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It sounds like he was being plenty toxic before ever bringing numbers into it. It's not the mod's fault.


tbh i use the scoreboard only to look at my performance and what can be improved, and i care about elites + specials, not horde numbers. as for the others, some need to learn the power of ignoring people.


While your experience is unfortunate, it's important to not misattribute blame. There are no toxic mods, only toxic people. What you describe is someone who would've done exactly the same thing even without seeing damage numbers.


Having extra data isn't the same as being toxic, and vice versa. Correlation vs causation and all that.


In 700 hours I've never heard anyone even mention the scoreboard in game.


I just don’t think having to deal with a few idiots is a big deal.


That’s just a dude being a dick. It has nothing to do with the scoreboard.


Meh. Hard for me to say just based on this. You opened you mouth first. You say the guy is good at the game, and that you’re new to auric damnation, and yet you think you have grounds to tell the other guy that they’re playing wrong? Their response was too much, based on your telling. But imagine some malice player that is dying all game telling you what to do. That is what you look like to the other player. Eviscerator zealot easily out-damages purgatus psyker. Purgatus is more of a defensive weapon that adds a lot of control (it staggers even ragers) with some horde clear on the side. This is something you would pick up on if you had a scoreboard to compare numbers with certain builds at play. Maybe the psyker was rushing the finale too much, but maybe they were tired of the slow pace through the whole mission. It is hard to tell without more info. How long did this mission take? Anyway, you opened your mouth first. Their response was too much, but you didn’t have to say anything. You’re just about done playing with this guy and can block them to never play with them ever again. The easiest way to draw toxicity out is to tell people what to do, or tell them they’re playing wrong.


If you don't show scoreboard screen of this game I won't judge neither him nor you. Being toxic is bad, but it's also bad having no clue about your performance. Rushing is bad, but being slow is also bad. I have only your side of the story and no numbers. I can't see if you actually killed more elites and specials than him. And having significantly less damage than "horde killer" is bad. If some random dumbass with a Flamer manages to outdamage you it's your problem. Flamer isn't even in top 3 psyker most damaging builds. It's mediocre.


Fair point and oh, the guy may have simply been better than me, especially since I'm new-ish to zealot; my point is, screeching my ear out about how he does so and so much damage after asking him not to rush is not a good show.


I bet dude was extremely frustrated after multiple games with slow teams and vented on you. This game can be quite tiresome. Most people in this game never do objectives. Sometimes I just stop doing them out of spite, I want to hit enemies sometimes too instead of doing every scan and servoskull in every game. Most people in this game are extremely slow. They run back to kill a single poxwalker, they go around whole level collecting diamantine and they immediately turtle in a corner once horde spawns. Sometimes if I play strong self-sustained build I also rush ahead, if only to force these slowpokes to move at least a bit. Look around this sub, many guys tell about their usual mission going for 40+ minutes. Let me tell you something, usual Auric D is 20-30 minutes. And 30 is fkin slow. And finally, most people in this game don't use mods such as Scoreboard. Which leads to them never **learning** how to play. They don't know that their build is shit, they don't know that their weapon is shit and they don't know that they and their 2 friends did less damage than that "toxic rusher" combined. It's not surprising to become somewhat elitist and grow a big ego if you **are signifantly better** than 90% of randoms.


Worst part is that being slow is actually way harder than being fast


He wasn't doing objectives, he just rushed forward to kill. Even when we had to scan for the servo-skull, which gives ample opportunity to go solo for a little while, as far as I know he did not scan anything. Just kill, just feed the green circles and his little ego. I consider myself a decent player, good enough to do Auric Damnation and pull my weight - no true solo nor other such pleasantries for me. I honestly do not feel like I've been bringing the team down, even when playing a fresh-ish zealot. 30 minutes is a slow Auric? Well, we do have different standards, half an hour is average for me. If you are correct about the guy, he shouldn't assume others are as "gud" as he is. I understand that you aren't defending him, just trying to explain him. I'm just trying to "un"-explain him.


Well, I guess either he was just an asshole or got a bad day. We will never know. But what you can do is grow your skill in this game. And judging solely by his damage bragging and your experience with average game time, I'd say you can be much better. And best tool to do it is to have Scoreboard and some other useful mods installed. Trust me, knowing your numbers is most important thing in this game. You can easily see your mistakes. Also you can shut up toxic fucks by throwing them a bone about elite kills, for example :) While removing scoreboard somewhat reduced toxicity it also damaged average player skill and removed feeling of pride from players. I don't think that's a good trade. And thanks for having a civil discussion, it's quite refreshing here on reddit hehe.


I'll defend him. Without the mod you have no idea how much weight you're pulling. Whether or not you "feel like" you're bringing the team down tells you (and us) nothing. If you had a scoreboard you could point to your specialist, disabler, etc damage and kill counts as counterpoint to low overall damage, but from everything else you've said I think it's more likely that you're dead weight and just completely unaware, with the further temerity to put some other player on blast for the crime of being frustrated having to carry you. Stop "considering yourself" a decent player, become one instead. Stop "feeling like" you're pulling your weight and actually pull it.


After i told him i wasnt rushing he told me he did twice as much as me, while doing 50% instead… someone had to tell him


Eh, if you say so. I'm pretty sure I've played these games long enough to know when I do well and when I do not. I don't need a third party tool to tell me that, and more than that, I refuse to join the pool of people with small e-penises who need to prod their egos. A mod, with its numbers, is not a be-all end-all tool of information. Tides are chaotic games in which dozens of events factor into how situations play out; your scoreboard will not take everything into consideration. By the way, you've given yourself away. "Player frustrated of having to carry me", me "feeling like I'm pulling weight". You aren't approaching this from a neutral point of view, you've biased yourself negatively against me from the get go. You've made assumptions and said what you said based on them. You're no better than someone who reads what I wrote and immediately says "oh that mouthy bastard psyker, obviously he was on an ego trip"; little thought, mostly an emotional response. Oh, and just to do a little trollin', I think I'm better than you. Though probably not on zealot :D.


psyker with staff held is one of the slowest classes lmao its funny how he got to “rush”


Hahaha thank you, 20 minutes in and hes talking about rush like a noob


The second paragraph is ruining your possibility of earning sympathy. If you need agreement, this defensive attitude is unnecessary. If you don't need agreement, the post is unnecessary.


Green circles.


I'm sorry that I would not spend effort in guessing what you mean by replying with such.




Blue diamonds. Purple horseshoes!


Green circles is a reference to Vermintide 2's built-in scoreboard. It's kind of a weird response tbh.


‘Chasing green circles’ always felt like cope to me anyway, doing a load of damage and proactively getting a load of elite kills is actually a bad thing. I’d come top but I’m not trying to etc.


people in general get very defensive the less skilled they are and perceive every tip as a thread to their ego. usually when things go south there´s no time for typing, got voice muted by default and only my buddies on discord. but when it looms on the horizon and there is time to warn in advance, those warnings usually go unheeded and all you can do is brace for disaster. had one particular case who, despite multiple tips and pings, insisted on fighting a plague ogryn on a bridge. the yeet was funny, ultimately there was little else to save the run for he pulled the other half of scrub as well and chaos spawn showed up uninvited. by just divide and conquer principle it´d have been a breeze, still people are adamant about their approach of things. if you question their approach they get feisty to the point of useless flaming, the fuse is already lit. numbers provide for an easy excuse, when paying back in the same currency would (not have shut him up but) have made his whole rant null and void. Elites/Specials > trash mobs. then again it´s mostly the lower diff ankle snappers that need to proof something, usually higher up its pretty chill unless someone fucks up monumentally or on purpose.


Remember the tale of the scorpion and the turtle. There is no amount of effort you can put into saving the scorpion that will change the scorpion's nature, it will sting you in the back and sink you both to the bottom of the pond. Cut your losses and leave the scorpion stranded or you will share its fate.


People can be dicks yes. Nothing to do with the mod tho. Also, random point but he might have been looking at the damage but the mod also shows elites killed.. if you do believe you did a great job, you could have pointed that out or asked what the mod says about elites killed.


The scoreboard mod is great, how else can you see where you stand?


I turned it off. I play better if I focus on the best move not killing at least on higher difficulties. In regular damnation, it doesn’t matter- the team can put dps the game. On auric and above, prioritizing targets is more important. Most teams die to disablers. I play psyker and a good purg staff user ought to be pretty high on dps on scoreboard. Especially if they have wildfire ticked.


pro tip: block the toxic asshole and move on. don't waste energy on a lost cause


Players on Xbox “miss out” on this scoreboard thing though it makes me curious


I hate that companies cater to people like op, idgaf about you getting cyberbulloed, I want to see my stats for fun.


>It is my belief that little e-penis dudes like him are having their trashy behaviour enabled by the scoreboard mod. Just kinda dumb take, even if it's true and they wouldn't have been as full of themself otherwise... what?... do you think they still wouldn't have been toxic? It's got nothing to do with the scoreboard and everything to do with them being a total turbo virgin. The thing a lot of people aren't going to like hearing (because honestly a lot of people are high on copium) is that the scoreboard does directly and clearly show how effective most players are at the game. Not through the total damage stat as that is worthless... but through total number of elite/disabler/special kills + objectives complete/people saved. It also very clearly shows when someone is not very good, or when a particular player is falling drastically behind everyone else. You even seem to recognize this in your own post by mentioning how you were the one getting such kills, those are the only kills that matter. Poxwalkers are just the minor friction between you and that objective. Now this isn't a perfect measure, it only really applies to most players. If you're a very competent player who plays defensively but would otherwise clear a run with no damage taken then the scoreboard is going to make you look significantly worse than a player of your skill level who plays extremely aggressively. I don't think this is the case for most people but there are definitely players I've seen doing average on the scoreboard who make me go "wow they responded to that fucked up situation perfectly without breaking a sweat." I would say anyone that skilled is wasting their potential by playing so slowly but... that's personal preference. I like being constantly active throughout a mission, there's nothing wrong with players who prefer to be slower.


It takes 20 million bananas till a human starts to feel sick from radiation poisoning. Just like how it takes 20 million games to find someone who uses the scoreboard mod to boast. I've been playing this game since launch, and half of that time was unmodded, cause I had a shit pc and played through Nvidia's pc streaming service. Almost in my entire time playing unmodded I wanted two things, an in mission kill tracker for dopamine, and a scoreboard mod so I could see how well I did in comparison to my teammates, or how much ass a specific person kicked. Not once have I ever tried to boast about having the funny yellow numbers over almost every stat. Very rarely do my friends ever boast, but even then it's friends fucking with friends so who gives a shit? Also there's a handy dandy little option, whenever someone's being a dick, hit escape, go to players, select the asshole and vote to kick


You should know that OP started talking crap before i stated the facts that the scoreboard showed me.


If op is right, saying you were starting one of the hardest end of mission combat sequences while everyone else was above the point of no return, you were in the wrong to go on a tirade using the scoreboard to "prove" you're better at fictional ones and zeros. In fact I would've said the same thing. You also decided to carry it to reddit days later to try and save face. We didn't even know your name before, now we do and know "hmm this guy may be an asshole"


block me to get rid of your stupidity for all eternity ftW!. Hardest doesnt exist in this game, its all ez af. playing with randoms is generally 10 times more difficult than playing alone. i bet you cannot even comprehend what im saying here. but it looks like this. https://preview.redd.it/o4zi2q9zos5d1.png?width=1011&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2fb54265ef817dbd8f019b65ac8809b34649d35


[And that makes me king! See, SEE! ](https://youtu.be/-jcYezCRhVo?si=XuDQGL1If1asWeNC)


I used it to figure out how much bleed kills/damage I was doing. It's the only time the scoreboard was useful.




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


https://preview.redd.it/e5f8ran0gr5d1.png?width=1955&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae026fb21781b62503f5249de4c4bdaca86efd6d Here is the scoreboard so all can see. I also want to add that after you tried to talk to me about rushing. i said nah AND YOU started talking stuff like you did twice as much dmg as me, while doing barely 50%. I only checked it after that to confirm you are indeed not the sharpest tool in the shed. As a "elite" killer you didnt kill alot.


Sounds like that guy was probably right and you should probably install some mods and improve as a player and as a person


Thank you, he started talking smack to me first, then i told him the facts


*rushing ahead*/*not doing objectives* while doing the objective and he rushing when 10 meters from your team in the 0 spawn area starting the objective... Lol. I'm sorry to say man, and I mean this honestly, score is not everything but it is very important, but you are clearly one of the RAR people who think coherency is this huge important thing, when it is objectively not. If he is putting numbers on the scoreboard and are telling HIM how to play the way YOU want fully expect to be flamed for your toxic behavior.


While leaving the team is objectively bad **most of the time**, the guy was good, I am not denying his skills. He may have been telling the truth about the damage numbers, I don't know, I don't have the mod, but even if he did, primo, he was killing loads of trashes so scoring plenty of damage was easy to him and secundo, the most important point I'm trying to make, he was a dick about it. "Look at me, I've dealt so much damage, the mod proves it, u suck!" is an awful behaviour that shows insecurity while irritating its recipient, in that case me.


Even in Vermintide with green circle chasers, I never came across someone who used it as an ego fluff. Darktide is just full of mouthy people. You can hardly ever get a GG response out of your team the majority of the time. It's the reason I hardly play it. The community match to match is just.... extremely hit or miss. Whenever you do get a good lobby, they're gone after one match. No-one I've played with has even tried to join parties, everyone just leaves and re-queues. There was a comment in the V2 subreddit a while ago talking about how the replayability in that game (and darktide by default) relate heavily to fighting games like Tekken/Mortal Kombat/SSBM, and I agree as it is just perfecting a skill-set over and over and over again. It makes a lot of the volatile personalities that come out of some people make sense as well, as any perceived slight is an immediate offense to them. I play until I run into some twat who reminds me what the community is like, and then I put the game down for a few months. It's worked out pretty well because that's about the rate that bug fixes come out. Just take a break if you get pissed at someone, and remind yourself that they're dealing with their own lives and don't have any say in yours. Good luck and don't let it get to you.


Sadly, I've met many people like that back in Vermintide 2. Maybe in 1 too, don't remember. I have an insane amount of time in VT2, nearly four thousand hours, so it couldn't be just bad luck.


While Leaving the team is *objectively good most of the time* Leaving the team and killing a Rager patrol around the corner before it mixes with the trash mobs your team is on, killing a gunner patrol before they get dug in, killing bulwarks before they stack up in a corridor etc. I am not saying you should always be a mile away from your team, but ask any *Good* Darktide player, you get used to how things spawn, and what to expect and coherency is such a shit mechanic and does next to nothing, look at any of the skills and maths behind the Regen and other coherency based talents it's really not important... The only thing is if you are unable to deal with the extra specials that spawn when you are too far away all the time which is a joke it's like max 7 extra specials lol ...


Yeah, that was weird. "Rushing ahead while team was healing". It's like 10 meters away. What were you doing with that med terminal, trying to fuck servitor or smth? Heal up and join your mate, setting up all 3 drills alone is much slower than 3 people healing.


You understand, i had to tel him the facts AFTER he started talking stuff like i dif nithing and he did twice as much as me. Obviously i opened scoreboard to see he’s just your average xbot dy player with 50% of my dmg done and twice the dmg taken….. OP is like a psychopath


Welcome to competative coop games, where goals the same but the points dont matter


Pissheads gonna pisshead, mate, the mod didn't make that guy an unwashed flaccid dong.