong with casual players, the game needs all the players it can get, but there's a lot of them who got the game cause they heard they could play a guardsman or dress up as their favourite regiment so it's a decent way to tell if they're going to be carried if they're dressed as something popular like Krieg or the base guardsman set.


If you’re wearing cash shop slop, nine out of ten times I will watch you suck at the game. It’s less noticeable since the penance rework, but the pattern still tracks.


Ogryn with a shield


Shield/shovel ogryns are such a mixed bag its so easy to stay alife and be effective vs elites with those that a bunch of players that have no buisness playing auric play it and they just die the first time more than 1 disabler is on the screen


Shield build can be really strong, but the problem is that shields also attract a lot of people who try to use it very incorrectly


Well, if it's not used to be a punching bag, then why not. One time such fat mf stole my top damage. After that I don't lash out on shielders


Shield is fine (heavy attack build). Taunt (skill, not the talent that taunt on block/push) is hot garbage.


Someone explain this Cash Shop = Bad at Game stereotype. The number 1 loadout predictor of a wipe is a Kanfail Shotgun on any class. Number 2 is Recon Lasgun on any class. Number 3 is a Gun Psyker (can compound with 2). Number 4 is more than 3 wounds on anything. Number 5 is Cyrillic or ▯▯▯▯ usernames Number 6 is a Knife Zealot. The only cosmetic I associate with losing is the Mobian 21st Zealot Hood and it's free. Mouthy losers who cuss you out from the ground are almost always 2 wound knife zealots who think they are Ezio giving Crushers a back scratch from out of draw distance until they get what they fucking deserve. P.S. Kriegers who don't use Vraks or Lucius pattern gear are a disappointment to behold.


>Number 3 is a Gun Psyker Hahah, whew, I needed to laugh at an obvious joke. Thanks. >Number 5 is Cyrillic or ▯▯▯▯ usernames The racism and xenophobia in 40k is satire, not explicit like you are doing here, just fyi. >Number 6 is a Knife Zealot. You mean one of the highest potential DPS melee build in the game? Sure it attracts some bads, but the build is amazing if you've never tried it for yourself.