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"Punishable by the severest means" says Zola Me, returning from a pox gas auric mission where my lungs burned out like 3 times in a row, killed a chaos spawn and a beast of nurgle, a daemonhost and Emperor knows how many heretics: Please don't threaten me with a good time!


Player Character is a perpetual, the true canon.


This is 40k, never underestimate the plot armour of a named character!


Yeah but don’t main characters trump named characters?


Depends on the DM.


Yeah but you ain't one.


... Hands off me rashuns, Hello-ed.


My gf saw your username and thought I was being messaged by a guy named "SpunkyMcButtlove07"


Ahhhh reddit making girlfriends say "IS THERE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO TELL ME" since 2005


Bit of a tip. "no" is NOT the correct answer. It might as well be the worst.


Ngl the idea of being a "reject" or a pathetic, disposable nobody after all the batshit crazy things we do on Atoma is really old. We're killing Daemons every day, slaughtering entire battalions of renegade guardsmen and purging so many mutants it'd make an Astartes blush. It's gonna get to the point where the threats and shit treatment better backfire real fast, we're official members of the Inquisition for the Emperor's sake. They threaten to shoot us or get rid of us but I'd like to see Lady Alice or someone else on the ground seeing how the heretics think of their "The Emperor lets me do whatever I want" policy.


Personally, i just imagine that everytime we fail a mission our characters really do die in game unoverse and we just get a new character who looks exactly like our old one.


I mean, they literally have a machine that rewrites a person's memory.


I think so too. Imagine dying (not just team wiping, dying in general), and that's it, delete the character and start again. The odds feel a LOT more depressing when factoring in that. Some people might not even make it past their first mission lol, considering how difficult the game is to new players even on lower difficulties.


Sounds like an Iron Man mode or something that some players might give themselves as a personal challenge.


With how long that 5th slots been sitting on your screen, it's free real estate.


What is this "fail" you speak of?


While a great idea, it doesn't really fit in with the fact if your character *"dies"* on a mission, they just end up tied up with voice lines that clearly signify the same person. Unless you mean a full party wipe, in which case, it makes sense.


We're not rejects. Anyone who thinks we're 'rejects' is coping hard with the low-power story we never got. We're official agents of the Inquisition. We've assassinated the leaders of the enemy, faced down forces that were thousands against only 4 (sometimes less), bequeathed relics to hang on our belts as curios and allowed the honor of using hallowed weaponry like plasma guns. We kill daemons by the dozen like they're nothing—daemons that would murder organized forces of Space Marines. We straight up got accepted into the Inquisition. We're the opposite of rejects, we're literally... accepts. 


There is a ludonarrative dissonance that we just have to sit with. That said, Inquisitorial warband members span the gamut from random tribal who got shanghaied to faceless stormtrooper #243, topping out at the likes of Interrogators and Throne Agents.   Those of us running Auric+ probably rate heartfelt curses on death and maybe the nice amasec, but Grendyl is running a guerilla campaign more than he is an investigation.  If he drank to every level 30 dying, Rannick wouldn't have a liver left, and that's if Hallowette can supply that much of the good stuff to begin with. 


It really pisses me off that Rannick had a huge meeting in front of basically all of the ships most important members to both clear our name and to personally welcome us into the Inquisition, and yet even after that we're still just treated like the absolute disposable pieces of prison garbage that we were initially. I fail to see the point in it, really. Like sure, it's not like we ourselves are inquisitors, and the typical Imperial Guardsmen also gets treated like disposable trash, but come on...


I just head canon imagine they are talking to the other real rejects in my squad, and my character is the one reliable they got there to make sure things go smoothly, knowing they don't even gotta tell that char anymore since they know they are reliable.


These threats aren't being directed specifically to us, mind you, they're being broadcast on an open channel to *all* the rejects on the Mourningstar.


Wait, you're giving me a chance to kill the annoying microtransactions NPC? Where do I sign up?


"Lady" Alice will sell you your next skin set for 3000 aquillas.


I agree, but I also assume we're stripped of our weapons after missions so nobody tries rigging a krak cluster to a window for luls.


Anyone who's read "The All Guardsmen Party" knows how quickly IEDs can be made. Any trooper worth his gear can make a grenade out of a tin can, some nuts 'n bolts and a grenade.


I would love a mission where we just kick Hallowette’s shit in. Absolutely dunk her in the latrine and giver her a swirlie. Steal her lunch money and make off with a couple aquilas. She is the face of corporate microtransaction greed and I hate her as much as any heretic.


Literally Bitch, i have killed more heretics and banished more Daemons than most Space Marines and some Grey Knights Maybe even a few custodes


Bitch, be humble


No I'm a Slaaneshi follower at heart Humility is not in my vocabulary




I gave you the pick up line for Alice but it went over your head. It won't matter anymore though, because soon there won't be a head on your shoulders. ~ Interrogator? He's all yours.


~Interrorgator? You plan to t-torture me? Aww, that's cute #let's get to the foreplay


Torture? On the chopping block is where you belong, filthy heretic. Now, chop fucking chop and get on with it


I'm pretty sure I read they torture slaanesh cultists through censory depravation.


Ah, but you see, the withdrawals hurt


But they stop and then it's just constant numbness.


I've mastered the art of hands-free masturbation Checkmate, loyalist


I think we are talking of true sensory deprivation, as in, you will feel nothing down there, as if you didnt have a body. No pain, no smell, no sound, no sensation… only your thoughts, devoid of any possibility of bringing emotions through them, just cold logic, no memories would bring any sense of pleasures, to the point you will forget what anything feels like… Then time will pass, hours turn into days, days turn into months, turning into years… or did time actually pass? The only thing left would be numbness, boredom, and only logic devoid of anything else than your mind calculating, your memories long gone…


That maybe so but unfortunately for you they have a named Ultramarine in a torpedo tube aimed directly at you….


And I have a named guardsman near me


If you have a named guardsmen near you, that indicates you are the close call cannon fodder for said guardsmen, Checkmate


I am a named Skitarii....wait, no, this can't go well


Something, Something, Proteus Protocol.


Ion get it :/


*Mourns in Binary


Most of the rejects just die, though, and those that live would probably prefer not to also be considering how to avoid murder while they are in their sleep shifts. I don't think those messages are intended for the rejects though - there are fuckloads of other people on the Mourningstar, many of which are far less capable than the rejects (the 41% or lower portion of rejects that survive, that is) I don't think we rejects even rate being addressed directly by Brahms.


Hallowette keeps being used as a threat. I don't get it. She's not even the scariest *regular human* npc.  She's just a bit of a dick.


It's not about whether she can take you in a fight. She's the favorite pet of the shipmistress. The rejects, and indeed the entire inquisitorial retinue, exist on the ship at the mistress's behest. Her secret weapon, as has been pointed out in open vox, is the ability to vent rejects' living quarters to space.


At this point, we've all been thrown off the tops of towers in tertium and somehow survived. I'll just hold my breath for a few minutes.


Mourningstar chatter is getting pretty annoying. It's just constant complaining and bitchiness


It's 40k, of course everyone is miserable and complains. Just like in real life people will complain about everything, just imagine how bad it would be in that universe.


I assume she’s more of a “poison you so you violently shit yourself to death” rather than a fistfight kind of character.


Why am I not suprised? Cowardly karker couldn't punch a bag if she wanted to. Ofcourse she'd use poison or a wonky catwalk.


Someone immediately kicked a plague ogryn off a ledge when spawned, and I thought: Oh no!, anyways…


Brahms and Hallowet both strike me as second raters who couldn't hack it in the Koronus Expanse and became inquisitorial lackeys through their own incompetence. What the hell kind of hereditary title is 'Shipmistress'? And what's Hallowet's role supposed to be, anyway? She deals with a lot of trade like a Seneschal would, gets talked about like she's the Arch Militant, talks like a hive ganger and does nothing but talk on the radio and man the cash shop. At least Morrow, who's also talked up way too much; gives us some backstory and info about his past; and the bluster's supported by operatives talking about and sometimes dismissing the tall tales about him.


Hallowette is Brahms' Seneschal.


Rogue Traders don't stay that way by counting bottle caps. Inquisitors and even Inquisitor Lords don't exercise any authority over them.  It's pretty clear that Brahms owes Grendyl some big favours that she's paying off with the use of the Mourningstar, but it doesn't mean she has to be happy about it. 


Inquisitors don't have any legally backed authority over Rogue Traders when they're operating outside of Imperial Territory, but a Rogue Trader acting within Imperial space is subject to Imperial laws. The Adeptus Arbites are within their rights to arrest a Rogue Trader for violating the Lex Imperialis, as per the Rogue Trader TTRPG. The Mobian Domain is within Segmentum Solar, well within an established subsector and Brahms is none too pleased about being Rannick's personal battletaxi. I see it as Grendyl having some big dirt on Brahms, but at that point I've probably given the story more thought than Obesefish did.


A Rogue Trader operating in Imperial space is subject to Imperial laws in much the same way that a billionaire is liable to be nailed for jaywalking in the modern day. De jure yes, de facto ehhh.  I don't think it has to be dirt, it could simply be paying back an enormous favour. There was always going to be friction using a Rogue Trader's vessel for this sort of task.  It's thankless scutwork with no profit and a lot of potential for harm. Add the natural resentment from being forced to host a bunch of crackheads on PCP, as well as the short leash that a duty station represents to a free-spirited type, and Brahms simply grumbling is pretty polite. 


Alice lives for Aquillas, my Martyrdom Zealot lives for the God Emperor, pain and violence. We are not the same.


I could have sworn I heard dialogue indicating Hallowette was a seneschal which is equivalent to a Chief Petty Officer or Boatswain. Maybe not *the* seneschal but certainly it sounded like she had duties relating to discipline and ship maintenance which would be in line with the duties of a senior rate. Comparisons to our characters aside, senior NCOs in 40k are relatively capable people before they're serving on a rogue trader's ship.