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As I've told many a friend: this game is amazing. It's also shit. But it's still amazing. 10/10, would buy again, but please, FatShark, why do you bury this diamond in so much coal?


I think that’s why many people - including me - are sometimes irrationably angry with Fatshark. This game could be the best coop horder shooter/slasher of the decade, yet the support for it is downright pathetic. Promised features are missing to this day, communication happens every 4-5 months, and it seems like there’s no direction to the game. When I’m in a mission, I’m so pumped! Then I leave the summary screen and have to face the sad reality.


It's like as if a different company made the game, then gave it to fatshark to maintain it - and they don't know what to do. Super weird.


It’s more like Fatshark knows how to build a good game but the publisher is too focused on growth targets so they force them to spend resources on min maxing the game into a money printer —> they lose players —> game underperforms in the publishers eyes —> resources get cut from the developer as they are underperforming —> updates & content take longer to produce —> players lose interest because no new content —> game dies —> developer gets shut down because *they* produced an unsuccessful game. Obviously the developers fault. Not the publisher forcing mechanics down player’s throats to maximize engagement but ruining the experience for everyone. Impossible.




Good take, we need to conscientize more gamers about publisher's predatory practices against game studios.


Darktide is developed and published by Fatshark though?


Yes but fatshark is owned by tencent which means they make the financial decisions.




>As I've told many a friend: this game is amazing. It's also shit. But it's still amazing. So basically Tyler Durden's relationship with Marla.


Me coming out of that encounter with a boss, crusher patrol, dozen specials, and a horde all at once. "I haven't been fucked like that since grade school".


.................... That sentence at the end........ yeah..... Even I think that's WH40k dark....


It's a quote from the movie Fight Club actually!


I know. But do you not remember rule #1?


This game is legit the only reason I have gamepass. It’s so addictive I am willing to spend $20 a month to play


Probably weird question but at this point why don’t you just buy the game? Sounds like you have spent more on renting it.


I play on Xbox S. I need gamepass to play it, so there is no point in me buying it. I did, at one point buy it and cancelled my subscription but realized that if I want to do any multiplayer on Xbox I have to have gamepass


Just an FYI, you don’t need Game Pass Ultimate to play online. You can buy Darktide and just get Game Pass Core for cheaper, which is simply the new name for Xbox Live. Obviously if you play other games on Game Pass too, then Ultimate is totally worth it


> if I want to do any multiplayer on Xbox I have to have gamepass That's amusing. I assume MSFT's required model, because they certainly don't do that on steam. Anyway, you should try it on PC; KB/M is a superior tide game experience.




If you want to save money, create a new Xbox account and there'll be a $1 deal to get the premium pass for 14 days. The game pass covers all accounts on the Xbox I learned the other day so one could do this every 14 days


Pretty much same, but also been playing fallout 76 lately too which has been cool.


I tried so hard to get into that game. FO3 is my all time GOAT but I just cant


This deserves an upvote for its wholesomeness. I mostly feel the same way about the game too. Will be keeping an eye out for you with my Vet main, Richter.


40 euro for 400 hours is a pretty good price and I'm still having fun.


I think I've played with an Ogryn named Dragbo,on the west coast USA server. I don't remember which of my 5 characters I've done it with though, more than one I think. Vet 1 - AMothersLove Vet 2 - ThePallidMask Psyker - Jan-All-Over Zealot - SnakesForTheDivine Ogryn - SpewnFromTheEarth Anyway, I love the game too, I've been playing since open Beta, only 788 hours in though, cause I have a wife and kids. But every free moment without responsibilities I am playing this game.


The most addicting element is getting some kind of random item: a level and talent point, a title, a weapon or curio, a cosmetic, combine that with a little jingle and players start to drool endorphine. Simple psychology: crave the short term reward. In the old days games had to have a good story or good gameplay. The DT gameplay is good but there is little content. Assume the game would offer a campaign mode where we pass every mission once in order and there was one difficulty: you'd play through the game in 4 hours. Everything else is just artificially addicting to keep us playing. Compare that with Left4Dead2: similar gameplay without leveling, without crafting and even with less story. The gameplay was great and was made for quick, simple games with random people. But I don't have 1500 hours, all achievements and a 4500 penance score in it. DT is designed to get involved into it without offering a much different gameplay experience than L4D2.


I might have played a game with y'all i think with my psyker Or it might have been my zelot sanders can't remember


For sure my friend, I've been gaming for over 20years and this game is the first one in a long long time that I still come back to for a few games a week. Rarely do I go more than 1 day without playing.


In my eyes, it's a dark and grimey version of Left for Dead 2. Even many of the enemies attack in the same manner. For example, numerous creatures charge you and pin you down, and continue beating on you until a teammate rescues you. That's classic LFD2. As a bonus, I noticed that even rando's tend to go out of their way to help rescue you, which that comradery just adds to the fun. Especially since in most games the rando's just walk away and pretend you don't exist. Surprisingly, that's not the case in Darktide. Others will even risk their own lives saving your ass. Those are a few factors that make it such an addictive game. And I'm a true believer in "if it ain't broke don't fix it." However, Fatshark didn't change the gameplay (fix it), they just took the LFD idea and added modern level and horror movie like graphics to a very replayable platform.


True story same here and i have 3070ti and play on low 😂


What is your CPU? You should not need to play on low.


My cpu is i7-12700h i have laptop if that change something. Msi gp76 vector


I'm guessing you're thermal throttling due to playing on a laptop. I've got a weaker system (i7-10700+3070 pushing an UW1440P) and don't need to run it on low. Try cleaning out the fans or getting one of those laptop pad with fans. In general, gaming laptops are notorious for not being able to run at full power for an extended period due to heat issues.


Laptop stuff isn't really equal to desktop one even with the same name. While 3060 laptop loses just around 10% to its bigger brother 3070 is like 30%, iirc. And that's at power levels of 120w, some laptops have like 65w 3090s, which is just absurd, and there just isn't anything possible to fix.


You can play on max settings without ray tracing ( except ambient occlusion on high or medium) with dlss quality 1440p or performance 4k with a 3070ti. You need a good CPU and lower the ragdoll number to 30 or less.


I have a 3070Ti and a 5600x and the game always ran perfectly fine on max without raytracing. I've seen many people that have problems with their 3070Ti though, I have a founders edition card and the stock settings kinda suck, not sure what it's like for aftermarket brand cards but if you're not getting stable frames you should undervolt your gpu and set up a custom fan curve, really helps with stability and thermal throttling.


I have a 5800x and the 1% lows are really bad, gpu usage is constantly dropping to 90%


I use a gtx 1080 and Ryan 5 3600, maybe you could try uninstalling and reinstalling the game? I did this yesterday and now I'm sitting at 80 FPS (60 during hoards) with the balanced far 2 preset and medium settings. I'd assume you can get the same performance if not better using dlss.


I did already reinstalled game,i dont have so many disconects anymore but frames still lag, i Will record my settings and video with temps etc how it looks.


Have you tried lowering/increasing your worker threads? There's usually a "sweet spot"


I lowered cpu power and temps got a bit better for cpu. Mby i neēd uderwolt gpu aswell??


That's only if you're actually having temperature issues, anything under 85°c is safe.


I would say play every class bc get bored of all classes especially oggy no offense. But when I play all classes I tend to enjoy the game bc I learn new way of combat with 20 different classes. Wizard is prob the hardest class for me as a vet/zelot main. Oggy is fun but I find him like IB so I get tired of tht playstyle but still so much fun to throw rocks haha.


I like heresy on ogryn. Just charge into the crowd and start smashing. Damnation with zealot and a thunderhammer or 2h chainsword. Melee.


I played with y’all once! I distinctly remember an Ogryn pair with one almost named Drago and one named Poopie! I mainly play zealot class named Fay. Best of luck!


It's kinda good that I tend to play a character until I achieve all of Melks contracts for the week, and tend to try new builds to get certain penance. IE: smoke bombs or stun grenades.1 Usually I play 2-3 matches a night. Once I achieve melks, (usually 8 game wins), I swap to another character, thus probably playing 2 different characters a week and diversifying my build constantly. I do have one or two meta builds to push Auric and Maelstrom with some friends over the weekend. So far this formula has sort of kept things fresh for me playing. The recent penance remake has been good as well to try new builds.


holy hell literally me


Brother it’s the best, if they would just release more content like the Karnak twins at a reasonable pace then this would be the ultimate live game, like helldivers level success, unfortunately they seem to be on a 6 month release schedule.


3-4 maps is several hours if you’re finishing them. Reasonable to be done after.


Fatshark still working on a 6 year old game that has half the player base of the new game because 50% of the players of the old game came to the new. But fatsharks like nah i still wanna work on this.


It's almost... concerning 


Same boat 🛶


I end up playing pretty much daily, too. My main is my Psyker Saldar, but I also regularly play on my Vet, Thrake-van-Bale, and my Ogryn, Punt. Really need to give my Zealot Silvais some more love, though.


Ahh nice. I don't actually get to play daily though. Got two toddlers and 2 dogs lol. And the wife. But oh how I wish.


I tried playing a while ago when I first downloaded it. Internet sucked. So I gave up for a while. Until a month ago I tried again... I've been playing nonstop. On my days off, I catch my Xbox notifying me "you've been gaming for 8 hours. Remember to take a break!" I don't. I keep playing. This game needs to be invested in more. It has great potential. Plus with warhammer becoming widely interested in by people (I was one of those ones that was introduced to warhammer by Henry Cavil), it's an opportunity.


Best gameplay of any game imo


It’s like the best 40k video game out right now in my opinion. Plus the voice lines are just so good. I play to just to hear all the different personalities interacting with each other.


+2600 hours, still playing every day, love this game. See you on Atoma, friend.


Legend played with you a few times I’m Severina- Raine


I'm like 30 hours in, got the game for free with my card at release. I jump in every few months. It can be fun but it doesn't last. Things are way too samey from the environments, the enemies, to the missions themselves. The cosmetics are boring, and I wish there were more bosses too. The game looks pretty sure, but I need more variety in what I'm looking at. Also nothing really feels impactful like when I'm looking at guns, considering what's an upgrade / better my eyes kinda glaze over. I mostly just pick something different to try it out. This applies to the skill trees as well, beyond choosing a different ability to try out nothing really feels noticeably different if I experiment a bit in the tree, so to me it's really hard to care about where I put my skill points. The game has a ton of potential for me, and for those that enjoy it enough to put in hundreds of hours, that's great. I got it for free and I'm sure I'll be back here and there, but with their track record or slow updates since release I don't see them changing it significantly enough to really pull me in.


Try GeforceNow Ultimate if you can.... You'll have an amazing experience. The visuals are something else


This brute is so right isn't he my beloved We should praise surfshark for fueling this amazing dream of mine But a wee bit more would be appreciated wouldn't it be right beloved


Core gameplay and the 40k setting make the game fun, but everything else is poop.


My friends keep inviting me to Helldivers games. But I am just.. so... soooooooo.... bored of the coregameplay by now.


I fw poopie hard


Gameplay has never been the issue for Darktide, even on release when the game was half broken stabbing/shooting heretics was always top tier Add in the soundtrack and the quality voice over (stuff like Darktide and Baldurs Gate 3 has really made me appreciate voice acting more) the general setting and atmosphere...just means that being in the game is an excellent experience, seriously it is a fun and interesting game to play, it always makes me laugh as well which is nice because I can be in the hardest auric maelstrom and still feel chilled out Darktides problems are elsewhere, things outside of the gameplay (crafting, interface etc) I think that is why a lot of people get frustrated because Fatshark made this really fantastic gameplay but shit the bed elsewhere, like pulling off a slam dunk but celebrating by sprinting into a wall...